Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 30, 1910, Image 2

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Census Bureau Gives Fact
Regarding Different
WASHINGTON, l. U. Juns 15.
Aceordiotf to tbe census bureau at
ths present time there ere spproxl
mately 32.9:10,445 communicants or
members of all religious denomina
tions In the United States. Of these
tbe vailous Prutestaut seotJ furnish
?0, 2S 7. 7 4 2 and tbe Ho in an Cathnlio
oburch 12,679,112. For purposes of
cooiparit-on the burea'i divided the
principal cities iuto (our clases, those
toa'itiK a population of 30U,000 or
more, coustitutiuu the first class
those of Irotn UO.tVO to a0,000 the
second class, 'hose from 60,1X0 to
lOaOOO t e tb rd. and those from
26.000 to 50,000 toruilutf tbe foirth
Of tbe Pro'eetaui areuate there
were 1,478. 145 or 7.3 per rent In the
first class cities 4j 7 pr cent in the
second class, am) 7.4 per cent in tl.e
third au'l fourth class combined,
wble SO ti (mr cent nera found out
nlde of the Ihtuv cities.
Of Roman Catholics tbeie were 3,
375 453; or 27. U per cent lu tbe first
olass cities; i.i per ceut in tbe se
mud; 13 Der ceut in tbe third and
fourth rlises combined and 47.8
per cent outside tbe principal cities.
This shows that the number of
members of tbe Rorcao Catholic
church retorted in tbe cities of the
-first class was more than double that
of tbe Protestants reported, while
oa'side of tbe principal cities tbe
Bomber of Catholics reported was
ooly about a third of toe number of
Protestauts. Ouly two of the Pro
testant churches reported a majority
of their Ojembership in tbe principal
dries, tbe Cburcb of Cbiiet Scien
lists, 82.6 per ceut, and tbe Protes
tants Kpicupal church, 51.2 percent,
Of tbe tidal comber of coraauri
rants reported for tbe largest' cities
y all denominations, 6,307.529, or 60
iper cent, belonged to the Roman
Catholic churcl, and 3,935,341, or 3.4
per cent, to Pntestant churches. The
cities sbowlns tbe largest rroportions
f Protestant commonicanta are
Memphis, 84 1 per cent; Toledo, 70
percent; Washington, U.C 66.9 per
cent; Kansas City, Mo. 66., per cent,
ad Indianapolis, 62.1 per cent. Tbe
oitiea showing tbe largest proportiona
of Roman Catholics are Fall River,
4ti.5 per cent; San Franc iscc, 81.1
tei cent; New Orleans, 79. percent
' New York, 6.9 per cen ; Providence
"75.5 per cent ; tit Louis, 69 percent
Boston, 68 7 per cent ; Chicago, 68.2
rerceot;, and Philadelphia, SI. 8 per
la tbe five cities tbe proportion of
communicant ' of population was:
York 11 7 per cent; Chicago, 40.
7 oer ceut; Philadelphia, 38.8 per
ent; Boston, 62.6 per cent, and St.
Louie, 46.6 per cent. It is stated
that in geueral, cities showing a laree
Roman Catbclto population bare a
feigber per centage of church mem
bers than cities in which this body
has small representation, la Fall
-'River 86.5 per cent of tbe total num
ber of member reported were Roman
Catholics and the entire church mem
bership represented 67.8 per cent Jf
td population. In Memphis, where
31.1 per cent of tbe cooimunicanta re
ported belong to Protestant churches
aad the entire church membership
was only 30 per cent of tbe popula-
Congress Will Investigate
Management of Home
of Washington
Prof. Alderman Advances
New Theory In Educa
ting the Young
Would Put Second and
Third Class Offices Un
der Civil Service
Longest Two-Pusseny;r Fiijjht
The latest and longest two-pitsben-ir
cross couuery flight was made on
the 9th instant in France by Lieut,
f eguant. and Capt. Marconnet on a
iienry Fariaan biplane. Stsiting
from Chalons at 4:10 A M., the oLHc
er flaw 170 kilometers (10f) miles)
across country to tbe artillery park at
V'incennes, which was reached at 7:10.
This flight of two aud cue-half bouts'
duration was accomplished at o speed
f 433-4' miles per hour. Cupt. Mareoo
tdt was able to take photogiuphs aud
make sketches that would have been
cf great strategic interest in time of
war. This is the first practical de
monstration of tbe aeroplane for
jroutlug purposed, in addition to it
being a new world's record for cross
country flying with two uieu in tbe
machine. Another French aviator,
Labouchree, ilew for ten minutes
:tb two passengers at Mouraielun on
tte same day.
Mount Vernou, the home of tlvorge
Washington, au J the Hual rvitiug
place f tbs first preeideut is Just uuw
tbe pivot poiut around which ats
a controversy of patriotism. The
matter has been put before congress,
aud the legielators called upon to
solve the t'rotleiu of whether the
government should purchase the his
toric estate.
The controversy re-calls the latrio
tlo work of a certain body of Auieri-'
can women, to w houi all credit is due,
fi.r the rectorattou t.t the borne ar.d
the penietuat ion f a spot hallowed
I y his'Tric iiieuini u .
In 1S5S Mount Yeruoo whs neg
lected, dilapidated, and forgotten.
Year by year the old plantation I. a. I
been allowed to waste away tv the
family of the illut-trioua Fatiift of
the Nation, it was then Hat nus
loyal womau from South Carol iu a.
Alfss Ann Pamela Cuuninuhaui, iu
aiitfu rated a movement to re-tu- the
home a iii preserve tbe mansion a
sbrioe for all patriotic American
Miss Cunningham was joined n her
rampaign by women all over tbe
country. They organized tbe Mount
Vernon Ladies Association, and hav
ing impoituned Virginia unsuccess
fully to purchase tbe estate. Finally
tbe women raised a autlloient sum to
pmcbase tba estate making up tbe
money from contributions received
here and there. John Washington, a
representative of tbe family of tbe
first presileot. deeded tbe .mansion
aud tbe grounds to the association.
After having accomplished all this,
after rejuvenated tbe mansion and re
stored It to precisely tbe -same way
it looked in tbe time of. Washington,
.be assolciatioo is now confronted
with a movement to take tbe manaion
away from its care and have the
United States government mauage the
Tbe controversy came to tbe atten
tion of congress through tbe filing ot
a complaint by tbe Mount Vernon
Anti Fee association, charging, that
the women were conducting tbe shrine
for pe3uniary gain. Representative
Condrey (Republiuao,' Mo. ). has In
troduced a bill providing for tbe pur-
nnaae ol 'be estate by tbe govern
That civilization is founded at
tbe borne, all will agree. The sohool
should te a real helper of the home.
How can the sohool help I ho horns?
Mow cau it help the home istaMish
habits in the childrvu of systematic
performance of home duties, so that
tbey will he efficient and joyful home
helpers. One way is for the school to
take tutu account home Industrial
work and honor it. It Is my convic
tion, base i upon careful aud ooutio-
ous observation., that the school cau
ureatly increase tt.e interest the child
will take in home industrial work by
making it a subject of consideration
ats-hu il. A teacher talked of saw
tni:, it" i i h uri sewed. She talked of
do rnninii, aud they wanted tu learn
to iron neatly. She talked of work
itig w it h tools, aud both girls aud
boys made htrd-lioutes, kit", ami
other thloKS of lot "rests. A school
liar ' en was planned in a city, aud
one of the boys wss employed to tdow
tbe land. Seventy-H te cblMreu were
watching fur him to come with tbe
team. At lat be came driviug around
the comer. He could mauage a team.
Ue drove iuto the lot, an a hundred
and Bfty eyes looked with admiration
at the boy who could unhitch from
tbe sled and hitch on to the plow,
and then as be "man fasbiou" lines
over one shoulder and under oae arm
drove the big team around the field,
all could feel tbe children admira
tion for tbe boy who could do some
thing worth while. 1 have seen girl
who could make better t read or set a
table nicely, get tbe real admiratioo
of her schoolmates.
Tbe school can make better home
builders It can help by industrial
work done In tbe scIkhjI, . but as that
is already receiving consideration of
tbe press and in a few schools, 1 shall
not in this short article treat of it.
The plan I bare in miud will cost
no money, will take little school
time, and can be pot Into operation
in every Dart of the state at ouce It
will create a demand for expert in
struction later on. It is to give tbe
school credit for industrial work done
at Dome. Tbe mother and father are
to be recosoized as teachers, and
tbe school teacber put Into the posi-
ment. W. H. Lowder, who represents i n 01 on no care 000t lM naols
tho nnnn.llinn nanM nm.rH h. 1 SOd tastes of tb Wbol Child. Then
, , , j -r, .
ii how to make herself attractiie
But, without health, it is turd for
her to be lovely in face form or
temper. A weak, sickly woman will
La nervous and irritable. Constipa
tion aud Kidney poise us show pirn
pis, blotches, skiu eiuptious and a
wretched cotupelexiou. But Electrio
Bitters always prove a godsend to
women who want health, beauty and
friends. They regulate Stomach'
Liver and Kidneys, purity the blood;
give strong n erven, bright oyes. pore
breath, smooth, velvet sHq, lovely
complexion, good health. Tiy them.
50o. at A. L. Thornton.
fore tbe committee on libraries of tbe
bouse to complain thai the present
management of the estate was charg
ing 2- cents admission to tbe grounds,
in alleged violations cf tbe agreement
with tbe Ofixinai trustees of the es
tate, which provided when tbe trust
fund reached 1100.000 there should
be no admittance fee. He declared
that tbey bad granted ooe steamship
line a monopoly of the carrying of
passengers by .water route. He as
serted tbat tbe trust fund ia now far
above 1100,000 and tbat tbe entrance
fee keeps out penniless but patriotio
citizens, while, tbe .boat company,
which baa the monopoly of the trip
by tbe Potomac, oharges an excessive
price 60 cents for the round trip
from Washington. Lowder declared
tbat in 1907 Mount Vernon was visi
ted by 160,000 people, all of whom
paid 20 cents entrance fee, and
bought (j",000 post (cards. He stated
tbat tbe associatioun realized S15.000
on aouvenira alone. He wants tbe
government to purchase tbe state and
maintian it, keeping open bouses for
all Americans. Miss Ann Pamela
Cunningham, founder aod first re
gent of the Mount Vernon Ladle's
association in the union, who held
that post from December 2, 18."! to
June 1, 1871. in her farewell address
said in part: "Ladies, tbe borne of
Wahington is in your charge; see to
it that you keep tbe borne of Wash
ington. Let no irreverent hand
change; no vandal band desecrate t
with lingers of progress. Those who
go to the home in which he lived and
died, wish to see in what be lived
aud died. Lct one spot in this grand
country of ours be saved from change.
Upon you rests tbe duty."
A Ulio Invasion
A coord ug to reports a scheme is
ou foot to trsnsplant some bippopot
ouii from tbe jungles of Africa to
tbe swauips ot Louisiana. It 1b tbe
theory that tbe hippos would clear
tbe swamps and bayous of much
noxious vegetation. At the same time
the hippos, or at least tbe surplus
stock, could be killed for the table
puipusos. The hteak of the boppo
is sid it to be tender, nourishing
and palatable. It can be
sold for two cents a pound. Whether
that price is f. o. b. New Orleans or
is au east African quotation is not
disclaimed. Which ever it may be it is
safe to say tbat the hippo invasion
will not lesson tbe demand for alfal
fa fed eastern Oregon beef.
the teaober aod the parents will have
much in common. Every borne has
tbe equipment for indost.iial work
and baa somebody who uses it with
more or leaf skill.
Tbs school has made so many de
mands on tbe borne that the parents,
have in some cases felt tbat all the
time of toe child most be given to
tbe school, but an important thing
tnat the child needs along with tbe
school work is established habits for
home making, and these hibits can
come o-ly from real borne making.
What ooe does depends as moch upon
habit aa upon knowledge. Tbe criti
cism tbat is most ofteo made upon in
dustiial work at school is that it is so
different from tbejwork done at home,
which after all is for htm and tbe
home the most important thing in the
world. Juvenile institutions find tbat
they must be careful not to instutiou
alize the child to tbe extent tbat he
may not be contented in a real home.
In my opinion it will be a great
thing for the child to want to help his
parents do the task tbat needs to be
done and to want to do it in the best
possible wav. Tbe reason that so
many country boys are now the lead
ing men of affairs ia because early in
life they baa the responsibility of
home thrust upon tbem. 1 am sure
tbat tbe motto "Everybody Helps,"
is a good one.
Rut one says, "How can it be
brought about? How can the school
give credit for tbe Industrial work
done at borne?" This may be acoorn
plisbbd by printed slips asking the
homes to take account of the work
tbat the child does at home under the
instruction of the home, and explain
ing that credit will be given this
work on the school record. These
slips must be prepared for children
according to age so that the child will
not be asked to do to much, for it
must be clearly recognized that chil
dren must have time for real play.
Tbs required ' tasks must not be too
arduous, yet tbey must be real tasks.
They must not be tasks tbat will put
extra work on parents except in tbe
matter of instruction and observa
tion. They may well call for the care
of animals, and should include gar
den work for both boys aud girls.
Credit iu sohool tor home industrial
work, with tbe parents consent,
should count as much as any one
study in school.
Tu add interest to the work, ex
hibitions should be gitfcu at stated
times so tbat all may learo from each
other and tbe best be the model of
riendsof the various camlbWo
for the Postofllces thn uuhoul the
Stte and Lakevlew la not excepted,
are considerably Interested In a let
ter from Washinwtin to the Oetrolt
Journal, written by Edward il. Clark,
a atall correspondent, and reprinted
apparently with the approval and I it -rieremnent
of the paper, by "The
i'ostmsalers' Advocate," published
at Washington, I). C. The letter says
in part :
"PoHtmaMer Ceneral Frank II.
Hitchcock has submitted to I'resldeut
Taft for sanction the most far reach
lug civil service plan ever conceived
by a tSnveruiiient ollk-lal. President
Taft has been asked to taae the nee
essary preliminary action which will
lift every second and third class Post-
office iu the cnuutry nut of politics
and establish it firmly ou the bants of
civil service. In addition, Mr. Hitch
cock has suggested o the President
that all rout masters of first-class
offices shall be retained in the service
despite the rleas of tte politicians,
provided, t'f course, that tbe officials
are acceptable to the communities
wbicb they serve, aod have proved
to the Department that they have
been falthrul to their work and have
administered their offices In the In
terest of economy.
"Not only have these recommenda
tions been made, but tbe Postmaster-
General bas talked w'th tbe President
atout tbe possibility i-litmately of se-
carina a perfected civil service sys
tem in the Postotlice department
through which any subordinate em
ploye In any oftlce lu the laod can
hope by faithful performance of his
duty to be advanced until he
postmaster. Mr. Hitchcock dors oot
think that promotions for merit
should stop short of tbe chief office,
whether the office be that of a metro
polis or of a great city of lesser com
mercial and popul-tive impoitance.
"It is known virtually to be the in
tention of tbe President following
tbe recommendation of bis Attorney
General, to keep kll present post
masters of first class offices priovid
ed ibey have been efficient."
Government Homesteads ana Relinquishments
lly the lliiiiiewti'iid 8H"eUIUt
W. Roche Flck, Lakcview Oregon
(loom' l.nkc Vnllt-.v,
WnriiiT Vullcy
Chcwmiciin Valley
('lirlal lima l.iil alley
Wiig; n tire Country
Lnkc County
Paradise Valley, Long Valley, Nevada, III Valley. California
If von want 1(). or 1M) acn of land li. fertile tinldie Valley,
whore water can I at found at tlfptliH of 7 to 'J.'i feet, wno for fencing:
and fm I williiu easy rearh, lltitt rnsa fur feed am) an Xit lti n t w In
ter or mini mer ranjre clone by, a wilrvcy l the lrcH"H Eastern. Ilyt
"I In rrliii.'in K ind," notv linllliiix toward the end of llin valley mid
IJ.OtHI acres open to yoil How. Then get biM,V. Ilnll'l M lite u-kiti(
me a tlnzen quest Ioim I hi I come and for y oumclf. I en mmi afford
to adveNtiae In urder to wt toy name la print. I nni-l ! aiti to
produce the urooda lo in ike it pay. If yon will cone-ai t uo wlib
me to llnMIe you will lie able to uet real trold from tbe rixn ruola,
from wheat, oata, barley and other grain; frmn all t lie vi ui'IhIiIch,
rout and plants of tli lriicrntc none; from very val f y of fiuit
tree known to proaper in this womli'ffnl fruit lu ll. Not bv mining
tint by Hilllplv I illing the anil ill lint Kmd old fiiMldotied way wlieie
practical experience, Noinc grey matter ami t III lie lieali by work can
uccompllHli wondera.
lean guarantee cvt-rt statement mail lu m.v nd vert linc ntnl
siiirgcMt that It'a your duty to yourwlf uixt IIiohc ilfpcmh'tit upon
you to icet laud now Ix-foro It ia all koiio. "l'liae, t Ido ami govern
ineiit laml wait for lm one." First to come get Drat choice and
eve ry in mi Is saiir-il of n square deal by the man who speclalifea In
one thliiK tJo-eriiineiit lamia.
Oregon Valley Contract Mo!der5
No matter where your land Is or what quality of soil, etc., It
may la I.'wlll In exchange for your paid u contract doeded to me,
liK-iite you on 1J0, .'120 or 4) acres o( tillable government land, pro
vlding you have a hotiu'stead r In tit to uy of tln-se alseil tract.
This offer In for n abort time only ami suhjevt to withdrawal at luf
Few SurvlviTH Loft
Scarcely a barter's dozen responded
to tbe roll call at Marlon, Ohio, last
week at the opening of tbe Mexican
War Veterans of Ohio. The annual
report shows tbat there are only
about four-soo re survivors of the war
left in Ohio
all. Tb School Fairs at Yamhill,
Polk, Denton, Lane , Waaco and
Crook counties, together with tbe
school and borne industrial dona at
Eugene , have convinced me most
tboroogbly tbat these plans are prao
tioable, and tbat school work and
home work, school play and borne
play, and love for parents and respsct
for teacber and fellow-pupils can best
be fostered by a more complete coop
eration between school and horn
that tbe whole child is taken into ac
count at a'l times.
Children Cry
Full-Blood Merino Flocks
Having decided to close out our entire hold
ings of FINE SHEEP, wo have tho following to
offer for sale without reservation:
400 Registered Merino Ewoa with Lambs
Or the A n nd It t'lns-ea.
1500 Select Full-blood Rambouillet Ewes
With Lamba. Strictly true to tta and of Utauilful covering
7500 Full-blood Rambouillet Ewes with Lambs
Strictly tlrst-tlasM and o(sl enough for any atml flotk.
1500 Select Full-blood Delaine Ewes
With LutuhH. Heavy Sbeuiers, Heavy lions tiud very Large'
Nlw. '
1500 Full-blood Delaine Ewes with Lambs
(iood enoimh to go Into any stud flock. V
1200 Full-blood Spanish Merino Ewes
With Lmnlm. TheHe use elroiiK type of the 11 Class, very
Heavy Micarcr and detim covering. These are exceptionally
large for their tyi.
The following- five flocks are. all young sheep:
500 One- and Two-year-old Ewes, Not Bred
Of the above cImshch.
3700 High-class Merino Ewes with Lambs
2700 1- and 2-year-old High-Class Merino Ewes
Not bred.
2700 Yearling Range Rams
400 Registered Ram of the Above Classes
All ewes with lambs liavo been bred to KeKlstered Kama In
their reapectlve claaaea. Tbe male iuerenae will lx rained aa
Kam Lamba. except tboao from the :1700 head of blgb-claes
Merino Ewuh.
For Prices and Particulars, Address,
The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company
Ir iny preparation nimidy d. vd
op dry oatunh j tln;y dry up tun an rations,
which itiUii-ro to tlia mt-iulir iui' ami (locom.
tiOKt;, cuuairiK a far mory wrunii trouble
than the ordimtry form of cuUrrh. Avoid
all drying iiihiluiiN, fum.'s, wrnok.-tt and
snuffs and that whir U el iii-k-h. aoothca
and lii-als. Kly'n Cn I; il.u will maHtnr
cutarrh or cM in tin: li'il (mhiIv and
pleasantly. All irii 'is;s m II tiiu .10 cent
aizo. Ely ;rotljurK, 5') W'.irri-n Siroot,
Now York.
Tho lialm in nm-d without pain, doe not
irritate or cnu.i) aneexiug. it apri-aila itK-'lf
over an irritated and unury enrl u-o, n lmv.
ing immediately Hut p iii.tnl inttamiimtion.
Ely's Cream J'alm contains no cocuine,
mercury nor other harmful drun.
i The confidence felt by formers ind
gardeners in Ferry's Seeds to-da 1
would have been impossible to feci in
snv seeds two score of years
sco. Wc have made a .
science of teed
I growing
always do
exactly what you
expect of tin-in. For sale
everywhere. FtKBY'S 110 SEED
( ANNUAL Free 00 request
D. M. PERRY CO, Detroit. Mich.
Blue Prints Made
J will make iUuo i'riiita of
any townahlp of land In tho
Lakevlew Laml District, and
do uhatnict work. Cull or
V . U. fcMIJLK
Lakevlew . - Oregon
One Piece, or a Wagon Load.
Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's
Store. P. O. Willow Ranch, Calif.
Finish Lumber, Pickets, Kustic, Lath,
Scaling, Shingles, I'loorin, Apple boxes.
Window frame stock, Door Frame stock.
Slabs and cord wood.
1,111' i.ii'iJJiiJUiiHi,m ! nwmiHiamTrnimm?nm
American Restaurantakery
Gee Yonand Tom llotai, Proprietors.
Lakeview, Oregon
Fresh Dread, Cake and Pies on sale everv An v
FancyfCake and all kind of Pastry made to order.
uie oniy nrst eiass snort onjer place in the towU
Ujien Day and Night
IWWWWWfWfBiaftlfiHllW 'VMBCffit-SMsai
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR. Poiu
The LarKit Livery mid
or crtlnrii ('alifornla, llor
or lit nth. .Special Attention
ytnlde In nontliern Oregon
Hnioariled liv tin- I)v. v
(ilvtn to TniiiHlfut Stock