Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 23, 1910, Image 1

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    1 1
NO. 25
Harrlman System Seems
to Want an Awful Pllo
of Information
J. I O'Hrlen, general manager of
the lUrrluma Hues hi Oregon. accom
panied by it. li Miller, tmttlo man
ager, end (Jo W. litick, chief locat
ing engineer of the O. K. k N. Co.,
arrived lu Lakeview Tuesday evening,
making li trip through f'om Hume
la day. Tbe only reason assigned
foe wtllun a tour of Central Oregon
was to poet themselves regarding Its
poeelble resources by personal ex
amination of the country. Tbey were
v4aotly pressed for time. as the,
vny left tor Klamath Falls eratlf
ffr 10 o'clock, expecting a ttka
lunch at Howard's ateM.
bors-iay tnumtlil Msssta O'Hrlea
ud Mdllcr were t'. to New l'lue
Vfit,' while Mr. Uuck was tasen lo by VV. F. I'slne for B trip ovtr
v.otbe Weft hide. On the trip to New
I'loe creek were a number of the lead
tug Cltlxxna ol LHkevlew, and the
party m supplied at the Taylor
i.laoe with l"UMQUa strawberries.
noun red ttmin 'r auperor to any tbey
tin I ever miImii ln-fure, hud at their
r'inpct (.'ol. Light arrved them with
more delicious frlut Ht, liriikfHnt Mon
day rimming.
While thi-y had liciird more or less
if the ri-itiiurox of I,h Com ty. yet
lliey luid I'oriHldxred It In a the fin
tore of tinoiiiliiit tliH country and
were therefore very agreeably i r
I rUi'il td li'iirn IIihI Hi" Hctiml ron
rllllnriH en lli-v found t lie m fur ex
ceding their exiM-i-iatino.
In onlur lo knp hihI1 a to the
prngii-M ol tlili ij-t liui, Mr. W'nrdn
nrliTiil Mm I', x h in I ii i- r f r h r (1 I to
III nddreiie at KlmiiHth KiilU.
C. Ktrailley, chief locvitmg engi
neer of Hie Oregon Short Line, hii I
I l ull In, I r tllr niHimtM r of the
nine road, made LHkevlew a lrlef
v twit the forei'Nrt of tin- seek. 'I hey
i-atiie lo by way of l lmli, vlnlted the
lew 1'lris Creek rectloti and then loft
for Hllvor Lake by way of Valley
Mr. Stradley Is quite well
here in Lakeview, having a
of year since been lo charge
Oregon F.HMtern survey froii the State
I toe north. Notblou Dew was learued
from hlni as to the railroad outlook,
although be expressed himself as per
sonally being of the opinion that this
section would be struck by railroad
i'gblulug before long.
of the
greatly appreciated by
J. F. lllxon traveling freight agent
Of the Southern Paelfla with bead
quarter at Keno waslo Lakeview Ibis
week eodoavorlog to rustle op LuhI
ntH for his road. Hluoe tbe comple
tion of the, Western Faoiflo there
bn Icon quite o division of tratllo
from tbe H. P. to that Hoe, and Mr.
lllxon Hods himself tip attaiust tbs
real thing. On bis last trip be was
accompanied by K. M. Twlil, of tbe
Chicago North-Western.
N. C. O. Ry Is Now Building Into
Goose Lake Valley
tbe Lakevlew boys, and all were royal
ly entertained by Alturas faos aud
Manager Ounaway Orders Road to He Built to
Lakeview Rapidly as Possible, and Work
Rushed by Hanson Construction Co
Departure of Old Timers
After a residence In Lake county of
more than a third ot a century, Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Tucker bar? disposed
of their interests here and will, go lo
Sao I-Hego, Cal , where they expsct
to trske their fu'ure home. iiT. Tiick-
r came here io, ih'i aod hhe lul)
Iwboisnow his wife, a rear later,
I they bavlog been marrisd: in li.
i Uur'Dg thtlr residence hero tbey
have made many dear frjeoda, all of
whom deeply regret their departure.
However, they take with them td
lie ct wmhes of all their friends, who
earnestly hope that their foodaet an
ticipations may Le more tbttoi saalUed
lu tbelr new home..
Old Time Liberty Car To
BeSupplanted by Mod
ern Automobiles
Work is now under way on the extension of tlie-Neva-da-California-Oregon
Railway into Goose Lake Valley, a
contract havi:ig been let last week to the Hansen Con
struction otnpany. s announced in the ExAtniner two
weeks ago, a right of wa' was granted by tUe O. V. L.
Co., through its property in the Pitt Kivey Canyon to
the N. C. O. Ry. upon the express understanding that
the road snould be completed into Goose Lake Valley by
fall, and the railroad ieople are now making good. The
contract calls lor the completion of the work not later
than October, 1, and there is every reason to believe that
it will be finished before that time.
Fram 9Pen land
Harold W. Frame and. Miss Edna
Peolnod were, mania at the resi
dence of tbe bride's toloer Hatorday
veniog, Re. A. M. Smith officiat
ing. Tbe eceom la aa euelnser la,
the employ, ot the (XT. L Co.. bl'
the bride la one ol Lakevlew's falteai
dauKhtees aad a member of one of
tbe . ploeer families of Lake conty.
Both eontraotioa parties have a
boat of rrUods who joia tha Examlr
oet- lo extSDdlog heartiest congrta.
LftksvUw will celebrate tbe Fourth.
And all who attend will surely havsT
a. "run tor their money,, la tbe way
U enUrtaloment. Tbe, committee o
geaeral arrangements meet Toesdar
evening end ontlioed a general plan
for the cele'eratiqa, and now every
body, la. hard at rk to make it sue
cess, Aja lool3ile parade la to be
one of tM W features, and prises of
I'llead k3 are offsrsd for the
. .,,.nli
a!L It was rery mucn oi i" "
tto H.sera. O'Urlen aa Miller, Inas
luiuob as tbey were totally unprepared
to aee the Hoe orchards of that seo
tlon. Tbey expected to see a fairly
ood country, but It far exceeded
their expectations, and on tbelr re
tur. expressed themselves as more
tbsa p'essed wltu wost iuj
On bis trip to the 'tfent Side Mr.
Uur was el0 ftrfctly surr!M,d at
f 0p0 tbe 00UUtTy and of Its
(josslbilltles. Tbe magnitude of tbe
O. V. I project was u not her sur
prise and tbe country, as a whole
he considered as the best part of
Central Oreuon that be bail seeu.
. Mr. Miller la aa eutoueiust on
Krlcultursl posslbllltier, and tbe
line Buhls of alfalfa attracted his at
tention. While tbe Melds are not so
..extensive or oomerous aa might be
wtulMid, yet at the same time tbey
proved conclusively what may be ex
pected from this country la tbe
veers to come when we have railroad
connection with the outsl ie world.
No blot wbs given by any member
of tbe party as lo tbe poHsibllltles ot
the building of a rsilroud here or any
where else, but it would appear that
the situation is betwuen Hill aud
Harrlman lines 1 4 becoming rather
acute, and therefore It wouia not oe
surprising if some new work Ly the
Southern 1'aoltlo was announced lo
the neat future.
11. 1'. Hney, chief engineer of the
Oregon Eastern KalUay, aucouipaul
d by V. 8. Wordeu. rlfc'ht of way
agent, spent Bitturduy night in Lake
view. They were on their return
from a tour of Inspection of the pro
posed railroad from Klamath Falls
to Its junction with the (.iooao Lake
Southern iieur Alturar, aud tbelr
visit here had no slgoirluauce,
JlowKver, they expressed much sur
prlse at the extent, beauty nud num
ber of thrifty farms along the east
side of the lake lu Uoose Lake Val-
i boor after obtaining tbe
J. F. Hanson, superintend
which aide of tbe lake tbe road
dent of the Hanson Construction Co.,
bad a camp established on tbe line
of the new railroad, aud a short time i of tbe lake it will
thereafter actual construction was , die north, while to come up oa VA
uoder way. Tbe contract calls for li east side it would, be nece8M. V
miles of road bed leading through. ! lake a northeasterly coorae..
Is to
be built as to tbe course taken from
tbe end of tbe present contract. Td
case the road comes up tbe west aide
beaS (kuinHl.4 l.l mnann Th
latloos Mr. Frame Is tbe first, ot l "7 t.JT.V , .Zl
. t , . . I 'ie- onored Liberty Car will give
tbe Massachusetts oolomi. to be oaxl T
T".? l . bili and 'the ob.ldreu. r.preWot.0f
in tbe not Ur dUtun futeU.
ua w u w wwej easuo l
continue alnjolfr
RepcvrAed, tr r,d
If r.porAVfl.Vr-j s. Spragae
and Min, Mv, pbeU ere mar
rled at, 8eDp,t,V Hra, nt th. week.
ShoV, prove tru-they will
1 1 1 " -a m warm rMeniioa uu
Pitt river canyon and to a poiat, to
Oooie lake Valley nearly 20 mjles
north of Alturas. at l. E, Barker's
stage station. There, be. coasldej.
able rock work,, ir- Uaasen,'
peots t he,v.f. sTe,( buodrfd men
eognsd, that, wok lq addUlou to
Most Ethu,,,t,p pver
Given a Private Amer
ican Citizen '
Colef egler Olive w.
in UkTU to tetuM V .1
cure, tbe vlgBt of wv,s tl
rally onderstooA IV !, feD
.odlOcaUlUft.' b! "J" bBW
op on tbe "1 .!C-0,n!
.,A u -'in s. J8 WD,1 00 the east
b . a. . I . t S
.Km Vn "V- r"" l',v,,J".!" . owlna to the fact
for tbe
NEW VOKK, June 18. Well, tbe
whole nation lo faot, tbe whole world
may now breathe a sigh of relief.
Teddy's borne again I And wbat a
weloornet It seemed as If Napoleon,
nd Alexander, and Caesai, and Nero,
aud a few more of tbe i big bugs ot
old were on their way to L". B. A.
Tbe guis boomed and tbe whistles
blew, and tbe people yelled though
tbe Terrible Ted did not bear tbe lat
ter. Tbe Kalserine Augusta Victoria
reached tbe Ambrose channel at 7:05
o'clock this morning, and was off
quarantine at7 :45. Roosevelt boarded
the reveuue cutter at 8 :30 a. m. and
when It steamed away from the great
oceao lioer tbe Buobout Nrtb Caro
lina LuomeJ out Its salute of the
mighty onnquerer of tbe African jun
gles. It was as wine bis lips, for
be clapped bis bauds like a school boy,
crying out lu tbe exuberance of bis-self-satisfaction
Look at them I
Areu't they wonderful, beautiful?
.'an you blame oie for wanting that
kind of a navy? It is worth coming
all the way to see."
All the way duffo the channel tbe
ex-president was greeted by tbe shriek
of whistles aud the sheering of bun-
III red 8 of tuotiHuada of people who ha1
come out to extern! to him tbe warm
hearted welcome tbey felt.
Mayor Oarnor welcomed the ex
ley, and ou the way uu trom Alturas ; pr0Bident In behalf ot the o'tyaud elate
work to an early completion.
It is not tbe Inteotion to stop work
tt tbe end of tbe present fconiraot,
boi until a right of way Is eeoored U
' .' 1t and t syood It Is
be lr.t,
j present ter-
stood no
Tbe place selected as tbe
tnlnal Is somewhat of
point, inasmuch as It depends upon
y for tbe entire distance it
be necessary to pasa through a
agriculture section.
Manager Dunaway has given orders
for tbe completion ot tbe road is
Lakeview as rapidly r possible and it
Is practical r flat., thnt thAPA ralll
-trteglo . bs pa cessation
Of the aAk
'snouts is objective point
until it
Evfnt Celebrated by Biff
Banquet, Big Dance and
Allround Big Time .
tbe several States of tbe Union will
ride to automobiles. A balloon as
cension is also planned', while prize
will be given for egg races, sack races,
potato races, 100-yard races for boy a
and glils, wheelbarrow races, as well,
as for squaw sad, huck races.
Tbe parade will as usual Urt
promptly at 9:10 o'clock, with Col.
Frank P. Light as grand marshal.
Geo.E, Morrill will aot as president
nt tbe day, while Lee Beall has tbe
general management and will be ass
isted by F. O. Ahletrvoi, Tb? prater
and reader? have Dot as ret been se
lected bat an effort is being made to
secure a Speaker from oaUlde. The
band baa been eagaged. and a choir of
100 voices will render patriotio songs.
The baseball tournament will be la
progress at that time, . and hence
there will be plenty of, amusement for
all. A moat cordial invitation la ex
tended to ererybodr to oome to
Lakeview and help celebrate oor
natal Day.
Rich Prizes Prove Alluring:
and Some Fine Sport
Will Be Witnessed
took a number of views, Mr. Ilooy
made mauy Inquiries a J to the pro
ducts of our soil prise of lands etc
.fiuil desired all luformatiou priBalble,
evidently dealrlug to put his euperrs
"next," he being one of the lleuteu
Huts of Chief Kugiueer llooj, of the
Houtburu l'noiflo Company,
To uu Examiner representative Mr,
Wordeu stated that both be aud Mr
lloey did not expect to see any such
wouderful development of, either lu
the way of furmiug or lu tbe town of
Lakeview, aud they were therefore
K,'wUy pleusod when they entered
tlieJooee Lake .Valley and saw the
well kept farms and ofohnrda. Lake
view with .'l brick Hooka, flue resi
dence, shaded streets, etc, Impressed
thorr. vsry favorably, and the straw
lierrios served at the diniiet at Hotel
Lakeview captured them, While not
so large, perhaps, aa those g-rowu a
Hood river, the geutlemen pro-
At Fifty-ninth street and Fifth
avenue the procession hnltel aud dis
banded, an J America bad, fol tbe
day, complete.' its welcome to Its
foremost private thiz'eu.
It is estimated 1 1) it 105,000 person"
hAd pecked into Hatter? Park, that
U50;ot)0 bad liued IJroudway" aud Fifth
aveurte, and that another 250,000 had
fii'Ved the windows along these
Card of Thanks
We take this meaus to express our
heartfelt gratitude to the many kind
friends who so abundantly gave their
aid aud sympahty lo our recent be
reavement, when we' were deprived
at oue blow of two Ib'vlug sous and
G. II. Newell & family
P. M. Corey 4 family
L. U. Thomas & family
The Buddebs of two years ago U td
be duplicated in the baseball tourna
meut duriug the week of tbe Fourth.
Four teams, those from Silver Lake,
Davis Creek, Alturas and La!;eview
have already entered, aud a team
from Klamath Falls will likely be
here. Reports are to the effect that
tbe outsid teams are muoh stronger
thau to years ago, aud if such
proves tu be the case there will be
some good (playing witueased. Gus
Snnroder Is said to have picked tbe
wlunlng team, and his friends claim
he has a lead-pipe cinob 00 the 11000
prize. Altuias seems to think that
she cau put ll all over Lakeview when
tbe proper time arrives and we all
kuow what tbe Lakeview team can
do. Hence it goes without sayiug
that eveiy game will be hotly cou
tested hud worth several times the
price of aJmlssioii.
Tbe grouuds have beeu' pat in floe
shap, and the management h3 pre
pared for every possible contingency
that is likely to arise lu tbe way of
providing for both tho pirVMo nud
visiting ball teams.
Wants to' Invest
A. D. Newell, of Seattle with bv
family, came In last week iu an auto
to look over the county. Mr. Nnwlel
Is in the real estate bosluess in beat
tie and wants some raw laud dowu
this way. This shows tbe way experi
enced men regard values here. Lands
anywhere In a livable climate never
will beVorlh loss uiooey thau now.
Our Boys Royally Enter
tained By Neighboring
Fans and Friends
Lakeview. grabbed two well played
fumes Saturday and Sunday. The
games were plaret on the new dia
moud near Luuer'a Flouring mill.
The grouuds being new and not in
tbe best of condition errors weie
numerous on both sides.
Saturday's game was easily taken
by Lakeview, they taking the lead
early in tbe game aud holding it
throughout Alturas got dangerous
in a late inuing when the bdsses were
full, but Causey, of Lakeview, pulled
off a plav that gave Alturas beart
failure. Catohlng tbe runner off se
couc base be chased him to third
forcing atiotner pinner in where
Combs tagged him neatly", retiring
the side.
Batteries-Ratchfor.l Uiid Callahan
for Alturss, and Dykemau and Combs
for Lakeview. Harry McfJrafb, Dm
pire. Sunday's game was a heart thriller.
Lakeview took the lead at the start
with the score 2 to 1. Until tbe sev
enth neither scored again, bat in
the seventh and eighth tbe spell was
broken and both teams scored, mak
ing it 6 to 6 for Altruas. Iu the
uinth, with two men down, Lakeview
tied the score, aud in toe tenth
scored tbe wioulog run.
H limine citobed aood ball for T.aiia.
tfat and struok out si of the first
seve9 men at tbe bat.
liattsrle-"Happy" Clark and
Church. t for Alturas. fligglna and
Combs for Lakeview, Umpire, Doonel.
Saturday' evening a dauoe was siven
Doubtless tbe most successful event
that ever occured in Lakeview fratsr-
n organization circles was that held
. , "imp of Woodmen of the
by tha local - , . , .
m .7 n, 3 veoing of last
World Wednesday - , .
week, at which time the lfeiv
membership was almost doubled. t"
several weeks past John McBetb,
special organizer, bad been at work
In this section of tbe connty, and at
th close of fats work he bad 108 ap
plications for membership.
The initiation of tbe class took
place Wednesday evening, there being
more than 125 members and appli
cants who witnessed tbe impreasive
ceremony. Owing to tbe indesposi
tion of K. J, Strlpliq C. G, Mr. Mo
Beth acted as installing ofticer.
After the installation ceremonies
the members of the order, . ;0getoer
with their wive's find best girls,
tripped tbe light fantastic at Snldflr's
opera house, tbe Lakeview Orchestra
furnished the music.
At midulght tbe banquet was served
at the Masonlo hall ovjr 300 people
partaking of tbe same. The commit
tee consisting ot Mis. M. Whortnn,
Mrs. J. L. Wilson, Miss Nell SI rpson
and Messrs. Striplln, Woodcock and
Watson are entitled to much credit
fo not only tbe manner in which the
large crowd was handled, but also
for tbe excellence of tbe men. It in
cluded chicken, bam, salads olives,
etc.. besides various kinds of fruits,
cakes, cotfee and chocolate, to all of
.vu.u..ju.. ... uuu. lLakeoauuty is F.
rur assistance rendered duringthe1 ,,
Death of Mrs Jensen
Mrs. Leo Jensen passed away Tues
day rooming st the family home (q
this city, after quite a severe illqasa.
She bad not been well for sereal years
previous to coming to Lakevisw, bg)
it was not until a abort time ago that
lief edBantJ: oeoon alarming. She
KM i 6titidf ffOm fttfifflfleb rr?a.ble"i
which oifiattteiy' t&tiittd he? aWfj.
Tbe family, consists 6t Mt. and
Mrs. Jensen and two daughters, aged
7 and 9, as well as Misses Louis Hay
and Fernie Stevens, sisters of Mr.
Jensen, arrived in Lakeview from
Allen, Neb., about two months ago,
Mr. Jensen subsequently purchasing
the O. T. MoKendree property on
Water street. Mr. Jensen was quite
well known among the business men,
but owiog to tbs ill health of bis wifo
few aside front close neighbors were
acqnsinted with the family, and
therefore the sympathy of tbe entire
community goes oat to tbe stricken
Mr. Jeusen left this morning with
the body of his wife for Wall Lake,
Iowa, the home of her childhood,
where it will be interred. He will be
accompanied by his (wo daugbteis,
whom he will leave with bis parents.
Mr Jensen expects to return to
Lakeview io a couple of weeks
The First Candidate
The first candidate to aunouuee
bimself for a nomination to office in
O. Hunting, who
uinnlil liltA tn mip.nacwl RhavlfV fl...
campaign, Mr. Striplln wa. presented L. car(1 Bt,Deara eUfiwhBr '
i . l nj ,. .itu il. 'n,M,o -
ii y me ueau mwc nnu mi
Chopper's Badge," A very handsome
embleni, while Messrs. Watsdrj aud
Woodcock were given appropriate
rings, all of which are very highly
appreciated by the recipients.
Tbe eveut will loug be remembered
lu lodge circles, for it places tbe W.
O. W at tne bead of all organizations
iu the matter of local membership.
Mr. Mclietb'sextreoiemodesty will not
permit of bis olaimiog all tbe honor,
aud be feels under deep , obligations
to many of "toe boys" for the able
assistance given.
jaud it is to be hoped that others will
follow id ' lOPtstepa and make
their political wants kuuwrj through"
tbs Columns of the Examiuer. There
are no doubt numerous other persous
who would like to serve the people in
an official capacity, and there should
be no hesitancy in making tbe fact
knowu. It is an old axiom that the
worm is grabbed op by tbe bird that
gets a bustle on bimself, and there la
no reasoo why the rule will not work
In politics, although this is rather a
dry year.
Who'll be the ne.xtr
Tbe Govern meat fiscal year
June 30, and persons having'
We bave tbe exclusive sale of Low
fiftV nhnnnltttuH. ami iV von want b
against tbe Forest seivice should pre-; fBUOy pHokmil9 of chocolates, tbe best
sent tbem at oooe. , m..