lahc County? gynmtncr TiiniHDAY. jum: ki, nio. BRIEF MENTION I.U'lli'K hid- gullU '" ,l l''MH t It f C"Ht III llitnlii-N. I'luf, l.liM-ii front, Uri'HM KliirtM, $ I. S.". at HooticN. tf Pure ki'llln rndcrnd bird Nt tin) Lnknvi'W Mxiit Murk it F. I'. Laim camn nvir from Warner Friday on a li'iament vlmt, All k IiiiIm (if ph.itfifrabphut atipplh n h) tin' LiikfVinw riiiiriniii'V. I) I'. Ilrown U ovor from Ft. llldwidl (.11 ii IiiimIiii'ni fluit. 1 ,11 v n ()' CbncnlHlra nt Tli Front. Tli" licit iiii li-r tho ahmlng nun. l-'nr Irridi Candy dni'l ovi-ilonk The Front. Wn in tike it uumt cry duv. Nplcud rKHti .'(irn ln'f, extra prpaxml lit tlm Lakovlnw mini Market. Ktiilo (!mui Waiden StKViM Kim Iimhhm.I through VbIIpv Fall M""- dy. Mi-ii'm IH Iiii'Ii In iiiMlllclii'il liiintikrrrlil' f", f' 'fli'H v n I I'm iiii'H, X. Arin-r lilt Monday tr IhixI to attend Hi" Miimii-ln lodge. n if Tort ( trim' CllllVIlM (illlVCM hi,' Mi b 1 1 ii t r a ii'h CollurM f 2 IH) ii t If 12,'i,. M Itlllllll'M. Strawberries r now In the mark' ami II nd ready Hole at three toxrnt fur f0 c ii tii. Mr nml Mm. M l. Williams and It. L. Weir ware up from Davie Crark tha IItmI of the week. Our candy l never stale because we manufacture almost vry cluy nt The Fruit Handy Kitchen. MImh Fnony Tontilngsm lm re turned from a vIhII to Mm M. t. V, IHIhiiim, of Davis Creek H. I1. Mcihh la now apnrllug a Uulck Koto, nml handles H Hko an expert cbalfaur jiiHt from the city. You will lln.l nil klmls of Mack Htnltlm' supplies for mle at reBHon ulili) prices nt Arner Urn, tf F M. Duke In Improving hi" resi dence on Vatir street ,anl Is rctnod tllLtt It Into a modem tjiiiiKiilo. Mr. nml Mm. Dick J. Wilcox re- Mnnrfav from Alturas. where they have been vIhUIub r. latlteB. Utely A Simmons. tuldermltB. VhIIwv Falls. Oreuon. We mak rugs a speciality, titve ua a nail. 4'k Henry Newell, who Iimb Iwii nt tending school at Corvallla during tbn pant winter returned homo Mou day. M. Delia Cobb In becoming In Quite an expert lu handling an auto, and frequently takoi out a lady friend III her Hup. Mr nnd Mm. John Larkln. well known people of New Pine Creek, were visiting In Lakeview the Unit of the week. Mm. H. H. Koblaon, of Uerkrley, Cal., a sister of B. O CreBHler. ar rived In Lakevlew M -miay, on a inuntb'a vlalt. Konttie hud a 11,000,1)00 lire alotitf her water front Saturday. Ab a re ault of the coulluKaratton 300 people are homelnHR. J. li.Ureeun, who had a letf lirokon tiy hlB horHe falling on him, li now ablo to tie about with the iiHtilHtance nf a pair of crutches. Mcii'h Bilk front (iolf thirtH ST cents Silk Stripe Ni'KllKi'o HlilrtH, !)() ci-ntH, Work Hli'rtH, !." to '.OcciitM, smkH S,'3' tO 2.") CflltH, lit ItoOIII'H. tf MIhh Mnrv. thu tt e (lnuulitor Of Mr and Mm. L. F. Conn, him boon ouitw nick during the pat few dujH, but in now on the mend, jack McAulille, a well known ulock man of I'IuhIi, wiib In town the first of II.h week, liaviuu brouuht in 100 hoiul of hor.niB for aule. Dou't foruet that wo carry In etock for Bale all kiuda of Iron. bola aud ohnliiH. thimble ukeiua ami iron ana wteel axles Arzuer Bros. tf " II. W. Dreukel baa aold two lota In the Sherlock addition to Lem llery- ford. Tba lota are located on Lake Olivur'a CrNtiiry lluller la now rulucnd In (15 neuta for two pound roll m at llleber'H. Ilarrold'a dng wan with him at thw time of capture, tint diverted hla mai tir an iiuiii i tlm tiring coiiiineuciid and him nut been aen ilnca F. I'!. (Ireen reprem'iitliig tha Una ton wool lieiiMii of .1. Knalilaiid A Co. or wiib") ,1. Frank I In .the local rcpremmtHt Ive, In prtflng IbU aectlon a vlnlt. Mlin Delia Hneiliiig, of Heaildp, arrived In Ijiiknvlew Hi.nlay on a vixlt t.n ri'litlivi'n. She wax met at K'ainalii I''.iIIh by Mr. and Mm V. L Sin 1 1 1 it ie. I.i .'I. at Newill'n rIhIIoii III Dru' nlli', in mikliiu a reputation a it cii'-i, ii- inciiuiliiu iifni'HHm euy Hiry h"I the lnnt mini on ti mud at thai, plncii. If 3 on want tlm bent call for OII. r a lilun lilbl.ou butter at lllelni'H AU'hvm pure, iiweet and full wi-iw'it. lively roll guaranteed H i ci nl h .-r ri ll. Ted Mi'Kre, Walter Dutton and (iuv mid I. yiiii CruiiiMiillli r. who have bile ' aMendlmf O A. t) during ttio f i pti"t year, have ri'turiiel liome ror t'm hi i in ' i i vai'al lo'i. iliil luk' xi ilemiMit Hl'irday H. II. Mi'Cill-r it a pBckuvrti contain log '1 MiiltM of new underwear. I''luder I leiii" leai'ii af llolel Lakevlew. Mr. MctulleyV i. nine wai on MickiiKii. K O. Mkv imi huii, Ktiite guino and IInIi niinleu, aiih lu tinMi tldn week, ciiiiii by may of liuriiH. He ex- fireHr-d hluiMi'lf an well pliUHed with tha -vork of Inn deputy, II. A. t'tley. I'otlH A VmidiTpoul, wtio are put ting in a bbw mill at Summer Lake, have purclmnad r,IKKi,INK) feet of Ioki from Hie goverumeiit, tlirmiK'' tli Foreiit Service pitylntt tliernfure per M. Mrs. W. Ii. lieryfoid wn called to Diitib creek lat week by the death of bli uewphuw, WllIU liilleit, and re turned borne only In tiiuo to attend tlm f ii iith1 of her ti"ice, MIhi Mae (men. K C Hach and K. Tryon, nheep buyera fioin Stockton. (Jal., hare tn mi in town aeveral daya lookiiiu over the niuallon. Ah yt they have not rloNcd any deals, but have aeveral undei way. Mr. and Mia. J. F lleinard, who have been at San Dieuo, t'al , for a year and a half, returned borne Tues day, IhitIiik t eon met at Alturaa by their aon, Tom, and brotiutil to Lake view iu bis auto. W. II. lintdburn, president of th't Warner Valley Irrigation Co., accom panied II. Ii. Millard. Biii'eriotendeut of the company, on his return from 1'ortlaiid Sunday , and is now lookit.g over the big project. Judge lv M. llrattain la uiakiue Nome raluaiilo improvomenta to uis rcHldence property on Wet afreet. Not only is he adding to the rent dunce hut has also inslallud a aeptio tank aewernge nysteiu. Mr. and Mm W. S.l'rice will shortly leave, fot liuhl, liJutio, on accouut ot the lattr'B health. Mm. Price lias liimii Bulfering from lutlummatory rbeiimatlain, and the cbauge Is ex peeled of pi ore beuetlclal. (ieo. IlaukluB, f the. Auto Livery, baa ordered an Oakland 40, which be expects to arrive iu a few days. It la mi Id to be the beat hill-climbing car built, having more power accoid- lug to its weight than any other. Paul Horn and Mm. Maggie Whit- sett were married last week in the chamber of County Judge Griffith, at Klamath FulU, that olllclal tieiug the nuptial knot. They weie both retd- deuta of lily and will make their homo there. Forty carloada of equipment for the construction of ttio Oregon Trunk railroad arrived at Klamath Falls last wenK. Jt belonged to (J. J. Younu. who bus a 40-mile contract from the north line of thu Indian lieaorvatiou' toward Pond. Willi, tba Vi year old i-m of Mr and Mm. Kelly ISrllea, o' Mvla Creek, died Frldar iilht last, the funeral being hi In Sunday. The I ' y bad been unwall for ani time pat iufferliig from a mild attack of ty phoid although that fact wan nut known to tha parent. Friday tlia boy ate n plane of cherry pie, which canned tils death a taw hours alter-ward. Wool Sales HIIANIKO. Or., June rf. -Nineteen lot of ool 'e aold Wednesday, aggregating 47,00 pounda rangirg lo price front 14 to cents. The high price was pal I by T. W. Urlghain to K. It. II Inton for 77,0(M) pmiods. The hi-avlest grnwea did not offer their clip, preferlng to bohi for a better market. Fifty ; grower are represented in the owner- Dan Itretiiiau ind J tin Orare were ;sblp of 1,r00,0(K) pound of woe I now nut at the Ambroaa shearing plant , in the Mninty warehouses here. Thla Sunday, where tbiy were ninul fm- ' represent a out half the trlbil- pil-bly enli tiliieil by Mrs. James McShane. and ilaughler, Min Lena, who are conducting the boarding House for the ere . Tin-re are about a dozen ahearera at work, and dor lug the week have Miear-d tor Mlse Auglati'l. .lolin Ciiiun, Jack and Dick Flynn and others. One man maie a record by shearing t',H theep lu one day 1 ist week. K. (J Ki'iMie, who ban been in Solherti Calif rniu fur the nant week luokliiw for a new l icull il), ra liiruel liome a few days iiiice, and to gether with bis r iiii.ll y will dhortly leave for ('iiiltornia. De has secured a couple of s-ctlous of Stale land a comparatively eiioit dlHtance from L' s Angeles wlib'h lie exiiecti to sub divide ami lace on the market, lie will make tils tieaibuarlerB at the Southern metropolis. A custom liiHpei-tor eearchin I be baggage of Wong Nlin, a ('hlnen wlm arrl'ed on the Korea at Sau Kraiicls- co, recently was aurpriied to Hud amoug the ('elest ial's elle'ts nhat appeared to ha a string of', Investigation proved the in oci nt fraiikfurtura cjutaiued more thai, four pounda of opiun', valued Ih-ih on a barren market at i'MK. Using hi spurious HHiisai'es as links in their chain of evidence the r filcials w ill try to eustolu a charge of smuggling against Nim. Klamath Falls Herald: V. L. Siu.lllui, a prominent citizen of Lakaview, with bis wife, is registered at the Lakeside Inn. Mr Snelling stated that much improvement was beiug carried ou lu Lnkeviuw, amoug Borne ot the things meuticned being a beau til ul resilience of trick and stone, erected by W. P. Herytord at an expense or (10,000 or f 12.IM.H). The city has also purchased eight acres of ground beautifully located o vhicu they will erect a splendid high school building, to cost, in the neighborhood or ?rj0,000. This speaks well for our neighboring rly. Walter Welch, who was employed aa btaue driver by the Southern Stage Co., auJ who waa calle I to Klaamth Falls laat week, has been a close frleud of Maggie Deal, baa teen held on a charge of burning the Shook home near Dairy. He was at the Shook home at the time or the tire aud had been living there during the time the two women were there, and the district attorney wauted to see if be could throw any light on the fire oi give any evi.lence wbicb world implicate Mm. Deal with the ci line. While tba otllcem do not care to itate tbe exact evidence wbicb they have that came from Welch, it is un derstood that tbe diatrlot attomey now has information which strength ens tbe atate'a case materially against tbe Deal woman and Welch will be held bb a witness before tbe grand jury when it meets. tary to thi narket. The next sale In this city will oo occur on June 21 at which time mora than 2,000,000 pounds will be In the WB'fehoiiHes, The general Impiesslon la gaining ground among the growers that the price will tie highe at Die succeed ing sales than today. Ten buyers were here from Huston and other Kastern tuarkets wbUe only about 25 growers or the Wool Growers Associ ation appeared at the opening of tbe bids. A Single Instance A couple ot in lies north of i.ake view anr" just nortu or the lleryford ranch, which sold last fad for :0.fXJ is a piece or land which was cleared aud planted to crop, tor ttie tlrst time ii year ago by a man who aei.uied a three year leas on the same 1 1 if success with grain last year prompted him t:j Increase his arrentie, at. d tnis year there is tne fluent tield or wheat aud bailey, within many miies Ita tyuical ot laud in Lake County, sage br'i-n and ou all sides but producing ytain Itiat is a wonder to any behol der. ! There ia much land in Lake county ' juntas good that needs the actual; claiming, plowiug and seediug, wbicb! will pay handsomely tbe man witbj tbe plow. Some of this land can be ( secured by homesteading it before it is all gone. m .. u JUNE is prc-cmincntly"thc wash-goods month For this reason we have made it a point to have our stock at its best so that selections may be made easily; vvc have the Correct Materials and Colors A few nice Tailored Suits that we are selling at a good reduction to make room for new goods Our Stock is more complete than ever in all lines We Arc Confident We Can Please You WATCH THIS SPACE It is a Money Saver for You LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE COMPANY t:) KLWAKD. A REWAKD of ifty dollars is here by olfered for i.i ormation that will lead to the arro an" conviction of any peison wu baa stolen wirea or other proper! rrom our Company; and tbe satin- reward la hereby offered I for inrorma r n that will lead to tbe arrest aud 'eviction or anyone des troying tr i roperty nf the Company. Cbas. Umbacb, Secretaiy Uake Co. TeL & Tel. Co. tf. SOUTHERN CO. Lakeview, OREGON Or. REALTY 52tf Valley palls Mercantile Company Run an up to date mercantile store and sell for Lakeview prices The Valley Falls House Is now in operation and here to meet competition.. New, clean, iron beds Good Meats 35 cents Just half way from Lakeview to XL ranch and half way from Lakeview to Paisley. Give us a trial Good Barn, Hay and Water r 9 IE utreet , west of Henry Newells. W. P. t'aine baa invataed loan auto of the Ford variety, ;aud Is now able to show people tbe advantage of Lako country qlckly and comfortably. FOR SALR 40 raorea, See. 1, T. 30S, R. aaK, Harney county, Ore gon. Make ma an offer. 0. Kummlck, 5arBtou, Cal. P. O. Uox No. 3. P To 74 Circle, '.(W. O. W. : la tba absence of Mrs. Umbaoh, the under signed ia anting aa olerk and dues oau be paid to Mrs. E. Woodoook. We are headquartera for ilorae and Mule shoes alao nalla to fasten them with. We sell wagon springs, bolts, nuta, rlveta and washers. Arzner Uroa. M Mrs. W. R. Ueroard and children arrived Tuesday from San Diego, Cal., where they have been living for the past aeveral years. They will spend the summer out ou the rauoh and la tbe fall will remove to town to get the benefit of tbe schools. I A number of sheep have beon poi soned .over iu tbe Warner section dur luu tbe past mouth. It ia considered to be tbe result of some poisonous weed which the sheep had eaten. Cbiia. C. Duggau lost about t00 head out of hlaband, while Jack McAullUo lost 100 head. Mra. Chaa. Umbaoh, Mrs A. K. Florence aud Mra. Harry Yount, who were elected delegates to the Eastern Star grand lodge, which meets in Portland this week, took advantage of the opportunity to visit tbe Rose Festival, and lu order to do so left the Urta of last week for Portland. Phil S. Cumminga &, Co., is the name of tbe uew mercantile Go. to succeed 0. Reyuolds, who has been In business here for tbe past 18 year. The new Arm will shortly .open up with a uew s'ook of general merchan dise In addition to that carried by Mr. Reyoolua. Mr. and Mra. W. Ortou returned today from Portland, after an ab sence ot six weeks, iney were ac companied by Mr. Ortoo'r mother who will remain for a time. They came overlaud froui.Tbe Dalles in a Ford auto, their average running time exoeedlug 20 miles per hour. Valley Falls Items Rainfall past week. Sunday trace Monday .15. rent, clear The showers Monday altbougb not sufllcient htlrad some. K. McKenirce who has been iu the Northern country looking after sheep interests stopped ever Tuesday. Lakeview visitor during the past week were E. J. Stone aud wife, Win llotchkiss aud wife, 11. A. Utley and C. W. E. J en n jugs. The road work beiug done by Pen dlctou aud crew between the Falls and XL ranch ia about completed aud we are advised is a good lmprovment. The Valley Falls Townslte Co. will shortly put ud two buildings, one will be a leality office and the other will be rented by Utely & Simmons, Taxedermists. ' Numerous remonstrances are In circulation agaluat tbe proposed Chandler road on tbe south side of the valley and tbe vacating of the present main road. VV. Lair Thompson has now In band the inoorporating of tbe V. F. M. Co. All the stock is subscribed .by Carl Stradley, O. W. . Jenninaa. E. L. II. Meyer, VV. Lair Thompson. They now have ou the road a large stock of standard and fancy goods. A family left 'Lakeview Sunday to looate on a 320 acre traot 5 miles from this point. DREADFUL WOUND from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with liuoklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. it's tbe quickest, surest healer for all snob wounds as also for Burua, Coils, Bores, Bkln Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles, i&o, at A L. Thornton. The Home of Good Values Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings are complete in every respect. We especially call your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt waists, and our famous Ideal hirts for Men. Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats IT01 o Bailey & fiV.assing.ll 301 2CE as SOS BUY- IOjj Davis Greek Orchard Tracts IRRIGATED In the first place the Davis Creek District of the Golden Goose Lake Val ley has long been noteil for its soil and climaticv conditions, both of which arc favorable to the perfect culture of truck, berries and fruit, and here is the proof of the pudding: Davis Creek can show the Largest and most successful orchards of the whole of Goose Lake Vailey This is a fact 2nd. Together with the lands that we are offering for sale, the entire water system is included; this is a most important feature, this includes some 240 to 3C0 acres of land used as reservoir, dam, all ditches, headgates, etc all goes to the buyers of the tracts in proportion to their holdings. No future ex orbitant maintenance charges to some corporation, company or individual. 3rd. All these lands easily handled, in fact a great part already under cultivation, four of the tracts have houses on them now that go with the land Write at once for booklet giving complete information, plat of the tract, etc This booklet is beautifully printed, gives excellent photos and facts to those who are interested. 10 acres S750 and you own the water easy terms $50 down and $25 per month no taxes, no interest 10 per cent discount for cash. DO I'X NOW-AOT DAVIS CREEK ORCHARDS COMPANY INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOOK SSO.OOO Ileservolr and Lands Located at Davis Creek, Modoc County, Cal. General OfDce at Lakeview, Oregon IOE 3E