Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 09, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 23
(lubcrnatorial Mum '
No Attraction !
Latter W ill lie Candid tte to Slic
ed d llimicl! n Mcrcl ry
of Statr
Th Oregoiilaii '"st Saturday iiHlmi
that Judge II L. He'ison. f KUimth
Fall, wsh a candidate lor ICt-fi l
llcau nominal loo fur (l.iverinn. tmi
ttltt JU'ilC le'll that mich l the
It would apiear tbat Id Oregon lan
article la midi ut of "whole clotV
for since the article appeared dentals
of tba ataaiueota therein made it
Utog maiia ftotu all sources. The
Judge I quoted by tha Kluiuath Fell
Ilaal I mi follow:
- "Ihe statement that my brother's
health U such that he ! bsve to
,ra(j out of politics U without found
atloo. lia la now under tralinant fur an
affection of tin nk III ml tila tacit, but
It la yielding lesdlly tn ttia of
hit phyaiolHoa. ami I exoeot that h
.111 .. unnil aa ever, lie la a can
didate to succeed himself as secretary
of state anil will ao reu.xlti.
1 hare do Ida how thla alory got
started hut nevertheleit. there la ooth
liiu to It." The arloie appear
ing lo tbe Oreguulau was iu part aa
That frank W. Benson. Secietrev
of Htate and acting Governor, haa de
cided to retire wholly from politics
at the close of bla present term of
office end that ht brother Judge
Henry L. Ueoeon, will seek the Re
publican nomination fot Governor la
a (loliuato report In clrculatlou among
Portluud men who are Interested in
the politlral alluatton In the State.
Ooreruor lienon I now in Cnll
tornla, seeking treatmeut for an
affilctlnn that aome time ego caused
him to abandon all Inclination to
aeek election regularly ai tloveroor
of Oregon, but at the time he reached
thla determination It waa bla Inten
tion to beouuie an aspirant for the
nou.luallon aa Secretary of IState. It
la now eald that Governor iienaon'a
health bin not a i much improved aa
oould be dslred and that bla phal-
Nothing Stirring Among
Possible Candidates
Campaign at lie.t Will He Long
One, and Hence No Hurry
to 5tart
The political cauldron here Id Lake
county hiia not na yet shown auy signs
of eveu simmering, to any nothing of
boiling and If there are any cuudi
dates for ollloe they are keeping their
lighta well hludeu. However, wheu
the proper time arrives theie will uo
doubt be a good line-up of candi
date for the various offices as la al
ways the cuae. However the cam
piiign promises to be a long nue ow
ing to the provisions ot the pilmary
law, mi l the legislruMou bod's urn
now open.
I The Hint gun of the county polltl
cull cuiiipiilgn for I'M" has been Hred
in Luke county by the Ihhiihuco of a
nil tor meeting of the Kepuhllcuu
Couuty Central Committee, wuloh
X la on follows :
Pursuant to the dircctlou of the
Repul lican BtHle Central Coiiunlttoe
lust chosen under the provisions of
the Direct 1'riiuiiry Law h meeting
of the KepubllcHii County Central
Committee of Luke County, Oregon,
cIiohou ut the hint, election, U hereby
culled for Woduesduy, June 15, I'HO,
uk Lukevlaw, Oregon. All members
ura requested lo be present us plana
for the approaching oampaigu will bo
formulated at that time, uui It U du
elled tliut every preoluct be rcpre
sauted at the iiieutiug ao that bur
eiouy may Le assured ut the coining
y. P. L1UHT,
Chalrniau ltepublioan County Ceu-
tral Commute tor Lake Couuty.
riHiia , Iihvh hilvMul nun against
- il inv ii rlrxl i 'f a political
cii p'Hj .
I i' r. iin 1 1 w rnor la now qnsr
i i d ut I'D- II tel Alexandra Han
hi ri..ii line l baa been fur
li e mhi'U, himI it l understood an
uper-ti Inn la i ii pen t lug. Recently bla
ter-Muil pl j hicmii, Knbert 10. Le
sin. ft, . ii . i nimi super liituudent
i tin- .in' .y luin ir the InaMiie
hi Kuleiii. n ,'nlirii lo Han Francia
cii. Hiid II Im on-iftNlood will aasiat
In llm iiiUi'mI I riiil infiit f 'in inl liec
! i . i 'i 'itriiiur Iti'iiaon'a ctne.
.1 due lleniy L. 'I iihoii I known
tu be pi.l't Imlly iiinbll ioiim, but the
f.ct limt hi brother hue been an
avtiMed oitii'l Iduln for alule ulllce baa
mad" It mi. id ( r lil in enter
IIimI fill I of politic.
The iinliTNlaiidiiig la thuf Judgr
lleiiami in now fren to engage lu the
cuiniiHlgii In any iiiaiinar he ue lit
and that h i will endeavor to obtain
the asaetiilily Indorsement for Jover
linr, iludge lienaou ha been Dlatrict
Attorney of joaephine County, prln
dual of thi public achonla at (Jrauta
i'ata and prealdeut of the State or
uimI at Drain. In H'M he waa elected
to the lower houae of the Legislature
from Joaephlne county, and waa
chotan anoaKor of the "rump" or
"Danaon bonne" In the memorial
deaillook aeaalon of 1H37. Hubae
qently he waa appointed Circuit
Judge for the dmtrict conipuaed of
the aoutberu countlaa of Oregon and
waa thereafter elected to the aauie
poaitlon, from abtob be realgned
about two year a ao. He la now
practising low In Klaumtti Falls. Ha
la a native of California and 05 years
Work on O. V. L. Project
being Pushed
Hansen Construction Co, Will
Soon Commence W oak on
South Branch .
Tb4 llanaon Construction Co., now
have about -J men employed ou the
O-V L tlo'a canal, the men at preaeut
being at work iu Drewa-creek canyon.
Tbey are now gettlug everything lo
shape for the building of the big
flume, aud the work baa reached such
a atage that in a abort time a part of
the crew will be transferred to the
Uouth Ciitial. Tliat canal will be
about 12 in leogtb, with an
average width of 15 feet on the bot
tom. Buperlnteudeut Hansen is
puebiug tee work, and inasmuch aa
there were 42 miles of main canal
built lust season be has no doubt of
being able to complete the work this
eeajou so. that water can be uaed uext
There are now nearly 300 men at
work on the project, H. S. Uumey
having about bO in his employ. All
the work ia well in hand, aud the
favorable season has permitted the
contractors to make an extra good
Screen your Ditches
II. A. Utely, Deputy (ianie and
Fish wurdeti returned Saturday from
a trip to Mud creek, l'lush, Adeland
Hlg Vulley, where he hud beeu utteud
log to tho ucreeniug cnuuis and irrl
gating ditches. Mr. Utley fouud
conditions at l'luah very bud, hut
they are now couutriu'tiug Hah lad
ders iu the uums and screeuiug ditches.
From now ou he looks for it to be in
first clans condition. He found the
people ut Adel trying to abide by
the laws, Pnrt of them hud their
Hcreeuiug In mid others were waiting
for acreeuiug to arrive. The Adel
pHnpluure all lnturente.l '.uthu flib law
and ur glu" to aeo ihem protected.
The IIhIi warden wits very much
ploHhtul to find the atreunia iu that
country literuUy alive with trout aud
he auys if thuy are protected people
will never be aide tn catch them all
out with hook uud Hue.
Farm Land Sales
That there ia something doing here
abouts in farm lunds ia actuated by
the following bules uegotluted by t
(). Mixeuer during the past lew weeks ;
W. T. (Verier to 14. Ilontou. ICO ucres
for filMKJ, ami to U. Hkidmore, 2S0
Hcres 'or IH'i.tOO; V. Touy to L. D,
I'odt, 'JHO acres tor i:i,K00; K. J.
Couunr to (). Fishburu, '210 acres;
Mr. Polauder to W. I'axton. 07 aorea
for $0,700; V. 1-. Suelliug to Ed.
Herizog, 40 acres fur $4000
Ofcourse, these are all choice lauds
lying lu this and Hurprlae Valley aud
are uousldered a good buy.
Binds Itself to Reach Goose Lake Val
ley During the Present Summer
O. V. L. Co. Held Key
Road Should Iiuild
Negotiations between the Oregon Valley Land Com
pany and the Nevada-Cab fornta-Orcgon Railroad Com
pany were concluded yesterday which insures the building
of the railroad into Goose Lake Valley during the pres
ent summer. For some time
engineer of the railroad has been endeavoring to secure a
right of way through the XL ranch along Pitt river, but
not until vesterdav would he bind himself to build the
road in any given time. Under such conditions it was
impossible for nim to secure the right of way through
that property, which is now owned by the O. V. L. Co.
ilowevr, immediately upon his arrival here Mr. Oliver
sought out V. Lair Thompson, the attorney for the 'com
pany, and a contract was drawn up whereby the right
of way was secured in consideration of the road being
built this summer into Goose Lake Valley.
While no particular point to which, bis plana, yet it is evidently bit de
the road shall build It mentioned in ' sire to buld this road tbrnogh to
tha contract, yet It Is expected that ! Lakevisw at the earliest possible
the lowsi- end ot tne lake will be' moment, at tha same time making
rvecbeJ within a few months. Rails ; proper provision for extending it
are now laid to point oear the
mouth ot n mayon, nil By Lallfl-"
log distance of some seveu miles
through the canyon Uoose Lake Val-
ley would be reanbd and the term
of the contract tullfllled. The con -
tract for the construction work will
be let at once, aod the work com-1
pleted as rapidly as possible.
While M. Oliver Is reticent as to
The Local Camp of Choppers Gets Busy and
Initiate Class of 100 With Appropriate
On next Wednesday, June 15th tba
Woodmen of Tbe World will initiate
their hlg class of candidates, over
one hundred baring been secured by
special orgaoizer John Mclieth. with
the hearty co-operation of tbe
"Choppers of Lakeview." it will be
the greatest fraternal eveut that has
ever taken place iu this part of the
state. Five hundred would be a con
servative estimate of the number who
will participate iu the festivities, as
the Women of Woodcraft who have
over a huudred members tog ther
with their encorta huve been invited
to tbe baupuet and ball.
Kvery Woodmen with iu walking,
ruuulng or tlying distance ia ex
pected to be present w th two or more
ladies. Every candidate is expected
to bring his lady or some one else's
lady, audthe folluwiug Hues might
put uu 1 led Into their beads.
Hoy's I thluk my ways the best,
Aud t'will make the senses whirl ;
(live your own dear girl u rest
Aud tuke some othei fellow girl.
The iuitiutiou will takb place iu
tbe Odd Fellows Hull and will com
mence promptly ut 8 o'clock.
The ball will tuke pluce lu the
Big" Sum Available
Project Engineer Patch has an
nounced that $100,00) is avail able for ,
work ou the Klamath project this
year. Preliminary surveys are uow '
being made on a drain to lower the
flow ot LoHt river from a point at the 1
KtlgtireVuuch, which may he pushed
to completion this bouhou. There are ;
still tuoie marsh laud oontraots to be
aigued anew befure their drainage I
will begin, and If these are signed by 1
tbe land owners tbe work will tot be- j
gin until Fall, wheu the water is at,
be lowest point (or tba year. J
to 5ituation and Insisted
Immediately, Which
Was Agreed to
past George S. Oliver, chief
; northward. Towards the latter part of
tne osoulb m wtu come to LraserVle
and remain until be has secured the
right of way through this place,
Should be be unable to secure the
; right of way along the eaat 8-ore of
the lake be will then come up the
west side, where it is assured that
no trouble will be expreinced in se-
curing tbe desired right of way.
Opeia House about ten o'clock after
tbe show la out.
Tbe banquet which will be a
anqoet fit for kings will be spreadq
in the bauquet room of tbe Masonic
Hull about 10:30 for those who do
not care to trip tbe light fantastio
toe to the tuneful melody of tbe
Opera House Orobestra, which has
beeu engaged tu turniah music for the
While the iultiation is taking place,
aud the ladies have lost their es
corts, temporarily, it will afford an
excellent opportunity for them, the
la lies, to w itness tbe exoexcelleut
program at tbe Opear House, which
Mr. Smit' , the mauager, assures us
will be one of the very best he has
ever had.
Tbe Committee from the Women of
Woodcraft., Mrs. J. Q. Willis Mrs
Mauley Wbortou., aud Miss Nellie
Simpson, are working iu coujuuctiou
with tbe committee from the local
camp to make the oocasiou one long
to be remembered and treasured as a
uuist pleasunt memory. The persou
nets of the committee from tbe W. O
W. is E. E. Woodcock, J'. E. Walscu,
aud li. T. Stripliu.
N. C. O. Now Hustling:
Altuias Kenuhlk'au : The case of
the N. C. O. agalust Thompsou was
compromised and dismissed Ibis,
week. The jury as selected aud
the trial of the case oommeuced. Tbe
jury hud viewed the premises In dis
pute when it was finally agreed that
some settement should be made.
Tbe railroad flualtj settled by giv
ing Thompsou all be asked, and
changed their right of way iu order
to avoid tluterferlng with tha ir
rigation system uow established ou
tba Thompson ranob. Tba railroad
not only aettled this matter but it
has let tied with Mrs Myers for the
right of say which it took across her
land when the road came hue. This
outfit has also paid for aoother right
of way or two.
The action of the road lately would
seem to Indicate that there might be
oue troth In the newspaper repert
that the road li about to be sold to
the Southern Tanitlo.
It may be on tba verg of sale and i
the Hoot hero Pacific is compelling j
the outfit to atmighten up these j
tern before taking the over. ;
There must be aume stimulus actuat
ing this road for it haa uever been
knon In Llstory to take such a spell
of diong right before.
Seeing by Telegraph
TalviHou, the science of seeing
hundreds of miles by tbe means of a
telegraph wire, is a step near reali
zation. Edouiand Hello, a young
French aoieutiat, baa perfected aoti
aooo will test publlcaly an apparatus
which actually it is said, will take a
pictor. telegrapoically. Thus tbe
image of persoo or article before
an objecMve lens in New York would
appear practically instaneoos on a
negative in San Francisco at tbe otbtr
end of tbe line. About two years ago
It will be remembered, a Uertnau
professor tamed Knrn interested the
scientific world by exhibiting an in
strument capable of transmitting
pbotograpba telegraphically. Pic
tures obtained were Imperfect, bow
ever, aod showed practically no de
tail. Mr. Kerlin. following Professor
Horn's lead, has perfected a tele
photograph!" appraratut in which tbe
Senate committee on poets and tele
graphs Is much interested.
Many People Looking to
Lake County
Phenomenal Urowth of the Ex
aminer's Subscription List
Indicative of 'Future
Just lo give readers of tbe Exami
ner an idea of bow well Lake connty
is advertised and also to show tbe
wide extent of tbe Examiner's cirsu
lation, a list of subscriptions re
ceived during tbe first eight days of
Jane Is herewith publlshede. Aside
from tbe namds of parties reisding in
Lakeview, all tbe subscriptions were
received without solicitatinn and
came direct to tbe Examiner through
the mails. Daring tbe same time a
number of renewela weie reclaved,
while but two persons fordered their
papers discontinued. These faota are
only a fair indication of tbe wide
spread iuterest now being taken in
Lake county by people throughout
the whole country. Tbe list follows:
C. Fitch, Lakeview, Oregon
W. H. Trent, Stranton, Neb.
Chester Arthur, Middleton, CaL
Charles Simmett, Cherryvale, Ksn,
E. E Brockhausen, Spokaue,
Mrs. Jobu Fitzgerald, Newport,
Ira Chattin, Montpelier, Idaho.
J. F. Frauer, Dunlap, Kan.
Cbas. S. Wood, Shu Frauoiaoo.
Wiu. Lauoht. St. Joseph, Mo,
Justia Kechtel. Dubuque, Iowa
Ole Sweusou, Rochester, Minn
W. S. Lnddt Newton. Kan
Frank Uloom, Reesville, Ohio.
C. (.iabeustxin, Eustis, Neb.
F. V. McKeelvy, Wasbiugton Kan.
A. C. Brooks Reynolds, Wash.
Tboa. J. Farrell. Lakeview, Ore.
L D. Suydor Meadow Urove, Nb.
h. J. Halt Lakeview, Oregon.
Jobu Fibcher, Chicago. 111.
T. ltayer, Lakeport, Cal
F. H. Albin Pueblo, Colo.
W. II. Lovelaud, Wichita, Kan.
Thos. P. Rhiner, Ureeley, Colo.
Demand Inquiry
Accord lug to rumors current,
Spa:u may demuud a second Investi
gation of the distinction ot the bat
tleship Muiue. It is reported that
leading uaval otllcers in Madiid bare
prepared a report giviug their opin
ion ou tbe cause ot the disaster. The
tipuuisb experts boll that the Maiue
was destroyed because of spontaneous
combustiou iu the powder magazine.
It is repotted that this opiuion will
be formally presented to the Spanish
government to form a basis tor a de
maud ou tbe Uuited States for a se
cond Investigation. The request, it
is declared will be forwarded to u'asb
ingtun lu case uu effort U made to
raise tbe Main.
firn. Mtitflltuu eu tort tuned the Tea
Cup Club last Friday afternoon.
Great Change Shown In
One Year
Hereford Land and Cattle Co.
First to Realize Changed
Tbe wonderfal change made lo
Like county doting tbe past year
are well exemplified by the transac
tions of tbe U err ford Laod aod Cat
tle Company, of which Mr. Greena ia
tbe superintendent. A year ago tbat
compauy.pwned 40 000 crea of tth
cbolceat land in Lake County, Ore
gon and Modoc county, Cel.. together
with about 10.000 Lead of cattle and
500 horses, and tba necessary equip
ment therewith. Today their hold
ings consist of about 1SX) bead of eat
tie, 100 horses, aod what Mr. Greene
terns a lot of junk, consisting of
harness, wagons mowers, blacksmith
tools, household goods etc., and
which b is disposing of aa fast aa
possible. As is well kuowo tbe land
was sold to tba Oregon Valley Land
Co., wbicb in torn cut it op into
small tracts and sold them to several
thousands contract boldera. Tbe
amount of money Involved in tba
transaction waa close -to one million
of dollars, whion not only 'included
tbe real and personal property but al
io valuable water rtgbta. Tba pass
ing of the Heryford Land and Cattla
Co., marka an important spocb ia
tba history of Lake county, for it
waa tbe first of tbe big companiee
operating Jn thla section to recog
nize tbe new order of things, and re
alized tbat it was a matter of but a
few years until what baa always been
a free' open range would be dotted
by houses of maoy hundreds of set
tlers. Accordingly it waa decided
about a year ago to dispose of every
thing belonging to tbe company, a&d
the end ia now in sight.
Married, at tbe Court House in
this city, June 0. 1910, Carl W.
Adeen and Flora B. Williams, W. B.
Snider, citv recorder officiating.
S. V. Rebart baa filed suit for di
vorce from bis wife Kate A. Rebart,
alleging cruelty treatment.
Chewaucan Mercantile
Co. Is Organized
Stockholders Include Prominent
and Successful flen of That
Part of Lake County
Tbe Ch-iwaucan Mercantile Com
pany, of Pauley, a few days since
filed articles of lucorporaticn in the
county clerk's office. Tbe incorpora
tors uaoied are W. Y. Miller, S. P.
Moss, and R. B. jarkscn. Tbe pur
pose of tbe corporation is to couduct
a geueral merchandise business, tbe
capital stook being 10,000, divided
iuto 80 shares of $500 each, all fully
j At a meeting of the stockholders
I tha fullnu. ini hoard of directors was
elected with officers as follows: R. B.
Jacksuo, presideut ; S. P. Mobs, Vice
president; W. V. Miller, Secretary
aud treasurer; W. ii. McCormack, M.
C. Currier aud C. L. Withers, of
Paisley, and Laurence S. Ainswortb,
of Portlaud.
Iu addition to the above board of
directors the following are the stock
holders: W. li. Shirk aud F. W.
Pavue of Lakeview ; C. W. Withers,
Frauk Oobkiu, 11. A. Brattaiu, K. D.
Mutuews, W. . Currier., P.
Woodard, and C. W. lieuetleld, ef
They uow huve two 8-hurse outfits
ou the road, wuich will soon be ia
with a big stuck of good.
All are well known busiusse men M
their respective Hoes and eoaubined
form oue ot the strongest oomuisr
cial organizations iu Lake County. The
bave taken over tbe stock and busi
ness ot tbe Paisley Mercantile Co..
aud will add a heavy stock of new
goods Immediately.