Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 02, 1910, Image 8

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From 15 cents to 5
Come to us for your new hat, ntul vc
guarantee to suit both your taste ami
your pocket book. We have all the new
stylish shapes and shades ami our hats
not onlv look well, but wear well.
We h ue all kinds,
itit correct styles,
iUit correct styles, vjiuun.
our shirts are the lowest priced in town.
You'll find they'll nevr rip or tear with
anything like careful laundering
From oO cents
irnrinent we sell
torv service
.v hat
for it. Our siek i
ntifl heavv undirwea
ifvips. rurehasiMir
and economy.
i. "FLORSHEIMS" "cst Lasts j
j oi bummer uxtoicis nave jum i". i
Hardware and Implements
Peter Schutter Wagons
The only wagon that ever crossed the Plains with
out resetting the tires. Every wagon guaranteed
McCormick Mowers, Hay Rakes, Headers
Moline Impliments, Sulkey Plows,
and Ball Bearing Disc Harrows
X Our Builders' Supplies are complete. Fancy Locks
and Hinges. We carry the finest display of
I Fishing J'acklc ever displayed in this City.
lie rum i
Nicely furnished rooms,
single or ensuite
Main St., west of Court
House. Lakeview, Ore.
J. L. LYONS, I). D. S.,
Office in Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
Riant Vesr's '-xri-rf.-ne- 1" ?t-l,ln.
UMxJllnle OI I mv r.-i'y 0( MlCIIUHII
V&SL rJt
-o- IZ. . -
g)j We are goins to indulge in a talk jjj
U on our line of farm Implements- p
fc We have the best lines in the p
S market. Such as the 'John Deere
h plows and harrows.' 'Oliver i
kl chilled and steel plows,' 'Buckeye, h
3 and Thomas drills,' 'PlaneL Jr.,
g garden seeders.' g
II 'Studebaker and Bain wagons.
i These are all stan ard makes i
.J? and speak for themselves. The h
a price is right, quality considered. d
U Call and see us when on the g
market. bj
I T. E. Bernard. 1
tO C.
JO 71
plain ami fancy, in the
:.i i
tjuaiuv couMueieu
to M
w wuwi
Survtkyi a'il InjfiiH'eriiitf
City EntrinetT
Suite N'o. 1 Lake view
Watson Block Oregon
Inn Orill
KAY SA KA nOTO. Proprietor
0;en day and nitfht. All kind of
short orders ivc rue a call
X.V3 kOMK. ''
will smvo satislae-
"price yui pay
'es lii'ht. medium ;!!
i i ;d1 sizes and ;
re means comfort jj
County Court Makes Good
Their Promise
k'esult of Mill' Visit Will Make
Lake County More Uasy
of Access
Puring the tlslt of the Hill party
'ii Lakeview the importance of too. I
oada was not only presented to Hie
.'Utilio by Mr. Hill, but tie hih! Mr.
ilauley urged tbe County Court to
rnprove the roads leading Into 1 hi -ney
and Crook counties bo that no
'rou tile woull ti experienced by au
lolsts and others la touring Central
Oregou To ttmt eud two ereus are
now employed in putting the miiin
thoroughfares of Lake County in woo l
diupe Hiiil the rtork Mill soon bo coin
I'leto.l. One i-tew 18 at work cm the
road lHMut( Iruui flush to Uln-joint
aud on to the "biunl ()" ranch.
This ore will repair the road to the
county lioe, and if iustruutloim lire
fallowed it will tie In good shape for
all kinds of vehicles. The other crew
la at work on the road up past Albert
Lake and Alkali to Hums, thus
afford lug two routes to ou.- neighbor
iug couuty. It will unt require no
very much work to put the latter road
iu good shape, as uiuoti has already
beeu accomplished, to that end. and
tesidet for a great portion of the dis
tance the road is naturally good ow
ing to the formation through which
i it passes.
Toe road north to Crook Couuty
will also be be put lu first clans shape
and while we can then boast of sec
ood to none of the interior counties
' in the matter of good roads, for the
; road west to the Klamath Couuty line
lis in goo i couditinu i
Under the recent older of the Couu
ty Court to road vuperrisurs there
is no reason why every foot of the
road iu the county should not te lu
good shape. Perhaps the only excuse
will be the inability of the supervis
ors to tiud time to do the work for
tuey as a rule Dare just a little more
work to do at borne thau tbey cau at
tend to, and as a natural consequence
are necessarily compelled to do toe
road work when the can. rather thau
wren they feel that it should t
Possibly An Accident
What is considered to b a recur
rence of the tange troubles over on
tbe Klamath couuty line oocured
few days sicce when D. F. Malloy'f
ebeep camp was destroyed bv fire.
The fire occurred during Urn absence j
of tbe herder, and be is positive that j
it was of an incendiary origin , as be 1
, bad bad no fire near the tent . lie- j
side tbe tracks of " shed bo'se were '
found near the scene, aud that fact'
indicated that tbe camp had been vis- .
ited by some one on horseback. j
Range troubles art of long standing
over in that section, although none
occured laet year. The year before,
however, mucb trouble existed,
which for a time threatened to result j
eeri usly. although tbe differences
weie finally adjusted without resort
ing to gun and pistols. Jt is not
thought that any further trouble will j
nci'ur ttis year and that whoever
committed tbia latest outrage did so
on the cpur ot the moment, rather'
i than fes the result of premeditation.
j Land Office Doings
j Ouriug the pas. week tbe following
! humesteud applications have been
; tiled iu the U. S. laud ofllce at Lue
i view.
! Clyde A. White. Sec 14, 41-7.
1 Henry W. McCjhb, Keo. ft. 27-10.
John S. Martin. Sec. 35 28 -11.
; Hubert K. R jllins, Sec. 20 aud 21
i 2022.
Myron E. Root, Sec. 17, 20-22.
Fred L. Heuey. Sec, 1, 21 10
Henry W, Oouglas, Sees. 5 aud 8,
Chas. E. Oavis. Sec. 33 2123.
Abbie M. Cluck, Sec. 34, 21--22
and Sec. 3. 22-23.
Anna E. Nichols, Sec, 2, 'VJ - 13
Frankliu C. l'oore, Seen. 11 and 10,
John McEHcberu, See. 4, 2223.
Thomas A. Marlowe, Sec. 3 21-22. Orake filed a timber and
stone application in Sec, G 418,
I and the State of Oregou made a se
i lectiou of 200 acres iu Keca. 28, 2'J
uud 30, 37-12.
Forestry Sale of Timber
Machinery iu being taken to the old
saw mill site eight miles auove Pais
ley, and June 3rd 14 is will be opened
by tbe Forestry service fur 0,000,000
feet of logs to be siwed during the
next five year. The bids nu t not be
for Iihs than $2 70 per tho jHuud feet
log measure aud there is a time limit
on tho cut. The timber being now
fully mutured is to give way to a new
growth. This feature of the Forestry
policy can be appreciated by every
man in the Cbewauoan and Sommer
Lake Valleys, for there has been a
scarcity of lumber for building purposes.
Dick Takes a Vacation
Pick WllcoX tlllllkN ,(. I llMVIIIlt
It VlU'lttlllll llHVllIU tHkl'll II I i.V ltt for
it moiitli from id duilc i hmMmihim
citHlilcr of the Flrt NhiIimihI Hunk.
Hctwccn bis auto, ehrep ehi'iiung
plant, ri 1 11 11 1 11 vr h ranch, Hlling; wood
and a few other little thlnx, In1 la
likely to Iim-I Ktvutly rvfiCMli. hi at the
end of III leave. However, Mr. Wil
cox expect to have him iiccoinpiiu.r
her ou a trip to the Villiinieti, and
it ix tli-refore llk-l.v that l.e will he
slue to tui kle into the work with re
newed vUor when lie re' urn'
Notico to Stockholders of
tho Lakcvlew Flour Mills
Notice i hereby nlxi n the An
1 1 1 1 . 1 1 Mei-t ln of the St 01 k lioliern of
the i.aki: u;w 1'l.tlUK Ml I, IS will
lx held nt the ollicex of the Hit .Nat
ional Hunk at l.akeview. (Meunii on
Monda.v .It'M: Mill ::it at '.' o'clock
I'M. for the purpoMC of cleitinj; n
Hoard of directors and officci ami
for tin1 t ranHiict 'i hi of other liuii'CH '
that nuiv l iwliillv com" hef ii-e tlila 1
A. I'.leher, Secretary.
In the Circuit Court of the State oi
Oregon, tor the County of Lake
Annie lil.irlnn, I'Uiutllf, v" Wl;
I'hiu II. Itlurtou. Oefuminnt.
To William. I. Hlutti n, the above1
mimed defeu taut .
In the name of the State of Or' goH
yoi are heirbv required to appear
and answer tti.i Couipluiut tiled
against ou in the above eutltled
Court and Cause, ou or before the
Uth day of July. l'MO. and if you fall
so to answer said Complaint for want
thereot, the above named I'laintttf
will apply to the above eutltled Court
for the relief prayed for and de
manded tn said CompUlut, uauinly:
Kor a decree vt said Court forever
dissolving the marriage contiact ana
ouds of matrimony now exlstmg be
tween the above named I'lilutitf,
Annie lilurtoo aud you, Willixin II.
Illiirton, I'efeudaut atiove named.
aud awHidlug to said 1'lalntilf, the
care and custody iif Hoy Itlurtou,
Willie itlurtou aud Crystal Hlurton,
the minor children of yourself aud
Hlaiutitr, and for judgement agaiust
you for the costs aud disbursements
of ths suit, aud for such otuer and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable lu the premises.
This Summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive and consecutive weeks in the
Lake County Kxamioer, a newspaper
of general circulation in Lake Coun
ty. Oregon, aud adjoining counties,
published weekly at Lakeview, Laka
Couuty, Oregon, under uud perntiant
j n ou order of Honorable ueorge Ho
lland. Judge of tbe Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for tbe County of
I Lake, duly mad a-d euter'id in the
hove entitled cause at Chamber In
Klamath Kails, Klamath County, Ore
! ana. on tbe UTtb day of May 1010.
The date of the first publication of
this Summons Is June 2nd, 11)10, and
the date of the last publication there-1
of Is .lulv 14th, 1!MU
L. r . CONN. Attorney for I'lalntltf
State of Oregon, Pepartment
Public Instruction, Salem
1. Dates: Three examinations, an
nually. Each county superiLeudeut
to '-elect m ntbs for bis couuty. i
2. Program :
(a) Thursdays Physiology
Writing, History, aud
Civil Government.
(b) Fridaya -Urainmar, Arith
metic, Ueography and Spell
ing. X Sources of questions:
(a) Arithmetic Practical
Arithmetic Smith
(bj ('ivll Government United
States Coestitutiou.
Here s
To the Homeseeker:
At present we can locate forty peot !s on homesteads of level
valley land, where good well water can be h ul at depths varying from
30 to CO feet, and where there Is plenty of timber available for
fuel within five miles. The soil here is very .rtile, being a sandy ash
loam and at present there is a heavy growth of sage on it.
B The soil is very similar to the sol! found In I'-o northern cart of Oregon
and the eastern part of Washington, and wi"! without doubt prove to
be equally as productive and valuable, when we have the same trans
portation facilities. The railroad survey passes through some of tho
claims refered to, and none of them are more than three miles from
same. Here is a pretty valley, that has never been cultivated, but has
been used for range purposes only, and we assure you that it is equally
as good as any land left in central or southeastern Oregon.
Now if you still have your homestead right, why not investigate this
proposition, for we are quite sure you would not overlook such an op
portunity, if you knew postively that it was here. Uont listen to idle
remarks, but come and let us show you.
We also have several relinquishments and excellent bargains in
raw deeded lands, if you are in the market for such.
Write or call for particulars regarding above lands.
Office over Lakeview Pharmacv.
lijht colors, jtrctty sttijns mid
more scl;itc hlnc, ret I ntul I, luck
ty of patterns.
dive us ;i show lulatc
your summer ilrcss, ntul
gin ties of invrcluiiu Use.
Opera House
One Night Only
Saturday June 4, 1910
The New York
"THE COON KING" by Geo. C. Nixon
Pretty Chorus, Classy Comedians
Singers and Dancers
Prices 50 and 75 cents
We travel in an 16 passenger automobile
Geography State Course,
ofstuoy, HedwBT aud
Hiuman's Natural School '
OeograpbT. I
v;; 7iut s .. "st: i
Mate Course of Study !
and Current Events. I
(e) (Jrammar liuehler's Mod-!
reu Lngllsb Gruuniiar, no
Physiology Graded Lea-
fOUB in Physiul gy and
(g) Keailiug The leach, r will
seud t' the C'iu:ity .-np-erluteud'Mit
t.'n- mj licsuts
class staudiiix in retell uk,
which Shnll he tdkeu liy
such superinle'Mi iil hh the
applicant's eluioi nj ou
the sutiject
Spelling Leeil's Word
Writing SoecimiMis of
penmanship as indicated
in copied matter had from
manuscript In Language
Respectfully submitted,
Supt. Public Instruction
Couuty Supt.
Your Opportunity
lleuitifiil jmt-
terns of 1'1ixtms,
the new linen fin
ished floods for
wnists nml full
dresses, L'Octs, Lr
ets, :tO ets, .7.7 cts
and "() cents jer
yird, md cooml
linens ;it lit cents
in nil the new
Also scores of
pieces of pretty
fnncy c:vcs in
figures with the
in :i xrcut vniic-
von I.
mv. I. el lis iiI.iii
vou our '; lent
. . . . .
otaDie Rates Reduced
After June 1 the Ma in moth Iced
Stable w ill
i 'y mK.t. 7.v.u ,a.r ,..
h",ll mte to freighter of 2.' centa
per head,
I have piirchawd the Stallion
Known an the Charley Little horne,
which I will make the aeaaon stand
at Ijikevlew ami at my West Side
I'm riu.
Lakeview Friday and Mondays,
and at the farm the balance of the
Colonel'H Blre 1 Cherokee Chief, one
of the l'ht thoroughbred trotting
Mtallloii bred in California.
TerniH Season aervice and liiHiire
foal, $10.