Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 02, 1910, Image 7

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SmiuiKT excursion i 1 1 1 1 -t ri ; tickets
nt rc.'ttly rciluccl prices to K.tstcrn
1 m i j 1 1 k
A mud ihx tlm i nil 1 nrnurid wo
would Ilka to t'liiKflxt Hint ft in ii 'J hols
In iifrtily iuiiniNll)le condition In
Kmrl ion 8 'M 21, iifivlt Hiteridititf to.
KohiU In this viiIImjt lime been woik
In turns yrnti or more.
IIiim Kciuodi mine In from bit
iHiiitiinK cm nip IhhI Krldajr and Inform!
iik Pint tint crop nf Umlm will lie a
tiuiii)(ir on. Krport from other
nhpi iiihii tell p minis utory about
lilrf IhiiiIi crop..
M;iy 11,12, 1.".. 11. -'', !-''. -'7
June '2, 1, L'l. L, LMI, .",0
"luly l, i', i. rt (;, lm;, l7
Auk. 1, L .'5, 1
Sept. l, ii. :i. ii, rj. i:$. 11
Southern Pacific
District Passenger Agent's Ofliee
Koom LM)7. Otltl Fellow Hhltf.,
(J. W. Kmifio .V Mon
ii in in r to (mil dow n
liitttfirld IhlH
the bulliJiutf
th.y am now uidtirf an a livery barn
mid reel a nrttn ami commodious
bulbil" in it atfnrl, ami wl.en do
Ihiih'I utiick it up with hriract and riK"
hii'1 Iihvh oiih of the beat barn in
CVnlrHl Orckini.
Oijimt IIi'iik I hornet line diftdoi-ed '
ill tnklntf ttm cciiHUH.. Ill thin couu-,
ty b have one o iii ii ii who llHI IjCltll I
ihhtiIm I ntnit time nud Himther
rUVfll UlllOH. A WOlllllll hh found
I mIu) IiikI te-n married live tlmim nud ,
1 four of iii-r IiiihIimihIh ar living in ,
tbe Hiiio ilnnity ulii- now renldos in.
I Oai'nr "J'litfl fort-men of (heS. A. :
I l.Htir rHiii'h whh mi IIiIh week and .
reporlii urniu urowinit tl-ie lie say
; ha ha lot of yoiinif turkey and
jcnlnMii hitched out and atill more:
I hatching, lie now ha HvnntettM wild 1
! k!h and eix duckit tA':hiiii( and
I wants to hare.). II I'ox of Fremont
In ksep away from them thl fill I
lion lin komb out buiitintf.
The boiler in the Embody saw mill
FUtd and Ingall.
"Why don't you growT' said Torn
llwd to Hi-nn tor IiikhIIh aoaie jrrtn
ajjo, when both iiipii wer In the er
lee of I he pcopl at Washington.
"Ah." xii li riKHll. who was of ery
hIIIiI n l ii l ii it;. "I'm Hm much Interest
ed In my fellow' life nud property to
MrtMUiiH- in your iiihkiiIiIi -iil height and
proportion "
"AihI I (ml Unit my concern, too?"
anktil I teed dcllltenitely.
"ImiHiKKllil!" Hnid IiikhIIh. "Walk on
the c(lc or a board walk and you lift
up l In- other fin ; Httiiid In tbe middle
and you hrciik thrmiKh. The jieopic k
; anfciy llt In your twlng a mkldle of
I the run 1 1 mil ii."
Home Onyx nftrr Itti'd found ln(fnlln
In a Mini of mcntiil dlatractlon. "Jimt
nlloiK Hi,- (fold MllltiKN of thlx
front tooili." cxpliiliii"d Senator luteal I.
polnlltiK to the exxm"d cavity.
1 iteed liiui;hi"d Immoderately. lie
drew liluiHcif up to bin full height. An
a victor he Mood; hi time of revenge
I hnd come.
; "IiikhIIh. I coiiKratulnte you. You
' are now worth your weight In Bold "'
i uava away one day IhhI week. Mr.
: Kmtndy Immediately started for
' u . i a i ... : i .., l,
to have It inHtalled and the mill In
operation within a month. Mr. Kui-
tjody Infurmad us that this temporary
utoppuxe of the mill would in no way i Star
I lutcr'ere w ith any of hi patron who
I w lab lumiier hb he ha an ample up
! ply of ull kiud on haml.
Ought to Have Known Him.
"Alioui Hi,, limit of nerve I but ever
en me under my olmcrvntloti." auid an
ex prosecutor. "hnpened a few dayn
flk'o ulieii ii walked into my ollii-e
and willclied a miiuiII loan. Thnl he
win drunk nud hud t"en for m-venu
dnya Kim evident at H Kliince. Dirty,
lilenr eyiil. uiiNhnved and with hands
that Hhook like flume of a profenloiial
rornini cnndle xtuMiier. he aaluted me
vvltb ,'iiny familiarity, calling me by
my llrnt name. 1 1 in fare was vaguely
fnmlliur to me. hut I could not rex-all
where I had wen hi in. He aaked for
a quarter. I compromlHed wltb a dime.
j lie took it wltb profuse thanks.
! " I-i-i'k we.' I culled lo him as be
i turm-d to no. I can't quite place you.
Who ure you?
"lie wheeled and looked at me with
. an expression f pained aurprln.
'What; Pon't know me: Why. good
j Lord. John! You put me In jnll three
tlmea for wife heating!' " KanH City
rm U. LONZWAY, Proprietor.
Best Heals in Town Tr- Us !
(Iood, Clean Rooms
RAIRDV- UreaJ. Hot -oils and
DAI.L,IVI Cakes, baked dally.
The Talk of the Town
Our Lino of Wall Paper Samples and Dec
orative Goods. A Good Stock of Cheap
Paper now in. We want your trade.
TheLakeview Decorative Co.
Moore Building.
Valley Falls Items j
MIhh MsIiIm IJotchkina id vuitiun i
her brotbir W. II. 1
Mr. K J. Ktcue ha returned from
Lakeview Hft-r a two week vImU.
A force of about tlx ciiriieu'.ers are!
I ruHhiuK H. ii. Ctiandlera etae ta-1
tion. j
j Two Wauou Tire country 'locators
, atopped WlDe(lay on their way io'
i Lakeriew. 1
; i
Andy llotcbki Las gone to Altera
I to bring iu tbe bulaucej of the pipe:
j for tbeir Irrigation ayetem. I
l-recipitatini) at this poiut duriugj
the bant week: Monday, trace;'
Weduemldy .10 iuch; rent clar. j
W. .JuhiiHou, of Ainintead, Mont., is
atoppiug at the Valley Fail House. ,
Mr. Jobuaou U well pleased with the
valley and will j rorjably locate. j
T. J. Powell, the Lakeriew attor-,
I ney, accompanied liy M.lleckiuau, of
8om Maure.
IlerlMrt Speucer acorned tbe metric
nj stein I ei n use it rests aulely on the
fart that man ban hut teu tinkers
However, a mile l.i hut a "mille paH
fiiiuin." or a IhoUH.ind pneea. The
leiiuth 'f the foot was UHed for dia
tanccx lonu iH'fore It waa tixetl at
twelve inchin. A furious" Is ouly a
furrowhuiK. The breadth of the band
Lx'cawie the ataudard because the eas
iest way of meuMurlng (be height of
the horse. The leui;tb of tbe arm gave
the length of the "ell." and from the
elbow to tbe tip of tbe middle fiuger
waa the "cubit." Hy stretching out
both urms as if ou a cross mau Invent
ed tbe measLie of tbe "fathom."
Cloth measure stUI decrees that two
and one-half Inches make a "nail,"
and this Is tbe width of four fingers
held together and measured across tbe
nails. Tbe apothecary's "dram" origi
nally signified "only as much raw spir
it as cau be held in the mouth."
Pennsylvania, stopped for diuner
Weduesday oc his way up the valley.
(j Incorporarcd.
A Complete Record
We luire made an entire triiiini-rlpf of nil Records In I, like
County u Inch In any way, affect ltcul Property In the county.
Wi" have a complete Kccont of every .Mortcne and transfer
ever made, In Lake County, and ever Peed k'vimi.
Errors Found In Titles
In traiiHcriliintf t lit record we have found numerous; tnort
jiaeH recorded In the Peed record mid indexed; and tniiny
deeds lire recorded In the M ort K'iltfi record ami other books.
IlundieilH of mortnes and deeds are not Indexed at all, ami
lilost dllllclilt to trace up from the reconlH.
We have notations of all these Errors.
m..m l)t hers rannot Had tlieni. We have put hundreds of dollars
limiting tip these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
"It cared me," or "It saved tbe:
life of my child." are the expres-j
Ions you hear every day about Chant
terlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. This Is true the world
over whre this valuable remedy has'
been Introduced. No other tnedi- i
cine in us for diarrhoea or bowel ;
complaints has leceived such geueral '
approval. The secret of tbe success
of Chamberlains' Colic, Cholera and I
Piarrhoes Kemedy i that It cures.
Sold by All tiood Druggists. I
Editorial Pleasantries.
Two editors quarreled, and one re
I f erred to tbe other's curly career in
bis pilS.T.
' "As for our colltplIKray.,' he wrote,
i "what can we expect from a man who
I wus five years ago hawking from door
to door with a donkey, and au ill cou
I dltioned beast at tuatV"
i His rival did not deny it, but lu bis
next Issue appeared the following:
"Our coutemporary says that five
years ago we were 'hawking from door
to door with a donkey, and an ill con
ditioned beast at that.' He is quite
right. We were so occupied. Hut we
are surprised to find the donkey has
such a good memory."
An Utter Failure.
"That couldn't make a success
of anything."
"What makes you say that?" j
"Why. he actually made a failure of
u butcher shop." Detroit Free I'resw. j
" Jf'you'are not satisfied after using I
according to uirectious two-thirds of
bottle of Chambeilaiu's Stomach nud
Liver Tablets you cau have your
money buck. The tablets eleause ami
mvigorate the stomach, improve tbe
digestion, regulate the bowels. Ciivs
them 'a trial and vet well. Sold by
All tiood Druggibts. -.
Won by a No.
"Bernard Shaw." said u dramatic
critic, "ulways does the original thing
I went to see 'Caesar aud Cleopatra'
with him mice, and its we stood iu the
aisle the house was crowded a stran
ger behind us persisted In poking bis
bend right over Shaw's shoulder.
"Shaw then did tbe original thing.
Taking out his handkerchief, he wiped
the mau's nose, patting and twlstiug
it pretty vigorously.
"The mnti. with un ugly ontn. Jerked
back his head.
"'Ob. I beg your pardon,' said Shaw.
'I thought It was mine, you kuow.' "
Washington Star.
Here is Where You Get Your Money's Worth!
. When you by .Mutton Stew nt tic per pound.
Have you tried Our cured Hams, Bacon?
No better made any where.
Lnnl, home klttel rendered, absolutely pure, 5 lb. buckets $1.1)0
i ii 10 Hi. I'UtiH, ISc. FichU frozen Oysters, $1.00 per can. Krout&Oc
per K'lllo'l.
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay tho market prlco for A'ood beef atul pork-lioj;,
Cash on delivery.
Come mid pt acipwilnted with us.
c.rcci.u.i, aoosU LAKE VALLEY MEAT CO.
J. P, MayficlJ, (Jen. fltfr.
HBMimw 1 117111 'fli u'iiamw
r.riii,ii!iSfaFvwithrh. 1
Taking No Chances.
"My llfo Is yours!" the o'J man cried.
The infiKlen's hmiIIm Rllured.
"I'll take It." sweetly she replied.
"l'lovlili'd it's Insurpit:"
Cleveland Leader.
Lame shoulder is almost iuvariably
cuusud by rheumutisui of tbe muscles
nud yields quickly to the free appli
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
This liniment is not only prompt aud
effectual, but in no way disagreeable
to use. All tiood Druggists.
Sure Sign.
Mrs. Ilenpeck-You tided like a fish
nut of water when you proposed.
Mr. Ilenpeck-Suie: 1 knew 1 was
caught New York World.
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is'
so Id on a guirantee that if you are ,
not SHtislled after uung two thirds of:
a bottle according to directions, ynurf
money will be reiouded. It Is up to i
you to try. hold by .ul tiood Drug
Actor Woe.
If you hut knew my miseries
You'd not so rudely scolT.
My fool friends eutted m on the Iuk;
The audience etitft-'d ne off.
Ready to Bargain.
Suitor (to her fat hen Sir, 1 love the
very ground your daughter treads on.
Father (grimly Well, young man. you
ain't tlie tirst party that's had au at
tachment for It. Howsomever, If you
love It well enough to come and help
pay up the mortgage ou It you cuu
marry Sarah. Use ha nge.
Lawyer-You don't like the Jury V
Defendant 1 do not. No. 1 Is my
tailor. No. a is my grocer. No. & Is my
milk and egg dealer and No. 7 is my
wife's first husband. What chauce
have I gotV-SL I'll u I Dispatch.
Expressed Differently.
"Madam, you ought to go to a warm
er climate."
"I''or once, doctor, you nud my bus.
band lire agreed, but he expresses the
Idea In more emphatic language."
New York Press.
H Contributed.
.Missionary Do you ever contribute
money for the heathen Iu foreign
hinds, sir' Millionaire Oh, yes. Uotb
my daughters married foreign noblemen.
Thn" who "'e greedy of prse
prove Hint they are ror In merit
The Kind You Have Always Bought and -which has been
In use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatnre of
and hn been made nndcr his per
frf?-1- , Bonal iMipervlsion since IU infancy.
i-C&CCLjZ. Allow rxi mm inilc'plvn vnu In thin.
All Counterfeit, Imltatlonn and " Jiist-aH-g-ood" are hut
Kxporlmcntu that trhle -with and endanger tlie health of
Infants and Children Experience against .UxpcrimenU
Cantorla Is a harmless mihstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
poHc, Irops nn'l Soothlnjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
ftubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
tnd allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The 3Iothcr' Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought-
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Venn em.
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily Sunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace Dealer at urn ew, Ore.
Order Now
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
For Rent
10,000 acres, will divide satre Into any size farm desired. All under
the New Canal with first preference water rights. The very CYeam of
tbe Valley. Selected years ago nil level, perfect alfalfa land. Will
lease for terra of years for part of crop. Some houses and barns
will be built for desireable tenants. Must pive references. Write
Hunter Lan d Co.
Wells argo, Bld. Portland, Ore.
at the Nebraska Station at North Platte. Nebraska, is causinir every
body that hears of It to TURN AKOUND and ask HOW? A SO
bvshel 3 ielJ is not uniiHual, and their 1h no reason iu the world whr
you cannot learn HOW. l'ractidall.v all these bumper crops have
b-en sroduced with only a few Inches of lain during the yrowlua
season, so you will never "fear a drouth" when you know HOW
U. S. (Jovernment. Department of Commerce and Labor Bulletin
Pec. II, 1909..says: "Campbell's epoch making efferts in behalf of dry
fanning in connection with the Introduction of Durum whett, prom
ises to turn the semi arid regious, covering millions of square miles
Into on. of the most srosprous sections in the world."
Mr. Camplell operates a line of Demonstration Farms from Texas
to Canada aud publishes his methods and results in the Scientific
Farmer. Watch 1U10!
No matter where you farm In Virginia. Minnesota. Texan, Wash
ington or Alderta, with irrigation or without, vou cannot afford to
live without knowing HOW. The vital prln.'iples are clearly ex
plained and followed In CAMPBELL'S K'IKXTIKIC EUtMEU (the
onlv publication on tillage). A monthly , 1.00 a vear. Clubbed with
our paper at the slturle price of our paper, even ou reuewals.
i.sjrmm ijh iff7f
youV vet
to learn the bodily
comfort it qives in
the wettest wejtiisr
322 .
Chuoiberlaiu s Stomich ami Liver
lableta will braoa up the nerves.
bautsu sick heartache, prefeut da-
epoudeucy anl luvlirorate th,e whole
sytaeui. Bold by All Good DrutiUts.
I frTrrT'T-1''' '"' " imnini