Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 02, 1910, Image 5

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    Xnhc Count? JSynmincr
mi itsn.w, .mm; -j, mio.
I liir, I.ln.'ii front, IH'ihm Sliirf m,
f l..'l."l lit IlllllllI'M. if
I.ikII.-h hut KiU 'at ut Iran tliiui
(iml lit HimiMi'M.
Iltitliiip I'm I I ck Ik expected to pay
Iiiikovlxu h vllt Ktiiirtly,
H. I'. MniK mmm iliiwn finto I'lilslny
Hi l rrk nil n Imcliifm vlll
Minimi NnihliM iiml Nwnru wen'
In Irom it I in Friday.
MIk D. l lH lllills llllH tptfll H
nixlt Ion ii h i'li-i k In J 1 1. Vnuitlor'a
linn A. W. Urton, ru Inter of tba
"' uMlce, xrfi to return fiotn
I'rirtliiinl hIiiiiiI thn middle of the
iiion! Ii.
A. Williitin, of 1'aisiey, spent
lays lii l.akevit w vinltluu
Mll'1 lllll-IKlllJtf til Ixixl
W. II. Mftton was oirr from Klam I John if. tVtTM and aoti, J, It.
MlllH IH
1 1 Ii i' 1 1 1- I ( 1 1 1
. ll II VI1H ( ill l I'M
liriiiHi llrhril
fill" ' II ' Ii
Mm. A.
fllMt I ft .
T. J. I'nwrll, Dm Cliwaticaii ranch
er has annul ciiiii,,i,t,., ,N residence
Hint will shortly lenitive tin family
I hereto.
The Velcian ot l.alcl want 10
til II II I. Illl MlUhM wlm helped Hllil par
llt'lplllfll III tilt: IXI'll lM'll Oil IllllMIII
tlllll lllt.
I''. A. I 'lt puli li k, of Itin
Much linn 'iKiiii 111 town M'VihhI iIijh
ath Kail dnriiiir (he work lo purchase
horses fur lit ranch aud louuitm con
tract. Il secured tlta lipH.l paylou
ftoni I'JiW to f-275 mcd.
TIih Furl Hid well Onlil NuKlM-t anyn
tlini Hurry A) n-n Im m n-li ih-) a
lilt fr'llll H .llli llliM mil) In IlKW I'll-
kuk'"I In li'vHniic ilnw:i pr punitory
to cncfliitf 11 lint' rcidwici'.
I )mmr'.t Inn Dny wa npprnprlalely
oliiTfil hi 1 1 v in dunk many of hi
people vIhIiIi;m tli n c.oniiUfy nuii
decoralliitf the Kiave of those who
Iiuvh iidiii', with lifHiit if ill Mowcrx.
A nniiilifr of yuuiiiHtfiH ii joy in u
X i Measure I f M xAllllllllllK lioln out
j In th ci-ntt-r of ilia fmr grounds
M ir
W liltf
It t
t . i II
; j, in n n i i nun M
I' II m t l r h I- IH) ii t i
Itmillix. If
l.l l.T II. Illl. y will In, , ,.!.
I nun Ht tlio I'lilnn Mi'liii'il liontni west
of tow II.
J. ('. Cravens of 1 tin Ii ttus In tow II I
tlilt w. i k on IiIh wny Iminn finiii
i( I ii in n tli.
'IIik Woiihiii'ii (iullil will iiii'i-t nt
tlx lioinu of Mm. liroli '1 liiirHility
n f t - ii (iti ii. .limn '.),
I'Vllx (Jrt'cn Hinl fiimtly i-xprt't to
incivtt lo Nti 1'ino C'lftik Blmrlly to
ri'tl'itt i'f riiniii t t"tly.
Iruik Hni ltd tlio Nnw 1'iiiH Cri-i-k
hortlciiltiirlnl, wim In towu ypHtitdity
oil II MiHlntor vlut.
Ion will 11 ml hII klmU of llliirk
uniltlm' no itM for unlu nt MHiimiBtiln
prli'D ut Arznor Ilro.
Mi'ii'ii Kiln friiut iinlf Miirtu s."i cunt
Silk Strl N'i-kIIkw Hlilrt, l0 cfiitM,
Work nh'rtH, l.'i to .VI cent m, .snt kM S",
O 'i'j t flllM, III I'.tltltlfN. tf
Tbn (). K. H. Nvedla Club whit tn
tfrUlnr.l ly Mm. K. M. llmttulii
IhbI l-'rldny Hf tnruonu.
Mr. ml Mr 1'itnrl V. Jnttriiin hurt,
luovtt I out to the ItuiiKiiri ICuukc
Slot mo for tlio mi minor.
Mm. Ann Mcli ruth Iiiih rt'tiirui
from n vlnlt to her (iHiiulitcr, Mm. K.
A. t'ltpntrlc, of 1'uUloy.
Mr itml Mm. Tuiiilunk nm over
from Hnck Crxnk n fttw (Ihvh hu on a
vlhlt to Lakrvltiw frli'iulo.
Tom Ainl'roii nn of thi well
known pioneer iettlim of l'lunli In
n qiimt nt llotrl l.tkivlw.
Mihr l'n n n In ToiiuIiiuhpii Ih vlnltin
frlnr hi PiivIh Crftk. I.ciii the
giitiHt or Mm. M. I). WlllUniH.
MUri Miih Hiinii'S U now mnploys'
in ('ouuty Clerk I'uyti'H ntllca, owlnu
to a rfttncrul iiicriiimn of IiuhIiichs.
AlUa Myrtltt ii iiHininiauKr whs
down fr.'in l'iillny thin wnxk to muka
animal proof on her iltntert clitlui.
Mra. K. C. Shirk mitertulneil the
Kwcrt-Ht Ion Club at her homa on
Mulnn Htrni-t lunt 1'lnlHy afternoon.
lliln wik, I'lukliikf lur ii niHrkft
r.iH.t kikihii, iliicttH, fic i
Don't luiwi't H t wit curry In nlock '
for huh nil klii'ln of iron, holt ami
I'llHIUH. Illlilllllll ItkHlllM Illl
Ull'fl Mxll'i AllllT IllON.
Mth SV, ,. Muhm, who lit tfiiili-il IIih
Kliil l.i in-knit iinrtniilily Hi l.iiiinun a
a ni'li-tiiln 1 1 o in I tm l.ukctlhW loilni'B,
In tinlilu III Urn Willmiil-tU.
I Ti a II ii it I I'xiin liiittloiiH in tint
i'uiilic ScIiiioIh ii mi lii'iiiK In I'l Una
j win-k, tiiiiioriow liflnrf thn Iiml iluy
lit . ml. I Hi'llunl yi'lir.
Mil- imii'iit-ri nt r-tii in ini-r I.mUh Val
ley Hi i ti 1 1 ii i K ti with their ni lux hiiw
Inu ui uriiu rtinl rmmt ot lliHtii will
cut tin ii hIihIIm m tinti t June Int.
Mm him lieu J 1 1 in r i r for llomn an I
Mnlo plinea IiI-.ii uiillx to'll thrill
Willi, MnHeit WHiiou nprliiKH, linltM,
mitrt, rivetit itu'l wunhttra. I trim.
A i zner A ( 'l'lii'l liwva aliout com-
plt'te'l In the mht of tlio Wntn:iu
I Or the KxHiiiiuet
(Kite I kti it in ii hi ii m itiutit to tlione
who iittemle'l I li jll tiinie Kumlay.
1 a v lil Hurl i), ,, linn llmrK were
up lioni li (reek yenterilHy on
Iron ami ' '"'-I " hufoia Iht l.iunl Orll.-n. The
l.ttttT reliii'iii"ln I hlM di'K.nrt crUlin
ami Imuie'liiiMy Hied u hiiiiiHHtoHil on
OdarvillM I:t:nrd : ll-trry .Uvllt lJ
put up the II rut crop ot nltultu hay
thlH weK on A. II. Iliiwhen' pluce, le
low tuwu. Inilli'itllnii Min tlmt three
Ko'i'l cmpH will !m Imr vm'.i"I thia
H llctill
Chief of i'tilice 'in n ii l n line ii In buck
Irnm OtitHrio, wheie he liim heeu on
a lmnien vU'l. Jl" reportM
keclion hh enjoy iiiu veiy much of a
boom and having irnnperou tinipn
L( 1ST : Some tit e In tlm Town
ot I. lik -view 'inrlnu tlie pH h t week
ami t en-e lull Imuk tlun- lnu k mi I
khiireH in the tidd Kmi M 11:111 Cu
Pctem, of llnrpi-r, Kntiana, arrived In
I he c ity TlinrHilnjr evenliifc, anil are
looking over Hip rountry nnd alao
lioklii nfter bin V) hit truct which
he aecurcil In tho (), V I,, (o.'a dniw
iiig and iilto a town lot.
Jon Amorous wan In town Friday
front the went Hide and Ufa led thtt
they have a ood ditch underway
over there hut at the preterit time tf.e
rnunfi In rather dry, and 'hut they
fiend aome rain or an early co'iiplf
lion of the ditch and renereolr.
Arztier liroa hare e'uippel their
dhop tltti h ihoeltiK machiiip, and
hid now reii'lv to alme any h'irae 00
matter how wild. They bIho hma a
man who know how t do the work
and X. Ih authority for the etat.enicnt
that he I. Imnelf wenm iron ahoe.
Mr. and Mm. V. 1'. nnd Jmnei
lleryfnrl hfve returned from M ill -vllle
t'al., where thy were culled by
the aerioiiH nine of Mr Hereford
Sr. When tley lett In condition had
Kreatly iuifiroved and hit phyHlnian
iia'i nope or hi complete recoveiy.
T. 11. fill In I luittallitig a oumker
of KM'')eiie liylillnu plant In di.'fnr
ent IjiiMlneHH tu,nrm, which are not
only (ovinn ent ii-f nci loii hut Hit met
much attention by the powerful liuht.
lie hai ji cnrrirleted the iunlallHtlon
for the Lakrview I'lmr-
i 1'lii'ler 1 IrHH K-MiM u' I'.ikI .v Kimn
lllo 'K h WHreiioimH to tie lined Ly
Jim (iravf wb down to J. 1.
Otike'H place aeveral dHya durliiR the
paitt week, dolnu aoiue iiiaaonry wjrk.
Mr. nnd M-h. J. W. Cllililn. of New
riim Creek, wltncHai'il tlio ball K'ime
Sunday lictwecn Altnraa nnd Lnkc
view. Ron Font had an arm broken a few
days since, aa the result of Kitting
hit by a brickbat thrown I y a play
niae. Huperlntendeut Cauiiey, of tho tela
phono company, became mixed up
with a niowlnff machine a few diiya
ai(0 in the rear of the Mercantile Co'a
warehoue No. 2, and received some
aovere cut and brulaoH.
eventl titiiKu line operated by 1'. M.
0 K luiclif nnl -tiiervUor of the
Moduc Nutl'iuul I'lirrnl, whh in towu
till week to c intuit with t he local
KorrHtiy oltlclitU rcuuruintf raiiK
q Kl liiiit
ht-rvlcea will be held In the Methn
dint t'hurcli Siiiiilny ufternouu at
thine o'clock under the aintplcea of
the U 11 in 11 11 (iuild. Kverybody cuid-
llllly llltiteil.
C. II. I'upenherry wa over from
Wtrner the fimt of the week, lie i
In the employ ot Irrigation Com puny
now tiUtiniuif to reclaim tlmt aectlou
of Lake cot" nt y.
Mr, ami Mra. 10 S Uurney Hrrived
from h'allnu, Nev., thin week aud will
reaide In Lukeriew
acverul enntracm on
clauiHtinu project.
(i. W. Johi'riou ha pnrchaned the
Held property 011 Pewey street, now
occupied oy MorrU Sunt liMtone. They
expect lo net puefCHHion about the
lU'ddlu of the mouth.
Kimou Juauita had quite a serious
runaway ou the Slant) a few days ao,
Hiul a a result he has heeu laid up at
Hotel Iiiikevtew. He la now uble to be
around auaiu, however.
Dhii llr- unan, of the land ofllce, I
becumiiiK au expert horaemau, aud it
la rumored that he will ahortly add
broncuo-buatlutf as a aort of aide Hue
to ke euiiiitfud In after hours.
of a plant
Miss liuby h'o-ter dxuliter nt Fred
Koater in Sumicer Lake vhIIht bad
t n misfortune i In thr mu from her
rii.r - j in rne w ben Hip mimel t.e lv a "buzz waon"
anil 'it nn Riiflem with a badly
timi'iii I urin, lliouxh 110 hones ere
Full-Blood Merino Flocks
Having: decided to clote out our entire hold
ings of FINE SHEEP, we have the following- to
offer for tale without reservation:
400 Registered Merino Ewes with Lambs
Of the A nnd It Clnsea.
1500 Select Ful-bood Rambouillet Ewes
With Liirnlw. Strictly trw to tipe find of lienut iful coveiiajc
1500 Full-blood Rambouillet Ewes with Lambs
Strictly tlrt-cla-M nnd mI enough for iinv atud flKk.
1500 Select Full-blood Delaine Ewes
With I.hiii . Hfiivy Sheiitem, lleiivv Uona itud veri Iarro
150O Full-blood Delaine Ewes with Lambs
ion I enough 1 o iro into nn.v stud flock.
1200 Full-blood Spanish Merino Ewes
With l.'unli-. Theee nun etront; t.vw of the It CI;io, very
Id-it vv Shenr. r- Hinl iIiik covering. TlieMeare except iouully
larce for their type.
The following' five flocks are all young sheep:
500 One- and Two-year-old Ewes, Not Bred
Of t lie illiove ('Ihxmk.
3700 High-class Merino Ewes with Lambs
2700 1-and 2-year-old High-Class Merino Ewes
Not bred.
2700 Yearling Range Rams
400 Registered Rams of the Above Classes
All eww with Infill! I01 vc Ihi-ii bred to Ki-Kixtered Iduna In
1 heir reHieftlve cIuhhch. The male ir'-a- will lx mined f.s
Hum LuiiIim. exi-ept thwae from the 37 Ml heitd of hl?h cIaK
Merino Kwea
For Prices and Particulars, Address,
The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company
Mr. and Mr II. Itent and children
came over Iroui 1'IuhIi i'uesilay.
Weilnettday Mr. Dent, nnd the
children left fur Co'taxe Crove wheie
one ot the Utter will be placed under
a physicians cure.
ti. M. Caut-ey, HUperluteudeiit of I
the' telephone company, left thlsj
inornliiK for Kla iialh Fallii, where be
I lo wed Mihs Hade Uinuhum. of!
Oregon City. Thej will return 1m-j
medial Icly to Litkeview t" make their!
Clarence Itiuehart of the auto de
livery went dowr to Altura yester-
day alter an Oakland auto, recently
or lere I by Krauk 1). Lovelace. An
other Hup is alao to be rouKl.t up,
II khvIok arilve l at Altuias with the
C. V. (iiillowny, tux coimulHaloncr
waa in l.nkcvlcw yatiirtbty on offici
al boHiuea, lie lift for the north
Monday, iiiU'iidiiitf to k out by way
of Silver Luke and rrineville.
Lake A Duckworth have purchased
T. Ii. Heruards barley crusher aud
have erected tho same iu a buildluu
in the rear of their place of business.
They uie now rccelvlua considerable
barley aud are cruahln it aa rapidly
as possible in ordet to supply the dt-mand.
is pre-eminently the
wash-gooils month
For this reason
vc have made it a
point to have our
stock at its best so
that selections may
be made easily; we
have the
Correct Materials and Colors
Afcw nice Tailored
Suits that vc are
selling at a good
reduction to make
room for new goods
Our Stock
is more complete
than ever in all lines
We Arc Confident We Can Please You
It is a Money Saver for You
Mr. lli-rney has Oakland. j
tho O. V. L. re-j Mril. M. Whortoo, Miss Nell Sim- )
sun and Mrs. J. g. Wiilits ot the 1
Women of Woodcralt, compose thej
committee ou a hauquet for the bltf
Woodmeu of It e Worh' celebration 1
June 11th. It is sure ituiiitf to be a ;
biK eeut. 1
l'cter Applique. Statu Land Ajjeut
paid Lukfvlt'w a brclf vl-it during ;
the wti-k, arriving Friday cvuniii
ami Itavint; Saturday moruluv. lie
had aome Ini-liien.H with the laud ollice
in regard to aelivthma over iu Klam
ath County.
Mr. aud Mrs. V O. I3uutin are
back from a visit to fciugeue, Fort
laud aud ether points in the Wil
lamette Mrs. Uuutiug was a dele
Bate to the Kebekau Assembly at Eu
Kene, au 1 l-'rauk went aloai just to
be a doinK.
Mr. Thos. b Farrell ot Fort Dodue.
Iowa, arrived in Lakevlew a few days j
siuce to jo u her husband, who has
decided to locate here and enKage iu j
the piactice ot law. Mr. Farrell baa '
otllees u ljniuluu . V. J. Moore ou j
Water street. j
Joe Ambrose started shearing Jones !
Si Wilhhire sheep Friday muruiuu at
his corrals with a good averaue crew.
The clip proves to be exceptionally
hood Mr. Ambrose states that he
will be able to turu theui out as fast
as they can come.
Alturas Kepubliuau: Mra. V. T.
Cresslerand her daughter, Mrs. Nellie
Kobiudon arri-td there from Berke
ley last Thursday night, aud one of
the Lamb autoa took them over tn
Cedarville next day where they will
spend the summer.
Col. David M. Dunne is likely to
prove his own successor aa collector
ot Internal revenue for the Portland
district, according to reports. Col.
Hofer, of the Salem Journal, bad
been recommended for the position
by Seuator Bourne.
(Jus Sohalgel, manager of the Lake
view Brewinif Co., is making some
quite extensive improvements to the
plant. The soda works department
baa been moved close to the brewery,
and both plants are to be operated
by a gasolene engiue.
Mr. ami Mra. J. L Ilumtneraley
left Saturday for their home at (Job!
Hill after having spent several weeks
In Lakevlew. Their vlait was
thoroughly enjoyed by their many
friends here, aa well aa by themselves
aud it is boned that they will return
aain before the railroad gets here
aud conditions change.
Q. W. Wllshire and two grandsons
contemplate a trip to the vloinity of
Lake r iew la the near future, where
Mr. Wllablre'f son is Identified with
law mill interests. Their stay will be
extended and tba boys arw only
waiting for school to close to replace
studies well with a protracted vaca
tion season. Ashland Tidings,
In nkefi.
Ciuuty ComrnUsioner Albert Wal
ker, of Klamath suffered an attack of
heart failure .Sunday, and for a time
was not expected to recover. II
Improved eouewhat MnnUay, and
Tuetday was taken to Portland, where
it Is hoped the change to a lower al
titude will tienetlt bim.
Burt 8. Tatro and MUs Jannita
Richardson were married lattt evening
at the residence of U. Sherman East
er, Ilev. 11. Smith officiating. Im
mediately after the ceremonv the
happy couple left for their borne on
Cottonwood, thereby disappointing
a chivarl party which called a few
minutes after their departure. Mis.
Tatro is a daughter of Contractor
Richardson, who is at work on the
O-V L Cnal
Valley Falls Mercantile Company
Run au up to date mercantile store
and sell for- Lakeview prices
The Valley Falls House
Is now in operation and here to meet
competition.. New, clean, iron beds
Good Meals 35 cents
Just half wajT from Lakeview to XL
ranch and half way from Lakeview
to Paisley. Give us a trial
Good Barn, Hay and Water
The Home of Good Values
Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings
.are complete in every respect. We especially call
your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt
waists, and our famous Ideal hirts for Men.
Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats
Bailey &
in faji.uLau iisui .law
Davis Greek Orchard Tracts
In the first place the Davis Creek District of the Golden Goose Lake Val
Ic3r has long been noted for its soil and climatic conditions, both of which are
favorable to the perfect culture of truck, berries and fruit, and here is the
proof of the pudding: Davis Creek can show the
Largest and most successful orchards
of the whole of Goose Lake Valley This is a fact
2nd. Together with the lands that we are offering for sale, the entire
water system is included; this is a most important feature, this includes some
2-iO to 3C0 acres of land used as reservoir, dam, all ditches, headgatcs, etc all
goes to the buyers of the tracts in proportion to their holdings. No future ex
orbitant maintenance charges to some corporation, company or individual.
3rd. All these lands easily handled, in fact a great part already under
cultivation, four of the tracts have houses on them now that go with the land
Write at once for booklet giving complete information, plat of the tract, etc
This booklet is beautifully printed, gives excellent photos and facts to those
who are Interested.
10 acres 8750 and you own the water easy terms $50 down and $25
per month no taxes, no interest 10 per cent discount for cash.
Reservoir and Lands Located at Davie Creek, Modoc County, Cal. General Office at Lakeview, Oregon
1 tieserr