Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 02, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Exauuiup
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
rtvic'imr hmii.lhm ln.fl.W n lorh. slnute
r I iin i nfHi'i', -r month. All Msnriinit ft if.
imiik." iii-t- twn-p nionlh. (ml of roinpoM
n 'r. In lvnoo,
three month. "
1 VA
mhmii.hi-. i'XIth All miori trrm n. ctr
i .. rv i hi roltiintiK, Hv. per line --h In
t Hon Hunt !. .-x-. lite-each Inx-rtlon
xtil i.i ilmik) II. U'. Kcnolulions ol couil-
Jticf. f 1 0 mi'1 iiwsil.
-Trxiiient Advertising and Job lrlnt-
,v il i in i, m no psul the flrnt of each month.
II not pl 1 13 Ivauce, f 1.(10 the rout.
Notice to Suhicrlbr
OnowniiiTiiii In hmmiiter who rrmon
O Irom ono lin-aluy Id miotlier. or rhmiitt
their liit1tee'M nlKiulit remember In
lr.( this oUtre a rur.l their tAwr bo ml
ilret to tho rmhl ixvitotrtoe.
Lakeview. Oregon, Thursday, June 2, 1910.
Canad'a'i immigration etatisli.'a
for the flcl year epded Marrh 31,
IS'10. are siiiiin.ariz;l by Consul PbiiI
Laig follows: Of the 208,71' -4
people who cane to Canada In the
twelve months, r0,7IK wore British
4.V-o' Continental, and 10H.71S from
the I'nifed States. In March alone
the Untish totaled 0010. Continental
58V1. and from ttie United stales
17 210.
Wheu (.liffcrd Piuchct pets back to
ffsn irKton. after hi trip to Kurort,
plats wt 1 tetakeu up innne iiatly
for the Natioual Conservation Con
gress bieh is to be held iu St. Pnul
Miun.. tie Hrst week In Sepemher,
at which Colonel Roosevtdt has prom
ised to speak.
The Cnnwresa will be composed of
representatives of const rvatiou from
all rutts ot the couitry In veiw of
the rrrroed congress to be held at
The Hague, it is said that it is liktly
forien oat ions will be aked to send
delegates to the American congress.
Presi tent TafU Colouel Roosevelt,
Kina George of England, President
Diaz of Mex co and William J. Biyan
were made life member of tbe
World's Sunday School association in
the co rention at Washington, May
21st, amid scnes of enthusiasm. For
each of those so honored ?1U00 had
to be subscribed. A delegate from
Canada started tbe eoctbusiasm. "I
nominate W. H. Taft for a life mem
bership, and Canada Fledges 8100 to
ward it, "he shonted. The reraainiug
fOOO was made op in a flash. Mrs.
Taft's nioie was then proposed and
her SltXX) "initiation fees" promptly
made up.
Tbat opposition to Congressman
Hale in this district is not very
acute is demonstrated by tbe fact
tbat tbe only ct' er candidate thus
far to appear is U r'. Mnlkey, of
Jacksonville. Mr. Mulkey is now
District Attorney of the First Judi
cial District and previously has
been active ia politics. Mr. Mulkey
was at one time superintendent of tbe
State Normal School at Aebland, and
before that was a member of tbe
State Senate from Polk couuty it is
not known wtietber tie will declare
himself to be an insurgent or not.
Both (Jregnu representatives were
classed as regular Republicans and
agaiust tbe iusurgenti.
Tbe men to deliver tbe addresses
for tbe commencement exercises and
at tb Quarter Centennial Celebration
At O. A. C. have been selected. W.
F Herin, oue of the clajs of '73,
chief counsel of tbe Harridan railway
lines, will speak on Tuesday, June 14.
President J. K. Weatherfo'd, of the
board of regents will also talk on tbat'
day. Rev. F V. Clampett. rector of
Trinty Church, San Francisco, will
preacn tbe baccalaureate sermon and
the commencement address will be
made by President James M. Uamil
tou, of the Moutana State College.
At this time the main buildings will
be outlined with lights and tbe entire
campus specially decorled. Fancy
drills and exercUes by students will
be features.
inout in Cungies is gnlng tu (un
file pessage vf the withirawal bill,
legalizing all piift w ithdraal and
permitting withdrawals here
after. i'0gni7HUt. Hi it Is, that so long
aa land are nithhrli from entry,
they CBuent t:e ui inappropriate I un
der pnlilie land las alinnst univer
sally conceded to be antiuited."
nr.ATii or .ioiin v. voi xt;
Hon. Johu C Voting, postmaster of
Portland, pasted aayeily Mouday
UKiiuiug at bit home lu that city
Mr. Young had lee" very near deaths
door for the past several weeks, aud
the eod was uot t hertnre .un.e xperted.
The editor cf ihe Kxam'lier him
been intin atl-y a.qimiutdil with Mr.
Y"iing fr ucarly a quatter of a centu
ry bIabvs knew hiui to tie oue of tia
tine's noblemen. t e Ba man id
stnug co'ivictioL's. and wtieu hi; con
sidetvd a thing right there was noth
ing that would induce him bim to
swerve from his course.
Those who knew him iutimately
deeply regretted the bard tight ma 'e
to prevent his becoming postmaster
at Pu'lani, hui! it is therefore pleas
ing to note that his most bitter op
poueu's now acknowledge their error.
The leading editorial in Monday's
Telegrau follows :
Jon i C. Voting distinctly made
good as postmaster of Portland. He
was courteous and painstaking, anx
ious to improve the service and will
iug ti do anything within his power
to bring it up to the highest staudard
ot efficiency. Before he took tbe
office there were ti:ose who belieied
tbat tempermeantally he was not.
well adapted to tbe duties of a pub
lie office in which be came so closely
iu coutac with tbe people aud uuier
tbe circumstances demanding the
greatest tact under circumspection.
But all such fears, based largely
as it now appears, upon a physical
deterioration not then suspected,
proved utterly groundless for be
more tban met tbe measure of expec
tation in every direction.
"Mr. Young was a vigorous writer
and a man of down-right convictions
He was likewise a clever politician.
Ue possessed tbe faculty ol acting as
wen as pianu ng in tin private re
lation be bad many warm friends
who felt tbat at last he bad a cbxnce
as postmaster not only to pull him
self together financially, but to make
a record for himself commensurate
with the talents wLich they knew be
possessed. For all these reasons bis
taking off was both premature and
A... si
u v
According to the Oregouian's Wash
ington correspondent, development
of the west is going to be retarded
materially for tbe next year or two,
and perhaps longer, because of tbe
failure of Western Senators and Rep-re-eutatives
in Congress to agree
upon and secure tbe passage of a
practical reform of tbe public land
laws, for nuder legislation tbat will
be enacted the President will be em
powered to, and Las given notice
tbat be will, withdraw desirable lands
from entry and bo bold tbem until
oongress provides adequate and sen
sible means for tbeir disposal contin
uing tbe correspondent eae:
"It ia apparent to everyone except
tbe eastern contingent tbat tbe coun
try is demanding legislation looking
to the conservation of natural re
souices. The Administration ia com
mitted to such legislation aud baa
used ita fullest influence to bring it
about. Tbe president baa beard and
Is heeding tbe cry; so ia Secretary
p But eastern Senators and Congress
men have turned a deaf ear have re
fused to treat tbe demand seriously,
and have brought about a situation
whereby 210,000,000 acres ot public
land are today withheld from acqui
sition and from use, and where much
more may be added to tbe domain
already withdrawn. For in spite of
tbe stubborn west, tbe Eastern ele
Fine Cash Register
Hall k Reynodls bave jut installed
in tbe Lakeview Pharmacy a marvel
in tbewav of a cash register. Tbe
I many things it keens count of are re-
markable. It is electricalley operated
jaud not only hLuwb tbe amount
! of the purchase, but also !:eeps count
ot the number of sales, issues printed
I tickets to customers, showing tbe
j date and amount of purchase, as well
as the credit sales and debits, while
j should au error occur it will show
j what clerk made it. Tbe cost of the
I machine was about 6300,
Wool Sales
The most successful wool sale of the
seaon was held Friday, at Pilot
Rock. Of the 2. JO, 000 pounds offered,
more than 100,00i changed bands.
Tbe price offered ranged from 14 to
17 cents.
Though several thousand pounds
of as fine wool as Eastern Oregon
ranges bave evei produced was offered
fot Bile at bicbo not a single pound
changed bands. Tbe record price of
tbe season, 17 cents, was offered for
one clip, but this was refused with
the same alacrity as a price of 12
cents tbe lowest offered.
Baseball Spelling: Bee
The McMinnville Commercial club
men has accepted a challenge from
tbe Civic Improvement club woman
to a basoball spelling bee early in
June. Tbe match will be unique, as
it will be conducted according to
strict bast ball rules. Tbe words will
be given from tbe pitcher box to tbe
batter at borne, who if he spells the
word will go to first and depend on
other members to help bim borne.
The nniqoe spelling bee promises to
furnish amusement since It will set
tle the question of supremacy of the
men or women of McMinnville.
:fc-- ' 7- W t--f Vi fP L:i'
Sr. Patrick's Church
Proposal Ciitholic Cliurcli tor L.-vkcvicw. Structtu c
of brick with rock foundation, to Ic hcuti when
half tlic cost will have been contributed
an v shade ol hair.
Planning ) t)iir hat for Ith of
Let us do your designing
K'eiucnibir vr tire the only
store iu Lake County that
is postal on the styles up to
the ini'Mite.
We rive ynu styk anil lower prices
than elsewhere. We have
just received a beautiful line
(l hair switches.
From S.'l.OO to 8r.."o
M i III M .. Wt Hi ( I 'n I I I Ihiimh
Can uialeh
Judge Raker Resigns
Alt'iras Republi an: From the
papers we lain that .linljo HhUt
aas re'igue"4 the chali inanship ol M o
Democratic Central Comuiittr-e The
roosou for the reslgnat Inn found in
the fac that Jtide is a Candida
for Congr-sa rom this '1 1 riet. Tbe
papers state fiiir 'e will li a caui
date agalnrt Knglcliright, Iid.uui
this stateineut is asHiiming tnat r.nile
bright will be trie WeDuhlicxti tp.n.i
nee. There are at least tn men nut
for t he KepubUcau nomination for this
office. John L. Chi-ds is i e n' iuh
aspirants and is showing conni leradb
Ely Makes Poor Flight
K B. Kly who is Wfll kun-m in
Lakeview baviug orivt-n a inisnenuei
auto between here and .-lturas two
ypar ago, Is now doing the firing a i i
Ills latest engagement was at Millui
liu a boom town near Rosetmig of
which a dlepatc'i to tlie Telegaim1
says: An aftermath of thu carnival
held at Sutberlin last week is an hi-- '
tion filed in tbe Cirnuit Court there ;
agai'ist the pror;oleis w the carnival
by tbe Portlaud Aeroplaue Co., E. B.
Ely, Vice presideut and manager 1
Fur making or rather attempting to;
make flights iu a biplane nu tdree
days of tbe carnival Ely alleges ttmi
$180 is due bim on agreement tbat he
was to receive one half of th gate :
and grandstand receipts 1'iih Suth-r '
lin promoters will tight 'he suit, de
during that Ely's flights w-re fall
ores. On tbe first day ol thu carnival
the; biplane barely cleared an "nil- ,
nary fence; on tbe second day li
could uot go over the fence, aud on ;
tbe third day after rising to n height '
to about 20 feet, the machioe sud
denly fell to the grouud ami was,
Additional Locals
X. T. Corey, a brother of P. M.
Corey, arrived last week from Selns
taoool, (Jul., with tbe iuteutmu of
locating here. He is a contractor
aud builder, and will huild a reni
dence for P. M. His faitnly will pro
bably follow bim In a shrurt time.
The bull game Sunday resulted in
a victory for Alturas, tbe score etaud
ing 10 to 7. The game did not come
up to expectations, and Uus Schro
der's colts will bave a walk-over on
tbe Fourth if the other ,teanis do uot
put up better ball than they have
done thus far tbia season.
Fred Oliver, U . McDonald, J. 11
Lewis O. E. Snider and Cbas. Mo
Intyre, all of whom register from
Spokane are looking over tbe possi
bilities this sectiou. They went to
Warner yesterday, and will vUit Sur
prise Valley, Davis Creek aud New
Pine Creek before returning.
It has been tbe custom from time
immemorial, to find fault and be
little tbe hotel S'lcommodatlons in
towns tbe size of Lakeview. The sol
itary exception within tbe. writer's
knowledge was tbe Model Ian House
in Roseburg along in the early "JO'b,
although there may be others. Be
this as it may,' tbe Examiner is
firmly ot tbe opinion tbat tbe hotel
accomodations of Lakeview at tbe
present time are not equalled by
those of any other town on tbe coast
of Its size. It is a well known faot
tbat both hotels are taxed tu tbe
limit, and no doubt the management
see where improvements could be
made, but this thing of local people
greatly magnifying our alleged short
comings should bait.
The lused Sanson tot building (Ires
in Niitini.iil forests begins .lime i.
Last yeti foiest fire losses Hu'gre
cittcd about flHUt.lKKl. an except iina ly
I -mull los-i CKinparsd with other yean
j I'ecause of tne good fortune the For
jetry Serivco fears careleHMiens this
! vear and extra iir cautions are being
The census rtmrt as tu the popula
tion of Lakevieiv and Lake County
a ill prove no pxct'itlmi to the gener
al rule, aud therefore the figures at
which it is being placed arn not like
ly to bo reached. It is nearly certain
Hint the population enumerated In!
the ciiii'ity will be far fr un bum. It j
it generally conceded t tint mm tnirdl
nr-the population of lh county is in j
LakeviMw, and according tu Out l'n
f reasoning, the census mil ahntv ;
Lakeview to have ali'int KI.'s) inhabl-!
'ants. i
S J. Pulton, whs up Ihivls
Creek, ay that all sorts ol cr p' In
his sect lull are In tine shape, lind that
never hefmo have t he pt aspects !ur
fruit been mi fsvoritlile. Inaniiuch
as tint mhisoii Is mi far ml vnncel,
there s now no reason to I t llevn ti nt
the ci ip en ti l' il'iinagt'd ly Iroit,
and lurlher the Irml itelf Iihh
reached such a stntte ti nt it c ni l ml
tie damaged to any appri cbil le ex
tent except ly an niipirci-.tenleil
freeze. It is tin fly womlri ful at
what an early stage trees lnwlu liMtr
Ing In that sect inn, tnr .-. r ihittnn
states that snine peir liei he plinted
two years ago f ate fruit ui tlmui
this ) ear.
l-'i'U ?v LL pi i lex lu c. M '"
, ll.lij'.. I'.., I I l" Clilllll.l , (!.
K iii M i (. tin' n n i itfer,
(V IH'M Ml II, ll'ilHl.iw, CnlHnr
iiln, Itnt :t " I 10
'1 he si curing i ninil ol the iimler
hlgned will le ( pill fid use at linY
tiinn liteileil. mil t lin dipping rig
with It. Have a gund cre v of men
NO I i( ' I '.-- A 1 1 1 '. II Iti'il (Hit tir bl'ukell
1 1 in ih inn n i In- I' lnriii il to the nlllrc
,.f tin' ( iiiiipiinv; nt licrw lat nn
exltii Iwt it: ! "i it'iita will U' liuido
nil 1-411 ll iillllp.
N I'. .1 KNMiN, Proprietor
;,.'.f I.I. ctin- Light Company
A select and hih jjrnde stock of
I'urniture, Carpets, Art Sipiarcs,
K'us, I.itiolcuins, Wall Paper,
Iron Hals, Mattresses, Haven
ports, Mirrors, (ilass, Picture
F ranus, Ivtc, eontinuall v arriving
Colvin's Furniture Store
Herman t Hall, a i'iiiii.Ih of real eg- ;
tate men from Grant ra.s hMve been
in Lakeview several lays awaiting 1
repaiia to their auto The., left!
(rants Pass ahrut three w eki ago for I
a lour of Central Oregon, an I are
now on their way houi. They started
tiv way of Klaicath Kalis and made a
circle of the interior part ot the
state, visiting Koalan l. Mend, Piine
vilie, Uurns. and o'her iioints, re
turning via the "P" rauoti where they
broke a part of the auto, which ne
cessitated its being drau to Lake
veiw by a span of burses. Their ins
cription Harney county roads is not
a all flattering, for iu many places
no attempt has been ma de tu buil I a
road, owing no doubt to the Isolated
condition of a vreat. part of the comity.
Lakeview Meat Market
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Free Delivery
Willow Ranch Orchard Homes
Have No Competitors
Because they excel all others. The best
opportunities for buying of Irrigated Orch
ard and Garden Land is in the WILLOW
doc County, California.
The Cream of the Goose Lake Valley
mm m mm m
no expert who has investigated this
wonderful land of sunshino has yet dared
to place a limit upon its horticultural
Mature Here Gives the Maximum Return
For the Minimum of Labor
Ten acres of Perfect Orchard Land - - $050
Fifty dollars down--Fifteen dollars per month
No interest. - - - No taxes until deeded
Give Us a Chance to Show You. Write for Booklet and Plat
Good Live Agents Wanted