CLASSED WANTS If you want all tho nowa of Lako County and Goldon Goobo Lako Valloy, subscribe for THE EXAMINER, only a yoar. wtmn I WALTER H MILKS, A no pouter. Hii'in"l to" have Im-i'Ii hern Ihn i hmI fi week An? InforiiiHl loti mm to IiIh when mIhiuIh will bit ahidlv reived tiy biacnu ARTHUR Ml ELS, Lakeview. Or. I'd lk WANI l;D PILING- Coiiipetlllvii I I.Ih fur lU'O (illi-it varying lengtha. I 'or fit 1 1 r information hih or wilt ; K IIERNEY Lakevle A7lf. WANTED -A position a cook on lunch near Lakeview. I.M'ly Im Mini Unit could help on ranch or sheep ran p dining idieep shearing. Ail dret-a Examiner office. FRI E I. T ASK. - Anr person desiring li .iw mi l need :l acrea of I ii it, I In Ho 7. i US. l !r.. . rim have the entire nop. Apply to Ralph E UOO.I.K, m-Hr tin liiinl. I (lit Nl I'' FOll TH A I A foot-hill talieli of 1'MI Iirn-H, l.'id iilnliT mil l ii I i Hi. MiiK tight ( H,"l ' I'""- An aliumliiiiif nf l.i rjit- white mill live nuk I n fM. Six room hoiic, birge burn nml m-vi'iul oni-hulld liiK. I'lni well Willi l'.'h home JIOWIT 1 1 II it l II bC plant. UcmmI live Hprlnu nml riirk Willi mount ' In trutii Ilio yenr mound. Property iiciir I'ii'mii'ii, California. WniilMio Irinli' fur forty m to alfalfa a lull In Oirgoii. Value f "i,.".0i). My imi if neager linos. I'OIC MALE l(l niTrM Willi n ft in'ie water right. O.V L. TrHi-t HI. Nee. 7, 1. II. It IH, nml II. Hik. 117. fur $ 1110. 17U. iinl. AiIiIivmn Alfred k vUi mlall, I i n. lal. Aiiki'Ii m, Calif. I () SALE - ".Ml lii'inl uf Gout nml ulioiit 500 K'llH nml Hi' nrii H l Im ii I Hittinliil in 1 1 ii I In I'liiiili-. For further pnrt Ii'IiIiitm write nt linpilif of W. F. Stanley. Lnkt-vicw. I Hi' gon. -'"-t HOUSES I'Oll H l.i: AUn ih linn ICiikIImIimIii n- Si nllii'ii. l .Vrl M olil f 1 1 I r nl rim. M Olivi r, rnm li ft iiiIIi m Month of ,Ni'v l'liif I'ni'k, Ori'K"ll. l'OK HALi;. Ill HrffH. with f hit water r'utit, oVU Tnii-t U), ec. 7, Twp 41. K l'.l. nml Lot 11. I'lk. 'i7. MiiNt mill nt oncn. l'rli'e 1170. tlM) I'Uill. A'tlllKMH A. KUYKKMALL, linn. Dnl., Lot Anrlf. till. WHY NOT. Speiwl your VHCHtlnn at "The JftfHrmiii, " isau 1'rMM'lm'oT A city hoti'l dlliiHtrit In h ln Hiit If ul park hull II to niluuti a trnui Market hi. tipiu'iiil rutia for the nuiuuu r. NLWSl'Al'LK (iood litilHiirHM. I'or partli'ulHru apply at Lxnciluer ollli'v. lllue 1'rlnlH or any towiihliiii in Uuroi Laml DUtrU't bin ln all lund entrii'M, iiHini'H, dntt-H, etc. To poitraphy. Your orlir IIIIhiI on day Of mcHlTintf. I'm-e f 1. J. I'. tUUNLY. liurna, Oregon Ctf PIANO l'OK KALK-Kobler A Cap bell. Lmiutrr of Mr. I). H. Laater Lakevii'W. AMtf. POULTKY. Uoae Comhed llrown Lauhnrua. A few cnckcrcla ami alao KK for aattltitf. For prli-i'a enquire of Mrs. W. T. HUSWOKTH, South Lakevlnw. Olmo. IIOHHLS l'OK KALL. llroken ami unhrokiin. Alao oun LbKllahahirn i ypar old atal'loa. Luiure Ht this cHloe. Mchl7tf i r'OIC HALK. Oue cuunter and two) ahow I'liaflS In kimkI condition. Sue T. H. t;LOUD. I.OMT AMI KOI Ml I.IWT Oohl nm-Uliicii. will) hlllicll of Rrapoa ponilaut. Finder will tloiiH leave muni' at Kxatnliipr oltli'e. sust i.a.n t.ui s WANTED -Men c'lipahlo of eariiinn ')().( Hi per week aellitiK treea for larKi'Ht an I heat known nurawry in the. Went. ilhoicHi turrltory Ouiiranteed atonk for partiiMilara. a.ldrena, OltKOON NUIJSKKY COMPANY, OKLNCO, OULOON 7-P2 CAN AIj CONTICACTTO LLT.-Lu-larKfment and repairing laro irrlija tlou canal l'u to 'i inilva in U'iith at Paialey t)re MuHt he completed hy the lat of May or aooner, hIho WHiited man to do rnncli work and wife to cook for email toroo of rren. iteu onahle wiikob. Cooault with L. F. Coud, Lakeiew and call ou Cieo. (Joan, PiiiHiny Oregon TIUOSPASS NOTICK We herehy warn all partiim foim entering our proinlne in Sim. H TowiiHhlp ;JD SU. 20ti, for purpoao of hunting or Hulling or otherwiHe. .1. O. MULL 38 tf. (JKO. JAMMIOmilAL 'I KI.KI'IIOI.M. LOOK AT THK NOTICH FOIt ItK wiinl Ihhiii'iI hy tho 'i Icplioni' Coiiipnu.v fur ih'Hiriyln ltn prop crty. lHf 1.14(1 4I(H IMMIUIM. )ht X"kT( i 1 1 v k rn iCiuwv KiHilt'iii .iiipitii-H nml ('Ikhph to bo found In Oregon. tf J. 11. CUTLKIt WHISKY AT Till! Hotel Lnkovlcw linr. Tho boat nml pur-'Mt wIiIhU.v tmulo. tf .. .. .... .' I Miinci nit t i Jamps Barry Ilrudawttb Hwallow Votk la rlKlil ear for owei;revrw tor wtlliem. Hmnn rwua Hqiiaro Crop aud Hill Id rlbl ear. Tar brand 111. Kauga, Crana Laka. 1'oilomce aUUriuia. ikavlew . Oioa HV.M, f.MTATK FOR HALE Orchard land In the ilemniiatratad fruit I t'll of I. iik Co., Ore , ID iiimI 20 arcs tri'Mta, mull mnithlr inyoent. Write E. JC. PATCH, Lakeview, Ore. WK SELL 10 ACRE TRACTS under Irriiiglloti n tha Ooldnii liooae Val ley from IIM to exi each. Write tor cmr booklet. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO. Lnkaview, Or. Wtf ! I'nr rcol - KiTll'-n fi, towfiahlp .V-i ("ii'Ii, innui' "ii, vllliiu !, null' ol town. pplv In I'. A. Iliiui ri'. 112 . i ' NTH tY MlTII K HI lIAVrU. linn llHy Warn. One ' 1'nrk liny llnr'K, hiilliia on without roi'i'. Niiii inln ri-wHr'l paid lor any liifnrmiil 'on or rrturninu mkiiih to I irnwM Cri'i'k ( 'itni'ii. Ii-h-phonn any In foriualioii to i Hki-vl MiTi iinlllH Co. 1'KIK lill.LLU. KIKAYI'I) or hliilin. hhout Am I.Y, r.MiIi, riii irrMV tiiurf , lirmido'l with .1:. on li-tl Ktllli. li ni'iir on front li'tf, wi lifht I4xi, iiho'il 10 year i. hi. Llulil hay. wl,ite face khiIiIIii ImrHf, anina hiaud, wirn ai'iir on li-ff. limit hri'l, ahimt )' yi'itrn old, weight ! LOW) pnuinU Llhi'lal iril. ANHKI'.W MOKIIIS, Adi-I. NOTICL FOi; PUHLICA'IION lli'pHrtuii'iit of tln liiti'rior. U S Lend Ollli-n Mt Lake lew, Ori'tiO", Ai.rii :n, i!i. Not coh) IhihI Nollre la herehy kIvhii that F.dward A Kny'ir, of Liiki'VlHW, Onuou, who, on May 1, I'.KI.'I, iiiuiih HoriieateHd n- ry No "J! a I, aerial. No twin, for h.'j SKJ, HKJNKJ, rj'A'iHKJ, Koctloi '."A Townahlii :i7S, Kmiikd I'.iL, Villnujetl Mi rl'llHi), Iihh tiled uotli'i' of Intention to innk Final Five Vear Proof, to ea talihah claim to the land ahove de Kcrllii'il, liefure Peulati-r ( and Kerel er, U H Land Olllie, at I.Hhe'iew, Or.'Wdii, on the 10th diiy of Juiik. 1!M) Cliil'imnt nainea iih wltni-MHea: X Air.nt-r, of LakeMew, (ireon li Arz hit, of Lakevlew, Oii-koii J Ar.ner, of Lnkl'W Oregon J O, Vlllla, of Lttkevlew, Ori'tfon A nil! UK W OIM'ON, KeKlater NOTK'K OF ADMIMSTKATOn'S SALH OF KKAI. PKOPKKTY In the matter of the entitle of 1'.. LI ('oonai', Dereaae'. Notice la herehy (Iven that under and purauant to an order made aud entered into the above entitled mat ler hv the ('ounty Court of Lake County. Ortiton. on the IKth day of April. IU1U. lii-eualnn and emjiower liiK the tin-'erhlKiied aa. adinlutatrator of tho eatate of 10 li Coouae, de ceaand, to aell at private aale the leal property hereinafter draerihed The underaKueil will from and after the 4th day or June A. U., PJ10, proceed to aell at private aale at New l'lue t'ruek Oreifon, for caah upon de livery or deed and auhjert to confli nation hy the court, all the rltiht, tula aud Intereit aud eatate which the above named ilecedent had at the time of hia deah, aud all the rltfht, title ami lutereot whlcli hla eatate haa a I nee acquired In and to the fol lowing deacrihed real property, aitu ated lu Lake county, State ot Oregon, to-wit ; Houtheaa Quarter of 8outh-wet Quarter and Lot Number Four in See Hon LlKhteeu. Townahip Forty-ooe, South, Langa Twenty-one, Kaat of Willainette Meridian, I u Lake Couuty, Oreon, coutalulnu 80 acrea, more or leaa. Dated tt'lu Mb day of May. 1910 AL COONSK. Admlnatrator of the eatate ot K 11 Cuouae deceaaed 18-U $1,00000 Reward. Tho Ori'non. California it Nevada LIvi'Htock Protoctlvo AMMoclutlon will irlvo 1(MM Itownrd (or tlio con viction of any party or partloa atoal liiK lioreoa, cattlo or tunica Ih-IodkUik to any ot t tie following iiioiiiIkth if tlila AHKociatloti: Cox & Clark, Chowacan Land & Cattlo Co., Horyforil Land & Cattlo Co., Lako County Land & Llvoetock Co., Warner Valh-y Stock Co., Win W. Ilrowii. Coo. M. JonoH, (ioo. linn kliiM. S. 11. Chandler. C. A. Kohart. N. Fine, W.A. Currier, Frank 11. Kaucrx, .LC. Ilotchklaa, Calderwood P.roa., P. .1. llrattaln & Soiih, T. A. Crump, CroHMler & llonner, W. T. CroMHlcr Maud 1. P.amlio. W. P. llKHvroui). Prea'. 't OKI U KIi j M MlI.I.KU.Sec Ac? r ik. . P. Hi:i(YKoii Fix anck Oom.F. M. Huhkn S. 11. Chan"' $1,000 REWARD Thfl Orin ( I far u in till Ni'Vl i.tvo aiurk I'rolt'O ion AimooIhI loll, o which lliu llllll'T nIk'iuiI In a mriiilier Skill alvu IMWW rewanl Ini evlil'in' li.ail i In I Iih t . ft, ; rest wiiil convlrliou ot any parly or par tltomti'ulliiR hcimrii, I'nttlcor urn lea ! loiiKliiiiloauy ofita Illl'lUblTB. In ailibtlon lo I lie aliovc, Ihe uintrrKKiiel olTeraoii Hie mime eomliUoii t'KU.Ui for all liorn u liraiiili' l ' h ji'' Iio liar mi lntll or eilliur jaw. llrniiii mnrili'il In eluht coiiiillin. I!kuo II urn. v. '. mi'l Crunk countlra. Ilnrbi'8 Vl'lltl'll W 1 1 ' 1 1 Hlllll. Noi. ! ;rowu horici nolit, ami only In large biilii'lii'" W. V. llitow.N. Fllo. Oregon. WESTFRN STAGE Klamath Falls-take tiew O Stae Comoanv OKKIIKN Blrrrnutlle Vn'm Hiore, l.akrvlew Aiuerlruu Hotel, Hlaiuath fella FAUM Iteuud Trip Ome Wmr in i l ? ' i ,' 'i To Llirht Consumers All uaara of eliclrl) liulitn am cau tioned to have their nil lampa ready ! for iiaa durluK r lectrlcal at.orma, an I the (inrreut mil ha hut off without I fall whaoevM (Januer thn-iitetia, N I' J J i'ii ci' n lH-4t ; NOTK L Afti-r flu; luf . ility 'f I - iinlrt'r, :his, nil lull fur li"trlc HkIiI iiiiihI lit' proiuill,V pxhl on or iM'fuio tin1 Old il.v of ncli inoiith nl, tin- Llrwt NxtlmiM.1 Hunk of I,llkl'i'W fJBf Prnfilpt til'MH In thlH purt irnliii will liiMiiri' cnntlmii'iii'i' of I ha HT h i ; N. !'. .ILNSON, I'm prii'lor ri rii' l.iKhl Co. . TiL'lf NOTICK OF KALK OF STATK LANDS: Notice la herel y lven that the State Jiimd Hoard will receive aealed hlda until 10:00 o'clock A. M., .Mine Kill), fur the following deacrihed achool laurU, to-wit: All of Section Pi. T. T.I K. K. !i W All of Section '.Vi T. Ill K K .'I W. TheSU!,,. W'vnfHKl and Lota .1 and 4 .Ken HI. I'. W'i S K. '. W All of Seel Ion lo, T. .T.I H U. LI W. The N'., or S'v and Lota 1. ?. :i, and I of Sen. Hi. T. 41 K K. I2W The NWJ of N'V4', N'.'4' aud NK'i of SK'4 of Seo HIT. 3HH K 11 V. Lota I, '1 : and 4 aud SK'4' ot hWJ au h'j of r-L'4 of Section 10. T ! H. It. 13 K. Lota 1. V., :i, 4. and the W,' of V.i. K'.-. of W',. HW'of NW'iand W)., of K'j of Section IKS, T. IDS. K L All bl'la in nut he accompanied hy re vuliitly executed application to pur cIiiih and at leant one-fifth of ttie amount olfeied. No hid of leaa than 7.f0 per acre w ill he coualdered. The ria'ht la reaerved to reject any and all hida. A pplicatloua and hiiia ahnuld lead dreaaed to (i. O. lirown, Clerk Stte Land Hoard, tia!em Oreunu, ami marked "Application and bid to pur chase atate ianda. " a. o nnowN. Clerk State Laud Hoard Dated March 21. 1910 M:)!J'2 NOTICK FOR PUHLICATION Department of The Interior, U.S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oreuou April UO, l'JK) Lakeview 01017. Not coal laud. Notke ia terehy (jiven that May Harry of Adel, Oregon, who, on June '20. WW!, mae Deaert Land entry No. b-JO. Serial, No. 01047, for Sec tion 14, Towuablp 403 . Kanne 27F. Willamette Meridian. I aa filed notice of lutention to make Final Proof, to eatahliah claim to the land ahove de nor I bed, before Letaler and He reiver, 17. S. Laml OtHce, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the.hlh day of June, 1310. Claimant namea as witueaHea: Michael O Sullivan, ot Lakeview, Oregoo. Michael V. J. Harry, of Adel. Ore POD. Charles C. DuiiKan, of Adel Oregon. Jack P. J. Harry, ot Lakeview, Ore- Kn ARTHUR W. ORTON Register A2HJ2 50 REWARD. A REWARD of fifty dollars ia here by offered for information that will lead to the arrea' and cooviction of any peiaon who has stolen wires or other property, from our Company; and the name reward ia hereby offered for'informut i',n that will lead to tbe arreat and -r nvictlon of auyoue des troying th" property of the Company. Chas. Urn bach, Secretaty Lake Co. TeL A Tel. Co. Ittf. SHAKE. INTO Y0U3 SHOES Allen'a Foot-Ease, a powder. R lpve jaln rul.amartlni,'. nrrvouii ti it and Ingrowing dkIIh and Inslantly lakea the stlnK out ol coma and bunloua. ll a the greateat oomlort dlwovery ol the age. Allen's Koot-Kase makes Until or new shins d el cany. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, acting feet Try It today. Hold by all Priivglats and Shoe atores. Hy mall (or l'-c In stamps. Pnn't ac cept any substitute. Trial package ERfcE. Ad' dress Alleu H. Uluisted, Le Kov, N. Y' No 3 ' f "'ipO''if f. "rf.:u'.,o i-. -i tx ni.'cts ilrvjajracfiKaL-aat . i- ; i'. i Ci'.-.r;!' aud tlrlves 1 m ii... Ite id .i ii-'. 1! Kt.-n- I I -tf fill uell. Full Ml' i' '.: ,; i -1 s o" by mail. Liipii.. "i ;i .1- i:i eti.i.ii.ers 7.r i't i , .'.') V'urivM : ii- ', Ni-.v itU. "with st"cvi'tli cnJ vasa TWO HORSE ovc alls ; ., i i Raises the dough CRESCENT MFO. CO. Makers of MAPLEINK (better Uuin Maple). and complies with t-" "Yvrri.v.t'M all pure food laws. "yr-f . ."vTj n.r- "T NOTICK l'OK PL'ULICAI ION Not Coal Lan l Hi'tiiirfiiieiit of the Interior. U.K. Land ollh-e at Lakeview, fjreifon. May 2 '. IIH0. NT('K l hereby uvcii that And-! row W. futphen, whoai' Kat-ofllce addrera i La kevle w. Oregon, did, On the 7th day of Jnnxry. JiilO, fll.i In thl-1. fib o Sworn Statement and A f jilii'Bll'in. ,., OJlai!) to p,ir hu the KW';4SK'4'. SL'SVVif. Lot 7, Meet loll I, Tiiwin-iiip ::ks, I to ii tr- 171!, Wlllii- tlli'tt Merlilian. Jafid I he timber I here on, under I he provlaimiH of the art of . .Iiiiie.'l, 1ST, and acta i.nieiiilsit.'iry, kno'vti oh the "Timber nml Stone haw", M ' Miirli vol lie a a in I if ht lie fl X ed bv iipirnlHini-iii, mid Ilia', purau ii n l to hiii li n i;ilica ion, tho land and tluiU'r I hereon have been fippralaeil the IIiiiIm t i Miimat.i-d I.OIII.IKW leiard i feet at fO li per M. and the land II 10. j that the nid aiplleant. Will offer j film' proof in aupp'trt of f i Im implica tion n ad a worn at nle meet on t In- .'101 h ' day of July, 1110 ta-fon- Ki-ulater and I n. ceiver, I'. S. Land olJIcc, at Luke, view. Oreiion. Any i ron in at bla-rty to icmeHt thlx iiurrha-ii' before en t ry. or initia te a coiiIihi at any time iH-fore pati nt laliea. bv tidmr ;i corroborated n fflda vlt In tlil otilri., nlli-irliiB IiicIh that would ilefea t t he enl rv. 2 '.'t AUTIII'K W.OI'.roN. I'.eKlati-r NOTICK roll im:i:i.!CATIoN Not on I I.mid Di ti.irtmeiii of i he Interior, I'. S, Land oMI'i' nt Lakeview , Oregon. .May 1. P.) 10. NOTI'-KIa hereby given that JanieM Frunklin Mnvfl-hl. whoee poet ollice iiddreHM im Lakeview. Oregon, did, on tin- :nu day of April, 11)10, file In thl office Sworn Statement and ap plication. No. li:t:!S, to purchase the SL!4. Section C, Town-bi, Lata.'' 171! i, I. in. el to Me Idian, :imi iiiiiiir thereon, under t he I loi ,rinM .( ilieai t if June 3, l-TS, M i"l ii't - .i hi-iebi tory . km vi hum the I vi.t i r i d Mono Law," at audi'ie n.iin'ht be fixed by apprais al nt. u. i I that purHUant to Hlirll ap le iiilon, land and the timber thereon have been a iirulrel, tho timber ea 'imated l.ll'.I.OOO board feet at f0.75 iT M. ami the land lh().0; that aaid appl;cHnt will offer final proof in aup port of hli application and aworn Miateim nt on t he UHth day of July, 1'JIO, before KeKieter and Receiver U. S Land Ollli.-e, at Lakeview, Oregon Anv jaTKoii ih at liberty to proteat thia purchm-o la-fore entry, or Initiate ii conteft at any time before patent la aui'M. by f j 1 1 tax? a corroborated alil davit in thia office all-'in facta which would defeat the entry. 21-Ht ARTH l.'R W. ORTON, Register NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION Deuartmeut of tbe Interior U. S. Laud Olllce at Lakeview, Oiegoo, Mar bl. 1U10 Not coal land Nntice ia hereby given tbat Roae O. Muylield, wboee poet-office addreaa ia Lakeview, Lake Co., OreitoD, did, on the Hth day of April, 1910, file in tbia ofllce Sworn Statement and Ap plication No. Oll.'ilO, to purchase the K'jN J ,Wt.,NE?4'. Section 26, Town ahip 38S, Rauue 17E, Willamette Me ridian, end tbe timber thereon, under tbe provisions of the act of June 3. lb7H, aud acts amendatory, known as the "Timter and Stone la," at sucb value aa miKht be Iliad by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to sucb ap plication, the laui and timber there on have been appraised, tbe timber estimated 017.000 board feet at .75 per M, aud tbe land 9 100.00; tbat said applicant will offer Hnal proof in support of bis application and sworn statement on tbe 21st day of July. 1!10, before Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore gon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by tiling a corroborated aflldavit in tbia office, alleging facts which would defeat tbe entry. ART HUH V. ORTON, Register 20-9t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department Of Tbe Interior. U. S. Land OtHce at Lakeview, Oregon, April 7, 1910. Lakeview 02021. Not coal land. DFB Notice is hereby given that Michael ISreeii, whose post-office address is Lakeview Oregon, did, on tbe 15th day of October, 1909, flle in this office Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 02024 to purchase the S'j Sl... Section 10 Township 38S, Range 17f. Willamette Meridiau and the tim ber thereon, uuder tbe provisions of the act of June 3, 1S7S, and acta amendatory, kuown aa tbe "Timber and Stone Lnw, " at sucb value aa might hn tlxed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to sucb application, the laud aud timber tbereou have beeu appraised, Febtuarv 2ud, 1910 the timber estimated 950.000 board feet at $.75 per M, aud the land 100.00; that said applicant will oiler Dual proof iu support of bis ap plication aud sworu statement, on the 10th day of June, 1910, before Register and Receter, U. S. Laud Office, at Lakeview, Oregou. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, oi initi ate n contest Ht any time before patent issues, by llliug a corroborated atlldavit iu thia office, allegiug facts which would defeat the entry. ARTHUR W. OIU'ON. Register AUJ1G. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior, U. S. Lund Office. Lukevlew, Oregon April 20, 1910. Lakeview 01050. Not coal land. Notice Is hereby given that Phillip P. Barry ,of Adel. Oregon, who. ou June 21, 1900, made Desert laud entry No. 023, Serial, No. 01050, for E's NWLNEt, Beo. 31; V.;NVr. Section 35, Townahip 40S, Range 27 B. Wil lamette Meridiar, has tiled notice of iuteution to make Final Proof, to es tablish claim to the luud above de scribed, before Register and Receiver, U.S . Laud Office, at LaKeview, Ore gon, ou the 8th day of June. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: CHARLES K DJUUAN. of Adel, Ore. MICHAEL P. BARRY, of " Ore JOHN P. J. HARRY, of " O-e WILLIAM 1UNEHART, of Cedar ville, CI. ARTHUR '.V. ORTON. Register. A28J2 NOTICK FOR FUULICATION Department Ot The Interior, U H. Land Office at Lakeview, Oreon, April H I!)I0. I.akavle OJii. Not coal laorl. oris Notice ia herehy xlten that May' Hatchelder, hoa poat-ofllce ad , dreaa la Lakevlew. ()renn. did on the 15th day of October, VMfJ, Mia In , thia orfice Sworn Statement and Ap-! Ileat lon, No. iJ'I'i.l, to purchnae th ; KKJ. Heel Ion 'It, l ownahlp 3HS. , KHiiue i.r,, wiuameue Meii'iiao, and the timber thereon, under the r rovb.l.ina of the art of June IJ, 187H, and acta amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Sfoee Law, " at inch , value aa nilird he fired hy appraise- j u-ent. and tint, purauant o auch ap-I fllcation, the land and limber there-! on have been appiaiaed, February I. j 11)10 the limher eitimated HIJ.(XX) hoard feet at 1.75 per M, and the land i tl!.M).()0; that aald applicant Willi offer final proof in aupnort of her ap plication and aworn atatement ou the ild day ot Jnne, 1010. before LeKla ter aud lUcelver, C. H. Land OUice, at Lakeview, Oreuou. Any peraou la at liberty to protect thin purcubH hefoie entry, or initi ate a content at any time before patent laauea, hy l)lini a corroborated afllrlavit lu tbia olllce. alleuirja facta which would defeat the entry. AKiilUK W. OKTUN. ICeiiater AUJIti SALE OF TIM HER, Portland, Ore gon, April 2d, l'JlO. sealed bids jiarked outside "Ui'i, Timber Haie Application April 15, l'JK), Fre mont," and addressed to the District Koreeter, Forest Service Portland Oregon will be recieved up to and in cluding the 3 da; of June 1910 for all the merchantable dead timber stand ing or down and ail tbe live timber i 'i arked for cottiug by tbe Forest offl ; r r located ou an area to be defioite 1 y designated by tbe Forest officer be 1 ore cutting begins including approx imately 370 acrea in Seo la and tbe Ni of See 19 T. 33 S, R 17 E W M, within tbe Precool National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be t,218.00C ft fi M of western yellow pine, eoi 742, 000 ft U M of white fir, live or dead suwtimber, loe scale, more or less. No t,d of leaa than 22.70 per M ft. h M for western yellow pine and 1 per M ft li M for white fir will be considered, and a deooeit of 8)000, payable to tne order of tbe First Na tional Rank of Portland. Oregon, must be sent to that bank witb each bid submitted to tbe District Fores ter Timber upoi valid claims ia ex eoopted from sale Tbe rigbt to re ject any and all bids is reserved. For further ictormation and regula tions g07eruiug sales address Forest Supervisor. Fremont National Forest, Lakeview, Oregon GKO. ii. CECIL, Actiag District Foiester NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department Ot Tbe Interior, U 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oiegun April 7, 1910 Lakeview 02C92.. Not coal land. DFB Notice is hereby given tbat Patrick J. Breeu, whose post-olllce aodrees is Plush, Oregon, did. ou tbe 9th day of October, 1909, tile in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No 02092, to purchase tbe SEJNWJ Lots 3 aud 4, See. 3; Lots 1, 2. SW NrJJ. Section . Township 38S, Range 17E Willamette ietidlan, and tbe timber thereon, under tbe provisions of tbe act of Jure 3, 1878, aud tbe acts amendatory, known aa tbe "Tim ber and Stone Law," at such value aa might be fixed by appraisement, and tbat, pursuant to such applica tion, the land and timbei thereon have beeu appraised, March 1, 1910 tbe timber etti mated 800,000 board feet at $.60 per M. and tbe land 100. 00 ; tbat said applicant will offer final proof in support of bis applica tion anJ swoin statement of the 22nd day of June. 1910. before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land .Office, at Lakeview, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest thia purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by tiling a corroborated affida vit in this office, alleging facts wbicb wonld defeat the entry ARTHUR W. ORTON, Kegiater, AHJ16 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lakeview J314S DFB Department Of The Interior, United States Land Office, Lakeview Otcp.ou, Mar. 14tb, 1910. Notice is hereby given tbat the State of Oregon baa filed in this office its application, serial 03143, to select under the provisions of tbe Act of Congress, of Aug. Hth. ISIS, and the acts supplemental aud amenda tory thereto, the iots 7 and 8, Se3 tion 23; Lot 5, Section 20; Lots 1 and 2. Section 27, Tp. 408., R. 20E.. W. M Any aud all persons claiming ad revsely tbe lands dsorihed or desiring to object because of the mineral character of tbe land, or for any other reason to tbe disposal to applicaut, should tile their affidavits ot protest in this office on or before the 14th day of May, 1910. The foregoing notice will be pub lished in the Lake County Examiner, a weekly newspaper priuted iu Luke view, Oregon, for the period of not leaa tbau thirty days prior to date last hereiu mentioned. ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register A21 Mfi4 FOREST RESERVE SELECTION United Stutea Land Office, Luke view, Oregon, May, 2d 1910 Notice js hereby Klveu that the Cal ifornia and Oregon Land Coiupauy, a Corporation orgauized and doing bueinexs uuder the laws of tho State of California, by its duly authorized aijent , W. II. Shirk, whose post office address is Lakeview Oregon, made application May 2d. 1910 to selsct under the act of June 4th 1897 (30 Statute .'0) the following described tiact to-wit : NEJ of the MVJ of eeo tioul7 T37. S. li. 17 E. W. M . The purpose of this notice ia to al low all persons claiming the selected land above described uuder the min ing laws or desiring to show it to be mineral in character, au opportunity to die objeotiou to snob selection with tbe Register and Receiver of tbe U. S. Land Office at Lakeview Oie gon, and to establish rtheir Interest therein or tbe mineral character thereof, oa or befoie June 3rd, 1U10. ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register. N.'VIICK FOR PUBLICATION Department Of T b Interior United State Land Office Lakeview, Oregon, April 0, 1010 Lakeview o:)8 Not coal lan l. DFU Notice la hereby given thit tha HUte of Oregon baa Bled In thia ofllce ita application, aerial to aelect onder the frovlaiona of Act of Congreaa, of August 14, 1H4H, and the acta aupi lemental and amendatory thereto. Lot 1, Section 7 Tp. 41S., Ii 19F... Vv. M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described or dealt ing to object because of the "ilnernl character of the land or for any other reason to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits ot proteat In this office on or before the )tb day of June 1910. The foregoing notice will be pub lished In the Kttke Co. Examiner, a weklv newapaper printed in Lake view, Oregon for a period of not lea than thirty days prior to riate lant herein mentioned. ARTHUR W. ORTON Kegiater A2IM13 NOTICE OK .SALE OF STATE LA N DS Notice is hereby that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids nntil 11:00 o'clock A.M., August 1. 1910, for tbe follolng described school lands to:wit: All of Section 10, T. 23 S R. 12 AM of Section 1C. T 3i. & It. 17 H All bids must he accrmpanied by a regularly executed application to pur chase and at least one fifth of tha amount offered. So bid of less than tlo.OO per acre will ba considered. The right is reserved to reject anr aod all bids. Applications and bids should be addressed to O. O. Brown Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon and marked, "Application and bids to purchase state laods." G. (1. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated April 22, 1310. NOTICE OF SALti OF STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given tbat tha State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 11 :00 o'clock A.M., Au gust 1, 1910, for tbe following de scribed school lands, to-wit: -m NEi. E'i offiWj. MWJ of NWJ and SJ cf Section 30. T. 38 S. R. 18E, Hl4 of NWJ and Sii of Section 16. T. 3J S. F- 22E. NEJ and Si of Section 10, T. 41 S R 21 E. All bids most be accompanied by a regularly executed application to purchase and at least one-fltth of tha amount offered. 4 No bids of lees than 17.50 per acre will be considered. Tbe rigbt is reserved to reject aoy and all bids. Applications and bids should be addressed to O. O. Brown. Clerk. State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Application and bid to purchase state lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated April 22, 1910. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department Or The Interior. U. sT Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon April 4, 1910 Lakeview 02021. Not coal land DFB Notice is hereby given tbat William F. Paine, wbose pott-office address is Laaeview. Lake Co., Oregon, aid, on tbe 15 day of October, 1909. file in this office Sworn Statement and Ap plication, No. 02021, to purchase tbe SSiNW'i. NSWi, Section 10. Town ship 3SS, Range 17E, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, uuder the provisions of tbe act of June 3, 1878. and acts amendatory, known aa tbe "Timter and Stone Law," at sucb value aa might be tlxed by appraisement, and tbat, pur suant to i-uch application, tbe land aod timber thereon have been ap praised, February 2, 19U, tha timber estimated 1,021.000 board feet at $.75 per M. aud tbe laud 1100.00; tbat said applicant will offer final proof in support rf bis application and sworn statement on tbe 10th day of June. 1910, before Register end Receiver, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregnn. Any person is at liberty to protest thia purchase before eutry, or iuitiata a contest at any time befoie patent issues, by tiling a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. i ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register. A7J9. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the lnteiior United States LaLd.Office, Lakeview, Oregon, April 27, 1910 Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregon has tiled in thia office its applicaion, serial 03320, to select under the provisions of Act ot Cougress, nf August 14 1843, aud tbe acts supplemental and ainecdatory thereto, the NWJ. W'.,SWi Section 25, Til 34S, R 24 E, W M Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described or desir ing to object because of the mineral character of the laud or for any other reason to the disposal to applicaut, should tile their affidavits of protett in this utiles ou or before the 21th of June, 1910. Tha foregoing notice will he pub lished iu the Luke County Examiuer a weekly uewspaper printed iu Lake view. Oregon for a period of not less than thirty (days prior to date lust herein mentioned. ARTHUR W ORTON, Raster Tresspass Notice All persous are hereby reiuired to forbear trespassing ou the followiug described premises and to depart therefrom, to-Ait: El.i ofNofbeo. 10, T. 39S., U. 20 E.."V. M., Lake Co. Ore., commonly kuowu 83 the Race Track Field, situated Immedi ately West of tbe Town of Lakeview, in said Couuty and State. And all persons trespassing upon these premises will be prosecuted un der tbe criminal statutes of Oregon. Dated April 21, 1910. LIGHT 4 IIAPROW A21-M