Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 02, 1910, Image 2

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Republicans to Meet at
Portland July 21
Socialist Convention
Tie Socialist eonveotiou at Klam
ath Falls next mouth promises to be
a tiU affair, as Euneue V. Pebs, (lay
lord Wilsiher, and numerous otber
promlueut figures will he present
Relative thereto the Klamat'i Chroul
cle sajs:
Already communications to l K
Assembly to Consist of 1 24S Del- j UurreUi neml of ttl9 socialists tier.
egates, of Which Lake Coun
ty is Entitled to o
Tbe following call (or a state as
semblv ha been pent out by the Re
publican State t'euttal Committee:
'Pursuant to direction of the
Republican Stte .eutral Committee
last chosen mi'! r the provisions of
the Uirect 1'iioiary law, and authoi
Iced by thai la to make rule9 ami
re,.iiliit uus for the Kovernment of the
Republican party io Oregon, an as
sembly of the Republicans of tills
state, through theit representatives
to be selected from the difeieut pre
cincts aud counties is failed to
meet In tbU l ily cf Portluod, Oregou
Thursday, July 21 1910, at 10 a. in.
for the purpose of formulatiuu and
adoptiutf a patty platform aud to
recommend to the favorable cousHe
ration of the Republican voters of
this state the name of a caudhlate, j
best qualified for each of the elective
state offices, representative in con
gress and judicial and district offices
composed of more than oue county,
subject to nomination at the primary
election to be held ou September 2i,
'910. 89 piovlded by law:
"Tbe appointment of delegates and
tbe differe it counties as fixed by said
committee, being one for eaob 50
votes, or major fraction thereof of
tbe Tote cast for William il. Tatt at
tb last piesi leutiel election, is as
Lincoln 12
Linn 44
Malheur 16
Marion 16
Morrow !4
Folk 29
Sherman 9
Tillamook 12
Umatilla 47
Union 3d
Wallowa 18
Wanco 27
Wttabington 46
Klamath 13
Yumhill 40
fioni all part of the district whicl
embraces all of Ore. on and Northern
California, asking that places be as
signed for large numbers who will
come from their territory.
Dorri telephoned yesterday to ie
serve space for from HHl to lfnl peo
ple who were coming from ft at place
aud Mr. Htirrell. who has recenlly re
turns I from the Silver Lake couutry,
stated that many are coming from
that part of interim (lregou by wagon
aud other overlaud conveyances.
The leaders here state that uo less ;
than 5000 people will be in the citv
on this gala occassion for the Soda-
Ely's Cream Balm
1 JnoCOlD
Census Shows Increase
of 250,000 People
Will Likely Result In Untitling
5tate to Additional Con
jrre.sman lu a recent article on the popula
tion of this t-tale the 1'ortlaud Ore-
gouiau says :
The census euuuieraiiou of the state
ot Oregon, so ftir a it cau be con
tinued by otllcer of the Census
llureau, will show a population ot
07i.S"l'. The net gain to the state,
will be 2o2..'!P.
While otllcial figures are not obtain i
able, a comparison of the totals for
each I'ouuty, as gathered during the
INts. They will come from all parts of progress of the. wark, with the total
the district and hundreds from other school populal ion. the votes ca-t tor
districts will come to hear ths speak- Judge of the Supreme Court since
Inj ahi.'h will be made bv the above I the census iii I IKK), ami the vote on
National leaders of the Socialist J CoLgressmen. warrants the belief that
movement, who have been Bssigued I The OregouUu's tlgures -re approxi
to rocie here. J mutely correct.
Mr. Barrel and K. V. Muller, who; An interesting feat lire of the retult
have had charge of the rnisir g of the ; pertalus to the total nunil-er ol l ou-fuud.-
lor the eu.eriainuieut f this 1 gressmeu to the total utimber of
i,nr.i ..f t. m.l W ho w 'II onnie -n thm ! which will be aarded to the state
it quit V If hinrhcd
Glti Rjliol at One.
It clean -e-, soothm,
lll-uU lllld lMlillM'tH
till) dill'lHI'd menu
briine r. Hulling front
C.inurli and drives
sway a Col I in tlio
Head qui. kly. HcllllW CTLrTD
stores the heiiemf (TIHT I I-YLll
Timto and Sim II. J-'ull sire fill rt., at Prug
giils or by mail. In liquid fnrin,,7r ci nls.
Illy Urotherliu Warreu Ktreot, New Vork.
For Infanta And Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Pours tlui
S'gnuturu ot CtX
Government Home steads anoRelinqulshmeiits
ll.V the Ihitiii'Htend SMclullHt
W. Roche Fick, Lakeview, Oregon
dm mo Lake Valley,
Wiriicr Valley
t 'liewiiiicnn Valley
Cln-Ut imiH Luke nllr.v
')iiintlri' Country
Lake County
( 'i lining
Baker W
Benton 24
Clackamas 55
Clatsop 29
Columbia 25
Coos 37
Crook 18
!urry 5
Douglas 42
tiilliani 10
rant 15
Harney 9
Hood River 15
Jackson 41
Josephine ... li)
Lake U
Lane 66
Total 124S
No proxies will be Honored io said
Assembly, but in the event of the in
ability of tie duly elected delegates
to ettend fcr any cause their vote is
to be cast from the membership for
that county, according to tbe majori
ty of opinion of those preseot aud
"It is rei-onimeor'ed that county
Assemblies be held by tbe Republi
"cans in each of tbe counties of this
atate, on Saturdav, July 16, and that
tbe meetings for electing delegates
and that the delegate to be elected
in such manner as the aounty cen
tral coiuniitee for each county may
Littlefleld Secretary."
occasion of the vucuujpment, now
have?;' 3' iltdged. They "started
ou' i;i idise $2000 and are sure this
will be foithcomiug.
1 1
aua the possiinuiy viai -muuuouimu
county will be declared a seperatu
congressioanl district.
Representation in the present Con
gress is on a basis ot one member for
each liM.000. Congress is likely o
be increased by the addition of 20
members on' a total population of
1K).000,000 io the United States. On
that ratio representation would be
ou a basis of one fur each '215,000
people. Oregou would then gain at
least one member.
io both Congressional districts the
work of the Held enumerator is stid
iu progress aud will probably .nut I
Those ' concluded before Juue 1. At that
! time all ot the remaining records in
j be boxed and shipped to Washington
for tabulation. Estimates furnished
from Director Duand. of the Census
Wool Sales Called Off
PENDLETON Or., May 25.-Owiug
to the demoralized conditiou of the
wool market the Umatilla County
Wool Growers' Association held a
meeting yesterday morning aud
voted to call otf the wool sales date
scheduled for tbe afternoon. Notwith
standing tbis fact few growers met
with the buyers at the warehouse aud
a few clips were put up. Onlv three
were sold all others being withdrawn
The prices ipaid ranged from 12'.i
cents to lC'g cents pet pound
who sold were: C. A. Peterson
Charles Johnsou and Pedro Bros.
Tbe wool buyers and representa
tives of tbe freight departments of
the diHreut railroais went to Echo
this morning for tbe scheduled sale
there, but it is expected that few, if
any, sales will be made. Tbe impres-
ion prevails that most of the Umatia- An appeal for Phillippiue iudepend-
11a County clip will be shipped to tbe ence has been Hied iu the bouse of
Chicugo Co-operative warehouse and ! representatives by Mauuel L. Oueeon,
stored until tbe market conditions resident commisHiouer for tbe Philip
are (note favorable. The growers piue islands. Quezon declared that
weie expecting in tbe neighborhood J the Filipinos appreciated all that the
of UD cents, and their disappointment ! United States government bail done
is keen. They feel that they lost ! for Ihem, but they could never be
Stage leaves I jikcview daily. e
ivpl .-1 1 1 n 1 rt y at a. in. Arrive'
at Aliuras at ti p. in.
Ijiwic Alturas f ir Lakeview n
tl o'clock a. m. or ou the arrivn
of tl.e state from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours nl
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Mattrs - (liven
5trict - Attention
- Class -
Bureau iadicate that otllcial tlgures
as to the result of tbe count will not
be availabe before October.
several tbunsaud dollars by selling
early last year, and most of tbeoi are
anxious not to repeat tbe mistake.
completely happy unless independent.
'E. V.
The Good Roads campaign now
being couuucte;i by Judge Lionel K.
Webster throughout Oregon is not
only attracting an ucusual aruiuot ot
newspaper comment, but tbe Ju Ige is
noovinciug bis large audiences that
enly in Multnomah county 'au direct
taxation be depeuded upon for goo3
roads through Portland's heavy tax
contribution and that long time bond
issues are atcut tbe o,'u 1 y
way to get good mads during the life
time of the present generatiou
throughout tbe state at lri;e. A
ouitltut'jlual amendment will be
Only 85 Years Old
Probably few of us realize that I be
first expedition through Central Ore
gon was made bat 85 years ago. In
1824 and again in 1825 Peter Skene
Ogden on bebalt of the Hudson Bay
Co. led a party from the
(1 ri I ha Hna nkntna m w A arwraa ha
M 1 f
uoiumoia !
Snake river on tbe Idaho line. Tbe
dairy kept by Ogden on the recood
trip is published in tbe December
issue of tbe Oregon Historical Socie
ty's Quarterly. Strange indeed will-
be tbe contrast of tbe couutry en
countered by tbe sturdy explorer and
that soon to be seen by tbe traveler
from the windows of Central Oregou
trains. Bend Bulletin.
mark tbe wonderful progiess of the
age. Air flights u heavy machines,
telegramt without wires, terrible war
inventions to kill men. and that
won ler of wuudeets Dr. Kings New
Discovery o save life wbeu threat
ened by coughs, colds lagrippe, asth
mu, croup, bronchihtis, heuioi rbages.
bay fever and whooping cough or
trouble. tor all bronchial
affections it has uo equal It relieves
1 lustHQtly. Its tbe surest cure. James
M. Black of Asbville, N. C. R. R.
No 4., writes it cured hi n of an ob
stinate cough after all other remedies
failed. 50c. and 31.00. A trial bottle j
free. Guaraoteeb by A. L. Thornton
Children Cry
I'. E. Tavlor. Prop.
Offica at IJ. R-ytvIJV 5tor .
Stage leave Lakeview Monday, Wed
icsday au.l Fridays at Hi. in., arrive
t 1'liish at 11 p. iu. lav.-n I'msti Tii
lays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. in., arrives at l-akeview at 9 p. in.
l'aHfiiger fare $1 oiih whv or IT loi
'oiiiid trip h'reight fl .5o per cwt.
Northern Stage Line.
A- W. BRYAN. Pronrietor.
Leuvt-i1 Lakeview at t a. m
e;i'ry day but Suik'uv.
lU'turiiing, leaven Paisley
at ii :.'0 a m very (lav bu'
Freiuht 1 "0 pr cwt.
Pcngrr' Fre S4 rfopnil irlr 17
QH-'ICK 11. Khtuoki- Hiin-. .. ..
Paradise Valley, Nevada,
Long Valley, Nevada,
UiK Valley, Caiitornla
Pour yen r 11 g; I came ti Luke ('mtiity, tliegnii; ln-ic I fiiiiinl
nut only oiint tunlllcM, I i I ci'I'IiiIiiIIcm. My I111II1 ill I he wiiinli'1 llll
reHiiurrcH nf I hin herl inn 1 if . bo hIii Ie Ii-im Ih-iii JiiHlilii-d In 11 In l -
pie In a pi'Nll Ion tu know hill IniliiMiy hi.iI m-I I lemelit ill d 1 1 1 1
vviinl ili'veliiplnu a ilist 1 Irt iih birge 11s the ci uiiIiIihmI .Iiih h i. ('uh
111 rtli'ill, lihoile Ubiiid 11111I I lelewii 1 o. I leie aie fi'i I lie vnlli- a iiuail-
lug; the plow; InniU that run In I11K111 tnn't-r tln vuriuiix xovrrii nt
bind nets,' I 1I11 nut fell liiinl-; I mn tun Iiiihv Hprchtlir.hig In tin- ure
biiMluoMs llnit nf aeeiiriiiK fur ,Vuii t In- bi't 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 m ii'h-ii tu entry either
Ii'kI nr "JO acre trm-tM. I In--.- l.u .U piudiire the piuduilH u( the
t-uiK-ml Xniie. Soil in deep, very f - r 1 1 1 .-. buldx IIKiIhIiihi' to 11 wun
ilerful ilig;i'Ci and pruibicei 11 biiinlaiil 1 1 . 'I liev 11 re i ll hi-r level valley
lands or hllght ly rulliiig'. U nier i f..nn. nt ilepih raiigliur frnm 10
feet to r. (eet mid nf the best qutllty I'Iicmi- IuiuIh are un t hr survey
id a line now biilliling scruHM Cenli il ()ii g..l. Six iost nllli-eN ure In
one valley I t.ike yon to. Vim can aell yieir p1'!) duel or feed iIumii to
the live Htui-k fur whieli Luke Comity li linted and ut tbe blglieel
jnlceH. Win id fur fuel ia wlihlu i'iiy reueli. I.iunUr lur building;
rensuliably eln-e alul iiim-li luwei In price t ha 11 In I he Cent nil Stales,
Our cllimite In iiiurli lietler than any i i'iitrul Niate We have no cy
clonea, no blizzards, and there ne-er ha been a total crop failure
froui'droiigdit. Thia ia Hot n cltriiM fruit belt but ita 11 irooil place to
11 ve aiiiuiig' good peopli) where oil ran niske a gnnil living, lie! a
few choice fi iel.di to come wit li Vi'ii and invent iuale w hat I have to
mIiuw you. I am willing; to t:ik. emi to the fullowlug; valley pernii
allv and at the lowent ommiIio n al lun fee luiixiMtent Willi hnnurable
ileallug-. 'eieraiiH of civil, SiihiiIhIi anil Philippine warn luialed
half raiea
juired to I ring this about. The trip
through Oregon of Presi lent Louis
W. Hill ot the Great Northern Rail
way has r rohatly occasioned a ureater
amount cf newspaper sommeot iu
the papeis of ths state than has been
accofdeij the visit of any otherjrnan
during the last teu years. Mr. Hill's
Tbe proposed evangelistio crusade
tc nlfset w bat some clerygtnen style
the biutaliziug influence of tbe Jeffries-Johnson
fight, is taking form.
Two New Voik preachers have ac
cepted invitations to go to Sau Fran
cisco aud hold revival meetings as
re- ) couuter attractions 10 the big tJubt.
They are the Rev. Juho Wesley Hill,
oue of the originaliors of the cru
sade, aud the Rev. John Callahan,
a mission worker.
The House has declined to give the
ue.ceseary two-third vote in favor of
a change of tbe date of inauguration
entrance luto Central Oregon from ' or President and vice president of the
Shaciko v.n9 somewhat ardiou::, us
he etarted immediately after tbe Lard
st rain fur twelve mouths which had
L'uited States from March i to the
luit Thursday iu April. The bill in
troduced by Henry of Texas to amend
Iryiii; pr';iaiitioiis sim;.ly -k-vi-i
ou dry cat una ; t.i -y dry u; tie; si.-;n-' ion i
whi'-h 11 iiuae to t!i nn lul.ruue uiul .
po--e, lusmg a f..r inuro serious troul h
th in the ordinary f'na of cat.irrh. Avoiu
all dryiiii iuhd.mrs fiuin-K, smok'-s urn'
snuff-t ii.'id m; tint -.vhii'U rh-ui-n-s, kmit'ii-i
and hi'.-J-i. I'.! l'r -;ii JJ.iha wi.i ium i i
f.-ut:irrli or imM i i t!i IhnuI easily nrnl
j.h-us.iiit!y. All dr' i- ll tlio .r,n n-tit
size. V. y Lrotle-r-,, ii i Warren itret,
Nt-.v Vnri;.
The liahii i 1 v. ir j .ut pain, drx-.-i not
irrit ati-o-inu-i: s ii i-i;i It auri-aii.t if 1 If
over an irriiati-1 an d Hilary ?uri h-h, ri-lii.v.
in' iiiiiiii'dlat'-ly t!t; iain;i.l i 1 1 1 1 . 1 m 1 1 . . ; ion.
Ely's Cr'-.m I'.-ilm enntaiiiH no cui.-aiiio,
mercury uu:- o.'.i' r hanalul drus.
lesulted in uiukiug some of the roads 'tlje cor.stitntiou for this purpose, re
tilmost IU.J asrihle, but hd wii.i di-ter- iceived a vote of 1TO yeas and 70 nays,
mined to sde all there was to bee ;.ud i "Ui 't!ts tlian f'B two-third required
his personal discomfort was iver j 'or ' udopfioii
lueutloued. lu every lace bo Lad
something defiuite and decisive to i Last Friday the aenate by u vote of
say. His vicit has berved a a tre
uiendous eiicouragemeuts to tho-e in-
treted in the development of Oregou
tjjj to 10 adopted
amendment to the
Never did Oregon look to clean,
bick end upau as at the present time.
Kasteru aud Central Oregou lhave had
tains nt just exactly the right time.
Western aud Southern Oregou are in
tensely prosperous, and the carpen
ter, cabinet maker, painter, designer,
landscape artist aud buey boiuewife
have had more than they coul do in
vvery eaction, for the disposition to
clean up and paint up aud put the
best foot foreaost was never more
atageous tbku at the present time
a compromise
railroad bill for
tLe regulation of relative charges for
long aud bhort haul.
Just what the result of the euact
nieut of the bill will be will no
doubt be determined by the courts, as
there is said to be a big dillerence
umoug the senators as to it meaning.
Ker. Henry N. Couden, the blind
chaplain of the bouse of representa
tives, astouishel the members of the
body by praying for deviue guidance
to lead the muck rakers to "rake be
fore their own doors before attending
to the liter in front cf their neigh
bors' homes."
I The confidence kit by farmers and in Ferry's Sjeds to-day 1
would have been impossible to feel in
any seeds two score ol years
ago. We have made 1
science of seed
. j .
exactly what you
- f rnprl nf lhim Vir t il.
everywhere. HHkV'S 1S10 SLLB
! sMNUiL I'ree on request
D. M. FERRY A CO Detroit. Mloh. 1
Blue Prints Made
J will make Line Pruiin of
any towiiKhlp of bind in the
Lakeview Land lMrlct,aiid
do uliHtnict work. Call or
w ri te
W. li.
Lakeview - . Oregon
)eiirtmi'nt of the Interior U. S.
Lauil tdllee at Lakeview, Oregon,
April -S.l'JlO.
Not coal land
Notice Is heieby giveii that Kamuel
L. Lailey. whose post-oiilce address,
is Lake'iew, Oregon, did. ou tne j;th 1
day ot March. 11' 10, file in this office
Sworn Statement and A ppllcation.
No. 0:i'2.iy. to purchase the Lot 'J.
S-etion 30, Township ;WS, Range '1K
Willamette Meridian, and the tiuibr
thereon, under the provisions of the
act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda
tory kuo-n as the "Timber avd
IS lone Law." at such value as migot
be fixed by appraisement, aud that,
pursuant to such application, the
laud aud timber thereon have been
appraised, the timber estimated VIZ.
OOU board feet at 21.00 per M , aud the
laud70.CU; that said applicant will
otter final proof lu support of bis ap
plication aud sworn statemnot on the
7th uay ot Juiy, l'JIO, before Register
aud Receiver, this cilice, at Lake
viw, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate
a contet at any time before patent
iotiues, by tiling a corroborated afllda
vit in this utlice alleging facts which
would detent the entry.
ARillUR W. ORTON Register.
Let us print your PROGRAMS. MENUS.
kinds of Commercial or Law Printintf
Ci-Ve U4 on order and you tvill gi-Ot us another
Lepartmeut of the Interior U. ri.
Land! 'Uue at Lakeview, Oregou,
April ill. RHii,
Notice is hereby gitiu that Oeorge
Avery F.dger whose post otllce ad
dress is Nlles Cal'forula did, 011 the
2iith day of July, YM file iu tbis
otllce Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No O'i'VJ, to puichaHe the
KFJ, Section W, Township 37S, Range
17L, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under tbe provisions
of the act of June .'1, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law, " at such value as
might be fixed by uppiatHemeut, and
that, pursuuut to such uppllcatiou,
the laud and timber thereon have
heen appraised, Mar. 11, 11)10 the
tim'ier eitiniHted 7U,000 board feet at
GUctH. per M, aud the land $120; that
said appli. uut will offer final proof
in support u' his application and
sworn statement ou the Hth day of July
l'JIO, before R. M. Richardson, U. H.
Coiiiuiihbioner at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon. Any person is at liberty to piotest
this purchase before entry or initiate
a contest at any time before patent
issues, by filing a corroborated alll
davit 111 this olllce alleging fu.itH
which would defeat the entry,
You know what a good teacher
means to a community, aud especially
to a child.
The Normal School la where the
teachers are best trained. You have,
a valuable plant at Monmouth worth
irnre than $100,000. iJon't abandon
this, but vote Yes for Monmouth and
sustain the Normal School. The cost
is four cents on a thousand dollars.
J. B. V, BUTLLR, Bee. Com. A'21
One Piece, or a Wagon Load.
Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's
Store. R O. WilW Ranch, Calif.
Finish Lumber, rickets, Rustic, Lath,
Sealini, Shingles, Flooring, Apple boxes.
Window frame stock, Door Frame stock.
Slabs and cord wood.
vtv r .-,'-1 jr:v:?.s
1 mill M
ir--jiri-f7nfimtwii 1111 111 mn liiiiniiBii
I American Restaurant s,
(ice Voiiand Tom Ilotai, Proprietors.
Lakeview, Oregon
I'Vcsh Hread, Cake and Pics on sale every day
Fancy Cake and all kind of Pastry made to order
The only first class short older place in the town
Open Day and Nilit m
Mammoth Stables
Tin1 '.urueHt. Livery 11 1 1 I Keen Stnble In .'-ii 111 1 hern On-uon
nr Nort hern ('ullforuhi, IIiiim h itunl'iled by the lhiy, Week
or fclt.ntli. Sja'clnl A t tent "'in tilven tu TriiiiHlcnt Stock