SIRES AND SONS. r fl 8 6 I 5 I 0 !. LOW RATI 3) EAST Sr tmiiticr cxrursion rm rl-tn tio.i'ts atiT.itlv ml tied in- li stern oiiil Sol. I M.iv 11. I'J. i 1 . lc, L-7 June L 1, lit. -.". .'$ July 1. . 'X ".. i, 2.", L'O, L'7 Atitf. 1 , I Sept. 1, J . i 1, l'J. U Southern Pacific District Passenger Agent's Office Koom 207, OiM Fellow Hliltf., KI2XO, NHVADA. THE INVALID'S HAIR. How Women ftufforor Moy Sparod Much Pain, In every kw'h life there come the work of tun ing to romli or iltxoiilfliJKte the hnlr of fl woman who Ima Iiwii Hick. II In not mi rny tank. It re tj lr-4 imlli'iKp mill n urn id deal of knowledge- Thiw who hnve never done tli" work may lx Kind atow awn.v In tliflr memory tin-to facta; 'licit loot In luilr should nlnaja be ll ti ni.iiilc'l from In-low, not aliove. In xiiioothltiR nml ci'iiililiiif n alclc penou' hnlr Hi'' flrnf work H t pirt It from forclienl to wipe of lie k nml brush (ho two iltvlHloim well a way fin"i im li other. Tlio hnlr should l.o Hi-jtiirnlcd liy thn comli Into aiiiiill (IIvImIoiih, one nt a time. Iirtrliiiiliid nt t forchend. Tho coinlilnv ahould begin nt the mil of hnlr, never nt tlio wcnlp. Th Imlr licnr tin' Im-iuI hIioiiIiI be twiu'cly held by the hand nml twlNtod over one An ger Mo (lint the Mn!p will not feel any I (i 1 1 from tln romli. I'.iTln work about nil Inch from (be end nml gradually work up. Wlion n knot m olni'k It should bo nopnrntod, If possible, frotn tlic ciiiooih hnlr nnd IrMiHi'iu-d by t ti teeth of the comb nt IN lower edge. Tin rotrb hIioiiIiI nut be placed nlmvo It. an thH will make If more oljdurato mid anarl the other hnlr. If n knot N looKened by I he teeth of the romli Inserted Into tlie outer edge nml Mink on gently, the hair unroll nnd spring back Into the rightful poult Ion. A little Hklll ll I'd a Iltt'e lenience w ill teach a pernon how to dlontiingle any annrlx with apeod nnd ease. When pnch rilvMoii of Mie hnlr ha been gently combed out nn 1 wmrnted from thoHP t li'i t nre il"coi'iled. nil the hnlr ohouM lie drawn lui'k over ' nhouliVr arid the comb gori'ly run through It from irehi-nd to end. If the pitlent reniH'r.t Iti hed the hnlr ahould he arnli p-rtel d wi coi ter nnd aofily trildrd l"'o tro t M'hlch hnvc the prdn t"r"-d wrier " t aeourety tied with In'i- rlMion. M aure not to make the-e pl ilm t o tl-'it. They ahould not atnrt at tlie room .f the hair, for this ennae a coimtint pull on the scfilp. whl.h reaulln In oreneaa or headache. 3. V. Hale of Oeorjcla, the "pearh ktnff." bna .TVo.iKKi treea In hla aoutb erif on hnrria aliiie. Archer M. IltintliiKton, the mm of the Imp Colli I. IIuntliiKton. la wide ly kii'iwn 0 4 a atudent of Apntilah lit criituri) nml of HniiilMh-Aii,erlcan hla tory, mid It wiia he who founded and endowed the II lupniilr aixlety. I ChiiriK LIiik, n prleMt of Iluddhn, well i-crxcil In all the inyMterlou knowledge I Hint la aecretel In thoae tnyatlc tern- ; plea of the pin Inn of China, la a atu dent In the llrxt Rrmle of the Franklin 1 school nlvhl cI.ihm for forel(iiera, WnNtiluctoii. Henry K. LcKler, the lllirarlmi of the Clil'iit'o I 'u hi le lilirnry, hna for ninny yenra inndi a prnctlce of recomiiiend lng twenty hooka ench for tho differ ent clriMKCH of render who tine the II hrnry. lie rilvMea the liK)ka for thla purpoye Into hooka for iiicii. women. kIi Im, mid young children. Colonel Oniric 'Inillle-Lotn;. aoldlcr. lawyer, explorer, dlploinnt and author. 1 1 . i h Im-cii nmiored hy the Amerlcmi tjeoirriiphlcnl aoi-iety, which ha award ed him the Paly geographical Ul(.dal for hi Kcrvlcc In Africa. The apei'lal work for which he wa honored waa the Holutlon of the Nile aource prohlem. The Count of Turin, the Puke of the Ahruzzr drother. has heen proving hliiiKelf a mighty hunter In Africa, whence he I returning nfter a great hunting expedition. He hrluga back a xplcndld colIiM'tioii of Muffed anlniala and KkliiM, which nre to form a apeclnl Kiit Ion of the Zoological museum at T'lorence. COLORADO Hotel rm E. LONZWAY, Proprietor. Best Heals in Town Try Us I Good, Clean Rooms D A lCDV. Bread, Mot oIls and DVICKi -Cakes, baked daily. HKEVIEW, - .-OREGON. The Talk of the Town irSI Our Unoof Wall PaperSamples and Dec oratlve Goods. A Good Stock of Cheap Paper now In. We want your trade. t TheLakeview Decorative Co. Moore Building. 7d How to Toll Good Win. The coiiiiulKseur tell gooU wine, from bad by tnatc oloiie, but moat lueu ure not ronnoUHeura, ami to moat the fol lowing eaaler method, guarantoeil by an exjfert, prove useful: The artificial coloring teat: Soak a woolen thread In the wine aud, remov ing It, drop on It a little vinegar. If the vinegar turna It bluish the coloring la natural, but If It turna it pink a chemical coloring matter baa been uaed. If the wine baa been fortified with alcohol the addition of cream of tar tar In the proportion of one gram to the quart will cauae a granular pre cipitant to settle In the bottom. If it contalna aulpbate of potash a chemical that helps to hide the bad taate of a wine that has turned a few drop of oxalate of ammonia will quickly produce a depoalt. Sporting Notes. PhllllimAnriover plan a $.V).000 awlmmlng pool. Kd fJeer. the veteran bnrnefw driv er. U aeventy-nlne yenr old. I-'rlco bitHketball players tiiUHt regla ter with the Pacific Athletic aanoela tlon. The Kt. Louin Nationals and Ameri can have each aeventeen pitchers on their bull teams for the coming sea son. William J. Olover of Baltimore, who claims the long distance swimming title, has bejrun training for a w!m from the Charlestowu bridge to Bos ton light, in Boston harbor, next sum mer. Moving pictures of the tennis match es for the Pa vis International cup played In Sydney, Australia, between Mclaughlin and Long of San Fran cisco and Brook and Wilding were brought to this coUDtry by Long. The Writers. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporared. () A Complete Record We linvn inii'le an entire transcript of all KeconlH In Lake County which In any way.nffcct Kt al Property In tho county. We have a complete Kocorl of every Mortgiw ami transfer ever initio In Lake County, ami ever Peed nlven. Errors Pound in Titles In tranMi-riliinur the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Peed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded In the MortKntfe record and other liooks. Hundreds of mortgages nnd deed. are not Indexed at all, aud moHt dllllciilt to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. TMhcr cannot find them. We have put hundreds of dollars V ft iMiutlny up these errors, and we can fully Kusrantee our work. J J J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. fl fl fl fl fl Here is Where You Get Your Money's Worth! When you hy .Mutton Stew t lie per pound. ; Nave you tried Our sugnr cured Hams, Bacon? No better made any where, liiird, home kit t el rendered, absolutely pure, 6 lb. buckets 11.00 In 40 lb. cans, isc. Fresh frown Oysters, $1.00 per can. Krout 50c per K'Uloii. All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage kept on hand. We will pay the market price for rood beef and pork-hogs, Cahh on delivery. Come and Ret aciiualnted with us. Kttuny. GOOSE LAKE VALLEY MEAT CO. J.F, Maytkld, (len.ngr. ItllMwflngwiMim 41 I I I ! it Si Ufr. q How to Mak Cocoanut Candy. Buy one large cocauut and In break ing It open save every bit of Its milk. Pour ax pound and a half of granulat ed sugar Into a pan with the milk of the nut nnd heat slowly together until the sugar Is melted and then let It simmer for about five minutes. Grate the fresh cocoanut and add it slowly. Boll for ten minutes after the cocoa nut la all in and stir constantly to keep It from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. Pour out on to buttered china plates and cut into square. This should then be set into a cool place and left for forty-eight hours,-s It takes about that time to harden. How to Seeuro Flaky Pio Crutt. One bouse; eeper noted for her flaky pie crust, which Is never heavy nor , soggy nt the bottom, attributes her un varying success to the fact that she never puts a pie Hat on a tnble when ; removed from the oven. She takes It' from the pnn and rests It upon a wlre.j screen, elevated so that air gets at the , pie from oil sides. The pies cool bo ' quickly that there is little or no danger' of their becoming steamed or soggy, j Never put a pie away until it is per- fectly cold nnd then do not place In ! the refrigerator or Its flaklness will bo ruined. How to Provont Ingrowing Nails. Boys who "simply grow" 'suffer tor ture with Ingrown toe nulls. The nat ural instinct of the lmy Is to cut the toe nails, as he does his finger nails, In a semicircle at the top. Teach him to reverse the cut ling, making a dip or j "v" toward tlie center of the nail, nndi not cutting down at tlie corners. It is well also to lllo the nail a Utile In tho center at the top and always to keep the skin pressed back around the root of the nail. A festered. Ingrown nail l.i Just one step from blood poison ing. How to Corn Beef Tongue. To coru n beef's tongue wash it nnd wipe dry. Make a pickle of'u gallon! nnd a half of water, half a pound or brown euj.'iir, two and a quarter i ounces of suit nnd hnlf nn ounce of j saltpeter. Boll fi.r half nn hour, skim ' nnd when cukl pour over the tongue. , Keep n n crock for n week In a cool place before using. Mrs. Anna Robeson Burr, the au thor. Is a l'hiladelphlan, a daughter of the late Henry Armltt Brown. She Is a bomemaker as well as an author, has two small daughters and belongs to no clubs, movements or female agi tations of aty sort whatever. Sven Iledln, the explorer and au thor. Is a Swede, forty-four years old aud unmarried. Ills home Is in Stock holm, but since 1KS5 bis time has been Bpent largely In the wildest regions of Asia. He Is a good linguist and bus received titles aud medals from vari ous governments. Harold MacGrath Is on bis way around the world, having the very finest kind cf a time, hobnobbing with ambassadors, lunching in the shade of the pyramids and lu the ruins of Kar nak, storiug bis mind with a thousand romantic hints at Athens, at Bagdad, at Benares and Maudalay. The Royal Box. Every morning of his life Alfonso XIII. has a good rump steak and pota toes for his first breakfast, often pre ceded by eggs and sometimes followed by salad and fruit. The kaiser from his private purse makes a grant n mounting to about $15 on the birth of nn eighth son In any family of the same father and mother. The kaiser also promises to stand as godfather to the lucky eighth son. The rrineess of Wales has a fan covered with 0,."JO woodcock feathers from the wings of 3,200 woodcocks, there being only oue feather of the sort lu each wing. The Trlnce of Wales supplied the birds, and the making of the fau occupied one hour a day of a woman's time for more than a year. Train and Track. Narrow gauge trackage Is used only for Industrial railways at present. In England street car conductors are paid no more than laborers till they have served two years, when they re ceive tho maximum rate of ' 1- cents nn hour. Motormen ore paid a shade more. Tho famous engine No. 900. which used to haul the Empire State express when It become known as the fastest train in the world, now occasionally does the ignoble work of hauling a freight train on the Home, Watertown mid Ogden-diurg division of the New York Central railroad. 11 l 5 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, nnd -which has been la use lor over yearn, nas uome ma siRiiaiurn m m M - ana lias nponmatiennaer nis per-Srf-f sonal mipervlslon since its Infancy. 'cZucU'LZ A How no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jtist-as-good" are but Kxperlments that trlf.o with and endanper the health of InfunU and Children Experience againat Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless snhstltute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Koothlnjr Kyrnps. It is Pleasant. It v-cztalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms tnd silays FeverlshneHS. It cures Diarrha;a and Wind Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and JJowcIh, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Jlother'j Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc KirrwH Man, rr wmkay rraxrr. mm o rrr. 9 o The Real Home Paper. The San Francisco Chronicle. M. H. de YOUNG. Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. Daily SundayWeekly Sunday's in Colors Wm. Wallace, Dealer at akeview, Ore. Order Now Goose Lake Valley Irrigated Lands For Rent 10,000 acres, will divide name into any elze farm desired. All under the Kep Caiial with first preference water rights. Tlie very Cream of the Valley Selected years fo all level, perfect alfalfa lands. Will lease for term of years for part of crop. Some houses and barns will b built for denireable tennutx, Must Rive references. Write Hunter Land Co. Well argo, Bldg. Portland, Ore. IBB A YIELD OF 67 BUSHELS OF WHEAT PER ACRE at the Nebraska Statiou at North I'latte. Nebraska, is eaiiHlnjj every body that hears of it to TURN AKOUND and ask HuW? A 50 bvshel jMd is not unusual, and their is no reason in the world why you cannot learn HOW. i'ractidally all these bumper crops have b-eu sroduced with only a few inches of lain 'turiuit the growing Beast n, so you will uever fear a drouth" when you know HOW. U. 8. Government. Depnrtmeiit of Commerce and Labor Bulletin, Pec. 11, 1909 "says: "Campbell's epoch making efferts In In-half of dry farmiiiK In connection with the introduction of Durum whett, prom ises to turu the setui urid reiiious, covering millions of square miles, into otw of the most srosp'Tous sectlonn in the world." Mr. Campbell operates a line of Demonstration Farms from Texas to Canada and publishes his methods and results u the Srlenllflc Farmer. Warch 1U10 ! No matter where you farm In Virginia, Minnesota, Texa, Wash ington or Alderta, with irrigation or without, you cannot afford to live without knowing HOW. The vital principles are clearly ex plained and followed in CAM PBKLL'S bClENTIHC E A It MICK (the only publication on tillage). A monthly, $1.00 a year. Clubbed with our paper at the single price of our paper, eveu on renewals. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER J Haw to Wpsti Pipier Mache. All Mrtlili-i nin 'e i f ptH'l.T ni'tche rb-Mild e vn-h-il wit li fic-'ii water, wlihouf i',,, ! it-'" ,v' thi' nrtl di i .. v,v iJii on ri ' i v in i'n 'nv lioft tli.' flour 'he ' ' v 1 I,' .v English Etchings. Women uuiy be peeresses by royol priint. but cannot sit in tho house of lords. Tlie kins has power to dissolve par lament even before It has attempted any buslnetis. Survey cameras for use from bill loons are now In constant use In the r-ritlsh army. In EnirUuid's trade last jear theie wus a decline of KtR; per cent iu the tlrnt quarter ind no increase of 10'i per "ent In the hi"!. Kx.l 1FYOUVE W-fern NEVER WORN LSLlClVtlC VI I V V Y VV 1 11 .IK. k T J I'-t vnuV vet to learn the bodily comfort it dives in the wettest weather MADtFOR hAHD AtRVlCE ANO CUARANTLEO XATfcRPROOF 3S2 AT ALICOOO STORES catalog rate . jtowip mi wii lUMHUMMHiai ' -' ' Tr- I You will meet business men at Swenson'a Restaurant. 7T X id