Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 19, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Exam km;
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
ReRilr ntnnltn !. II. CO n Inch. inle
jluitin npurr, per iw.nth. All nun.ling t.
ihnngfl frr twlre it month. I'wl ol coiiivi
,Wti rlmrxiMl tor nil mm chniti'. All Meeinl
0ltlan eitre. All ihorl H-rm ail, mti
Bi nder'., local column. HV. r lllio-. M in
Itlnn. Wanl V. a lln -i-avh Insertion
J ard of thnk 11 no. KpMiiultitnt ol coiuto
Doe, 1, Ml ami upward.
fKTrnniilent A.lvi riining and Job Print
ing. rnih in atlvanr.
All bills mum bo paid the firt of eai-h month.
m r. In advanor,
t tiioriht. '
rhrve n.omliv "
1 :'.v
II not pa! 1 ll a-lvaiuf, $1 SO Iho year.
Nntlt. tu Suhacrllxr
nornrHT lo I In- Mamtiior who remov
O from oil'- liH'aliif to anotlior. or rrotiiKt,
irtt'ir jinlofrU'e litfi"i thonlii romi'inbor in
trop ilnn otlu'f a I'ltM o ihir iitpvr i't Pi ail
.lrve1 to Hit- right ooMotlloe
Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, May 1 9, I9I0.
At last there is reason to believe
Lake County anil Lakeview will tip
on the line of n standard gauge- rail
road, mid that at m late date. L. W.
Hill. prt-hhnt of the Onat Northern
Railroad, nun the nmt of our poit
plt lad Sunday, ami he was outspok
en In stn Ing that his visit was not
one of l( bmiio, but of iut-pectlon of a
great territory which lit- expects to
tap w i t li his tnstern Oregon inilwny
pyetetn. now under conat ruction. Not
only tins, hut he wan accompanied by
the heads i f his publicity and colon
ization departments, and promised
that in these tit j arlm nts lake
County should 1 given first place, if
our commercial organizations would
awiit in furnishing the necessary
sample products for advertising pur
poeec Railroad svBtetns do not ad
vert iso a country which they do not
exptct to serve, ed the topography
of Lake County lis suh that the
only way to draw the tonnage of
Southern Lake County to the north
ward Is to construct a railroad to
the southern boundary of the County
Mr. Hill said he would complete the
developeaaent of Oregon in two years
From the above statement there is
but one conclusion to draw, anil
tl at Lakeview is soon to be placed
cn.the commercial map of Oregon.
Mr. Hill's coming was known to
the people of Lakeview but a few
days before his arrival, but so great is
the faitto of our. people in the Hill
railroad builders, and so great their
esteem for the man who is the active
head of an organ'zation that builds
railroads to develop counties, that
L. Y. Hill was given uch a welcome
reception as has never before leen
tendered to a man in private life by
the citizens of Lake County. His
was not a reception managed by the
Commercial or booster organizations
of the County. When the propose!
visit of Mr. Hill was flashed over the
wires to Lakeview, it was immediate
ly transmitted to every section of the
County. Every section of the Coun
ty responded by sending her repre
sentative citizens. The reception was
the spontaneous expression of the ,
good w ill of our people an expression
of their esteem for and confidence in :
the man who is removing Ihe stop-'
per from the Eastern Oregon railroad
bottle. The welcome could not have
been warmer. No man could be the
object of such a welcome and doubt
that he has the good will of our peo
ple, or that lie will have their heart
iest co-operation in transforming this
section of the country into a traffic
prod'icinn area unsurpassed. '
: E. M. F.and Flanders 20
i T. K Bernard will receive wlthii
j the next few ilays two of Ihe well
, knwon F.-M-F automobiles, and wlth-
in Ihe next oO day a carload factory
shipment of K M F aud Flatulent 20
jeans Mr. Itcrnaid baa had the prom
; Ise of these ears for sometime past,
; but legal entanglements preveuled
! the sh.ipmt.nt. All dit!l;ul' l? have
1 been adjusted between the couteating
f parties, ami almnneiils will be made
1 at once.
j All are familiar with the workings
of the K-M-F, M-. Bernard havinu
had one in use for the tmst year, and
i It has demonstrated iuruv times its
supetior quality and niTkinu powers.
The price in Lakeview will be ?1 500.
top and glass frout about 150 ddi
tional. All auree thai if the Flauders '5)
comes ur to speciBcations, it will he
by fat the best car for the money ou
the market, and those who have Been
it say that it fullv meets every state
ment put forth by the manufacturers.
Such being the case Mr. Bernard
will doubtless And ready sale for
every car be can land here at 8!50,
tbe price at which de will sell them.
Corey will now have eliame ol all tl e
transportation linen, excepting th
Northern, centering at Lake lew,
which assure" excellent wrvlce, both
mall and passengers.
It is reported that Arthur Yates, of
Altnras, was st rioiisly injured Mon
day by the overturning of his nut"
mobile It Is stated that he a ou
the iVdarvllle grade, and meeting a
team Intended stopping his machine
after turning to one side but Inad
vertently touched the wrung lover,
causing the machine to leave the
griul and turn over aevcritl limes,
'completely w reeking It. It i rumor.
ted that Mr. ates was very seil..iiwl,v
injured, having an arm, log and Jaw
broken. heiilcs other serious injnr ts.
It is to bo hoped that his Injuries are
not so b id as reported.
I. K. Man-ea ha I his elbow dlslo
cated Tuesday by (1liiK from Ills
v. Itseesuathat Ills t oa in si a 1 1 ed
ui'eM'e te(ll,-. r."niiig him t lose Ins
balance, and in the tidl he fell npoli
I Is head mid arm. IV. Smith was
called, and with the assistance of IV.
li ny, reduced ti e dislocation. While
the Injury was not serious yet It was
extremely painful, and Mr. Hansen
suffered severely for a time
Additional Locals
In his address at the banquet ;
tendered him Sunday evening, Presi- j
dent Hill, of the Great Northern Kail-1
way, laid particular stress upon the
good roads question, and he was
warmly supported in the position by
William HaDley. Mr. Hill stated that ;
he recognized the needs of this sec-;
tion tor a railroad, yet be etrootfly
advocated good wagon roads, for they
would be used far more after t' e ad
Tent of tbe railroad tbau tefore. It
ia extremely gratifying to know that
the county court had already taken
op toe proposition with the various
district road supervisors, as can be
ascertained by reference to the pro
ceedings of tbe regular May term
published on another page. It will
be Been tbat ail supervisors are in
structed to put tbe roads in good
condition at once, and under such
broad instructions no community will
have any excuse for poor roads. It
is frequently well-nigh impossible
for road supervisors to properly per
form their duties at this time of year,
owing to spring work on tbe farm or
ranch which cannot be postponed, bat
it Is earnestly hoped that ia every
district throughout tbe county tbe
work will be performed at the earli
est possible moment and in a manner
tbat will reflect credit not only upon
the district bat upon the coanty as
a whole
C. A. Clippinper bad the misfor
. tune to lose one of his fine Inrye work
horses last Tburs lay. Tnis is surelr
a bard blow to him as he paid an un
usually big price for tbe team last
J. Krankl reached Laketiew last
' Saturday even-ua on bis annual Sum
mer vacation, or business visit, just
as vou wish to term it. Mr.Ftaukl
is as welcome as tbe birds In the
! string, as it were, and be always
1 seems to be very glad to get back.
Fred J Bowmn. formerly editor
of tbe Exmiuer, writes from Uilroy,
Cal., Mrs. Bowman's bealtb is im
proving nod tbat she stood the jour
ney down tbeie much better than be
expected. This will be pleaanat news
to tbeir many friends in Ibis section
W. I'- Heryford has contracted
; with I. A Underwood for the building
of a handsome brick residence, work
upon which will commence as aoon
as the old residence can be removed
The plans call for a 10 room house
equipped with all modern conveninces
The basement will be of ;ut stone
I George Hankins and Mrs. Delia
: Cobb have leturned from California
! where they spent tbe winter. During
their stay in cur sister state Mr.
Hankins purchased a Wioton six,
which is the envy of all fancierer of
the trouble wagons. It is pecabriue
for looks, and its looks are said to be
far outclassed by its performances.
It is by far the best looking car
yet seen in Lakevie.
.The Odd Fellows dance, at New
I'lne Creek Friday evening was much
of a success, and all who attended re
port a most enjoyable time. Owing
to tbe expected arrival of the Hill
party, the attendance from Lakeview
was not as large as it would other
wise have been. Among those at
tending from here were Mr. and Mrs.
J. Q. Willits, Mr. jml Mrs. Walter
Nvswaner and Mussrs. Dunbar and
Ceo. T. Cline, county surveyor of
Klamath, has returned from a visit to
the Windy Hollow mines, in which he
holds an Interest. Mr. Cline is confi
dent that the mines will prove highly
valuable, and will add much to the
wealth of Lake county. He realizes
that as yet t here has not been sufficient
development work done to absolutely
prove the richness of the lamp, but he
considere the outlook extremely favor
able. Quite a number f well known citi
zens of Bonanza have decided to en
gage In farmipg, or presumably ho
Judging from the number who filed on
hornesteade at the land oflice last
Friday. Among thOBe were John and
Charley Stiudt, A. Crawford, J. liea n
Fred Peterson, Alex McOaggart,
John Yahr, Harry Nichols, L. Oliver
and.Tohn Horn. They located a few
mllea of Bonanza, and
will no doubt be raising all klndu of
farm products next year.
f. M. Corey has purchased the Lam
bert and Cross interests on the West
ern stage Hue Including two wagons
and auto, and will take charge of the
through route June 1. Mr. Corey has
also received word that W. M. Miller
has puroliased two autoa in San
Francisco for the Alteraa line, and
they will arrive in a few days. Mr.
Change of Mail Schedule
The change of schedule ou the
Western stage line, which went into
eflect on tbe 1th inst., now puts the
mail over that courBe 1U hours nhead
of the former schedule. Aeeordiug
to the rw schedule stagev leava
Klamath Falls immediately aftet the
arrival of the train due there at 5
p. tu.. and are allowed VI hours in
which to reach Lakeview. Outgoing
mails leave Lakpvtew iu the morning
aud reach Klamath Fulls the follow
ing morning, in time to go out on
the train. By this sched ile all lay
overs at Bly are avoided.
After the Uret of July Manager
Corey exuects lo reduce the time to
about IS or 'JO hours, thus putting
the mails into Laketiew about 3
o'clock iu the afferuoon. Tha new
schedule remains iu effect until De
cember 1. wiieu Ihe winter schedule
goes into effect an 1 Bly will again
become a layover (station, the night
drives tlieu hiug done way.
Under the new schedule mails from
the soutu will arrive iu practically
the same either by WBy of the West
ern or Southern aud 'he Western
being daily service while the South
ern is but six times a week it is likely
that much mail will be diverted to the
Western line bs goon as the fact be
comes generally known. Heretofore
tbe San Fraucisco aud Sacramento
papers have been held at He no over
Sunday, and together with a big let
ter mail would reach here Tuesday
Passengers cau no rtch San Frau
cisco or Portland in 48 hours and
have tbe advantage of two routes ot
tbb former place on practically tbe
same time schedule.
Teachers Employed
Prof. J. F. Burgess has been re
tained by the school lmrad as prin
cipal of the I.akevviw schools for an
other year The profeMnr has given
the beat of at I if act ton during the
past ymr, and the Board was certain
ly fortunate In securing his services
for another year. All of the trscheia
during the pa t year who applied for
positions during the coiulng year nete
employed, na follow a: Misses Hael
and Sarah Horn. Miss Muirle John
son, Miss ilcrfrniie Vernon, Miss
Pearl Hall aud Miss Bessie BurweKS
Sevsral vacancies mo yet to lm lllled
The employment of former teachers
shows that tvelr services have pr jveo
satisfactory aud Hie appreciated, and
it will uo iliniU he of iiiiii'h U'lniii
Isge to the pupil for the work of the
school will pioeeed along the same
excellent lines as heietoforo, which
inlvjlt tmi'0 uot been the case hail newt
teachers been chosen.
Mrs. II A. Junes has leiuor krmit
fur sale tf.
Sl.LlNw ami showing O. V. L,
claims dally. S. I,. Klley.
For rent Section towimhip :!!
M'liih, range 'JO, within one imi,.
town. pi'lv to F. A. lUueri'.
IIOKSF.S Poll SaI.K Also f(,
I'.ngllsliHlii re Si nlli'ii, fl era old.
Kiiiilre of ('has, M Oliver, rancli
5 miles south of New Pino t'oek,
FOB Sale The 11 llder-lglled will Bell
at public am i Ion on Sutiir.lnv
May 5. IU 10. all of his household
furniture. See ha ml liilU f,.r dirt ti
er partlciilais. t . T. MeKemlree.
FOK SAI.K in m r. s with h 5 mre
water right, U.V.L. Tract 10. Soc.
7, T. 41. It and Lot II. Bik. 117,
for flliO. $170. paid. Address Alfred
Kykemlall, lien. IVl. L,s Aligvlcs.
FOB SALK -- T.'.O h 1 of (ioats and
about .'.00 Kins and IU acres of
land situated in Bulls prnirle. For
further particulars write m liiquhe
ot W. I Stanley, Lakeview. Ore
gon. LM-l
On and after, Julv 1. HMO, C
Lambert, proprietor of the Western
Stage Company, will operate auto
iiiobilesatid stages regularly between
Khuaath Falls and Lakeview. This
will be a daylight run both wnv-.
The stage mid auto fare will In- the
same hotueen these points. C. .i.
LaMHF.UT, Prop Western Stage
Company. is .p.
The Motto of the Parisian Millinery
lt tats yr '.
...;--v; 7-;vy
I.rttlirs I
Ladies sKcvliss miiiihut union
suits iu ivjjular and extra
laie sizes, only "." eents
Ladies white muslin, Mack
satee". and silk petticoats,
liiee 81.00 to 8r..r0
Lace aud Lisle hose in all colors, can
match anv costume, vour choice, ."." cents,
M.'ilu m., Wist of ( mirl IIohni
Notice to Creditors
I It. u eon . t .( ' I ... i. i . m of pi! rt
1 1 1 f m 1 1 1 1 ll II I i i k u I In II melt
iii'eiiMl t M... I. iii Uiiioleiiek
H u I'll.- iho t,'i , -I N. 1 1 o liiiine
diaiely, us i bo a e oi i i t ill io pi io
III the Inooi-tilii en In n.r .1 1 1 1 ! b-t.
I'ivim nfi i on l o him. I.' nt the lioi.
i:. i; oin ot'K
.M. BMiNFrt
Ihe a earliiu rorral nt the under
Kigueit will lie ti ti fci use at an?
time needed, ami ttie dipping ritf
with it. Hate n fc-uiiit ere t men
M)K MII:t)F tfx.
Normal Schools
The Norn id .School iumMhii la fair
ly lefule tlio Voter by the I ll It lilt I v
Bill fur Moil" oiilh framed by her
. In iu ti t Tins aoprrnto It wholly
fruin lollttCH, nii'1 gives the voter a
fit i. to fXpresa their choice.
Schonla are a nt cessl-y we must edu
cate Oia bia mi l girU-nnd we niuat
have t.iMchera ; I lie Normal K ihuul la
the place t i train and prepare these.
Vole. Ye for Monmouth.
J. B. V. BUT I.Kit, Ho. Com. A7'JH
Meet mo at
Valley Falls Items
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ilotchkiss
have gone to Lakeview for a short
Frank Pax ton passed through here
bound for the north end of AU-rt
Mr. K. J. Stone returned last Tues
day from a short visit to Lakeview.
Mrs. Stone who accompanied him ifl
spending a week or so at that point
with friends.
Mr. aud Mrs, C. K. HouinHon, of
Sand Hollow paid us a -hort visit;
last Tuesday, as did Mr. and Mis'
lies Combes and Mr and Airs. Cliai.
A. Moore of the same place j
Last Monday with iutermittant
storms of three and a half days dur-l
ation, tiie rain gauge, at the station j
showed a total fail of 0 10 inches, i
Since then ninhine has prevailed
We have been having none nice
showers this week tbat makes the,
farmers aud etockneo wear broad
tsmilea. Both the grain aud grass J
crops never had a more favorable j
Department of the Interior V. S.
Laud Oflice at Lakeview. Oieuon
Mar lit, 1U10 '
Not coal Isnd
N'ltice ia here'jv ulvn timi
iO. Mayfield, whose (lOBt-ofllce addreca
ia Lakeview, Lake Co., Oreiou, did
' on the 11th day of April, i;iu, lie In
' this office Sworn Statemeut aud Ap
: plication No. o:Ul5. to pun ha.e the
I K,NWJ ,W'2NL'4. Section iW, 'Town
'Hhip3HS, Bange ITK, Willamette Me
riilian, aud tbe timber thereon, under
! tbe proviaions of the act of June '.I.
IHiS. and acts ametnlutriro i ....
the "limter and Stone at auch
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, purauant to sucb ap
plication, tbe iauJ aud timber there
on have been appraised, the timber
estimated 917.00O board feet at $ 75
per M, Bad the land eitJO.lXj; tbat said
applicant will offer final proof la
support of bis application aud sworn
statement on the i!lat day of July.
l'JIO. before Begister and Receiver
U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initi
ate a contest at any time before pat
ent issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit io this office, alleging facte
which would defeat the eutrr
AKTUUKW. OliTON, iiegister ISO-Ot
of putting down tho old car pot again
if you can put down an Axminator,
or Brussels Art Squaro cheaper?
We have them
Rocking chairs, dining, high chairs
and overy other kind of a chair at
Colvin's Furniture Store
Lakeview Meat Market
HAYES & GROB, Propr s
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Frio Delivery
Greek Play In Preparation
The members of the Chautauqua
Circle c jmpleto this season's course of
readings next Monday evening at the
home of Sarah Horn. The following
Is the program :
Reading "Journey Through Egypt"
Mrs. Cloud.
"Koman Architecture". .Miss Burgese
"Woman In Progrea of Civiliza
tion Mrs. Bieber
The members will begin work this
week on a Greek play, "Pygmallan
and Galatea," a comedy in three
acta. The Circle.
Willow Ranch Orchard Homes
Have No Competitors
Because they excell all others. The best
opportunities for buying of Irrigated Orch
ard and Garden Land is in the WILLOW
doo County, California.
Big- Fire at Bonanza
Two blocks of the business portion
of Bonanza was burned Saturday
night, supposed to have been the
work of an incendiary. The fire
started in the Drlscoll Mercantile
Co's. store, and destroyed the Mori no
hotel and stable, Eldred's harness
shop, Nichols Billiard hall Bean's
barber shop, the American hotel aad
Berry & Uettingf r's opera house. The
loss is estimated between (50.000 and
100,000, with an Insurance of 1)20,000.
The Cream of the Goose Lake Valley
No expert who has investigated this
wonderful land of sunshine has yet dared
to place a limit upon its horticultural
Nature Here Gives the Maximum Return
For the Minimum of Labor
Ten acres of Perfect Orchard Land - - $650
Fifty dollars down--Fifteen dollars per month
No Interest. - - - No taxes until deeded
Give Us a Chance to Show You. Write for Booklet and Plat
Good Live Agents Wanted