mninetH, VOL. XXXI f"f jf2l;' Well Pleased With Cordiality Lake County Extends VISITS ALL PARTS OF COUNTY Spends Over Two Day$ in Ascertain ing Resources and Possibilities ot This Great Section of Oregon That Louis V. Hill, president of Iba (Jrwst North IUllwy, U well ilNB(J Willi Ctftitrul Orrgon in gene rat and Lake Oouulv lo particular was plainly evidenced to all who had thn pleasure of u.e-t lutf him on hla reoeut vlill to Lakeview. la fact be ao expressed hlwaelf on numerous oc casions, lioth publicly ami In private ouuveraatioti, and what be aaw on bla vlalta lo New I'loe Creak auction and tba Weil Hide, aa aleo bla tour of the Dortb eud of the county, (really broadened bla views aa to tba wonder ful lesouroas of tba whole of Cen tral Oregon. Arriving lo Uooss Lake Valley Baturrfav sveoiog after travel I ok through tba 15 real Warner Valley, be was met at tba mouth of Wmer Gauyoo by a large delegation of cltl zaoa and tba braaa band In auto mobiles and assorted to Hotel Lake view, where be and bla party were en tertained during their atay In our city. Accompanying him ware K. C. Leedy. general Immigration agent for tbe Great Northern Hallway, and bis assistants. Col. () W. Ualou and C O. Morrlaon, K. C Culvert, cor respondent for Th Oregon lau .and Wm. llacler. the bla rancher and stockman of burns, the Ultr having induced Mr. Hill to make the trip, and to wtjoin la due in a great meaa ure Vbatever may reault from the visit nf the railroad magnate. The streets were thronged with aohool children, men and women, with many flags In evidence, and the welcome extended Mr. Hill on enter lug the city was most cordial. He respouded to niatly salutes in a moat happy manner, and that he highly ap preciated the cordiality ehowo wae clearly shown During the evenlua many of the leading citizen and business men met Mr. Hill eud the hotel lobby presented a lively ap pearance. Mr. Hill was ludeed searching for Information, and th questions be propoii'dod to uearly every one he met was iu the uuture of a query as to the resources or product iviuesa ot this country. Hunlay the party ws driven to automobiles through the New Plue Creek section, and luuch whs had at the State line town. A uutubor of lending citizens ac companied tho paity on the trip and also tj the Went Hide, which the party visited during the afternoon Mr. Hill aud nil members of his party expressed themselvss as greatly sur prised and well plensed with the country, and especially with the large area of farm lug lauds undor the O-V-L. Co's. oaual on the West Bide. Sunday evening a banquet was tendured Mr. 1 1 til mid party at Hotel Lakeview, and about 100 representa tive uiou of Luke County were pre sent. All sections of the county weie reproHeuted, aud the gathering wub indued a representative oue. V. L. Suelliug presided as toastma-ter, aud he did the honors most, gracefully. He llruc introduced Dr. H. Daly, who responded to the tomit, 'Luko County and Ita nesourties," as fol lows: Mr. Toast muster: The subject, "Lake County and Its Iiesources," which baa been assigned to me on this occuBion, Is h large subject It is tbe story of facts aud tlgures of oue of tba lurgeat couutius of the state of Orrgon. Lake Couuty way contain" uesrlv one twtlftb of the en tire area of the stste. It is much iHrger than mauy stales of the Uulon, aud more than live times the area of tba state ot I' hud Islaud Lake Couuty rouatins &,0:i9.3(0. acres of Ian i which has hen cImhhI tled as follows: l.irWOOO acres of agricultural Isuda 1,120.000 acres of timber lands, and the remainder. 2, 7U0,:iU0 acre grazing lands. When 1 speak of agricultural lauds I mean tbosa lands that are susceptiole to oultivatiou, of belLg plowed and seeded to cereali and other farm pro ducts, aud when 1 speak of timber lands 1 mean merchantable timber, sucb as sugar aud yellow pine, tbat will average not less than K'.CXJO feet per acre. Tba soil of Lake Couuty Is very rich and productive, capable of pro ducing crops In great abundance, oot only cerea's aud other farm products, but also fruits of nearly every klnt. Apples, pears, cherries and berries of all kinds grow, in many parts of tbe couuty, to great perfection, and aa to quality they cannot be excelled ary place on tbe Pacific Coast. Dur ing tbe past twenty-five years there bas been but oue failure n the fruit crop of this county. Hut notwith standing all our sp.endid possibllt tiea for farming, nod fruit growing these Industries have been developed only to the 'extent of supplying the demands of our people, due to tbe fact tbat we bave no transportation facilities to carry our farm and or chard products to other markets. The principle ludoatry of the county la, therefore, live stork, of which we bave at tbe present time 05 000 head of cattle, 20,000 head of horses and mula eud 300.000 bead of sbeep. From this one industry we bave re ceived duriug the past year an amouut equal to more than f'.'OO per capita The B8tred valuation of tbe pro perty of the county for the past year ia nearly 98.000,000. Thn county does not owe a dollar of indebtedness and hat at the present time more tbau KM, 000 lu the treasury. The tax levy this year for all purposes Is 7.0 mills wbich is nut ouly the lowest tux levy of atiy couuty iu the state, but is probably tbe lowest of auy other cuuuty on the Paoltlo Coast. This countv baa three banks with Bbsuta of neurly 1, 200, 000; 500, 000 of this amouut Is at the present time, avail able In cash. Luke Cuuuty la very fortunate in havlug splendid facilities for Irriga tion 1'rojacta. The wfter she is of (loose Lake Valley produce annually more than 100,000 acre feet of water, sntllcent to Irrlgute more thuu 100,000 acres of laud. Private cupltal has un dertaken au irrigation project to re claim the lands iu (Joust Lake Vulloy. The tl rut unit of this project, which will reuluiui 00,000 uors, la two thlrdi cumpletod, and this unit will be finished by earlv full ao that the water will be availuble for irrigation purposes uext year. There ia nnother irrigation project uuder way in Waiuei Valley which '.when completed will reolitim 08,000 norus of land aud there Is still 'another irrigation pro ject uudcr consideration at Paisley which will reclaim a splendid body of laud lu Hl miner Lake and Cbewaucau Valleya. Luke County bas lou been noted LAKKVIKW, LA K K COUNTY, OIIKCON, MAY 19,1910. 1 Wil A ii reaiilt of I In- tlslt of lreldent 1 1 III. of I In- ireat Northern Kallwaj, II 1 now praeth-ally nMtnred that Lake f Mill l' (Ik- terminus of one of III linen within the next two jeniM. While the HHHcrlion tn not made filreet by him, jet htutementa were made at different time by member of the party that n h an In fere nee eonlil not be aoldeil. Mr. Hill xtateil that he would complete IiIk rail road work In Oregon within two jear; that he would build to all aeetlona where the outlook for IhihIim-hh wax favorahli-; that ilttonv Lake Valley, of whleli Lakelew In the IokW'iiI dint rlbtitlay: point, la one of the moHt proml liiK Keet lon of Oregon that ho had vlalted, und further he ntated that the development of till valley had reached nik'Ii u Ktaj:e that ru II road transportation wan an absolute reiulreinent. for tbe great Interests tbat her peoule bave taken in tbe cause of education, and as a result wa bave splendid schools thiougbout tbe entire county. Our high school Is one of tbe ao orellted schools to the (Jn'versity of Oregon. Hut in order to give atlll I letter educatiool facilities to onr people, arrange moot bave been made to build a nw tlieb School Lalldiug which will cost III) 000, A splendid site of eight acres sitoated In tbe cen tral part of Lakeview, bas already been scoured, and upon this site a modern High School building will be coofctrncted. A building that will cootaln lo addition ot tbe usual class an-i recitation rooms, departments for household economy and manual training, so tbat tbs gli's may be taught tbe clence and art of boi ss bold economy, aod.the boys shall be taught auob useful trades and occupa tions as may tie, deemed necessary to make them useful and practical citizens. We shall also bave a de paitment of agriculture and horticul ture In order tbat our boys may be Instructed aloug tba lines of farmiug and friut growing, aod by tbe way, this department of agriculture and horticulture bas been added to tbe school lu conformity with a sugges tion made by a gentleman in a great speech, delivered some months ago, and which bas been published In the newspapers ot the country stated tbat owing largely) to tbe influence of tbe present methods of education mauy of tbe yooog men of tbe country were leaving tbe farms and going to tbe cities, ceasing to be producers and therefore beooming oonaumers, and tbat In order to counteract sub tendencies, tbe science and art of farming aud fruit growing should be taught to the young men in the schools of the country. Tbe gentle man who deliveied tbat speech is not ouly the greatest railroad builder that this country has ever known, but be is also one of the greatest con structive statesman tbat this couutry has ever bad and that gentleman, Mr. ToBBtuiaster, is James J. Hill, the distinguished father of out honored guest, Louie W. Hill, presldeut of the (J rent Northern Railway. In conclusion permit me fo express I the wish of the entire people of Lake County tbat our guests rod bis as sociates will soou visit us agaiu, Aud when that visit is mad that Mr. Hill will come with bis associates iu bis own car over bis own railroad. Following Dr. Duly, Mr. Suelllug Introduced L. P Conn who responded to the toast, "Our Needs." Mr Conn said : Mr Toastmaster and Ueutleuieu : The great and maguitlceut re sources of this sectiou of our State bave been ably, yet modestly, de tailed to us by the distinguished gen tlomau who bus beeu at the bead of our Couuty Oovernmeut for tbe Lst eight veara, iiud perhaps no one among us has a better understanding ot these conditions aud facts, is more able to array aud depict tbem before our guests ou this occasion. It has been assigned to me this evening to -tell you- about "Our Noeds." ' Ho vast are our resources und ao mauifold are our oousequeut needs, that it ia with much hesitntinu and triisgiving I undertake this task, and if it bud not been tbat I ao thorough ly appreciate, our many seed and the importauoe of making tbem somewhat TOM mii Next T w apparent to our distinguished visitors at tbla time, 1 should bave declined tbe nonor bestowed in selecting me to address you upoo this subject. As bas been ao well and so ably said by tbe genteman who preceded me, we bave wondertul aud almost boundless undeveloped lesources, both lo tbe great forests of tbe very best of yellow plue, and tbe buudreua of thousands of acres of fertile virgin soli, all yet untouched by tbe baud of the lumberman aud farmer. So ouftay are our needs tbat 1 shall undertake to tell you uf only such as to me seem the most urgent, and coe of tbese 1 shall designate aod term as ao absolute necessity. We need thousands and tens of thousands of intelligent industrlocs farmers to make their homes opon and to subdue from their present wild and uacultlvtted state, our hundreds' of thousands of acres of tbe mot fertile soli to be found anywhere beneath tbe eon, and to reduce them to a state of cultivation and produc tiveness, which are destined in tbs near future to produce largely ot the wheat aod other cereals for tbe sub sistence of tbe people of .bese United States. We need amongst us tbe bresence of tbe lumber manufacturer to fell and manufacture our great forests nf yllow pine Intp lumber for tbe use of oar neighbors In ttbs older states uf the East where tbe want for tbat class of merchandise cannot b satis fied from their own resource. We need thousands of men with capital, skilled In horticulture, to plant ia fruit orchards and to nurture and cultivate them into bearing, tens of thousands of acres of tbe finest friut growing lands wbich lie witbin tbe borders of this County and I say with tbe utmost confidence and as surance tbat, in my judgment, no spot ou God's green earth can surpass In beauty and quality and tlavor, the apples which we can aud do pro duce here. V'e need woolen factories sufficient to manufacture tbe wools growo in our County, which are nf such excel lent staple and superior quality tbat tbev are much sought and iu great demuud in tbe woolen manufacturing centers of the Uuited States. We need men expeiieuced, in tbe dairying industry, to mantacture cheese and butter from tbe dairying products of these farms. We need capital to build reservoirs for storiug our surplus waters worth couutleas millious for tbi irrigation cf our fertile lauds. In 'act we need almost everything uecessary iu the development of a country yet in its primitive state, haviug such wonder ful reaouroes as bave been described to you here tonight. lint tbat need wbich ia the most important, tbat which may be termed the oue para mount need, indlspeusible iu the de velopment uf our resources, that wbich bas btten loug hoped for, pa tieutly waited for, aud we hope soon to be realized, is tbe ooustructiou by si me of the great railroad builders of this coutluent, of a railroad through our fertile territory for the trauspwitutlou of the uutold millious of dollars worth ot products to be gathered from these natural resources wbcu Biiuh facilities tor transporta tion come within out reach, and let me any bf re tonight, that nothing eo certainly would bring about tr e set tlement of these oouutlesa acres ot Concluded uQ hiHt page. ailroadl to Noted Railroad Builder Hand somely Entertained BANQUET GIVEN IN HIS HONOR Outlines General Plan of Work to Be Followed by Company in New Development of All Oregon la bis address at tbe banquet San Jay evening Mr. II ili spoke entertain iogly for about an hour aod covered tberailrccl question, as well a a number ot others, very thoroughly. lis expressed bis views aa to tbe ;con- servation question, be being directly opposed tu tbe eastern seutiment favoring tbe method. He also de scribed a portion ot his trip through Harney ooonty, and very feelingly presented CoL Seaton with a huge coffee pot ia remembersnce of tbs oc casion wbeo tbe Colonel "laid oot" all night on top of Buck mouotafo ou accoont of a break down and was neceasarily compelled to forego bis morning ooffee. However, tbe colonel was eqosl to tbs occasion. and gracefully accepted tba memento with a few sppruporiats remarks. Mr. Hill also made a few remarks opon good roads, and urged tbs im portance of main lines of travel, rather tbau to expend tbe road funds on too many branch roads, lo this he was warmly seconded by Mr. Hanley, who considers it ot tba at moat im portance to unite Lake Crook, and Harney counties by good highways. Mr. Snelling Inja few well chosen re marks, at tbe same time regretting his ability to command language worthy in sucb a man, introduced Mr. Hill, who ouid in part: - Good Deople of Lakeview, Lake County, and all of Oregon : I want to tell you tbat in tbe first place 1 never felt better in my life (applause). I bave had so much of tbis go 3d air that it almost makes me thick I am an Oregoniao I wish 1 were one (applause). Further I think tbe people of Montana bave been very good to me, as all over our line bare keen good to roe, but there is no 6tate that I bave ever visited tbat has given as as hearty and as warm s wel come as we bave received In Oregon and particularly in Lakevi;w (ap plause). Wbeo we came into Lake view, tbe demonstration was some thing tbat surpassed anything I have seen, and I bave been an Reception Committees myselt. 1 have bad to help entertaiu in my experience foreign emissaries. President Taft, when be was Secretary of War and later when be was President, and we thought we tried out all the nw wrinkles, but they never were met beyond tbe City Limits and escorted in. and tbey never bad a bxnd to es cort them in as automobile (ap plause). 1 want to tell vou that is something new to me ana when 1 go ho ve, I am going to introduce that in the Kast (applause). Wheu we came down through tbe atreet, aud saw the street Hoed with children, waviDg their country's Sag, and showing their enthusiasm, it made me homesick for my own. Nothing makes a man feel more at borne tbao when be kuows be has got the child ren with him (applause). As for the railroad coming through here, I wish I could tell you right now what tbe facts were, but I do oot know, 1 really do not know. Ih question will be submitted to our board of directors, and 1 sincerely hope tbey will see tbelr way clear to build a road through here iu tbe very 'near future. Von oauaot keep ua out ot this state uow Wa waut to get things .started uuw aa we did back In Mnu tana. In Moutaua we started 42 ex NO. 20' Y perimental stations, aod I sisb w had one here now la this valley. We put up tbe money, furnish tbe seed, pay for tbe time raising it, and let tbe farmer bave tbe crop. We have three agricultural professors on oar payroll now. Tbe state ot Oregon is not real ly koown, understood and appreci ated. Certainly if it were koown by some of those railroad interests who are paralleling and crossing each, other's lines down East, it would be bard to understand, why they would oot come out here and serve tbia state. We had some older men witk us in tbe party, bat they turned buck. Tbey wanted to know bow long t would be on tbis trip, and bow long it would take ; they should figure on taking an automobile tour all over tbe states of Connecticut, Rhode Is land aod Delaware, bnt tbey coo Id not seem to realize tbat this country was as large aa that. 1 tbougui oar opportunities for colonization were good last year, aod we pat thousands of people into Mon tana, bat I wsn just two years is Oregon. We bave two points in Mon tana tbat witbin tbe last six months have made more entries in their land offices than bsve been made in any other land office in a year. 1 do not think tbat Oregon will have any diffi culty in beatiog them. As to onr plans for railroad devel opment in Oregon : All 1 can say ia we are going to build into tbe best country, and wherever one valley meets into another, but, our plans so far have been uutliued by Mr. Wil liam Hanley. He is one of two men, tbe other being Mr. Harvey L. Scott. Mr. Hanley and Mr. Soott started us into Oregon, and we will be guided ty both of tbnm. Now with Mr. Hanley, if we can get them all lined up so they will boost "dont knock ' aod all pull together, and if auy man knocks, put him iuto tbe next coun ty, each oue passing bim on, why it is nt far down there to California, put him there. Our plans, as I say rest largely with Mr. Hauley. 1 am going through the country with bim for there ia uo roan 1 bave ever met tbat kuows the country better. He is showing me tbe best of it, and we will try not to overlook anything. (That is one reason we are uoina ! north. There is good country north J aud we want to see it. All I ask rom Oregon is about two years, with j tbe co operation of the people, aod jsee what we can do to help tbe state (applase). (1 am 38 and to years will pass tbe forty mark for me. iiall jroadiut; is different, fur different Last tbau it is iu Oregon. People back East thiuk a railroad man is a good mark to shoot at, aud I want to get out of tbe areaa in auother two years. As to our future plans in Oregon, aa to what we may do, I shall leuve that to Mr. William Hanley. When 1 returned to St. Paul some 'time ago 1 found tbat Northern Dh- kota uud Montaua were using 300 construction eugioes for steam Rod gasoline plow worV turning over some 20 acres a day a piece, aud it is a fact that some of tbem bad hea Mights and were workiug at oiuht lo keep pace with the work. It i an indication rof wbat the people iu tbe East want j to do when tbey get outo ibis west- Cuncludrd on lant agt.