Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 05, 1910, Image 4

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    Lake County Example
Official County Paper
llumn .pih. tn r month. All tn.iln l. I i'n,p!"
tttiH (rf twice month. Cot of eompnal
ion rhurgnl (or nil fxtr rbtngpn. All
Mltlom rxtra. All short lrm ati. itr
Kfudrrn, loci roHimm. lV. jxr line roh In
Itlnn. wnt .Sc. line mob Itm-rilon
ard of thnk fl 00. KooluUoni o( coiulo
nee. l. 60 and upward.
fa-Trannlent Adrertldnr and Job fiint
'. rub in advance.
All Mill must be paid the Brat of each month.
51B5CRIPTION rates.
In advance
r. ,
fbrrv month. "
4SFI not pal 1 1 1 a tvauce, $1 SO lb real.
Nntlc lo Subscriber
nowriocr to I he r'lamlnor who remorf
O trout one loenliiv to anotlicr. or rhmiitt
their pontofflc adilri iw nhouM romrmbrr in
Irop thin ornce a crit tholr paper can ! ad
1nfcmM to the rinht io.urtUe,
Lakeview, Oregon. Thursday, April 28, 1910.
Governor Hughes, of New Yojk, has
been appointed by President Taft,
Jnelice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, to succeed the late
Justice David J. Brewer, lioveruor
Huches "ill not qualify until next
October thus permitting hi in to serve
as Governor uutil that time.
President Taft has directed the re
moval from office of Daniel A Suth
erland, United States marshal for the
district of Alaska, aud of Jota J
Boyce, district attorney for the flist
division of Alaska. Now if the muck
rtikrs do not make capital out of
such action, it will be very summ
ing, just as would have been the'ease
bad the discharged officials teen retained.
Times shown conclusively that there
wa n valine fur the report except
that of personal tn.-tllce. Not only
that but tht siici't'Nxttil candidate for
niavor I (inoti'4 us miviui: ti'itt ne
could not poi!ililv have neeti clecte
eicept for the fact that n lot of How.
ermati'it friend voted for him. It Is
the circulation of such reports that
will endanger Republican hiuvi'hh nt
the coming election. Say I'll the hihhI
thini J oti can of your own candi
date, gentlemen, lint ly oiuful aliout
decrying others.
The immense damage to crops by
frost and other wintry weather
throughout a large portion of the
middle west and south is probably
unprecedented Nothing of the kind
so extensively disastrous and so late
in the season ever occured before.
.Especially calamitous is the damage
to the cotton crop, the principal ag
ricultural resource of several south
ern states.
Ex-Congressman Hermann has been
seriously ill at his home at Roseburg
for some tune but late reports are to
the effect that be is improving. Not
withstanding the serious charges pre
ferred against bim by the Govern
ment, Mr Hermann has hosts of
friends throughout the State who be
lieve bim unjustly accused, and sin
cerely bope that he may regain his
health and disprove the charges.
Latest reports, however, state that
Mr. Hermann is gradually growing
Insurgents of the teuate. through
the eloquent tongue of Senator f'ol li
ver, spurned an invitation to quit
their party associates aud join the
Democratic partv, which invitation
had been evteuded by Seuator Ray
ner in the course of speech in oppo
sition to the Administration Railroad
Mr Rayner'a invitation to the "in
surgent" Senators made a general
bit with the "insurgents" them
selves, quite as much as lth the
Democrats and regular Republicans.
Mr. Rayner bad not resumed his seat
before Mr Dolliver was recognized.
Dol'iver declined Kayner's invita
tion, with thanks. Taking up the
question as to the disagreement of
the "insurgents" with the regular
Republicans, he intimated that there
was room enough in the Republican
partv for all elements, "it is a large
party," be said, "and it has, witbiu
the last 15 years, converted a laige
number of good people to its faith.
It is large enough to carry on the
tight for good government, but if I
Silver Lnie leader,
K E Laokey bss made the sale of
bis (lacs nortbwset of town to O A
Johnston, who already owns land
near that place Just purehsed.
Work on the artesian well has not
been In progiees this week owing to
the fact that 1 L liale was compelled
to stay in town on account of the
illness of bis wife.
Mr and Mrs (1 U Ward well, who
went to Portland some three weeks
ago came buzzing into town Monday
afternoon with a new automobile of
the Intei-State make.
K A Remington was In front Lake
Monday fixing up bonds pteiaratory
to taking charge of the Lake post
otllce, Mrs Loug, the preseut lucum
beat, having resigned.
S V Martiu aud J 11 Lane left
Mouday for Klamath Fall. Mr Mar
'I . 1 - i 4 J . t - .....1.. ,
111! lutruus lu ihij smut' fciniu vtiiiit
there ard also expects to ttail a new
buggy home for use iu the livery
hai n.
Dr Ewiog came iu from Clllt Sun
day aur ou Monday ne aud Dr T',,-ii j
ttarted tor faisiey. where tn. ex
pect tn perform a surgical operation
on K I Henderson, who as iu Silver
Lake scute time auo for treatment.
We uoderstaud that Oscar Hotpilxt
bs leased his piece, formerly a part
of the S-O ranch, to Chas Pitcher for
a term of three years. Mr Hoquint
will go to Seattle where he will join
his wife who has treen in that city for
the past several months.
L E Penrose, of Fort Rook, who
has beeu l'viug at Summer Lake for
some time, where he has some farm
Und reuted, left for the Willamette
valley last Thursday, iu response to
a telegram message which stated that
bis daughter, who lives near Dajtuu.
Uregon, was in a critical conditiou.
WALT Kit HMVF.KS, A oarpenter.
Supposed to have been her the
past 5 weeks Any Information as to
his whereabouts will be Rladlv re
ceived by hlasoo A Kill UK MVK.KS,
Lakevlew, Or. pd lwk
WANTKD A position as cook on
tanch near Lakevlew, Lady has
son that could help on ranch or sheep
camp during Sheap shearing. Ad
drexs Kxaminer ottlce.
FUF.K LKASF., Anr person desiring
to plow and seed 'M acres of land Iu
S-o 7. 1 41 S. U I)r... can have the
entire crop. Apply to Kaloh K
KOO.F.K, near the. land.
Yalley Falls
Mr. Rouse!), of Clover Flat, was a
visitor here last Wednesday
Mr McCurdy, of Lakevlew, made a
flying tiip to this place last week in
an auto.
The Vallev Falls bouse is now near
ing completion and expects to be in
operation in a t-bort time.
SALK OF TIMHKK, Portland, Ot
gou, April 'J!, UMO. sealed bids
ji Hiked outside "Ulrf, Timber Saie
Application, April 15, UMH, Fre
mont," and addressed to the District
Forester. Forest Service Portland
Oregon will ho recleved up to and In
cluding the :i day of June UMO for all
I h merchantable dead timber stand
ing or down ami all the. live tinnier
tnaiked for cuttiug by the Forest oltl
eer located on an area to be delln Ita
ly designated by the Forest officer he
Tore cutting beglut including approx
imately .170 acres tn Seo 1H and the
N of Seo 1! i. :U S, It 17 lo M.
within the Fretroul NaMoual Forst.
Oreuou, estimated to lie 4,'21H.UC ft
11 M of wertleru yellow pine, t-0 I "X'J,- I
iHHt ft 11 M of white fir, live or .lend
mm timber, lot- scale, more or less.
No ' of lena than 2.70 per M ft. ,
II M for weetern yellow pine and
t per M ft li M for white tlr will be (
O'Misidered, and a tlepoeit of f 1000, 1
payable lo the order of the First Na- I
tlonal Htnk uf Portland. Oregon,
must be sent to that bank with each j
bid submitted to the District Fores- ;
ter Timber upon valid claims Is ex
enipted from sale The right to re- '
ject auy and all bids is reserved, j
For further information aud regula
tions go7oruing sales address Forest)
Supervisor. Fremont National Forest,
Lakevlew, Oreuon (iFO. II. CKUIL, !
Acting Dls'rict Foiester
i - - - - .
If this is t lie case, roine to
Parisian Millinery Store
if w o Iwivt n't it in stock wc
can make it for yw
"while you wait"
Kiincniltir tliis is the only
lias an
It is reported that S. 11. Chandler
ever did feel any temntation to leave ! Pul ia a hotel also, located ou
Wm. J. Scbiffein of New York said
recently: "Stories of graft and cor
ruption in three States Ohio, Penn
sylvania and New York -occupy col
umns in my newspaper," said Scbif
fein. All these stories of litigative
corruption concern business matters.
We are fond of blaming Legislators
Tor graft, but first and foremost the
blame ia on the business men. Com
mercialism, whicb should be an hon
orable word, baa come to be a term
of reproach. Honest business men
Jcdow the truth and feel a sense of
sbame at tbeee exposures. "
it 1 would bave t o overlook a good
many tbiogs before I would (pitch my
tent with the Democratic party, be
cause I know that there is quite as
much discontent in tfce Democratic
party as to its leadership as in the
Republican party."
! President Taft's railroad legislation
! will be enaacnted. ass an Associated
: Press dispatch on May 2. At the close
of a protracted conference of leading
'regular republican senators, it whs
apparent that the revolt of the senate
"insurgents" bad been virtually
successful, and the sections of the
bill relative to traffic agreements
and mergers, which Senator Cum
mins and other insurgents bave been
fighting to amend, will be abandoned.
Piactically nothing distinctive' of
the original will remain, save the
sections providing for the creation
f a court of commerce. Mr. Tatt is
eaid to bave expressed himself em-
to this effect. He said
initiated the pending
measure and had advocated it
throughout the country in the form
in whieh it was reported to the sen
ate, and, if a combination of insur
gent republicans and democrats
rendered it impossible for the repub
lican majority to enact the bill he
j fel the admiuistration should be re-
lndiaua is to be the scene of some i lievea of responsibility of defeat. He
warji political doiuys during the ap-j rented the entire matter in the hands
preaching campaign. Not only is the ! of Senator Aldrieh and his repuMi
Fepublicnu party rent asunder by , can a.-sociates, who were then in con
numerous burning questions, but tLe i ference.
Democrats have an ar.pajs-ntlv bia : -
William Randolph Hearst, former
aspirant for the Democratio nomina
tion for the Presidency, tonight is
sued a remarkable statement over bis
own signature, in which he unquali
fiedly indorsed Mr Taft. In doing
so be also critises in severest phatically
terms the administration of be bad
President Roosevelt, and in so many
words warns the American Nation
against a renewel of the political
domination of the ex-president.
Heretofore the only waj to play Wil
liam Randolph for a winner bas been
to "copper" him.
quarrel ou their hands Last, John
V Kern was unaniomusly nominated
as the Democratic candidate for
Luited States Senator from Indiana'
by the Democratic State Convention I
and Tom Tagart and bis cohorts are j
corrospondinuly depressed. How
ever, Democrats , hbvs the happy
faculty of adj lint ing their differences
before election day comes around,
and this instance will probably prove
jab exception.
Meeting Called Off
will be remembered that some
It would seem that an effort la al
ready being made to advance the in
terests of some certain candidates for
btute offices at the Fall election.
Just at thia time it may bs proper to
state that the Examiher has no fav
orites to play at the game, neither
will it belittle or misrepresent any
man who may asplra to any office
within the gift of the people. Re
centiy an effort bas been mads to
weaken Jay Bowernian as a possible
candidate for Governor, by stating
that "the Bowernian faction" was
defeated for the first time in eight
years in the city election at Condon,
Mr. (Bowermau's borne town. The
report appears to bave been atarted
by a bitter personal and political
enemy of Mr. Bowerman's, aud in
connection therewith the Condon
i time ago a series of stock meetiui!s
were proposed by the Forebt Service
for the puipoee of organizing stock
associations, but unavoidable circum
stances prevented holding such meet
ings this spring. After giving the
matter careful consideration it is
thought to be a better plan, consider
ing the time of year, to postpone the
etock meeting indefinitely, and Lave
one of the District Officers come here
and, after familiarizing himself with
the grazing situation, to meet all
those who are directly interested and
consider all conflicting claims and
grazing equities upon the ground,
tbns avoiding unnecessary hardships
and expense to nnlrterested persons.
It is expected that the Chief Dis
trict of Grazing Mr. II. K.'.O'Brlan,
will be bere within the next two
weeka Mr. O'Brien is a thorough atock
man and it is hoped that all tbose
who are interested in grazing live
stock upon the Forest will avail them
selves of the opportunity of meeting
bim while here.
The new telephone cable arrived
Monday and is now being laid in
position. The main cable contains
258 wires, and the other 20C.
Crooked Creok ou bis land.
'Holbrook brothers bave moved
their cheep in from the desert, as
bave Sbelhammer and Branch.
Mrs. Batcblder aud Mrs McCurdy,
of Lakevlew, are spending a few days
here, visiting with Mrs E J Stone
Manuel Sanders passed through
here a few days since with bis two
bands of sheep bound for the summer
Mr and Mrs J J Simpson, who bave
been visitiog with Mr and Mrs W 11
Hotcbkiss. left for the south last
The weather rtation at tbis point is
now in operation, the Instruments
being received from the Depaitmeut
last week.
Ever since the roads have settled
tie ZX outfit has been busy hauling
heavy loads with their S-mule freight- j
ing team from Lakeview to their
ranch via Valley Falls.
The HotchkUs boys are busily en
gaged bringing in their cattle from
the low desert north of their Cbewau
can ranch, preparatory to turning
them on the summer le.nge.
Mr E J Stone left here last Satur
day to join the Lakeview band and
accompany them on their trip to
Bid well. He took his camera with
him aud we are promised some good
views of Surprise Valley.
Mr. J. E. Xii'.olson. representing
the Augldile Computing Co., of Elk
hart Ind. was a caller at the store of
the Valley Falls .Mem. Co , as was
Mr. E. L. Clark, representative of the
Anglo-American Crockery & Ulass
ware Co of San Francisco.
United States Land Office, Iake- ;
view. Oregon, May, 2d 11K0 ,
Notice is hereby piven that the Cal
ifornia aud Oregon Land Compauy, 1
a Corporation organized and doing
btislneKS under the laws of the State
of California, by its duly authorized
atfetit , W. II. Shirk, whose post ottlce
address Is Lakevlew Oregon, maile
application May 2d. 1310 to seUet
uuder the act of June 4th 1HH7 (.10
Statute .'lil the following described !
tract to wit: NEjj of the NWJ of see- ,
t ion 17 T37. S. R. 17 E. V. M ,
The purpose of this notice ia to al
low all persons claiming the selected
land above described under the min
ing laws or desiring to show it to be
mineral In character, an opportunity
to Ule objection to such selection
wth t lie Register aud Receiver of the
U. S. Land Ottlce at Lakevlew Oie
gon, and to establish Itheir interest
therein or the mineral character
thereof, on or befoie June 3rd, UMO.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
Are You Ready to Buy Your Hat?
Have you in mintl wlmt
7Ztti kind of a lint you wntit?
:Jki fan vnn rfpt it?
r 'W -"'"T Have you trie.! everyplace?
' r i 4 1
Lake County tliat
cxpei t trimmer find
. a
Ivvcry hat ts made
rilit up to the minute in
style and quality at prices that cannot be duplicated
anywhere. Just a lew items for your henelit this week
Ladies muslin underwear, n sample line, at actual
wludesa le rices .
Ladies line waists, the very latest styles
$1 waists at 75c; $1.50 waists, $1; $2.50 waists, $1.75
Ladies silk petticoats, only a few left, ctn save you
from $1.00 to ftl.OO on these
Ladies od dtirahlc hose, regular .'." ct (uality,
for this sale, only 'JO cents.
J. Chas. Smith & Co. Parisian
Main Street, Went of (Vurt Himiho,
of putting down tho old carpet again
if you can put down an Axminstor,
or Brussols Art Square choapor?
We have them
Rocking chairs, dining, high chairs
and every other kind of a chair at
Colvin's Furniture Store
Department of the Interior, U H
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
April :i0, 1910.
Not coal land
Notice is hereby given that Edward
A Snyder, of Lakeview, Oregoo, who,
on May 1, KMJ3, made Homestead en
try No serial. No 0U1O, for E'.,
Township 37S, Range 19E, Willamette
Meridian, has fi lad notice of intention :
to rnak Final Five Year Proof, to es- '
tablisb claim to the land above de- ,
scribed, before Register fand Receiv
er, U H Land Otllce, at Lakelew,
Oregon, on the 10th day of Jane. 1910
Claimant names as witnesses: X
Arzuer, of Lakevlew, Oregon O Arz
ner, of Lakevlew, Oiegon J Arzner,
of Lakeview Oregon J y Willi',
of Lakeview, Oregon
Meet me at
Lakeview Meat Market
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Fret? I Ml very
A Yearly Income
Death of Mrs. Mulkey
Cedarville Record : Our communi
ty was somewhat startled to bear of
the death o' Mrs Maggie Mulkey, wife
of J D Mulkey, of Davis Creek,
wDich occured at Lake City Sunday
after a brier illness. Her remains
were taken to Davis Creek Sunday
and Interred Tuesday afternoon. Mrs
Mulkey was one of the foremost edu
cators of Modoc, and as a teacher was
unexcelled. She taught for several
years at Lake City, and for a longer
term at Altnras, and at the time o
bcr death she was a member of the
County Board of Education,
Normal Schools
The Normal School question Is fair
ly before the voters by the Initiative
Bill for Monmouth framed by ber
Alumni This seperates it wholly
from politics, and gives tbe voters a
fair obauce to express their choice.
Schools are a oecessi'y we must edu
cate the beys and girls and we mast
have teachers; tbe Normal Btbuol is
tbe place to train and prepare these,
Vote, Yes for Monmouth.
J. B. V. BUTLER, Seo. Com. A7-28
We make special prices - , ,v
on quantity orders of f'
l'erry's Heeds.
22 miles south of
Lakeview, near Wil GUARANTEED Deep, Rich, Mellow
low Ranch, P. O. Loam, a very slight
Modoc County, Cal. If You Purchase a Sub-Soil, Perfect
In the Heart of the Ten Acre Tract. soop
Demonstrated Fruit nnn
Belt. "The Best in IT . ' "d a,r'
the West." Drainage.
Willow Ranch Orchard Homes.
Abu n dan ce of THE HOME OF Land Values are In
water for Irrigation THE BIG RED creasing every day:
FREE APPLE P0L', Delay; This
' land is selling fast.
Write for booklet and terms at once.
Price will advance.
Tri-State Land Company,
Lakeview, Oregon.