Lake County Kxan i a STATE AND GENERAL NEWS Official Couxtv Paper ADVKK I I5INU HAIL R-xunir tin1iu .t llrt) an inrh. tnl islumn n .-. h r month All siamling la. Ikiiiainl iree Iw n e a month. t'wt ol ctimpoal Mou riim.1 tor an tr rhanaf. All il lil.iti. rir All nhiiri term ads elira ttr.1r. I i cuiiniii. HV. r line each In elilmi. Want a.1. x lln-ft-aeh Inwrilon Ja.ii l'i'.. l m. Kewlultotia ol comlu Mi " . $1 ( 'nl ne ' aft. .jTr put m:iig nil lob Frlnt taia Hh i- n'tmint A -in :i i I'ulit 1 he tint ol fm'h month. 511B5CRIPTION K.lTtiS. n tear. In advance In tnePthi, " (Itn mouths, ' II not pll la aJvauoe. SI. SO the r"' .76 Nolle I Subscribers Suoo ricwn to I he Kiamlnor who rrtnor. Inntoni' locality U anmlior. or rhatirv their rwatoRtre a.MrviM should rommbr u drop thin nlthf a card ao I h.-ir paper can bo ad draed lo thr right custodies. An expirlniect station la to da es tablished by the reord of the Coqnll 1 valleys for the purpose of fludintt what crops ran be most profitably Itrown lu the locality. Many varieties of vegetables and warden trurk w ill he planted. Th plan Id to carry ou the eir rlment for a tf rui of years nod it la believed that the result will , ' ht an.l Lent. t.ach..H, Hre. hii I , hlnhly beneficial to the ranchers who)1' ",', '" wrn ami ripened j owu land in the locality. Karuiln binder iilaan t h r,, r" '''" end dairying bare always been blhty !l"nl ""'" prohitu lorv. Deer Ftut KUnnti lie t i are J tv ii Hit a . W L, Al'iiu ii The dairy will le ei.i In oeiillio this season ami in a Hilton to di. manufacture of tuiuer ami v ee, ' stnck-ralstntf will lix can led on I he ' (IhItT Will lit Htl Kill) (l lit) vh , ami lliiUeln, i.v, ,! tiM In ported fro ii the ln In In the Mii. He1 West. la Ireltnd, lm of n lack nf sun-! A: IIIK'AN SECTION AND SWISS YILLAHH IN KKSTOIUCD MHSSINA. American Type of People IMolded by Our Climate. (f v 1" aw- . r Profwr W ILLI l MOORE. ChleT of the United Stat Weather Burci u. r T is well known to niotoorologists that easterly i "n nittinii luirr rl(iwnl v in tlio fnrfli ni lirtvo on linvviiril ci inpoiunt of motion. They therefore patlicr the hti iniiJity, i!ut. disease an J other haeteria, ami. as a rile, they are warm and humid. All of these conditi ns make them FOUL WINDS. The converse is true of the northwest winds. They come from above, with a downward component of motion that bears a defii ite fetation to the velocity. They come from the region where the ttir i dry, pure and highly electrified and where ozone exists in compara tively large quantities. The COOL, PUKE A IK OF THE NORTHWEST WIND IS THEREFORE AX INVIGORAT ING AIR. It stimulates man and all other animal life. It brings PHYSICAL ENERGY AND MENTAL BUOYANCY in its tnighty breath. As the greater number of the storms of the northern hemisphere ORIGINATE ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT we have a GREATER ATMOSPHERIC ACTIVITY and the northwest winds greater force. THIS MAY HAVE A MARKED EFFECT AS ONE OF THE IM ORTANT ENVIRONMENTS THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE CHAR. ACTER OF THE FACE THAT IS NOW COMING TO BE KNOWN AS AMERICAN." HE HAS FERTILITY OF THOUGHT AND ENERGY OF BODY. MAY IT NOT BE THAT THE CLIMATE HAS MUCH TO DO WITH THE DEVELOPING OF THE INDOMITABLE SPIRIT THAT IS NOW REACHING OUT FOR THE MASTERY OF THE EARTH f prolltMe iu the Conutlle titer valley. It I roirllile Mint the government olll te akJ to aid in the experimeut tatloa work. Itriii-e K. K ster, an eeet uf the eoveromeiit, is in Vale tor the ur pose of recnniDieu lina suitaMe loca tion for the Unil odlce, which will he opeue I trier lo at'eoninuce with the recent act of conitisa h new IhdiI dis trict, with the ottlce at ale. It U Dot the intention of the government to erect a liiiiMlnn, I u'. to ltHe tt portion of a l.nihiiiiK, which will ao ' four In the tnorut in. K it arttr.M i) auJ ii ilpiu ent i lst h it will lie vixllilc in the evening. went of the euoiet. U't will iihkh Tr4 le i.etw en ChiimiIii an. I H U n 1 1 cil Slates miiile its t cor I lu the raleu.lnr vmtr JumI en eJ a-j.l has more thun 1 ,itt til.l in t,. lust 10 yenra. lu lurliiue steKtnerit the rliytlimitlii thumping of the (.Utotin ilinHi'(e .r.. and InNtexi the en a in aies out a thlo piano song that rises or tails In key with the speed, ejiiiot imes sug gesting a contitiuiuis H'liienl. Ililley'e Comet is u iv rislile in the eat'rn hniirens a'toul half p4t yprssoctv" ; J72 6 - 9 oomoiiate th ottices of the Dew otilcp. A Central Bank FOR: Will Ward Off PaniCS-E. B. Vreeland AGAINST: Would Increase Power of Capital Henry Clews The county couit of D.iker coutitv baa annotioced Its intention of con tributing !') tnouthly for puhlicity purposes ami the atuouut will be tiimei over to the Linker commercisl club ami use. I tv it in atvertUing the resources of Uak -r county au1 city. The cotnmerciHl club hts a aiember bip of nearly 40) and each member pays f. a mouth, so that nearly will be available for publicity pui posea. CSovernor has named Ralph W. Hnyt of Portland as honorary vice president of the Pauama Panitlc exposition, which is to bu held hi Sao r'rtuclsco iu 1915, when it Is ex pected the Pauama canal will be opened to the tiatllo of the world. The appointment was made at the re quest of Charles S. Pee. secretary of the board of trustees of the exposi tion cot porstion. Joho ('. Dutkhart has made another short flight t th his biplaoe airship at Albany. Me rose to a height of 2t) feet and Hw 1"0 yarns succesful- lr. At a ojeeting of the state sheep commission, held in Portland, lust week, tbe commission was reorgani ized by tbe election of Charles Cleve land, of (Jreshsm, president, and Her- j bert Boylan, secretary Tbe resigns Jtion of Dau P. bmtho, of Pendleton, 'was accepted, and tbe vacancy tilled by the selection of Herbert Bnylan, of tbe same city. In addition to , President Smytbe and Secretary Boy i laD, there were also present A. L. Mclnti eh, of Paulina, and W Ii. i Lytle, of Pendleton. Sheep Inspector Lvtle reported tbe flock masters of the dtute H-i more prosperous (ban By Congressman EDWARD B VREELAND of New York. Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, HE reform of our banking and currency system is doubtless the GREATEST ECONOMIC QUESTION before the people of the United States. Until the panic of 1907 the great mas3 of our people be lieved that our banking and currency system was trell adapted to the business needs of the coun try. But in 1907 we had no excuse for a panic ex cept a lack of STABILITY IN OUR SYSTEM and a lack of CONFIDENCE by the people and by the bankers themselves in our system. It was a time of great prosperity. IF THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHER COUNTRIES IS VALUABLE WE SHOULD CENTRALIZE OUR RE SERVES. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL OF OUR RESERVES SHOULD BE KEPT IN ONE BANK, but it means that at least $300,000,000 or $400,000,000 should be kept so that it can be sent in any amount needed Wherever needed. By HENRY CLEWS. Banker. New York. E should guard against the creation of a central national bank becau.-e of the btimulus it would give to the FUR THER CONCENTRATION OF THE MONEY POWER in the United States. Already that power has assumed enormous dimensions. THE POWER AND RESOURCES OF A CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK WOULD ALMOST SURELY BE USED BY THE SO CALLED CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY AND SPECULATIVE MULTIMILLIONAIRES TO BRING ABOUT NEW AND MORE GIGANTIC COMBINATIONS TO ADD TO THEIR ENORMOUS WEALTH AND BUILD UP A MONEY OLIGARCHY THAT MIGHT BECOME MORE POWERFUL THAN THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF AND FINALLY ENDANGER IF NOT OVERTURN OUR REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS. The government should therefore be careful not to give it any more POWER TO PERPETRATE WRONGS AND ABUSES OR INDUSTRIAL OPPRESSION than it haa already, while placing no obstacle in the way of legitiiaato enterprise. Then as a nation we ehould guard against THE INDIVIDUAL WILL POWER FOR EVIL of any one of these multimillionaires or a combination of them. Under our new primary lbw it noes CJeu bo.gatber around the office ot aeem that the newsDBuera of th r,tttteif'e lc t"8' . tlolat( to Le have a splendid opportnoity for the sale of their columus in u pwrfeoiiy legitimate way for political uilveitls lopsayetbe AoiericHU Pre.. The, budidutes are to be chosen by the bflople an uot by uuy buiull r.i of hoove the candidates their mer its be known,., to iufna the puuljo who they ere and whai ere their quid itlcatlons for the ollloe to which they aspire. It ie goieir t eliminate tba "ring" syftem ! they have been for many years It I was said at thj uieetiog that sheep scab is all but. fcradii'Hted from the slats therebeiug but two infected bHnds left, cue in Malheur county and aiictber lu Haruey. Half a dozen crews of men in the employ of the Western Union Con struction department are rushing the stringing ot tbe new copper circuit on tne Shasta division of tbe South ern Pacific, which is' to be need for tbe installation of complete tele pbo"e service to be used in tbe dis patching of trains over this division. The service will be inaugurated at a very early date, it is etated, south of Ashland. Ivlsmatb Chronicle. Boosie Wise, who was reported very Ml with pneu monia is now much better aud bis re covery is assured. Dr. (Jeorge II. Merrymun, the attending ubyrlriHU, for beveral days was unaMe to locate youug Wise's relatives, but iinnlly got the iuf oroiHtinn that bis parents lived at Plubh, la Lake county. They are Mr and Mr G W. Wi e aud ttiy were immediately apprised of thtdr eon's con lition and lost no time in reaching bis bedside VouDg Wise was born iu Klamatb 20 years ago, tbe family leaving for Lake county two years later (J. W. Wise was engaged in the barber busi ness here iu tbe early days, and this is bis beoond visit to Klamath since his departure. K'aDiatb Kails Herald: Ben Stock ton ii on tbe list of the Dew arrivals in Klamath, lien comes from Kan Prauciuco aud was formerly In basi fiess in Coalingo. lie has bought the laiaud from P. J. Cllue and expects to run it this summer. He is well L-uown among tbe sporting tiatemi ty, as be has wou n euy battles in the ring, in wbicn arena be is kuuwD as tbe "Terrible Swede," Yesterday while crossing tne bridge to the is land tbe wind blew off bis hat end as Mr. Htockton remarked he "bad just bought that Stetson in LHinsmuir. " be straigbway proceeded to go in after it. Getting tbe bat be swam on down the river to tbe bridge on Main street and pioceeded up the bank weariug bis wet clothes and a satis fied, it oot cheerful smile. KLAMATH KALLS. Or, April. 8 A dairy on strictly modern line will be cutatlisoed iu Wood River valley, through its tail on the night of May IS. Hud It wi'l re). lire severs1 lioti's ' to make the passage. There imv be it ; glow cf the aliy aud poltiiy a in. t. io display, but apart from tliU harm- less and beautiful phnnoineijou nolli- ' log will occur to etfect bummi lives' ou earth. A putty knife, with a reerwlr lu 1 the handle, from which putty ran le aiueeZrti! .y pressing a button, ha been iu veil ted as a time mver for glaziers by a Minnesota man. 1 0 MfsMliu n j,.ir after t lie greiit iiirtluitko tt I ' i the pi-ii of the piM-l lu cflebrntlug the lllU!iiili nf hum i i . effeciH of mitiiriil cnliiNlrophcN. The rei'cnl -lul in- n. I . Imvlug dune ii'iiu- il llliilu'C III the Sli lllnn cll At - 'In tiotis of I lie uetv Mi'mkIiiH are the villus- 1 1 1 . 1 . I 1 1 .'.i lilflil nf Swl'.i-rliind find the Ami'rWiill U:iili-l I n I' ii With iii'Hiey hi-nl frnin the l'liltcl Slnies i t i ' 1 1 1 1 ai Ihi-llit for ..ret hi i t tin wiirnt i.t tune reMirtii as ii .l 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 ,. kit I if i.i. -ii i In In "e I i . 'it t.-i l.i I nnj Writer on Fame Topics K. P Trigg, recently from 1 wa, a well kuowo writer on subiecU con oected with farm and orcbarCa some of whose wrltiugs have appeared in the Kxamiuer, Is liBrd at ork every rtay Hi his place on tb rde of Central Point. He will In dm time ha e t he model farm md oichtiri of that section, it is behaved, us his ideas aud plans are ui i lin and pro K remove and he is a modern ii' ot force aud ability enough to cany them out. lrin prfparat Iomh im .Iy d -ti-l ot dry cut.irrh ; tiiey dry U l i. n-' iunn, which udliero to tliv lui-ml.riiiii- .tiul i ni pH, f iii.sing a fur inoro . ri'm. Tnml Ii th iu thj ordiuitry form of nt irrh. Avi.i.i all drying inhaUuts, fuiuivt, nnA.--( am' siiu.Ih and un that whi-b cbwiwH, i"il- and heal. Kly's Creniu H tbu wi ! :u.i.-tt , eatanU or o. .Id in tho IkmiI e.t- iy uinl pb a--i.iutlv. A'.l ilrnistit -II ll ".o i in ' size. Kiy llrothers, & ' .m u S'r':t, New Yor.i. The llttlni i used without ;uii:i, d h tint , irritute or ciui-t-HTiei-ziu. It IT' -in. i i- i f over iin irritated itud Hin,'ry inrl.u-e, r. lit-v. inij iiirm-ili.iti ly Hie p:.inti.l uul.iuitn em. Uy's I re in l.itltn ,tilmni n -'uuiii, mercury nor other Uaruiful drutt. I'JLLY ACCOCMr.l) POU ' VeHit Did tun hv the boy came fri io a tig ting familvT Crlmsonleak Yes; bis father was a cnlocel lu the army and his mother was a sultravetta. Yotikeis Statesman, i A (.'t.'ICK KKTOKT "Uiiod evening, sister. Where ait t'liui iiolor" nlke l uti imp ideut eol li.un t."v of nn HMi!etli' mU lu Den ver C,' 1 1 1 f k hh n It .M nl e shot out her tru-ty ruht to his jit and he was noon oil bU to ulumlo flrttirl. Hii liiliighain Age llrreld. ill niliiiiiaHi ir.-arsr. FOR SALE 1 .".- Cm4 nlfalfa land. 'A(H) : r n i t tries, 7"i rivlit of creek for irrigation llmst. place for chickens, ilairv, cows, etc. acres. New I'ine (iO a tit s fi nit and ben i mil:. la t n etc. ole W. F. PAINE & CO Lake view, Oregon. THE FANDANGO LUMBER CO. Watch our Window . for our Friday Special "w''i One Pit-c , or a Wagon Load. Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's Store. P. O. Willow Ranch, Calif. Tic THE AMERICAN RESTAURANT Will have hoL Light-Bread Biscuits Every Evening 25 for 25c, From 5 to 6 o'clock Finish Iain-ioc Sealing, Shingles, I ntndow frame stock, Door Frame stock Slabs and cord wood. ets, Rustic, Lath, h.oring, Apple boxes. SWENSON'S RESTAURANT "1 Huropcan Plan Iverjt'iinjr from a Cup of Coffee to a Square Meal Call anJ I ry L's Vou will Come Aain. E. 13. SWENSON. Proprietor. I. O. O. F. Block, Lakeview, Ore. Our line of mens plain and fancy boisery cauuot bo beat. B & M j Blue Prints Made I will make HIuh i'nutH of any townnhlp of Inud In the Lakevlew Land DlHtrlct, and do abMtruct work Call r write W. B. SNIDfik Lakevlew - - Oreitoa You know what a good teacher means to a community, sad especially to a child. The Normal School is where the teachers are best trained. You have a valuable plant at Monmouth worth more than 100,000. Don't abandon this, but vote Yes for Monmouth and sustaiu the Normal School. The oust1 is four cents on a tbousaud dollars. 1 J. B. V. BUTLER, aeo. Com. A 21 Goose Lake Valley Irrigated Lands For Rent, 10,000 acrcM, will divide hiiimh Into any ttlze farm dcmri'i!. All under the New Canal with tlrnt prt ferciicc water tIrIiih The very Creum of the Valley Selected yearn ku all level, porfit t alfalfa liimls. Will lease for term nf years for part of crop. Suiuk Iioiiwh and barns will be built for ilcfiicuble tenaiitN, Must give. rcicreuccH. Write Hunter Land Co. Wells Varo, Iild. Ponland, Om a Raises I and conic all pure i dough the dough -'js plies with h?v.w. v food laws. fcEaf-rrfJ American Restaurantar"akeJ (jce Yong and lorn Ilotai, Proprietors. Lakeview, Oregon Fresh Hrcad, Cake and Pics on salo every tlay F'ancy Cake and all kind of Pastrv made" to order. i The only first class short older pl.uc in the town Open Day and .Night CRESCENT MFfJ. CO. Makers i' KAIV.TNE r SUDSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER