Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 21, 1910, Page FOUR, Image 4

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The Home of Good Values
We are the oldest Real Estate firm m Southern
Oregon, and until this season, we have not attempted to
locate a single party on Government land. "GOOD"
land subject, toll omesteadine is scarce, but we can now
K; locate a few on the cream of now vacant lands in Lake
We also have a big list of farms, unimproved lands
f OUh
Our Spring stock of Ladies' and Gent's furnishings
are complete in every respect. We especially call
your attention to our line of Ladies' Ideal shirt
waists, and our famous Ideal shirts for Men.
Hanan Shoes Stetson Hats
'land town property for sale.
Very truly yours,
Smiles an.i bqualis
T !
t V ! I li l '
M. .1 I! . .-in. I (I II
, )l I n "l I'. I !"
I . M I Mil I I tl'l 1
'I I' I llist'd m Iiiiii
I - t . it" li I lull
iii it I it pi rii i cnta.
1 i rv over to lii-
Bailey & Rflassingill.
in in k l
I lli -
i ' t recur. i i
I til - ill ( nil ho) , of
n'l I Hiii-!'. : tllit.i
Jqf ii ii .ii in ! .mi , lit nf nicn
I illf.J tin .. I t! i .:,
ii 1 1 t. -in
I t o t 1 1
Hi t i . ml
II. M I . IH
i Hiirs in Shii
i ted
oiinion i t the
aiiui'iu dMnct
future (f t lie Hon.
Yalley Falls
This itnoi: m nt f- i starting the
sheepmen t-o ri trj'u the rte
ert. Si . 1 1 J ia ' aad Si lim It
bod have i afd beie with three
to coropletiou The wntei for this
'canal will le ra.ed 4S It by ater
J poer ami besddew imuatiui! all their
, iHud st the Lake can cover 1 hi il at
Vnlley Fall Bud westward.
Mr. M. Sauder past-ed through here
buund for the XL rat;cb which be id count and then, will Iih miitn .
n a good mill
I in reeklu , a
: ii-nti
'uni t girl wrote
- nil Hll 4iple
' mI and thereby
the lint or Hi
t l.i' tootl una
e Hue uill will
i or nouietblng
run uin .
Mr. J. C. Ilotchkiss arrived here
last wee' to look after hie interests
II. A. Utelv and Clms. Fiddly were
visitors to Lakeview from thia place
last week.
C W. Fj. Jenninas is having hi
place south of Valley Falls fenced.
II. E. CtirtU. ha- assumed e .arge
liouud tor Fauley. lbese of the ,0 ruucb for tbi:) summer.
re( . i:r.ize the merit rf rPrr s.n'c-s.fiil mntiiii! iirture
Now ttmi thn r m i have dried out
aod B-tild ao'ombiles are coruojeDC
ing to en e i. i '.dv. .) I. Venator
in corona v .ir;i Felix tireeu, Crc I
WcKendr-'c a-i I Mr. Dak, made a
flying visi' 'o i e 70 ranch last Sun
day L'St Mr Venator
again pi-?- i ifimiii here bound tor
Silver Ltk . il- Mr Sielling iu
bis auto
good rfH: m chos- to cone uv way eh0w wad giveii at the Hotct kitis
of Valley Fall and thi nortDsije of raucb luet Tuieday by Mr. J. J.
the CheA'HutMu 8lley iSimpsou.
Last Yeii!-sdny the Paisley Merc.
Co6 lre'.wbt i Mtbt benvily loaded fjo Pinm nrlr
passed t louub I ere bound for tbeir iew rint vrten
home ow... via the ucrtb side road. ; Mr Rugkj RDd Ei Ahlnn fl.
Tbe main irrigating canal to be companiod t.y Mr tlenckel fiom
sapplied 'mm the ilotchkies dam U Golcouda, Nev. have juat returned ro
about J 'inlrt't and the reoiaiudei the New Fine Creek camp Mr.
of the" rfc i bina diligto'ly pushed Kusk and AebtoD were here all of lud
eumnier n t 'e fact that tbeiie net
epell tut whole utory an to then .V nr hi!., i . ,.
I r ni ilium i I
divorce t. r the nm
r i.., f..,. 1 1, ..i .. i '
Wewillaooi. have n public ro,i , ,tr MHnip H. ,.,,',
throiiih to tioone Lake. Dad Hery wrn.M,er und jjot h
ford has a man cutting willows and j wm tiern i tf r n chu
will 8 ou t mid a feoce The euper- i uii hs for i,r,., ,,,,, .
visota of both Lake and Modoc I'oun f,,t t mliiht I
ties will be asked to M ln put the I ,.atl.,; dllkB or , , ,,.
Koad through ax It will be on t lie ' i . l i,.,t m idia .,
state line between Lake and Modoc I ,. r, . ... .... ,. , '
i i hum n ii iit-i iiii'i i .errioie
I i& . i
peune cuttiuu out willows end gratet t ricau .j uiit ich. h'mi .ne ai.Kry sun -will
have to be hauled. ,,f 'J'l'- ""t ,H" "-'' .
Iv w It tiHtiunI the terrillc ansxults of'
tbe militant eull r"m tleH when lio
i.'1'tti home?
Tuft tot hlwn:l liv the ni gry sulfrii :
L'l tter, Such all wt ti.iirlit ave been
expected 1 1 out a tile utile man tint
how iiiiiardiuiiil I" Mich act'ou id coin
lug fro:n the L'i'iitl.' ihlkative -ex I
.lav l!i)erni li. i I r t v t m big gtlll.
und an linleiit "ii.-m u.I Ij'' fiend, inl
I is tbe other day in mi Indirect way
i'i tiiii on n tow i. ele. 't Km lie
lie h real ,l:iv Ami otlji-r juvi nf like
ilk a-id ctlii:er m-.v t it If warning
i Hum tue lute or llim l.iiinlHomo juv.
The uew loetaurant wai t peued lur-t ' M1 l jou.t tl)()1 tno elrliwiv with the
,0Q,;lay I "H-Beniljly" gun. iih it u.luht kick
The dance given here last Fridav 1 back ur m !
April :5th was ell attemied.
million hp:v
M owning" to
million hi'!v
houir !- whu hvr
luund kilclirn Ml.t
fartion in I he only
warn thai t ill fiul
birak, tcalr or nul.
hi hum. tiwii
tttO IfMI-tH
not KOichllxt
mo! JainTyX
IW lor.
to tookiiu
MirMfjil And iiofi. da i.J
t n(iir ult-aii. lir.
ItlMf lhrm
Mrs. f-. K MlauiH came down
from tbe mines last Tuesday nturii ,
iug on same day .
Fart of o-ir l!ae Ball team went to'
Lakeview la.-t Suudav und were dr- :
feated tiy a eccre of IU to 3.
The boys are now talking i.f orguniz
inn a tea r and nio lookn g for a
ball ground. Tbev riu.ried thej
were well treated by the Lakeview !
boys Sunday '
Fleicinu liros are bavim the wood
work on tbeir "rick store repainted
"W ON CXHir.lTf.
Oily John, in building n 11 iti nt nrv 1 AlturiiH. utter mi exciting ioiiIihI,
roBldencn In London. And bin nelgli- ' "" concluded tn t it - wi t. Iml l id.
bom do not like It. Say It Hiucl In ion I 'mpHnii. o! t l.n I'liu 11 lenler lull
much of ml und irimhtune! hut In ' '"' "n I b-il lh(nll ilectlnu will ut
the old ciim getting M-ured niii''n he ! ' ' u whole of Mod-ic ri.unly In i-oudi-
bc-ard of the election Hi Milwaukee
miitit and wantri to wet under the wlnifot
King l-;d before the day of reckon
ing t oilli'H to him hll I Whicli U due to
hi 111. Iu America I
iii.... .i,..,i... ..
n. mini in
A r lea.
'he of
A farewell dunce
Friday April ''tt .
will t e given on
Mi' ICO M I 111 IH l ir I', hi.
;i lid in I I'i'- I'ii.Ii .11
Tbcri' iin1 mi licit. -r it Ih thuti il.c
I'eiry SooiIm, bi'iicf II . .
Mill way Vim to pliiul Wi---'
I'errv'i. I 1 1 1 v and
get ri enli- For .ni- ut
ap ' r:,- !r,-i!!-i'!l:',::i.;:;:ivf ri4
' -W ::-' (;; i -V!-:-: ; ' ,;: ; -'' . v'r
: if; : ' ': ;', , v' :'':- - - ' .Cl:.: S:r
:; :.. . i, , .i.-i.:; . . ! ' ;.: .iv !?ii"ij!;;:. :!:i.!i!ijfi;!:!!i:.!::ij;:!i:!.,:l AttmiaM
Tf v ir I j J : H .,!. ' !..:' .;:.:!' ' !:., : ,.' sxr'S,J'"l ''iy . ' i. , .lH:i!'l!ii l!l! lite' V1.. I .
J -.r. i'5 t 0 .i. ; i.: - ' , ' : ;: : : 1 . ,. . : s ttkmM&W. j
stt fife 1 1. 0 e f wl ; aSla s&' wm i 1 !
MM I'll '1 1 !in:i ; J ,M ;i . i-'l-nJi liri 11 ' : 1 1 miiaiiiiAW 'i A, U i, 1 1 II .n H .i M
r n '. ' '! . ,1 " I' in I E -, '.. .4k i , Ml II 1 1 . . li, HH ' -. -t ' , 'U id 1 1111 H I I ma
liepart ie t () t T b e Interior,
U ill" i Shite-i La i i Oltlce Liikevie.v
Oret'on. Atiril Jl. ;!K
Lakeview l) 'I'J'.lS Not i mil bin I OKI!
.N'dicn Ih beretiv uiren th t the
! tfrtte of Oreuou bin filed n tliin
(dlice ltd Hl l I lent Inn. m iihI (I.i'J'.IS. In
ii lect under the j rui i-iiui- of ct of
HkfreHH, of Aiiguet U. ISIS, and ttio
acta Burif lemcntnl mi l an eudatory
thereto. Lot 1, Section 7 Tp. US-,
K I9F.. . M.
Any and all perni ng claiming ed
vernely the I ind, dencrilied or denir
Inu to object lieeiiu.-e of the I'llneral
character of tbe land or lor n iy other
rniHon to the ) i i .km I to itpidicaut,
fl uld file tbeir hllldiivif a of protent
in tblri rdllce on or before the !'th day
of June ll'lO.
Tbe foregoii i! nrdlec uill be pub
liebed in tie Lake t.'o. Lxiiminer, a
w-eklv ncwtipHier piinted in Lake
view, i irekfon for it fieriod if nut le.-a
than thirty days prior to ciide limt
herein rneu ioned.
A UTI I UK W. OliTO.N Ket-iHiei
A2I.M 'J
Now the ecouoiuint imne. t that eon
sumption ih IncreiiHing faster than
product lun, and that In the cuiiHe of
high price if mi the remedy
I to vet I nek to the inn I, mid try
to heir SAell pro luct ion if enlal li-.s.
Hot, Hk'Mii, It waue do not keep (aco
with price who I going to buy the
LOST (iol'l neck bice, with lumcli of
trHpeH pen Imit. Fin ier will pleain
leare KHiiii- lit I'.XHinllier ( lllce.
I'llK SI,K -Dim cnifiter an I two
hliOA (llnel ill good cull. I It Ihi See
r ii fi.oui)
Normal Schools
The .Normal School mienl'iin Ih fair
ly before tbe voter by the Initiative
Hill for Monmouth framed by her
Alumni TblH depende it wholly
from politlCH, and gives fie voter a
fal. elm ice to exiirexH t heir choice.
Schools are li neceHiy we uiubt edu
cate the In ys and girl-and we miint
have ta'icberH ; the Nornuil H ihuul is
the place t i train a id prepare thcHe,
Vote, Ye for Mnu noii'ti.
J. U. V. liUTLLU. S o.Corn A7 'JH
You will meet business
men at Swcnson's Restaurant.
The Soclaliht l.ave completed (,
xtroug oriin i"t Ion nt Lakeview,
lire, known iih Local lakeview.
Kteryonn who believe in juHtiee and
Hint labor ehould receive the pro
duct of ItH toll and enpeciitlly every
Social Ut in the county ehould be
come a niHinber and Ih iei)iiehted to
do ho. Meet I n if each week. Kvi-ry-tioily
invited. l'artie reHlding out of
town can obtain full Informal ion by
u rit iug t ho secretary. W atch Lake
County. Something doing next elec
FiM.VJI Secretary.
A Yearly Income
We have the model
that is exactly suited to
your figure $1.00 and
upwards Will you not
let us show it to you?
1 lEiil
. . J,. II i . , ..1' .- . i.' trnt L7.J f. ill .- ,'.1;'. ' d ll'M. .-. a I
:H.': I ' 1 -'"Cl -f .
,";i !: A'lw-.'V'
WCt I. !'.'.!
I' T.tin,, i, i.;, l.n i, i, i ;ii 'liii M :i l . J i::!!:;,;..,!! , ! !.
f" ' HYM :i P il il I" 1 i ' '1 1 1 i f T ': ri"i '
'i v vm 'i hi i i'
; Ji::;K.,i, l;!il, .In1'
' hi'i'iil hl.i i iliHi ' :i
Pill Miip lipil lip
V ',
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
1 i, i 1, . .''I'l
!:!V!I I !l ir !!'
22 miles south of
L akovie w, n car Wil- GUARAN TEED Dcop, Rich, M cllow
low Ranch, P. O. Loam, a vory slight
Modoc County, Cal. If You Purchase a Sub-Soil, Perfect
In the Heart of the Ten Acre Tract. Slope, Excellent
Demonstrated Fruit
Belt. "The Best In Water, and air,
the West." Drainage.
Willow Ranch Orchard Homes.
Abundance of THE HOME OF Land Values are In
water for Irrigation THE BIG RED creasing every day:
FREE APPl r Don t DQlciy; This
FliEE APPLE landissellfng fast.
Write for booklet and terms at once.
Price will advance.
Tri-State Land Company,
Lakeview, Oregon.