I l l r . hH Al 1(11. 31. IvlU TVi Lake County Kxamuici 1 1 i lello at II I f. Ik i f cleek. some tiny I riion to tell W.ll. 1 1 -iu Fred J. Bowman Largest Sworn Circulation in Oregon Outside of Portland Official County Paper ADVtiK1lINU RAILS, j 51 B5CRIPTION KAT.-S. 8rulr .tamllnit . fl.W u Ineh. "ingle ''. In dyanrc , .,. ........ i..r n,..iith All OiKiilll a In. i 1 IIHIIMIU, l.ianfiMlfrif twice ft moiuh. t ...i ul eoiupil- I hr' motiiti, " '' ton rtisre1 fnrail extra changes. Allil, -,f n.it p! 1 H a Ivmiee, J Si) lh y. ai lilou extra All hort term ail, extra w . Kraritr. local rolumiia. lOr. per Hue carh In llton. Want aitv .V. a lin-cach Inm rtloo i Nolls to Siibacrlbcn art! of t hmi kH M ix. KeiKiluiuiiia ol tviulo-1 nee II felamt iii.oii.Mh I 0iPcriP rt to I ho r.xamliiiT lio ream. 5!llL V , . frcm one locality .. atiollier. ..r chain:. fTsy-Traiinent Alt.T!ilti iol Jot) 1 rlnt-, tht,,r ,Mtmi f ail.lrc. nii.uilil r.' member u to, iah in alam drop thla ctk-e a cant mi their paper can he a.) All bill iii'ihI pitiil i tie tiro! of each ni.n.th. dream-it to the right iHWiotb.ee. J on 1 iii Government Ownership of Railroads Would Have Prevented Steals of Millions The Governor of Michigan tbiuk Ibe general government should aid in tbe construi tion of Rood roads. Ttere was a time when roads were constructed by tbe government, but that was before tbe era of tbe flood timet, when tbe government built railroads, and geuerously douated them to tbe Ames. Huntingdon, and Ttber willing receipients of govern Snent "paternalism" for tbe ricb aud greedy ! What 'a tbat? you ask; Paternalism for t!e rich? Yea, we said it Uow? Well, "bat else is oar tariff legisla tion? What, for instance is tbe history of Xior railroad deve:opuien( aicn us credit mcbiliere, Bnd "block of IS re?" Well, if you will net take our word tor st, read Haniptous Magazine for April in which Cbarles Edward Rus tell reviews the building of tbe Cen tral Pacific-, which be characterizes as the greatest steal ever perpetrated on tbe United States government, "and in support of bis charges says: Tbe four projectors of tbe road, Collis P. Huntioi ton, Lelaud Stan ford' Mark Hopkins and ''barles broker, divided among tbatnselvea, in stock, lard grants from tbe goveru- valley or level land, fk OCX) in bonds for every mile in tbe foothills t:)U,(XKj in bouds; and for every mile in tbe niouutaios, KS.000 in bouds. Mr, titissell alleges 'that tbe compauy charged tbe government at the oioun tain rate. M3.XX) mile on thirty miles of level, or nearly level ground near Sacramento, aud at tbe foothilu rate, 32,0(10 a mile, for tunny miles cu level buildog In tbe vallej east of the Sierras. "Abating nothing of admiration,' says Mr. Kussell. speaking ot tbe completion of tbe road, "for tbe physical performance, it ia time now to reflect tbat it was also monstrous triumph of greed, fraud and corrup tion ; tbat it might have been a bless -iug instead of a blight to that rich coutry of which it was ecstatically called the Gateway. 'llo much toll do you think tbey took? "from the day tbe gate was erected and closed, duwu to toe present year. first Mr. Huutiugton and b's associ ates aud tbe a tbeir successors have tskeu and divided more than 001', OOu.000 in nnjust tolls all from tbe people of tbe United States, who so oniethlng about the fellow at the fork of trie creek I want to say tbat the fellow at tbe fork of tbe creek knows mure about what's going on than tbe fellow who lives In town. He takes a bl weeklv t aper and a daily it ' ran get it and an agrieul tur' papel. l!e lead i hose pHj i r line by line even tbe avcrtlsemcnta. He never hold office ; li" never ex pects to hi Id ottlce. Ills voting I a matter of fai'h Wheu be conies ) o be I let 111 a U'Hii he tiehetea In ' hi 'ii Just because be tbink tbe man . Is riiibt Ho doesn't know hdj-IIiii'w I rttinilt pnlitiritl liiHnlpaliil I Hi, nil I I J .nes! be iloi'Ku't want to know- an)-: thing." ; Well, li.ioat'Vtlt Is coining bncii. it 'a woiiiltHf nl tb hold ttryaii ki'i upou the peopln, too, Tbotte aie tli klud of men who appeal to the fellow at the folk of the creek. Those M lows ponder over such men and de cide tbey like 'etn and I bat's all there is to It. TIih nittu nt tbe fork of the creek, to i, I waut to tell ynu, is the man that makes tbe stal'le coustltu eut lie slays there, and you cau always depend upon him. 0 t. CANADA ? fortunes made ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS Wc- will sell im a section tf the fmimns Sunny Southern Alborta ' whoiit l nil, that will produce IK) tt ;"0 bushels per acre, for a first , ) cash navnient of SLM'OO lt $:i.(H)() and Half the wheat cro on L00 acres yearl until the land is paid for. . TOil yet fill the crop on any land you cultivate above the -00 acres mi which we only jct Half. Vou do not have to pay one cent in money after the liist payment. ' Mid at Slfi to $'J"i per acre neur railroads and elevators. Cougreea, State Ijgislatures, and oo e rt tbe couuclU of tbe larger cities aroused O'er the cost of meats, owiug to tbe fact that the cold storage process, which suable packers to keep meat, fish, game, poultry, cheeoe or other produce an unlimited time, have taken step to limit the time such products can be kept not to ex reed 00 days. In ueiug cold storage packers hae been enabled to keep meat, eggs and etc. for mouths, if oof for years, and theeby create a scandty or vice versa, at any time, and tbuscotitiol tbe market, both as regards tbe pro ducer! aud consumers. I me sucn wboly greed was stopoed. Senator Bourne has withdrawn his homestead bill, which provided fur improvement iustead of residence. It is bedieved tbat tbe provibion of 11011- resideuce where water is uot obtain able, as In tbe case of Utah, will be ma ie to apply to Oregon. The bill was attacked because it i was feared rich meu would aaii them selves of tbe right tn thus gobble up land. Hut it st-err.s to us tbat soiiih provislou against tbat might have been Incorporated, a.i tbe bill would have beeu of benefit to poor men. 1' ( 1 T SPECIAL Chance for Capital We have a solid block of seven sections, consisting of S00 acres iti SUNNY AIJUiKTA, that wc will sell for $1(1 oer acre, which is a special buy, on the terms of per acre down, find the balance in one, two three or four years nt only f per cent interest. A lare part of the land immediately adjoining this tract of land is under cultivation, and more wid be broken up in the spring, by the settlers to whom we have sold adjoining sections. One crop of winter wheat will pay lor this land and give you a big surp'us in the bank besides. The yield is Irom 30 to GO bushels, and and at SO cents, the usual price secured, you can figure the return, less 812 per acre, a big estim ate for of production. See us or write us soon, before this opportunity' is lost, as these valuble lands are being rapidly taken by enterprising Americans. Call, or write for circulars or further information. IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Examiner Oftice, Lakeview, Ore. 1 '!) CD y) 4 The Portland Ttlegraiu will have to. b? takeu aud spauked by Gtau'ther ' kindly elected tbe ga'e across their I nxn l i j 1 1 u t- ' Tbat was going some, wasn't it? And think of ! it Millions uiight have Lieu saved this nation iu the ent. goverurneut bonds and bonds i censtructiau of tbat road and mil- wbieb Ibe govei-UQieut guaranteed, ' lions more saved since its operation, j Scott if it continues o "iuurge" lu "and donations ftont Cblifcmia coun-' had tbe government owned an i ope- j the fallowing way : ties the sum of 8U!),(XXi.0CO for wbicb ' rated that roai: instead of turning it "What Senator Ueveridge did to over, together with an empire of laud j the Payne-Alrdicb Tariff, fpecitkally of a lot "f greody aud couHciHUculeas ', directly and witn malice-aforetbouKbt meu, who used it and their success- iu tbat ludiaauHpolis speech will uot ors are still uing it to rob tbe Auier- 1 dear repetition iu Administration ttwimn Nature end Woman Nature tbey did ret pay fue cent. Tbe total of tbe govei um--i)t fubti.ly which linntmt;tou by e'eter lobbying cot "from coftrers. Mr. Ivisstll declares, -was WM.fXiO.000. How Ibe figures were jutrtled to turn nicfct of thi iaiUieLf- subsi 'y luto tbe pi.ckets of tbe four troajot- yrs is explained by Mr. Uur.ell a tol- -J o s : Tbe bill p-ovided tbat tt.e gorern r3!ent tboiiH it-?iie to tb lailroad lx rer ceLt bonds fcr etery n.ile in lean public of millions. Aud. mark you further, so lon as pi ivate ownership of ptitdic utilities' are allowed just so long will we le robbed, and just eo long will we see our city councils aud our leiiislativ todies bribed, as now is tbe uuiver- : tal esse ! Isn't it about time for a change?, ircb Congressmen Who Voted Against the People Should be Defeated. Ptsilhind Telegrum: Jt is hinted that Speaker Cauuon will res.gu at tlie thi-t favorablo oppoi t uu lly. Look n s it L'ui'le Joe bad let a few corking good iLuiieeti i-lip him. The mining men of Oregon are ask ing for a State mining bureau to further tbe interest of that import ant iuJuntiy. ( mm r-Ut. Creek. GO acres fin alfalla land, 300 truit trees, 7f bearing, right of creek for irrigation. House, barn etc. place for chickens, dairy, cows, etc. W. F. PAINE b CO I'ine nit and Sole I'ine Oregon. There is no question but mat tbe v?st newsiiatiers in the laud are iu Iha insurgent movement which merirjs nothing more or less than &u attempt to bring tbe repoblicau D'acbiue to realizttion tbat tbe party has a du'y to pertoiiii iu undoing Ibe work of poi!ali'ju ol the people, aud to pre vent further robbery by tbe trusta and tbe evil combination the pre iatory barouswho are so blind and greedy tiut tt.ey rlo not it-alize Ibe rtah of the p-op'o or eUe mcau to defy them to do tber worst. Au illi'stration of tbis fact is had in the case of tbe t-taid ol 1 publica tion Ibe .New Vcik Independent, which also is iusurgiug. as the toll ow ing w ill attest: "We would uot lie understood as holding tbat the recent iucre.ase iu he cost, of living las been due to either the tariil' of l!'j:i or tbat of IH 7. Yn do not undertake to abow here bo'.v much of tbat incraebe, in our judgment, has l:en caused by taritt dutiea. It is Irue, however, tbe great i eoj.la, witout tbe aid of exact information, are ascribing the pre vailing prices mainly to the tarilf and to tbe greed of trusts. Tbe r opinions and attitude may well caute uneasiness in tbe mind of any re pubil :au member of Ibe bouse who voted for be present tariff and whose majority in his district at the lt electiou was small. "lu tbe face of political danger that can uot be ignored, the members on tbe repbulcan majority in con gress should dilgently strive to enact legislation for tbe public good. Tbey cau not make a better revision of the tariff at the present session, nor ran tbey speedily reduce tbe tost of liv ing, but it is witbiu tbeir powei to give the people new laws for tbo hon est management in tbe laud Bert ice. iu hte public iutrest, for regulation of railroad intes , aud for postal sav ings binks, laws which tbe people want, which P'efpeopie believe tbey ought to have aud which are clearly for tbe public welfare. If a deiire to 'mend their fences' iu their dis tricts leads them to neglect this op protouity tor doing something to ap peane the people seme of tboru may Uad that they have no fences left to be repaired " BIRD S. M'GUIRE. One of Oklahoma's Repre sentatives In V'athington. The Vote of the Sturdy Element, Is Troubling The Political Bosses ii : Que- ... I Tho successful advert Iscr mint uu dcrstariil human naliin-, but bin uiu..l direct appeal usually Is to Woman .a tore. The huliox nro tin' liiirguin bunt j rs. Very likely Home of them right j now lire reading this ami will turn tn look for b.u villus advertised lu this pu-. per. Tbey get on the trail of a bar ' gain nod follow it right Into cump If they once find the trail. Your store Is the cump. This p"!"'! Is the l rail. Why not connect tho cnnip ' with the trill? Our line of mens plain aud fancy (misery cannot be beat. H A M THE FANDANGO LUMBER CO. One I'i-c or a Wagon Load. Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's Store. P. O. Willow Ranch, Calif. finish I.inp.b riealinv. Window Siiingk--. I Ir.iiiie stuel Slabs and Rustic, Lath, I Di ing, Apple boxes. ioor Irame stock, cord wood. SWENSON'S RESTAURANT '1 Itifore tbe admission of Oklahoma to the L'nlon I'drd S. McOuIre repre seiitid the territory na delegate in congress. His term of service as rep resentative began upon the admission of the new state. it is the great silent rural vote that has a disquieting effect on the tiust bosses thee days. Tby have fooled thcui good, and fooled tbeui long, and 'the quesfina now ia cau tbey fool them agaiu? It is tbe voter on tbe farm aud iu tbe email town that is doing a powerful lot of thinking ' these days, aud many of the congress men, not confined altogether to tbe Insurgent element, have board fi cm these men. That ' one of the rea sons why tbe lure of promises to be Rood is being moutbsd ; by tbe men who know tbey have been taught aid ing and perpetuatiug the Trust rule on tbe pe.ple of tbis tiatiou! Iiut will it change the mind of tbe man at tbe fcik of the creek?.. CLamp Clark the great Democratic leader, of Missouri, has fdzed the political situation up better than bo perhaps fully realizes himself, when he said : "Tbe other day in tbe House tbis man boutill was spouting about the KIM.THECOUGH AND CU R E TKELW HCG mCc OLDS ifnK.Ci by, 8,41 00 111 AND ALLTHROATAIvJ im IHOUBLtS - GUAfANT0 JATSFACTOf' Off WyfV fSftAOCO, Blue Prints Made - J will make blue 1'niilH of nay tnwiiriblp of bind In the 1-uki-view Lnud Dintrlct, ami do nbstrnct work, (-'ill or Willi' W. IJ. SNIURR Lakeview - - Oregon European Han fiver) thiiij from a Cup of Coffee to a Square Meal Call and I ry Us Vou will Come Again. E. Ii. SWIZNSON, Proprietor. I. O. O. F. Block, fcje Lakeview, Ore. tssssosnosssssss CATARRi-i Goose Lake Valley Irrigated Lands For Rent lO.IHH) iicreH. will H vnle Hume Into nn.v hIi fiirm ili-Hircd. All timlcr B .1... K' 1 i I ... I I. i: .... . f ..I ... I. . .. MM i . t H lilt" l w , till ill nun llini iM'iririur , llli'l liliin 1 (III Vl'l) I II lllll III the Valley Selected yen rs iig-o nil level, perfect allulfii IuihIh. Will Iciihh for term of ye.irH for port of crop. Sonic Iioiihi'H and bill llH will ho built for (IcHii-fiibli; tciinntM, Must givo rclcrenccM. Writo Hunter Land Co. "Qsgd American RestaurantTkcry Wella fc'HTKO, 1!11k. I'ortlatid, Ore. Ely's CRCAr?i Balm Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVCS RELIEF AT ONCK. It cleariKCH, oo" h, .i: hhiI je-iiti'i-ts the diseitH"l i ii miititt)i iiiiii' irom !ittnrrh and drivrH i way a '"! 1 In t'. Head ipiieklv. Uestores tbo Koicri of 'J 'it-t o mid Him il. fjisy to iim. ('omiiins no inlurloiiH drugs Applied ii to tlio )i rtlrils and absorbed. Ijinge f-'iz , fid cents at Prugiiata or by mail. I.Kjnid CTtain Hulm fur use in atomizers, 75 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 68 Warrsn Si.. Ntw York. Gee Yong and Tom Ilotai, Projirietors lakeview, Oregon Fresh II read. Cake and Pies on sale every day Fancy Cake and all kind of Pastry made to order The only first class short older place in the town oiK-n nay and jNilit J J SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER 1