Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 21, 1910, Image 1

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LAK KV1KW, LAKK rol N i Y, OHKOOi "UIL 21,1910
NO. 16
1 Tells Porilandites of this
Land of Bit Resources
and Wonderful
Hurt Ian 1 IVl wr n '.'Hill ult. W,
Lair Tnnmp'oii, m lawyer of Luke
view, lorciifrlr h ntinr iiihii and
Mtltiriifjr if AiliniV. an f" arveml
tffilt t'lilnf clelk "f Hi" llollKH of I!h-
preaetiiHilvw ol llm Oregon Li-wIxIh
ture snout th past few 'lam In i'ort
laud In ciiiiiifoll. il with III lCMt I n.
leaving lHit evening for hIhui tols
tend the emiliiii of I lie nuptuiKj
Court lfor ret inn nig tu Lake
County. In i"Kh inn or the i.ukn
Country Mr T iniuiiii, who ha
practiced law in I a'evlew for the
past I area year, lol l of the grunt
progress mule In IIi.jI lou't'on ol Ore
Koii, mid iva Unit Hie future (if Unit
country In i-xci-e iliwly Inlgnt.
"O-iihu Lake Vnlloy, In which
Lake U located, Ix riilllr com
ing t: Hie frou ." mid vMer.'ny
I tor noon. ' mil uln e t'i ''In 1 .11 (I
mill by tie t 'regno Valley Land Com
pany, people ar- cm: iim in liv Mm
urore In Kilt In Hn innkM new Inline.
Iluuilri-d. of wilt to il 1 irnm
Kiiiihiih mi 1 oilier states hast of the
Koiky Mniitiilnn r oouiliitf In.
Iirl'itf nu their funning iniii'liinrrv.
wagons, teams, team, livestock nf
Mil klll'is, and what la as woo. I UH
money mil liny funning lands to
tn 11 kit tin lr lionii-H Kuiii of these men
liuil ii'.ri'lni-iMl email trui'ls of l'ii"i
from the Oiegou VbIIi-JT Land Com
pany, mi l they now Inijr more laud
(or permanent home 1 hey are of
the law l c h.ii of farmera mid Htock
mtu. Mini htm ad. ling gieatly lo the
wealth of Mm co nnmiiily a well a
to tli quality of the puuiiUtlou.
An Irriiiiitinu nyl"in to cost vl.liOJ.
(MHJ l lii cotirue of coiiMirntioti id
Ooose Lake Miii-y bu1 when coin
pletrd will uiuktl tlmt imi t of LhHh
county one of Hi rli ti-tt ttiniili.K
fpcllon lu tli rilB'M nt Orotfon. l'lie
lumU Hr rich Mini with IrrluBtlon the
iro(lnc.liviut lll li b mirprlHe to
the w rid. Vi rlnw tli tliiPnt up
0I011 lu the low Ib nln ulonu llm liikxii
lo lie loiiii'l HiiyMlicte IJo.iul ifnl
fruit, wlih the (bunt lluvor hikI Hron a 1
ami Kitnoiit h IiIhuiIhIi, bikI hII we
IhcM la trHiiHpnrlnt'Oii fucilitnH tn
Hut our prolurlH to umrki'l AppliB'
lu the pHt Iimvb mia to wnhle In I
Lake rouiity, when thi-v woiil I con:
111 un 'I liiuh (irii'KH lu biiv uiHrkxt In
tlio worlil uii'l wool. I coinpi-tu with
the moHt fiiiuoua fruit kuonu to the I
epicurf, imt nmlnr piexrnt cm lition
we CBiinot rt'iu'li Hih uiHrketH with our 1
piooiiclM Thl. v hoii, wil fall
lie Chan Kd when t'ui llillroal now I
liulldiiiu into '1 he DeHchiiteH "onntry !
la extemlud aouth, bh we tbiuk it will
da and that It will Mrike 'in. If it
line LHke oouutj hikI Lukuviewr will
tit cm the uihp and will attrnut the
atteutiou of iioinefl hi k era uud Inibl
uum uifu everywhere.
"l.akevlew In h lii'Hiit ifnl litMe town
of 1700 luhutiitHuti. The Ijuhiu
Htiecta are kuillt up with brli'k lilucka
au4 e tmve b line liunlnrHH limine
u any la ciih' with reiitr advuu-tiiut-
and lnrtir iopuliitioii. Our
niprchanta auniiHlly puroliHHc and dla
tr Inite from fiCiO.UiO to .'AH),OU0 iu
uii ri'liHU'l ', uud " Itli the except lou
of 1 1 u lit koihIh (tint nil lie aljlpped in
liy bXprei-R, nil of th liut-ineri uof
to Sim l''ruucincn, l'orllumt jobi)-r
ee()iiiiut to have uever taktii toe
trouble to ut iuto our t ouutry f r
biifiut'Ha. If Portland jili)itrii would
rem'li out for that IiiihIuhh. lunke uu
honettt aud deterimoed elfort to
cuie It and ciuiip on the trail they
certal'ily would tive tlieui.H Kind
ahaie ot the tiade of our HfCtlou.
iiruly do we ee 1'orllHiid travel iik
Haloenien In that part of the country,
hut Who FrHueiaoo dru-nuiera ari in
Lakvview almoHt every day mi l gvt
the buHluena. Klamuth Kallla is 110
111 ilea from 11a, imt A I turn, (;nllf.,
00 tin Nevuilii, Cullforiiia & Oreyou
Uallroail.n narrow nui:e roHd, la only
CiO miles from 111, that belli our
nearent railroad point but; aa I aaid
bufoie, with the railroad tuiildluk
now under way and iu piOHpeot lu
Kueteru (Jreou we are oertaiu lo net
a line
"Our people are beginning to think
that Portland does not waut our
bualiieaa. aod the only ties biudioaua
to the reut of OreKou are political,
our other latereats in the veiy uatuie
oftliluit bill. g more oloaelv bouud
to Calitorula, and It Is uot our fault
that this la so.
"Lakevlew la Id Hi foothills of b
rauK or tiiRh hills aud has the moat
beautllful cllmuta of any part of Ore
gon Itaiu Is not plentiful we have
suow when you have rain but our
weather, wl tor and uuuiuier, can ni t
be beaten auyhre. It rarely tiets
veiy cold and lu thH summer, while
we nt few but days. It is uvr un
oouifortable and we always have cool
nights. Lakevlew baa all tn modern
oonveuclbs exception lailroads. Ve
havs a tine watr syateui, fed from
aprluus In the mountain aod the
water Is a good as bull Kuu, is pure
and cold Ice 1 never needed. Tv
pboid fevtr Is uuknown in the city
and the only oases ever beard of are
fount on isolated ranches where water
must uullaks j
Our Landowners Should
Put in Lots of
Fruit Trees
A Culilwell liliilin t'Hper itiinirku of
11 conl H Inn Unit will M ply eiiunlly
lll I 1 l;)lkHlle . UN fl.ll Ib: "CllM
well. Ilk" rreiy otner t 1 1 V lu the
woil. I which Ih lepeu Ifi.t tor Ita
llllhlneMR Bll'l III. IW til llpl.ll Mil HTWICIll
I III 111 OoliilliUnlly CHil ieel rtiKCtl llH
full iiioit'orM of wl iwlli 'mill tii Ibii'Ih
llilnilulV to It nie lulKi'ly d votnd to
tint, croii which ill vlrll fu luoat
dillur er ui'rii ; uml tlmt crop litre
Ih Hipie.
It l exifediiwly f iollHll to filnut
poor need potHloeit when the 'mat are
ihlHiuxbli- 11 a explHiiidl lit Hit recent
(I. H. L 1 11 mi It 11 1 (1. ilinply becaime
the crop of the liilier i!l fell for the
mont money, and I, in e'iMlly foolUli
for tl.e (Mfiin iihh'mi to continue to
ruiHH hay any louuei than uece.Hary
on iHiid where IruU re will yield
r'JU) more pel acre, uu I that la what
priirtlcn.1 j all the Inn I lu tlmt auc
tion will do bltei one crop of clover
u al'alta Iih. bi e-i plowed under
'llm Iruit coniitftiN are ti.e richnat
fiiruilnrf coiinti leu in Hi world Hay
and ttrnu lrii,ciN Hrn pnor ciniiUHre 1
wltti the proNpiM oiih fruit tamer in
the well .leveluped orchard fruit ec
t lona of the Went, likx (iritni Junc
tion U'cmhI chi'ii Kennewlck, Hood
Kiier aud many other Mf.T mil
lion Hra veioHiled In the tni-ikr of
Siiu John, ten tlm'H 11 much a would
be there If the laud owiie a of I he
SmitH (,'lnra viillcj Iih I coiitiiiued lo
raino crops worth per ton.
Pendleton Sells First
Clip at a Very Good
Feudletnn'a wool buying eeamn
opened lint week with a mile of '20
rent per iinnnd. eay the F.iiHt Ore
Uii'iinu. ThN I ml leu ten that the pre
ent aeHHon lain ot fully aa ood us
1 HHt and iiihii v believe that the prl 'ca
t i be received by the rower will be
Ureater thliil iHHt Veur
J. K. Smith X Co. were the seller
while tlni remlicton Woolen Mill'
co in pit uj- iiihIh tlio purchnHB.
Tlioiuh buvera have been In the
flild nioie or leas contliiuoiihly for
neverHl week i. this ia the tlrat aule of
the nahhoii tlina far reported aod it
la believed that, no others have been
made. While tlie buyer have beeu
endeavoring to conviuce the erowers
that prices were to be lower this year,
tie Hhecpmen have shown a disposi
tion to have faith In the reports
from the eantern wool markets which
Hnem to lullcate to them that prices
are to be t'ood.
INPIANAI'OIS. April !) -No more
klia l the rich, red rrunda of beef and
the choice cut ot porterhouse and
tenderloin haiiK from their accus
tomed hook on the walla nr la the
window of the butcher's shop and
nevi-r hkhIii ahull arruya of eeduc
tive pie, rolls and bread be openly
ilUpluyed ut the Imkeriua in the "itiea
and towns of lul!uun, accordiuu to
an order ronnilKated today by the
Ktnte lloiird of Health.
The lionrd tells the publlo and
tradesmen t' at a prime cauae of the
hpioh'I of nickuiiHS Ihih been coutami
nHtlou of Huh, meats aud other food
Htuir cxponpd for sHle without pro
tection from diiHt and fllea Here
utter dealers moat keep their stocks
covered by uliiua or othr cases.
Mrs. Harrimmi has sold Pellcnn
f.odue, on Klamath Luke to O. 1).
Juuklin a Utah mitiutf man.
from snullow wells Is uaod, aud these
eases are rare) Bhade tries along our
atreet and the tiresu lawus Rive the
city a beautiful appearance aud there
Is uottiluu of the dread dreariness of
the EHsteru Oregon desert nbout
Lakevlew, It is one of the moat
beautiful situated cities in Oregon.
"Lauds are cheap bb yet, but they
are advancing iu price When 1 came
to Lakevlew three years ago, lands
outside the city, unimproved, could
be bought for Q and f(3 an acre that
now command 1-0 aud 9'I0. and as
the demaud ii growing the prices arc
advancing. Fruit lauds on the
shores of the lakes, produulug he
apples 1 spoke of a few miuutes ago,
otcourie Irluu higher prices, these
rauvlug from i 100 to tlOO an a are aud
produce as good fruit as lands In
other sections of the (State that sell
at 91000 to 91000 an acre. There Is
now a good lemaud for all kiuds of
land, but there Is ample room In
Lake oouuty for many more home
builders aud tbe right kind of people
will always Uud a warm welcome and
a chance to gaiu independence and
t ; - r l
i' - A
' " ftp
','.'1 'M.M-
. r,.. ,
I'ropvscrf new Catholic Church for Lakevlew.
This Iliilhllntr will l' of In Irk 7i
ThfOist nf tin- strurtinv Is rst huilnl
lm e lirrn ralsi-il, witrk wLI hr ht-t-nn.
Shows What Can Be
Done Here by Pluck
and Energy
The Mrrill Hecord of the 17th
11 y a "1'ulkiug nt ho'netftends one day
not lo"g ago, Thomas Johnson, w ho
bought the old Whitney place jua'
over the line In California, auid :
'My two son are bom'nteadini;
their places aud dry faruinu tliem.
The reanult they got from their Mrs
year's crop are eu jouragemeut euoiiKii
tor any mail who uoes Into the pro
position to make his hoiuntead aup
port him if he uets tlo -1 to bimlneai
aud works. Uoray, w So bna a place
four miles ea-t nf Merrill, cleared
sixty acres and put thetn in wheat,
which, the first year from sagebrush
threshed 1S0 ruahel, machine mens
ure. This was doi e without irriga
tion. "Eduar Johiibon, another eon, re
siding on a homeitea t twelve miles
eaat of Merrill. I" the Tule Lake pre
cinct. put forty acres in wheat the
first year he cleared the bind, and
got 400 bushels of wheat, besides five
tous nf pntatoea raii-ed ou a portion
of the forty acres. Ha bas cleared
sixty more, hue the whole pla.e un
der fence, aud tins two wells, 25 feet
deep, which supply bi n all the nater
he need.
This la what a homesteader can do
the first vear if he tries. The John
son brothers have set a pace that few
homeateaiiers can equal, hut their
success shows what is possible to be
done on the "dry" lands that are still
awaiting cultivation
Sage-Tick Bite
Prluevllle. Review: Jake Johnson
is at tbe home of his father in this
city, suffering from a case of spotted
fever, the result of a bite of a saee
tkik. Ha Is getting along nlcey un
der tbe care of Doctor Uoseuberger.
This ia the second case of spotted
fever Id Frlneville, the diaeaae being
extremely rare, it ia claimed tbe sage
tick will bave effect on only tbe man
whose system la uot up to the' a. and
ard, but who Is iu a run-down con
dition from overwoik, aud Jake has
always been a bard worker.
Tbe untidy appearance of the town
la notioible to citizen and stranger.
It would seem if there is no other
way 10 have th towu cleared up that
the Ladies of Lakeview should emu
late their slaters in other towns, and
organize a Womeu'a Clvio Improve
ment Club. Then tbey should get
good long broomsticks and go after
the oouuoil aud the dirt I Kven
the famously dirty Knst Side of New
York City was made sweet aud
wholesome by a concerted move ca
the part of the women I
Tbe Klamath Falls Daily Cbrrn'
cle is new afternoon daily, just ea
tabllshed. It baa (be ear-marks ot
belug in competent bands aud carries
full associated press reports, some
thlna astonishing in a towu of tbe
size nf Klamath Falls. It sbowe tha
the paper has good financial backing
and doubtless will be a permanent
S tv
;i stow' Inn tunl frump holfry-
it 7.H. Win n lutlf this mini will
m Slush Strrrt
I John F. Stevens Says the
Hill System Will Boost
John K. Sti-veiia. who created a
turore here lact year while looking
over the route for Oregon Trunk bus
returuid from an eastern tiip and U
loud in bis praise of Eastern Oregon.
He stys t lie contract ia now let for
tlio etenni in to Klamath Luke to tap
tin tiij timber belt, but aays it ia
doubtful if the ruaj is ever buiit to
Klaiiiiitb Fall.
It 1 known however, that survey
oia bate slutted out from lieod in a
aoutbeatterly direction, and railroad
meu bave beeu lu tbe neighboi hood
ot Silver Lake. This would surely in
dicate that Lakevinw bas only to
abide in patieuce for a short time un
til that line reaches us.
Mr. Meveup, in .peaking of our
br'.unt futnre, said: "Alone other
aectioua of tbe Great iVortheru in
Montana, 01 land where 1 did not
suppose when tb load was built,
ItiHl nue conl l raise a disturbance,
there are thriving towns each with
four or five b g graiu elevators and
the country 'a producing big crops
nf wheat. These cou 'itions are ex
tending throughout the West aud
are indicative of tbe growth thai is
in prospect for Central Oregon. It is
the greatest ruab of bome-seckera 1
ever suw, witn tie exception pos
bibly, ol tb rush to the lied River
Valley, woicn 1 wituessed 30 years
A dispatch dated Deuver. April 4th.
says: Word waa received here to. lav
tbat Secretary of the luterior Bal
lluger baa issued a decisiou allowing
fettlars to Drove up desert claims up
on showing that 'iue-eight the ame
age bad beeu brought under cultiva
tion. Tbit ruling overturns a decision
by Cumuilsaioiiei Dennett of tbe
Deuver Laud office, holding that set-
tleri uiu-it have all Bureau pn their
claims under cultivation before prov
ing up. I nii decision luvolves a
largtt number of si ttleis in tbe west.
Gold Near Bieber
Bleber Ua ette : Cousiderat le pros
pecting is being done in the bills sur
rounding this valley, and a numbei
of good ledges have been uncovered
Tbe assays ou a number of tbeae
claims bave been most satisfactory,
ruuuing from four to five dollars per
ton from rook taken olf tbe top of
the ledge, and bave every indication
of permanency. It is tbe belief of tbe
Uazette that good paying mines will
Le opened up nere in tbe near future,
and this belief is shared lu by many
of our responsible men. fr-gJ
Tbe Harney Cnuuty . News calls at
tention to the fact that at the repub
lican aasmbly Muitnomab, Clackmap,
Marion, Yamhill, Washington, Clat
sop aud Columbia oouutics will bare
U25 out of 1248 delegates, or a ma
juiity This must bare been a mere
noiuo'deuoe. It is a wouder that
Multuomah did not bog tbe majority.
Hut aa it la, it will make 00 ditfei
ence In the long run. Woodburu in
depend' nt.
Confession of A Chicago
Millionaire Against
"Big Business"
CHICAOO. April 13 Han a man
Htarllng In buni'iorni at the bottom of
the ladder, make a million dollars
hone ly during the compu-a of bis
life by merely buying inercbanidae
and selling it at a prottl?
Francta T Simmon, bimaelf rated
at close to a million, stirred up a
hornets nest heie, when he declaied
emphatically that to make a million
huuesMy tn suca way was utterlv im
Klmm(n's remarks were made be
fore the Student commercial clnb of
tho university or Chicngo. His mail
was flooded today with letters from
rich men who eodeavored to provt to
bim that be was wrong
V'Wbat I said, ' declared Simmons
today, "was that uo runo starling rn
tbe saviues of bis salary an 1 going
into tbe buying and selling of mer
chandise at a profit can mare a snit
lion in bis life time aod do it mnes.
ly at that buainefS alon Sucb a
merctant might possibly show op a
proUt of 9U0.OOO. but when be gets
to tte 91,000,UX) maik, yon begiu to
tusoect bim. He besot' beeo straight.
"I bave been in my line all my life
aod 1 know what 1 am talking
Lakeview is Getting
Ready to Have a Big
Time The Fourth
A very eotbostastio meeting of
business men was beld in tbe Board
of Trade Rooms Friday evening, when
it waa decided tc celebraate the
Fourth this year in a rousing man
oer. '
In addition of tbe usual 1 anner of
conducting sucb celebrations, there
will be a big Baeeball Tournament
Tbe playing Ibis year will be fair
and every courtesy will pe paid vitdt
ing clubs and all given a square deal.
So far as Lakeview is concerntd
do otalde players will be allowed to
play with our team this year. We
feel 'but we bave bone talent in that
lne good euougi aud strong enough
without oustide help, and if we lose
it will be because tbe visitiua teams
are better men.
Tbe purse is large enough t attract clubs, which is tbe sum of II,
GOO. The first prize Is 91,000; tbe se
coud ?)O0 aud tne third $200.
All ball teame are coridally invited
to try for these prizes.
Tbe committee on Program, and
advertising are Lee lieall, Jos. Lane,
aud Arthur Florence
It ia hoped that there ill b a big
attendance from outside d iota and
Lakeview will surely do its beat to
eutertain sucb visitors.
Musical Recital
Mies Mae Snider bad a little recital
at ber borne Saturday alternoou,
wbioh was participated in by ber pu
pils in music Refreabmeuts .ere
served aud tbe young people given a
most enjoyable time. Tbe following
is tbe program :
rrt 1
. "Spring Greeting" 4hdi. Behr
Mis Winnie Boswortb
Mr. John Brammer
2. ' First Walts" Bob moll
Cecil ithlitrom
3. "Tlie Charming Shepherdess" Mathews
Genevle Seagur
4. May-day Walti" Kohter
Mary Barry
5. "Fragrance of Flowers" Bo vet
Mary Her) ford
(t March of the Little Saeeu" Mathews
Florence Arthur
7."Voilet Eyes" SpauMing
Belle Chandler
a "At Danclnar School" Arnold
l'earl Chandler
9. "The Htrpy Farmer" Bchumsn
Kuth Florjuce
Tart 2
10. "Huaaren Mareho" -8 hds- : Gurlttt
Kuth Florenoe
Gladys Chandler
Florence Morris
11. "Spinning Song" Ellraerrelcn
Fred Crondmeller
12. "Chasp of the Butterflies" Ueuee
Floy Bernard
13. "Flying Doves" Ihds Ueins
MtstMarJorle Bernard
Mlu Hattl Mc Kee
H. "Two Flowers" Knelling
Glailys Chandler
15. "LeiOngles Roses" Wachs
Miss Marjorie Bernard
10. -- "llow 8weet the Moouligbt Bleeps"
D ove
-b-"Apple Blossoms Kugleiuauu
Mae Green
I A killing frost aweptovtr tkeKocky
Mouutaia region, Mlssisalppi valley
and Tezas ou Sunday ooiog great
damage to tbe fruit oropa every
wbete Bo far we bae bad do treat
Promises to Inaugurate
A HomeseeRers Hegira
For Eastern
Oregon's railroad uituation, so far
as the ... ill interests are cuuceroeJ,
will be officially made public witbia
the ui.mth.
Wbetber the Ui'l Interest art to
conar ct an east an J west line tbrjugn
Ureuon, is one ot tbe questions Louis
W. ii ill promised will soon lie an
swered. Not tbe least impurtaut
nt M.. Hill's statement was nis dis
cussion of the great publicity ork.
the Hill lines are tn carry on fur
Oregon While bis announcement
is out new. jir Hill went Int'a details
concerning tbe exploitation plana
from wbich this state is to beuetJt.
He said :
"Uur railroads pioneer aeitlemeot
of any state In wbicb we are located.
At present to population of Oregon
is in tbe cities and along tbe rivers.
Wbai is needed ia settlement of the
luterior lands. Yo know tbat yon
bave homes tor cauy thousands of
people on some of tbe moat fertile
laud in tbe world. 1 know it also,
but tbe trouble is that thj people wt
are land crazy in tbe East do not
know it. We will try to get all local
ities liued up with ns in reaching tbe
people who want to oome to tbe west.
"We will establish a number of
shows in fbilaaelobia Boston, Chi
cago aod otber prominent tow a
throughout tbe Kat. Tbe enows will
be' made op of Oregon exhibit aud
wiil be in the bands of reliable men
wbo will Hat euquiiiea All tbe
prominect state fairs in tbe East will
be visited by an Oregon ebow. At ail
of tbem we wiil distribute literature
tbat is authentic and behind which
tbe credit of the (Sreat Northern wiil
stand. There wiil be no takers or
swindlers in tbe crowd.
"Then in tbe fall of tbe yest 1 want
to send out an exibbltiun car. filled
witn trnit and grama from this state,
it will be billed all along tbe Erie
railroad and tbe route of tbe Burling
ton, through the thickly populated
sections, it will be (quipped with
moving picture machine, lantern
elides. Ou arrival in any town, tbe
largest ball will be securd and a
lecture on Oregon furnished all wbo
mil attend. Tbe pepole will be in
vited to tbe car and its four attend
ants will see to it tbat tbey are sup
plied with literature suitable to an
!e' their inquiries.
"To all this 1 want an organiza
tion in Oregon, and am to select toe
men myself during tbe future sum
mer. I waut "live ones" but relia
ble citizens who are interested in our
development plans, so that when I
wire them to get things going tn a
certain direction tbey will not hesi
tate, hut will do it.
"In brief that ia our plan to popu
late Oregon. It worked so well in
Moutaua tbat we are now receiving
4000 iuquiriea about that state "at our
St. Paul office every day. Settl.ra
are uomg iu there so fast tbat one
land officer wired me tbat be bad
tiled 35IMJ houibvtend applicutiuus last
month. "
Tbe loug-beralded exteuaion of tne
N U C ia at last uuiierway. A grad
ing crew be nan operations out ot Al
turns Mouday.
Nothing bas been given cut by tbe
compauy as to its infectious, but it
would seem good policy under exist
ing conditions for it to extend tu
Lakeview at the earliest possible mo
ment. It Is ku iwu, bowevei, that
tb road now bas ties aud rails in its
Alturaa ysids to exteud the line 30 or
more miles. That would place it at
Sugai Loaf or Palmer mountain, in
tbe v oinity of Atlantis . Such a
mo'6, even, would give it command
fur the - preseut of the trade of Lake
view aud also of Surprise valley.
. Tbe fact tbut officials hUh in the
affairs lu tbe company are known to
be figuring upon a prominent and de
sirable site for a hotel lo Lakevlew
may yet develop into something tang
ii-il e. aud might in tbat eveut hasten,
tbe cowpetion of tbe extension of tbia
One tbina is certain, and tbat ia
tbat Lakeview needs the railroad and
needs it worse than auy other town ia
tbe Uulon With it this towu would
grow by leaps and bounds, and Boon
would become one of the most im
portant towns in Oregon; and with
out such convenience our growth
while substantial in a dgre will be
less marked tnau would be tbe esse
with a at our doors.
So, make u your miud. Mr. Duua
way, what you want, and we will
meet you more then balf way.
Tbe P 0IH0 States Telephone ard
Tlrtapb On. bave informed 1. O.
Banting, that tbey will begiiji-on-straoliou
of a firat-claas liue from
Keno tu Lakeview about May 1st Tbe
construction will be of No 1 copper
wire, u'e' alio circuit siroulexed. with
telegraph and telephone, aad will
g ve tbe best of a:rviee