Bieber Says: Don't Choose until You Choose Right. There never was a day since we began selling Groceries When this was not the Best store for you to deal with regularly. A Ivays something special Savo illoney By Paying Sh. week- S' tar ihi a rnt been ne pieimrjr tn lake rtiudv and Hood and diit eror of iMlendid trult iilwaj result T( new teleiiho company are iiettlt ready lornt fast with their I work The o are all et, wires I truiii. a lid now they ImpIiiiI j I lelr ho lie I The fruit re nome of them jut ready to tinrxt in bloom. W I looe Hey will deter that procreat com weeks y;. Koy handler la tery 111 with ap- l eudlcltlll J K Tocker hae charne of the County Clerk' otttco while Mr I'ayne ip at I'aisley on hnttltieas trip. The Klamath Herald any Joe Hull came to I tint town last week, brluuiutf aonie tine fui. John Cobourn. of the I'nuitlo 1. am) Co. haa been fuilferlnu from blood -poUoulnu the pat week, Lot la aala i t it to lie out. The ordinance against itnlttlnu ou .idewalk does not aoem to tie ob ncrxed. A 1 1 -breaker ruu Into the cooler will probably lre eome people an educatinu they doubtless need. i ; if i r '' 1 ' 'C li The rloii ln come, aid the clouds so'H I lit isry h drop ot rntnfMli. The town online 1 1 held Its usual iou tine eeiiin Moti'lar nit; lit. Jotieph (Iliisl-r, of North l'latte, Xebr., who has I .! about town for h wtk, him it one to the Cut low Val ley. eHst of here to tile ou a li'JO acre houietdead clniiu. V,vo I . , ;j Mi- V j I J, Wo want to SERVE YOU. Tho Women, who rcallxo tho Important part which a correctly ttylod Suit and Hat play In Impressing people, aroqulck to rccoenlxotho "SMARTNECS" In tho clothes wo soil. You cannot obtain bottor quality or moro authentic stylo for tho price. Como whllo tho season is young. BETTER THAN EVER MRS. WEI LOW, Vomr' Outfitter THAN EVER JI-ITWKCJI J (in Friday he preraret to aniveri nil the question of the census takur. j Married ' r-d. Lake hna put a sidewalk, and j Misa Vlolot I!. inner, of rtcei:: p, Botiiuu on his bit ill I ti and kbvo it j and Mr. Jiunt-ts I Iti-tburn. it 1. ail a iH'Rt-lookluk' uout of p.iiut. That view, were nmrrirn tMeTth intt, m looka like prosperity. . i Alturas Tho y ou In ly in tint 1 i uu li . , , ., lerti Air. Hii.l .Mis luti-liii', or liaok from the (i wt8 of LllKBVIew and reports a L C. R llrtlin id Alkali lnke rountry, well eunk there thnl at SO feet au abundance of tine water. hens 7775 CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS 5 A Rock of l'k) New Knwland Ihc'x in the Nottuett iStatw laid euus in three ii'cutiic. Mural, buy a beu and be indepeudeut. ijave I Harry Ay era. he liean Ilrumniel of TjHkeview, nil innriit-il lust week to I Mrs. Ak'tfin Mii Hi, ,.f Knit llidttll. (n't many frleiid.4 iiere eren.l their hfiirtietit eotikii iitiilnt. mis ovt-r Ins mi vt nt into the doniuu) t( unit riii.ony . ti.e !btr iiltt r D. the lir.'st ever 1 -it-re. i' R)ek-i!.s HL'd ti rl I s rt'arfi e-i IU a iii v to tbe ren huiI in n here ti ti.e ic .!... y. -i.i nil of the b .rHs 130hs t- rl .- t .nri -uf t!i nmirs of hii 1 Lti i jtiemj ' 1r-i Hi .I.M h' i- C'i r. t. ! O Mi-ener the I.tnd man. tine tT SnrrTl.-e taliey for a te.v ru r.u iuiioriaul tusn efs trip I'tuipI Uodll. with bia asritit ,t, tav .Htforn t l a Hue piere it work on ':i re.v latuif tn cuirt hi;i?e uuii .v::.h t'e trees tiiuei; t;ixa.ed in! t'.e k'lhss trowitik: Bttvr it is ll-i (". tie ri nit boue grounds v. ill Lc in l.irt iiLti with the fine buiding. W, ! 'h. the euthusiaitij Sjcialist Bio i .tirh Mai I Hopkins and others ot ili-'laith are celebmtlug the vio tc.ry uf their party in the Milwauke, Wis., election Uei week. Alturus in talkiug of stablishin:; a water and seneraae eygtem. . Lake Tie.v bis the tineet water in tbeorid, and now e ueef a seweraue cys-tmn. Insperfcr Iccram, of the Forestry Service, who left tou a few tl..j uso, with bis wife, who was in poor Leuitb bte. has returned. Mrs. lu trjLn will remaiu fcome time at Hose I m a P. M. Coiev. the ?race nmn will IHVf) tor Sx" Frp-'- 31 - f'.on pir- cbace a Jot xutos lot use on ok diifeient routes. A lady's tlue elastic belt has been lei t at tbie oB ip for tke owcer. than any place they bave visited buJ r.iy (Hirlnde to locate. Mr. Uor toikili 1 .lt yesterday for a visit to t rif valley. iJev. S. II Riley Las gone on a tour of iipectiou of Harney and Malheur ouuties ! Our loan is full of ktraners. Some jof ti.eui hi ll O-V' L Co., land', and ! o: hers hike out at once for some of Everybody, and especiall" bis wife, is uiakios garden these days A lot of the boys, and -me ot the j ACII ! til. MM EL! j Holibie ran iuto thn sewin-rooin an 1 j cried : i "Oh mamma! There' n mau in ! the uun-ery klsslDK Fiaulein." i Mntiimti dropped br eewiutt aud ruslie 1 for the stairway. I "April fool !" bid liottiie, Kleeful- lv. "It's only papa." Everybody's .Magnziud. j A beeenall ; Sui'd:iy, fine Line up f-ir and SStorknHv 1Ii!i:-uh; l't II .1 mi ( i i ,i t m ; 'Jd I!. S()-Hmit. ; H S Cxu-ev. :il H Hi I (iruves, K. .11 in line Jn ! ; ('. t'Mrnll; 1. Hurl; (iilihons li-iu-' .i ftrixix j tinni'h of the ul I well i hiyrin lund an interesting ttmue l exei'lnl. Baseball Sunday jrnn e will he pl.ive I t rt:ek vs I..i'c ' H . , Ijfki'vie : (' i " H , r n ; 1' I , ;; t i i.u I Every lady 's protected, who a hat at the Parisian Millinery clnpive deeiuns, nn two alike. buys j , i w . ri t etl Ex You will be asked to settle the Nor nial School miestion t.y 3 our bHllot j in Noiemher. You want ttm hcImicU tepHruted from politics. You wtint lucateil tt w ill u me ooys. ana -me or ine . ,h tu,..a 1 ,,irU l. . a a . l 1 - a 1 a a. . - Bins, wrui iroui-nsnioK me ursi m ... . V1111 . ,, eHr if ...... fin lie si-en at the l'arislau Milliner's lii-xt Ko nn. (JOT WHAT HE w I-. N T A K T I" 1 1 Mrs 11 That siiowsturiu on the I statre was very ruli!tic 1 .Mrj C. ve, in v Imsli'u 1 went hitnvcu acts to b rrnw u utinvel Exuminer. thn week Si) .lie of tberu came bouie with hundreds and sonie of thern bad yea fr . uidiit h taxes on t'iU.U k Uou't tail lo vote P. D. Cnrleik-h aud iIoiL.p?, Idwb. anited tour t.f itfci e, I l:i fur ' wife of Des last week cn a hevfci-lvts cud tbe proverbial tisberoian's luck on Sunday 1 One ot the Bne driving team, ot F. H. llauson. of tbe Hall Construction Co. broke its neck Monday. It's mato had been turcei lose in the lot, and the other left lo the stable. In its efforts to pet out, it threw itself with disastrous result. Alfrel Smith has received a pop corn and pesuut roaster, ani Is dos'g a reeolar Lakeview land office btifi ces rhete days gathering in tbe nickels. Tbe Examiner man buys a hue of popcorn, and pets as much tstiTfaction out of it as anr rther hoy can. who is leas than CO years of nee! The HoBoe river orcbardis'e ha'e been tiubting frort the lutt t.'.ne J. U V. BL'TLEU, Sec Com AU WiiHhini; 'I alili'l puckaue, at have be"'! ai-kitt for can at HA M I.OIN of Lil. ri"-- l--"raife 'J'i .Mi. -1 I r Heme Hie. (!o and Mt el uie it the I'nrixiari Ki'et liuniii and we will Innk nt thoru new imni't'ss wash dreses, ami new i-printl huts. HIS STATL'H "Well, rry little man, ' emi hired a vieitT lileasaully, "who are ynu?" "I'm the baby's brother 1" whs the ingenuous reply;. The Truth Setter. Linlli"t, we luive 11 few l.ort ends f HiininnT itikmU left ovi-r frmii I.in1 ; mcbhiiii which w ur' clo-hi nut hi r--i iluci'd iiriccs. The iri m ids Hfd'iiiml in I Ht.vb' Ktpl (laMcrim iiM llniT you will j ill II tid in ntlier Jtnren . . you I diilj,vln thl" yenrs cow tie seeu ' iiovelllcM Awk to tut' J.Js'1 I I l.i-in at SMOKE brouud the 1 Newspapers Educate An ex n il in', it ti'iu'hi r enys Unit pupils who IntTti 'c,-i--4 l i ne -iuiii at lulllH'. when en i. 1 r.. Mlth IIiuhii lit) tin not, ine l i'il, r itiaii.iiiiiriiiiiH, better v u. i t iinlui 1. nii'l read inoru iiinlerHtiui'iliinl v 11 11 I niitiiiii a iniiru practical kno In ; n of trtMik'ruph)' in lilnioet hull tlie II 1." it K ipium oihes. The lii'W'Sinipe Is 'iei'ldely au iiuport nut factor in nui.l.rn life. This Alii nut b dleputtnl by 11 n" nun who bus taken t he trouble to liivestkitte I In' liiatter for bliiisell - Exciiai tie. Kill the Flics 1 !! It in eitrlv , ruiK may ihimim ,1 ( i'.i 1 11 liii'S l.y CoiiMMjin ul i " ' 1 1 1 Mv 1 r'ii Hilled prevents tit. but hoi iiiilliuiis ul Ill's later. Ii 1 1 1 muI lnirit li s hiu that roinni' ii lln' d'i iniirti t iwiird hpremlinu ly I'Snid if ri r t linn liny other oKi'licim. I lii'M liihlvud or Kiiuply bi'intt n uriled us 11 niilitaiicH are today in t'rti'li'il us vi rvv tin ik'cruua pest. The Fourth is Coming: he citie is ot L.tkiirhtw, are tt t tini reudv fur 11 blkt time ou the Knurl h. The follnwiuif k'ent linen have been ii.iined on a I' jiirtli ul July ooui'iilt Ice. to meet with the lUnelmll com mittee ou hrid.iythn IMh IiihI. 7:.K' p. m. In tie IhiHid of Traile rooms: C. IJ. tin I'l er, V E. Siielllnt;, Harry Hadey, F. l Ahl-troiu, A. Uleber, I!. Keyuohle, Dick .1 Wiilcox and a. II. 11 iiutiierHlvy. the Exmiiner wld ulm further par t icuhirs later. 1 11 Autcn Gets a Winton J li n(i. . bus it ii. , 1 1 f fid 1 1 ii i thill tll. I;. ( I ill'M U CI... I I , i.Imi ,. I f u,e JH(( to keep hi iriim .tniii'iu m i no air, Hi oi ell., y ImiiI) 'h I;iiii. Iii( tl' Exa.iiliier iloes not bluiiie ,J. Ji A would et wi), I"", it e were I he ow uer til such a II 1 nutu ! 1 hi . re in 4 n, w 1 W lull. 1 , ' f in trar 1 1 . "in inrf the Editor Turns Farmor I'l' I I I., llll, " IM (I t'ie A mi In uttM ,n N "i I ti I (nktitii rt 1 I a I 1-1 I.v 1111 1. 1 l.iikt-t , 1 i ! Will . 1 v I 'l! I bill ! 1 110 1 1. IHW his til'!, i 1 1 rl ' :l' n on 1 h is ot 1 ho publlshnrs inau t Atiibrote iiruthtr tf . Iitl week paid iii'i likt.i It 11-...I tho t' K. . H i ill" mi I ill In .lime to IbIim In I t'ent'snioii. Bitivvcll flcal Estate I'' .mi. .1 : it .,1 ('stain i'i and aruiiii'i I I'l l .ti ll is U'UHininu (o iniive I 'i... 1 M .Ut 1 111 u Lake city wee. 1 in ci,.,m.i the nlki'lliiHl esliue. II,.. ,,,1,.- bilnu withheld. I.itlfr In li.r t.k tie .Ni-hliam farm elx lulus mii.II ,,( Hxltttdi whs eold. Wo di l in I li'uru tint uiiiiih of the pur t niiHer 1 1 t rice ul I for this perty . , I "t 1. h 1 p to- Business Locals Ladies tailored anile at U A M Thute tailored suits for lad es St '.-re. t-ee. a nnrib.ei fiiena. They have t;one the loLnrS if lloiiOP. H ri'l rirer aufl ot.'itr pliri-s buil conci iiue'J tout this eeidinu offt-.f. belter lu-iucenieuts J. L. LYONS, D. D. S., Dentist Office In Watson's Block. Lake view, Oregon Eight Year's experience In Michigan. (ralnaie of I nivernlty of Michigan A :. I nil I li M I'l'lif Men V "In -al" fcsbiri'. laitHi puittr' Hi "1 Wrf the latift tri 'n ,-es ': mens cl ithiug. li A- M T.'ie very l.ite't thiiu' in In. ie N. birts U a M All k i ii 1 1 .-1 of llnhi'm tackb' ht li A M Mrs. li. A. Joues has baiter krai t I f ..1 f !. DRESC-MA KING 1 spr rji.ince. r.usr Ciaim 3'.;,ti C-STiy . ii. li n .ii-' ii. ii I. 11;: '1 he Klamath Herald reports Col. J. W Lathi up t le poultry trrower has rnoalers len wim'Ki t 1.1 (hit are iilreail) cruwiuu almut II I Ity 1 1 sure is a uood 1 Itco fir , . . 1 1 . limcerifM: V()IT run n nu' ( irliy near lludlnK evervl hlnu 1 li 11 I- 1. ; 1 . lit . At li'i-l - u 1 1 tin I lU.iU.i u. ul" Ihllie y- imt" i'i.i- hi N S 1 1 1 1 I Nicely furnished rooms, single or ensuite THE ANGELUS T in St., west ol Court ilouie. Lakevie .v, Ore. Card of Thanks We lake thin opportunity to thank our frli'iida it 11 I net htiors for the care and kindly attention liestuwed 11(1011 us in our liniir r.f here ivement. MKS. NAN Ml; Tit AC V aud KAMI. L 1 MK. and MILS. (ll.O. L. IIOL-UKOOK. The Jeell. Kaui. Ketmblican says: Harvey Hull rnnrkfled I end of houi here la-t eineHdny for which he received ?I0 lo ;ir hundred. They irouh( him f l.i;i:i (n Only one ot the bunch was a ja- ol I. She hrouuhl tKI 1.0. Mr. Hull l as his en tire (aim f need h'U 1 1 n lit. Swonson's the nla.:o nicet every-bodv. RpRtaurant w Vitro you inn '"'rill KAY 5A K A riOTO Proprietor Ii v Mini liluli' Ml lln. In . f slmrl ordi rn lilve me 11 cull ) J B. AUTEN acre. looth the Hardware "nd Implements The Moniti r Drill. The only drill that drops the k soul in front '"' the f!!1-? rtr!, rnhWuii; it impossible to 'j 1 hi ii( h -- cow r the seed u ievea. iu.trantee I to in- I I . 1 t vi'c.iNc i .(. viel'l U'oni tlirte to n ve nusliels per I Mctl I. ever !"! arrows, McCurmick Sp in Harrows. Disc latrows, )isc I lows, 5 enough Sulkey Plows; in fact e- '-"-is Hardware and Implement line. I Peter 5chuttler Wagons. The only wagon that ever crossed .he plains without resetting the tires, a The wood in tluse wagons consists of White Oak V and Shellbark Hickory. j We solicit a share of ytntr patronage I is 'Live and Let Live.' (jive us a call. f. All kinj of oiru huts at li A M'.i I'l ml nhirls at, li A M V La liei fsu.'y un Jerwear at li i M'b 'J.jr line of mens plain and fancy bointtiy uunuut hi: boat ItHiiiein her we ate nm n s f or shoes li AM M ilaiiau 6 li antiiul new Jinn ot silk petit ci.ats, juni rt-cieved, at the l'ai.nii .VI 1 1 In ei v h uie In th . HO All del-:; 1'r A - : . I .- ... . - . . t Realm of ReDartea. ) i ' ( ' - 1 -. .-v . r Our motto V J ' ; ' JCO , ;: Jia.''0j Ui F l .1. . . . 1 . . a ; J . 1-crr.y's Onrdin Seeds , . it: T are tbeHeat, ar. rCt'l,'J- ' H i. r, o -..Mt ,,r , , (i . : conn 1 r , aim (tics-'tv hukcji .ii vn mmmmmmmmm Me wasn't a Hoc;' " ; ' - ; c This htory carn drit'tin r in j'i " Western Kauras: A lrniun 1. : - i ;i I t A0mrL f" n a. a mm. brouht lu twi lidtfa nod sold 1.. . j'5 t '. 1 .'1 1 I '. A . ! I , V2 5?1 ' "i.' OO NOW I Uri claim.,, -d r .rtircoi:, - - :rui. j! II V w m 1 1 for the full Hinr.unt Kl.eo tl.e (leii.ii.i. ,1 t,-.jJ oi r !l ry 'v.. i.l r, . .. II , ,. :lonkad over ills snouldur aud iiL.i l : P' r..Nmmnw.wmlimmlmmTwmWm "Make i furtlUI. I han't tbene.vej V,'. ;! .1 . ' ' i Ml ff,r .'I V ' rrl.... 1 , ilnnt nieto taaoall " h 1 hwitici y uur eurpeis cui aiHl sewcu, ' i n - -1 -. already to put down, at the same r r ;! price vo t would ay in the city. 11 In fl HAIR-DRESSING ; -7 ipH r rr the Axniinster, Velvet, or Uodv i MANICURING FO? i; ' ,. .;-A . U Brussels. ' , Des ANa GfN7UMM m - ' - l Jij noons in n.w muNTiNa euicviHO 1 1 rJ I I I Wm.T Of COUKT HOUUU "t -V I lIXII t I I Ull -I I , r m. r mm M FlUir CLill Uoh ' .. f wz-iv o r-vrxivi 1 utxtz UKtz. 1 Fimmr CL;oumro SouoiTtD j ' t K '. iinof that fiomestead? e le5 every day. ding into our section. curing; lare tracts vjry day and locating. n as the GREAT INLAND related with railroads iviost prosperous farming j--t unities there are in a new ol" land, and we assure you that 1 he best in vestments you ever if C'i.i '('(. r locating homesteads, desert lanus, etc. and we assure rnfornvition you may want concerning AND CO. cr La! Lahw.i