Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1910, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    exas Land !
Sold on Crop Payment Plan
Grows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c
We will sell you an uimval uirni in the Gulf District
ot Texas, in Wharton mint v. ami let you pay by giving
us two -fifths of your nop raeli year until we hive receiv
ed the purchase price.
Till :'lll IM.V MVii KViHH I flill 1.1 Ul'l 0H a'T.-t of If Wil
In crop this year, iiud vl l led 'H "i i-di'-l- "f io II ut ill n over U)
ij of fnu b ill lln It n ! wi 'i v 1' r-r Imt'i 111 from tin
Colors I i ltl.iT h.v a ixiiiiimiK il nit I i'i 1 1 r 1 1 1 funilti water n tin
nut In cli v i( S'. lxiM.
Tli ix I 11 1 I nil 11 Id a I; I 1 11 I U ili.-l ihn .rro.nir of auger sluibi.coituri corn. ir i t fur 'i I v if il -if all liid. Any of
tin iriMi ' Krvn wit'itl' IrrUni Im an I. 1 H In with
CinirtU (.1 Irrigation 111.. I wit 1 1 1 I ltH 'i nibiui wtnr mippl.V. It i
pnrtlcul irl.v mined to il iUii.uii.if li Ii 1 11 n T crop .1 till country.
rlc. . .n
Our bind wl'l Im iM .- ii.i I trriuC' t n witlii iiiiirniitc. of ntir
rlent water in It ISK KICK or -iv Other Product of Chi etl Ion. which
inlude CAM!, AI'I'LI;., UK V'I'S. mi. OWANUliS and l W AI'IJ FKU r
Tin i'i'" f them land I hi .iiil.M-. run iroin J.lS.oO to 5() OO per
Acre, ii'-tr lin to Lo i i-n. I'lmmv. n-ui and ij nntityof hun t at-
r I In Crop. 1
Wc n-piir. a CumIi Iiviii-im ol ! m p-r acre tin. I $1 00 more per hiti In
six month, mo Hint y.m will un v.-enough invented to give von an Interest
In wi.Mkiiirf tin' Inn. I You d not sign a not or mortjpice lor the balance
but merely imrvfttt 1.1 Tn-I'M lis nf Your Crui I'.m-b Y"iir a-
payment, and the only payment you art required to make
If yon h.ive n Imrd veiir wi imre vo ir 11 irlliit and you will nave no un
pitM not star- vo In Mi U I v hi U iv. I vur, n. n know yon
will have, vourfarin I a 1 paid for.
You can cliooae your own cro. except th it we r-ipilre at leant 7 ''"r
com of mieti crop to bo Rice, as we know Ii I the most profitable.
Lane City, Wharton County, Texas
Hay City Matagorda County, Texas.
II ure to mention TMIJ I2XAMINHK when you write advertisers.
Department Of The Interior, IJ. H.
Iand Ofllca Hi Lakeview, Orrgou,
Mar. Hth, 1910
Notice U hereby ulvt that J.
Qniiic; Wtllltn, of l.aUvii'w, OriKuii,
woo, on Apr. 27tb, mart Uoma-
lea'l eulry No 2UI., Horlnl, No.
01117. for KW, Sfrtlon 27. Townnh'p
:i7H, Kbiih l'K, Wlllaini'tte Mwrllian.
haa filed notice of Intention to make
Final Five Yeitr I'roof. to mtHMmh
claim to the lauil above di'rUjl. be
fore UnKlMter hijI Kecplver. U. H.
Iand Olllce at Lakevlew. Oregon, ou
tbe th day of April, 1910.
CMalniant namen an wltuetnies :
Oabriel Arr.nor or Lakebw, Oregon
Ooeme 11. Lynch, or " "
W01. T. McCuIImv, of " "
Mike K011. of " "
M 10 A M
DupHrtment Of The luterlor, V. H.
lAud Olllce at Lakevlew Oretfon. Mar.
:w. m 10.
j-r Not ("oal Iiod
Notlc l hereby kIvpo that Thonma
(f. McCollloy. or liHkeMtw, Oieuou,
who, on October 11HI2. niHle Home
ateadeiitry No. aerial. No. "f)10,
for FJSW'i.,', NWtSK-4. BKJNWJ, Keo
tlnn 'JH, TowtiHhlp ouS. Knfe IKK.
Willamette Meridian hna filed police
of intention to make Fina' Fle yar
I'roof, to ealabliah claim to the land
above dftcrlhed, before KeKbiter and
Kerlever, V. H. Land Olllce. at
Lnkaview, Oregon, ou the l!lh day of
Mar. I'.UO.
Claimant namea as wltneHtiea :
Joe Arner, of l.ak-vlew, Oregon
Mont? Currey, of " "
llert THtro. or
Jack M('ulley, of " "
Notice Is herely given that the
Ktate Lund Iloiml will receive aualed
bldH until 10:00 o'clock A. M., June
2, KU0, for the followlug described
achool land, to-lt:
All of Unction Hi. T. 2.l 8. R. 9 W
All of Section M. T. 31 8. It .2.W.
The HWJ4, V of KKJ aud Lota
.1 .ml 4 .Sxo 10. t. H U. 13 W
All of Section 10. T. 311 8 It. 13 W
The N or K'v and Lota 1. 2, 3,
I and 4 or Keo. 10. T. 418. IC 12W.
! The NWJ of NWS', NKi4' aud Nr;'4
I of HK'4' of 8eo 10 T. 3H 8 It 22 K.
! Lota I. 2 3 and 4 and 8K.'4' ol 8WJ
nl 8' of tK'4' of bectlou 10, T U
K. IJ. 13 K.
; Lota I, 2, 3. 4. and the of KJ.
! Ku of W's, 8WI4- of NW4 aud WL ol
BW'i of Bection 3rt, T. VJ 8. B K
I All blda muat be accompanied by re
gularly executed application to pur-
' c liana and at leant one-fifth of tne
' amount olfeied.
i No bid of lean than 17. M per acre
will be considered.
I The rltht la reaerved to reject any
aud all bid.
Applications nd bids should bead-
drenned to (J. O. Urown, Clerk State
: Land Hoard, Buiom Oregon, and
marked "Application aud bid to pur
1 chaHe elate land. "
(!. (S I1KOWN.
Clerk State Laud Hoard
Dated March 21. 1910 M31J2
Nw Shirt VaUta-da'nty
.leaning on dlnplay 11 i M
foO 11KWAKD.
A REWAKU of fifty dollars is here
by offered for information that will
lad to the arret' and conviction of
iunv nemon wh has stolen wires or
other property, from our Company!
and the sann reward is hereby olfered
for inforniHii- n (hat will lead to tbe
arreut and if.nviction of auyoue des
troying tho property of tbe Company.
Chna. Umbach,
Secretin r Luke Co. Tel. Jk Tel. Co.
Gemo In Tcrec
T II EUR uanrl to ta a lltlla boy
In 1y of KOldn rule
Who always flt at alcht a, m.
Too alrk to co to achool.
But awirtlr from hi atraof dlMtvse
II would rrruprrata
And from hla alckl4 Him at ten
To play or awlm or akat.
7B wondnraJ what lonm of blna.
" And now at lt wa know.
An army major h leimi!
Th am phyil'iu to ahow.
Retired for Incapaolly,
lla norm lha in will
And with a mighty Nlmrod hunt
Nath Afrlc'a tmrnlna: akin.
MoLandnurt-h Wilson.
f) ar.ivn lmna nhalt thou maks,"
And yt. O mulplnr, for tha
of mi'-li nti fny a I
Tl aupi rv-ripilon Ilk tlia fao
Dlfflifuri-d nw uiul 1 . 11 1 1 10 trm
Ii.iImI Hum ihyMi lf cnn i,-nl in il
...l.., 1 T.t-
Department Of The Interior. U. 8.
L111I i (Men at Laknvlew, Oregon,
April 7. 191 )
Lakeview W2 Nut coal land. DFH
Notice U liKrehy glvri that Michael
lirrHii, whoae pout olllce addreaa la
LaKeview Oregon, did, on the lbtti
lay r October. 1919. file in this
olllce Sworn Statement and Applict
tion, .No 02124 to porcbaae the S'i
H'i section 10 Townrhip 3HS. Hange
I7r. Willamette Meridian and the tim
ber thereon, under the provialouv of
tbe act of June 3, 187H, and act
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law," at sucb value a
might Iw. tiled by appraiteineot, and
that, pursuant to sucb application,
the laud aud timber thereon
have been aoprulMed, Febtuarv 2nd,
1910 tho timber etitimate) OM.OOO
hnnrd feet at 9 75 per M, and the
land 00 ; that naid applicant will
offer tlnal proof in support of hix ao
plication and sworn ateterueur. on
the 10th nay of June, 1910. before
Kegi'tcr and Re; eter, U. 8 Land
Olllce, at Lnkevlew, Orcgnu.
Any perxon in at liberty to proteHt
this purcliBHe brora entry, 01 initi
ate u content at any time before
pHtent Uhiiph, by llling a corroborated
altUavit in this otllce. allogiog facts
which would defeat the enlrr.
Department Of Tb Intel lor U. S.
Laod Olfloa at Laksvlsw, Oregon,
Mar. 2,rtn., 1UI0.
Lak.vlew 02790. Not oo.l land DFH
Notice Is bsrshy glvsn that lianoab
R. Hblrk, whose pont-ofJlce addres is
Laksview, Oregnn, did, on tha 2nd
day of Decern bor 1910 Hla In this
otllce Sworn Statement; and appllca
tlou, No. 02790, to purchase tb HWf,
ueclion 8, Township 388, Range 22K,
Willamette Meridian, aud tbe timber
theieon under the provisions of tbe
act of June 3, 1478, and acts amenda
tory, known as the "Timber and Stone
Law," at such value as nilub be fixed
ly appraisement, and that, pursuant
to suiiti application, the land aud
timber thereon have been appraised
February lltli. lulu tb timber en
tlmated at 1.128,OiX) board feel at 1 .75
per At, and the land $W.W; that said
ppliniul will offer final proof In
support I ber application aud sworn
statement on tbe 20th nay of May
1910, tietore Kegmter and Receiver, U.
8. Laud Ollice, at Lakeview, Uregou.
Any perMon Is at liberty to protect
this purcliHHe before entry, or initiate
a content at any time before patent
Ihhiihh, by tiling a corrobotated a til
davit in this office, alleging fact
which would defeat tlia entry.
ARTHUR W. ORTO.v R-gl'ter
Departiiieiit Of The Interior. U. S
Lena Ottlae at I-ake-Me. Oregon
Mar 10th, 1910.
Noic Ih hereby glvt-n that Andrew
Morrin. who pobt-otlice ad. Irene Is
A del, Oregnn, did. on tbe lHtb day of
AugiiHt. 1909, tile lu this office
ftworn Statemeet sol Application,
No. 02.177, to purchase the BWSE
SKiSWJ. Section 8, Townitbip 39S,
Range 21 E, Willamette Meridian, and
tbe timber tber"on, under tbo provi
ainna o tbe ant of June 3. 1878, and
acts a jieudatory. known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at such value
aa might be fixed by appraisement
aud that, pursuant to sucb applica
tion, tbe land aud timber . tbereon
have been appraiaed, February 1 1 tb,
1910, tbe timber estimated 21,000
board feet at 1 00 per M. and tbe
land f 100.00; that said applicant will
offer final proof in support of bis ap
plication and sworn statement on the
20tb day of May, 1910, before Regis
ter aud Receiver, U. 8. Laud OtUce,
at Laknview, Oregon.
Any pernou is at liberty to protest
this purchase berore entry, 01 iuitia'e
a content at any time before patent
ItHiiHS, by tiling a corroborated affida
vit in ttiin office, alleging facts which
would defHt, tbe eutry.
l.i.orporared. 0
A Complete Record
We hii made an entire- tranacrlpt of nil Record In I-nVp
Count v which In tin v wii.v.uffti't Real Property In the county.
We Imve a complete Record of every Mortiriitfo and traimfer
ever tiiinle In Lake County, and ever Deed Klven.
Krrors Found in Titles
In traiiHcriliinu tbe reeorda we have found nnim-ron mort-gaU'-M
recorded In the Deed record and indexed; aud many
il h are recorded In the Morttfajri record anil other hooka.
Hundred! of nioitgaueH and ileeil.n aie fot linlexeil tit all, aud
moHt illtllcult to trace up from the recordH.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Oilier cannot II ml them. We have put hundred of dollarn
limiting up tlicw error, and we can fully guarantee our work.
Department Of The Interior, U 8.
Land Otllce at Lakeview, Oregon,
April 8 1910.
Lakeview 02025. Not coal laod. DFB
Notice is hereby giveu that May
Uatchelder, hoe post-otllce ad
dress Is Lakeview, Oregon, did on
the 15th day of October, 1309, file lu
this odlce Sworn htitemeut and Ap
licHtiou, No. n2l'25, to purchase the
SKJ. Section 22, i'onship 38S.
Range 17 K, Willamette Meiidian,
and the timber thereon, under the
provisions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and act amendatory, known as tbe
"Timber Bud Stone Law,"ateucb
value as might be fixed by appraiHe
meut. aud that, pursuant to aurh ap
plication, the laud and timber there
on have been appraised, February 1,
1910 tbe timber estimated 814,000
board feet at f .75 per M. and tbe land
II90.U); that said applicant will
offer fJual ptoof in support of ber ap- ;
plication and sworn statement on tbe
23d day of June, 1910. before Regis
ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Otllce, '
at Lakeview, Oregon.
Any persou is at liberty to protect
this purchase before eutry, or Initi-
ate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by tiling a corroborated
affidavit iu this office, alleging facts1
wbicb would defeat tbe entrv. i
A14J:0 1
The Kind Ym Ifaro Always nought, and which has been
In use for over 30 yearn, has borne the slrnatnre of
- ana ha Deen maae turner ins per
tSrf-f Bonal anpcrrhilon since 1U Infancy,
7-u4cUAZ Allow no one to deceive yon In tlibt.
All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Jnst-as-good' are but
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Ex per ienco against Experiment.
Castorta Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
poHc, Irops awl Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
nubsLince. Its ago 1 it gruarantee. It destroy Worm
tnd alleys Feverishncss. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It asM in Hates the Food, regulate the
Stomach and JJowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend,
) Bears tno bignatore ox
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Txt eepa. TT ituiuut arauT. anr T orrr.
J. D. VENATOR, manager.
o )Ot if o tot xx oi 106 o o oi
Here is Where You Get Your Money's Worthl
When you by Mutton Stew t fie per pound.
Have you tried Our sugar cured Hams, Bacon?
No lx'ttor nmdo nny where.
Lmd, lioini klttel rendered, absolutely pure, 6 lb. bncketa 11.00
In 40 lb. ciiiiH. ISc KrcHli frozen Oynters, )l.0(l per fan. K runt 60c
mt ki lion.
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay tliu market price for g-ood beef aud pork-hogs,
Catih ou delivery. . , ,
Come and get acquainted with us.
J.P, Mayfleld. Gen.Hgr.
Departmeut Of Tbe Inlerior. U. S
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
April 4, 11110
l.fakeview C-25'21 Net coal laud DFB
Notice Is btTHly Kivnu (hut Williaui
P. Faine, wboHH post-olllce address
Is Lhki'vIcw. Lskn Co., Ortjiu. ail,
ou t?i 1 f f!Hy of October. lDOd. llln iu
this ottlce Sworn Statement and Ap
plication, No. 0021, to purchase the
SttNW. NSW1. Sectb.u 10. Town
ship !)HS, KaiiKe 17E, Willamette
Mprldlan, and the timber thereou,
UM.l r the provbiious of the act ot
Juu 3. 1H7S. and act amendatory,
known a the "Xuiiler and Stone
Law," at sucb value a uiivbt be
fixed by appruisimeiit, aud thnt, nnr
auant to inch apulic.utinn. tp lani
and timber tlierou have boi-u at
praised, February 2. 10ii', th tiiutier
estimated 1,021. 000 board feet at t V5
per M. Hil l tbe land 1100.00; tbtit
said applicant will offer final proof iu
support r.f his application and sworn
statement on the 10th day of June.
1010, before Retiis'er end Receiver, U.
S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oreuu.
Auy person Is at liberty to protetd.
this purobaBB before eutry, or iuitiata
a content at any time befoie uatent
issues, by Uliog a corroborated alii-
davit in this otllce, aliening facts
wb'.cb would defeat the entry.
AUT11LU W. OKTQN, Uealster.
AT J 9.
Department Of Tbe Interior, U S.
Land OtUce at Lakeview. Oregon,
Mar 25h, 1010
Lakeview 02700. Not coal land DFB.
Notice is hereby Riven that Rosalie
Lyle Shirk whose post-ottica address
is Lakeview, Ivake Co., Oregon, did.
on tbe 'd day of December, 1010, His
in tbis office Sworn Statement and
Application, No. 02709, to purchase
tbeS'4 NJ. Section 8, Townebip 38S.
Hanus 22B, Willamette M ridian, and
tbe tlmbei thereon, uader tbe provi
Si ms of tbe act of June 3, 178, and
acts ameudatory. known as tbe "Tim
ber and Stone Law, " at such value
a- inivbt be fixed by appraisement
and that, pursuant to such applica
tion, tbe land and timber thereon
have been appraised, February J 1th.
1910 the timber estimated 700.000
board feet bt $.75 per M, and tha land
80.00; that said applicant will offer
tlnal proof in support of her app:ica
tlon and sworn statement on tbe 20th
day of May, 1910, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Lake
view, Oteon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initi
ate a contest at any fine before
patent Issues, by Hilng a corroborated
affidavit In tbis office, alleging faots
which would defeat the entry.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
n.norlixinl fit Tha 1 1. rl- TT-'td
i r- . i a) r .(...).- n I
ritaies Liana uuiun, uilivicw, wh
goa Mar., i5tb, 1910.
I A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this otllce by Armeda J.
Causey, contestant, against Home
steal fcntrv No. .Serial No. 0964.
made Jan. 2nd, 1909. for Lots S and 4
Section 30. Township 30S. Range 20K,
1 Willa-uette Meridian, by Ruber. A
E!.ncb, f'oulestoe, in which it Is al
letted that said KbricD has tottdly
aoaiidoued tb" bind; that be bas uov
er resided on same, that be has bum
absent from said lands for eleven
' mouths past, said parties are bere
i by notified to appear, respond, and
! offer evl ieuoe touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. ni. ou Apr. 20th,
1910, before the Register and Receiv
er, at tbe Uuited States Land Office
lu Lakeview, Oreuon.
The sail contestant having, l a
proper affidavit, filed Mar. 14th. 1910,
act fi.rtli tiielj winch siio I hat ai'er
d ie dlli'"'",n h'1mh1 st'Tvice of l'1!.
notice can u i. .. ' ' ''"i
oriiert' and dirt'den tuai 1110:1
be given by due aud proper rubli- a
tlou. Record adareba of eulrj uiau.
Lbkevle, Oreion.
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily SundayWeekly
Sunday's in Colorsl
Wra. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
Order Now
VP WVmWVOOPVW 99999 9 9
Qw r vr V. We Have Found Thrtu Fr
a 4.. n i Ml
i w a iu out; xuuiiijr rvcui ud.
m Abstract, of Title to all Lands in
Lake County Furnished.
Terms Reasonoble.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
Department Of The Interioi, Uuited
States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore
gon, April 2. 19l0.
Notice is hereby glvnu that supple
mental township plat, as surveyed
uuder contract, for To. 30S., R. bK.,
W. M. will be filed iu this ottloe ou
Alav 10, 1910.
On. aud after said date, all of said
lauds will be subject to seleotic us,
eutry or tiling on, if said lauds are
not otherwise reserved or appropri
ated. ' lu this connection we will sttte
that all of this land Is In the Klamath
Indian Reservation and Is not subject
to ntAyTHUK w okxon. Register
Lakeview j3U8 DFIJ
Department Of The Interior,
Uuited states Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Mar. Hth, 1910
Notice is hereby given that the
State of Oregnu has filed in this
office its application, serial 0:1148, to
select under the provisions of the Act
of Oouitrttss, of Aug. lltli. 1818, and
the acts supplemental aud amenda
tory thereto, the .ots 7 and 8, He
tiou -I; Lot5, Section 20; Lots 1
and 2. Seotlou 'il, Tp. 103, R. "J0K.,
W. M
Auy aud all persons claiming ad
revsely tbe lauds ducribed or desiring
to nbjeot because of the mineral
character of tbe land, or for auy other
reasou to tti disposal to applicant,
should file their affidavits ot protest
in thia ottloe ou or before the 11th
day of May. 1910.
The foregoiug notice will be pnb
lisbed In the Lake County Examiner,
a weekly newspaper printed in Lake
view, Oregou, for tbe period of not
less than thirty days prior to dato
lait herein mentioned.
at the Nebraska Station at North I'lutte. NVbraKka. la cau-dni every
body that hears of It to TURN AROUND and ask HoV? A 50
b valid jleld in not unuwual, and their la no reason in the world w hy
you caunot learn HOW. Practidully all theae bumper crops have
b.-en sroduced with only a few inches of tain during the growing
scaur n, ao you will uever "fear a drouth" when yon know HOW.
L", S. Government. Dcprrmenr of Commerce and Labor Bulletin,
Dec II, 1909 Juii.vh: "CaniDbcll's epoch nim-lnyr effcrtn lu behalf of dry
ffirminu; In connection with die Introiluctioii of liurnni w he-it, prom
ises ,o turn the neml nri-1 riirl'i, cov(.uy: ml'l!ni of i-ijii ih' tiiilos,
into on. ol l lie mohi r.jH'Ti.! set? Inii. in tlie wrld."
Mr Cillipl'ell I'i'erM'e i lined re'iiiui-triitinn I'.-irnw frmn T.'XMS
tn Ci'i .'l and imli'iiitv bis uietiuxln aiiti i-ixiiiia u the S lenlilic
, . t.' vta-h lvbi !
inif . a tir A it ; u ii ' . i
live without kiiouiiiu ilt- r v t, . ..c . .-.i
plained mid followed in CAM riii-. . .1.' . t NTI1" l.i;il
onlv publicallon ou tilbii;-'). A iiHiuihly,' , . r 'i; (.
our paper at the single price of our paper, even on leut svaii'
ir'aTl'ir Ml iTTI'"
DepartmeQl Of The Interior, U. S.
Laud Otllce at Lakeview, Oregou,
.March !tb, 1909.
Notioe is hereby giveu that Alpha
L. Feud let ou Allen, of Lakeview,
Orevoa, wuu. on Oeo. 20th, 1009.
made Homestead eutry, No. 02801,
for Lots 12 aud 13, Sec. 18: Lots 2
.and 3. Section 19, Towuship 3!S,
Range 21K, Willamette Meridian, bas
tiled uotice of inteutiou to make Final
Five year Proof, tr. etsabiisb claim to
tbe land above described, before Re
gister and Receiver, U. S. Land
t) tti ice, at Lakevrew, Oregon, ou tbe
28th day of April. 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oeorge Jammertbal, of Lakeview,
Solomon V, Robert, of Lakeview,
Creed Pendleton of "
Oregon. .
"Robert MoCulley, of "