Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1910, Page THREE, Image 3

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If you want all tbo
news of Lake County
and Qoldon Gooso Lako
V alloy, subscribe for
2 a year.
U AM Kit
WANTED -Hoy. 12 to 15 !!.
to work mi much.
E. It HATCH, Laker.
WANTIOIl I'll.INd !miiittl- I'lflK
fur UmM) (.lira VHrj-liitf Innytlix I'nr
furtliar I iifunniil Ion rhu or viit
r.Mt atlK'
Nl SM'Al'l ,K-(! 1ulBii.-. I' or
irt lenliira Ht lixninliifi . 1 1 .
Illiin I'rlnla of hut towiiHlilu In
liurua I.hiiiI lintrli-t ali'Minu nil
la ml rmtrieM, iiniiikn, (Intra, t' To
pnrapliy. Vuur nrlcr IIIIimI oii duy
of ri'i'lliiH rrii'n II. J C
t'UK.NKV. liurua, Orrwua r
KJUIi l KV - Koaa Coinliad Hi r
Ei ulmrnx A Uiw I'nrkrrrla mm.) iiIno
UK" for rl'tt IllU Eur lirll'fB t n i n 1 1
f Mra. V T. ICKSWoKTII. m.ii'Ii
Lakili"w. tilino
HOUSES I' OK SAEE.-llr(.k.n mul ;
iiuliriikon. Alno onn Kliullriirli ii H ti
jrfkr tl'l ntlil'lon Eliill'r Hi tlilHi
lilllor. MchlTtl j
WILL Sl.I.E or ImiU two iton'l tilm
boeiut city Lot" I. CIiiih. H ' llli,
llox IlliO, EiikvviHW, OriKiti.
KOK SALE. Mi-ri', ko t nr
ft lioiiHr, l iirim mul out hoiiM (iimil
lirlck t iny irn nml. I'rli-n hihI i -rniM
rtiUHOliiililK. Or will mill lota I
a num. I'l li'i'B Hill ti'rina rriipiinnlilo
II. II llu'in. I.Hkevli', Or.
poit s li:. mi H
crulmi (Inn Mill Ion,
uilli fruiii Lakeview
NEK. Ijiikuview.
r tlinln r Mill
well looted iO
C. U. .MISE-
I'Oli SA I.l .. -'.''i iirrea In Stipule
' nl ley, no o I lliiiiKi-, Hiiro mil i.r
(hur l, tliren Mltiitlnii welle, pi m-iea
lu hIiiIKm liii'iiut e tiiitlu Mtid nu n low
U A! I-I'.N i-U. ouhvl(i' Hi
MIM I I I AM l H j
1- Ii L I 1" TKI.ES. -I'Krfl II Ht lli j
vurlrtle now on bund four Hock I
wo-1 of ( oni t II IIHI.
hakp.ei' mi i al-
I'.XUlnllllT tillil'e.
I'ir Sali" clici i at
worth will NuT run Kiiniii thU year
I I I. I- I'll O KM.
vnrl Imkih-iI Ii.v the Telephone
('(inipanv for di'Hl ro In IU prop
erty. Hit I
I 11(1 ami ii. ..
rosr.v kino have niK m:sr
grade ..upturn iiml Igur I"
ftllllltl III ( II i'UOII. I f
1 1 c 1.iik' lew bar. Tin' ln'Mt and
)M'' I wltikv Hindi', tf
Mlll ll' HH .
James Barry
HrniU UU nwallow Kurt l
rlKht '-ar Ur rwra; n-vera.
lor wtinfri. mhiii' fwi juare i'rn' uJ
In rltfll l t lm HrslKt 111. Kaiiae ilitm
l.akt- I'u.iiilni e a.tilr--a. I.evte i ..
I Th conliji-nce felt by larmen and
gaidrm-rt In Ferry' Seeds to-day '
would have been impossible to leel In
any seeds two Knre ol years
ago. We have made a .
science ( I teed
always do '
exactly what you
exprct of llu'in. I'or sale
,f everywhere. ItKRY 9 1910 Si.tD
1NNII11 Frre nn .
D. M. FE.R R V A CO., Detroit. Mtoh. '
$1,000 REWARD
The Ore i ('
Ifuriihi Kii I I
'lllll AMItl'IS'loU, II
W II It'll llli' Illlller
aliened la a in.
ulll give. I'.iKimi
ru Btil lot evidence
li-mllnir to Hi.' ar
, x M , rent ami etiimrtluii
' .t. ' "I any parly ur par-
' tleioitriiling ImrwH,
cattle or lllull'H l.l)-
limiting I" any of Ita
In addition to llic altivti, the uniliTt-wiit'd
offers on thu Minie c.iinli i Urn u.00 (or nil hom
es branded limn nlim- nur uu both or Itlmr
1a w. llrand rernnluil I n i-lglu unuiittoa. limine,
iarm-y. l.ak mul Criio enmities, ilnraea
Vented wlirn aolil
Nono bulgniwii horse, nold, and oulyln lniu
buliclii). w V . lllliiWN. Kllu. Orr -illl.
$1,000.00 Reward.
Th Ort'troii. California & Nevada
Livestock I'rotcct Ivo AhhocIii I Ion
will lvc fldiio itcwnnl for tlit con
viction of hii.v party or iiartlca .ical
lnc horHt-N, in 1 1 Ii- or li in leu lM'loli:;liiir
to any of I lie following lueinlici n ot
thin Ahhik-Iiii Ion:
Cox it (Jlnik, Cliowtu-au Laiol A
Cuttlo ('., Ilcr.vfonl Eancl & Cm tic
Co., Luke County Laud & LIvt'Hluck
Co., Wanicr Valley stock Co., Win
W. IlrOWII, tn-ll M .I.HU'8, (ico. 1 1 III-
kins, H. II. Cliniidlcr. C. A. Itoliart , N.
Fine, W.A. Currier, Frank H. Hiuii-rn,
J.O. lloicliklHM, (iiililorwood l.i-'H.,
T. J. Ilrnttiilii & Smiih, T. A. Crump,
("renalcr 6c Homier, Y, T. CrehHier
Maud I. Iliiiiiiio.
nVrieKi '-- 1 1 KHVKOHI). I'n', ':
IF. M. Mii.i.KU.SeccV' r
(W. IMIkhyfohu
F. M. UltKEN
H. li. CHANt"',
DO Vol) WtNT h bom In Lattevlsw,
I data It f fir ' i 1 1 . imiihII payment
down. balance imii n rent, tin In
terest Mil taXftH. I'T s i 10 K.
PA It'll
KMC HALIv-Ou huf I Imi'la In ilia
rffimi.KtrHtii'l Iiml lifll nt l.hka Co ,
Oim , 10 hikI 'J'l ii i r in-Hia, phimII
nili ly imyii iinln, WiIIm E. K.
I' M( II, Lnki hM. , i ii.
liOOl) EAHM ITiI m rf-. ltlilii mm
mill' ur I'lim Clu U .iiKmIiIh fur alfnl
in ,r l. nit Uiuli (' o M I HEN Eh,
1 iiknt , ( )nif n
E si-.LL l
1 1 IS tindpr
i Men I i iinim VbI- j
i Wrlti-!
1 1 . ; i loll n
i.n, f'iO
r i ' i l.ooklft
il LiikrilMW
i .1:1
rjt f
M It AVI h- In. in in v lirM, Antr. 4tli
mill uiO'llliU, lira oni'ii I n-n
i.i.l. i Ailli loill rirrlii. Ilna anru oil
..mi of li-lt -I M-r HiiitiiliU'
f. .r n-'ii'i
if iiinirial nr III-
. .11 I lllll
ill I. m.I in it. rM-ov-IOE
S U Y El ur
Ml . HUH. I. I HO
i,, ,.,, ..lout Aiw.
irrnv innr, lirHmlwl
null .E. mi Ittl 'IiIIh. wl' arar on
fi .i l In, wrulit Mm). hIiikiI 10 jenra
i J i EnM I. y wliil fnce rH'Mle
.i r-r, ii'iiiir I'lHoil. with Mi-nr on 1 f t
In. i t hill, Ml'iH'f l'2 yrarii olil, weluht
.( Ml i nin(N LIIumI iaHnl.
NIMU.W MOltlMS, A.lrl.
t ii if ! Mini '
nrn nil mrt lea f n entrrini our
pr -m I - in :-i-iv M T'owiiHi lp .'1 si.
Jim , lor 1'iirpoKi- of limit inu or ti -h i im
or oi h .r Ink. .1. O I1U EL
is tt OH .1 AMMEKI HAL
Eating Up Principal and Inter. at
-New York Herald
Tattered Ten y I'm a newt-paper
man, but I cant' et a job.
Lady ol the houHe ludee I Why
Tuttered Terry Yer nee, 1 saved a
train from a terrible accident once,
and nil de editor have been Bore on
me ever alm-e I I'uck.
Meet me at
Nasal Catarrh finicVly yiuldn to treat. ;
Uient by the arivuiblt), aroiiiittii- Ely's :
Cream Kuliii. It is m-oived throtik'b the i
rjoxtriln and eitiiiaii and bi-als tbe w liolo i
etirfm-e over which it diffuse itaelf. Iiru.
ginta B'll the ri I.-. hiz. lost it and you
are auro to contiuuu tbe troutment till re
lievod. Announcement.
To ai'coniui.xliilo tlmati who are iiartiiil
to tbo lino of atomiznnt in applying lupiidUs
Into tbo niixal iu.-viigea for Mtiirrhnl trou-
bin, tbo proprictora prepuro Cream lialm iu
liquid form, which will be known aa Kly'a
Liipiid t'rt-am Kului. Trice including the
apruyiii tube ia 75 cent. Ilninnista or by
Intnl. Tlio li.ii,il form ciiiImnIic the Incl
Iciuul propi-rtiea of tbo solid preparation.
I'cr Infubts and Cldldi-ea
The Kind Ycu Havs Always Bought
lieara the SJZZZT,
1 1
r in , n
i".". J
, iti. n lor l able
w ii r k i n A in t n
--alt j e V i
Ifv ,
.amkikt, i'rop'r.
l liornton'5 5tore
lane le;.v; i.akeview daily, ex
ept Sin .1 n at ti a. m. Arrivei
.1 Ahum- :ii tt i. ni.
I.eavei- A t u ran ior Lakeview ai
i o'vliHtk it . ni. or on ibe arriva
( the 1 1 oni Likely. Ar
i uoa in Lukoviow in 12 hours (
;. r leaving Alturns.
l-'rUtit - Mattri - Given
5 trict - Attention ...
First - Class - Accomodations.
IK i!
' j . (hi
.5) VVO
Scrap Book
Settling a Bat. mul a ChU rtRonn mrt
A New
m i iiiiriinii wiicro nil niciv
Iiollc liiior .i-r? Klil tljr forlilililcii. ;
To miik ! Mii.i-n.iK for h tliotichtful '.
tndlvliluul Ii ol i-Minlill ln-d n Imrroom
fit the foot of tlm lilll on wlil'-li tlio!
liiMtlliillon (mix nil ii.-i ii'd. In front of
thin, nt r Ik ti mul'' to I In- aUli-wnlk,
tllinK n IiIk rtlKH.
"Clever mi inn tluit Kin mill down
lliero hna," mid tlm Ni-w Vorkrr, " 'The
Laat Cbuin o.' "
"Ifa c lovrr nil rlKht." rri-Mfd tlj?
f'lilonito miin. "but you'vo gut It
wrontf. It'ii 'Tlio Flrxt Clmrire.' "
ArKitmr-iit wim Miiiicrdiioim. Tlioro
wriK iioIIiIiik to do but to tniiko n kijiiiII
bft nnd afttle It nt onfo. Tlio two
wont down Hie Mil tnj(i'tlirr, nnd pret
ty noon thr WPHti-riK-r ex:Inlinl Irl
uinilmiill.T: "'The Elmt CUnwr.' I wlu."
Tlio Nr-w Yorkrr could not dlHD'it"
Eor thu tlrat tlmo In her III" nlie
wHa nhont to mukit h rnlUay journey.
W tin'i aiie nrrlvcd Ht tlin eliiliun aim
didn't Vnow wIlHt to d i.
Nho b tiled a porter.
"Voi d mnn. " lie mid, "can you
trll cue wlieie 1 yet uiy t tfk"t ? "
"liiuht theie nt the liookiu' orlla !"
uiiHwere'l the potter jerkluK hla
thumb backward ; "thru the plueou
htm retHr.ted tin hole, and then
hIh- rvKiirded the porter. Her fice
wna (-1 1 in nun witti itiaiilt.
"You be oil, you idiot I" she
ai-reuined "How o i eHrth do you
think I'ui uoliiu to u;t thro' there? I
Hint' no bnlfted piixin !" Auawjr.
"1 Iiml about iilven up hope, after
ueurly four yeHra of ttiilleritiK troni a
auvere lunri trouble, " writea Mra. M.
L. Uix, of Clarkaville, Teou. "Olten
the in i n In my client would be almost
uu bi-ura tile ami I coulii uu' do nny
work, but Ir hint's Nevv Dia'-ov-ry
haa maile me feel like a new peruou.
ItM ti.u t.ei-t medicine mude for tbe
throat am! Iiidk. " Obtitlnate cout'tiH
Htubboru ctilda, bay fever, liiKrippe,
ii t ti in a, croup, bronchi! ih hikI heni
inoriiKeti. hoarRnexa ami wboopibK
cotili, vi'll quickly to this wonder
ful medicine. Tty it. f'e ami il.DO.
Triiil bottle I Hits, liuiinintieil by A.
L. Tbroiilou.
"1 urn alwaya cool in the fuce of
dauuer. " he boarled pioudly.
When the crlai came we were
obliged to acknowledge; t hut he told
the truth. The onlv objection was
tliHt. bin ooolueaa wua all iu bin feet.
Cleveland Leader.
la tbe Kprnia of LuCirlppe, that,
breathed In, brinyu euderinK to
tbouanuda Its alter eltuta are
weakueea, oervouanena, lack of appe
tite, euerpy and amtiitloii, with iIIh
iirdered liver and kidt.eys. The
vreti'Kt need then ia Electric Hitter,
the rplendid tonic blood purifier and
regulator of the btomHch, kiver aud
Kidney . 'iboiiaauda have proved
that they wonderfully t the
uerveh, build op tbe system aud re
rtoie bealtti and noo.l goiritn after
an attack of tirip. If utreruK, try
them. Only Uic. Feifect natisf ac
tion nuHriiHtiteed by A L. Tborntrn.
"Johnny,' said tbe boy's mother,
"1 tope you have t een a cice. quiet
boy at cbuool this atfernooo "
"ThMl's what 1 was," auswered
Johnny. "I went to sleep rllit attir
dinner, and the teacher seid ehe d
whip any boy iu ttie room who waked
I ma up, " l!oton I'ott.
! Kulleta have often rauni-d leas nuirer-
Inij to boldiera than tbe eczema L. W.
Harriuiau. Iturliuton, Me., pot iu
Uliu urmr, and eull'ered with, forty
rears. "Lot liuck leu's Al iuca Salve
enro l me when all eltie failed " he
writes, (ireatetit healer foi Sores, Ul
cers, lloila, Hums, Cuts, Wounds
Hrni-en and Files. ..hi at A. L.
'Thorutona. '
'I'll I.' V
They act aud bowed, and went their
Ere long they met and talked. Aud
Once more they met, and laughed
and danced
And atferwnrd they ntet-and met
And met aud met aud met aud
They met aud did not part agaiu.
for purification, finds voice in pim
ples, boiln, sallow complexion, aud
Jaundice look, moth patches aud
blotches on the skin, all signs of
Liver troubUe. But Dr. Kiug'a New
Life Fills make rloh red blood; give
clear skin, rosy cheeks, fine complex
ion, health. Try them. '25o at A. L.
Our ahipmeut ol ladies muslin tin
derwear has just arrived Lingerie
fiiHbions for 1910 offeis some beauti
ful patterns. See and rou'll appre
ciate them. Ladies Combination gar
ments our leader H A M
ni'iut of Milk, merged into one lb. of
Butter c per .
Wonderful new dlHcovery. Family
nine iiiuclilne makes a pounds lu i
minutes. No cliemicala used. Pure
Food abaolutely. A grodsend to every
Think what that aave In one year.
25 sworn testimonials.
PANY., Centrul Trust Building
5G8 Golden Gate Avenue
Son Francisco, Gal.
thu evlilrnre ui uin' own n'liwi, t7ut
wm fler-ply mxr.led. When thr-j renrh
el the place he looked at the other l1
of the alirn. It rend, Tho Lnaf
Chance." To thoae jrolni? tip the bill
the renort . wnn nnmed "The Ieat
Chnnce;" to thoae coming down It
wnn 'The Flrat Chnnce."
The two men took Ixith chnncen.
Th Tull of Joy.
w mlKbt liave the fruit without
If we the plnr.Hria; tlm and waltlnf
time could Inlna,
Not hn If ao rvi-rct would aeem thy rar-
ricr'-d r.eifar.
The irracloua ymr tie rohtied of half Ita
I.l la..
If careleaa wo mlKht ajaln our irrenteat
To human nature It woulrl be aa painted
Tha aweat of brow and anxloua, weary
Perhapa la that we l-arn to know th"
f'i'l of Joy.
Cora I.Hphiim Hnznrd In w York
Ls'IIhh iiiiihIiii
Huh we over lind -
undfirakirta Uftt
li & M
In the County Court of the State
of 'ireon, for Luke County lu the
niHtt-r of the erthte of W. F. Welch.
To hit whom it may concern:
Notice in hereby uiven thht the on
deraiuned. Iihm been appointed ad
ruliiirllHlor ol the entate of W. V.
Welch Duel-Hand, by an order of the
County Court of Lake Couuty, Ore
iron, liol y niHile and entered on
March, I'Jtb. 1UI0
All peraoua havini; claim aeiiioet
the enthte Hre hereby required to pre
heat the siime duly vended with the
. roier voucliera, within "ix moutbs
from the dxte hereof, to said adminia
tiaior at bin (dace of buaioea in tbe
town of 1'iiiMi-y, Lake Countv.OreKOD.
Dated MHrch. 1, I'JIO.
.1. D. FAKEA.
Arllinoiat rator of tbe entale of W. P.
Welch. Deceased. AHIAIU
j in The County Court, Of Tbe State
' Of Oregon : For Eake County,
j Order To Show Cause: Iu tba mat
, tel ot the tiuardiauebip of Eryan
Emerhon and Eiroi Emerson minora.
' It Hpii-Hriuu to this Court from
the petition this day presented and
i tiled iiy l'arubaai E. Harris, tbeKnard-
iau of tbe estates witbiu the State of
Oregon of tbe above-uained Bryan
! Einerson and Errol Emerson, uou-
rt-bl'ieut in l n or h, piayiuK for an order
i ot le of certain real estate belonging
' to mo I miuor, that it would tie to tbe
bent inteiea's of .aid wards and each
ot them that such real estate should be
1 sold, it ia hereby ordered tbat the oext
: of km of tbe said wards and nil per
sons interested iu the said estate ap
! peHr tbis Court on Wednesday
! the '20th day of April, 1U10, at the Lour
I of teu o'clock A.M. of said day at the
i Courtroom of this Court, at tbe
Courthouse in the County of Lake,
State of Oreccn, ten and there to
show cauae why au order ebould not
be krautid for tbe sale of such real
estate, described in such petition as
follows: The undivided one-tbird in
terest, subject to a right of dower,
in the Northeast Quartet of the Sootb
weii Quarter of Section Twenty-eik'bt
lu Towustnk) Thirty-nine South, Knuce
Tweuty, East of the Willamette Men
dian. iu Lake Cmiuty, State of Ore
iron, aud it is further ordered tbat
this order be served by publishing
I be same once each week for three
8nccensive weeks prior to said 20tn
dav of April. 1910. in the Lake Coun-
! ty Examiner, a newspepei of ceneral
circulation and published in Lake
County, Oregon.
Dated this 11th day of February,
1310. 11. Daly
County Judne
Estate of Jerome Churchill, De
ceased. Notice is hereby given tbat the un
dersigned, administrator of tbe estate
of Jerome Churchill, deceased, has
filed with the County Clerk of Lake
County. Oregon, bis final account of
tbe administration of said estate, and
thnt tbe County Court of said County
bus fixed tbe 20tb day of April. 1910,
at the liour of teu o'clock A. M. as
tbe time and the couuty courtroom
in tbe couuty courthouse in Lake
view, Oregon, as the plaoe for bear
ing objections to said final accouut,
ami for settlement thereof. All per
sons interested are hereby notified
to Ule their objections, if any there
be, to stiid Htial accouut for hearlug
on said dHte. J. O. BULL
A imlnislrator of the etsate of Jerouiei
Churchill, deceased. ftll7A7
In The Circuit Court of the Sta e
of Oregon for the County of Luke,
8 S.
I Daley Campbell, Plaintiff,, v. e.
Charles C. Caurbell. Defendant.
To Charles V. Campbell, the above
named Defendant:
In the name tf the State of Oregon:
You are ftreby required to a: pear
aud auawer t!ie complaint of the
above named plaintiff. Hied agaiust
Von in the above entitled Court and
cause, on rr before tbe Htb day of
May, 1910, aud if you fail so to an
swer for waut thereof, tbe plaintiff
will apply to said Court for tbe relief
prayed for in the said complaint, to
wit; for a decree forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
lietweeu plaiutitf aud defendant.
Tbis sunimous ia served on you by
publication in the Lake Couuty Ex
aminer, a weekly newspaper of gener
al circulation published lu Lake
Couuty, Ore on, for six consecutive
weeks, by order of Honorable (Jeoige
Nolan, Judge ot tbe Circuit Court of
tbe State of Oregon, forLake Countv,
made on tbe loth day of March, 1910.
Tbe date of the first publication ot
this summons March is '21, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff. M2IA28.
If You are a Trifle Sensitive
About the aliolrf your tbot-i, Iti some satlafaa
tloo to know that many people au wear tines
a alse smaller by shaking AlUm'a Fool-Kane,
tbe antf-scptlo powder, lulo them- Just the
thine; for dancing- parlies, ualeut leather shoes
and for breaking1 In new shoes, W heu rubbers
or overshoes become necessary and your shoot
pinch. Allen's Koot-Kase gives limtaut relief,
gold Everywhere, 2fto, Hamiile FKKK, Address
Allen H, Olmsted, U Kvy, h, V, Don't aiora.1
BysulMUIul, t
Lakeview, Oregon
Offers the following for snle while they last:
One tract, 100 acre
fine trai
of t here,
One tract, 320 iicren,
One tract, 1(,0 ncren.
One tract, 100 acre.
One tract.
One tract 25) ncren. Improved. One tract, 400 ocren, Improved:
One tract PK) ncre, Improved. Near Lakeview.
One tract 4-":t acrea. Improved. One mils from Pine Creek.
One tract .VP) acreK. Improved Half-way between Pine Creek and
Improved Tracta from HO acrei up.
Tliene landx are tbe Cream of Lake and Modoc Conntiea. All Hig;h
fliiMH Orchard, drain ami A falfa biudn.
La Follette's
Weekly Magazine
The Great Progressive Weekly
There are many reaaona why you
fhotild read what ItMaVB .02 times each
year, it la free to te l tbe truth. It
will oppose tbe encroachment of Hjie
clal privilejren upon the (eople'
rights. It will call the roll on public
men and nieaMiiren and infirm yon
how your congreHMintn work and
vote. It -vill critlcine the executive
branch of uovernmetit from the
hlKheHt to the loweft. if In Its Judg
ment the penplea intcn-HtH are not
protected. It will Hpread tbe g;oppel
of ideal home life through the Wo
men's Department. It will be con
aervatlve when good thlnn are to
conmTved, and radical when bad
things are to beexponeo.
Senator R. H. La Follette
O-: Ci nn ,. . J
i uwi.wua i.i
You can get the magazine and the
Lake County Examiner
BOTH onfvfapI
For $2.60 in advance
Send Your Order to
Lake County Examiner
and not to
Weekly 4 i ; 1 1 -
P. E. Tavlor, Prop.
Office at 13. Reynold Stor .
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wen
ooadaye and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive
at Plush at 9 p in Leaven Pinali Tuer
days, Thursdavs aud Saturdays, at f
a. m., arrivee at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $4 one wav or 7 '
round trip. Freight f 1.50 per cwt.
Homestead Lands
I am specializing on Government Lands iu Lake
Count y, Oregon, and portions of California and Nev
ada. Can locate you on good soil, near water, and
timber. Fine openings in either of the states men
tioned. Have a few homestead relinquishments in
Goose Lake Valley, adapted to fruit, grain and vege
tables, within nine to eleven miles from Lakeview.
On some of these lands you will have to hurry to get
here as they will be gone just as fast as people see
them. "Bargains in clean dirt. That's all."
Y. ROCHE FICK, Lakeview, Oregon.
The Talk of the Town
Our Line of Wall Paper Samples and Dec
orative Goods, A Good Stock of Cheap
Paper now in. We want your trade.
TheLakeview Decorative Co.
Moore Building.
Pfftr-Ci.4a TUKMOUT9
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR Pmorrtimi'om
The Largest Livery and Feed Stable In Southern Oregon
or Nort hern California, Horney Hoarded by the Day, Week
or Month. Special Attention Given to Transient Stock
t,' 10.10 acre. Can nub dlvlvde both
One tract, 1C0 acre.
One tract' 210 acrea
20 acres.,
If you are not doing as much
business as you should
There's Something Wron
with your method of attrctln
Try a Campaign of Catchy
Advertising In This
Then kick us if, your buin
Klamath Fal-taks tieiv
O Stae Comoani
If errant He fit's Hrore, l.abrvlr
Auiericaa lletrl. Kliiflk falln
.4 II KM
Keaio.t Trl
Oaie Uaj
Northern Stage Line.
1 A- W. ERYAN. Prcorietor.
leaveB Lakeview at 6 a. in
erery day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a m every day bu
Freight f?1.50 per cwt.
Passengers' Fare i 4 Hornd trip I7
OH-tcfr B. Heyuoida Store, .asivip
uoMarrawr DHivmmm