Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Lake Gounty fxau 1 . i c
Fred J, Bowman
Largest Sworn Circulation In Oregon Outside of Portland
Official County Paper
I hHo del itipilt tin -.iieul I
1 auotaio ' iiltu nil i pted
j for stvci tt en yeai- 1 1 1 1 I"
. The peopl are dm mi ling ti n
, Rresa ho reeoro l'he n l i
tentative don't t to ln pit i
cord. It i better tot tiut that bt
killed In com mi tie. It It not m
aid to von hIIow.Uihui to tied e lis
Tua people are itottttttf rest!, no
insurgent waut to debate the
iaaues. "
Regular standing 11.00 an Inch. slnl .'n -r. In advance, .
Itlumn apace, pvr moulh. All slan.tlua: aU. , Ji mttn,
ih.n., ir,v mire tmotiiit. ci ol cmnpixl-, rnroe moutns. . .
lion charged forall axtra rbanara. All special -u pl Ilia Ivamv, $ ISO the real.
I Ml I too extra. All short term ada. ealra -w '
.Kradrrt, local column. UV. per Hue rich tn
altlon. Wain ails. Sc. a lin-eacn tn-rtlu i
art) of thank ll.OU. Resolutions ol condo-i
(,. ... ... ....
r-Tranlcnt Advertising and Job Print-1 tht,ir ptomee a,llrcM nhoul.l remomhvr to
lug. cash In advanc. ,p ,(, olflw a cr,j w their pprr can be ad
All bills must be paid the first of each month. drewd to thu rig dl poaiofflce.
1 s
Notice to Sabecrlber
O uicrioers to I he hiamliicr who rcmovt
Johnson is a Statesman Who
Will be an Honor to California
fit ---r4p)
i he
Hiram V John9oo. of California,
the caudidate for governor before
the primaries is a republican, ia ev
dently of the Lincoln type of a pan,
tod if the people of California are
wise and desire to get out from under
Bom rule, they will place him in the
gubernatorial chair by a unanimous
The big papers of Frisco the
Chronicle and Call, are naturally op
posing hiB. allied as they are with
the interests, but the rural press at
most without exception, are giving
him the heartiest support.
la a speenb at Berkeley, which was
entirely ignored by nose papers, be
gave expression to ideas which elec
trified his bearers numbering thous
ands. He said in part:
"The mighty wave of reform has
reached California and we are going
to win. "It is a Nation-wide con
test a fight in every State and id the
Capital at Washington."
"We have new -new probjem to meet
"and all good citizens must join
the great crusade for the return of
government to the people. Capital
has determined to exploit our vast,
dnmain for its own profit, p.nd in its
Unholy alliance with politicians there
is only greed and profit, without patriotism."
Mr. Johnson refeired incidentally
to the Ballioger-Pincbot controversy
nd on the great natural resoruces of
Alaska sought as the spoil of a few
corporations. "In the Cabinet of
the I'nited States is a president who
ia workins agaiDst the interests of the
people; there 'a in ttat body a Hal
linger, whoee interests are with the
: "That august body, the United
States Senate, has become a rich
man's club, and in it an Aldricb, re
presenting only those interests that
seek governement control only for
profit, and in the House of Represen
tatives we tee a man with a cigar in
hi mouth is the mighty ruler of all
tie surveys. But, thank God. there
la a LaFnJlette and a Dol'ittr v. no
take their stand with the .Insurgents,
and we of the Liunolu-RooseveTl
League are proud to take our stand
with this insurgent movement against
the system in this State."
Mr Jobuacu delivered a strong
eulogy of Roosevelt, referring to him
as the great figure in the world's eye
today, ant predicting for him and the
people auotber tour years in the
White House at Washington. The
speaker's refereote of our ex presi
dent brought forth from bia audi
enoe wild excitement.
"Return this Stite to the people
by removing the Southeru Pacific
Company from the control through
the direct piimary the weapon that
has been put in the bands of the peo
ple," said Mr. Johnson, who de
oouocel the political unmeasured
terns. "Tbey have smircb-metbods
of the railroad machine in the judici
ary, has never paid its fair share of
taxes and caused the youtn of the
State to tbiok crookedly. Mr. Wil
liam Herrio, sitting in bis sumptuous
offices, enjoyiog a princely salary.
has but to touch an electrio button.
and every offlce-hol ling mini m in
the State jumps and dances from the
effects of the electrio shock."
"We are the tegular Republican
party," sail tue speaker, "because
we represent decency. The so eallert
Regulars are only regular macuine
orders to cairy out irregular and re
prehensible machine poltici. These
men are now awaiting orders as to
whom they shall support for Gover
nor "
Mr. Johnson's speecb throughout;
was magnetic aud oratoiical. and
showed the intense earnestness the of!
mac. It certainly ran true.
Such a nan should have the sup
port of every man who loves bis
country and who does not wait to be
louder dominated by the corrnpt and
rapacios-greed of grafters emaU or
great. And.tbank God, in the people's
hands, the direct primary will elimi
nate nil such from our body politic!
In such a matter the i lea of arty
should be thrown to the wind !
The San Francisco Liberator, alter
excoriating the "regulars" in t.'ie - I
publican ranks for being en til I tj I r ,'
Inditfeient to put. lie eeutimetit sum
op is editorial aa follows : "The rtl
oice of the American people !
neither Republican, a it is defined
by the past conduct of regulata, nor
Democratic, In the party sense, It ia
Insurgent progressive striking the
new note of politics, nor for party,
not for special and favored inter
ests, but for the American people "
It Indiana is eared to the republi
cans it will be entirely due to Sena
tor Beveridge's sturdy tight, auaiuitt
the iniquitous tariff legislation, that'
whs jammed dowu ttie necks of the
American people by Aldrich and
Caunon, in spite of the platform
promts to revise the same down
war. I !
fortunes made ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS i
v o will ell youi section f t lie tninoiis Sunny Southern Alberta
wheat I ii.d, that will produce U) to f0 buslieU pci ucn , for a lost fj)
eiish naNinent of S2.C00 to $:.0()0 mid Half tlu Ik-mi crop on I'OO f
acres yearly until the land is paid for r)
Yoil jjet all the crop on any land you cultivate ahov lie i!00 ac es
on which we only :ct Half. i j
You do not have to pay one cent in inoncv alter the t payment l
Land at 81") to $1" per acre near railroads ami elevamrs. (n
Another case of high finance Is that
of the Cincinnati piano manufacturer
who owes H.l-M, IXW aud has assets
of flUO.
lhe Indiana republicans slapped
the President in the face for his en
dorsement of the Aldrlch-Payne tariff
abortion. Aud it nerved him riuhtl
Wit of William R. Trav.ra.
William R. Travers wtll long be re-
menil'nd for his quick, though gener
ally kind, wit and his whimsical hu
mor. Many p'orlos nro told of tills
mau of business financier nnd capi
talistwho was at one time president
of the .Now York Athletic nud the
Racket clubs. An Impediment In his
unwell, which added much to the hu
mor of what lie said, gained for bin)
the familiar title of "the stuttering
He wa a Hiiltlmore-au aud was once
greeted In New York by nn old friend
from bis uative city.
"You Ftamm-T more in New York."
said his friend, "than you used to in
"B-b-blgijpr place." was the laconic
Mr. Traverj burned that Mr. Clews
was proud of the fact that be was a
Chance for Capital
Ychavca solid Mock of seven sections, consisting o! ! 00 acres ut
SUNNY ALUKKTA, that wewill sell for $10 ncr acre, wh t is a -pe-.
buy, on the terms of 0 per acre down, and the li.ilaiu. :n one, l i
three or four years at only 0 percent Mitcrest.
A lare part of the laud immediately adjoining tliis tr.iei of land is
titu'er cultivation, and more will he broken up in the stin, hy the
settlers to whom we have sold adjoining sections.
One crop of winter wheat will pay lor this land and jiw you a liir
surp'us in the hank hesitles.
The yield is from .'() to (10 hushcls, aud and fit s) cents the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less 812 per acre, a hijj estim
ate for of production.
See us or write us soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valuble lands are bcinj rapidly taken by enterprising Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or further information.
IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Examiner Ofiice, Lckeview, Ore.
The Portland Labor Press thus
voices the attempt of outside "inter
sts" to meddle with the affairs of
this sta'e and strike down measures
hjch should be i n operation to
very state in the iJuioo :
"There is no doubt but that some
of the big interests in the United
States are contributicg, or have
promised to contribute 1-trge Jsoma
of money to bre-ik down (he iuitctie
nd referendum in Oregon.
There are inidcations pointing tbit
way that will be exposed in tim.
Perhaps too late. There are so indi
cations pointing to money being con
tributed to bteak up labor organiza
tions, set the i; rante rs t y the tars
aud prereul tbe formation o' the
Farners I'uiou. The peoole of Ore
gun are reaching for the teats of
'power, and the tax-iodinu. public
grafting coi porationa are going to try
co stamp out the blaze tie ore it be
comes a oouti-igratiou extending over
the country"
The Portland Telegram, which no
one crit cizes &i to its republicanism,
reads the party a lesson on "The
Stupidity of Hourbouism" in which
a democrat was elected "a rebuke to
the subserviency of tbeoe intrenched
in special privalege, " and euda with
the signitiuant remark that "the titu
ation calls ot the unhorsing the
Bourbon, or the la-ty will be ridden
into the ditch " That is talk or tba
insurgent order strong enough to re
oeive the endorsement of Senator La
Follette. And it also is worth heed
ing by the party bosses!
republican party, but is also tiueJ
of Ilia Hamnfirolin riarfv frnm IhH !
well-grounded conviction in the
mioda of the people, that the ruling
element in both the old parties is
dominated by the selfish tools ot the
trusts. It points to a revolution.
This election with the one in
Mssachusetts, and the revolt of Indi
ana republicans against the intrenched
beneficiaries of special privilege,
should teach Taft, and the Senate aud
House that it is exceedingly danger
ous to make further attempt to longer
fool the p jople !
All reports show that the posiMou
of tue Exa uiu -r .vita regar 1 to poli
tics is i a Ihjh witn tu pulse and Ail!
of the oeople all ivit thu Union.
rate '
v. : p U
The le-ent part.zau trend of the
Ballirgei -Piuc'int iuveitiat iuu only
tie more blrunly eniptjttiizs thx
previous susploiou ft bat the whole
thing is a wnits-washtug am and
it will not foul the people, no matter
bow much it may convince the
guinea-pig politicians and newspapers.
The Socialist vlotory lu Milwaukee
id wans mora tbau appears on the sur
face. An analysis ot the situation . shows
that the revolt of the entire state
against Canoonism and Aldrlchism
is so pronounced that two, and pos
sibly tba eutlie Congressional dele
gation, may be replacd by Socialists.
It la apparent from tba Socialist
gains everywhere that the Insurgent
revolt of tba people Is not coutlned
exclusively to condemnation of the
Geo. H. Williams, Oregon's Grand
Old Man, and the last of President
Grant's cabinet, died at bis Port
land home on th 4tb lust. lie has
loru been prominent iu the affairs
of this stare and of the nation. He
was 80 5 ears of ag. and possessed b's
full mental powers to the last.
There ts reason a 'id lots of it for in-1
surgenuy auainat the present domina
tion of the affairs of this nation by
the System, and its poltroons that do
its dirty work ia the Halls of Con
gress. One of the reasons is thus
pointedly set forth by the Portland
Labor Press:
"Previous to progressive billa
could be brought to vote in the
House of Representatives. Sines that
time they cannot not. Speaker Reed
established ruleo that enabled him to
prevent a vote oq any bill. The
plunderbuod party of both political
brands liked the Dew invention.
While speaker Cannon baa nominally
, i
culling on a ..v..ii iMiitiun tin o'licr
day her little son enmo In, wet up to
tn- knets.
"Ills mother BtiatchiM away hi hat
nnd bundle of IkmiUk and shook him.
"'What do you mean,' alio wild, 'by
coming home from school In this con
dition Y
'"Ah." mild the boy. 'the girls don't
think not h In' of a feller what's afraid
IU " auc 111 . ui- kuhv..
self male man. Next time be met the
banker Mr. Travers eyed him Intently.
"Well," Inquired Mr. Clews Impa
tiently, "what's the matter?"
"Is It t true that you are a s-sclf
made in-nian?"
"Certainly," replied Mr. Clews.
"W-well, while you were aliout It
w-why dldu't you p-put more hair o:i
top of your bond?''
On another occasion Mr. Clews. v.Iio
had been Invited to a famous fane;
dress ball, met Mr. Travers nnd usked
for a Hug'reMtiou as t' the character he
could best represent.
"S-say, Clews," Ktammcred his
frb.'iid. "why d-dou't you snar coat
your head and g) us a p-pill?" New
York Telegraph.
Miss E. I Todd, the first woman
Inventor of an aeroplane, spoke hope
fully ut a luncheon In New York the
other day of woman suffrage.
"We shall get the vote," nlie said,
"as soon us we convince mini that we
want him to lve It to us. Show man
that we like the type of male who fa
vors votes for women, anil he will bo
come thai type, us he Is now chival
rous because he thinks we like the
chivalrous type.
"We women don't Appreciate our
power over man," said Miss Todd,
"and v'i IbliiK contlnnaJUj' ImtMMta tn
AHPCurtETKtmsscst i' . i
Off Af OVTV &erJA0D.
Mark Twain Caught.
A poet, a pair of trousers across: h!-
knee, sat in bis attic trying to thread
a needle.
"The proper way," be said, "Is to
hold the thread Mill aud push the nee- i
die townrd It or to hold the needle si 111 '
and push the thread toward It. Mark
Twain says both wuys are right; then
he says they are both wrong."
Taking down "The Prim e nnd th i
PaujH'r," the poet read:
"Ho did as men have always done '
and probably nlwaya will do to the end ;
tit time held the needle still and tried i
to thrust the thread through the eye.
which Is the opposite of a woman's
way." '
Then the poet, taking down "Huckle ,
berry Finn." rend:
" '2'.less you, child, w 1 en ynii pet on'
to thread n nodle don't hold tb'- 1
thread Mill nnd fetch the needle up
to li ; hold the iiec.Ile hlii! and p k" '
the thi-f'd nt It T!a"s I'm way n
wotii'in most nlways b'S. bill a nnr
.hvays O :. t'other way." " Phlladel
;!Ua l'.ulli-Mii
fZr(F? C2At CT I."..- acres. New Pine
Smjr1 Creek. CO acres liuit ami
alfalfa land, :')( irtnt trees, 7" bearing. Sole
rifht of creek for irrigation House, barn etc. Fine
place for chickens, dairy, cows, etc.
Lakeview, Oregon.
One Piec. or a Wagon Load.
Prompt Services. Telephone at Reynold's
Store. P. O. Willow Ranch, Calif.
Finish Lumber, Pickets, Rustie, Lath,
Seahni Sb.t-i -'-. Fl.oiin. Apple boxes.
Window iranie stock, 1 oor F'raiac stock.
Slabs and cord wood.
Ho Knew T;-.-i.' C-c.-t'.j.
liiiihop 1 o;i..inie oi' V li 'c. ' W X :
Is a very conservative prelate. .r
shares the views of many o:b.!r bhh 1
ops In his communion concerning e i
cret 8(wletles, and as n conse'iueuc
when the Kn!fr!its of Columbus was ,
)rganl:-cd In bis diocese be was rather
liary In nffordlug It o::b' re o
uitlon. Finally be became convinced
that the order was not Inimical t ,
church or state and ns n i-oof of bis
satisfaction at tended one of their i!
nual gatherings. A member of the or
.I t iittein) d to twll him on his skep
ticism, nnd be promptly p'torted:
"You j-oiiii' men Imagine that yo'i
belong to e secret noclet; . but yon lire
very much .lecelved. I have been up
In the cu;jola of the calhelral and
with the fcld of a telescjpe have dis
covered everything that you have been
doing. I know all your signs. I know j
your passwords, and I even know the
color of your goat."
Hats: Lookutynur old hat nud ehnvta Hue of I. r unit cases
yourself as nlhers see von." A ! B' I h'lt caniiof ( (Iniiliin'cil In
new intt in the liuest . ' I -111, c View fur (ess than
t.le will cunt you -fy' i flO'Uuiit t'J at
Huropean Man .. Everything
from a Cup of Coffee to a
Square Meal. Call and I ry
Us Vou will Come Again.
E. IE. SWLN50N, Proprietor.
I. O. O. F. Block, Lakeview. Ore.
VnliBcrOrf fr th Finwlnnr
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
Blue Prints Made
I will miike I'.lue i'rinis of
any township of land In the
Lakeview Land District, ami
lo absti'iict work. Call or
Lakeview - Oregon
A Raliabta Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly alxorlied.
Civud litiiiol ul Onto.
I' cbau-i -', soothes,
liculi Mid protects
Hie din luein.
! ' iii' from Oatarrh and ilrlvt
aw... . 1 : I iu the Head quickly. Hestoros
tb.-. CM i f te uud rimcll. Full si..)
60 ' li'-un'i-ft or by mail. Liii'iid
Ore--'.: J .i i for use in atomizers 75 cts.
i . . i -i, fiH Varren Btroet, Nw Vork.
For Rent
lO.tKXI acres, will divide fume Into any hI,c farm desired. All under
tlu New (-'anal with llrHt pn fereuce water rltrhtn The very 'ream of
the Valley' Selected yearn nun all level, perfect alfalfa lands. Will
louse, for term of yea ro for purl of crop. Some bouses niu barns
will be built for desiifable tenants, Must Rlvo references. Write
Hunter Land Co.
Weils arKo. Iild. I'ortland, Ore.
fAmerican Restauranta,kerJ
ucc Yonand loni llotai, iToprietors.
Lakeview, Oregon
Fresh Uread, Cake and Pics on sale every da v
Fancy Cake and all kind of Pastrv made to order!
I The only first class short older piacc in the town
Open Day and Night