Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 07, 1910, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Texas Land !
Sold on Crop Payment Plan
Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c
Y will sell you .-in improvi'd f.'irin in the Gulf District
of 7V.VIS, in Wh.'irtnii . ouiitv, .'iml let you pay ly Kv'ntf
us two -fifths of your erop eaeh year until we h ive reeeiv
etl the imiehase priee.
ThU tin t t ii v 1 1 win .'i.'i'M ,i.T.' if I tn I V t nit I ) mil n.-r.'H of If, wan
til emu 1 1 1 1 i v nr. innl ,vl "I I'd 'I I li i-dn-l- in Hi- wre It iiiiituln over oO
hm if rnu liill ln It It 1 t wiiii viii-rfiT Iriiiiin from t hi'
( 'ol irn I i Kl i' iiv it t i hi unit ill nit I irj.. .:ini;li tu luriil n ter to lin
en t ire ci' v i f S' . Lhim
Tim III I I til ii lil 11 k I i i n 1 i ! 1 1 I - i I i i I 1 1 Mm vrr.iniiir nf engiir
mim, illl.llfil. cull Mil 'II. I I . flit' mi I V g-'l il'ilm ill llll li.. AIIV "I
ilicn- i'nii rim lie gr.nvn wiiii I'll IrrU ii I hi iuii. iillii"'l a It In with
(ruuiiU fir Irrigation uii'l wlt'i i i I It li ,hi .ilniii bnit. wnn-r enpply. It in
piirili'ul irly miiiii ti Hi i Iv.n mi if i In-1 .inner crop hih country.
rice. , ,
Our IiiihIi wl'l ! kiiM i-ii ili.p i I (ur in ii; il mil Willi i jrnnr tut'-e of mill-
dent wiit.-r to K I LSI", Itli 'K nr miv ilu-r Product' of thl s.ttion. wnicn
Inludo CAM:, AHM.H. IW VM-S. I KIS, OK ANOUN and UK AIM! FKl'l '
Tin- p'lce of tlii-Ki litiii I 'in-" 1 I i ' r.inji' fiuiii l.jS.nO to $5000 per
Acre, i-'trliii to I,um I ni.inivi' n iM and tin.iinvof Lull al
ready In Crop.
We re pure ii ('iiuli I'm ii i I 'M -r inn- n i l I in ire perm-re In
nil in. ml lit Mn I hut ymi will nniii-li invented to give iml mi Interest
In wokiug tin- html ' You d n ' a nolo or mortgage for the balance,
tin t merely ziui'f In tfiif i iii 'no I'Mli nf Yniir f'roi IJ n h v-nr i-
piiviii"tit. and tlto only ptymuni vou are required to maka
If vim have it linril year we "hare vo'ir Ii trd-dnp- uirl ymi will nave no un
pnl I ii it it .if vniln Mi' li" h v in li n'.' i l yiir-, v- v know you
will lime, r luriil lx 'i iii pul'l
Vou cim diiione Voil' own it ill i-v-nt til it, We r- I Hire lt leant i il'T
fvni of MiU'ii emp to be Itice. an w know h N the inmt pmllt'ible.
Lane City, Wharton County, Texas
Hay City Matagorda County, Texas.
He 5ure to mention Till! I!XAMINI:K when you write advertisers.
notice for purification
I epiirttnent Of The Interior. I.'. H.
I .iiiul Otllce at Lakeview, Oregon,
,Mnr. Kill, I'.'IO
Notlno In hereby u I ' n that J.
vuiucy wiliit. of Lukevirtv, Oregon,
who, on Apr 2'tu. l'.K):i, mule llnmH-Hti-n-1
wilt rv No ., No.
llllT, for SVJ, SkcHoii i. Tnwimli'p
:i7ti. I!hiiki 1'tt:. WIUiniit Murl luiti.
till fllml tintlrn of Ilill'Ul lull to niHkn
l''inal !' Yi-ht I'roof. to i-ittiiMli
olnlui to tliii Iiinil iitiovn ilfHi'rllmil. In'
fore KftfUtiT Hill Kei't-lver. U. H
I.hikI Otlli'e Ht l.itkvlii. IhrKon. on
the Vi'itli iliiv of April, ) V I
I'lnlimiiit iihiiii'' int It in-' :
(lubrii-l Ariii-r of Luki-vn-, iin-nnu
(ionrue II. Lynob, of " "
Win. T. McHnllnv, of "
Mike U of "
Mill A 14
notk:!-: i ok I'IMii.icaTIon
i IVi'iirtmimt Of The Inii-rlor, V. K.
f LhiiiI Oltli'n Ht LHke? l Oreuon. Mr.
Not Colli I. H llll
Nntii'e I Inrehy ulvi-u t hut ThnniHH
U. Mct'iillli')', of Lukeiiw, Oii-tfoii,
who, on Oi lnl iT '.VI.'J, inn ''' Home
xteitil en try .No. UHU'.l, tierlitl. No. r 1 1 .
for KiSW',. NVJSK'4. HKJNWI, Ki-o
tlnnVH, TiiwiihIiIp limiue 1SK.
Wllluiiiette MerlillHii Iihh llle i notli-u
of intention to miike Kiiim l'lv yur
I'roof, to bhIiiIiIihIi cliiim to the IhucI
ttbove ileecr I lied, tieforo Keitlnter Hint
Koi'lever, U. H. Lnnd Olllcn, at
Lukeview, Oreuou, on the l!llh duy of
Mar, 11 10.
ClHiniHut n am en rh wltnemiea:
J(A) Ar7.uer, of l.Hke?iew, Oregon
Moot Cnrrey, of " "
llert Tntro. of " "
JhoIc Mi'Oulley. of "
New Shirt WalstH dilnty aad
lileuHlaR on dUplay Hi M
j Notli-e U heret y ulren thHt the
Ktnte I.Htid lit iitrt II I receive nchleil
' t i I r until 10:00 o'clock A. M., jnne
II. I'.'IO. for the followiuu iliiscrihed
' Hi'honl iHudit, to-it:
I All of Section Hi. T. "2'J R. It. !l W
! All of Hectloii :i T. :n H. K .11. W.
! TheKV4, Y.. of Ki:j HUit Lot
1 . Hn.l 4 .friefl 10. i'. :W K K. i:i W
j All of Kection h T. ."ill S li. 13 V.
' The N' of K'3 hikI Lots 1. 'A :i,
' mm. I 4 of Nee. 10. T. 41 K. K. l'JW
, The NWJ of NW'i. NK'4 Hiid SK
1 or SK'4' of Hen 10 T H U K
Lot I. '1 :i and 4 and SK'4 ot SWJ
.tii.i h' of H'.'4 of Section H, 1 I
S. K. 1.1 K.
i Lot 1, 1!, :t, 4. and the W'j of I.1...
! K.. of W'tf, H"'4 of N '4 and W'., ot
!h '. of Kection :m. t. r. h. k k
t All liidri miiBt be Mccoinpiiiiiud by re
K''ili'rly executed appliciilion to pur-
' oliime Hint at li'Hht one llftli of the
li III i 1 1 n t olfi'led.
No bid of leu than ?7.!0 per acr
w ill tie coimldered.
The rltht in reaered to reject any
and nil bid.
Api'lii'HtioiiM and hb'.H ehould I e ml -dri
fHed to (i. tl. Hrown, Clerk Stute
Lund Hoard, Su!t'in Oreuon, and
marked "Application and bid to tuir
chitHe Htatu ImihIh. "
(i. ti liUOWN.
CLirk Ktnte LhuiI Hoiird
Dated March U4. 1010 M:ilJ2
American Men and Amer
ican Money Helping
That Country
Wn bear a rcnt deal about the :
in H r V ' I j 1 1 n ilev,dipiiieiit ot the Omni'l- '
Ihii North went. The inure e lienr
the in irtt we inurvel, mi l rallT tt:e
more we have ru.e to notrvel There I
hint lie.-n ti') nfltli'iii'-nl of any Weiitiirn I
boidinltlid In the United1
Ktiitew more pheiioiiieinil iIihii thin;
nor, In Ihm I. hiiii there been H"y in
which lurier niiinber if uemiinely
hlli cIiihh A iiihi Iciim hnve'lp -led.
No doiilit. Ih.t t'il- Uni-rlcHil
ierK'iTitii'l cuuiiIh more tliim anv other
fuclnr for the wonderful ntiiiiu.n to
(aiiHdian 1 1 tit eliipiiie'' t.
(ienerally t.ienUiiii(, hmvever, moHt
of nf ciiiii flte tlmt Citnii'l "'m boom
proureHH Ik ' i.ill led itliiniKt ulloUi'tll'T
to the iior b-r coiintiy in the Went.
I'd in Ih iini (he fact. The CunndlHii
boom in (. i.eral tro-n o'.im to oceim,
and tlif iii-n, ild mi l new, partici
pate In it in fully ii 14 ureiit Nfrl
niilluriil Miean. ' lie tmy of thrft i
niiiiil.'lpitl liulldinu ih lull in purl br
Coiimil A m i n 10. Hnitn. il ,'li:torU,
a follovtH :
".S'at tii'. of mini- or the i r i n i1 1 on I
cttieit m I need to ruuu I iiiinil'i'm,
are there; iluildliirf permit in Ottawa
increHHf i from 1 7 i i H4 to
H.WT.oou In l!Hr.t In Monlreiil' from
t.j.Otiinii.i to $7. i'27.o It l i Turuu'o.
from el l,:i.i 00, to IH.'200.0oJ. In the
WeMtHin pruflncei, the uruwtli M
even vo-Hlxr winnl'.eu r mb from $".
fj:l,OOH to $','J2;.td. MoriHe Jhw front
JPH.UH) to (I Pi;.r00 HaHkatoou
from 1 1.1.000 to t. uii,ii0o. Vaiic nv
er from M.l.UXI to 7.'i")H,0 0.
orl Will ihiii. from SI .lOO.loO to ti,
070,000 Vbitorla from ei.:hKi,ooo tu
tl. 07.1, 000."
It will appear, too, upon hiihIvhIh
that in OiIh t u tin. I inn civL urowth
American tierjy an 1 Ainerican cutil
ihI li mii imrorlant It not the chief
fHCtor All ot thin tendit to the veri
ttcHtion of a coiicIiibioii mn uluce
foimed thHt a populoiiH and powerful
I'on'itry iHurowiuK up to the north of
nit, mi i tlmt in the line of coiihhiiku
lulty it in becoming tnore clonely re
lated to tut both in character and in
tereet i'orl land Tel eram.
Department Of The Inlet lorU. 3.
Land Olllce at Lakerlew, Oriton,
Mar. rnh., 11)10.
Lakxvlew 0'2710. Not coel land DFii
Notice It hereby ulren that Hannah
K. Shirk, whoBn poHt-olllce ad 1 rem in
Lnkeriew, (Jreon, did, on the '2nd
day of December 1010 file In thin
ollica Hworn Statement; and applira
lion, No. (i'II'.H'i, to piirchaHfl the KWj,
jeifion H, TciNtiahlp liHH, Iianie i'lK,
Ulllamett Meridian, and the timber
theieon undiT the provlnlorm of I tie
act of June .'i, H,H, and acta ariienda
fory, known an the "Timber and Stone
Law," at mien alne an niiuht be fixed
. y apprainenient, and that, purmiant
to Hunt) aiiplinatinu, the land and
I irnber thereon hva been appraised
IVbriiary 11th, l:Mu the timber e
tlmeted at 1, 1'2S,000 board fel at t .7.1
per .vi, and the land SO.0O; that mild
ipplicuiil will oiler llnal proof in
enppott t her apilicat.itin and aworn
HtH'emciit on the il'ith nay of May
11)10, helnro lleuieter and llecelver, (J.
H Laud O.'Dce, Ht Lakeriew, Oregon.
Any periion In at liberty to proteitt
thin purchiiHe before entry, or Initiate
a content, at any time before patent
iHHiieM, by tiling a corrotioiated affi
davit III thin ofllce, bII-iImk fiit.t
which would defeat the entry.
AKTIIL'K W. (JUTO.. K"i ter
They ay one ol our uowely arrived
iiiHidfiie will not o to bed uiuhtH be
caune Hlie U Hlraid old "Black Cup"
will p. -ik ! She (ii ii k t be a regular
La y (ii).liva I
A KLWAKD of .fty dollnra is here
by olfered for iii'oruiation that will
load to the arren' au't conviction of
any pel sou wh.. bus stolen wirea or
other property, from our Company;
Hud the aanie reward la hereby offered that will lead to the
arrest and 'mvlctlon of anyone des
troying tho property of the Oompauy.
Chna. Umbach,
Secrotaiy Lake Co. Tel. A Tel. Co.
DeiiHt t iii'-ut Of The Interior. L". S
Laml (Jlllce at Lako"ie.v. (Jiloh
.Mer Kith, l'j;i).
Notic,. i.4 ,..i-t,y k'ivi-n Andrew
Morris. wboe pont-olllce adlreiiHia
A lei. Ori'Kou. .11 1. on the lHtti day f
Auuoxt. l'.l'O, liio Id thin oiflce
oru .stalemeiit aii'i Application,
N'i. b'i.177. to 1'iircliano the SWSL''
HKiSWJ. Section 8, Township X)H,
Kitnuii i;llO. VVillmiiette Meridian, and
the timber theron, under th provl
moiiH o' the act ot June .1. 1S78, and
acta ajiendiitory. known as the "Tim
ber and stoue Law." at Hijch value
Ho iniuht be lived by Hlipruibenient
and that, pursuant to such applira
tluu. the land and timber thereon
bave been apprained, February litb,
I'JIO, the timber eHtima'ed 2I.UX)
board leet Ht 1 W per M. and the
lnnd M0O.!J0; tlmt hhi.1 aptdli'Htit will
otter tloul proot m aupport ot his ap
plication and saoru statement on fie
UOth day of May, l!)l0, before Keia
ter and Heceiver, U. S. Laud Otllce,
..t Lukeview, Oregon.
Any pereon i at liberty to protest
this Durcbane bel-ore entry, ot iuitia'e
a contest at any time before liatent
iti-meg, tiy I'liiiK a corroborated atll la
vit in this oil iee, alleniiiK facta which
would defeat the entry.
AUTllUK W. OKTOX, Itemtter
Mill AW
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
It rloaiiHos, snntlii'N, heals and protects the
dbtea.-e-d membrane reultitii frmn Catarrh
I and drives it way a ('old in tin Head quirk l v.
Itestores the Sense of Iitste and HinelL
fluey to uae. Contains no injurious tlrni"t
Applied into the noetrils and ntisorbed.
Ijtre Size, 50 cents at Prujrplnts or by
mail. Liquid Cream Balm for nse in
atomizers, 75 cents.
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St.. Nw York.
Q Incorporared. &
A Complete Record
Wo tnado an entire tranacrlpt of till UocordH In Lnko
Count v which In any way, affect Heal l'roperty In the county.
We have a complete Record of every MortKKi tnitiafer
ever made In Lake County, ami ever Deed
Errors Found in Titles
In traiiHcriliiiiK the record we have found nuineroua tnort
Kituca recorded in the Demi record and indexed; and many
ileeda are recorded in the Mortne record ami other bookn.
Ilumlreda of morlKaKes tind tleeda tire not Indexed at all, ami
most (lllllciilt to trace up from tho records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
OtherH cannot I) ml them. We have put ImmlredH of dolliira
liuntltiK up theHo errors, and we can fully guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
Here is Where You Oet Your Money's Worth!
When you by Mutton Stow at o per pound,
Have you tried Our sugar cured Mams, Bacon?
No U'tter inatlo any where.
Lard, homo klttel rendered, abfolutely pure, 6 lb. buckets tl.00
In 40 ll. ratiH. lKe.. Fresh Iroiseii Oyatera, 1.00 per can. Krout hoc
per K'lHoii.
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay tho market price lor ifwod beef and pork-hogs,
Cash ou delivery. . . ....
Come and get acquainted with un.
J. P, Mayfield, Gen. rgr.
Department Of The Interior, U.S.
Land Otllce at Lakeview. Oregon.
Mar 2.1 h. 11)10
Lakeview ViTM. Not coal land DF3.
Notice is hereby Kiveo that Rosalia
Lyle Shirk whose post-office address
is Lakeriew, Lake Co., Oregon, did.
ou the d day of December, I'JIO, nle
in this office Sworn Statement and
Application, No. 0J7'JD, to purchase
theS'a N'i. Sectlou 8, Township 3SS.
Kanue UUri, Willamette M ridiau, and
the tltnbei thereon, under the provi
ei us of the act of June 3, 1878, aud
acts amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law, " at such talue
h-i mivht be fixed by appraisement,
and that, pursuant to auc.h applica
tion, the lucd aud timber thereon
hate been appraised, February lltb.
11)10 Ihe timber estimated 700.000
board feet r.t .7.i per M, and the land
rM'.OO; that said applicant will ctfer
final proof tu support or her app ica
tioli aud sworn etatement ou the 110th
day of May, 11)10, before Register aod
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Lake
view, Osteon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initi
ate a coutest at any t me before
patent issues, by HiluR a corroborated
affidavit in this office, alleging facta
which would defeat the entry.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
Lakeview J3I48 DKR
Department Of The Interior,
United states Land Office, Lakeview
Oreiton, Mar. Uth, 1010
Notice is hereby ulven that the
State of Oregon has Hied in this
office its applioatiou. serial 03148, to
select uuder Ihe provisions of the Act
of Couvtress, of Atitf Uth. 1848, and
the acts supplemental and ameuda
tory thereto, the i.ots 7 and 8, Sej
tion HI; Lot 6, Sectiou 20; Lota 1
and 2. Sectiou 27, Tp. 40S., R. A)K
W. M
Auy aud nil persons claimiue ad
revsely the lands ilm'ilbe.l or desiriuK
to ohject because of the mineral
character of the land, or for auy other
reason to th iIIspohhI to applicant,
should tile their affidavits ot protest
in this office ou or before the 14th
day of May. 11)10.
'the forcKuitiK notiue will be pub
Railed iu tlie Lake County Hxaminer.
a weekly newspaper printed iu Lake
view, OreKiiii, for the period ot not
less than thirty days prior to date
last herein uienliouett.
M 24 A 28
Department Of The Interior. United
States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore
gon Mar., i5th, 11110.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been Bled in this office by Armeda J.
Causey, contestant, against Home
stead bntry No. , Serial No. 0954,
made Jan. 2nd, 1009. for Lots H and 4
Section 30, Township 3DS. Range 20E,
Willamette Meridian, by Robert A
Ehricb, Coutestee, in which it Is al
leged that oa id Eurico has totally
aoaudoued the land; that he has nev
er resided on same, that be has been
absent from said lauds for eleven
mouths past, said parties are here
ho nttiHari in nnnear. resnnnd. and
i otfer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. ou Apr. uyiu,
1910, before the Register and Receiv
er, at the United States Luud Office
iu Lakeview, Oreiiou.
The sail contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, tiled Mar. Htb. 1910,
set forth facts which show that after
doe diligence personal service of ihio
notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due aud proper publica
tion. Record address of eutryuian.
Lakeview, Oregon.
Department Of The luterlot, United
States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore
gou, April 2, 1910.
Notice la hereby given that supple
mental towuBbip plat, aa surveyed
uuder contract, for Tp. 308., R. 8E.,
W. M. will be filed Iu this office ou
Mav 16, 1910.
On. aud after said date, all of said
lauds will be subject to selections,
entry or tiling on, it aald lands Bre
not otherwise reserved or appropri
ated. In this connection we will stnte
that all of this land Is In the Klamath
Indian Reservation and It not subject
to autry.
Department Ot The Interior. U .S.
Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon,
February 20th. 1910.
Notice Is hecrehy giveu that Earl
Austin, of Lakeview. Oregon, who,
ou Oct. Kith. 1900, made Homestead
entry, No. 02031. for N'iNw, -8W4,
NWi. NViSWl4', Section 14. Town
ship 38 S., Range 10 L. Willamette
Merldiau, has tiled notice of iutentiou
to make I' iual commutation Proof, to
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register aud Receiver,
U. S. Land Office, at Lakeview, Ore
gon, ou the 9th day of April, 1910.
Clalmaut names as witneses:
Paul Stindt, of lily. Oregon
Cilbert Lapham, of Vint 111 is, "
George Lyuob, of Lakeview, "
Henry Fox, of ' "
Congressman llawley has been bo
busy supporting Uncle Joe Cannon
and bis Czar methods that ha evi
dently has not bad time to secure
the weather bureau, aa he promised
when bere, remark the Med ford
f " .' '
'iOcj i ;r-r -.Tr .
ALf'OIIoi. a pi n i l
Ao2e 1,-iWe PrriKirafionlbrAs
I in IIm- Siomruflts and i
Promolcs DirsnVmCKjerfl
IlPSS ;inrl IWrnnt.ilnt nci?hr
Opium .Morphine noruiicraL
Jltetpt orolJDcSlMJELnrWflt
jiurt ftrrt
fippmnmt -llilurUtDukStio
Omfnd Supr
hmunrnu tlmr.
Aperfecl Rctncdy roTCorofipa-
1 1 on , aour a 10 nidcn. u ua 1 1
Worms f onvulsions jewnsfr
ness and Loss OF Sleep.
Facsimile Signamrtof
iW a2
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Real Home Paper.
Ihe San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily Sunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colors
Wra. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
Order Now
We Have Found Those Er- S
rors in the County Records, jj
Abstract, of Title to all Lands in
M Lake CounLy Furnished.
Terms Reasonable.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wra. JACOBS, Manager.
LAKV1EW, - - OREGON, fji
Ht the Nebraska Station Ht North I'lutte. Nebraska, localising every
body that hears of it to TURN AROUND and ask HOW? A 50
bvshcl j leld in not uniiHiial, and thi'ir in no reason in the world why
you cannot learn HOW. l'ractidully all these bumper cropa have
li-eu sroduced with only a few luches of tain during the growing
sensi n, ho you will never "fear a drouth" when you know HOW.
U. S. Government. Dcpsrtment of Commerce and Labor Bulletin,
Dec II, 1909,Jsays: "Campbell's epoch lnakinK efferta In behalf of dry
farming: In connection with the Introduction of Durum whett, proui
iacH to turu the eemi arid regions, covering millions of square miles,
Into on.i of the most srosperous sections in the world."
Mr. Camplell operates a line of Demonstration Farms from Texas
to Canada and publishes his methods and results in the Scientific
Farmer. Warch 1910 ! ,
No matter where you farm in Virginia, Minnesota, Texa, Waah
liifjton or Alderta, with irrigation or without, you cannot afford to
live without knowing HOW. The vital principles are clearly ex
plained and followed in CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC EARMER (the
onlv publication on tlllngv). A monthly, 11.00 a year. Clubbed with
our paper at the single price of our paper, eveu on reuewals.
Department Of The Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
March 9th, 1909.
Notice is hereby giveu that Alpha
L. Pendleton Allen, of Lakeview,
Oregon, who. ou Deo. 20th, 1909,
made Homestead entry, No. 02801,
for Lota 12 aud 13, Seo. 18; Lots 2
aud 3. Sectiou 19, Towushlp -39S,
Rauge21F, Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make Final
Five year Proof, tc. etsabiish claim to
the laud above described, before Re
gister and Receiver, U. S. Land
Ottiioe, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the
28th day of April, 1910.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Oeorge Jammerthal, of Lakeview,
Solomon V, Rebatt, of Lakeview,
Creed Pendleton of "
"Robert MoCulley, of "
dytw;," uMnnire imni"
m I
1 f&C