0tt0 6 rMH mmmet )0 VOL. XXXI LAKi;Vli:V, I.AKI-: COI'M Y, OliT.fJON, AIM:!!. 7, I'MO. NO. 14 G WALTER !). TRACY niFR RinNllA V flF ' A CEREBRAL irri Anothcr of Our Old S et- lers Suddenly iV.sses Away After Brief illness ' 'U nl'cl I i .try Is 'I. it I " ' " Such us t'.'t lit in! 1 1 H'l'i - ': IHIMll lll.lt V I 1 p ile' I II ' "I I I t'l.vll Mllll I II V I" V . I I I ' 11 ui 'i ii ir i I .,iil I. i-t I I li i v- I v, u M i' lit tilt Uiliy riiiu'li In l,t.- vi 1 1 v . Mr 1 I y wu-i c 1 I tilth in . m iirhit, tint it' I H"t deem it ui mi 'li MITI'MH IHlllUC 111 t I I t -1 1 1 1 ) I t lill'llll'lll I I -1 1 . tin Sit.ir Iny Ml til h i ii., Iin'i- i vi' , tut t'fiiirlij.li'.l t i i i ii. l'i ti.An tn hi'tt lr. Sinl'li. tin .li . Inn i I hae iiiiyniiit ui-cnmpuiiy I. I n. an I (link IiIh lui rurrlitu'e, f n Ik- i."' ml tint Sl.itli K ni t, hti .'.I a ni.l.' f l-i tin town, tin- k'Hl hcl':.: I rnl.it hi M fur. mi l lui I It nut I, ecu :. r I In- t.,n In I In' li'iu'.'V wiiil I h.tv" 1 1 1 1 : j t i tin' u'lim'i i. II" iiiiiii i.'i' I t'i Ii Iiiiiiii', iiu I ui ! t .i.k l i till Int. I. Dr. Smith v.iik hii in h. inn' i, mi l h" cullit t I r. I ily tu In- in l. I 'it i i imu.iii li u-t I'm' pm tui'i i'1'ifiifl I !i" hi tin Ih cie w ii t prun i iiu'" I ( i ' . t - ll'KC 1 III' p.ltlCllt 'AIIH II 111-l ioilK, lllllll til' I'llHnl-'l ftlV lit Itmilil h) ii 'i-1 in' i; M hi In v i" v v mi nil.-. '1 hit ; u 1 1 r 1 1 1 ulll take I i.'tt I'.I.iy i I l ' i r i I t i nt 'J i u'i. fimii t ii' Mi'ili nt'.'t ri.iiu'.'i. ii i 1 r I Ir- .inspicci nf I hi till l i ll 'V Ii ilt-riiitii'-, i t uhu-'i In- a .ii ii livi't.-l i: in I ..T In I I,,- 111.-. I in- i. mi i f it .1 I !; III I llll 1 ' li "I'll.. II . I III v Hit 'it l.i H' I III I 1 I'T 1 1 . i II'mv i . t I r 'tli : . i ! n:k- l-i ('.ill I I ii in t l.i- in ii 'i-.i : fii Iiu w ii .i i. til ii iiii 'i i ' I i ' ' ! e ''. ii'i i -ll, nil I i ' I 'i " li i - li l. t v. .ui I 'I in -. I i : i i ii: n I '. I . t ... .1" it 'i i ' .! I . 1 .' I. -omul v .i -i"i 'ill- . ' its I 1 1 i. t in I liiiiiiil ...I ,'it I .MiH It .'.'it I ' 1, culled. Iinni-fl, )n I- l.i I: ' -ii . ii' i 11 11 III I ir I i ii" li." 11 if II ' H i' v I ' ' i i ' V ll'l litlt A ll nil II" A 1 11 I" r.i . I V till .i t I V llll. 1 1 i i ' I urn i. rii r .- i i a I i I y I n i ill. i.iAii, Nuv. '.: I. I-', i. v.'iif i nil. l it. i y I'll! t Of II. 'I' I: I' l ' I ' l : ' t I M I I I V I I I', l '.I I ' - Iiii ii l.i a it li hn lnt ii'-r H .l'i, I I . A I ' Ut ,'j Hurt n.ii In' i mi ' lit I li I - c ' n . . ' . Ilri-t ..ti. pi-iif ni S Im i I, -ike. H . it i. I'll u ulli r liii'iii iiik' in hit if nill.y, where nlici yi-ni'i i I Inn i liitmr ii" Mil vec li' l III HiTiirl IV ii I it ncre iiu''-. it ; - - i which I." I. in built up ii II 1" I ill V ii ' I Nt ' '. i A h nit J I yc ii ) I." tii ir i in I Mln Mintili' Iliilct, ulin Huivtvi't I. llll. I''i'!l I'lH 'I'll '1 'IVI' C'lll III ' I wi ii) I i r n ; f.r '.i v . I 'i U'":i' . I iimk'! n. .Ii"fl 'i "' I li v, ui' I A ui'iu, vv I: ! 1 1'-c i " ' I. I i ' ui I ifii. I.. Mull. rut U li-t !- il'u'. '1! ' jnuiii;itft I ii y i l'i j i' ir 1 i I u . '. 1 ho I n i-iii I f.-i'i'v t iv i Hie li'iirt i. U itvi.t li,1 -t' "1 I i l'i ir "if it in iMi 'i I' ' "t1 k. I :it: I it, i-f i I t - t t t ' r 'if i t! in Km ! A III f I '..' '. (t ' ' 1 I ' ' I '. I t ini. i a ' c i ...I A. .i i :. . i i i . . i I I t ll.l tl"r4 if ll-l'fl.l I!' .H I I'f'TC I llll. Wi 11 ii ii y it. I - -ni I :w ' i' i I"''-' I In :U Hinliii'li ihi Iiu i.aiw ii.i. I "I It'll th !ove tk hhliiini n ink !'' EMMA GOLDMAN. Well Knjvwn AdfOcata of Over throwirtj All Grvernmtnli Wt t ' 'i. ' -' .vYVVv' it ,i VT' . " i i !; . 1 .' ; . V -f t pr. 1: iiiiiiii (iolituimi, the Willi known ml vocute of nniirchy, iimkcM her lioine In New York pity, fche (k-llvi'iii fiviiuiit aililruHHi'H on hr cIiommi topic the ue ceHMlty of the overthrow of oil gov ern in tiit J. P .Corey U Lulldiutf a tdtf Lara for hii atone horuei, oppohita the Silauinv mill. ABSCESS K THEIR M mm . lake k. L i:. Ziinmcrman, o? Pulland Organizes Anti-Saloon League li. - l; iii. i ii "MIH I I I I It i;. i- .I. til It H i ni'l il.ll'l l.i i. H i ii !, fl . ' ' ' i I ' ' I ' III Hi III limit lii'i! l ICI.'t I I ll' . A I 1 1)11 1 M i ii 1 1 I 'ill III I l-'.l I'! iill. Iti 1 1 V 1 1 VI 111 (In .n In t l.f i "I in ii v li't 'lit' i i ii i c i i i'i. il fl n-t in t in n t hi .i"!inilt I'UI ' h ill til l l I I'll ll I tl. I IV in ii i ii ii -.i i-. Irt ml iiii I i.l l.i r ii i-i t I I I nil 1 1 r I ni ni'ii I 1 ill. I In' Stnti' Mr. .i niiicriiiiiii Ih h pli u In mi I . tiiicidil m i- iiii-r, aIih Iihh ii hI n-iiU ut liii'imr In Inn ill k ! ii'i vlllrll kit''- hi. iiii 1 1 - in-., im u in I mitriti ' hi In lit It nil lilt' Iiu. iiu Iiu fl'"l it tli i l III or i ''Iiiah Il.t tlllt l"l Inn lilt II I V il'.ltl'H. It. I m ivi'liiit I tiiit hit liii'iili'iiK lit t li ii i.';i-tl ii n 'ii'nl Inn, villi. li Inn Hil'l i il'H Ir . i! If II I ) i.'l'i' till' rtiltlrt hi ut i'mii in nii, win liH'iiln hern Ini I I li Kll li'l it ll I -I C ill hit. i i it V :i 'I I ut Inn ah-, n It "ft Hl, Iiu II II i.t I I-. i-it. which Ii to l-i-Aii 'it tin I.'ikf I', uiily Anti HI l.i'lk'li" Allll'll H tllll.'I'l I'll in .am rii" - ;. .). cut "ii. Victi - A. M. Sn.itli, S.'C, K K. . .t ll ' lull.. I'"- r.ivt r.v in, I'l f in - - I '. A . J tuititt. i ntl.f t'lim i.ltti-i' M I'. ViT n ii, ,1. (! ) '. t v t , . I. Stit'l iirtniittr, .lu i Iiii 1 1 nii l mi, ('liiii'iicit MurrlK, In-. 'li'l llruvii. .1. . I'lt'.'r,il I. ' .Iiiil'Iiili I r ' 1 1 1 1 tin- iit.iivt) iinminl v-mit I tin. "I. mi t th"ir itiiriii'l rii'HH nf iiiri'"iti il In ivlliii tt'.it i Mit lun a, II h.nii tin' ll"ht nf thi'ir livurt on linn I, if tt.i y I'Xin'ct t i Ki I.iikf l uiirity in tt.c Iniu'iicl li.-trii't. Mr ' ' . 1 1 ; 1 1 r 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 u Im I . .i h ili'Vutc I Ii in i-II'. 1 1 1 l u I: in ri i h i hit tun H'lilt I..- . ci.ntl I"', 1 1 v ii--. rt n I tint t he it in- ! i'f ". i.l u ih y I h.t lull. S!G REDUCTION IN N.C.O.FREIOT RATES And Passenger Rates Will be Lowered Within ! 30 Dayj 'lie A ll l.l':i.-l l'i.ilil lcuii r lni.-l Ihld to t !V HII .N CO the If i ,V' I'll -hii v 'i a Hen I hi.ly n rue i i.t Ihe Iiiueiii.ii ut rates on the aI.icIi will he a t'reiit help to (In i I Li. .."V I : Mr. ( l.i"f, iK'n it nt AIIiii .h, h ii kindly in the in i.v tri'ii'ht echi'dultt li t i ,'i int i eir-!ct ithi i lij. l';i i rtu'ie lul'i Hi ti i v :i i 1 1 ; i . i r t n i reluct ion j on all i -i.it hit nt lici'M (-milium iu an t no i ii out of the country. We ratinct ei.iriiitriitiii.il artlcli'f, lint the fol Iu" i:M A I tervi ii fx.iiniile' : I i' II r'.f fr i i S.ri Kr'in"iriC') to ' It .; ,.i .ri 'J i, an I fr.i.u S icriiiiii'titn I i A I' ni in r 1 I 'I tin ne .v rate i . 'Iu I !- ; 1 ,' i u i.-n' I Oil lll'st I'llin, c 1..-.i, ' ,.i cliii-,1 t l.i. I, ilr l ci tfl.1V, mi I It'i i-l in ! m SuLtruuit n I I prn;i i 1 1 i l if J r I .I.'M 'Jtl a h.'IVO ' ' . i ii. i ! t K ;r i x im pl.t. t ).i u 1 1 1 l ..i'i vviiuit.. fr,n i riiiu l'lancisio I I A II ni ;. i ll. i I t 1 H - I t he ill l;.t i V i. I e'J .1. I lit I rt I, 111 u lu i II I ml net liu-ly. . ' . i ui r, i 'J I 1 (la H.uth liouud freight the rates are to San Kraiifiaco, apples liy car Inn I lots, (.Sits, and fur iiuiinities li-hd IIiiiii tar loiuU 'Al cents, tlniuiia nil I Potatoes.. I.'icla mid for all'nlla fet"l, '.HI cts, II her I reiul t Inn lieen COlroHpOil.i I li I v led no -ii lh" im i'iiit rules have not yet lii'i ii llvi-il, l.ut we tilnlersliiiiil thut a iiiipoi'tai.t I'eiliiction will lie inmle. 1 he nln.ve rutin art uithin the liuuiulrt of leHsoii. mid we lire pleased toiee the chiinye. It mil not i;nly plove it Kienl lielp in the I'll tun lie v t h ip'iieiit ot our country, tint must, ul iicce.'hllv 1 1 tin ii n 1 1 o the Ih".'hIIi ut the in 1 1 inn i company. While the r.iiiroad is nut run tor the e'cl'isive tn-nelli. nl tlm people, yet men tann ers, mid stoil; oiviieri -vviM not Inlair to pi'oiliii c m 1 1 it-It-1 for shipment uti le. m t here is a niaiuiu nl prollt. I It ncn a lair r.;te mill inure tn the In-lielll of ail- ell l.eiis nil i in 1 1 ii ui vl This is a Mistake SLKM, Or., March 2.". Keplyinu to it leilcr Iiiiiii Ira 1'owell, of Mou moiit'i, Altiirney-'lniioiHl Crawforl tomly reiuleiHil nil opinion to (he ellect that. Section ll'l of the Corrupt, i'riiftico Act makes it illeu'iil for uuy ueMspaper to pulilish Hnvtliiuu either tor or tiuniiiHt any candidate for nttlce or measure lief ore the people, uuletta it la inuiked paid iimtter and cuutiiina the inline and a ldreHi of the person lespoiisllile tlierelur, 'I'd in hits vniiuiiM country papers thai have been pulilishlnt matter fav (iialle to the nor mill achool peti tloim, which are now heiu cirou luted. A heavy line or iinpriaou uieut ia provided for violation of the Hilt. Lakeviaw, California, liaa an oil well, that ia a guaher, yieldiutf liU.UOU liarrela par day. If the oil epiurf out ot the luountaina up ou Catuaa Prairie ia itu iodloation, oil prodao tlon may yet he one of tbe Induttriei of Lake county. OUR LAND OIHE IIANHINIi Oil! X'1 Theilonuiessarc iiettin, Hold of Our Free Hemes .Alt l,i I'll, l.i I..I . I li'., ' mil '.fl ii l l.il V i ! I '.' mi I i n li ll .1. ! a .it ,ii. Nil I v 1 1, -' In'HV ci r. i A III fii 1 1 I :: ll I li . i (I'. Il'H 1 l."l ' I' . I 111: It ' ' ill ' ' i' i n i -1 'i l ' i 1 1 ut in i ini i.!!l -i il-i i i l in nl I "i - i .1 I ! I. Iiu I l t i 'iii'i'".- -ul I 'in -'I H-. I I 11 I'M I r It, tit, t. t ni- h'llllH- ll' II I" I i i ii I 1 1 r i -t '-i i l i t. i,r .1 I V. M II ill iilmv II' i li. I i.'ty M'ttli ml in I '.I - i1 i-l ii .'t 'r! i".' IV hi.- : Ir fit I - t I ll" .'II I UK 1 i ! I-M II I" i Hiirml ni II, l i,' tn tuli.llv i: in Vuk'ni I 1 i.t ic I . 1 1 :i I he ii cl iiu 1 1 I, ut I l.c it l',f Il i.t t i.t i.l!U-.f in ti.' S i 1 1 1 i i v iiMI'-n trim, that tin- i:. hull' it i-1 1 IVUIll I IIV-. t I ill I llll! 'I-1. c. i li. Ir.. 1 1 ) ii i r H n i' mil' t u tit' nut it'l.t Kuurcen rc'i'iilly I -' "T a irt c l.'lliei' I tn i i ir l -t t cr r -i nr i t l.ut t Im Minn y i J i'-e1 luut ii n limit t he lin In ( en ,. " '.'; .' i, il; h i I K In iimI h t ii i'ii t r y i 1 1 I .n ., c. HI II t f 1 1 1 1 H h hi iinii-Ii ini ii turm M'.il t' i It ! I 't-r i-i i tun li-I .Hi t ll'l"'! I n ii c ,n leu hp l a h it t i.u h.-t t jcr u s ; y I X 'll-ct I I I 'I h li in I .l l'r i I.. iun hii-i Hfiit t ir ii I l-t a hn li.iV'- i tl 1 1 1 1 1 1- I at. t Uei i.r ti, nit ui .I. Ore t lieuple n,rt il ii I tifrtin (hit .ft-ci i in mi 1 viil n!i-,nir theiii le'.ir 1 1 ilk' A hit they li.ivt.' I II t lint neiiiun nl t'! ci.niilry. - A r ' 1 1 ' 1 1 l,v tin' tteiieritl 1 hii I (lllce lit 'vVllH'il'VI U'I nlluArt the lillici.ilrt I tie lll-llic! t.irc'trt t l Hive tu thf 'iilf ereni cm i.f rcll liuili.ii in Ineir im Hpt'.'t i ve 1 i -1 net any iinnien u! in- 1 1 1 1 1 1 im lint ii m t'litti'tii tli-trii't ullice. In Dili ill-ttlct the Iciki- In .V Il iHrl i,l 'l'r ii. If. Hen I n i l kl'ii .itii 1'iilU en! i: i rcl'il f liitni' A "i-i u i i 'l'i I I', V I Il.t ni r: I ii. ..I 1. ; i- inn i.l.rt II u ii'1't I V e ill!. I I V . 1-1 I'll is i I : U I 111 tu n r 1 1 1 1 The I. II I.l ll - I t in l' a . I ttli i - GET I . I I V t ' I ft 1 1 1 , I li.'-r .-eel l.i It-V 1 . V I'.. i ,i'. iii! tl.cii' .if I . t -If -i I Vi ri ut I hi i ui en nil I t ri:v many i ' 1 1 p I tu til cm NOV IS iii! ALL And vl.'din From the Hunger for Land, Soon There Will be None Jri'n J 1 1 ' II ni f r yr:ir preached f "ii ic'v tu i ha l'ir-." I f i t i i i hii c v.i v u t i in i i li i ill if Tint h - !.- I i ev i.lent in I as ri liruc side of th" t !m iii iiitit-r in vv hicli i 1 thd cauulry on each iiiteruat i rial toutniary wifi hii railJ. Th : a I v 'ci vi-: i i.ci -. '. v ', i f i.i I. tiiii.' I i u i. k t I an I if.ci !. iiti.Hy tl i lillroniiire i : t iiltu. thtr tii- -;i -i', hi 1 iti ! n '. ti i - li iritiesj f ii hi.i r oil It o I 111 I iii iiii li i ,i ( lass. And he st nl n i, and k'oi'.h on lr.nl I I u -t n iw h is eiiL'li' c e preiicht i I hut i.l I i r.uiri il ls ! . U ceil tele, I ( rei! in. n:i I ll tl.i.1 r on r.illrun Ue-.i Kasterti 1 1 at iiieii'is sett l 'tneut ! i!i"it( r tnete juti hj tint i r , -i I ''int it tl nt every I l .' ' t 'I .l'. ; '.: ', ii . I . r ':.!'. ', u i I 'i i : i : ,1 Itaii l-i I I it .rii . t : ' i i t .i hi il e inn i v . ! .1 , 1 'ui.iii , '. , I tillltles fir nil i f a ll t iln.i ) i. Mr Hill 11','iires that tin-re is hut one cio.) if litul. an I thut is neatly to no, and iiieim whil ) popul.it ion ia ever on the increase. Soon will come tho time when there will Le no more free r cl e.iii land, ami whiit then will the landless mil ii do. This cctivictk.n i Kioitiiu;. It has Mettled the mi l we.-t. It has made I he desert hluo i at :i ri". It has iiriveu l'tit.iliKI Am licuus Hud fMi. PHit.iiiiil tne last y ur, ami u.anv thous ands lidoie Unit, vvit'i It'll'iuns of miMiey, I do CujuI.i. It is diii'init tluuiMi' ill iiiiiiii ii n d it t.llliou ut American money into Mexico And the stream nf men and money liuth u il'th and south ul the ti iundnries o' our com. try is cunsuiutly im i ciuiiut; to t hose countries ! The olirioiis uiiiral of till thU is to cut land, nod d i not in vun,' senrcli over-In- k the luoad hitch of Lake county, vvhii'h in it few years of time, uith intt'l Itk'iit elloit, can tie trans foriiieil into orchards, and farms from which yuu anil yours can live in comfort, wl Me the landless ami penni less man who neulerts ttu letv pte sent opportunities, will he compelled to HlruftttlA fur a mere existence! Always a Hummer lion. Prank Davy receiver nf the U. S. Land olllce aud editor ot the Harney County Times, has this com -meudiitiou of our work heie, which ia highly appreciated by us: "Due of the best boosting papers iu the atate for its owu locality, is the Lakeview Kxuuiiiier. It ia always a bummer." Ii. C. Branson, the forceful and able former editor of the Tonopah Daily Sun, la to establish a uew daily lu Medford. Tbe Kogae liiver couutry may deem itself especially fortunate iu aocuring Mr. lirauaou, wliol) one of the ablest newspaper men ou the Paolllo Coast. TIIENARROW-GAUGE WILL SOON EXTEND Vitiation as to ki . of Vay is Settled Will Hustle 'I li'l N '() rl'i fl H l'i I'M CfttlllL' I i'iiiiIv tu t-hir' ni'irt i ml Inn h'uii. It m ii i. in ri'l t'liit Atliintis will I I pi: clc I I, ' .1 ul V lit, U'i I 1., ik v H- I y j i llir. lit iiivi 'Ifii mi nlin t rurt nn-i in i ' v.tiv nl xnr'.i'iii.l I" inn, rin fir ritft t j nf ' I .' nrltii l"l t HI J ! .i'ii'! 'i t rt ill "-l I i ' f it ; lii'Cti-.-.irv it mil il ( r i at ilu'iwim li Miciiiit.ri'- In v ! ., tic line I of mm 1 I n tint hi y riiu'ilrv f Lnkitltw, ,r rmlioil iniini i' i .iIiut: mi l In tipai of t"T t itml l,i iu''!trt tu l.p (Ifilvi'l m ivuv of I I, liter t r.in-;n,i I'll Inn f ncil it. leH, nnrl ; nf lncii"t-i! in liroperty vhIiii-j. it w iul I kciii.i l..e ti'tinr pulley tur in!l ir.i."rt y h illen In he cuOmI le I i ,.te in 1 1, i timt ii r. It 11 very III;, I th it. o ffi c i'i l nf the j run I will -uuij in nk t; known tfieir fle i rim.rt tn t Im .e ii 'i- ilium; tti liuool i llfir extent-i in tn Lnkfviiv. In thM ext 'i.-iuu it u no i?.-iiii-ih I -lv lulu e le,: 1 1, i.t t hi' rinls will l.i' ! iniliit I out ut AitiirH'. in I t he nl ni ic Mil utiirt" I Ir nn DnirU r nirli, ho'nw li.ilfi flirt in-r h iiith ivhicli will cur ry 'he ne.v line Hhfut tivi; tnilei luvHV im I i-t nf thiif tnwn. It i" mi 'er-tou l ttiut thin mure, on ; l In- part of the rial iivcs tl.ewi m hi tter line, mi I is line lurijely to the i iiiitHtf ini-tic ntlitu'le of the, t f.-' t le f Al'urai to.vurili the c.o.iii!iti y. THE POLICY OF THE FORESTRY SERVICE Limitation as to Graziwj Permits and Liberality Toward Squatters Alh-rt ture.-ter, l'i rthitiil tert:-!.- "f he jra'ii K. l' tter, the ii-sncufe Wii-hiiiu'luu. I). (.'. m. ii- in tne ctiirr day, iu the iu I iii t fit ii. 11.) has 1,1-en u' txi't rt tor peveral yenis iiiui ir riil al ly man on that sul.j t he l.est in uriut'ii i.'t In the cervice. 1 in cnuiineut'tm on hii vv ;irk he ;ai I : l' the Secretary. Mr. iii to ir ike as .i.ucri !t uclc ad Ol,!-itl", " I luces in ( ireful) tiie "As t ii t: ra ii llrtill). In rt' .M provision for "'.Vlul'i in H inr uiniilui' of itiock on the renurves had to be dec eased yet iu other places here, and over the entire We it, it 'iiii I ee l !'H,rP.tie ! miki'li! it. in t!l3 whole, the tiiaiii places for in tn t ly stock in were on the Ian I, now re serve, lief'irj it in tike'i in. This I jiar pruvlil'iii his been ui tde tor S, HikI.iKM i-hrtep and 1 b'JJ,0i"J cattle u'ld horses. "As t aa been old in tho pres, the Secrntury hs been invest ivjitt intf th- condition oT t he general forest re serves lie Iris seen tit t eli.ui mt j ub. int I.O'O.OlK. teres, thought tj le m re v.il inblo for ncriciiltural pur I'.osei. ilj l.s also instructs i th-t a generous attitude be assumed to vard enuiitt-rs or settlers, who eie on the lan I an i had improve 1 it piior to is l ein surveye 1 cr ru seive.l. Where the land is more vul uiitle fir iiifticultir ! pnrctsis. tv ti l!:iii;;i I ;s in ll e i c-.-ei v bt i i li. null t! r.i lu.l i.'.lot- lii i ....I loa j uid . i .i- j r j ' i 1 1 I ,. -.1 ti..ii i. '.j sieniiiK' is continue i bci'i H'lt vi r plliol Lid. some places ti o tiees ife beia out Iroin the Coveruiueut uursery. fft ROOSEVELT, JR.'S, FIANCEE He Is to Mnrry Young and Beautiful New Yord Girl. .' Miss Kleanor B Alexander, Ounce of Theodore Roosevelt Jr la a mem ber of New York's moat exclusive so cial auL She la twenty -one yeara old, one year younger luun tbe aim of tbe former president WESTERN PACIFIC'FIRST HAS SURVEYORS IN lltLO Nov Surveying From Gerlach into Surprise Thru Fandango 'Ih" )V 1 llln'-r H a Ivifl'- I t.l.il wee if, (iii hit. it. ru'iti'ien fcfuo I authority lint rillirili'l in ui In t he e..'ii,uy, of t 'in '.'. e-ti-rn 1'iclil i it IJerlnc.i. I hn livi'iun hei I )u irt'-ri-, iiu. I winch i liOA' cul. i-'lre I a 'le.-irtihle Htii.piiii iiint fur thf! 1 1 r ! r i s-" valley. ave I, fen H'li'lliii.' I'r.r inf r;i,;it i -n tu tl," nature a .1 uninuut of iiroiuttti in l.tii; ".nri rlB vall'-y hurl trihuifiry c ii try. They iit-.ii have hintffl thut if rei 1 7 is inn le of a mtthfanlory iiatijie, that a i'. irtH of .'lrvey in will hjw m sstit out Ir .in ierUch tn rurj a furver in to ti e Sti.ririrtf taller, mi'l from there into the (i"OH Laki vall-y, via the l-'an laivu I'h. with a view cf early i'u'ii' met inn ot -non line. It huh not the iuteution to allow thM tn.itter to Kain publicity, an 1 tlm -eatcti wurt nf a d'cretive nature on tne part of the railroal men. Tti-it euch a line wouM pny Rtid pay ti ih un luiihte l, even with i re-t-iii fieveluri.'iient in thene to valley-, to cay riothi-JK of tt o iQcea.ieii tjiifineiti Mint, would come with the h Ivi nt of a railroad into tie country. I' Aijiil l alio lie an iLexpeu.iive line to hml I Ti e Kxa niuer triiHta that the West ern t'liciUi! will i.ee its hj clear 10 enter thin rtcli tie! i. Since the nli.ive waa put iu type ori reanhen ui that th Wehtern t'acitic n.irr.'yora are no in the Hel l on the route atnive outline I. M HILL PREDICTS RAILROADS SHORT OF FINANCES Says They Cannot Extend Fast Enough to Meet Growing Traffic CUICACH). March 3J.-James J. Hill lelieves the railroads will ex perience next fall aud winter the urentest tratllo conijestiou in their 'li-b.rv, an I ' ' s;m ni v of pra v 'titiiii.' it. lie pissed thrush Chicao yetserdav ou his way from St .Paul t New Y'ji ! "l he trunks w ii i o b - is LeiLy oifeie l the railr ads for transport.t tiou is constantly iucreasintr, " he tin I "an I there is tiUle dojCt thet the railrou is nill lie c;uled upon this year to furnish more trampot taiou u .it thjn they have evei bteu asUe'l t.i furuisii. from all ia ligations it stems ceiiaiu that by next fall or e.uly uiuer lbs taiiroaJs will be totally uualle to furu'sh auvtliif; like th amount of ttansportutiou fa cilities hicli will Im demand , d j t he i-i u Li t r V. "I dj uot tuink that the mill o'ids i.re to (lame fur this titualiut', lov it is next lo impossible l-. r ihe-'i to r.ii--e the mo'icy nee le i to provi le tijiiJiiiij.il M'ilitie. l'h" riil- 'Mil i.f i ..j n.itiy leai'y . .i.'.iito .'ji.; .-I.-.'.' i. j J .tii.iall u 1 ,rjl.:r.:i'iil : w . . as .1 .. r .. r ' 1 j i ii i. j ...ii ' j .ii.. ... -liii.nii.ti ..i.i u. i i - .' ii i vvell-Uii.iw.-i fact tt ut tl.c c . i . t tl.ia mcuey uu ier present coo.i it luus. Uutil railroad cred t shall have beej restored and uutil the Xinericiu public shall have teiiaiuei its con tidciH-e iu railroad securities the pub lic shall have tn ciiitii.iie t.i sulttr for lack ot railrcmi t :ieilt ties. " The t'i uiner his this to say of I the ahnve -.tatttinent of Mr Hill thut I the mihlic has heen so bumln'ocle i be r.illro.iis, by the watering c stocks, t.v the pay reut of eno'iuoiis divl tends on such witer that the public has lost all enn fldenee. When rudrcad men are conte t witti reti-o'i'itile profits aud put their surplus earnings into betterinents then the Americau people may have their coutl lance restored iu tailrotd men ! But, if they do not change their past and pi "Sent methods, th-m ijvv eruniHiit ownership and uiauaeuieiit may uot b- so far away ! Mill Will be Busy That James J. Hill will build at east aud west line of railway across Central Oret'ou, from Ontario to Coos Bav, is stute on good author ty duiini: the past week. The pro jected Hue will connect with the Oregon Trunk, the Hill read uow be lli u built up the Peschntes, and with the Oreuou Electric in the Willamette valley, believe to be auother Hill pro perty. This will pietu a gridiron of new railroads for Orettou duriuii the Ouui luu few yeaca tnat will bring about developmeut lu tbla state uever be fore approached. All Ceutial Oregon needs Is railroads ; it bat evreything elsA but people aud tre tailruada will bring them. ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH A COSHER CIAL03CHAB0 The Lakeside Orchard Company frlaking Good Progress on its Tract The I.al;e-ile Orchnrrl Company are eiiri.lv uolua aii-a l iu an eueretio ay that it'iaurs ntll for tho hi. ccees of the enterprise. The entire bj) acre tMCt is oow nearly Iri Kcn' uu l when completed will be sawn to barley and it is ex pected a fliie crop will be produced tr.at will materially aid in financing the rliutiutf cf t lie orchard to trees this tali.. P it whether nr nut exnectationa are met in this way, tr.e company this eek place! an order with B. li. Patch. SL'ent rf the Altiaoy urger ies. tor H.'M) apple trees, that being sufficient in setting 50 trees to the acre to place th- entire tract iu trees. The fact that thM is tre first at tempt to set out an orchard on commercial scale is centering cotisid eratde interest on the proposition, l-'ortuiately Rome members of the company have had experience ia such matters, and the rest relv upon thfi' juditruetit. Kir this sense u in making the tree order but two varie ties were selected the famous and sileudid Winter Banana and the ei)allv splendid Newtown Pippius 4.U00 trees of each variety. The Win ter Uauana is consi ieniniv more ex pensive than other varieties, bnt it wa especially favored inasmuch as it has done exceut ioually fine here, and pro luce 1 a tpinlity of fru it that can uot be en'iHllei in Vakima, Mood or U'-'te HivcT, nhich heietofore has had the honor of r ro iuciuj 'he finest quality uf that variety. The same uj .y tie gai-1 of the Newtown Pippin, which thrive will here, and produces iiy.i lc.s eupei lor to those grown else, w here. Those interested in this orchard be lieve "hat in the course of five yeara they will have an income and a pro petty that will be the envy of tbe en tire country. la addition to this premier oichard there were planted last year 40 acrea in Crooked Creek valley by S. B. Chandler; SO acres by George C Turner and 00 acres byj. B. Hughes, both of Surprise Valley; and 53 acrea hy the Lauer Bros, near Alturas. Mr. Patch furnished all these tress. It is likely others will iu 'he course if a year cr so also euaatje iu com u vrcijl orchard enterprises lu this sccti'ju. It is a goo! plan to beuin no'.v .-ii that whan railroad facilities r3 iiifui le I the orchards will be rea ly trie btisinur-s. QRCHARBISTS TO SAVE FRUIT BODS Effort Ceir.g Made Up North to right The i i r . i .. i , j ... ., t Li r iui iuii- i i lit ' I i . iJ . I . . t kir.iwei s of i 1 1 i if v i . . , .-. a lir protect i:ii their etc,. i..a; eatly frosts ti iiie.t is uf smiiJrfir.g. MiH I hues ai.d nialei i-.l i or the nmnn tactoie o: l iiu jt-icds oi smudge pots which the li ie-.vi.-k t'n tar Heat er compai'V Mil fiuiiisn lu the Print ttrotvus at cost have arrived; aud a lorce of men will be put tu oik with in the next few days I'ru'l trees are loade I with buds which have heuuit lo swell i, ti horticulturists predict a rceonl-bi ea. iut! crop. The pre- ii-Mliun which C 1 Schenk is making to smudue ( is 'JO-iice orchard bree miles so'ittieit.-tt ot the city is au instauce ot lb eysteuiHtio manner in which the orcha dirts are uuder- HlnuK' the work of coin lb t tiny tbe frosts. Mr, Sclenk has just com pleted a 7tKH.)-allou concrete oil cia tsrn which will tia used to store suiujg- fuel. Oil will be bauled from th tanks of the beater company in the city by means ot a f0J-KBlli n carrying tank which will also be used to fill the pots in the orchiud. Mr. Schenk will use 1U0 pots to an acre aud is confident that be will be a le to protect bis crop from much more severe fronts thau the 'outitry ha ever knowu, lie has Disced ord ers for 2u00 pots which will be put iu positiou for ligbing wheu the first darner signal is given. Inland llerad (Wash.) Herder Killed Over a dispute as to rente near Prineville Oeo. Kates a rancber. killed A. P. liandall a sbeepberder, one day last week. It seems the sbeep berder opeued tire first with a re volver from behind a clump of bushes. Estea returned fire with m rltla. lie was acquitted.