Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 31, 1910, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    LAKh rorvn k .um.k. iiKF.viK,tmi:tioN, rm ki., makcii ai, mm.
I Spring Style Shoes:
We are showing an exceptional large as
sortment of snappy styles of Ladies' and
Men's Oxfords to bo worn this season.
The line comprises all the popular lasts
and leathers. Perfect fitting qualitios all
of them. Prices range from $1.00 to $4.00
a pair.
In our north window you will observe a
line of ALL SILK FOULARDS in suit lengths
no two alike) priced at 50c a yard
which is the very best silk value that can
be made by any store in the country. The
patterns are exclusive and full ofSiyfe.
The last express brought to us an assort
ment of SHIRT WAIST FRONTS ready for
use, they are the newest novelties, Elabor
ately Embroidered and are priced at $1.25
each. We invite you to inspect them be
fore they are all sold.
Our Business Men Take
The Matter in Hand
and Insist on a
Square Deal
A meeting "f tlit business mini nin
held in the Hoard of Trade rooms 1
SaturdttT evening. It was decided to
held u t;i-i'i':il! tournament tlii year.
In this rnd.'avor th"te will he no
hiii'Ii fias-n in took place, list V(r. !
Kverybndy will he Kive'l a square
deal. 'I lie mutter ill r.-t entirely lei;
thi hands i I the business men.
Thorp will he no out-ile inipnrta- !
timis to ipiir our team. I
(.itiltlo tenuis will b welcomed,
iiti.i will he 1,'ivpii every consiicia I
tlon. 1 he Iwinmiier will uivt toll'
articular latet on.
I ' L. Mcl'ale, Intel of Central!
City, Nebraska, has d if iMvurm t tt
urgent need o' a wmnlyard in town.
Hint has t ftiihli.-lifil one. 1 1 is II rt-1
move whs to purchase Ml acres ot t i m - ;
her laui up the Killed of Cli'ef Kiik'I- I
ueer Kice, of the O-V-L Co., and will;
set men at work at cure elmi p n'
wil'id. Mr. Mcl'ahe will tlnd that he
him soniet tniitf as tunil as a miiiiiII ;
mint on his hands in thii move. .u I
Lakeview fan now l vood wlieti it
wants it and in lute or small ipuaui-tles.
I extend to you a most cordial welcome
to visit me in my store.
Remember that at all timcsyou are one of
the many factors of the building up of this
store. You arc necessary to its welfare.
Depend upon it--our Millinery and all Kind of Wearing Apparel for
women and children tako the lead for stylo and quality. This store has
set its mark for THE millinery business of Lakeview for THE suit and
dress business of Lakovicw, lor THE waist and skirt business of Lake
view, and for THE hosiery and underwear business of Lakeview.
Note the above emphasized words--for It will pay you to doso and to
analyze well their meaning, the Keynote of which Is Tor all who want
a dependable quality of merchandise, up to the minute In style, at tho
same prices such goods are sold for in tho laro eastern cities, they
can't afford to pass NEILON'S Stoi c.
Ask to sec the following: values.
SUITS $15. $20. 22.50. 25. 27.50.
DRESSES $C. 50. 7.50. 8.00. 10.00.
WAISTS--S1.50. $1.95. 2. CO. 2.95. 3.50.
HOSIERY 12 1-2C. 25c. 35c. 50c and COc.
MILLINERY $3.00. $4.00. $5.00. 7.50. 8.50. 10.Q0. 12.50 15.
35 and 45.
Woman's Outfit.trr
Oh-rence Metzkei Is building a,
house on his ranch. Hvh miles north
of town. I
Gems In Terse
Southeastern Or ex on ! ! month J. Chas. Smith of the Pari
Come on iu. boys ! its tine ! slou 18 !ocal B,!nt fo' tue compau".
.., , . ! The Tri State Laud Co, is havinc
County Treasurer Afcroni tad a , otth.M ,ittt,(1 u tLe Kr0UD(1 lKl0r
thssle with a ttnre true. Tuesday. I flf ,fce WfiUou Uock.
and caire out s-'coud b'st with a,
bump i n the uose aud a I 1 .ik eve. it is reported Wade SDyder has gold
t , . ... i his V. est Side ranch to tha O. V. L.
The Portland Journal reports ttat . Comcany. and will bo to
an autn hue between t-tmmko, vail' v to live
Silver Lake is bricsiiw n. any home-:
Fteader. eveu thrupb the ticket is I Wolt sculps are till oomiu into
i 15 eac! ''ay And most (if the nev- county Clerk I'aynes olliee.
comers are huyini: l:iu i r takion up! County Cl;rk l'ayne reports he now
Innd iu the uorth eu'i of this county
California haviuc le cine impress
ed with 'he fianf-r f sing a ron
mon minkirn cud uri'ftii school
childrt-'i 'ipc-ij'e of t e tran (Birsion
of aui:-roiis ilesca.-e. has ordere i all
such cut s tn Hrhed, ai d w ill iusirt o
each cl il i t aviiip fiu i i i' n . u
drinti' i up Ti b i a tic: . ea
for ottR-r ttates to e . n e.
If our a i vert isint' l;.ei s cro.' 4
on cur tpuif. we sLuil uttjer I....
evlntve the i.trt, laire our tuici,
or print the pajier cttener.
A L Thni utt'ii s-r:ld ,lhck Fly no a
J250.0I! KdiS'iu Ftrris V tit-el jinnio
graph this week to lii.rtull in his sa
loon C. (J. Mis'uer, ths Laui Man. has
securi d the south troi't of the Wal
lace Fdiniture Co. ronni on Water
Street, for an r,tlicr. Thia tmes him
the 'bet real ttrate quaiters in town.
The Wiley li. Allen o, sol 1 four
pianos, all they Lroutht to town. Mr.
NeUoD left tor acraioento yester
day, tut will return in about a
hns over SO) O V. L. Co. deeds on
hand for record, aud more coming
every iay.
District S.ipt. Dunlap. of the M. ,
R. Cont'ereuce preached here on
F.ater c3oruini
The cnucert mven Faster nitlht l.y
the chii Ireu of' the M. K. Sunday
School was go well attende i that over
lOi-1 ueople could ont gain a Imittaoce.
J. McCoul and James Allen have re
turned from a tour of inspection of
wil 1 horse and other va leys between
here aud Malheur County, and ex
press themselves well plea'-el with
the lana and couditione they tuuti'f.
Iiev. .Mr Smith, pastor of the Ba
tits Church, is very ill
rKt.KN. thy lenity Is to r'e
l.iku tliuse Niii'. in ol
Thiit m'Fitly o er u t rfi; 1:. 1 fea
The weary. v.,iyuoin iiul-rri
To his ovi native sh.TP.
On lit pj' fi-.'is hn.r to ro.iru.
Thy !iv. .,!:.;!, l,:i'r , !.i-M f.i
Thy Na;..l airs li:.i I rnui:! t x hum
To thr i?i'v v.-iia i;n-
And tae ii:i-l.-i.r that kii , i: . kv
Lo. In yon 1 rl!!!.int vimlo'.v :.'''':'
I low rtatuoiike 1 f t h !.!
The a',-.itfl l.i-: p ultii!:i t:n !... !'
Ah. I'vrh". :, the r-'r . . h
Are Holy!
Mr-. l',.-t
Calt'i irniii i-
ij lcturiifd fr 1111 her
Pulled a Gun at Plush
and Landed in Jail
A ins 11 named J. II. l-'o-arty. ot
Uay over at Flush, wi'h a strHimer
and niM li; a k'nn plav which has beru
the (Mi-totn of th country. Hut the
st aiik'er would nut nt ind for such
pleasantry, and s'vnre out a corn
lilaiut with tliH result that fiotn the
lack of bail Foearty now rests in
jail 'I hi- cuui:tiy is now (.'ettllitf
cirilied. and finis will have to ).')
out of ths'iinu.
Mr. IJeo. l'odne. bust and if Miss
Lulu Applepite, fiirmeily nf Lake
view, clieii March I'jIIi, at Harl
tni:. California He was tu t known
here but th' lady is well known I y all
ol.l resident", who will cvuip atlil.c
with her in her bereavement.
Mr. .Janiert ll"Vd.-tiin it 1 1 -1 Miss
Fster l.nhe. wen 11 iitt ic I at the h iine
of the t ildes nit!r S'liilav aili r
noon, hv .) u le I t v lev.
Watch Lake County
Wenachee a ple-i blliik' M ct tits
apiece iu Lt.niii 11. If tl rlr
apples if ot-er liavilil Ifs l.i. such
prices, what may l.c epi-ctel il I lie
iitriieri'ir apple of Luke. County when
we are cviuo 't-' I by rail with the
ccmtMeicial W ill i'
Card of Thanks
At 11 inciting ol tlm l.nUeviert
Lit riiry assncint ion. a vote of
. that.ks vus tr.. ; ri I to tho . people
; of I.ukevlew for then ireuetoiis pat
roniiL'B of file I'aziuir, tl 'eu tor the
, benefit of the Library. 'I he a.isoi ia
' tion especially w sh to (hank tho
i ladies of th chilis who so aldy as
I sisted in thi' boiitts, the Woman's
(itiild. h'astern Stir Needle Chili.
1 Feci eat ion, the ( i. C, ( i 's anil alno
the yen 1 1 eu en who furni.ihn 1 the
splendid muric
Swcnson's Restaurant
is the place where you
meet everv-bodv.
m 1
.1 I -V'
I '
J. L. LYONS, D. I). 3.,
Office in Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
Eight Year's experience In Michigan.
Ura.luate of I'uiversity of Michigan
Mardunre ;nd Implements
The Moniitr Drill. Tlie only drill that drops the
seed in front ofthc fli-c axle, making it imjiossible tf j
bunch or cover the seed uneven. Ciuarantee l to
crease the yield from three to five bushels per acre.
Steel Lever Marrows, McCormick Spring Tooth
Harrows. I)i5e Marrows, Disc Plows, Good
enough Sulkey Plows; in fact c ' r Lr in the
Hardware and Implement line.
Peter Scliuttler Wagons. The only waon that
ever crossed .he plains without resetting the tires.
The wood in these wagons consists of White Oak
and Shellbark Hicko:--.-.
f TD ! T
ousmcss vocals jj
larueinent aud reoairiny Nrtre irriia
tion canal 1 1 .j to U miles in lentrfh at
: Faisley (Jre. Must, be coiniileted bv
; the let of May or sooner, also wanted
man to do ranch work and wife o j
cook for small ton-H of teen. Ilea- ;
srinaiile wayes. Corsult with L. 1''.
, Conn, Lakn"iewi and call on ieu '
Conn, Fai-ley Oreuon ;
Call at The Frost for fresh curidr,
mar'e every day.
Tl,e p(.tolr (.'1 dorado House will
open its tit ors fitiain today.
200fi Foils of Wall Faperw ill ar
rive the last of tbi week for the
Lakeview Decorative Co.
Try some of ttioe cream chocolates
and bon lions, freshly made by The
Frost. Kandy Kitchen
Fimar Clash Spih Coiromn
and Ball CJums&ms
K1111111H in New I'.uiilli linildiii
west 'f t'liurt lloii.-e.
JL's. 1
.1 a 1
We have no hesi
tancy in snying that
we are exhibiting
the largest and most
comprehensive col
lection of good nob
by and up-to-date
Patterns ever at
tempted in Lake
view. Before purchasing
your Spring Suit
don't fail to look
over our line.
Old Clothes cleaned
and pressed.
1 ma!vmimm:vmrrmjxxuuairmi
We'solicit a share
is 'Live and Let Li . .
Give us a call.
O'.:;- p. it. "nare. Our motto
Temperance Lecture
Dr. F. F. Zimmerman of Portland,
assis'ant --'or eriotendent of the Ore
gon Anti-Saloon Leatfue will be in
I Lakeview next Sunday April !rJ and
laddrffs meotinL's at thw court Iiouhh
at 11 A. M., :i F. M. aud alo at 7 :'M
in 'he evening. Hy mutual aree-
; men there wJI lie no services hel''
in the Methodist and liaptists church
es throuihout the day exceptinii the
Sunday Schools which will be. held
, in the inorniDK ht 10 o'clock.
Fverybody cordially invited to at
'tend the meeting in the court hnuae.
llOrdcr j'our carpets cut and sewed,
already to put down, at the same
price you would i ay in the city. H In
the Axminster, Velvet, or IJody
Nicely furnished rooms,
single or ensuite
Main St., west of Court
House. Lakeview, Ore.
doom! m mmw mumnna muiuoma
wmr op ooumr nouma
Fimmr Clabb Work
Fimtr CiMf custom Solicitmo
Why delay getting1 that homestead?
Your chances are less every day.
Railroads are building: into our section.
Capitalists 'e securing: lare tracts
of our lands.
Settlers are coming every day and locating.
What ha been known as the GREAT INLAND
EMPIRE will soon he segregated with railroads
and become one of the most prosperous farming
sections in the West.
You know the advantages and opportunities there are in a new
country, and the ever increasing price of land, and we assure you that
a trip into our county will prove oncof the best investments you ever
RGMEMUKR, we make a specialty of locating homesteads, desert
claims, and reporting on school lands, college lands, etc. and we assure
you of the very best of service.
Write or call on us for any information you may want concerning
1 1 lands.
-jOver Lakeview Pharmacy