Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 31, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Lake County fcxa 1 1
-argest Sworn Circulation in Oregon OatsWe of Portland HomCStCaderS Safe WtlO
: TooR Up Land Previous
Official Cointy Pa pick
k-i . r .) i. .) l: if inrh. :r.!e
i.4t n :-. .r tn.'ii:. A ti4ip 1
rb -i r -... r-..'r. i i h'iB!
Hr i . !.' i -or ' Mt'i rftnif.- A'i t.i
n:r A . .-.n i-r;u 1. Itr
K..i. r : i v;u:r.ti. ' !' r !ic '& ta
.T:..n 1 - ..n'.t-b inTti.ti
rl Ji . Kjv. ii;v r ol ctn.lo-
jdii- f '. 1
4Tr--'rt le- . ; r. sb1 Job Prlnt
foe rft. l 1:1 il 'U.t
A it m ! t-. ; i 1 1! Cr: of arh month.
M. R.v"RtPTION K .Tl
to Withdrawal
'O r. !-i Jrni-.
1 -.4
'if j t pt: 1 : lvsav.-, Jl 54 the re.r.
N.O,. t. Sato:r1tvrrt
'rraitn to-.'i: to 0'ilir r rbtnft
:iuv.r jt.v:fs-r ..lir ti.-".ilvt r-ra--nits-r tr
lrv.p iblt "Tec . crj to i h-ir ppr n t .l
1r--1 to the rust t-wU'fict.
Whacks the Back-woods
Exponent of Jounrnalism
Tbe greatest Ltfai r in the Vet,
w itbc.nt a i"h'lt? f-ic-ttn o ia point
of its erleutid tifj ee'vice, and
bote nil it- fair w ivied and justly
tea, ter.-t e it' rml Is tbe
Spf k--n mi -Fie i f -poksne In
roll tii. it i -IT' csly rep itlican. but
it n-ee the nils of t.o-s rale sad is
oof spoken to its cen-ure thereof,
Iffii though the part- u.ihi:.e traj ,
go to rieet-s at tb ban is ol la iodiij
naot aihereuts Id recent article,
aoner the bead "Oreenoian Becomes
rrootic". it Maya ttnt crkan ia the
fellow iLif n.etciles words :
fit'1e. the Poitlan 1 -?cmn has
"irked itsl? into a frutK- state of
, o,ind. Atta.kin.: lioiously the while
: 'ioosevelt fla-j of conservation, it
I "rt'e bwve laoci u tere a tew
fhsl'.i rolitieian ru joutoalirt
ho, kuc notbi-w of tbe west, and
; ibj therefore arrrT the policy
' cf gtraciuint 'OD But tbey are con
temrt'tile There are Judases ererj
w ber.
"There ate Judate eTr?jhere,' is
good, Judas betrayed a trust acd
violated big solemn Th
In it. dtploratle zeal to ondj the uregoni-n u n.nt inre are jujas-
coorration work of President every where-party Juiate-tonco
Bocve.t and encou-ae republican poilticians-wbo would suoner violate
conKten eo to reFuoiate tbei' party pMg lbn maintain it.
Tbe Seriate has ra.-?ed tbe till
aotborizi'ie an issue t tU,0..,iA.O
worth (f rertiflrates cf ic irltnesa to
cccn lete exittint: icu trejeets.
This is a Erasure that will net
ctly Itt-D the date tn thousaLds
of s-ettif-rs alecs tte uccorxfleted
projects can tein cet.tir.i; their land
into t reductive state, tut it wii! sl
eo etia? ! the Gcverca.rt-t to real:ze
on its ir-'trtcent wh:?ti sill retrain
wc;rti-r uLtil the jhn is ht ircvj
tixe to the r-ecfle as a veritable Pr.
Hyde just read Alfred Henry Funis'
article nn Cannon in the A r 1 1 Ca
xupclitan. It i-; tbe a,ost edtcicz
arraignment cf a fullic e ever
SfHTet'iry Viiui - ) il lne 1 tf
order (rovi.1utf fi r more IikthI
treatu.rijt it ton Hie i'iHtter uhii
uusurveyel ln I lilcli ti 'rn lu
clndf l lt:iiu .NMoul Foirt rinve
the time cf act'ial worn of trie
lau I It the Muntt-r
I'o'HT Itie tiotiettd 1 it is mi
poit le f r any oue It. wire Ifwal
title to 'instil ttrr I f nl. Iio lint, t it
i'ii'U ancy tendiL,; iimy i red
nired wivirtf a prii r rli:n ti tde
la-jd iifii-r survey, uu i.r i ,
knoon as '-j 1 1 1- r ru',1."
justlt r, . So li I m '.titn.
tkki-u t :! ioa of iiece of 1 1 1 ti -al
Korst !u I te?;re t"e liotil
Fire:s .r created i u t .iirr
frer-e I rf f. is c!ini ty the F' rr: "T
vice, s!nl i: he live ur n it and .' ii : t -lttf.
it until the land t - trn p'.r
e5 e l, he l at le t.- trt hit hou eatra I
ju?t as t R ii i'j ne La 1 settled u ai.y
tart cf the ULre-rvt-d ititlic lo
n.ain. liul nui-r tte I as?e if tie
Act of Juce li. !.s wMch
' ttie Secretary cf Agriculture to ;
for settleujent laud McM h" tl n 1
chiefly vlut le lor agftuti;; .re. It
has teen jorslt 'e fcr squattrs to up
fly for the llstlLk' of their lu1 ua
dr this Act, aLd thus to ct Uiu title
f riar to the liovernn ent survey lhe
ctject cf the CP order cf tt.e f-ecre
tary i to (rovide fcr tbe hstiLfc- of
the full atftuuet ft laud tbe CH-ct-rant
CulJ rtcnve if be eierctsd his of.
t'on cf amaiticj tre liov-ruaiect ur
vey, irrescviive cf whether it not
the ec '.ire area is -ul: i ut ., r .,M l I
the ciaiOi Is toi. a tide and land is not
cere Vkiuatle for it 1 1 c Le r thtu ful
lei;retrv Hiisjii'i order is as fol
lows :
" l-lr-CU hi t Bs reitle I UTiHI
and c-ntiL.u i.siy occup i-d t;o-ureed
UlJ- Aitr ii a Satlooal F r-t ' -t re
its cr eat ion and is at lh- I r-ul
We will sell vou'a section of the famous Sunny Southern Alberta
wheat I iul, that will pnxltue .'? to fH lmshels per acre, for n lost
cash nawncnt of SLM'OO to $:.IMM atul Half the wheat crop on L'OO
acres yearlv until the land is paid for.
You .u'et all the crop on any land von cultivate ahove the L'OO noes
on which we only jjet Half.
You do not have to pay one cent in money alter the fust payment
Land at Slo to $L1 per acre near railroads and elevators.
Chance for Capital
We "have a solid block of seven sections, eonsitin of JNOO acres
sr.WY A!.1U-:KTA, that we will sell for .SHI tu r acre, which is a p.
buy. on the terms of ti per acre down, and the balance in one, tw.
three or lour years at only percent interest.
A lare part of the laud immediately adjoinin,",' this tract of laud is
uvt'er cultivation, atid more wi.l be broken up in the spring, bv the
settlers to whom we have sold adjoinini: sections.
One crop of winter wheat will pa fortius land
surp'us in the bank besiiles.
The yield ts from o to bushels, and and at SO cents, the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less 81 - per acre, a bi estim
ate for of production.
ee us or w rite us soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valuble lands are beins rapidly taken by enterprising Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or further information.
ami ive voti a In;
IMPERJAL DEVELOPMENT CO., Examiner Office, Lakeview, Ore.
Will wonders cever ceae? Charley
Fairbanks ha cut off his bif:ers,
an i now even Carrie Nation
net reec'ciz-r hi 3i !
tlu.e ecu i j fc-jch lat; i
faith a, i I in al re-fect rn.:
ith t:.e li u.-.-teid U. Is- t:
to loi-l'i le it!.in the iitt?
tion.estea 1 : ' ;.cres after t'e .
with .'-!. v try X-
wti:: ' ' - (ic-v-r: rr i.t
tsoney w ill o:a&e as 1-.:.
the il a- 1 1 1
frca. ' ! - varices ir r .
w Li, a c-.," i.e co.-;. j
t-hcrt t i ;;. e, if tLtr J- I.'
lay il .-n nt i t be :.
Aii-le ilia, tee
deal, tl- MovernceLt is
oLiiJoti'.i.- to u.aaj iet.
tcusht jlJ in tbe irru'
r .- t.- f. r
r ; r- i ri i'- ?
-' t- i-
I 'i a verv
t .rlhtr ae-
- - r 4
l .rt
siirtey !. 1 tier
.ccii ir i f r f
83 i Is u t o. re
t-r tb in t r - i -'i
are ij.i ci-'i . -'.
I ix he ( i 1 11 .' i i '
er t i I t i i-i-r.
t '
V li-Ml 1- ! r r
I . .. l
K. J
: i.- t
.: Its
.i l Is
I i-
- (
We know i
tJill ( tit ir lll.l:
iini'ij Unit coim-tn t
.:, fitfiitifiti In ia.'
Oil .f ".it I
ttlflll tn'i!:,
IilT til. Ill
;. r.
. f r '
f Hi.- i:i.i!.ti;iI - ti ri' in n
i . i -si i , i v tt'IMloO.t. tilitl-
hi; :
a... I t:
.- I :
! I e
I - .
-! f.liuy li.i- f
r 1 1 i r .1 Ja-
i 'ii.i-; ;iro i,"t
. - t t-.. ' . ri-: v m 1 It
1 hi
conciiiirr fit, turn
Mammoth Stables
r ,
i I
n I . ri. I
f-'mttf' it I m
s i r t it i.
I:f..rni.i. II.
: A I t.-nt i
in th.-ni n-i.' n i
h-.l I '. i ! I'.. . U., k
I I l ;i I. -l.-li t Si . .. k
on l con
iiLder uicrl
-rs ho bnve
itiou distriets
itb th- u
OUld I e L j
curiL,: t - L
j rstyndi!.j that t
tiLLecessiry delay '
Tne New Law Cuts Out
Speculators and Gives
Others a Show
i -t -
! . t !
t-i'i t:
I :.
:. I r.
1 ,
t l;
.!l :
1. :;
; 1 :
t r.!i
i . - I
,u. I
The iiii'jrbnce tienda cf tb
etia...: L..t u.i.tti.' '..:. re1,
widevio and ctpbats of iiiiiiiooa
thereby lavitij a trail tf oe
dfcetijition ail cv-r (f.e land.
auain at their eld trick of bribing
legislators to iL.flueo.fe legislation.
W'by are they not f ro-ecuted fcr
tnheiy? The matter iuxi itself up
this way: if one of those glib insur
ance meu comes to you to solicit your
taking cut a (clicyju.-t tell Lioi to
go to the .lace that hecator Jeff
Davis, of Arkansas consigned OUy
John D. Then take your gpare canb,
aujouotinLt to the prerDuuiK, and in
vest iu Lake county tr ut Ian4. Vou
will thereby aet the benefit dt:rinB
your lif.? tin.e aud jur d:r will
Late His a--Lre i incu.e. eon.etbin
they villi not frox tb:ce isu'iirice
Kraft:r-. !
Fiii.-.iis cn OrtcD water towers
since tbe new concervatiou legisla
tion by tfe last !et;i-lattire tet irjto
eifect have beeu nuterouii eoounti
to indicate that legitimate enterprises
are not discourage! by restriction
iLLfosed under tbe eytsetu cf ettte
control. The water code cf tne fran
chise tax went into etfec' May '21,
Yj'TJ, and from that ticne up to Jan
uary 1 more than a
tiona had been tiled.
Tbe water code liaiiti the
area oi au.oiiot ! l. it ;i : .-
llsif-1 f- r i ! i. !.'. s tioiert.'.e
rf Jij.m- 11 i . (-r not
si ;io I.I ' I. the In. I I el' re I be
tic D of the Fcteet.
"lu wbire less than H acn--
of land had been li.-tej to a I ersou
who settle J ut on tbe Jhu-1 it lor to t Iim
the in-ati u o! (he t oie.-t. an addi
tiona! fi -re:i,.'" -: i-t- to n. r et
the hri.e!-ead entry rr,iy le allowed
ut co jfier aj fili ation. "
ll.i I,
; .'Me
.; II,.'
I.' III!
1 1
oi the
i f.-..m
;core of applica-
Melodrama to Suit the Locality.
In New urk M.trry me nod jrlve !
me thusf j:.'is you wi.l r-eive
' $yjtJM) In t ush. Ilt-fuse and I II tons j
! you from the i'.rooklyn hril''-:
i In W likes ha rre. I'a. And you wlil ,
fc'.t-f- l.i tin- t.i.l. i n:-.i in--.iin nl liy
a. To.i: !.-. rt i: I !;. f..r ;f l !i . er
taill that "UT earth tlld tine '.lit
through '1 f"!in'f't . ill. :hh1 ii'i .!. Ii'
ll't-d It al li.f U"i.-. Oii.y tht- siio-f
(j'l.-t.t : i. s if a r i i r -
brought i the fu t that ih' "ii.i tarj
orbit mid that .f the eartli had
a coiniii'iii ...!:.t i f li. t i-rx-i li'iti and
that hwitli t 1 ; i c. ujiu-d that iii.l at
the same tlnn'.- New Vrk A u.crli aii.
I uropcan I'lan I ! cr t Innv:
Irt lll it Cup of Collet- In a
Square U;il - Ctill ami i ry
I s --- u will Conic AkiIm.
I:. I:. SWIiN'sON, Iroprictor.
I O. O. F. Block, Lakeview, Ore.
under whlcD an individual or cor- t receive seventy acres of richest an
poration holds water posters to 'J ; thraeite t al. li. f um- and you V" int..
a coal bronker! Choos.e!
In rriver. And you will receive
7.000 Kharex of L'rntiste L-old minium
Cf the applicutiooa for 40 jean , BtrK'k. worth uuipte dollars a share,
franchise Uj that have been died are Iief,se nlJ(J uil) be c.r.r.rushe.l lu
iur ktjj uuio'juri uci, auu aio
located iu various part of lti& state.
ret. r : c n -I Ihu I ... n n h I .a 1 1. v I . . tm i rn !
ti i au. lug . . uu.. u ..iu i un ai iui
poses an annual tax on tbe license '
under wbicb tbe water power is used.
Ihoro-is A. Klis'in i aLOther Amer
ican t'j is not vtcrijinii over the
i.i,:h c--st of ceitiiu fool articles
and oou.e of the ether neces-! Us cf
life, for the royalities i u bis moving
I'ictun-3 patests btin hi u iu a '.eek
ly revenue cf -'7-'J". He receives thid
auin from eleven concerns, fciyht cf
which are Aaierican and the remain
der KurfeaD. His nei cent aye is one
half cent per foot of ti 1 in, and the
present output every week io 1,110,
OXJ kfeet, as twenty Lroduct lona are
lisued weekly iu this country,
having l'iJ eet of filai, and eighty
to pies ot each ben.K made.
Kiibt ether applications are 1 r amal- I
ler poweis. and a'l of the latter have
beeu Kranted and tne te-s paid.
In tue earn of the lare posers,
certificates have not beeu issued, ,
pending correction of aool iabnu, I
mveB'iatlou ct ciulitioos by tbei
board and other details Aruoutf the1
appiictioua is that oi the ilbsou iuu- j
utacturinu company, which j
to appropriate aoir j.xiu.ately "Jj.WJ,
i orse power uu the Clackmas river.
Weeiey 11. Sherman n.akei api Iicatiou !
tor li'J.UOU ou the 1. jkjue river aud W.
K. hroAu wants -J,Jol ou tbe Klam
ath ner. The tees in the case of the
B utanip iniil to i-o-o-wder! C'boow!
In Memphis. Term. And you will re
reive lo.nnu ,m i-s of hint t '.tti'ii lie
fuse and vi'ii to iii'' the cuttnii irin'i
ChiiOM-l .
In North ( a r.. Una. And you will r
celve 1 s.i h harn-ls i f turpentine. Ite-
fuse and y-u shall he honed in renin! I
CbotAsel I'u'k. i
London Cellar Restaurants.
' Iiefoie t off -e stai.s were instituted
the huiiihler.t I'laf-t-s of rt-freshuient
! were ce.lars. where the hard up. a-i
! the hlaii phrase went, could 'dive for
The Canadian Po: ti att
but hri male its repcu p..o.... .i the
aecrnd riais rates, and it eeeuin cim-i
coming, as it dots, at the time be
o jr uecoud class rates are tbe sub
ject of so uuch discunsiou. The
b'jokkt-ei.'-i s rf the Dominion fchow a
burplu-i for the dt aitrj.ent, and it.
tarries eecoud-cUss matter over a
vas.t oparcely settled territory for
tolf a cent a pound.
UroAu application are, under the
; water code, iidjt.i, dud u0rer tbe
ifrancbixe, iill'i per year, all of which
t!oe to t:.e state. At tbe end of
Ifr rty yeard, tbe trnchis" expires when
the holder uiuot secure a new certfli-
cate tor the use ct the power.
Under the old eytseui before the
'new couservatoiu leislalou went into
eiiect. there wre uiauy more lllinirt
; ou water powers, the fees hc-iuK only
or lu, acd ruany speculators aud
j oi; i ; ma le tiling ou powera of great
vcl.jine, ;:ot expecllni in most iu
it - ci; t , . them, tut to hold them
ii i...i-.--....i ive purposes. The new
: ; . ! t pi a. !ishfcs a limit at
mac . .. . .t.:r ,, . ei fnr which cer-
Lllical. r 1- i --i. I a.u-t he t'Ut into
a dinner." with a choice of Hindi viands
as tripe, cow hcc-l. sausages and aliiu
of bt-t-f soup. Some of the cellar res- !
tauraiits exi.s't d us recently as the ear ;
ly bfventii-s of the last century lu
Iiutcher ro". ' emple I'.ar and the net- i
work fif cour;:. and alleys swept away j
for the site uf the roya! courts of Jus- 1
tice. It was in this neighborhood j
and probably to a dining place of this I
Doubtful Praise.
A fuliUi' k i.i a fin. limit team nine
had the ini-fortuoe to put the ball
through his own tr ial. This regretta
ble error !ol his side the auie. utid
be buffered agonies of self reproach
ou the Ion;; Journey hoioe.
"I'm no more iim than a ch'K-olate
footballer." be said to his sweetheart,
who had traveled many miles to nee
him play. "A blip of a Uiy from w-liool
would have shaped better than I tlld."
"Now. re,... I won't I t ton say
hui h lion id t!iini;- ahoiit yoiirM lf!"
declared his loyal sweethearl. "Vou've
Ho i lea how popular yolj are. 1 heard
a ifeiilleinan praising you up to Ihe
skies this afternoon."
N'et i-r!" emphatii ally exclaimed the
Incredulous player.
"Oil. but it's fjuite true!" she said
proudly. "Hi- baid you'd brought his
club the liest bit of Im k they'd had for
Kes. and he heartily wished you were
playing against them In every mntca."
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
For Rent,
10.IKK) (UTeM. will illvide HHIne lulu nny nI.c farm desired. All tinder
the New ( 'mini with (Irnt prt f.relice water rlghtx i'he very t'renin of
the Valley Selected yeurs .it nil level, perf.t t ullalbt liilidn. Will
lease for term of years fur part uf crop. Some houses and burns
will be built for tlfHireable tenants, Must nlvt.' I elerenctH. Write
Hunter Land Co.
Wells ''urgo. Ill, l.
l oril iud, ( in-.
Aud otill t In y come Men's
"l lehl" Shirts latent patterns 4 M
fAmerican Restaurant"Sa'keJ
dee out; and Imn Hotai, Proprietors.
Lakeview, ( )rion
IVesh Bread, Cake and l'ies on sale everv dav
Fancy Cake and all kind of Pastrv made' to onlcr,
I he only first class short older place in the town
Open Day and Xiht
description that
lu his htrug'lin
Will Tatt go down lu biatory as
The (Jreat ApoloKistr" That titlo
would surely tit him, judinir from
the nature of his late addreaaee in at
tempting to explain the acknowledged
weakness of bia administration.
if you wish to-koov goruetbina of
tbe methods ud life-loDg Mr. Jekell
workings of Joe Cannon In tbe inter
t-.t of tbe trusts, while uosing all tbe
Dr. Johnson resorted
; days, when he was
80 jsjor that, as he relates. It was not
every day that he could afford a half
penny tip for the waiter. London
use, a;i ' 1: .t m , i.ej ithlu v. ,.-.. ""Ufi.-7
the tre-crii.ei ri,., t,,.: ur l-fJ-ltStir2L 1
vi , U&MWM
water pun-ti in Onu.i u "iic pc. ; :y O I M I 1 ( fff 1
to use under the new ajt'e n, t'.'- lees I i; ty J jk I'l r'JL JkJ He
will go 1-r toward the pa. 1 ui of KiAjrfJiaAr fcTrii n i 1 in ri m
n ... I ? mm r m ST. Wi m W W W ml tW
A Suggested Improvement.
Mrs. Feedem (to star boarderi jonld
you suggest any Improvement in my
menu? Boarder Well, you might make
tbe experiment of transferrlni? the re
spective qualities of tbe coffee and tbe
butter. BalUmore American.
Death la but the dropping of tb
Sower that the fruit may sweiL-
Blue Prints Made
I will make I'due i'nntM of
any township of bind In the
Lukevlew Land DlHtrlet.niuI
do ubstract work. Cull or
w rile
Lakeview Oregon
New Bakery
Will havo Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every
day. Lunch Counter in Connection, f
I'riee f.Oe while tliey ' Last.
FIiowh all 1 .11 nd firsnt LbikIh,
(Jrant complete, by rtect Ions.
Entire output of thiH map owned by
427 LumlK-riiieu'ii UMu. 1
f Portland, Oregon.
Oh, Mamma!
"You don't havo to send to 'mail order'
houses for WALL PAPER now."
We can dupiicato such conenrnrt nricna
anp save you the freight. Lot us do all the
worrying and you got the goods delivered.
We wants your Trade.
The Lakeview Decorative Co.
Moore Buiding.