Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 31, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 13
umn line nnwr !
Life History of J. L.
Morrow, One of the
First Settlers of
Warner Valley
JOHF.PII I- MDlillllW.
I'd Ih pioneer of Oregon Iiuh
urhlevcd Htiiti m l-li! prominence t.ti
t'lltlHK l lil11 i'imiiiitI Inn with tint
ii.,t.' I Wiirncr Vtllt-y I t . I contest;
Hut light w lu.-li llll lllll made 111
till! 1 ) t 'I'I'Ht H lf lllH ll-l low HI'ttletH
til I. HUB Colli ty Id WHsl MlOUMIinds
of Mi'ii' of viilinil I" 1 ""1 Tom th
Wnrne- Valley Stock company.
The canii iUIhh buck Id IHiJO.
l.akel. Ore., M'ireh !! .-- Chump
ion of Mm net Mem in Mm fur
fumed land cni.tPMt or .Wiiriicr n 1 !.
JoMoph I' M'lirirv nf A t"l. l.nk
county, aland hiihcr hi Mm entltnii
tliiu of htH fellow wltliTH than any
man In this part of Oregon. One of
Mm tlrnt Mi-tller m Warner valley.
Mr Miir'n Iiuh done II great deal
townnln I'h development, pnitloiilarly
in t!ii' I'Mrt In- liii taken In Mm pro-
lollL.'1'll lltlC'ltOill f If Mm liUHf-HHlull
iti Inn In.
tiding until: I v to bin stri'tinon
IToiIh ''ni acres of laud, worth
III. (lilt f.VI MM IHTC, llPIH I.CCII em n-
fully settled ii'i l cultivated hy h mini-
I IT Of plOHplTOUH fllMllllCH, despite
Mm cltortn of tln Warner V nlly Slock
company to convert M li rirh agri
cultural valley into n ct' cl' range.
'1 hii 'A itriH'i vullev lutid content In
i.n.i of Mm iim-t I rii-" t'nil have
iirlncn In Mi.' r: ! mi l i i'. Morrow's
lit llllH hl'.'ll I'M IHTUh'V C 'tHU'Ctcd
with lla hlnliuy. ii. I " act "!
congrenn p.'.nl Hug Mint "11 "nau..
.iii.I onrll'i.w I" UiM h i i hi I I become
tin' properly ut tin' M it", wan npp'le I
In Ircgiui.
Ju 1 -. Mi" Oc.ou leginlnlurn auth
orized Mm sale oT I l.i-Hii Inn. Ih, wheie
'Hum ii in t.l i.'.it i.iii. know i an Mm
'( )wellM lipid lent toll, " WIIB
mir'o tor !
Mm in i-lmse of Mm all
landn of Win hit ulliV.
....i.i issl lii.i&i.v.r. Mint a
1 1 i II.MltM !
of nul". under diltet.- it aptillentioun, I
i l ,1... W ..... ..
u uu kiM.iir.iL lltlil 11 1.. I lu " n. nr.
Vallev Slock co'lipanv Kut punehnl'iu
oT t lien" lull If.
si:n i.kks i r iii r i' n: lands
In the nieiintiu e li tew settlelH nail
come t.i the valley, tml otun to Mm
dllllciilty of necurniK a title a vitfur
iiun allempt nt M'tlleineiit wan not
made until lWM.'i It wan t in year
that Ml. Motr.iw. alter a prevloun
IHit. luoiiKht hi famliy o the valley
and took up llm ranch on whloh lm
now liven. He at once placed hlinnelf
nt ti n hen I of the netllern, exhortlnil
them to retain and impiove the landn
Ihej hud taken up. Irrigation, wan
necennary to make the laud produc
tive, and dltcht'H weie coiiBtructed
and cultivation lietfiiii.
Hut Mm nettlern had no deed to the
landn upon which they were livinu
not have they jet. a dinputa at) to
the owuernhip arone. lertaln otllmaU
tif the mirvey were accuned of fraud
uleut repoitn. Mr. Mono Irnuirht
ntiotit an inventirtl 'on hy Sveelal
AMit 'hallcn Shnckellord. who, hi
mi ca.iiuIHh repirt cuntlnned t hone
facta. Tim department f Dm inter
iot, hoAcvcr. iuventiuated the cane
and In ueneral decided advernely to
the bi ltlein.
la IV.Vi the Warner Valley Stock
company xecured punnenniun of Mm
land, au.l In ISlfci Mr. Morro'.v lont a
auit in Um general laud ottlce. He,
fioweviT, contiiiuo'l to prene the cain
paiur. uuuiiift the ntock onmpany.
with the renult that in the celel.rated
l I Morrow auaiUHt the
Warner Valley Stock
IH'.l'i, the act Hem won u
company, In
con plbte vlu
torv in the
i . .nil 1 land ontoe lH
thin decision waa ievor-ed the follow
iiik' year tiy the general lau I oioie.
lu I '.HII. Mr MorrTv cuued llover
ii ur (Miamtierlaln to tiecome inter
ented. The ntato of Oreou then took
the Hi le of the sottiera. lrluKln milt
uiiaiiiHt Dm stock company The laat
(lecinlon. however, in 11H.H, waa Hd
verae to the iuterenta of the aettlera.
Mr. Morrow und IiIh rollow "Mttleri
lielieve, however, that they will wi"
in the end aud they wUI live Hiouro-
1.. Il. line valleV. one in wio
..uiM.inut In the aia.e, wnero
i i.,,iii 1 1... 1 1- homes made
farma, Hiici paid their taxea. lu their
Intrent ho haa made three tripB to
WuHhuiKton l. O., ihkI aevera to the
Oregon atate cupital. He fally de
acrvea the lionor and credit he bua
won of the initilto.
Hince ilia adveut to BouthoHHtern
Oreuon, he bua taken an active part
la tbe welfare and development of the
oouutry. He U uow 70 and llvluil a
life of Boail-ietlreuient, having leaaed
hia land aud atock. lie owua 3J0
acre of valuable laud touetber wltb
the one aeotlon beloDRiog to a bod,
uow deoeaaod and another quarter,
which la really tbe property of a uiiu
or grandaon.
Joabepb L. Morrow waa bora in
Chicago Tribune's Second
Poll Shows Atlantic
States Insurgent
( ' II I C A i O, M..reh - Chicago 'I'l l
liooi'l Independent hui.iit.llcan il.i'Uv
lirlntn Mm li'xiilt of u i.ll H Ihih taken
of Mm vailou ncwi-pnpcr iditorn ot
Him i-., in. try. 'iowhig I! nt llml'.iint
lie well h Mi" Went nppnnes Mm A I I -rich
Payne Hinir I. ill mi.) Speaker
('in lion
I I ,i i i.i ii'iiu el it oi h weie ciilli'il on to
i'. nhM thi'ir viowh lhe result or
Mm poll, iih printed hIiowh a iniijorlty
of ptlv editor In Cainion'H own
Hthtl' lU'lll ft ' I ut
Accord lug tu III llgutcn nrlnh'd to
liny .'i i.-r tviit of Mo' ICi-pti lil i-im
filltnri of Nm DiiiI.iii.l iliHHiii'i'rovii
Mm ri'i'i-nl (Hrllf llll. Mini Hti. I er
ciMit iri ntiiiiiHt ('.union
In Mil' KhIhitii AMimtli! Ktiiti'M 1
pi-r ri'iit urn ih-hIkiiI Mm Inrllf nii'l 77
per ri'iit of Mm . I H orn (In not iipprovu
Of (.'llllMlltl.
In Mi WHhIitii Slut. Mm poll
I'hnwii 77 1 pT cnt o.pori Mm tnrilf
n ll.l H.I.I p.rroiit voting hkhIiin' 'un
noii. 'l'lm Soul hi ft i i n Sliiti H volo il-H
pi-r rfiit Mk'it i nr-t Mi" titrilf uuil 7J.f
pIT ('"lit Hi.'llillnl Cllllll.1.1.
Have the Privilege to
Assign Claims After
Five Years
S. until lull p Tin lit I n LI home .-tcilJiTH
within the reclimiiit Ion proje.'tH to iih
nik'o M.eir entrii'H utter live yearn of
lehldeuce mi I cult iTittiou. was ordere.l
faroiiit ly repotted to Mm lloiu-e .ven
ter, in v ly the I rrik'at ton I' innitteti
I'o piiMiit I li 1 1 h i iniinitte i-peculn-
U'e.l HWIitMi tlou Mm lull w nri iiineuile I to pr.llilU
11 wiih not ! it lioiiieHleadei from imk'h nitf en-
t rll'H e :'ept to piT-ona I Wit 1 1 tl f( I 11 rt
hoiiu nteieleie and t'i.-lefoie
I fl tl.1V iimh i ii timn t M
i The c.i ! iii illce nls.) iiL'reK I upon a
lull iiiiMiorlnu: l.'iui-i) ol uliHenre fur
. ho.iii nteii ler o i irci jiiI.Id Inn. In for
! which u.i water in avail iU". A
! .immure recent I y i es."l Mi.- S 'iiiite
! allow inn bi'.'ond llllu uu li .mi nt n In
wlieiea pern .n filed m l Lnt liia
1 1; lit 1 1 v forfeiture or aliaud iiuieut.
iiinkiiik' him elUil.lii aain to take up
any land. The lull htm not yet panned
the limine.
Cranberry Ranch to
Become Bigf Industry
Keuo Journal, A cratiherry
ranch la rfoiux to lie one of the hin
thliiKn of Nevada If the preneut plana
of nome ot themi iuterenta carry.
Thoa Maxwell, an experienced cnin
lierry urower arrived from the eant
yenterda) ami will take au mterent
with Sam Crauu in hia ci an terry
ranch at Fallen Thene Kentlemeu
will put in admit 2't acien thin year
an a ntarter aud later hope to have
at leant HO iii'riM timier cullt ival loo.
They w ill Hiaie no expetini) lu ninklnw
the iuduHtrv one of the leading onen
of t lm Cumuli a'li k.
New Indian Agrent
KI.AMATil A tJ K N (5 V ('Jib ),
March '22. I'M Inun Wn no-', formerly
Suiieriiiteudent of the I'otawattomie
Aumicy In Kannan, haa tieen iipiioiutml
Superu ileudeut and general (iinlinm
Inu auent for thin numcy. He will
report for duty ut once.
Chariton county. Missouri, July 2,, and wai retire 1 tu Macon county
of that atate. Here hia father, Kev.
Jense H . Morrow, died pi 18.'i5. Ouly
a brother and sinter are now Jiving.
Mr. Morrow never enjoyed tbe opportune-
of going to BChuol; but by
dint ol persistant home btudy iu bin
uativa atate and lu the west, he baa
acquire. I a good fundamental educa
tion. He crossed the pinion lu 1S54,
with Tom Coram 'a train of ox team, a
experiencing much annoyance from
hostile Indians oil tho route, lu one
tight he received au arrow wound lu
the leg.
lie started west iu April and ar
rived ut Nevada City, Cal., iu Au
gunt. Here be worked in the mines,
laUir going to the l'orent City mines,
where be mlued until 1808. Then be
wont to Souon.a county, California.
He next removed to itig Klver Mills,
engaging in tbe sawmill biiaiueBH un
til tne fall of 18511. then be returned
to Nevada county.
Here he again mined until 1H05,
when be removed to Douulaa county,
Oregon, engaging iu mining aud
farming on Myrtle creek, lu 1881
be removed to Fort Bldwell. Cal. and
it waa this year that be passed
through Warner Valley on a Waa
bunting expedition aud deoided on
bia future borne, lie brought his
family to Warner in ltt&, and has
All Indications Point to
The Grid-ironing of
Eastern Oregon.
'llm Sn.'i ii.ofiit ii Hi-", of thn !i0lh
I hi-t , liu ? Hi'Vcriil ciiIhiiiiih of iiillrninl
ni'Ai. out! liipiil('li Iroin VhIh, MmI
h"iir I'liuoty IiiHixilnu Mint the inyH
(rloim i'lltxlmru V i ilinort mini
ciinlni I r . i ii .Moiitiinn Ih lii'iolwl
fnr Sim I'i iiiii'imi'o "Down through
I.mU.-ii.'W "
AimthiT I. mi 'llmli'li nilliK Up the
ml I ion I ultnnt ion for liiHtcrn Oroyon
- nklutf of I lm 1 1 rri iiihii hihJ Hill
run Ir. lm il.l i utf il iwn (r un Mm north
MijH Mm forini',- Ih of infi-rior cm
hI met ion. wliiln Mm Ori-inu Trunk
) I l,.i. la li..lnf luiill It. mnr.. unli.
niotlnl unit coiihuipii'iitly (nine oxpfti
nIvh lhn Mm opiOHintf rou t.
VVhilii Uh (viilrMctH hi fur l-t ciirr" It
only to MixIriiK, it linn Iichii lociited
to lii'inl, foitv mili'H fnitlmr eoiith.
Hil l Iiuh I. ecu mirvi'vcl to the ('nil
fornlH line.
Tl' two ro-i.ln nro iifti.r Mm hhiub
t.iiHltiPH ami BHi'in hunt i:pon invit'l
Inn Mm nime ti'tr'tnrv throughout
Mmir luniit h. Fortor HroMmra morn
that h y.'iir hio Hticti") bull. Unit the
Oii-kod Iriink. llm were opposHii I. y
1 1 r r l in hii after
hut J. J. Mill
ii.... ... ..-ii ui-ri..,!
!..,. on M.h Fnrt'ep
IToiect and put Johu F. Sti'feim of
i'ltiiiiniH t'linnl fame in charge
Theil I
the Hill Hti'l I hi ri inn ii HynteuiH put
larii" corpH of Hurveyorn in the Inter
ior of Oreiou, an w ell a lnre cre vs of
tuiildiTH on l lie 1 liMfhutei. Where
one hi le Iiuh aurveye I. Mmre uU has
the other ti'-en ceen Tim De-hnteH
line Ih to iMinuert H1 Klainath l alln
with Mm California NortheaBtern au.l
a line tiuil tnikT to that point from
Natron. Ore. '1 he Oregon Trunk,
IIIU'h hue, in uoinu to Klamath Fallla.
and in to connect there witlia lin J
Mint in to lm imme.liately curvev?l
from a point in I'lunum ('ouiity, (,'al., i
w here connect io i ill he ma te w ith I
the Wentern l'neilic. T o!I""t t ho j
Nat run line, Hill In to built to H,
connection with Mm line M.rouuh
Medford aud the Ucuue Uiver vallev.
The llmrliiinii nntem I limn a road
eant to l.akeview and AKuran mil !
another line acrona county ta Whine- j
in i it a, to connect with the Central
I'acillc. lllll I. im hiirveyorn runnin
linen down ttiroutrh Idaho and Kant- ;
ern Orenou to LnKcview au 1 will run'
a I. ranch the Oregon Trunk to
l.akeview to meet ihat project, which
will uive a short cut to bin trannLon
tinetnl ruMd. The Haarrhiian Bytaem '
alno in huny with H.ii-veys iti Idaho
aud Kantem Oregon.
Reported Longworth Ad -
vised to keep Off
WASHINGTON. D. C. Alarcb 2S.
The ntory that Theodore Uoosevelt
In "nutting bia bouse iu order, bo i
that he will uot be hampered if he
should decide uot to indorse the Taft
administration created a comiiiotlou
"1 lie story is hung on the .statement
that Kerpeneut ative Nicholas Long
oith, the forumr Frenideut's aou-iu
law, has tefimcd to serve ayain on the
congrcinnional committee iu response
ton letter fiom h'oonevelt. a'aMug
that he ho. ed the family need uot be
placed in a positii u which might
iiuikM it enibarannina for him later
Louuwortli today declined to alllnn
or deny this rumor. The atory, which
is the aole topic of couveratiu in the
political circles heie, bua brought to
llm front agaiu tbe "back from
Film" whispers
The cougresnlonnl committee of tbe
Kepuliliciiu party will bo called ou to
explain ami i' iiioisn the tarilf mot
sure au.l the lulU which Tuft haa in
dorsed in public npeechef recently.
To -ervrt o:i thin committee it is
tacitly understood is to eudorne the
Taft admiuistvatioii. If the former
Hieni.leiit bat linked Lougw orth not
to serve on this c im.uittee he has
therefore, it in helieve 1 here, in
reality asked hhn not tu endorse pub
licly the Taft admiuintratiou.
Tbe water supply ol the tnwu is full
of tuul What's the matter?
btuc.e engaged h stock raising mid
farming, ever working tirelessly for
the intercuts of hia fellow tcttlera aud
the country in geueral.
While lu Sonoma oouuty, in 1858
Mr. Mnirow married Slhriua Hart, a
native of Koaue couuty, Tennessee,
of this marriage bIx chldreu have
been born: Johu W. and Mra. Sarah
10. Nesbam, deceased s Joseph A.
Nanoy J. lienuet, Jesse 11. Morrow
and Mrs. Mary R Cooper, stilt liv-
,u . . . .
Mr. Morrow is a man of sturdy,
tireless euergy, oprlgbt and unas
Burning, though firm aud peraisent in
his consciousness of right, lie baa
worked bard, Baorafloed much to tbe
Interests ot bis fellow citizens, par
tinularly those of earner valley Ore
gon and la generally regarded by tbe
publio as one of bis country's great
est benefactors.
People who Rnow a
Good Thing Neglecting
No Opportunity
All tecordM for ii.i:n(jot-Hl pntrir i i
the l.'ikeviev Lani MlHlrief Ihm
Ij en l.r.ik'-i) thin in'iulh anl Mm t'jt.U
riumtibr in W.'t nitiit-H of whieli , ik
IH') ncrii "In I toe, '( for 'M,') acen. 7 of
i li'J a;Ti'n. 'A of SO aeri an t ) tf'a'; Hre
i for 4i) acri-R each with two Hiitnea for
1 17li a i l ij'J acrH rHipmttively Ttie
jl!k".T nrnoii n i IihIhk a Kt.i.e hcleellou
I of lieu hind. TijO tot;il uzrtmuo taken
: he I ii Xt,VW.
I If the pe ple who write that they are
ir.MiiUu da tj'jtcnne quickly theri;
will le niB'iy i f hem iliMSHppoiutud
wheu they come Hud Hee the hunt
j laiifl uo:)i, Mi.j':'h tome of trie heat
i lau 1 in the county in no open to en
The homeseeker never had tietter
opportunity to L" t. land where it la
low prlied and whete it is rapidly lu-c:eii-if:v
in vul i than MiiTii Id riiht
j here in LiiKe county in l iiime of the
t lau I un.v open t i hurne-tea l entry
I will lm worth trom to i ;0 per acre
Hi a lew yearn.
The railro:id c.f.miuu thu
way ; the
of i-ettlern that come dur-
' " next in mouinn; ine opuor-
luniiiea ioi inveniuieut nun lue ouhi-
nenn open inun that Miene opportuni
t i"H prenent will make land worth more
jtiinu the inont optimintio resident of
the cauuty can realize.
It 'a the name ol I ntory of thedilTer
i ent lojalitiei of the West over aauin
land wine In he who heels tbe rail of
I Mia land and low prices in a laDd of
opportunity before it in too late.
Rabbi Wise Shows That
The Press Should
Be Honest
Dr. Stepheu S. Wine, the noted
Jewlnh labbi, of Nw York in discun-
Mi'g the puhllc pienn iu the I'aelUc :
monthly for Aiiril, waken the follow
ii.g telling point, which happily for
tin' futurn ut'llaro of the nation, uow 1
seems tu be tin moving spiiit aud
hue of actlou among tbe bet papers
ot the laud, great and namll. He t.ay :
The prenn in uot to be a mere echo,
nor even i'ormulutot, of public opin
iou. The prens ought to inform, and
thus form, the public mind and the
ho c nncience. The rest la the
daily teacher of the whole oatiou,
men and womeu, yonug and old. Ibe
(press in tbe people a university that
1 ..... - ..I,.,, ,fi, .1.-.. ...j i i .. w. 1 , Ir j
ucvci ruuw? ibg uiu. a u li , uoroi .
a vacation. Stoutly ought the press
to resist tne epreadiug notion that
the uewspuptr is to be a mere pur
veyor of newa rather thau a brioger
of intelligence that it is its sole busi
ness to be collector aud d'aseminator
of news. Such as would limit tbe
press to news-gathering and restrict
the pulpit to tbe prescbiug of the
''simple gospel' would reduce the
press to futility ana impotence, even
as they would the pulpit from
dealing with auv personage mote re
cent than Heekiah or any event leni
remote than the Fall of Jerusalem.
That the press may greateu its
j nu) ral power, I v oul l adjure tbe lad
' ern in the newnpatuT world to free
i themselves fiom tho e 'slavement ol
I partisanship and sectionalism, from
the tyranny of passion and prejudice.
Above all, the press must be kept
free from the enslaving power of
It may be urged that it takes a
great deal nf mouey to conduct a
modem newspaper It takes a great
deal nf mouey to conduct a modern
uuiverasity. It takes a grsat deal of
mouey to conduct a modern cburcb,
and still church and uuirersity are not
busiuesnee aud are uot named, as the
newspaper commonly is, "a pro
erty." Tbcugb lare euma be legit
imately ueedful to the conduct of a
newspaper iu our day, still must tbe
press say to the power of mouey,
"Thus far ebalt thou go, and uo
further: thou ebalt not dollarize my
How to Select Fish.
Fili to be enjoyed must be fresh,
and for tills reason tbe housewife
should know how to choose a good fish,
la the first place the flesh must be so
firm that It will not be dented by pres
sure with the lingers. Tbe eyes must
be full, the scales bright and tbe fina
stiff. Tbe Kills should be bright lu
color, being neither dark liver color
nor too pale. If there Is no odor tbe
fish may be eaten with safety.
"When Teddy Comes Marching
Home" promiBes to be one of the
popular songs of the day. Pioobe,
Nev. Keoord You bet yon I
A lot of fellows would now own good
farms if they'bad put In as much en
ergy on the pitonfork at they have on
a blllard oue.
It is Estimated $100,000
Already Spent here
for Dwellings
The Kxamhier in advised from (food
iiithority. that, duriii Mm pat fifteen
; uonthi 7' dwellinx have been
rented in Lakeview. Thin does not
include a l litiotn. tiarun, shacks, or
iiiiHineRs blocks.
The averatre value of each dwelling
; is at leait HKXl Thin Hern alone
iamoii'itn to 7-j,i)UO It in hafe to aay
! ovre SliO.tJf) the true in
j creane in vaulen in Lakeview, and
; judtfifiif fro i the continued kale of
I town lotn. as reoort d from the reaL
testate dealers, thin year will be a
banner one in the buildms line. In
fa a it in hoped that Lakeview will
continue its bulldiutr. as tbe new
criner of today Is hard prenned to
find a auitable borce.
In ttm matter of lot sains S-agere
alone teoort tbe sale of two Icta tu
Frank Fftyn, County Clerk; two to
Register of Laud Office, Orton.who
has erected a fine uew bunaulow
already; . three to Cieorge Ltwln;
three to Andy Hum mors ley and Abl
Strom; two to Lilly Thompson; one
each to liaxter and lieehe, wbo are
funning tbe completion of two cot
tages; one to Walter Hay; one to El
don Currey ; and Dr. Smith will soon
start the erection of a new borne. All
of tne.Be lots and homes are in the
Walter's addition, woich uiuernonthc
ago was a farm. Tbe streets are being
graded aud w'U be graveled.
In addition to what is being none
on Walter's addition the game condi
tions may aUo be noticed on the
Dreukel addition, the Watson addi
tion and also in tbe main and older
part of town No matter which way
you turn there you will see new
buildings going up And more will
be built, just as soon as more lumber
and materials are available Indeed tbe
development of Lakeview in now upon
W are proud ot Lakeview today
with its modern, good homes, sub
'feiantiai bus-iuess blocks, and "(Jet-
up and gel-aii." What ill it he in a
few years from now? The investor,
be be new comer or old timer, wbo
does uot grasp bis share of property
will be tbe lofer.
Library Association now
out of Debt with Money
in the Treasury
Tbe Bazaar, beld last Friday nigbt
tor tbe beuetlt of tbe Library was a
pronounced success, the net receipts
being f:i"2 J. iu addition to the
amount rc.....J .ioui the Bazaar, a
geuei .....;. I lion of S5 was re
ceive: ; the well kuovu borne
raiser. IUr. V. M Browu, of F.gli,
liarnev couuty. Mr. brown bad
previously donated $100.00 to tbe
Tbe several booths of tbe different
lodges and clubs were well patronized,
eapecially where tbe excellent supper
was doled out, aud the ice cream and
cundv boot ha.
in the matter of pstr. nage, tbe
newcomers were esptcally generous,
aud gave endence of their apprecia
tion of the library, aud the benefit
it was to them in th books, papers
and maguziues thus made available.
The ladies having tbe work in baud
feel especially nappy over , the fai t
that in less than three years, with
out a dollar to start with, they have
purchased tbeir lot, auu erected the
tine Library building, aud now have
tbe same paid for, wiib a surplus iu
tbe treasury.
Tbe ladies intend now to add some
new book; to tbe shelves, aud thereby
make the Library a center of itill
greater interest for our townspeople
aud tbe strangers wbo shall come
among us.
lu this connection The Examiner
is aware that iu tooie commuuities
tbe citizens donate books to the li
brary shelves wbiob tbey have uo
special use tor after having read tbe
same, and in this way help others
not so fortunate. It ia a good prac
tice and should be eucourajd here.
Criticising Hawley
The u.oro indepeudent republican
papeia of the state uow tnut Joe Can
uou ia down aud out are criticising
Congressman Hawley for his Bubaert
ieucy to that iudivldual. It will take
onuisderable explaining too ou the
purt of Mr. Hawley. The hand-wr t
lug ou tbe wall ia plniu that Cannon
ism, Aldricbism aud tbeir cohorts
must go. Even the Oregouiao, hide
bound partizan as it is. admits that
republicans wbo bave stood for the
interests are doomed to deleat.
A Bright Boy.
The gentlemen who came to see
daddy said 1 wus one of the most In
telligent children tbey ever saw," said
little Jack.
"Indeed!" said the proud mother
"Did you recite 'Little Dropa of Wa
ter for them?"
"No. I refused." Loudon MalL
Both the Jumbo and
Butte Have Big Free
Milling Gold
Tbe Gol It erg uintric.t in getting la
shape to spring a big Btiroriae on the
mining wnrM coe of these days ac
cording o A O. Kelley, an experi
enced mining man, who wa in towa
In commenting on tbe prospects
over there he said :
"We are going ahead wKb oor'de
velopmnt work in an unostentatious
way. We are not sounding cymbals,
but are opening up our gonad last
as fast as oar limited m-ans will per
mit and the showing todav is ;far bet
ter than GoldrJeld could exibbit at
same stage ot devepoment Indeed,
bo far as surface showings go, we out
class either Gold field or Tonopab,
and our known mineralized area is
fully as etxeusi7e as either of those
two well known camps.
4 "Except in mete prospect location
work, the main work of the camp is
confined tu two groups of claims the
Butte in the Jumbo, in which J.J.
Keily tbe man wbo niae millions out
of toe famous Goldfleld Florance is
the main stay.
"Both properties are looking un
exceptioually well, and present work
ings in each show them to bave tbe
ear-marks of making a mine ot tbe
Qrst class.
"On the Jumbo, the shaft is now
down 85 feet. t,very foot of tbe bot
tom is in solid ore. From tbe bottom
across-cut tunnel has been driven 30
feet, all in solid ore, and tbe breast
of tbe tunnel is still in ore. Tbe re
markable thing about this immense
ore body is that it is all of tbe nuest
free-milling gold ore ever Been by Mr.
Kelley. He ban personally made care
ful sampling of this vast ore body,
and after eliminating all tbe rich
seams, has got a return of ill gold
per ton 1 This is something astonish
ing, and if mill-tests produce the
same results, it places tbe Jumbo in a
class by itself, above tbe Homsatake,
aui other big free-nilliug mines!
"Tbe Butte, too, is in a class by it
self. The cross cut tunnel driven
60in s oOO feet to tap tbe rich vein that
appeared on tbe surface .cut it at a
depth of 221 feet beneath tbe apex.
Tbe vein at that depth showed four
feet of $03 ore, and also oue foot of
197, both free-milling gold I
"I want you to understand thesi
values are not bear say nor bave tbey
come to me as second band as 1 care
fully selected tbe ore, and made the
assays myself.
"The fajt of tbe matter is these two
properties will give Lake county a
place on tbe mining map. to say
nothing of tbe other pioperties there
with tbe ear marks of mines , but on
which no development work has been
done, and some day not far off tbe
skeptical will be telliug what a good
chance they bad for investments
in these minss, l.ut missed the op
LaKeview Development
Company will Open The
Old Office Here
S. H. Harrold, President of tbe
Lakeview Development Co returned
from Alturas Monday and will again
open up offices here, ou April 9tb.
He fluds that the business of the
oompany is attaining stich dimen
sions that it is necessary to bave an
office here as well as in Alturas. Re
garding this company tbe Alturas
New Era, of tbe 2rtb says:
Tbe Lakeview Development Co. is
taklug an active inteiest in this sec
tion, aud from what they bave done
in Moose Lake Valley, It is reason
able to expect that good results will
be ohtaiued.
Mr. Nelsou of the Lakevie Devel
opment Co., from North Dakota is
here investigating tbe XL ranch pro
perty, aud every indication points
that tbey will subdvide this fine tract
of land containing 0000 acres.
"There goes another paper to
piean, " exclaimed a Kansas editor on
reading a notice that an editor by
tbe uame of James Press bad married
Miss Emma Paper.
A Manhattan boy who was asked
the name of the Pesideut replied
"Taft is now, ;tut Teddy is ooming
It now looks as though Cannon
only a stuffed prophet, atfer all I