Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 24, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    . . .SAM1NKU, i.aKKV ii-.v , I'Kl t.ON, Till 1MA, M AllCII 24, HUtt
Lake County Exam in
rgest Sworn Circulation m Oregon Outside of Portland
Official County Paper
RrfrUlHT StMllillUK 1 II l',,'n- oi't'Kl ,
J on
in er, In mivunw
-....-.... ...,..., ..... A i atii.llnff Kit. ' iiit.i-tn,
tbno1 five twice month. ',.m of comjxwl-1 Thri-e month, " .
ton rhrx..1 tor all xtra rhni:e All it'iai . not pal 1 13 a.lvaiu-e, I J.SO the year.
otito: xira All uliort Irrm ailt. extra
Kradi ro. loom Foluinim, 1(V. .t line each In
slIK.n. Want ails. .V. a lln earn Inaertlon Notice to Subacrlhrra
rd of thnk ll.rti. Keo liitioti of romla- ,-.-..,
it ui.niituuiMi oiKwtiiwritu I lie t.iamlnor who remove
.tkII lMimi.1 from one locality to another, or ehanK.
I "Tratletit A.lT, r!ling and Job rrlnt- . ,h(,jr p,,,,,,,-.. mtilivii. utinuhl rotm-ml-r in
tnu. " i n advan. e. I drop this olttoe a rani ao their pa(H-r ean he ail
All Mil uium le paid the first of each month. I Jre'd to the mUt poatolttov.
Business Methods for Government
Business is Aim of Senator Bourne
The Examiner believes iu fair-play,
ana iu Theodore Roosevelt's idea of a
qnnre ! al llecause a man oiay
bave Ideas that te uo seeui er
roneous is no sigu that we should
rait him h "fool" a "uiuoy" or oitn
"cotupoop. " as is tbe practice of au
ovrgron haekwooas coi'utry news
paper issued daily up iu Portland.
For it-s-tauce that "alleged"- news
paper never neglects an opportunity
to abuse niH misrepresent the
Jt. quake with fear and trembling!
The senator, however, iu presenta
tion ot his bill wires utterance to fob
lowing words which to the Examiner
at least sound as though having come
from a statesman, rather thau from
th mind of a were machine politi
cian, which common report indicates
has iu the rust represented Oregon iu
national affairs :
"The Oovernuients's niouey is the
people's aouey aui tu" Ucverument'a
business is the people's busi.-ness.
mi I 1 . I...... 1L..I
torial delegation Ironi this state, j pecpie are euuucu to auo.v um
Oood, bad oriudillerent may be their j their money is beiug expended ac-
of them is the coram? 10 oesi-Knowu uusiuess tue
! thods The busiuess of the C.nvern
i ruent is now conducted bv methods
its treatment
A ease i-j point is tbe effort of Sen
tor Bourne to reduce expeuses of the j n rony respects antiquated
Mineral government b- placing its struction rather than destruction, re--fTaira
nrnn a husinesslike basis. For ! cognition rather than suspicion.
opened Iu Portland 1J the Oregon
Oood Koad Aaaocintlou and it la
planned to wage an HCtle cmii Mgo
constantly for good roads throughout
the state. Funds to cairy on th-
ork havo tieett subscribed and not
only will Mind roads legislation Is
fathered but demonstrations of ap
proved road making will lie carried
on ami it is hoped to secure the tip
polntment of a highway commission.
Much good expected to result Irnm
the campaign. (
The Portland Telegram Is evidently ,
in the insurgent class, ju Iglng from
the futlo iutf :
This is what tbe South Dakota Ke
publicBiis said after couimHtiHng
President Taft for bis loyalty to the
Kuosetelt policies: "l" be dominat
iug issue In the coming campaign is
the wresting of control of National
legislation from special Interests in
trenched behind Speaker Cannon ot
the llouxe and l.eadei Aldrich of tho
Senate aim their supporters. Hefore
the South Daki.t Uepuldlcans pro
pose to net down to tbe wor of
wrestim: any control that ellects
Meshrs. Cannon and Aldrich. they
liu I hotter eonsult Taft persouallj.
and not take too much for granted in ,
a political setise.
A biu step forvard has been consii
mated wbeu the government steps in
as umpire iu a dispute between labor
and capital, as ia the case iu the
threatened Keneral railroad sttike and
the steel makers at liethlebem, Penn
And tbe general government should
exert itselt to protect the public,
always oretet under such condi
tions. That is what Itie overiiuir..i
is for. Otherwise, it better get mt
of business and let unnrchf rein !
Wc w ill sell you a strtion of tin- famous Sunny Southern Alberta
wheat w ill prod mv ! to "U Imsluls ju t acrr, lor it first
cash tut incut of SL'.COO to $:.(()() anil Half the wluat crop oil L'OO
acres yearly until the land is paid for
You et till the crop on any land you cultivate above the L'OO aeies
on which we only et Half.
You do not have to pay one cent in money alter the first payment.
Land at 81f to $'.'." per acre near railroads and elevators.
that especial purpose tbe Seuator has
introduced a bill iu the Senate es
tatlishii!k' a "Coveruaieut Uusiuess
M'thods Commission" tn Investigate
Itoverumeiitsl b.isiuei-s affairs, ami to
provide letter and uiore ecouomicel
KfBDS rf bandlinrf tbe same.
In suiiort cfthia very meri
torions ii phure we bHve failed to
observe ar v neution, either depreca
tory or nieritrr'uos o' tbe backwoods
exponent of .InumiilUm
In support of his bill, and as a
snb-comniittee in its favorl le pre
sentation to the senate, tir-ocirtted
with Sei-n'oT iio'irne .re Senators
Aldrich. C;uHm and Koot In repub
liran ecuricds, it lenst, tlinr- tiieu nre
of the verv eltct. Lift, it is Mr.
Borune's bill. i ri.luute i atrl for-uu-late.1
by biui, ana to him alone
nbould be t l.t- crei'it given, aud the
great back-. oods editor gels off bis
favroite "; nd", "uiuny" uiincome
poop." cr el?e Biainta:u-. an awful
silence t!.;.t tuu.-t make Jt:i.t:i.i'
merit rather than demerit, should be
the aim of every public servant and
results rather than verbal sou!!'., ti e
measure of his nchieveiuut. "
In this matter Seuator Alr.lich
made the damaging statement to re
publican men and measures in the
senate that it cost j:!00, UK'.IH'O a jeiir
more to ruu the government than
would be the case were modern bnsi
uess methods employed.
If, as Senator Monroe and Aldrich'
declare, that extravagance and mis
Diunagmetit of our national allairs i
are the rule, and it is true that the
btisiiU'SS of the eouutry i conducted
a such a lois, it w'll stand the re .
publican party well in hand to cor
rect this eil without delay, under
penalty of being replaced by more'
capable bau is !
Auil if Senator bourne brings about
such a reformation for tbe beuetit of ;
the people of this nation, Oreg' n at
least should not deuy him the meed
of praise.
In au iuterview recently A. F
Prucker, a wealthy civil engineer of
California, say that New Zealand i
the most civilized of all couutries on
11,0 ii,.. i .,.t Ir.w titlte I. lie do
scribed it as "a good country and
oue in whi.n there is no graft. I ,
:--::;.rr;;rr;::r:TA!CTION ENGINES
HI . ll.Hl Ttil I till I't'i't in nir ' '
frit-iitily t" AnifrU'H hiuI A int-i icniiH. "
Chance for Capital
Yehavea solid Mock ot seven sections, consisting of S00 acres iu
SPNnV AlJUvRT that we will sell for $ mr acre, which is a special
buy, on the teiius olV(l per acre down, and the balance in one, two
three or four years at only pet cent bitcrcst.
A larcc part of the land immediately .idiomin this tract of laud is
under cultivation, a..d mote wi.l be 'moUci up iu the sptin.r, by the
settlers to whom we have so il adjoinine tctitns.
One crop of w inter w heat w ill pa lo this laud and ive vou a bij
surp'us iu the bank besides.
The yield is Irom llll tt b() bushels, and and at ) cents, the usual
price secured, you ean figure the return, less 31- per acre, a bi; estim
ate for ol i iroduetiou.
See us or write us soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valuble lands are bein rapidly taken by enterprising Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or lurthcr information.
IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Examiner Office, Lakeview, Ore.
There is no difficulty in New- Zea j
land In securing investment ( f capl j
tal to develop wutpr power, the water
puwer Is
not sold but leiie I by the j
people through the government.
There ehould be none in Oregon, mid
when the schemers find that lliey hit
not going to he al !e to t oy on and
mcnupiilizH the water power ot the
state, rt.a! capitalist -t will get I u-V
Madeline Plains Will Be
Made by Their IL:
Big Fertile Farm
rmir-coif n tuouth
cowf rtair prnvini
Mammoth Stables
C. a. AffTHUH. Pu-ioii
'I be '.nrgi-xi l.lii n mid I'ii o '
ur . . r I lit IU ( ii 1 1 Ii il li hi . lint in
nr V' nt b S.i i inl A l li-iii 1 mi
-1 .i lil.' In . . iu I hern ! n' m
I'., hi! In i l.t- I in v. U i i k
t ih i li In I I IHihIi-IiI SI.ii-I,
I. Not 1m ot the .Madeline
i Mendou hand A Irrigation Company,
An Illiuoi newspaper declares that : ri- .,. lutt-n p-weil ut Kenu by a
(.'anuihlsiii is a real tvil. It t'.e pre- I .Iminiiil repuiUr, who writes us lol
I i
methods and practices of this i o'
Lincoln Fought for the
Principles of Eternal Rrighk.
evil are continued at Wasliintgou, it
may not lie long before a mutlou to
make the assertion of i nr contem
porary unanimous will oe in order.
T "' pe. ijde of Californ ia in tbe
candidacy of Johnson for governor on
the republican ticket and Hell cm the
democratic ticket, no matter which
man wins, will redeem itself from the
thrall lorn of machine political rule!
The New York World has dou the
nation a service iu leviving the fol
lowing from oue of Lincoln's speech
es in his joint debate with Douglas
on the slavery questiou :
"Higbt or wrong that is the real
iHstia. That is tbe issue that will
work and toil and earn bread aud
will eat it.' 1 ask you if it is not
false philosophy Is it not false
statesmanship that undertakes to
build a system ot policy upon the
basis of caring nothing abo'-t the very
thing that everybody does care most
Roosetelt says he is ready to lay
down his trustv gun. Hut what in-
- -
tereslsthe "interests." and one Joe
liCannou, aud a .Mister Aldrich, is
a1 whether he is again going to pick up
aud wield that big 8ick 1
conitnue in this country when these about?"
poor tongues of Judge Douglas and
myself shal' be silent. They are two
piiuciples that have stood face to
lbs begiuniug of tune Bnd
will ever continue to
The principle of the common right
of humanity is just as applicable to
the great issue of tbe day as it was to
the qiieatious before the war. The
trugglu. Tbe! issue now is whether there snail ne
I l .1 -.- .-. t Odtllo Tl
one is the emmon right ot t.umaulty , govemmeui uy aun iu, iut .
and the oth.:r is -he dirine riht of; by and tor money and privilege.
The cleanest, newest, and fairest
minded newspaper in the Pacific
Northwest is tbe Portland Journal.
It should find a welcome in every
home in Oregon.
Congressman Iiawly has furnished
The Kxamioer with a copy of his bill
for opeuiug the Klauibth Indian reservation.
kings. It is the same principle in
whatever -he it develops itself. It
h the same spirit that says: "Vou
It is the priuciple of the square
deal; of equal opportunities to all
and special privileges to none.
Insurgency is Becoming General
All Through the West,
The attempt lo continue the rule of rear in this matter. Insurgency is
Joe Cannon as speaker is now clear J jn the interests of the people; it is
eut on the part of the trusts and the
result will not be to the liking of the
iiit-irests. nor their subservient ad
herents. It will r.'sult in eight republican
iticurgentB going to f-::-' m
California, and otber - ' ''"
likewise will send such n . ' '' u
gress. Oregon should not fall t. tin
their tight; thev now uodemtuud the
aituatiou, and they will stand by any
rudn who is iu earnest in bringing
about a change in existing political
con litions.
Irichism aud (.auijoninin have
got to w. and bo have tbe men who
b'-tve in a 1- Mich class privilege cou
di.ioua p 'hible iu this country.
New Shirt 'ali-ts dtiuty
pleasing on display HIM
Notice to Water Users.
(ViiiimtMicint; on May let Tim I-uke
view H'nter Co. will churjro all water
used by renters, to the owner of tbe
iroper'lv tbroilKboilt the residence
Hen-after the irrlKitlou of Lhwiih
mid irardetiM will be restricted to tbe
use of HiirinklcrM.
M.'1M1'4 rrt-a'dent.
Tbe enrtonus of th- llorrow-go- " ht l" pe -t c: v id
,. I that sort of ti-ipg tuetei.
gain on tbe confiervatiou ques- -... 1..,,
Jiou are like its editoriulo, on the j j.;, j 0h. editor of tt.e
a me topic, fearfully and wonderfully t ( has beau lo Porto IMe
fit.;:-! for
. tclii lllj
and in
Blue Prints Made
I will nmke lilue Priiita f
any towiinblp of land In the
Lakevli-w Land Hintrlct, and
do abalnict work. Call or
lakeview - - Oreston
aide! The management of that pa
per simply make themselves ridicu
lous when they contend that because
loud in his praise of that iolaud.
says among other things:
"Twentv acres iu grapefruit trees
uiw .pur. fibl ujtll unriririrl u furitilv
restrictions are to be placed on water UU(1 euablu It lp sport an automobile.
powers, so tuat tney win noi oeoome
"vested rights," that the people are
being robbed. Uncle Bam rightly
stands guard over water-powers, to
keep them out of the hands of pi l
r&la interests for exploitation of all
tbe people, for selfish aggrandize
tent. Because such robbery has been
considered legitimate lo the past la
and have butter on its bread.
Well, ten acres la apples in Lake
county, Oregon, will do tbe same
thing, aud then some more, and you
will not bave to get sea sick either to
get bare.
With Judge Lionel V. Webster iu
charge. headquarters bave been
VrWc (; wliile tliyLuKt.
nil Land Grant Lanila,
and ban tlieORUON fllLITAKY KOAD
(irant complete, by HectlouB,
Entire output of ftlilH man owned by
427 Lumtiermen'B Bldjf.
Portland, Oregon.
.Mr. Junes sai 1 that I'ule bik, their
principal reservoir, has in it im-v
enough water to last ali Mimmer au I
luruish all necawsary irrigation lo the
lands settled. And that does lint
lake iuto accouut the water that will
be caught by the Tuie lake reservoir
Irom the spi ing Hoods yut to come.
Their reservoir No. '2 in also ready
to "deliver the goods." in augumen-
tation of the lulo reservoir.
Some new settlers for the .Madeline
Meadows company a laud camu Iu
yenteiday morning an I will go out j
this morning . Mr. Jones expects I
mnie to reach I'.ei'o this morning. !
Nebraska people at .Madeline, says Xr. '
Jones, have ordered a tiactiou engine
aud gang plow for use there as a sort
of a "club" proposition., The engine
cost about UXMJ, aud the plows about!
Oo. This cooporative plan is ex-
pected to, aud will, work great econ I
omy in the development of kthe laud. I
The outfit was sbippad early this
mouth, and will be iu operotiou this
In virgin grounH ;wiin me, engine
they can pull ubout lo plews ; audi
once the ground Is plowed, they can i
use 2" plows on theotie engine, or In
other words plow br furrows at onoe.
With such an outfit, Bays Mr. Jones, i
X acres a day can be plowed virgin I
land. !
He says that with one en( Ine the j
company cleared 2"0 acres of sage
brush in six days, pulling a urusn
cutter of steel which cut the brush
at the roots. Thn V-shaped cutter
piles the brush in windrows on either
side ot the st-jet.
I liropt-.iii I'hin
from n Clip i
Sojunrc Alcil ---I
's --- N oil ill
I: vei l t liinj;
d ctitfci- l ;i
enll and - ry
Come Again.
I:. 1:. SWLN50N, I'roprK tor.
I. O. O. F. Block, Lakeview, Ore. J
Goose Lake Valley Irrigated
For Rent,
lO.IHX) ncri-H, will divide hhiih) Into any el.e fnriii desired. All under
tin- New Canal with llrst, preference water rlghta The very Cream ol
the Valley Selected yearn nil level, s-lfect allalla binds. Will
litnse fur term of years for part of crop. Some Iioiimi-h mid barim
will be. built for (IcHircnble tenants, Must gdve relerenct-H. Write
Hunter Land Co.
Well i-'jirKo, HIiIk.
J 'ori l.t lit I, Ore.
He who Inventei wisdom died and
was buried aud bis bones are forgot
ten, but the purveyors of rooiisnuess
are on the lecture platform ana me
stage, and we hand them every dol
lar we can dig up.
Our shipment ol ladies muslin uu
derwear has just arrived 1-lngeria
fashions for 1910 olleis some beauti
ful patterns. Kee and you'll appre
ciate them. Ladies Combination gar
mentsour leader H fc M
Ladies muslin underskirts Host
line we ever had li & M
Chlltron Cry
jam MtcaiiryMiim.i Tir-Mgmieia
i imi ivun iwiuui ci i l. Bakery
dec oii.'iiul Tom Hotai, I'roprittors.
L.'ikc vicw, Ortjoti
I'rtsh I. read, Cuke and Tics on sale every day
Fancy Cake find all kind of J'astry made to order
The only first class short older jijaee in the town
Open Day and Night
sal fotfiiiTftrflyn
. i vi'v:.' x. 'i.. i iw . i i.juiifl
strong, durable, comfortable
Kirmenli for workingmen
Don't 4,Paint,f Don't Paper,f
Don't Do a Thing in that line
Until you See
The Lakeview Decorative Co
We know how to Buy
We know how to Sell
We know h w to do the Work.
Boone & Blees
New Bakery
Will have Fresh Dread, Cakes and Pies every
day. Lunch Counter In Connection.