Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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'VIKW, l,A K K COI'NTY, OltKUOX, MAKCJI 21, 1910.
NO. 12
A Panama Business Han
Writes for Information
as to Our Many
l Tim Lake County In grow-
INK '!' y day Our local govt:rn
inwut miiiI oltlce. In iiM'iilfiim M. to HO
letter it I'ttv making t)tniiirliiH um to
lands for sett t ': tin t ft very reHldent
an I every IninliiivH nun lit h wain pel
with i !(: I rl-M, h to "iniiCfH fur
iiouin in x k I i kl and 1 1 1 n ii 1 1 'or liH n I -uhhm
TIm'mm In uirim iiniiiii friiin every
COIII'KIV itllO plllllt Clf lllll CllllipilliS.
One of (In inont r "im nt ones In I rout
Crlntntiiil, on I lu I'miauia Ciiniil zone.
Tim writer says tin lallioad win
there am t i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 k' ii riiiiiiiiny of on
hundred in.ii, inch mm putting up
out thousand dollar to buy tl large
tract u' land, no I hut when the t - n it I
U fliil-thud they wilt luivtt 11 farm on
which to local.
'lllll people Inti'lei-led '.Mint llllllll
proied wln-ul, hlm'K, 1 1 in l.-r. ft lilt or
general tunning 1 hey entrc
tO li M . A WllHl lllilllll-llil'lit n w-i I. live
for mich B colony?
I ii reply The IvimiiIhit "ii ti HHHtire
them we him- jiik the Iiiii'Ih thuv Meek
III it H-et um now In H virgin htnte,
I. lit whlili l riuit.'e nl being brought
In n iMin III Ion i f IT uliii'l Hem I
tut in ( s i. ml fruit ut nil liln. In, ex
ept tropli-ul 'il l lie hni. I I, enp
ill In i.f . . i. lur Iim kImmi rliiP' .villi
mil irrigation h v dn farming me
llm Im, mi. I niilei ! lui iirl
gat 'mi If i le.l f a fruit production
Mirll Mi II p leu, IM'tli' t". I elii'ln -..
pears, clellli-t, u 'l I I . I I le.i .1 nil
kliiiln, Inch im' I t i i" i I 1 ' v e
pert tu he I he bi-t gr..-Wi ll .' hell
Ill Ihw il l. !u il.c. Mi'lilii'e ill. 'I
keeping 'i ill If lei.
ThH I'.xuil liter -l. i n t . I advln' th":c
people I . f t e , until. g iitiywhe.n to
t hruoug'il V i umlne the inerilM of
t llU sect lo tl.
Business Like Methods
of New Line Point to
Jim Hill
Vulo Orliuio. TliiH week ti deed whu
roeoldod hy ;.th llolno .1 WuHlerii
Kullwiiy CompHiiy nrnutlim thmn u
i Itfht if wy over tltu KohiI Compiiny
IhikI hIoiik the DHrrow phb In the
.nnyoij In TowuhIiIp I'.' mid Khiiuph
11, 4' 4il. Kuch diiv need their lina
i t rltcht of way thruiiKh Centrul (re
uon timdn more perfect Hnd preeent
itidiioilioiiB point tlmt they hnv now
prni'l ii Hlly eiioiiKh hud Hecured to
uive theiii their Inlet to tho Interior,
tiud over th iiHtne territory that I he
llHrrliuuii Byntein i-oiiteiupliiteH lining.
Thin will menu two riudH throuuh
Vulo direct to the Cnimt inil Ciili
fornlM. Tho Proper Spirit
The Mendocino Cttlif , Heacoii iu
i iruui in the pioper Mpirit when It
The election of United Ktutea Kcni .
loin hy votiulur vote Ih another uti
liortunt matter. Tlmt money biiyn
many of tho ueatH in tho Semite fur
millionaire.) and uorporatiou repie
HeutativuH Iimh l.eeti eHtahliHhed he
yond 11 dnuht The tarilf him I men
revlwed upward iu Npite of the pro
tehtu of a nmjorlty of the votorn anil
in the face of 11 party plat form prom
itiitiK a reviHion (lowiiwued. Do you
HuppOHt' thiH wool I huvn occurred if
the people had u direct vol 0 in the
matter and the iiieinhpra to huth
JlouaeM tieen Biiliject tu recHll.
A utau who will not work for menu
ureH urantiiiR the people a voice in
their Government denervea no connlil
erutioii at their liumiH.
All of which Biinuiered dowu means
"rrinciiiles Not Politiue," a uentl
inetit that, in rapidly t-rowluu lu tbia
laud of oura.
Another Insurgent
Tho Kudding Searchlight is another
. stnunoh lusurgeiit. judging from tlio
following :
Or.r eteuing ooutemporary quotes
lliratn W. Johnaou'a supporters as
those Bgnlnsl the Kverumeut. Vos,
very tiuo; they are against the ov
erumout of tbo Hepublicau machine.
These Jobnaon aupportera are agulust
the tfoverumeut ot tbia State by tl e
railroad; against the government of
the great law breaking trusts; egalntt
any klud and all kinds of government
that ia against the wtirura of the peo
pie of this great Slate
' Thousands or fllamenta for eleotrlo
lights can be made from a pound ot
Undecided Yet as To the,
Route, and We Should
Get Busy
Gen. H. Oliver of I he N C O ial.wav
was In town Ttiiirsdi.y. 'He came up
to lie.k iivni tlie union. I m ft in !'
tcrmina W hat course to take for the
ftakevlnw exteiinion Otmotliit alunU
he p thin trip was H oeveii inllH wiilk
H-OOII'i II - llllMO of l'Hlllier llllllll tMIII
Oil ( ioonn L ike.
Some time idnee h mild" trip up
ir-u Wi lt I to of llm l.nkH and because
o' that (net llm p'-ophi oxir then) Hri
nuking h tt' reiiuuoH eirmt to ye I. tit)
ruie I tu km til up tlmt til'ld. In hoiiih
WMV8 the hue lip tint '-nl Kine of till)
I. like would he inure lei mntnk'euiiH I
the i-otnpiiny l'ur on thltirf 't would
hit eimler iiml eheniier to uritde, llm
line, um I Knottier tlilntf the eipeiiHe
for rif't of wy would Im reduced to
(lie lowed in I tl I mo in WhilM thin
in I K lit hiive ItH weiht with tfin fom
puny uiiil-rcer him elixiiuiHtir.iieii, tho
hllnltlen III pli'-ent III on the KlIMt
flue. And II would he the mime even
Ihouuh I he rotid 'huull I'.ume upon
the Went Side, Hit there Ih 110 iiH'Htiot
hut thill, peoplu h'tvii to o to the rull
roa l in tiny event Hurt liinu' din
eovered Him fiti-t. mi I t ir tlmt reiiM.iii
never mu le mi iilt.-inpt lo enter thin
The x it ii. I hit. however. lielieveM
tlmt when the NCI) riiilruitd k'etn
reiidy loiiinke kiiiiui it plmiH the
people of t he Side, end iil-to of
liiikeview. will li reiidy lo weh-utliH
the ion I mi l will noi lay liny oIimItiic
HoiiM t. lie wuv of It rupld exl.'li
i-l. Hi up the tint leu (no-e Liikw Vnl
It in tlin intention of the ollli'iul of
the ei it.piiny to i-oiill ni.'iUe their wiuh-i-h
known, no I we hrlleve pitlilu; eti
tiitienl ln-te. IK f 1 1 1 -1 n 1 1 V Voire I hy
the 1 1 ii I I o Tra le, A ill ni'i'ord tin-in
n rol l lit! w i-li'ii::ie.
The Government Attorney
Says They Waved the
Pirate Flag!
WASHINdTON, Mnrch 15.-',Tliey
I, live wuveil the l.ln;k lliiK Httuiu over
the l.iiiil an olherH have done over
the ocean Do I deny they have de-
uiniitttrHted their ahility: .No. they
have competed with 1111 ability un
equalled iu thin country
In thene worn a I' rank li. KcIIock,
fur the (ioveruu eut aitniuned the
Stan lard Oil Company before the
Siiprenio t'.iurt of the Ualted btBtea
t idity in the t-t'coud dny'H aruuieut
of the case for tho dlnH"lutiou of the
New .leroey corporation, as decreed by
the Unitcil t-tuteB Cir nit Court for
the 1-ianteru DiMtrU't of Mlnsourl.
ThV "With itH ramillcationa, ita in
llueui I'm and itH money power k'vb "
cattrt blauu, let it coiutiiue, an Mr.
WntHou HiiuueHtti, and let it cut prices
an Mr. Milbt.rn epeaka about, I pre
dict it wilt control every iuduetry iu
this couutry in ten years; yea, hi live
years. "
"What in likes a ireut country?"
lie aked "Not. ureal corporatioiiH.
It is the individual; the independent
proprieior with the star of hope that
lias always been held out to mail be
fore ti 1 111 . Your Honors, it is but h
step from combination to Socialism,
and but another I10111 Socialism tu
John ( Milburti, the .Standard Oil
attorney, who did not Huisb yester
day, closed his opeuinv argument for
the defence early iu the day.
"Here," he said, "is an organiza
tion that has a continuous life of forty
yedrs. 1 don't say tho uieu iu it
have never done nnythiut wrout.
J 11 us, I auk, by Imiiiitu standard. 1
have 110 doubt it has done things that
lias bad no riuht to do. Hut it. done
this; it lots fought for the uiarketluK
of an Au.t-ricau product; for the de
livery of an Ainreicau product all
over the inhabitable (.lol e. ''
Alter Bourne's BUI
I A substitute for Senator Bourne's
enlarged homestead bill has been re
ported favorably upon by the puplio
lauds onmuiittee of the senate. The
substitute bill provides that tracts ot
laud in Oregon not having a supply
of water for domest io'purposes s utile i
cnt to make noutinuous relsdeuce up
on the lauds possible sluill be subject
to entry without necessity of resi
dence, l'ateuta shall issue upon a
showing that one-eiuhth of the entry
was cultivated duriug the second
year, one-fourth during tbe tbiid
year, aud one-half during the fourth
year aud ilftti years, and that the eu
trymaii shall reaide near enough to
tbe land to farm It,
High Prices for Sheep
KANSAS CITY, Mwrch 17. Four
now price records with made lu the
sheen market liero today. Lambs
wore sold at 110.20; yearling. M iO;
wetlioru, 18,2. and ewer $H.
ii umimrriirv
Murdoch of Kansas Gives,
Definition in Letter to
a Californian
"iNsi;i:;i;.cv-An . n n r t to
write upon public opi-iiou a defini
tion of ( lie unit nl r 1 U ti L and wrotlK III
preHi-iit cond It In m "
Such is CnuireHriiiin Victor Mur
lock's definition of ilm wor I which
deiiiiiHl en the piinenl 1110 vcllieti t,
which, heuiun t K in CoiinteMH as a
plolent nun iimI C111111011 n 11 and -rii'liU'ii,
'inn Hprea I nil over the
country. Mr M nr. hicks 's delluil 1011 is
litithoritiit ive, for the reaiou that Uh
Ih a leader of the iiiHurueuts
and kn"WH iiHiirttHncy from its
II re t uiHiilfe-itiitloii It was cuutianed
in a letter the Kmnhhs C.ini(ri!oiau
wrote in answer to one from the Kh.
W. S I'ryNe, piiMtor In the Prenby
teritti Church at Cnmhria, thit Statu,
who is an old lime friend of the Mnr
dock family and who uri-cd him to Keep
up the lliiht
Mr Murdock replied as follows:
"Kplyln to your very inercstinK
letter, permit me tu nhv In tenuontie
of your hope flint the lltfht will he!
kept up, that the c intent really cett- j
ters around an idea which is more
potent t lift 11 any man o" set of men.
The proteht cailel i -ihu rureni'y, if it)
were me'ely a prutet. wo ild speed '
ily n, no doubt. Hot It has in it'
an Mlllrui'it i vn aspiration, to build .
anew the riilen whicti do not tit to
day 's cliiiuue I cond if inns. I ralin
that In tho prenent couf it -.ion a n eit
' many meu me apt to lielieve th:i. lu
! niirKem'y is none minor person"!'
jcitiotio'i, ft uiimleil in individual ilis-
lippoliitnietit, or tctnpirumenl'U test-'
' leHHiiens ilut many others like
j vour-elf know i to he w tint it in,
tu. i ll. .it to write upo pul ll 'pinion
11 delln it ion of tlie inoriil ri'ht aud
! '.MO u 111 prencnt CO dl'l HIM.
I "Once the ditlni i 11 is writt n,
I I In. niun with the thouL'lit and flu
sinu'le I l.riiMi wl.i h epre-se i. will
r cut of t he ion .
n ld into Tills exprehnlon
tier. winch went very
keenly into tin h -art ot tLta-.. 'llm
ran h can not die. ' '
"In cotii'lii.linK', let me toiy t 1 you
in all sri etity. t tin' ttieriw'ht 'f
(tiirai0 is i'iii;il.' J hy lt rehp usi
bihty. aud thatr-rpon ibility outit
to he tin ver cry inn demand upon
every citizen that lie l.e active lu the
t'Aercisi- i.f sutlrau'O. and thit' he nev
er fail lu use it a the cxpreshion not
of h's interest, tint of liis coivictior.
Thfie is a Kruat fUht ahead. Tin
winning ii to be by tin itiivid lal who
counwcuunly draws it line between
in.,r:;l rik' t and wrouft aud who hav
ing drawn it makes his tlt;ht pon
Looks as Though New
Orleans will Get the
Big Exposition
WASHINdTON, Maich, 1G Latiu
America will joiu the movement for
a celebration of the opeuiug of the
I'li'iainu Canal iu NewOrleaua in 191.").
Diploinatio representatives of the
Central Americau aud South Ameri
can nations held a conference with
the New Orleans delegation that is
now iu Washington, yesterday In
July the delegation ot citizens from
New Orleans will go to tbe Congress
of Latin Republics In Hueuos Ayres
and formally iuvite their repreeentu
tiou. Scared Hoboes
Alt 1'ita New Ira, 1(5: Yes'erday's
train did not arriva in AHuras until
six o'clock this inoruiug. When just
this side ot Madeline, a cat loud of
furniture tipped over. Heart render
ing yells issued from the capsized car
and the traiu ere at. ouce proceeded
to cut the car r pen. When a hole was
dually made, two hobos came out
through tho hole, and went down the
railroad track like mad. The train
boya wore too busy to, take after then,
so cut the over-turued car out aud
came on to Alturas.
Cheaper Freight
Cedarvillo llocord, 1(5: We are iu
formed that the N C-O will classl y
their freight and will establish a
schedule accordingly. Fourth claBs
freight will be delivered from Suora
meuto to Alturas at 87 oeuta er
hundred and from San Francisco to
Alturas will be jr cents per hundred,
dee I that looka like gettlug money
from home to lots ot ua.
It Is reported that the Oregon
Trunk Hue o :ming op tbe Des Cbutea
ia of a better aud more substantial
oharsoter, thau tbe (landman line
beside It. It ia pretty evident that
iiill is buildiug a real trunk llua
while llammaa a only runulug a
blulf "to save bis faoe'.
Petty thieves are
tiious la Cedarvllle.
getting Indus
People Will Now Have
Pit an nt Anmi-l 4 l-i
Privileged rew
On Sunday by the decisive result of
Ifll to W. votes. Uncle Joe (Jannnn
was shorn of his hair, not hi? whisk
frs cut., or in other words had his
arbitrary power wrested from hint
with which he has so faithfully and
at In Inn I! v served the truntu!
Mix power looted in the rulos com
mittee, of which he was chalruiau.
Under the new order of things, In
stead of live uietnhers as heretofore,
the com 111 it icq now com urines ten
members, and the speaker In Mtiicvisd
from the comrnitte".
Atfr the vole, by which fie bs
shorn of h power, he said the House
minht pod. us well deprive hi o of the
speakership. lint by a revurstl of the
former vote he tin retained as speak
er. However, after it was over he
uia 'e a speech in which he chided tlie
insiirKents for votiuu to retain him
as speaker, an I said they did nut
have the courage of their convictions
This atiKered them and they say the
next tiifnle with our Uncle Jo, the
leeillt tt ill brt dlirerent.
The defeat of Cannon was brought
uhoiit bv the union of the itisutKenU
and the democrats. The e,fect will
be to render impossible further d-ty-inu
ttie will of the people, an 1 forc
ing on thetn such leuislution as that
enacte 1 in the tariff matter, it will
also sho.v our Congressmen ttiat the
till of the people is supietne, od
ttmtltie t-ooner thy recouiz.e that
fact the better.
The Oregon Congressional ilelega
lion i-foil by ('aunou, a step they
may h tie occasion to regret.
Secretary Wilson Says It
is M the Farmer who
, Benefits Most
'We have already discovered that
ttie t'urme i-i not gettiug the exor
bitant piollts out of ttie beef he rais
es, ' said S.creta.y Willsou of the De
pur meat ot Agriculture, discussi g
the. high puces f f d supplies.
"1 have uo doubt, in tlie world," he
continued." that the same cond"
tious will be found to prevail in mot-t
ot the ther liues of food products
Ttie Oepsr 111 1' ot of Agriculture has
agents iu every state aud eve y coun
ty tu the couutry and they have
been ordered to report taively
on th cost of pro notion and the re
turns of sales of all of food products.
As fast ts we receive these figures
we will compare tnstn with tbe prices
tlie same products briup iu tbe
cities where they are consumed. We
will then give tbe fact to the public.
We intend o bring out tbe truth, ir
respectiv ' or whom it hurts or whom
it ben tits. 1 am convinced that tbe
public is cumpelle 1 ti pay a great deal
more for nearly eveiythiag it eats
than it eboul , an 1 b li Vj tue Dg
u es will bear me out.
There is ample excuso for some of
the iucrease iu the cost of living over
what it was yeais ago. The farm area
is uot keeping pace with the deirauds
for foodsiu.i. The cities seem to
have more attrac iom for the labor
ing man thau do the rural commum
ties. The horde of Immigration, as
well as ever-'ucieasiug native popula
tion, nitibt be fe - aud the farm is ex
pectel to furuisa tbe f.od."
Praise for Lakeview
The Alturas Plaiudealer, of the 18th
just commends this towu us follows:
Citizens of Lake view are setting an
example that should be followed by
Alturas. nud indeed, every town with
any civic pride. The salooua are
conducted according to la-, gam ti
lers, lusters, dead beats aud macqu
reaux have been run out, the streets
are kept in a decent condition, aud
now a sewerage system ia to be in
stalled. Indeed Lakeview citizens are
determined to keep sbreast of the
times. aud by doing so will build up
a pleasant little city to live in. Why
cannot our citizens emulate their
Niggardly Policy
W. M. Allen, sppeclal agent of the
U. S. deneral Land Oltiie, who was
here a short time siuce, hue been re
moved from ohice with others, for
lack of funds at Port aud to meet
their salaries. Tbe otllce at F rtlaud
regieta such dismissal, as it hampers
the work, but the niggardly policy of
tbe government rendered necessary
such action.
The taxes on an 80 acre farm up in
Skaurit county, Waah. were ouly
211. t'7. In kooiI old Lake county,
Oregon, with the court bouse paid
for, aud money iu the bank, ami a tax
levy of ouly aeven-tnth of one mill
we all have cause for rejoicing over
our leas fortunate neighbors every
Angora goata have proven their
worth in clearing mountain brush
land at Albany for setting out wal
nut trees.
uriifo rniinioinii I
Progressive Legislation
Possible to Check the
Insatiate Rapacity
of Wealth
national capitnl tonight ren.ll7.eM that
1111 event Iihm trnriMpired h-cmih In
p .lith'il imfiortn nci' only to that
which the 011-tlllg of the preniderit
would li. tlia the wcond mHt
potent oflicial in the government ha
ls-ri shorn of h decree nf power that
iniide tii in nlmoat ilictator of ell feder
I IfirixlxMoi,. Such 811 !mporirit
event having: trafHidred. everyone is
how fiBkltilf, 'U'liMt "ill le the effect
on peinlint: leglxlut ion?"
The liimirgerits, who lire progreo"
ive, predict corifldcntly that their vie
tory over the Cnnnon machine more
nearly assure that leiriHlation really
prouresKivr will lie eracted. Thev
nay that it Is merely for effect that
the reifulnrs who went down to defeat
expreHM fear bus the InsiPtrent victory
Interfere with legislative pronress.
Mlli-M Poindexter, insurgent con
ejresHtnan of Spokane, Wah.. now
rifoirnlzed as one if the leaders of the
pr'irresivcH, holds that view.
1 "I'uttinjr Csnnon off the rules coni-
mi 1 1 . he said, "mean" that many
MH'tltar. reforniM for which the cotin
i try has lieeti askinir fur a lonir tune
j will be made eaier of accomplish
j tnent Now that t tic hoiie end of
i t he cotijireHsiunal machine has been
I broken up, ir vvi'l he no longer pos-i-i
hie for the "Ititerestn" to dictate the
I laws. Hint Is what tbit victory
mean. It means bringing: nearer to
jtiu people, that authority of which
1 they have been robbed by wealthy
; Mitt-rctM.
i That M-emx to be the view grudtl
i al seeping into t he tired bruins here.
; v earv from four days of Incessant
1 lighting.
Desertion of Agriculture
by the Youth Respons
ible for High Prices
KANSAS CUT, Maich 10. Those
who have been upbraiding the packer
the farmer, tbe butcher and a bost of
other dealers on account of the high
cost of living, have been on tbe
wrong track according to Dr. H. W.
Wiley cbiet of the bureau of chemis
try ot tbe I'nited States department
of Bgrimilturr. Tonight in an ad
dress befom the K'life and Fork club
here Dr .wir juiced the blame.
"Ever? Mute a boy leaves the farm
it is a" i '"ret us to tbe increased cost
of liviug," h said. "A scarcity of
farm labor make wages higher aud an
a ided city populace adds to tbe cost
of food products
"People will soon tiie jof exorbitant
prices for the farm produots. City
people will see the farmer becoming
rich aud they will 'waul to share in
the profits. Then tbe boya will go
back to the farms and simultaneously
prices will recede to their normal
level "
The Bouanza bulletin, of the 17th
says: Lous Greher came in Wednes
day from Warner Valley, where h9
pu'ctissed a largv baud of cattle. Mr.
derber state 1 that be waa clad tu say
tht uot ouly being on the ginuud
aud seeiug for himself, but also inter
viewed such well knowu ebeepmeu as
Phil Lynch, Manual Sanders, Oau
Malloy, and Frank Laue and W. Z.
Moss. F. M. Miller aud other large
cattle men, that the losa lu both cat
tle and sheep was compartively light,
uot more than any previous seasou.
1 don't think tbe loss will be ten per
ceut, said derber.
The Oregou Development Company
is doing lots of work aud will souu
have thousands of acres ia the Oooso
Lake couutry under irrigation, and
1 predict that inside of one or t
years the country there will be
activity aud all this spleu .
will show what cau be do i .
need is the touch of wm'.-i- . .r.
summer aud grown ... )
New Town
Tba N-C-Q it-ad la building a
new town about wenty mile south
of Madeline. M"dno County. It is in
the lower end of tbe valley, Tbe com
pany managers declare it. will be a
division point, half way between Re
no and Lakeview. Tbe name of tbe
new town ia Ravendale.
Two distinct shocks of earthquake
were feu iu Jordon Volley,'. Malhear
county last week.
1T1L11 IU lIlfllVL
Harry Hunter Will Make
it Easy to Acquire
a Home in this
Rich Valley
There is an old saving that you can.
not keep a good man down and what
is true of an indivi tial ia also tru
of a commuutiy . K-ipcially is this
trua of Lakeview and Lake County,
where outside intliieucea ate always
alert to forward our interests.
One of tboie r.uUide Influences, and
which beyond doubt in the past baa
been one of the most prominent In
focusing atteution to this section, is
Marry A. Hunter, young in years,
but a real estate giaut, head of th
great Hooter Land Co. of Miunapolia.
Tbia concern is one of tbe greatest
real estate companies in tbe United
States. It handles, not only lands
all over the Union, but is tba general
sale agents of the gmat Canadian
Pacific liy. As an evidence of tbe
I amount of buhinese it has done tin
past eleven years tbe aveiage daily
. sales of farming lanns made by tbe
Hunter Laud Co. exceed 10UU acres
i per day 1 And tbe reason given for
! such a phenomena! record is tint
tbe purchasers all made money 1
j Mr. Hunter was the former cwnei
! cf the Oregon Military Koad druut
! which was sold by him to the Ore
igoD, Valley Lnd Co. and ty them
parcelled out to several tbousaud
people lact fall.
! After closing that big transaction
' Mr . Hunter secured other holdings in
j the Oolden Goose Lake valley, which
j he will improve, some day not too
far distant, to the great bnuetit of
i Lakeview.
While in Tacoma the 12tb., Mr.
Hunter again showed bis good judg
ment in real estate matters, by mak
ing an outright purchase o holdings
in this valley, mostly located ou the
Wnat Nolo r,f lha l(au.itr T.jlirl Cn
S of Tacoma. The Hewitt Co., formerly
owned the Oregon Valley reservoir
at Drews Creek, and intended taking
up the work of irrigation for Goose
Lake valley, since undertaken by tba
Oregjn Valley Land Company.
The union of Ibe holdings of these
two big concerns, the Hnnter Land
Co. and the Hewitt Land Co., means
much for tbe future wel'are and settle
ment of the Golden Goose Lake val
ley, ana especially so. coming unner
tbe control of such an enterprising
man as Mr. Hunter.
Our advertising columns give evi
dence of this iu the fact that tba
Hunter Land Co. purpose leasing this
land to capable and worthy tenants
on the most liberal and unusual terms
of retaining .".nly a portion of tba
croo of alafalfa as rent for its share of
tbe proceeds.
In furthering tbe interests of tbe
tenants Mr. Hunter proposes to erect
bouse, barns, dig wells etc and in
every way will work for the interests
of those who may thus become associ
ated with him in thia enterprise.
Witb plenty of watet available, and
a splendid market among local stock
men for the product bay $20 to 130 a
ton bere this winter there ia no
doubt about success coming to every
o .e who may care to engage in this
work,, as a partner of Mr. Hunter.
Those who may desire to become
interested by consulting tbe ad. can
loarn where to make enquiry as to
terms and conditions, tor securing
some of this laud, which was selected
years ago from the best pcrcions of the
valley, a-d iu every way are particu
larly desirable.
It Is lso very probable that some
of the presut residents ot tbe valley
will jump at this splendid opportuni
ty to secure an assured income on
such eBay terms.
Manual Issued by Gov
ernment for the
WASHINGTON, March 17.-The in
tsed cost of living has prompted
United States Departmeni of Ag
ttulture to instruct housekeepers
how to make the cheaper cuts of meat
palatable aud appetizlug aud to tbia
end a manual of economy in meat
cooking has been prepared containing
a variety of recipes and general infor
mation. "Economic Use cf Meats ia
the House" is the titlt ot the mauaul
which may be procured by address
ing a request to the Secretary ot Ag
riculture, 'lbs department officials
state that obeap cuta are moot diffi
cult to prepare.
Tbe scientists on tbe Puoiflo Coast
cow nsHert that Hull y' Conet sno be
seen just after aunset.