LARK COUNTY KAAMINKH. UKCAJKW, OKKUON. TUUHwDAl, MARCH 17.iVlu IEVEH v Texas Land ! v Sold on Crop Payment Plan Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c OUR PROPOSITION ; Wo will sill you an unproved inn in t lie (iulf District ot Texas, in Wharton; i u-t you pay by giving us two-fiftliH of your crop each ye i until we liivc receiv ed the purchase price. I It I0.IM I (UTfH of It WM urn. It roiitulne ovi-r 00 r fur h i iif iuuii from tlu i to f i 1 I -1 1 water to tb I ( t ti ,jr,jiatf of suiter l h of ill kin.. Any ( I, fiiM,t"l It In wltli Thl i'nniiiy hwik 2-V'M 'i',r'1 'iflui'l In croii tliln your. urnl yli'l'lml HO umiiH. to iwm of Urin Imll'llii. It U i H -I wliii Colorado lllr li.r it pnmpiiiir til i it I fn entire rity il H'. Iiiiim. Thin lainl U nil n blwk loi'ii iii It l i cane, allalfn.rot ton com, or . fiK'il v tli"" croitit cau lie trrown svitii i.i lrrliic cuniil for irrigation iiixt wltli ail vim ,i i 1 1 i nit i'"r Mtipply, It la piirlli'iiliirly hiiikxI to tin ciililva'Min 'if ii iii r urn till country. rli'M. Our InmlH will Im xol.l iKpili)4. (or irrivc'i' "in n if iKir'itittt of nntlU flxiit wilier to K ISK KICK or iinv OtHr Products o' IhM teuton, which InludeCANII, APILI25, IAIIS. :I(H, OKANdliS anil (IKAPt! FRUIT. Tin' p'lro of tliiiM lamM t ihm " i 1 1( t run iroui tjS.nO to $50 00 per Acre, nr-ct rll iilt lo Lo'M'io i, I mufov" n i 'i i I '.'i mury of Iatil Ml rtMlv In Crop. 1 We nqiiin' a CumIi I'nyin -in ot 'l ih p i- I I Oil iii in (x-r acre In U luontliM. no that you will navi-1 i ii t.-- I ro irive vou nil In tercet lu wonkiiiit the 1'iinl You do not lirn a not ir mtrtgnKe for the balance, biti merely tun in ut Two-I'M h nf Your f'ni;i ICtrh Y''iir an yv-r payiu'iif, and the only payment you ar- re j jir.J to maka BY THIS PLAN ui'l V'i'1 will iikvi no nn- i v'-nr., i i know yon If viiii have a h'iril vear we slum vo ir h ir I pitl I n it ' ti iir. voi In tlin 1 1 1 1 v n U i v will liHVi-. t our furtn Im S'mij piill Ymi enn clino' your own i-r hi. I'X 'i'ii' i'i t '' r-ipilrt at leant 7-p tyr cent of mii-n crop to tin Kiee, in wr know I' I- ;m mm! prulltalili'. S. H. RILEY, LANDIDEPT., SAN ANGELO. TEXAS Lane City, Wharton County, Texas Hay City Matagorda County, Texas. He Aure to mention Till: I'.XA.MINIIK when you write advertisers. r 5 0 fl 5 S 9 1 (OtOOOtiOlOf-. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporarcd. v A Comp'cte Record We Iwive inii'li mi enure trnnMcrlpf of all KiM-onls In Lake t'uiiiiiy which In any Ki-al I'rojMTiy In tin county. Wf 1 1 u v t a i-iiinplrt Ki-t-onl nf i-viTv MortvaKi' ul traimfiT I'vrr mailn In l.akf County, ami -v-r t -! glvm. Krrors Pound in Titles In triiiiHcriliintc tin' n-roriU wt have fouml nnnn'roiiH' mort-Krini-M rtTnnliMl In tin' Uim-iI n-rnrrl nil iml.-xi'il; avil ninny li-i'il ar riH'orilt'il In tin' Moritrmri' ri-cnril ami otln-r liookn. Hiiinlri'iU of mortu'itf'" hik! 'Iii'il-i an not luil'Xtil at all, ami in out difficult to trricu up from tin- nvonln. We have notations of all these Errors. OtliiTH rannot llml tlwin. We have put hutnlruilM of dollarH liuntlti up tlum frrorn, and we can fully jfurintt our work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. rrtcRCH)0(io(ioto r FARM, CITY AND TOWN LOANS FIVIJ PI5K CUNT interest, NINli years' time with privilege of paying at any time. Return payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, to suit borrower. For particulars write The Jackson Loan and Trust Co. :U0 Century lUg. Denver, Colorado. OPEN FOR BUSINESS New Bakery Will have Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day. Lunch Counter in Connection. PEN ALL NIGHT D. M. SHAFFER, MANAGER LAKEVIEW Blue Prints Made 1 will iiiuko Hint' I'ruitH of any towiiHhlp of liinl In the Liikcvlcw I, ami IHHtrlct, ami do almtrnct work. Call or wrlUj W. U. smui: Lakevlew . Oregon OREGON MAP SALE I'rlec ; uhllo tlioj.l.UNt. ' K,hr. J Shown n'l Land fJrnnt Landu and liaHthcOKUON fllLITAMY KOAO Urant complete, by hwUoiih. Kntlro output ofJthlH uiapownt'il by HUNTER LAND CO., 427 I.iiinlM'rint'u'M Dldj;. ) Portland, Oregon. LAND ON COP PAYMENT PLAN Elht tboiisuud acres, all under dltc.ii, with wntor rights. The very cream of the (Joldeu (Jooho Lake Val ley, All level, xeleute'1 '.naoy years bko for leaae, or sale on ornp plan, to fa rmera who can give proper ref erences. Tbean lenda are the choicest in the valley. Write to- HUNTEK LAND CO., 202 Audrua 131 dg, Miuneapolla, Mlun. or C. II. MuKendree, Lakevlew. 6 o 8 9 8 THE PATRIOTISM OF SI PATRICK From the Life of St. Pat rick, by Archbishop llcaly, of Tuam SAGE-BRUSH WILL I ROADS Here's a Pointer for Road Builders Throughout Lake County (MM KENNKWICK, Wash, Feb 10 Hagfibrnari, in recDt ynars BUWBfmtfd na having ootnuietciil valne for a ii ii inner nf piirpne, la bainu pot to an iitlrly oew hum -that of road l ull ling, and so far baa proved a great aiooeaa. Laat year f he North ern Paciflo Irrigation company ?i pnrimented by placolg aagnliruab In the mad It ai found that It reiHtlr troahd into a polp and formed a pr feet mit. Minna with eutb. it tm came firm, and eivna promlne of long wear. Ho atlHfactrnv wna the trial that thie spring many milea of aaue hrunh roaHs will be laid on the bigb Iind in thin vicinity Cedarvllie pox. haa two caHea of small Ht. I'atrlck waa not nlnne it hi work; others shared in this magnani mous project. When be bad set out from (tome to evangitltz Ireland In tbe year t.VZ, be led a demoted band of followers frjru the oootluunt, blb ops, priests, deacons, lectors, acolytes, and other clerics whom be ordained and trained for tbe arduous but glorious mission. As be moved from plane to place, bit Itinerant acholara movtid wltb him, assisted bits, studied bis virtues and methods, and learned and praotised their respective duties, until be placed them ,lo due time . lo charge of newlf -established cburr.bes or monasteries, wblcb at once became centre of learning and blves of iodustry, so that Ireland, in an Inoredlbiy drier space or time merited ber proud title "Island of 8lots and Scholars," which aha sue talned for c nturies. Armagh became not oulr the bulv city ot Ireiaul, but tbe chief home of ait. where Ht Heuiguus, from the banks of tbe liojue. whs choir leader of the school nf slugtrg. A oumuer "f gold-smiths we-e kept bus; making chalices, patens, reliquaries, etc, ft a The nuns bad an excellent school of emtrolder) In ArniHgh. During the hours n it al lowed to meditation study chanting, or prayer, the monks werr engaged in tilling the soil draining marnhes, erecting bulling, or el tie In teaching, or lu enpving manuscripts an I Illus trating tbe same with colore 1 de al hi tm. St. Patrick's wandering Rcbonl was cntiMtantly recruited from the schools ot the native bards auJ brehoos, and from the Irluli famiiics converted by the Kaint. Thus Kt. Krc, St. Benin. St. nron, Kt Fiacre and msuy othor Irish boys were trained by Kt. Pat lick who, on returning to their re spei'lire claus. In the course of bis diIhbIoii, ordained theoe aud placed them with dua authority to rule tbe local congregation with ability to teach aud the duty of astdHting the poor, the atllicted, aud the penitent. f1h,if..,K atifl Ml utn iLriptfAl tiuul ha. Id i.o. r. h i .nuHi r uii I hereby given to tbe creditors of. and classes, especially tbe in oat needv. a" persons having claims against Aa a rule, wherever Kt. Patrick H"1'1 deceased, to preaent tbem verified found a resident chief of a dau, be H" required by law, witbiu six months .u.i,i.uh.,i a hi.hnn'. ... t ,,. after the Bret publication of this no- the ancient dioceses nf Ireland coin- Are You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day Aiir $it The Batleiick Publishing Co. Butterlck Building, New York. N. V. NOllCfc. TO CKKDITOKS in Tim County Court Ot Tbe State Ot Orftfou, fur Lake County. in The Matter if The Ktfate Of Clnineut PulamJer, Oeceased. The undersigned having been ap pu'iited by the County Court of the Hi iite of Oregou, tor Lake County, Administrator cf tbe estate of Cle ment Polander, deceased, notice is cide, more or less, with the territor ies once occupied tythe clans aud their respective groups ot euh-olaos, and not wltb t tie counties, which are a more modern divUiou nf th land, tit. Patrick did uot interfere with what be fouud good or blameless lo tbe pagan Institutions of Irelaud. He proteoted aud euconrged tbe bards and tbe brebons (Judges), but be pur ified many of the poems a'id hid tbe laws raised, improved and codified; the result being tbe crest Senchua Mor written A. D 438-111 at Tar a and Nobber.and composed by a com- issloo of nine, three bishops, three Hen to fall Administrator at bi otlice at tbe First Natiooal Dank of Lakevlew. in Lakeriew, Lake County, Oregon S O. CKLSSLER Adminstretor of the estate of Cle ment Hciauaer deceased. Dated March 10th 1910 M17A1 NOTICE FOR PUB1CATION Departuieul Of The loterior, U. S. Laui Otlice at Lakeview, Oregon, March 9th, 1900 Notice is bereby given that Alpha L. Pendleton Allen, of Lakevlew, Urevou, wbu, on Dec. 20tb, 1909. made Homestead entry, No. 02864, 18; Lots 'i for Lots 12 and 13. Seo. kiags (High King and kings of a Beciion is, lownsnip -o, Munster and Ulster and three judges. I Sit, Willamette Meridian, baa It prevailed in a g'eat part of Ireland i notice of intention to make t nal until A. D. 1(500 aud its Influence is ' H 7 Proof, to et"ldi claim to .mi f..o in th h.h.ii r.Hno. ni tbe land above described, before Ke- the people It was last interpreted in tbe last quarter of tbe seveutteutb centurr by tbe Mao Egana, who kept a law acbool in Tippeiarr. These laws dealt with two forma land tenure, payment of rent, tbe lights every clansman, legally qualified, to a abare i.f tbe Nnd ; besides tbeae and other important matters, tbey also dealt with the, fosterage and education of girls and boys, and the letting of church lands to tbe poor under con ditions that secured tbem a liveli hood tor their families. Many traits of tbe national character vanbe traced to tbe Influneoe of tbe Senobus Mor to the exalted morality aud self con trol inculcated by Kt. Patrick and fonnoed on an unwavering heroic' faith. Bister and Receiver, L. S. Land O til ice, at Lakevlew, Orbgon, on tbe 2tb day of April. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: George Jammertbal. of Lakevlew, J Oregon Solomon V. Rebatt, of Lakeview, Oregon. Creed Pendleton of ' Oregon. "Robert McCulley, of " Uregon. ARTHUR W. 0RTON Register M17A21. New Shirt Waists diinty pleasiug on display Ilk M and Madeline Meadows Are Befng Settled RENO i'ev., Match 8. J. W. Fletcher of the MHiiellue M endows Land A- llrrigatinu Company is here from Oregon wheie claims to have .lluima.,.1 rt " IVV1 u a I .. ., -J fn. I. , compsny."' Me etatestVat the Twork of ! " U hereby ordered that the next hill .4in.r mnun ..oA. ( -a 4 oa running laterals for the Irrigation of i In The County Court, Of Tbe State Uf Oregon ; For Lake County. Order To Show Cauae: In the mat te i of the (Juardianship ot Kryan Emersou aud Errol Emerson minors. it appearing to tbia Court from the petition this day presented and bled by Farnbaiu E. Harris, tbe guard iau of the estates within tbe State nf Oregou nf the ubove natred LSryau Emerson aud Errol Emerson, non resident minors, piayiug for an order of sale of certaiu leal estate belonging to said uiiuors, tnat It would tie to the best interests of .aid wards and each of tbem that such real estate should be the laud wiM soon commence. Yes terday CJ. W. Fillman of Idaho aud fouf other men from that state ar rived in Ruuo aud intoud to go to thai portion of California to set tie immediately. Our ebipment ol ladies muslin uu derwear has just arrived Llugerle fashions for 1910 oft'eta some beautl' ful patterua. See and you'll appre ciate tbem. Ladies Combination gar ments our leader ti Jt M . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature ot fjt; j S A Reliable Remedy CATARRH and all per sous interested lu the said estate ap pear before this Court on Wednesday I tbe 20tb day of April, 1910, at tbe hour of teu o 'cluck A.M. of said day at the i ("our! room of this Court, at tbe Courthouse in tbe County nf Lake, State of Oregou, taeu and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for tbe sale of such real estate, described in such petition as follows: Tbe undivided one-third in terest, subject to a right of dower, lu tbe Northeast Quarter of tbe South west Quarter of Section Twenty-eight in Township Thirty-nine South, Range Twenty, East of the Willamette Meri diau. in Lake Cnuuty, State of Ore gou, aud it is further ordered that this orderj be served by publishing tbe same ouce each week for- three successive weeks prior to said 20 tn day of April, 1910, In the Lake Coun ty Examtuer, a newspHpei of general circulation and published in Lake Cnuntv. Oregou. 1 Dated this 11th day of February, ' 1910. U. Daly County Judge 7W10 Ely's Cream Balm it quickly abtorbed. Civet Reliet at Once, It clviiusi's, aoot lies, hcnU aud protects the disi'uited mem. brane resulting from Catarrh Mid drive away a Hold iu the Head quickly. Itestores the Houses of Taste and Hiuell. i'ull size CO eta. at DruggUta or by mall. Liquid Cream Halm for use iu atomizer 75 ets. Ely Uruthers, 60 Varrn Kireet, New York, ALL FRUIT TREES MOST BE SPAYED To Lake County Orobardlsts: Notioe ia bereby given that fruit growersl must make ' pitparatloni to throughly spray tbelr fruit trees during the year 1910. A. M. SMITH, Inpsecto Dated, No v 4th, 1909 Imo. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and trhich has been in use for OTcr 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made Tinder his per gonal supervision since Its infancy. f-CCCAjl. AllrtOTtionnn ttrirHvA vrmtn this. All Counterfeits Imitations and" Jurt-as-pod,are but Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ntalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms tnd allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM e.KT.ue COMM.. Tf HU...T STaCCT, HCW TOM. WTV. 5 The Real Home Paper. The San Francisco Chronicle. o M. H. de YOUNG. Sane, Conservative and Well Edited, it Daily Sunday Weekly Sunday's in Colors! Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore. Order Now S VlTM! TTVlV We Have Found Those Er- fvjl1 rorsin the County Records. Li Z 1 Abstract, of Title to all Lands in ii jj Lake County Furnished. hi Terms Reasonoble. $ Tract Index Abstracting Co. Wm. JACObo, Manager. LAKV1EW, - - OREGON, ! i INSURES LARUE RETURNS CAMPBELL SYSTEM" "Noi mini Gohloii, a Dilli m ranch'-r, ban proiucinl from 75 acres this i'hmuii, h I'rop (if ptitdtoeM worth Slri.rjo.U0, unin the "AHPBELL DRY FARM SYSTEM, The .vit'id m'iih 2l." one ihilliir em'kn p-r acre, or 351 bushels per ncre." (il i-tiow, Montana. Pi-iiMcrut, Oct. l!)U Tlu n- is no nHnon why you can not ;et rewults like this by following tin prinelpli'H n-corded m CAHPAELL'S SCIENTIFIC FkMhK A Monthly Mamizine of authority on Soil Culture. CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC FARMER THE LAKEVIEW EXAMINER BOTH FOR SI.00 S2.00 S2.00 $0UD BREEDQ- I LESS x ' ' - 11B CJU, 1 I SHE EVLOW THIKltlfiH ONLY OPENING M FKlaltl PUMP GUN 1 uc T FACT AfTiriKI THE GUN YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR g A Kl U.At 1 1 J 1 i i . a ru idol a iiaiwniciic&s suiia Dreecn snoi gun nas 1 been invented! Its perfect ballance and smooth, easy action, will win your approval. Get the Remington and you have the modern, safe 'pump. It is a game gun, yet at the trap it won the big Eastern and Southern Handicaps. 1 Vticriplivt Illustrated FvliUrt Fru. REMINGTON ARMS CO., llluu, N. Y. 813 llroadw.7. orfc. It T. I