Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 24, 1910, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i . . MmMBOMBHHnmBBaHBv.
1 m a mar
We keep the
Ball Rolling
by supplying the finest, made-to-measure
garments, at very rea
sonable prices. It is a pleasure to
show you through our line of 500
fashionable patterns, the
Latest Spring Novelties
and have you become accquainted
with the superior workmanship of
Garments made by "The Royal
Tbe Board of Trade will meet Fri
day nubt. A foil attendance is re
quented. While it hae not been cold here the
'deep and continuous enow, is doing
sad work among the herds of rattle
-and rJni kfi of sheep, and if a change
for the better does not come soon the
lopse-" ot tr.e tockaien shori of feed
will le something discouraging.
Tbogj harbingers of spring wild
Spee. r nve beeu tljing nortbward, hut
tbe wpHtlier clerk la en absent-minded
sort it h cave ton feather bag
another -niKe Friday night, with re
ultHDt .iuofall of about nine inches
of wet enow.
E. Tatro has sold bis bouse on
Slash St. to J. 11. Hayes.
Tbe Epworth League of tbe H. E.
CLaich "ill give a special Song Ses
sion Sunday, Feb 27th, from 6:30
7:30. p. m. All are cordially inrited.
The eu u made desperate effort to
'sbine Mondav. ODly to meet wiih dis
appointmnt and another downfall of
anon that night.
There are a lot of Greeks in town
that are preparing to go to work n
tbe reservoir for the O-V L Co. at
Drews Creek.
The O E-S bad several initiations
Tuesday Mebt and eave a fine ban
quet in bouor of tbe ne members.
Joe Flynn ot Bly WB9 thrown from
a horse Saturday breaking his leg.
He was brought to town Tuesday
?ud placed under care cf Dr. Smith.
O. P. Browne of tbe Warner Valley
'Corporation arrived in Alturaw last
week with a big buocb of cattle for
Henry Jackson, the wealthy Klam
ath Indian arrived in Canby tbe other
day with the bo1y of Hill Essex, an
lodao for burial, who bad been
killed by a Modoc Indian, wbil en
laced in a drunken dispute. No ar
rests have been made yet, but Jack
sou will get out papers on his return
ftotbe Yanix restrvat'oo.
Ttis winter should teach stockmen
that tbe future will bring about a
v banse in stock-growing methods,
:ind that smaller herds, and mare feed
tod shelter must be prvovided f jt
The AHuras Plaiudealer avs: Clieu.
Parker, formerly Sheriff of Modoc !
oour.ty. but at present Superintend- j
aut o! the Wirner Valley Cattle Co.. i
m a fi.iitor iu Alturas lat Friday, j
'de came over from Warner to ioit
i:is family and meet bis brother John
vho id here from Montana Cbe.8 looks
. ike the world was dealing kindly
ith him
flbarlea Lee Moorehouse Winkle
uian ia another of our famous citizens
1 1 achieve fame and obtain pulicity
tuat carries their names to tbe utter
most partis of our country. Mr.
WlTikleman is fullT deserviug of the
ionor that are being heaped upon I
bim and It iu to be hoped that be is
able to show tbe peoole of tbe state
that be is fully cahple of holding bis
share of tbe food "That tte Gads
Provide," and at tbe same time van
quishing all competitors in the eating
February is a gteat month for great
men -asht gton. Lincoln and St.
Valentine, and iu March comes St.
J. B Auteu is getting ready for a
big rash of tillers ot tbe soil He has
just received another car-load of all
kinds of farm machinery.
Potatioes are as acarce as the pro
verbial "Heus-teeth" and are bring
ing bib prices. This in one ot tbe
best potato countries in America seems
out of place.
Hay s reported worth 820 a ton at
Plusb, and our ranch is not ready
to take advantage ot sucn prices.
Tbe popular Jack Kimball, of the
Weyerbauser syndicate will be he.e
about tbe first of March to be ready
for granting leases to stockmen.
J. O. Metzker, tbe freighter, ur
rived Monday from ao 11-day round
trip to Klamath Falls. He reports
tbe traveling not particularly bad,
A well boric outfit has commenced
to drill for artesian water in tbe
Christmas Lake Valley anout two
miles west of Lake P. O. and ibis
first attempt will he watched with
considerable interest by tbe peoole of
Northern Lake county who are deeply
interested in the water supply ques
tion tbat will enhance tbe value of
their lands many dollars if a good
now of water is struck.
Lake County wants you.
We have a carload of implements j
tbat will arrive about Feb. I5tb, such
as Disc Plows, Sulkey Plows, (Jang
plows, Disc Ubrrows, Spring Tooth
Harrows, Steel Lever Harrows, Also,
the Peter Subuttler uagou, the only
wagon that ever crossed the plains
without resetting the tires. Each
wagou fully warranted. Why buy
a Steel Range tbat is not warranted?
Buy a "TOLEDO " or a "CHICA
GO" steel Rmge, they have a writ
ten guarantee,, for ten years.
Soon be time for gardening. We
carry a full line of gardeu tools and
Plaute Jr Seeders.
Mining News
Sugar Pine gold mine la the Hong,
according to the Did well Nugget is
coming ahead la the big clans aa a
mine. It says that the wet drift on
upper level at top of raise la belug
run nn a three foot ledge, aud every
root gMne'J shows a decided mcreaxe
Iu width, the asxay mine ruuulug
Into figures or .U 00-121 00 aud 1:10.
Of. the lowest fl.lM, and was taken
from what was thought to be barren
roc, in mi lower maiti level a
rtroM-ou. was startod 'AH.) feet from
mouth of tunnel and when in 118 feet,
three well defined stringers were cut
wh iwiug assay values from t4.00 to
ftVS 00 The showing at. this mine in
a wouder, the values running steadily
rum 1.00 to 82.60 per ton and ttie
company now only await the coming
of Mpring and the starting of the mill
t" begiu shipping bullion.
The lies gold mine, south went of!
A It urns, it unld to be vieldlng 100
a day w Ith a ." stamp mill, and that
a moderate si. I hoom is on, with
the usual getting In his work of the
claim bog.
New Spring Skirts
am showing a Tow
New Numbers.
Bo autiful Black Chiffon Panama with tho now
ovor skirt Prloo $10.50
A protty plaid Mixture mado in tho much favorod
tunio ofToct, with plaits. A particular strong valuo at $10.25.
Drown, Navy and Black, mado in tho plaitod stylos. Prloo $7.
Othor numbors from $5.00 to $7.00.
Mrs. NEILON, Wom'Su,r
How Men Thrive Here
11 It. Jackson has Hold to A. A.
Davis, Klan.Htli Marsh about ?IUK0
wo'ttiof cattle to be delivered at
Williams Kiver, April 15th. lie also
retains stout oiK' head of yearling
from his herd The exact price pant
per bead for these cattle is not
knowu but Is considerably In advance
of anyting sold before in the county.
Mr. Jacksou enit-trkel iu the cattle
business about eight years ago in
northern Lake couuty. At that time
he aa a sc'iool teacher, having a
capital of 110 in money, a hard hut
anil a pair of red socks. This derel
opment in so short a time again
snows the resource of Lake County.
Illegal Fencing
Deputy U. S Masbal lla.nniersley
bas Brrested Frank Paxtouaud twelve
others, including a lady, most of
them Klamath county people, fm il
legal fencing of government land.
Mr Pax too left Mouday morning
forKlarua'h Falls for examination.
He states that he ouly ran a fence
across a 40-acre tract, which thereby i
saved him building considerable
feno to iuclose his boi lings We. are
uol advistd further as t;i charges
against tbe other persons placed Hu
rler arrest.
Homcscekcrs Busy
The Lnkelew, (ioverunient I. an I
Otlli'H is beselged with letteia of In
'inlry asking about the (ioverna ent
lauds that are open to entry In ttie
Lakeview Land District tird especially
icgxrdtng the new :i20 acre homestead
!aw. The many people that signify
their iutenioti of coming to tbl sec
lion of the state is very gratifying
and it Is too bad that the census is
not tak yearly to show what Lake
county can o toward making the
largest percent gild fertile pieseut
year over that ot last sexsoii thlch
iv as 1'iauv times the number that bid
ever coma to thu couuty during any
previous year.
Wants His Homo Back
W'. T llosworth ha purchased
th'ougli the agency of v F Paine A
Co, the Frank Lane lot :ti'.XJI0 feet
ou Water St. opposite Mm Planing
mill Mr. Ilosworth will erect a rsi
dene. He bad rvntcd tbe J. W.
Mlkel place Mr. Mlkel had sold out
all bis interests tier except that
house and left for good After mils
lug all over California ami lludlng
uothlug be likes so well as Lakeview,
ha is coming I ack, ami wanted his
home. Here is a moral.
Watch Our Orchards
An apple orchard at Medford, con
taining i'i0" acres sold last week for
an even ."00.000. The orchard pro
duces 1000 per acre per annum.
That's all right, liiit just keep your
eve on some of our Lake county ap
ple orchards, and see what the future
will do foi theu..
Raw Furs Wanted
Hihtfct price paid. Write tortnv
for pric- list. EATON' & JONF.8'
5l23 fuvallup A ve , Tiicomii, WiihIi.
Do You Want to Sell?
If you w-wit to pell your IhihIih'hm
of any kind, or if you want to sell
your property. iud will make ihc
p'ieericht.I would like to hear frojn
von. Cfve drHcrin'inn and price.
AddreHH J. E. SMITH. .-,13 Chamber
Commerce, Portland. ( iretfon.. .1w(l
A Good Outfit
An enterprise that means much to
the ranchers the Weal Kid, that are
engaged in farming is the purchase of
a complete tlreshlng o;,ttlt to handle
their crops this season. The engine
Is a type designed 10 do traction
work aud will be used wtien needed
to help clear olf the hhl's brush and
to plow the land. The on 1 11 1 is owned
bv a company composed of J. C. ) i
ver, O. F. Arthur, Cbas. Nelson. F. S.
Fisher Wn( Carter, J. C. Morru and
James McDermitt.
Business Locals
After the Looters
Miss Agues C. Laut, a Cunadian
girl, has wntten au elaborate article
for the Februi.ry Technical World,
which exposes the laud, coal, forest
and water rower looters of the i utilic
domain in the United stales in a
scathing aud convincing way. It will
open tbe eyes of some of the peo le
around here who depend upon the
low-browed Oregonian for information
on conserval ion ijuest ion. if ttiev will
only take tbe trouble to real it
The place where business
men meet is at Swenson's
WANT D --Experienced woman or
girl to do kitchen work for family
of five, on ranch 3 miles from Paisley.
Enquire at iiank of Lakeview. lw
Klnsr Edward Praises
Our Oregon Applos
Tlm the wilt of lle loirs of prime
Oregon apples -en I to King I'M a nr. I
of England during '' winter, by K
M. rir'i ton and ol lifts of I'ortlaul,
were much enjoyed by England's
ruler, ih shown In a letter Mr. Ilrer
ton has rereived from Sir Dlghtou
I'rnl'vn. extra eiiieirv to Ilia .Majesty
King Eiward and kee r 'f the privy
purse l'lnt letter I - dated .iHUUay II,
at Saudi Ingham and says in part.
"I h ve to thank you for your let
tel of November 10 Isst and of atlll
more Importance to ask you t ) con
my to the Hill ishers anil those who
sent that splendid lot of apples from
Oregon fur the king ami (ji a-n, their
majesl les' t!i:i ks for the same They
arrived sately jimt at the time you
said tbev would au I were much ap
predated. "
Mr. Urereton sar the Earl of L
cester and ttie Duke of Agryll, who
bad lieu guests at Saudriugliam, have
also written him expresailug their ad
miration of the Ongou apples.
Praises Plnchot
F KEN NO. February It -Thn Sail
Jnauuin Valley Oil tinmen's Associa
tion, iu session here, have passed re
solutions endorsing the poller of the
Forstry Service, the Tail adminis
tration In general, aud specifically
the method Inaugurated by (iifford
Pucbot tlie deposed Forester, ill col
lecting feus for trespaoslug rattle,
horses and sheep on government re
Millions For Defenco
According to a report published,
President l.ovctt and his associates
of fie ilbrrlman syst-m bate suiveyed
ami are to build, at a cost of tJl.lM,
I s H . kit hundred miles of branch lines
i in Northern and Northeastern Call
' forn la. Sunt bei n Oregon and West
ern Nevada to Intrench thilr proper
ty against the prospective aggressions
of t'e Mil' combination and of
(mil I - ne a W.hleru I'aclllo road.
A feA ai i-toi'allo cltlens are at Iu
to eat 'gg uith their tuicon, tint o
ate not mm ong them. We nee I mine
poult r very niuch or we will le
stranirem to tfie palatable fruit ro
duceil In the hard winking hen.
The Socialist have c.oiiiiiti B
trong niganlftioii at l.aksview,
Ore, knowu as local I uknvisw.
Eteryo'in whu believes In justice and
that labor should receive the pro
duels of Its toll and especially every
Social Inl in the country siiould be
come a member and I riiestait to
In so Meeting each week Rvery
tioily Invited. Parties residing put of
town can obtain full information by
writing tbu secretary. Watch Iake
County. Something doing uet elec
Vii.Yit Hecretarr.
FOR RENT. Seager Has ill mom
liuur house cloon lu school and cen
ter of town, wood shed A etc I1H per
mouth, possession riven at once.
WAN TED.-Dlstrlet Managers,
Agents and Solicitors for New
Win ile Life and Ten Year 0 per cent
Debenture Itond, aim) best uaturnl
death and disability policy. No
eiaHHltb'kt lo'i f or occupation. I ace or
sex. llood pay.
Mr. MEEK, lot I Drexel iildg.,
Ph tin Pa
Rangn 11 or 111 T. H. 40 or 41. Will
clear 3l;d see I as desired.
CU'CI Ave., Chicago 111.
10 ACRE FARM FREE. I have a
ten iter trrct close to Lakeview,
Tract 47. Hec. VJ T. H . 'M, Range
'31' aud I have a proposition by
which you may have to cultivate free
of cost. If Interested let urn hear
from you quick References required
707 Douglas St., Kloux City, Iowa.
DO VOU WaN'T a hume In Lakeview,
I have it for you, small payment
down, balance same aa rent, nn in
terest, no taxes. See or write, K R.
Children Cry
If vou arc thinking
and see the
f juying a firing; heel come in
he reiniorc-c su e ran makes this Deil ;J;,"!iiui v
noiseless. Kests directly in the cleats in il.c ide l
without the use of slats, renectnm in ail t . -vets
Guaranteed not to sag; or lireak.
Undertaking Parlors in Connection.
We have just ree'd a shipment of
Rgina Pneumatic Cleauers. It takes
all tbe dust out of your carpet with
out ttie tiresomeueab of the old I
metod of beating them Price t'l !
U &. M
Rainbow laces "The kind tbat
plea es just opened at li A M.
Fresh candy, every day at the lion
Ton confectionery.
Mr. Home tsuilier Our line of
suppl ies bas never be n questioned.
See if you can Mud fajlt with them.
m a
Peanuts a popcorn, always but, nt
the Bon Tou contectinery.
Hawkin A: Smith Lard, Hams aud
I'anon at 15 A M
Embroideries dainty pleasing ou
display at U &. M
For goodness sake ask tu see our
new linn of Egvptian tissues and j
Scotch Zaphvra. You'll be eothusias
tic, too, li & M
On and after Mutch 1st 1910 the
udersigned meat markets will be
closed all day Sunday of each week.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature vi
ftooMS ih mmw BUMTIHO muiLoino
Fimar Claim Wonm
Fmrnr Cuna outrCM Souoirmo
FOR KALE Orchard lauds In the
demonstrated fruit belt of Lake Co.,
"re., 10 nod J(i area treats, small
noitldv payments, Write E. R.
PATCH, Lakeview, Ore.
Skating Rink
AiIiiiIhhIdU .'&(',
Skating; on Tiich.Ihvm, WedncHiltya
aud Thurrtda.VH nlnhta. Polo n Moll
diiya iind Friibi., m nlghta. Wctliu'M
day afu-ruoon, I.hiIIch' Day.
E. 0. EASTON.l'roii.
Swenson's Restaurant
is the place where you
meet everv-bodv.
Week ending Tucadiiy, Feb, 22, 1!)1(
il I
I lay max mln, pnclp hii'w character
I nation fall of day
"";d. I 2!) 21 j ll.tiu ih) ' 'Idy
uuV; i aa" :) o.oo " "(hi i i.i.v
fri.Fyl 27
H.'lt'.V j
I huh.
I 00 j
0i I"
0.00 00
j moil. I 40 :5T 0.o 4i "
tut-H. j 37 .'50 I 0.00 00 ptfldy
New Bakery
Will havo Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every
day. Lunch Counter in Connection.
Fimar Clm Sfa Comrummm
ado Ball
Roonia in New Runtlnff Building
went -f Court Jlotiso.
Why delay getting that homestead?
Your chances are less every day.
Railroads are building; into our section.
Capitalists are securing: Iarg:e tracts
of our lands.
Settlers are coming every day and locating.
What has been known as the GREAT INLAND
EMPIRE will soon be segregated with railroads
and become one of the most prosperous farming
sections in the West.
You know the advantages and opportunities there are in a new
country, and the ever increasing price of land, and we assure you that
a trip into our county will prove oneof the best investments you ever
REMEMBER, we make a specialty of locating homesteads, desert
claims, and reporting on school lands, college lands, etc. and we assure
you of the very best of service.
Write or call on us for any information you may want concerning
such lands.
Over Lakeview Pharmacy