Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 24, 1910, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    lll Mim 1IM) JytMVlrV. OKI (. 1 1.' i i j 4 . Minn!4 M!i
Many mixtures arc offered
as substitutes for RoyaL
None of fhem fs the same lu composition
or effectiveness, so wholesome and eco
nomical, nor will make such fine food.
Baking Powder
Absolutely Puro
Royal Is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar
A Rellablo Company
The AllurHH 1'laindealer lm IIiIm to
nay of the b.caM ill of tlin Lakeview
Development Co. In that town. In
whloh we CHn ii'ld that In I'll their dual
Inyo .icru tint; were on the h u h r :
Thi company havlini tim I akeid
In ii (i ii in I Irrigation project In i- )i it ry n
have I'htiilillHtmil mi otllce In AlturiiH.
A member of the company we uuder
Hi no (I Iihh gone iiHCk to lowit or (inn
of the imrt hnuntcrri State and will
la lug out a number of roliinlsln to
Mittlo on th. Innd. Wn do not know
the I I ii n of ii)rut loim fur the tiala of
th IhimI, place or ariytl.lug connected
Willi thu project. VSe do know, how
ever, lliBt they ha. tho laun and ttie
tor, mikI tin) products of tlin ad
Joining I ii r 'Tin hnw for t hiiiiiMi.lvo
if the project I conducted iiion tbe
, lnri of h "acpiare deal" It will result
in largo hdilitlon to the population
of out countrv. Mild we hIihII tie only
too glad to render m 11 tlx assistance
in our power to these in charge
The ('lnu)tiuiia Circ le will meet
next Monedny evenlntf with Mlsn
Mlrrln Johnson The follow Inn '
too proimm: Itoll Call, "Cntren
LventH," "Wninim in tin' l'myri-HH
nf Civil iiitlon, " Cliaii I, VVoini'ii
in thu Kriml moire, Mrs. I'm I J. I'ow
III Nil "Si I'Mll l.'lf nt Koine, Ulnii . 4
The (iivcriilnu Aristociai'V. Mihm
lletnde Mnruca. Mm Ii Cloud joined
the Circle- at tlu lmt uk'uIIiik,
Hill Boosting: Oregon
Tlii (irent Northern hallway will
exploit Central Oregon, und him sent
two men r ti r 'in u It that territory to
Kit i! nt ii for tiiillfl iiih nml other nill
j roHil pul'l li-iitioiiH Unit will de crloe
t lie country thorouuMy to the prosper)
tin- settlers what they iiihv expect
there. Tlin Vnlley to the DeHchute
' Klver irllmtiiry to the Hill rued now
Itiulldlntf up the liekchutea wilt come
' In for in lie ti more favorable publicity
lend It resourcea, crop possibilities
I and vaneral future w 111 letuld. The
Hill lines Hre Ink iua hii interest In
Ori'Koii Unit wilt menu much fur the
Mtute. At ex hllilt rooniH In St. Him I,
the (iri'iit Northern ehowii Oregon
product and Him 1 1 ft r exhlbilt are to
tie tiiHintulned hv the railroad com
puny In tJhilHilelihln and iltiHtou
These places nil! direct n urent deal
of iitteutiiiti t.i the opportunltiea iu
Central Oregon for thu settler.
Moat Years Old
While the American people are en
unveil in a mlivhtr mint strike to
force dowu the IncreitHed coiit of llv
luu, there Is looked up in the heef
ti list's ciil MtorauK plant enough
food to leed every mail, woman and
child in th U ii I t e d Stati H for
til ' i ii t Ii h TIiih I ri'iii'iiiloiiH food hoard
III value I at :,( Km, in (I.IXKl. 1'oiih cf
m ft and other ueccHHiirieH have lieen
Mi-tMi iii ii 1 nt I n in the Kt rouKlioldn of
the rohlier food liaron for two, noun'
tlme tLrnt. yiau
.The Arcadia
riovinvc Picture Show
p- to -Dato
Moving rictnrrs
Illtistratc-il Souths
Issue is Clear Cut
There ih a liattle Koiuit ou in thin
i country toilay lietweu proreH Hod
decay, tetueen money and morals.
hrtAfi'ii dollarH aud men. IjetweiMi
prlvllfk'e ami cijual rluh'.H. It the
, Iiemocrattc party it true to it h ilenli
it iniixi Haud for proKrexH and put
moiaU aliove prlvilcue. llx -tioveruor
lOvery nr I of which anplieH witl
eiimil force to the Itepuldicau party.
l'poii thiH inHQe ciin imrty Unci van
1mIi ; there can lie no HcinitilicuiiH. no
Democrat! only patriotn and t raituro
-SuHBUvllle Advocate You lire
riyht I
Moiiil.i vs, WeiliK sil.iys, l'ri
tlays and Sundays
Two Shows cacli Niy;ht
A t 7::l. and s:::o nVl.ick
nider's (K'rn House
AiIiiiImnIimi ID and l.'i rtx
"l'lTkiiiH i'liti'ie I into an aureemeut
with his w iff noon after t heir marriage
'Jil year mju, that whenever either
lui-t temper or etonued, tho other whh
to keep mlt'iice."
"And the Hchtnne worked?"
"Atl hi i nil i y. l'erklna him kept bil
eiice 'or -i) yearn "
Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnn ituiilttig a nkftrh ftiid dincrlitloii iimf
qulfklr fuitHrliiiii mir himmioii fru wnnlher mi
ItiVHlillnti l prohuMf imti'iilnttln. oiiiitnitilrK.
n i Mt net I r n n n)4nt lul. HAN J HOOK 'i I'mnti
I'ntiMita tuUtui ttirituvh Munii A Co. roeclvt
tptrtal twtU , wlttiout ciiro, in the
Scientific Jfmcrlcaiu
A hundmifiii'lf ItltiHfmtod wfeklT. 1 nruot rlr
iMitiit inti t.t mir P'U'D'lUo JittirtiKl. 1 crniH. 9.i a
ytnr ; four numi b( U bold by ull ncwn()calt)r.
IVIUNN & Co.3018"1"1"' New York
Urum Ii I mil .i, CXi K HI., VmImiiiiIiii, 1. C.
I lfmmJm 'T ' Ooin ood business, Furnished
W I L- eompUte. 1,200, hall cash re-
We deal in (). V. L. Contracts on which
clearance receipts have been issued.
W. F. PAINE (8b CO
Lakeview, Oregon.
Mere is Where You Get Your Money's Worth!
When .vim by .Mutton Stew tit tic per pound.
Have you tried Our sunr cured Hams, Bacon?
No better ninde imy where,
liiinl, hoine Ulttel rendered. nliHolutely pure, f lb. bucket tl.00
In 40 lb. fiuirt, INc. FichIi frozen OyHtern, 1.0il jier cnn. Krout 50c
All kinds of first class fresh Heat and Sausage
kept on hand.
We will pay thu market irlco for jsrooil beef ami pork-hogs,
Cnhh on delivery.
Conn nnd get nciiatnt'd with uh.
J. P, Maytteld, Qen. ilffr.
(Personal Mention J)
J. II Harmon, of the Mall Con
struction Co., returned Friday from
hit trip to Los Anueles.
The MlHheH Horn and .Iouhom, ar
no occupyinir toe Ltlirtian touue on
Whter Ht.
Kev. Wentzell mid C O. Miaener
returned Tburuday niKht from tliell
trip lo Cudarvllla.
IrvliiK Sherlock returned Tburtiday
from Los Auueles.
Mian Lena McKee. who has been
attending achool here thia winter bus
letiirued to ber home in CheMaucau.
F.ari Ilindle and T. K Ferry, of
New Pine Creek were Saturday viai
tora at the county Beat.
T. K Ham nersley, deuty U. S.
Maiahal, "f "ottland was here Hatur
Ony in ultlnial bueiaeaH.
C. b'erii, of Cauty, Calif, wbb in
town over Sunnay.
Ilenrv Mdt'aul, of Faiiiley was re-
kiietered Sunday at Hotel Lakeview.
A. Heiiier in expected to return from
hid California trip tola eveniuu.
) V. Kohb and wife of New Pijie
Creek, and Mrs May iitcheldr lie
came uiemhiTB of the O-E S Tueiday
Clarence Pi ice and ife teturued
Sunday frnm their trip to Sacramen
to. Theodo Cendt, of llaningtou. Km.
arrived Sunday,.
J. M. Udann. of Chtcao, wqh an
arrival M nniay.
David T. Jones, the ehiep man waa
over Monday from Plutdi.
A , H. Sci roeder ban returned to
Silver Lake after a weeka viait to
Lakeview' Mr. Schroeder hays tliat
Die sheep in the Silver Lake country
are dome fairly well cnutideru the
uuuaual winter that we have bad.
J. Ci. Howniar, of Puboie, Pa ,
arrived in town yesterday to look
ovet tlie country.
Ceore and .lack Hatchel ier have
Kone to Orovilie C'al ifornin on a v init
to their paient-i
(Jeo. Conn of Painlwy punned, throuub
Lakeview thia week ou bin way to
viHit California poiuta.
Fred I. Lyon-i editor of the Am
broHO. North Dakota, "Newsman"
ia here ou a viait with hie brothers,
Dr. J. L. and W L., tho stockmau.
lie baa been here before and can
see marked chauKea for the better
now and for the future of thia coun
try. J. K. DuiiHinuir, of Did well was
reentered at Hotel Lakeview Thurs
day. Thoa. ViiuiiK, of Davie Creek came
up Thursday to see bow thin us were
koiiik in the metropolis.
SuliHcrlbo for the Examiner.
Any htocknien that deniro to
lenne the urnzlli landu of the
eyerhatiaer Timber Co can nee
meat Lakeview, where I will be for
two wecka onlv, coiiiineiu'lni; with
March Ut, 1J10,"
Leaning Ajjent.
You will meet business
men at Swenson's Restaurant.
Chllctren Cry
Resident Phones 81.00
per month.
Business 'Phones LG(
per month, having Free
Use of Line to Alturas.
Resident 'Phones, pri
vate lines, $1 .50 per mouth
Company furnishes the
'Phones and wires the
houses at these prices. 1
Watch This Sc .e.
New Spring Gocc
Will Soon begin to arrive. We will show the following
Well Known Brands.
for Ladies and Misses.
BANNER BRAND Waists and Skirts
Full Line Dress Goods and Neck-Wear
HATS all latest blocks
Mercantile Co. .
Colonial Party
A "Colonial Party" was uiven
T'esrlay niifht by James and Marsle
li-rnard. The voiiur peopla bad a
jolly time playlne d'fferent eamea.
The winners of p Ize were Frank
lin Cloud and Laura Bolton A fine
repaet was provided. The following
is a list of thoHe prexeat. : Bert Snyd
er, L'dith Otfle. Mae Greene. Huso
Umbach. Chester Dykeman, Mayfleld
Boone, Mary lieryford, Mia Leary
Amy Heryfnrd, Mr Soutbstone. Carl
Umbach. F.vsn Ilartin, Emily Avres,
MIhs Shirley Sciies Waber Dyke
man, Verda L'mbacb. Hazel McKee,
ThomBH Wentzell Franklin Cloud.
Laura Boll on. Laura Layder, Fred
Croueimller and Ueo. Wborton.
Alturas Going to bo Good
' The Alturas Plaindealer says tbat
(own ban cot a move on and is now
Roing to Jrive all the disreputable
character away. A maas meeting
as called to consider the question
and n pflitioa was drawn op calling
on tbe Board of Troetees of tbat 'own
asking tbat an ordinance be passed
prohibiting tbe sale of liquor in Al
tnras, to take effect four months after
passage. In this matter it la claimed
tbat tbe saloon men have encouraged
lawlessness, and if tbey are closed out
bate no one but themaelves to blame.
Irrigation Scheme
' A dispatch to tbe Be from Cedar--ville
says: .With tbe opening of tb.
spring tbe Johnson fc Murphy Cora
1 pany will pnt Bbout 400 men at worlc
on tbe new irrigation scheme in Lone
Valley, Nevada. Tbe greatest part of
tbe Vsliey can be reclaimed with
proper retention reservoir. Tnis
valley, which bas been used for noth
ing but a stock range, will be welt,
settled op wttbin another year, Boot
in tbe course of time become one of
tbe best farming communities in Nevada.
Some people think tbey bave re- A mean country editor ont in
ligiou when, in fact, all tbey bave ia describes Christmas aa tbe "grand'
a long face and a grouch. swap."
i or
General realty, ranches, improved and raw,
homestead relinquishment. Look this list over
carefully if you are coming to LAKEVIEW.
We are printing a beautifully
Illustrated booklet jj'vinj?
photoH of Lakeview and Goose
Lake Valley, a!no larire plats of
the Valley fhowiii ditchec,
cret'ks and each section and
township and range, location
of tiie lake, Lakeview, etc.
Send 1 Oc in stamps or
coin for each.
240 aeri'H 2 inilen from town
town limiiH, good house, barn
and ahedri, t.'i ai'res in wheat,
averafted ;." Itu. to the acre,
dry farming, eonie good hay
lands, a well improved farm.
1(10 acres fluent kind of grain
grain land, 17'... arres under O.
V. L. Co'h. ditch. If any part
of the valley in orchard land. 20
acres of thia is. Just. 7 mileH
west of town. $2500.00, part
cash, balance long time.
158 acres, 10 miles from town.
80 acre under O. V. L. ditch,
balance good grain html, tine
new feii' room house, new
bam, .i0 acres cleared, $3200.00,
part cash
Slid acres, $20 00 per acre, fine
sheep rr dairy proposition, all
fenced, best farm in county, 70
tree orchard, liesi of hay land,
part cash, easy terms unlimited
197 acres, joiniug town of
Adel, good house, barn, fences
and orchard, CO acres to alfalfa
balance fine grain land, .ftioOO
cash, this is a good one.
176 acres, proven fruit farm.
800 to 1000 trees from 4 to 10
years of age. MOO dewberries
also strawberries and raspber
ries, good water right, also giain
land and hay land, fenced and
fub fenced, close to New Fine
Creek. $15,000 cash, Si down.
This land wiU sell within 5
years for $250 per acre.
40 acres. Joining New Tine
Creek, good house and baru,
small orchard, 20 acres alfalfa,
balance good grain land, $4"C0
cash, this is a lieauty spot.
320 acres, O. V. L. ditch r-ins
through it. good buy, $12' pee
acre, 15 miles from town, small
im provmeuts.
40 acres, JSO00, easy pay
ments, this ia one of the best
stock ranches in thia country,
all fenced, 120 acres in hay,
plenty of water, barn ho'.ds 100
tons hay, 1500 head sheep, tine
garden, good " room house, un
limited runge all around this
place that can never lie ued.
Induct the improvement and
tlin land costs about $7.50 per
acre. It is the best .buy we
have on our lists and will soon
be taken.
1C0 ncte sheep or goat ranch,
small hon-e, unlimited range
around. 90 acres mi meadow,
spring on the land. $.')000 part
208 acres, 1 mile from town,
large hot spring, bath house,
tw o dwellings, barn, this Is a
money maker as a mineral tiath
and trreen house uroposition.
$10,000, .j cash. Big future pro
tits if this is improved.
ItiO acres. 140 tillable good
three room house new, 2 creeks
ou land, good horse coral, part
fenced, $500. 7 head dairy
cows, ti head horses, plow, har
row, cultivator, house furniture
dishes, etc. $1000,
We are HEAD-QUARTERS for the SALE or
PURCHASE of O. V. L. contracts from 1 0 acre
irrigated tracts to 1000 acre farms if you wish
to buy any joining yours or want to sell-write us.
If you wish to UUY, advise us at once, giving TRACT, SECTION, TWP. and RANGE.
If you wish to SPLL, du likewise. Write at ONCE. We will print this list at various
times as necessity demands. It is the only logical method of bringing thebuyer and
seller together. Cur commission is 5 per cent. When addressing us refer to the number.
Special 20 acres in While
Jlorse Valley, l'art of the did
White Horse llancll. fur sale at
par 150 paid up to date will
sell even nioiny. Tract sec 31
t wp ."lt, It. .'lii.
Special offers with 5 acre water
10 acre, with 5 acre water
right, O. V. L. Tract 10: Sec. 7;
Twp 41; It lot 11. BIk. 07..
If taken atonco $;! 10.00-$i:(0. 00
10 acres with 5 actv water
right. Tract II: Sec. 13; Twp 3S;
U lit. Just ;l miles uest from
town on countyroad, ii taken
at once $275.
Two ten acre tracts joining,
10 and 22. Sec. 25, twp. 40, ii Is.
Together with two town lots
41 and 41, blk 17, we can reccoin
liH'iul both tracts and lots as
good Investment at 1240 each.
Have paid $100 on each, will
hell for $150 cash. 10 acres
tract 30, Sec. 23. Twp, 3D, H. 18.
Town lot 12,Blk 10, the other 20
acres Tract 20, Sec 11, Twp 30,
It 33. Town lot 3, blk 205.
Watch Walter's Second
We are sales agents fur this
residence and business properly
two blocks from heart of busi
ness district, 50x125 from $100
to $:!0(l. F.isy monthly terms.
Building restrictions on every
lot. this is T11K in esttucnt ill
Lakeview today.
We are printing a beautifully
illustrated booklet giving
photos of Lakeview and (loose
Lake Valley, also large plats of
the Valley showing ditches,
reeks and each section and
township and range, location
of the lake, JLakevlew, etc,
Send 10c in stamps or
coin for each.
Beat, the Railroad to it.
roi lot
10 r