Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 24, 1910, Page FOUR, Image 4

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100,000 acres of choice sage brush land in one of the greatest valleys in Eastern Oregon.
We start excursions to settle this rich valley on April 1 , 1910. We can settle 500
families on choice rich land. It will all be gone by Sept. 1,1910. Will you join us?
Southern Oregon Realty Co., Lakeview, Oregon.
Tbe announcement tbat beginning
wild July Sol Chandler for tbe oext
four years will carry the mail between
LaKeview and Paisley brines to light
a longstanding feud between Crooked
Creek and Clover Flat over the de
livery of tbe rural mail.
It looks at) if Crooked Creek baa
won, or rather its offspring. Valley
Falls. 1b this tbe climax of the etory
or is it but an incidert by the way?
1-t anybody goiiug to quit and te
good for tbe next four years, or will
tbe Bgbt still go on?
The fact tbat Chandler bad secured
tbe contract would indicate tbat tbe
mail route is to be changed by way of
Valley Falls and that w. ;a Bryan
wbo for twelve long years bas carried
tbe mail over tbe u.ountain as 10 be
left ont in tbe cold with a dinner sta
tion in Clover Flat and no travel.
Some time ago a pe'ition was circu
lated by Valley Falls to have the
route changed to accomodate that fu
ture metropolis. It wa nuaerously
sigaed in Lakeview before Clover
Flft became wiaa to tbe contemplated
raid. Then Bryan circulated a rr
monetrance and Bent it in bot baste
to Washington. He bad Postmaster
Miller of Lakeview to certify that
there was no county road by tbe Liar
rowj on ibe Valley Falls route and
tbat for tbe present Eeemed to Lave
cooked tbe letter's gooee.
Then Sol Chandler wbo owns tbe
eld Rebart ranch of 2,2"0 acres Live
miles eoutb of Valley Falls aud con
templates subdividing it stole a
march on tbe Clover Flatters by un
derbidding Bryan for tbe mail con
tract, i
Tbe trouble commenced tbree years
ago. In tbe fall of 13U7 tbe Crooned '.
Creek road got so bad that Bryau re- I
fused to travel it nntil it was tlMd. '
For six wet-ks be went over tne old ;
mountain road and ('rooked Creek 1
was without Chandler put in a
a guo I tized kick over tbe alleged de- ,
liuquency ot the contractor. It is!
said he threatened to have Biyau
prosecuted aud bis pay stopped, j
Chandler wrote to Washington that;
h bad himself hauler! forty hundred i
over the Crooked road with four j
corse- and that Bryan was only bluff -1
ioii Bryan came beak with tbe state-1
ment that the rjad r jai commQcced
wbete it left Crookei Creek to cross
tbe mountain and that Chandler with;
hie forty hundred and four horses
bad nevei been over it. j
At any rate Bryan won out aud be ;
wasn't prosecuted nor was be tiued.
The Crooked Creek road was re
paired before tbe inhabitants of tbe
valle) again received a daily mail.
Uuce siuc tbat time bar the
thoi otigbfaie become unruly aud
agalu Bryan abandoned tbe patrons
old Antlers post office to tbelr tate
It looked to Crooked Creek as if
Bryau thought ha bad a ciucb and
could ueinand a macadamized pike
but a day of reckouiug came for
Crookd Crek aid now Sol Chandler
is the hero of the hour Witb bis
tweut. thousand acres of laud in
Lake county be could afford to put iu
bid tbat Bryan couldu't meet for tbe
sake of baviug tbe mail go by way of
Val'ey Falls. It is expected tbat be
will put on an automobile and make
a round tri" by way of Valley Falls
in a day. Tbe fttuall obstacles at tbe
narrows tbat caused tbe delay can
easily be removed by an or ic from
tbtj county court. It is much feared
tbat Valley Falls intends to retaliate
and give Clover Flat a taste of what
it aiexns to live on a dry trail
However, Abaz Washington Bryan,
relative of the peerless ill lam Jeq
uiuk'8 Bryan, has a ranch aud stock
and a drove of turkeys and two Que
unmarried daughters who are already
begiuing to deplore the fact that they
may die old maids, though still in
short dres-es, aud he isn't broke yet
by any means.
The change will work a barlsbip
on old mm Moss, William Holder,
V. H. F.oush aud tbe rest of tbe thir
teen fmailies on the Clover Flat road
but they can console tbemseJves with
the knowledge tbat it ivoul.i be only
a matter of two years anyway until
the route would be abandoned when
Southern Pacific trains gets 10 run
ning on the (iooi-o Lake Southern.
There is a new bath bouse this
SDriog at the Woulward Hot Springs.
Tne l )co weed has put in Its vernal
apni ar ance a:i 1 W A Currier tbe past
week has heeu out gathering in his
hordes from the Ijw desert before
they get poisoned.
The boys are out batting up tlies
which is a sure sign spring is
here or will be here.
Paisley was quite lively last week
with four drummers iu town.
The 11th it February t-h ul I beef me
a memorable day iu the history of tbe
Chevaiica'i basin. It was on that
day that. (J L. Withers turned on tbe
electric lights at his Hour mill ou
Haniptou creek. Thl 'is the legin
iug of tbe time when te whole valley
will have electrij lights. The new
vnaino besides Illuminating Mr
Wither's house furnishes lights lor
Bone tit 1 and McCouibes.
Edward Kobinnon w hen last ha;d
from a week ago was dowu 7." feet
with his well borer. As tbe machine
makes forty feet a day some days it
doesn't take loug to aig a well.
Hobisoo solved th problem of the
bard pan. lie would pour iu a barrel
of water over night aud next day
move right along.
There Is an aitist not far from ttie
Aoa rivet school were Miss Louise
Boawurth is teaching. Invitations
f r the basket picnic on the U'lth
, came cut out of cardboard aud peu
ciled to lor k like tbe school house.
It was poor diplomacy, however, for
only one in a family received one.
All the rest were jealous aud would
not go.
David Wood rail uow tbat spring
has come ha? re.-umed attnednnce at
Paisley school.
Carl Lwiug aud Clifford Johnston,
forest rangers, were down lat week
from ttiH ranger station back of Knipb
Foster's. They are getting ready to
puttiug in a crop o' gram at the feta
tion this year.
Tbere is a Dew telephone on the
Summer Lake line Boy Woi dward
bas secured his new phoLe and has
returaed tbe one he toriowed to the
New by place.
The Home of Good Values
to the actual bottom of every bargain and you will
find there is no economy-no real money saving in
purchising cheap materials' Every commodity has
its own standard value and when you find prices,
represented as bargains that falls below that stand
ard commodity price, you get shoddy materials that
would be dear at half the price.
There is little if any difference in buving of largo
stores. Where the difference really lies is in secur
ing control of a certain lino of high grade materials
for the same price as shoddy materials. On that
point we claim superiority for
Hawkin's I Smith's hams and bacons
We give on these maximum values for the same
prices you would pay for meats not so good. Wo
have the exclusive sales of these two lines which you
all know cannot be equalled in town and wo will
therefore only say: THEY WON'T LAST LONG.
Bailey & Massing!...
Grows Fine Potatoes
I J C. Oliver of the West Side has
experimented witb tbe ordinary farm'
ciopa there without irrigating and
finds tbat he has line success with
aloiost everything that be has tried,
.especially iu grow ing alfalfa, wheat
aud potatoes. .Mr. Oliier's ranch
! near l)rews Creek is a fair sample cf
! t fie ranches iu the valley and it the
-Lantern, man c aid see the soil and :
compare it with what he is in the
habit of trying to cultivate "Hack
. Last", he would wuuder why uo one
had ever told at. out this country be
fore. Mr. Oliver finds that lie has hud
excellent success grow ing Blue Cen
i tenlal, White Centeuial, Karly Ohio
j and Stray Beauty potatoes w hich he
thinks are t' e best vareities adoptwl
'to his soil io tti's climate. In grow
i'ig alfalfa he has tried seeding heavily
! but Mods that from six to eveu
; pounds to the acre on nnirrigated
. liind is productive of the greatest r?
suits. Th'sJcoHipared to the twenty j
pounds ttvit is usd iu sumo places
is quite ao item and there is an in-j
crease in tbe yield with the lessened
use iu the seed. .
Smiles and Squalls
Mr "TIIK V t'HI T K "
The he "gossip" is just as much of
a nuisance u: a female irons in, ouly
there may lie an exuese for the latter.
It ttledorn take a receiver long to
high-priced land anywhere, and the
future will giva you a com peteiiry
lastiug and of geneious pr portions I
The man who can't give a negative,
answer when asked to take a drink
is apt to be regarded as having
trouble witli his no's.
Jf any one wants to spoil nil that
(ind has given him, make himself
miserable and fie it nii-ery to others
all he baa to do is to tie Hellish.
Mules and Religion
A xobni-riher wants to know it a
man can retain his church memler
ship if he raises mules. Well, know
ing something of the uncertainty or
mule nature we should say n t. Then
too, it might make n difference hh to
w hat Church one belongs to In a casa
of this kind. For Instance, . rotes
tii n t ministers might not ntiprcie. nf
mule railing at all; while, on Itie otti ;
er baud, In case of ureal out -break In j
profanity because ot the mulish mi;
1 1 ' i n of a muli- Bishop Paddnc': of
Fattier O'Mulley might make the
wiy tn the tiituie smooth for such a;
siuner! But you better f i rei t sen Car- J
rikei about it
A Ituras 1'lalrnlniilr, 11: Wo are in
formed that a large force of railroarl
surveyors are at work this side of
Ama lee. They are working this way.
1'ieachiiig every Sunday nt tl a. i
Sunday School at 10 a. mi.
Kpworth League at : 15 p. m.
Prayer meeliui ery Tliurbinlv ev
en ing.
Preaching at 7 :;ui p. m.
U J. WKNT.KLL, Punfur.
" "Now, Tommy,' said the teacher,
'you may give me an example of a
cnicicideiice." "Why. er," said
Tommy with some hesitation -"why,
er, whv- uiH ladder ami me. mtiddnr
was both married on the mime day."
Harper's weekly
Children Cry
The Lakeview Development Co., finding that their interests
are located in Modoc County, California, and from experience
gained by attempting to do business away from the county-seat
and where mails are delayed in transmission to and from
Alturas, have decided to locate their main offices in that town.
The business of the company will in no way be changed or
effected, and the contracts made by the company with their
patrons will be carried out to the letter. Contract holders in
their Lakeside orchard tracts will please take notice of the
change, and here-after address their communications to
Lakeview Development Co.
In Five Years
From to-day, You will be
on the road to wealth
If You Buy Ten Acres
In our Orchard Home Tract at Willow Ranh, Calif.
A ten Acre Orchard Tract will give you a better
living and a LARGER SALARY than yoq can expect,
to make in any other way. Ten Acre Orchard
Tract $500.00. $50.00 cash and only $15.00
Rer month, Perpetual water right for irrigation FREE,
lo taxes and no interest.
You cannot remain LANDLESS when an oppor
tunity like this is presented.
Write for full information and illustrated booklet.
Tri-State Land Company,
Lakeview, Oregon.