Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 17, 1910, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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LAKh (H)l'Nh r;. .MiM.K LiWKVlKN.WKMlON. riH K . KKUUHAKV 17 DUO.
, ol
R educed prices for
arc showing a splendid
.cr.oriraenL of Februrary Clear
. ce Lr -gahis. Among them
vari - Worsteds in Plaids and
, 2! cento a yard.
31: ikcts at Si. 90 each.
laiAeLs aL 95cents each.
Lad:j - V ndervear odd sins at
40 ceiivS e. dh.
Children's, Boys, ac; i i Jsses
Sweaters al COST
Misses' ribbed Union Suits at 30
These lines are being closed out
and present good opportunities
for excellent Bargain.
Head to Heart
CorrrlKht. im. t.y K.twtn A. Ny.
. Chief of ro,"R, Itichmond of Council
It! lift'--. I.e. luii ti nool method for re
foruiini; urn utv inul mischievous boys
; without tin' ii i.l if a Juvenile court. In
n wind Mil U liU ns'liH1;
! MaUe ii pollci'mnti of the boy I i
4Ulii'niu?"s "kid police force" Is pop- ;
uhir. n J h 1 xiit every loy lu town i
.luveulle crime has nl
Press-Day Troublos
JW llnd the tollowlntf In tn Mlu
rim New t-rn, 'hloii tit our chm ho
well ttmt mm puhliau U M hunt ere. I
There 1 troubln in I tin pilnt mIiop,
no Ihukuiihi can xprin, f r Wolne
diy rolled Hrotimi again the day we
KO (0 prtA.
Tho eompoiMtora nix htuilllnn fio-t,
aeh tin n dirty nrnof, tim make iii
I1IHII IS 0IIH!lu' lU H liy 0 f'ulHH the
Tin devil ide.l I u .il ev of mil I
iioiiiuirlel, tli loriiinii'H miyiiij ti bum
to htm, Unit inn kef tlu hri-i-lnne
Hlllf II.
Tin ntKimitraptier I j-i-vinir hIi 'tit
t lit Ink HH't on lnT (Iri'MH. Vli' irol
darned fool cull tell o're trying l-
tio to irvni.
Kvcrvthiuti I hit "balled-nn '. tin
1 1 fm wiJ. fci-'R'V
Some Things
Characteristic of
Mndo to n hlr;h standard.
Tested for Shapo
Tested for Comfort.
Tostod for Wearing: Qualities.
i. it tl r fo'in nIi.mII I1 nlin'itly eniM- I nt
Mil- I . i I - . iiiHti-.'i'l of the rather t n ."lit
, - l , i'III' .'ti li not he f.iiliiuiwilil.V rnint
iilhc cor.ct U.t mhiptcd In vuur II;' niv.
I' i-I.
' Ii.' iil
1 1 M - till
e.l I i
r ini'
I,, IV -I.
i II e -
II -
ANtitit'to Join .luvenlle crime tins til f,,rilllt ,,, ,,, .Hh hii.I now llie oli
tnot 01s:lppe:ived. niM -,0UII melt , 'A ii-hIiiu' alien e ro Knlnu to
rinil'MiN" n't no recruits from the ' pri"n.
ninl.s of t!ie boys. I t, round the run n tlieit rloi;- ilu
Ne;ii'y every normal hoy wu;it to te 1 Hei'iiiii lu ll horn hII tin nlllce
a "copper " ; iloit is yi'lpniit. f in thi'J'vt b 1 1 n!
On Hint ii-.-lu Klrhinoud hullt ! "I'on hin tint,
hi- l:i w mul riler force i f youtl ful jo- i'lie ri'xsmiui uo' U ren lr, hut tho
1, !;,.) ,l( Oht torill, Allll't "lltl". M'l Ii"
The fon-o InoluJ.i street nrahs, hitt le-. oul( m nutchni.ui", hhiI kIvlh
wws: ,-ys iH.d, hesiiie.-i hoys ( ll,H ' ' ,!"'t
I ln forum 1110 ntj itu t-renii i ihi.
" m
Price SI. CO to $5.00 each.
-- ' -r
Resolution of Condolence '
1 1 . t n, t ho "III I nt I 'i I ! 1
luck I'tliiiiiii'i', f liu-li, it iluu
I fro : t!n 1-cst home-. It Is dunned
fn:- i' I'l-.-iuit occiKlous, so that every
m ti i liaiu'c to serve. Then Is
no I:.- 4i-r ilisr.iie than to he urresteil
whl'o :i rietiiber of th foiiv.
To l!!-i-ir.-ue the chief's lui-thoil
I'reil'ius to the I'ourth of July four
,-,..rv ;,. ,, 10 fo-liuK the sh -otliu; of
(Tr- i ' eis he'-re n cerlahi hour. O i
tho ;M a po'i t-r.i:i!i lu'i-ui:ht In n tllrlv
Me fellow who had vl 'fate 1
t. cd i;t:lf
E the onh r
i ".iitn!iih.'
f' dert:u
G heli'.iut
enld II!eh::iotid. who i:'i
rt:unN hoys, "what do vou :'v I i
lite niaUe the ram; hetune t
m- riow? wart it roo toy."
"V.t me." rcjUcd .llmml'e. "I ah:'t
froini fi toil -n my p.Ti."
N': I don't want you to t'.o that, in?
C" 1 - . 1 "No; I don f want you to co th
--r- . . "Ai l kiu 1 have a stari"
Ve-:: Ii! jrlvi you a l aih-e." sa!.I t!i
the jr'Hi ti rutin lux limit hut i'vc
Cot to tlike t he'll Hit HkNiln, fi:rut't to
ehiitibji t he iln'i !
Jht-y'ro on Ukiiiti ; f're niiitiinix
MAlft in (-lie1., li it ii p-iier's mi t,h
rinli-r now, mi l vou l et I'.i 1 1 to
; nt iek
The whole tnincli is niiel in hui. iiii I
euvHln' uioit nt" lei-n. tor hell liii-tim
loimn ou V. I nes hiy ' lien tt, pup-T
. l! it1 A to pre; 8
IN. C. O. Carshops
Ki'iio t i.tctle I't'ti f Mil i!ii;r I 1 1 It -'IvMtv
o' t Ne il in t';il I torn 1:1 Oreil Ml
linlroal In I o cr intcil e mtr.iet
fo' the co-i-t ; "i-t lou ol the m- e-hoH
Htnl r inn l it i-e f.,r tin N (' I) to
ti i'h A Sheii I t e eo irm-t for thii-
ll'luil llll l -ilti dull It -rf .till i-t
Hnuirt i in- iii-n I i i rii il'ioit A II, Hie
till All it I f tHlllllll.M Mill
fttlotit cV,.'i,tH tl
Hot ii. t he llth I ii Ht I i I ho i
lliiir) t. hiill. of I.nklA, n 1
(Mhii'Uh l.ciUton n:il utf
piesi-uteil H i-on by Kt. iilinli
thny eoiilsdir It thu bii.--t ru
ell her ever recelveil.
l;.'Bii'll lllis i I (llle,l:il I'ltiil ter
No ."i. Or b-r oi I-. nierii
Ull'-li'tlH It liivmc li'ioni I the (.rent
Architect nt t' t- l''tUerM' t j leinovu
trom i i h out I h I v lu'ior
(lur llrotln r S1DM.Y T. ('(MATS'.
hn del iirt.-.l thiiiHi on Jiinuury :iti
l'Mi'. 'in nun n( tin nl IiimI niPinbi'ii
ill this t'hiipli-r; it i I Whi'iens in Ihrt
ibiilli of ion- lltnlhor. our Clmpter
Inn Ins' ntiM nl 1 1 tie vol i I Meinln-n, The no wit trrlvol trntn th' ' r
mi I l'ie iihitiv - ii ilevntui hUHl'Hiil j n v S! nun ht nt to t Iim rll net 1 i i
iinl fdher, Mho ht III kind Hi-tH ll'l I 1 urn! Mrs. ThouniH J. I'nvvelt li ' '
Oei-ils i-iiili-iir. nl ni-lf to tliP-n; ' proud phm-iiIh of n tnby ylrl.
tU"ietoie, lju I' nrtu1 veil, thnt in'il ' --
i.pd.y PXtit i I to fn he. envoi Udn A )t,,jt , 0 t I
liven of our lee-iiieii brother, our , ri4 ,,H1, .-t, a irivxl .i '
HliicereHl MV lio itliV in this their hour i vj , ,,,. re III i-ti.l'e. t'o-iii. ''I
HI -niron. Him ii runner I. ennui, i .. . fll(,,.i,, ., I ki iii I ii in
tint ii conv of tloiKi Ki.Mtibitlous I'C
Iriiu-oiiitl.-I to the K.-liiti vi-s of i nr ;
Ji'.'eib-e I lltnt'iei; Hint H cnpv he'
MirYt.l til full up. in tin. Hocui'ls nf
this (''nil'lfr mi l Unit (n.v bti
cent to l'ie bieul . e. ttpuper tor pull
I'oilt lu'l.
I mteriuilly SiihuiHtiid
lOil.S (. 1 1 1 T , I ,
' !.)! II. CONN.
.,. a
ii, .
Tho Delineator
Floti in trsrk -o m nt ! - tre j u .--s
rate of M u.iles hu .' o r. iht i
kfniMij nt a r!e which in in- nmi
i aKe fcouiH of uu( Li'.ni vie v mitoi.-t-ruuip
bht uervon- !
A N. McCur:v (h lu ioliir tnu-nr
il HitUt a no Iim.- lei-i t'ie in-" ins . :
1 eloiuu umuy nt ti - i :ml mnkinw
toyH atiout tjwn ir-t their i u?t a -In .
tiHii e1 to the rii-i unule. i- in
cauaciatiited tea otariv m'tii'f
rfieeut tils inrlon on acciiuu' i I
I ivim: a tronbleoiiie and KLiirv
Mrid case of erj-iobl-ii in o :e of his
h els
Keene and Todd will present a
iho in Fn.titek friday niht, '
consisting of uioiai( pictures hu.I
vautu villa.
Dmi't forcet the Library Ileuetit I
Fruity niht.
Mr. & Mrs. J ('li)irlen fr-iuitli me
I. uny ptep.-ira'jij-vuiipenlni their new
P irif.lsn-.tilliiie'r "t-arlorH in the new
Itinn-e n itiulit. i'h.i Ii t he Met liodlst Bnntinir buildinu jutst W.-st of th.
aud b ' it Minister very cnurteouiV iT-ourt IIou e nil M.aiji ftreet. They
It ton VimtheiiM- nt their pulpit ' will have ah openititf' on March linii
riarii.t - vinit. ltis p!einant to thiin itnd promirm HotUHt hintf iu t he inilllu
4tUN-rv- tie brvthein dwell In unity, ery line to equal the ilifplay of omc
FO Hu-itiiitf h - had HnclisuccesM of the lartte cities.
m ren i his tii w to f ti it he ha
trjiun erection of i iili'-r ono on
adjoin uir propei-tv. . Mi. Bunting
fe io; de-irard'.- citizen and hi
elfortn could. t)t Ciipied t.y others to
the b"ln-nt of Lakevi.-w
T r fori c.:u- ,
4-n - room m. ; ; eek Tues-j
da- - nut in .s n-iovi us :
out h i - - ahle tn ,
ti as outi. id a fcbsrt
1 'B PbiHc . St IS bd- '
r.'. for ii- IjakLvieivt
abi.'ii busy, i :. 1
1 . h 1 1. u . . -i 1 1 i .t imi f ,ir
' i iu er . 'ir lays lnt ;
- e- iay. mi- dr. V riday
a- - v sniff. :.- i -VH9 assite i ,
k .hiruet-ti a-i V:r Thumu ;
mt, was a s . tn t ifu laucp of '
ter in hcourt f ' id weather i
iu: -sitlu roa - j
i 1 o Isek or n . : t u ;n Friday
u-i . i-e Boar .- trade uieetius,
W.r ' oo elec i i of officers. j
Hiffi.J Caddock iv In. i-Hiiie last
, . left nnv He held
ehn-e . vi.-es iir tim vl. K. Church Sun
4J, i il-o In 1 1. -Ba i: l-i Church
"VI ri'Tht. I'm Ll v
.I'r-i" ie. who whs t!:e:i and there
sw.ini bi :n a s-pe.-ial poiiocnian - i-u
lift v.'h!- ') iinrni'dlately tn.i.le him n
pi;i cit!::cu.
You M'c. .1 imt'ile .".lid I'vorv ly-!-nt
heart MANLY. It! I h-:i i f mn
hnes may bo to higher than to wear
' t':o bin!,-.' nf authority. liut ho live-
uri to his Ideal. He Is true to his m-iim
of duty. Iu doiin; that ho becomes
more manly,
(live the boy a chance. Trut hl'n.
lie will n-'t dNappnlnt you If you plve
hhn "a s.piare deal." i'l'T I.KSI'oX
Trust hiTD.
And you will make a man of him.
Meet me at
Will help voir biriK Mfcou it if yon
vsill ht On. I Inn In 'in has male nirr
j.!ii. ii'i t niii.i iiu this ' anion Why
iml Jnil? We haw the ttupi. II A M
Taxes Now Due
The LiUoview Pi
Hi. v i i If en in .!"'
lle ol M.iV. T!i
tiHi'iiiA 'h- Wirc-
"'Tf; I".. M. F. C
rti:t a-i auto'r
Ibe'r rbinders i: ac'
C-e.-k Electric
l . lit t ilf mid
. 'lltl I IV I" i I II
Business Locals j
Ctd's Club.
The ( M l M u s tin', h.-l I hi, t l-'i i
; i J a y eiinlnc at the Knider ( Ipetu
j House bi 'iu-ht nt a crow h- 1 honi-e.
It n- H 'no I n h k r nil ilk'nt, ki I :m
a Mii'i-i' II iimeiiill ,- ail in every
v ii .
i The mirth r-.ivnitii ait i.-s nf he cl I
; n mi Is wiirin"t ib tailed nersnnul iiieu
timi, which is beyond cur puticr to
; put in type.
All suits of nl i u aids were pr.-iieiit.
, :iou.e- with cats, nouie with pnrrnls, !
j Hii:u with cork ocraw curl. i.d , . , .
!m,iP, net the lea.T iu old fiilno::e I I CatnOllC NOtiCC
I I'autalo tes. j The h.-iisoii of Linit. till year. In
I ' '1 he rrnei'Hils. which It Is reunite 1 u ins with I'ebrniirv ill h ( AnIi Wi.dn.'M-
retted h boul frl.'i, were dosute.J to Ih' ittid ends with March -tith (
M. 11 Church. of Faster) Weduunlay s, ua well an
' ' Friday, are daya of Hhstluonon. The
" . tiina . for hluvter .('ommujilnu thia
Do You Want to Sell?
If ii w -tut tn II your bil.lue
.. 1 : i v klnd.ur If yon want to Ki ll
y.iuc pi.ipi-rt.v, mid will iu ike ih
i' iliiht. I wind I like to hear from
vou. liive .!.-. rini Ion mid 1 1 .
A.Ulii-MH .1. K. Mil I'll, oi l ( iiaml.or
Ciiinnii-r. e, Purl land, ll'i'iJiiU. .t.vU
T l O w o lien hen i th" list
!t.l,IM: V luli for Miin h o
verv re i iir.,.ild'i iirtiii.-H M . ti t
li -llmohin. pieildi.nt id I I r-
bor iiifh A-i-orlnt Ion i f V i. i.
s.-!i. I li'ii-h.-is. itty of r ,
who n ink for ;.,!liil ti'iic'.ei tn e
'Y-iiX Citv nlii. ie, I .-111 nf t ' I -1 1' i t
! I or lipid p i v .th t he mi ii iif i-i.-!
I r I. ink. Mrs. WiIhiid Wooiinn en eg
; hn.iiel id.-:.' In "l'no A inut i mi l-ie
! biiu-l" t tint will bl lr o in hell Co
' in. nit.
I K.iiisih Clly'i teui.ii kid )o i, eth. 4
nf d en I I:ik' with 1 1 1 pi I him i-1 t '. i mu tl
n I ion d i it par inn mil puid.i m i.
I hiiue I hv Chiiti. H 1 1 1 1 i i . on i.r I .
tithi "A New Way In .inn non "
'A illl tin II All-n. .Ilie.'tnr f th
ll irriiu i.f u ri li-1 pul i;i-earcii. di.i
euse from n s.'l.uitlth' l.-wpidi.t
"lim 1(111,111 onnl Church" l i hli S
he dim' Issei the Hiicinl uurent III I ht
church. ,ii uitich nf nrtlciilnr up.
peal to vhls ii, "Uimt a Wonnin't
Cnlb'ijii Meiina to a li ll I, " l y Mad"
linn Doly.
The llction Is .leiilnrf. irulnl
I'raer Hujle. Will N. liiirboti. Idiu
beth Jnr.lon and Thomaa I. MaHoa
coiitribiito the lundlOK mr Iu ad
dition Orai'n MacUotvau IJouk'it m-rlu.1
' Kninbow laces "The kind
plea eg just opened at Ii Sl i.
Fresh candy, eery day at the Hon
Too confectionery.
Mr llooit BuiHer (Jur line of
supplies has never be n questioned
Sue if you can Hud fa ill with them
M & U
.IMiIj-' 10
la.-tory for
t I'orliaud.
Bookri Ht the Hheriff's offiiy ar now
open foi t he collection if taxes which
are now due, and notice to tax pavers
have been sent out. By the payment
f the entire amount ou or before the
1 lritli of March vou will ,et a discount i
!of three per cent If one halt the! w
Kitiiouut is paid by April 1st on ui:P "M hiM , tulK hi
' i .... i . . . . ...:., canned ht H If. We
it V li II ..'II, 111 . ' I I. II o:t I'll I it 11 il
j intcrci-t Ht thu rat.- of VI pel i.t jier
1 ii 111:11111 ndded.
Peanuts a poncorn, always hot, ut
the ISon Ton cunfi-et iuery
I. a I J
V. : 1 l ........ ..!..!. f. m I'lll. I., i ' 1" t 111 1 1 II Ul' I J,
incpiacewneroHusinobs v-v''.,,, A -Tha faahlou. ar. outllud for .prion
men meet is at Swenson's
Children Cry
T S t at
IhL'e I.I.I- .- on
City Sia.-e 1i:il-s kii
Klaudei s
: i: 'iwi'ip if t(
111 1 i I'l'iL,.-! ' i-Il '. . 1!
btt i in 'i-la ) Ioih nr i.'t.rd
i.f the U-iKl-t
.oi h,--.-.i::Ul i;f
know they have
qnnlitv. I 1 fusier t o ak tor Ti LL
MANNS than it is to evilii i win
that i .rand ii so tn u c h letter Hay
tim word Nt il AM
ciu-,:! i.'t-
th.- Mi.-. 'I
t.l ii".':
I: !!
i- 1
I' i L '
i ! i I ' I il t'lll ft :
w-.-i 1 --r.- .mil 1
1. . -in 1
h c i ! ' i
r .0
tiu , .)
AH. "
j.i i lo.
iii;-1-. t i i bi
f Pirn-
l '-i , . ' he
'I.I il ck
- t-. M..
I'h (o
I in- In'...
!-..i.'! r i p i li i'.
o' l.'TU 1 -I' I' ri.l.i.v hi -pi
ti.fe l-ll'.W. Ill;l
V 1 oil. I o .-. Vi il :
. . o : . a - a cm i j a i
ut .-.ill hrriv al.iji.t i
:-, I'! .::, :, .-
i I I ) 1 .0 1 i hi' I (. -.
!;inA. St.. ; (.:. , r !
i.e P. t'-r I, .tli-.r wi
-, Hi.' in Cut en r CIO-.
'.iiho'lt W-M:!fli:J t'ie
'. Ji-'oll I lilly w bl T it-!i; 1.
'.'. ti
i tl,.:
t ire.-.
ei I,
'i '..i,l II
'I'll J
I ill i II -I
' (in and alter M iic.i Nt lDli the
II lel.ik-lin 1 mi at in irki is will lj"
(li.M. i all da Silli'biV I each wiek
il ..Y!:s i:ki:i:k
(Jijusi: LKi; vali.i.v ii;;at cu.
G vjo r. t "j r. " o R c s tau re r. t
is tht: 'iiaco
nrset overv-fcedv.
Wei l: oio I'm- i n si.". V. l- .-b. .". 1:
Notice la hereby uiven that all ap
plications for permits to urne cattle,
l l.nrsei and hee) within thol-KKK'
MONT NA liOs'VL FDUKSL-durititt
the seasou of HMD. (mint, be Hied iu
liny Oltlco lit I.cll'.evio .v, IJreitne, on
lor bi-lnio Mil i-h 1J, I J id. Fullni
, torniiil ion ia regard to the U'liiuit
fees to be i' ii u rwt i" I and bl'iuk foi ins to
hu n-M'i in uiakliiL; an pi lent ii-iis will
; l.e fiiriii.-L- l ijpon ri.piei-t.
I tiCY M lN(JItM.
' 7w 1 1 Supervisor.
For lafaiiti and Clliidien.
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
tn colon aud with authority. Mr
hltncox, to tier letter, tell of t
Kprli coutu and the trottenr frochu.
Ihere la a ne of completion about
TIIK uKLINFATOK for March that
in very aatiafylnif.
wmar or covkt houii
FintT Class Wouk
First Class custom Solicitko
t-OH ItF.XT. FurnUhert room. (Jen
tlctiimi prefenei. Knipir. HA It
TLTlKi;. nt the I laninu Mill. 1-
- . J
Skating Rmk
AdllllKr-lilll .",.'',
("killing on TueK.lfi.VM, W'i'dlii'hda ,a
ii 1 1 i Iiiii'siI in i. ulhtH. ',,,, i n Muii
ibi.VM.'llid l-i'nll.H nights. Widlliil
d iy nf'.i i-ii..i hi. h' Day.
r. it., Prop.
I .V ill
lla.L.V (Jbilbi!, tiie v.t.) i 1'iu 1 -1.011,
Ltfi j-ist l.yiiL-'it a 1'J-I!. P
-tenz Hutu for .-11,0 ill b.i .1 ca-i'i.
llecMi to hieep eM-rv r-ic i-.ith
L Ha expccld to cover a miln ou the
I i ietl I;jue ttn.t is in.t v. nl : iiuleu ':
. Ll-iy a "TOLKDO " i.r a "CIUCA
UO" fcteel U ai4i tlev have a wiit
1 ten cuaiai.tiH,. f'-.r ttii yi-ari.
Soon be time lor yar-ieuiui'. We
carry a full line of ariei) tools and
Plants Jr Seeders.
I"iJ Ml:.lJI li.lll.j
thur. :
frid'y I
siit'.v 1
sun. ! -J!i
i in in.i r.
tii.-H.' i :vi
I.r. .
1 1 ii
ii no
ii h i
II. Li)
0 DO
" i .it r
.... i
i nil ,
; oi i
; .-.
I oo I
I 0.1 I
pt eld.v
We have just received a late shipment of
Koching Chairs, Dining Chairs, Children's
hioli chairs, Misses' chairs, Child's
Roekcrs, and 15ar-room chairs, also 'a line
of Dressers and Couches.
Undertaking Parlors in Connection.
Finer Class SfRiina Costumes
and Ball. Dumaae
Itoonm in New I'.untb k JJuildiiif;
wi'Ht 'f (,'ourt House.
New Bakery
Will havo Fresh Dread, Cakes and Plea every
day. Lunch Counter In Connection.
Kafbte of J.'ll." HotchklBH, deceaimd
Notice iu hereby plveu that the
undemluned, J. C. Ilotchkiss, was oo
the loth day of Februaiy. 1910, ap
pointed eiecutor of the estate of J.
II. HotohkisB, deceased, by ti e Conn
ty (Joint of Lake County, Oregon
and baa qualified. Therefore, all per
aons haviuK clalmn aaiubt aaid eatate
are hereby lecpiired to preaent them,
with the proper vouchers, within blx
ruoutha from the date of thla notlue,
to the eaid executor at the cliloe of
W. Lair Tbompaon lo Lakevlew, Ore
gon. Duted February 15tb 1910
Executor of the Estate of J. il.
Uotchklse, Deceased imkk.
Why delay getting that homestead?
Your chances are less every day.
Railroads are building- into our section.
Capitalists are securing- large tracts
of our lands.
Settlers are coming every day and locating.
What ha been known as the GREAT INLAND
EMPIRE will soon be segregated with railroads
and become one of the most prosperous farming
sections in the West.
You know the advantages and opportunities there are in n new A
country, and the ever Increasing price of land, and we assure you that
a trip into our county will prove oneof the best investments you ever
REMEMBER, we make a specialty of locating homesteads, desert
claims, and reporting on school lands, college lands, etc. and we assure
you of the very best of service.
Write or call on us for any information you may want concerning
such lands.
r i t r V A V J W 1 t V V V P WV -v m
juver L.aKeview I'narmacy UAIVt: VI tlW, UKtUUINi