Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 17, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    &KI HTY ItAAMINKh. UKK ir.w , tiKr.liON. Tilt ItM-.. . I rllltl Al 17.11.
SLake County Examine
Frud J. Bowman
Lxnt Sworn. Circulation In Oregon OutsWe of Portland
Official County Papkr
Uwdtnf b4j.11.CS o In, Bin.!
cam, rcr month. All MDdlnc aJi.
I fr twlr t month. Coat ot eompoai-
iiU4lDitlltiinetiiM. Allxctal
I .sire, au anon wn
, toca cola hoi, Mc. rr lin etch la
Vast wk c lln. each InftpfiloB
-kw 4 (bank ll-SO. Rwlatlonf of condo
mm. 11 J sn4 upwards.
imini AdvertLlng Bad Jo Ftidi-
I Oil b paid tfc frit of fftOB IBODth.
Jn ar, Ib aareaoe,
(Is m.oiha.
run moBiha, "
If sot pete la adviuoe. tl.M th year.
Subaenon to Tb. Riamtser wbo rraort
(ron on locality to another, or chang
their poato Sir. add rvaa hould naraiWr to
drop In la otto Board to tbrtr pspet obi tx ad
&tti4 to lh. rlfBt poatofflcB.
Lieutenant Sidney T. Colvin
From Clyde, New York, Time
daeUot Washington State, there bat
jee come lett. containing tbe
word. "Brother Sydney la dead."
Tb last tine I u the! relative and
tti4 waa at mooooacy. Md., the 9tb
as July, 6i. wheu be waa load lug a
arty of Compaoy It, under . a
withering flie from the enemy. In the
bop torn attempt to reecue Lieuten-Mt-Celooel
Tnft. 'who bad just been
raVot front hi horse ana whoee body
lay le the way of the rapidly ap
proaching rebel lines. When I re
tarrned to tbe regiment, trom the cap
tivity trbicb began on that July day,
tbe Lieutenant bad resisnei and later
wbee I,, too, came bume from tbe
strife,, for some reason, or paths
saewr crossed. Ilia later moving to
(Sfte PaoiSc coast, made still more im
yrnbaxble tbe cbancea of our meet
ax4&. Baooarh) be did cross tbe oonti
ueutTMOo- mv twice tn visit br old
Ivkm the borders of Batter. Even j
neiers He sonant tbe extreme trust,
ateLtooe dowa to the Atlantic edge ;
far mere tfaaa a generation
:eor visual meetlne How-
kXTscte Sam's man eemee Has
sago iMkuut anndry loog-dUtaooe
isttasaiewa-aad I always vn pleased
" ttort 'from tbe old soldier,
yoong man,- was eo of tbe
of i lie .that made life merrr: and
sjawtasonii in tbe Hutler-Roee ridel
HV, Tkjfntore Lleotenast had the
a4 o4s e that comes from tbe pee see -atiTof
,tnve very beet of parents. Un
eafcOJlverCeJvin. a Drotbet eo tbe
ut. natnaa Colria. of CIvde.
ev U.Wayne County, reootery
Uten'a Fall coo o try, tboorb be
mA iaatjd to tbe Western pert of
Kew 'Tort- early enough to form one
tatUe oexepaoy. which, by a packet
Crir from Baffalo to Albany, oele
temted tbe opening of tbe Erie Canal
aar82S,' HU wiieo was Jane, daughter
Jobas Seelye, a brother of Joseph
mi Benjarrio, early set'iera of Rose.
Mer birthp lace was Moreao, Sarato
m County. After litiog in eeveral
e4her places, tbe worthy people took
at residaaoe iu Galen, a short dis
tance aontb of Clyde, and here Syd
ey wee born August 19th, W3S one
esteleven obil ireo, all of whom, ex
cepting tbe eldest. Kiew to maobood
aavl womanhood, baa be was in bis
middle teens, 1855. bis father t6ok
notion of moving to the South and
eordlngly. with his large family,
wide tbe oterland trip to Virginia,
fcattog near Frederlckulmrg. In a
eetioo over which rival armies !
as!bt to the death in tbe years of
'SB. Indeed, when tlje Heavy I
Sinth crosaed tbe Rappahannock,
far 2!t, 18. the Liiiteaaot iound
datflelf marching ftirsug!! tbe reious
Mt famllinr a decaie or more te
Jere, Reared as boys were woot to
"Sat fifty years ago, tfamiua whatever
a-dructioa the distriot scboul could
live, the War of the Rebellion found
tSm utill a youug man at home, the
Aiest of the group remaining there,
ingttet 14th, 18C2, he eniied as Sar
rfeant in Company H, lUth N. Y.
iafsntry, the same to be uhuoged to
A Ninth N . Y. Heavy ArtLiery at a
tr date. February Oib. tbtii, he
p promoted to Second LisuteraDt
itti September 28th of tbe aame year,
received bia commiisaon as
-in)t Lfeuteanant He was a good
eoMier, performing all of tbe duties
tntadeut to his position and, in tbe
iattle of Wlncbeeter, Septemtier !9tb
'Gi, waa eeverly wouodod.,Ue resigned
and waa honorably disc bar gad, Ie
oember lith, 1SG4. A younger broth
er, Asahel, had, in tbe meantime, en
listed in tbe 11th, N. Y and bad loet
an arm at Petersburg. Clark San
dera, tbe husband of his sister, Elix
abeth, was alto an exteuam aoldier
all these days, having enlisted in a
company raised in Waterloo. In
September, '04. aopareutlv when on
furloagb, h was married to Misa
Electa K. Power and in i870, they
made their way to California. This
was not an altogether unexpected
move, since his oldest sister, Cornel
ia, and bis older brothers, Tbnias
aad Augustas, bad already been In
that State many years. At first a con
ductor on the Central Pacific Rail
road,iQ, tjdU capacity became
Convinced of tbe Sapfitior advantages
of stock farmiog and, in 1S?3 b pur
chased a Iaree ranch in Crooked
Creek Valley. Lake County. Oregon,
here be raised a floe grade of horses.
which in tbe winter be was aocos
toojnd to take to California for sale.
His hwt letter to me waa from San
Francisco, whan thus engsged in die
peeing of bis eeasoara product. A
year ago concluding tba he had fol
lowed this evstem ieng eaoagh. he
dUpoeed of bia ranch and, stock and
bought a furniture .basmeaa ia Lake
view, hie poetofBoe aaureea for many
year. Though ooly a youag man,
like the; rest of oe In the Eeet. to tbe
people of hie adopted eeotion, be waa
a pioneer. Thla new oooapeUpo, be
waa following Utf time of hu death,
ia company wfttt i his. ,a-ln law.
f araluua u arris. . Beeidee his dangb
ter, Mr. F. Harria. there U Mrs..
C. a Harris, of Silver Leave, Oregon.
aad Harvey . Colvia, of Berkley.
California. The health of oar triend
bad beea ae g o o d M;aaaal up tbe
night of bis death. At 6 o'clock, on
tbe morning of th 3rd of Jaouaiy,
bis wife called, him, aa waa her wont,
a tbere waa a reepooee aa if ber
words were heard. However, as be
did not-ariee, a aeooad visit was made
to his bedside oaly to find him dead.
So paaseed on a faithful friend, aud
good aoldier and nitieen. the loving
busbaad and father. Of tbe earlier
Colvin family, only Fraak, Mrs.
Giles Winobell, remain at tbe borne
stead; Pitt resides in Elmiri ; Clara,
Mrs. Harvey L. Dickinson, lives in
in tbi State of Wachingtou, where
Naroisaa, Mrs. Eugene Uiokok, of
the Valley, ia now visiting hei ;
Elizabeth. Mrs. Clara Saaaders.j re
sides in Waterloo. The old Hillorest
rarm in Butler, with its magnifloTuut
Rose view, remalus jest aa it was in
lays a half a century ainoa, and it in a
tar cry to the Pacida slopes, yet I
doubt not. many a time and oft, vi
sions of father and mather with
brothers and sisters were around, as
Svduey Colvia turned bis thoughts
toward his boyhood and early man
hood. Like eo many others who bave
crowed tbe continent, to make their
homes au finally tbeir gravis in tbe
SuuBet LaiMi, bis life contributes
aoother strand to tbe bands which
b'ni together tbe wide outposts of
this immense ceuntry. Hi old corn
rads of the Ninth, will add bis name
to tbn lengthening list of those who,
having fougbt their battles of life,
having loyally auHwere-J, "Here,"
to tbe roll-call beyond tbe tide.
Worcheeter, Mass.
January fZJ, l'JIO.
Ita eettled policy only because It le
"confronted by a oondltloo and note
Tbe merchants of tbe Traffic Bureeu
do not bave to apologue for their
oommendable a o t I o n. They are
lingering at a halfway station now,
but soon other conditions will refute
tbeir theories and they will take a
more advanced position, and all tbe
time tbey will be in the best of com
paoy. tubuc ownership or powie
utilities offers tbe only means
which the people can obtain relief
from a kind of " monopoly that la not ,
only a great tax to the masses, bot an ;
insidious oorrutitor to popular gov
ernment. Tbe people regardless of old theor
ies, mast acquire tbe public utilities
as a measure of eelt defense. It le
poeaible for a corporation engaged lo
public eervloe to keep Ite charges
within reasonable bounds to refrain
from attempts to Influence legisla
tion, but . long experience does not
justify any sucb hope, "All that tbe
traffic will te-" la too profitable
a? be discarded for what
captains of lodustty would call seotl-i
mental. reason. Therefore extortiou
la.tbe rule and ant the exoeption. Cor
ruptioa ia Insure tbe con
tinuance of extortion, end as a result
tbe time must come when the whole
country will realize that It is "con
fronted by a condition an I uot a
theory." All ready tbe movement tor
tbe public ownersnlp of all putlio
utilities has woo tbe approval of a
Justiee of tbe Supreme Court of tbe
United States. Justice Brewer does
not apologize for bis views; neither
should the merchants ot San Francis
co who are now calling fur a govern
ment ateamship line.
.... ,
:.fl V
VV will sell Mi a section of the famous Sunny Southern Alberta
when t l Hid, will produce 30 to 50 bushels per ncre, for n first
cash imxuiiMit t ftiM'OO to $3,000 nnd Half the wlieat crop on 200
ncres yennj until the land is paid for. 2 '
Yoil K-'t all the crop on any land you cultivate above the 200 acres
on which we only jjet Half. ; ?
You do not have to pay one cent in money after the first payment.
Land at 815 t $25 per acre near railroads and elevators.! """"
Chance forCapiLal
We "have a solid block of seven sections, consisting of 1800 acres in
SUNNY ALMiRTA, that we will sell for $1G per acre, which is a special
buy, on the terms of 6 per acre down, and the balance in one, two
three or four years at only G percent interest. 1
A large part of the land immediately adjoining this tract of land is
under cultivation, and more will be broken up in the spring, by the
settlers to whom we have sold adjoining sections. : .
One crop of winter wheat will pay for this land and give you a big
surp'us in the bank besides.
The yield is from 30 to GO bushels, nnd and at 80 cents, the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less 812 per acre, a big estim
ate for of production.
See us or write ns soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valublc lands are being rapidly taken by enterprising Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or further information.
IMPEfUAL DEVELOPMENT CQ., Examiner Office.J Lakeview, Ore,
. N I MULE, Uganda. Feb. 4.-Te
Roosevelt party arrived here today
and every one ia in excellent health
aud ready for tbe ten days' jouruey
afunt. which In rmrt nf th nrnurnrr
.... :-r--Tv:i-. f-s ..
from bete. According lo the preeiitj
plans, Mr. Roowevelt will be In Paris
early Id Apfll. He will tbeu go
Cbrlstiania. liefllii aud England, an
expvet to arrlv in tie United States
by tbe first of July.
3. T. TTITlett ot twotn roruana, me.
le the owner of one of tbe smallest
doss oo record. This little bunch of
doc flesh aad hair la a Yorkshire ter
rler, two year old and weighing one
and a quarter pounds. Tiny wae to-
ported from England about a year ago
She la about the else of a half grown
kdttea and waa the smallest dog e-ver
seen at the Bangor dog abow. She
won the first prise for the best dog.
Maay excellent voice are raised, ac
cording to a communication which Dr
Welae has made to tbe French Acade
mic da Medicine, by practicing la too
Ismail a room. A public slna-er most
. 1 throw every intonation of his votee a
distance of thirty or forty yards, ht
saya. but a student practicing la
small room Is only able to throw It
yard or two. and the counequence l.t
that tbe mice. laMrad of expanding
becomes fppseied.
Dorando, who stormed the British
with bis supposed "moral" victory lu
tbe Olympic Maratbou race, was dis
missed from England wlfh a degree of
emotionalism that mnde bim feel at
home. All sorts of people how blm off
at the railroad station. He wan klitMed
on tbe cheeks by men. They took hlx
picture. They obtained his aniograph
Tbey threw bim rwm. Tbey ung tbe
Italian national antbcui. And nil the
way borne his waa a triumphal prog
reu. Five bands met Mm at Turin.
and tbe viva brought tears to bin
Estate of J. P. Patterson, deceased
Notice is hereby given that tbe
undersigned has been bv the Conntv
iourc or iake Uounty, Oregon, ai
pointed admlustrator of the estate
of J. P. Pattersoo. deceased, and has
qaaunea. xnererore, all persons
naving claims aealnst aabl Batata itm
hereby required to present them,
witn tbe proper vouchors, within
six months from tbe date of this no
tice. fo tbe undersigned administra
tor at bis store in New Piue Creek,
Hated February 11, 1910
Administrator of tbe Estate of J.
P. Patterson, deceased. 7W11
A REWARD of tlfty dollurs ia here
by offered for information that will
lead to the arren' anrt conviction of
any person wh i has stolen wires or
other proper! y from our Company ;
auu ma bum- reward is hereby offered
for InforniH' i-,n that will lead to tbe
arrest and nviction of anyone des
troying ti property nf the Company.
Chas. Umbacb,
Secretai , Lake Co. TeL & Tel. Co.
JWvocacy of Public Ownership
No Longer Requires Apology
i Bureau ot tbe Merchants' Associa
an Francisco Bulletin: Although j tiou of tbla city cornea out strongly
fUie advocacy of publio ownership of 'for tbe proposed Government line of
mobile utilites is no longer regarded BUamsLlps between Panama and Ban
ibs a rebellion against law and order Francisco and dscidea to take anactive
there are many good oitizeoe who ' Part la the fight at Washington to
eaem te think that when ther eoour- bring about the deulred nhange, but
aye any movement designed te transfer at the aame time the TraBio Bureau
asaoaopoly from a few Individuals informs tbe publio that it ia atill op
ft the people an apology mast oooom- posed to tbe prlaciple of govera
issey their eadomeaieat. The Ttaffia meat owaarahlp, aad deviates from
In the Matter of tbe Ectate of 8. T.
Colvin, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been appointed admin
stratrix of tbe Eatate of H. T. Colvin,
deceased, by t b e County Court, of
Lake County, Oregon, aud bus quail
tied. Now, therefore all persons hav
ing claims against tbe said estate are
hereby required to present them,
with proper vouchers, within six
months from tbe date of the uptioe,
to t b e undersigned adlm ilstratrix
at tbe law office of W. Lair Tbumu-
son, in Lakeview, Lake County, Ore-goo
Dated tbia l&tb d a y o f January
1910. K E. COLVIN
Administratrix of tbe Estate of B. T.
Colvia deceased. aWt
Taft's trip at trie fcudlng.
The filler hinKlstrnte has bevn en
tbuslaotlcully riopivid tu every city,
town or bnmlet where lie' hHii appear
ed, nnd he returns te the capital as
popular as when be depurtod frOfti It
for tbe short vacation procedlog the'
transcontinental journeys. If the trip
Was undertaken to afford the cMlzna
tb' pleasure of meeting, seeing and
bearing- tbe president of the United .
States It hm been a complete success. 1
kf ill tone ot bis countrymen bave en
joyed iIkw pleasoresy and do denbt
foe preeideot is gratified by tbe good
wlH of tbe populaee so groerslly and
generously extended to him.
If tbe Journey waa made to acqtilr
reformation opoo tbe live topics a
fectiug the uafloo rsd to obtelo Che
senw of tbe people as to policies aad
meu there Is no doobt that ao ctose
end keen an observer as Is tbe presi
dent obtained many material facts
from those he met and conversed with.
But Judge Taft will Bud bis labors la
tbe White Houw Increased by the mul
titude of nffulm be has discussed and
sugircatt'd that tbere be action upon.
Mammoth Stables
O. O. ARTHUR. Pmorm,iiv
Tbi Oirgeat Livery aud Fml Hlfthle In southern Orrorl
or H nt tlwrrj t'lilirortilu, llntees liimntiMl by tbe Dny, Week
fit lN.ntb, Fpecial AtU'0titi (ilvru to Transient fitock
LAKCVlltv t s
Mrs. Pankhurst U going fo exert
"presaore on tbe govern merit." That
Is tbe wny tbey wink for euul suf
frage In Kngliiiid. W'f hnre oo gov
ernment, federal, st.lle or uiuulclpnl.
wblch can help the women to get
vote, but we hnve l .i'x'" iiuuibers of
goveruiuerii o(Ic,ih who find the vital
Issue of I he hour sufficiently liarass-
iug. NevertbelebH freedom of speech
prevails. Mr. I'afikburRt may talk
sfl she wants to.
Tbe editor of u Loudon paper, now
visiting tills country, writes home that
the savlngH of AincrkuriH totni about
five billions annnally. The news will
European PUn tttetytHl&z '
from Cup of Coffc to
Squre Meal - cll Try
U-Vou will Come Ararn.
C. E. SWEN50N, Proprietor.
I. O. O. F, Block, Lakeview, Oft
rMltlvJly rnrfd (i,1 not one drop of Dirllrlo Itiro lulrru.llr
Phl.lnb.BroiichUU.lrynttU.l-.i.rrhBlrtr.f,,,1,..A.llu,..n,l,ty j
. st"fllf'o sptyourn.ieml.ut.lm,,ly . utl..thlch hrn HImoIvmI Id ..J
.LZau v '"'. "in. and hrBllnBBilBi..iic. whlco U wppcUlly BdmlrJ u
lhed,l)o.l.B,mbr.n.llulr,of lb. Ko, .hg Tbr.t .0d whrn 0d -lib lb. Db
douch.whlU. .e.0ppl7.orB. g.rKl,. will .mm.dmWy ,.!I0v0 Ih. mocu. b, tbo,ou.l)
clc.n.luftb. brf.tblL, PB-Motlh- nM and comK-ju- ntl, .Hying lb. Sl.tb.rr
VL, ''V"'D.Tn " .'""unl" llierr.plr.iorBn.lnis br.ltbft.1 waoltlea
-"'"W".urJ wane tn. bro.ihlng .re flPed with kIkdbb Uti
VJ? . .. .. ".T,' --.'" ''- lhBbre.tb1n, .lrB.,1 .ad ifrJ
""7777" rr.uli lu C.iurrb, L. U.lpp.
r" ""O"1-' ld ' or chn.l n.1 fr.-qiifiifl r-nulu ...rlnuHly V i
OrLy'. Douche will po.lUvl, r. v., fmniodlsUlv and will cur-Al
and of tbe lliru.t . ud hniKi. """'"'J
TO rODVlllCC TOU tb.l ....... L-...vj . . .. .. . I
lo nt irren Intronf tn nr Knronwin ..!., ...... .,, . . i(n hip roilfon brIBW, BS.U II M
" ' 1 1 - mmo.o.u iy ni.ll y.m . 1 ,t of Ormby'. Ciena rl
fronds as giving assurance that the , mcnt. centering ti tr...i, uu ui. ,i.M ,i(lcll()r f..,ly ,MieIlll wi,hBU, doUck,
"seeing Kurope" fad will bo financed T,", ,,7,B,t'nu f"uc,,e wl" '"''"l mil. ii.Vilr ord.nd. fhKE-w. n
I sT I ovfi I tn al 1 1 vnn at v.lo.lil k..,.i, i.l ... f
for some years to come. Uhkh alm,' , ,h.V... 7.1. 17 "vecolor. nhowlng tb. Oriuiby siclbod H
I . -.... j u.HBi.r mi"
ure or mr Ibouuudt of un.olK li.-d (, wrlri'tvl
fng squlrreln in tbe city limits can
sympathize with the Seattle runs wb
was Mlcd for starting a foret fire
wJthin rbe elty limits.
.nd which h: vTVh.dr7,, ;::r .nrvioi'V''' i,lr,'rr1,:M' w,w 1 hi fi
dl.lodieli: atfr un'. rliiii .m-kHv (?r... .V. . ..1 ....!. , ! 1 I I r-f.tly
OrmKby'. N.mI IXiui he T.i.lem wlih .1. ,.iT. .... . . ' iri. im brrvallrd opin uie to Ut
! rfi "J"!' esiBtrh. with whirl, I had i,(t,.r. ,l I, , .,',. l ..,"w!...l.u" l""".',",
x-.nir.oiiK w uirpriiuua l..r ahnm nix w.-i ka I ... . ,1. . J. V "
Eight thousand acres, al) under
ditch, with water rights. Tbe very
cream ot tbe Golden Goose Lake Val
ley, A II level, aelecte man; rears
ago for lease, or su'.e 00 4 ;rnp plan,
to fa rniers who cau give proper ref
erences. These lends are the cholceet
in the valley.
Vfl Andrns lildg. Minneano'ls.
ir;. II. MtKendree, l.ukevlew.
I . 1. .. . . ? n..i.... ., I 1 111. I.
.IN. f II' .U Ull'l IMI IIIM ... ..... ...... I
Aathma, and U.- ha. I,i !.., tl,.. m, , .V , , ' " V. T.."' r ". lor y.'ar. froS
....... .....uc ..... uu, i.-ii a iriu:.. 01 em. 1. d trouhln Uit inoru thut
bad b-n l hi Ioiiki-xI rmiilui h.. i,h.i (, .1 ,l"a
Kn,. ihii! 1. ... mm .iii. 1. ..... ...... . . . . .
'lalili'tn had acliially curixj
two in, in Hi, and that Ibal
ay .jra'SjaV . rcon,.,,,,dod .
ppree,.te.,h.Wl,h ol ,h .r,.e.e Iha, y"i '.rV . cur,
vt 1'
lan No. Kouulii Hr.'.
but iiinrl. a, ( jif.
Very klnciTi ly yours,
John H. MaclwiB,
Pacific Cbemkal Company,
540 S.Hriiadway, t.oa Angrlo. Cal.
CCCIM? ToCTowthafln-
vB q . W M .w wt lluwora and
m9 til OK L 1 uhHiiii.
vcixulul.loi. plant tb. huit
Bood. Kerry ' BuimIii ars bi't
uocaunniliay imviir I. ill In v Hid
or quality, -i lie IK( (oirai-n-
ptm ana liLriuria fvi-rvwliora
know Ferry'a f.uidi In lie th.
iu:;iw (UinaafU c r (jii'illly
r aiiainuu. lui .ol.
vury wtmra
IratHrS IOIO 8e4 Anosal
KrtMj on roqumt
0. m. ntttr co.
Btiasu, Mica.
American Restaurant.
Haktry: Presh Bread and Pies, Every Day,
ORE YONQ, Proprietor.
IIouHc. Opt.n Day am Night. Meals at AU Hours,
nvavo uoxra ror Ladlca.