UAKk IXMJMTV KXJlJIKK. WiKWVIKW,UKICti4Jlv, TH0lCrttfA fKlHUART 10 Kit. I Garden Seeds I Flower Sjedsl Onion Seta! 'Wary, Mary, Quito Contrary, Ho w does your garden gro w? "Why, Ferry's Seeds Supply my needs. They ewe the best to sow. We have Just received a full variety of 0. M. Ferry's Garden and Flower Seeds. Also a fresh supply Of OnioniSets. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFsjj) Andrew Anderson, of FlagaTatf S?rth Warnei ) lake, was la town sweral days tbia week He has a rt tract wbicb be IntendB to irrl nte, to extent of about 20 acres ibia jut by means ot a reservoir, and TCMoa, operated by a wind milL He Mja-it has not been a bad wlnt.r vmtt tbere and when be left there the aoa Ba an gone. - Oa onr inside pages will ba fonnd Pafciey items that were receivd too tir publication laai issue. "terney County News : 'The Lase--rm Examiner is a splendid booster ' -feraoatbeastaro Oregon and is a lively oafer in general." Thank yod, Bru. Km. Harvey Colvto arrived on the vattfeera stage Monday even lag. ?"Rhart who iaf now at Uleo iasfevCeL rites ttoatonr Ore cold -aa baa reached that piaoa, tbe "femnometer registering below- freez tog many litres. The Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Jave eolfi their store, at Adel; te J. J Van Keuleo. their for-"!'.. Clerk. F. Burcb, and C. C. Burch The -ransfei will be msde abool'thw lit " vMBtb of this month. .. . .' '" Dr. Campbell of the ' IaWeview " eelopnent Conpaoy aad wife have - ose on an extended tour of Califor nia. They w ill return to this section. An Interesting: Decision fl W. Davis the real estate man. wade a contract with the owner for feud in Villa Hill. aereeing to pay, Krt down as purchases were made, ho thet he could give title. A man I to whom he sold failed to keen op bis. smymeota. aud tbe ManstMrt com- j ov hold'ng the assigned claim of j ilis, aaed to foreclose J a rise Morrow holds that the fore-jjo-wire caount ne made uotil the man ( sue is in po&itiun to give abso-i To s title. As moat new tracts are j .ned under thia method, real es ; ta -imeo w ill he put in a bad poei- ; f i if the nurchaaers refuse to pay: ore absolute title to the property j m aaaed. i Cold Weather Pendleton l-ENDLF.TON. Or, Feb,. 1-Tbis j lion of Kaoteru Oregon is in the T o of zero weather agnio. The rr oqJ is covered with snow end if Hi cold wfcdtbi;r cnutinues it will - (rent expense aud possible loss 4te stockuieD. Fend H high and hard lo x et at anv r rice According to reports teceivad this evemog rom tii' John Day country in Grant toautv tbe hay eupp y ia exhausted icd cattle can he purchaed at 85 a lead. It is aid that tbey are already too neak to be driveu out to where ftni can be obtained. It ib cisar tonight, fa atroug wiud is srJowiog from the north, aud there is wary indication ttat tbe te-npeiature iU go below zero betore morning MATTRESSES We have the best assortment of mattresses ever brought to Lakeview. A full line of Silk Floss, Sanitary, VAaHl'ii Felt, Cotton and others We also carry a full line of Furniture, Iron Beds, Carpets, Linoleum, Go-carts, Quilts, Blankets etc OOLVIN'S FURNITURE STORE. Undertaking Parlors in Connection! Mew Bakery Witt have Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day. Lunch. Counter in Connection. IUH ALL NIGHT 0. M. SHAFFER, LUNAELR LAKEVIEW The N-C-O baa commenced work in Tieno on its new car-shops. Tbe lit tle old narrow-gauue is corning ahead on broad-eauge noes ana ijaseview will be placed soon on tbe railroad map. UK M. Thompson, station agent of the S. P. at Klamath Falls well known to Lakeview business men, ha been promoted traveling agent oftbe company between .Sacramento aud Ashland and between Weed and Klamath Falls. Silver Lake Leader: Lake county's tax levy this year la seven and nine tenths. We venture that tbere la not another joaoty in tbe state with eoiutiBfy low a levy. A ooanty oat of debt. money in its treasury, good new coarthoaae, an exceedingly low levy, moat be proeperona ooanty, aa well as a mighty good one to live in. We do not know tbe politics of tbe Cedarville Beoord bat it i putting in some good knookaat the trusts and all that tbey represent, that buuld bave an appeoiative reponee from ita readers. :A . Baker City .''mining man puts cut dynamite for coyotes. Tbey gulp it down and it ii soon all r.ver witb them, and does not injure the pelt. In thia war be baa gathered several hundred dollars in bounties this winter. Senator Bourne has introduced a bill appropriating 110,000 for use in co-operating with tbe Oregon Histor ical Society in erecting a monun snt to Lewi and Clark, on tbe site where tbey built Fort Clitsop in 1800. J. B. AUTEN HARDWARE 1MPLEHENTS Wo have a carload of implements that will arrive about Feb. lStb, such as Disc Plows, Sulkey Plows. (Jang dIows, Dlso Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Steel Lever Harrows, Also, the Peter Scbuttler wagon, the only wagon that ever crosned the plains without resetting the tires. Each wagon fully warranted. Why buy a Steel Range that is not warranted? Buy a "TOLEDO " or a "CiUCA UO" steel Kiuge, they have a writ ten guarantee,, for ten yars. Soon be time for gardening. We carry a full line of garden tools and Plaute Jr Seeders. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Do You Want to 8ll? If ou want to Ml your bulmw nf aui kind, or If VoU wiint to sell rour nnttMTtv. nod will makr the price right. I would Hue to hwtr from w. litre uWrluilon end prtw. AMmw J. K. HMITtl. MS Chiunbvr Ooaiaaorcv. PorllHPI.Oreiron. 3v Se, Valentine's Der. Comes Mo d tak jrear. A ail elabt diati at Bnlder'e Opera tioaee Feb. 23 A Rood variety of daaoee ere to -tor. Come, bring tout Meads and epeud- a marry nlghl. Tho placwher buslnost men moot Is at Swenion'i Restaurant. NOTIUK OK SHERIFF SALE FORECLOSURE Uadar and by vtrtura of an rxecu tloo to foreclosure, issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Lake, oc the IStb day of Deoember. 1900, to me directed and aellvered in a suit in said Court for aald County and StHte wherein Carstena Packing Company, a Cor poration, aa plaintiffs, recovered ladirment acainst He u hen tleoue man, Jennie M. Henneman, his wifa, Alexander Keith. and Georgians A. Keith hia wife, aa tbe defendants for the sum of Fifteen Hundred and Meveu (11511) Dollars and coats and disbursement taxed at Nlnty-four (M) Dollar ou tbe 22nd day of October, 1908, said judgment bearing interest at tbe rata of C par oeat per annum from November 22nd, 1908, and also a decree ot toreoloeuie and order ot sal against raid de fendants and by direction of said order of aald Court and said execu tion, I am commanded to sell tbe fol lowing described real property, to-wit : - The Northwest quarter ot Section Three -in TowoshtD Thirty-seven south -of range nineteen eaut of the .WilUmftte Meridian, in Lake County, Uregou. i"r tne purpose oi Bauaiy iuk paid judgment of tbe plaintiff's aud toe cost and expenses of such sale. Notice "is Hereby (liven that on tbe 12th day of March 1910. at the Court Honse Door on the ....I L'udf hI.Im ii f thu (?miri House of Lake CouuU in th Sat of Oregon, Situat'-d in the Tnwncf Lakeview. ut tne hour or teu o cim-K iu the jreiun faid day 1 will sell at public auction to the bigheat liidder for cash, all the right, title aud interest which the dofetidauta Rubor) Fi. lleunemau. Jennie M. Heuneinan. hia wife, Alexander Keith dml (eorgiana A. Keith, Inn wire, nad on the 13tb day of February, 1901, or any other which they, or either of them, may bave acquired since that time in and to tbe said lands hereinoefore described or so much thereof as mny be necessary to said lodgment and tbe costs ana expenses ot Dated this 8th 1910. making uch sale, day of Feburary ALHERT DENT Sheriff of Lake County. Oregon By C. D. ARTHUR. Deputy. FIOM 12 Meet me at Restaurant4 Swenson's Things to Adore Of CMirsa locks and hinges ar. thingt to a door, but that's a miiarabls old joka. It is a serious fact, howtvsr. that th. beautiful Cards, Invitations Programs and Stationery printed at this office are Things to Adore Business Locals Rainbow laces "The kind that plea ea just opened a' Li & .V. Fresh candy, every day at tbe Bon Tou confectionery. Mr. Home ttuilder Our line of suppl ies has never be-n questioned See if you can find fault with them. M & B Peanuts u popcorn, always hot, at the Bon Tou confentiuery. Will help your bnnk account if you will let us. One maa has made over J2OO.0O trapping this teasoo. Why not youY We bave tbe ttape. B &. M We bave tr. talk about TILLM A SNS cauued stuf. We know they have quxlity. I' ii easier to ask for TILL MAN.NS than it Is to explain wnv that brand is so m u c b better Say tbe word at B iM Swenson's Restaurant is the place where you meet everv-bodv. WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT. Weok ending TucHday, Feb. 7, 1910 Day max mlo, wed. I 34 th nr. Jlfj I- f rUVyj" :'2J 6i sat'yjjW Q J huh" 45 "I IS I' uion.l 29 31 tueH. j 30 1 j character ol day The Examiner neglected to change tbe weather report last week and tbe same is submitted hereitb: Low;2Tth, l;2Cth, 17 i 27th, 14; 28th, 12; 20tb. l4; :0th. 20; 31st, 30. High 89.40, 40, 40, 40. 43, 45. DRESS-MA KING SPECIALITIES: Fmmr Outs Smma Oostumss MO Bau. Osisms Roouih in New Bunting Building weut of Court House. preelp iin'w Itation fall "5.00 X) Jcl(lyJ R aoo j 00 j cldy B 0.(K)J00 j " fl 0.0 00 pt eUy H 0.00 I 00 j """"" H 0i I 00 li?leulL IB 0.00 00 T ptcidy IB YtAltO tXPtRIKNCI mm Tt DcaMN vrtMHTa Ao. hihr m on fMMiu . if pvlMiilft. t o. nomtn ...crkaite ii wimi 1 arut, ma m raw i fnw wont, H. Sum tf NevtToff m,mJk Saw, mreu wawoo. u RXKCUl-OKS NOTICE Notloe It hereby given that the uo derelgned, II. A. Hrattaio aad Paul J. Brattain, bar been appointed by tbe County Uourt of Lake County. Omgon. Kxeoutoni of the last will and testament of T. J. Brattain, de- eeaeed. now therefore, all persons saving claims against tne estate of I Dm aii r. j, urattaia, deoeaand, are reqlored to preeent them with prop er vouchers, within six months fiom tbe date of this notice, to the under signed exeontora at the lata residence of T J. Hrattaio, deceased. In Che- waucan Valley, in Lake County Ore gon Dated thia 5, day of February. 1910. H. A. URATTAIN. PAUL J. BRATTAIN. Executors of the last will and testa ment of T. J. lirattain, deceased ADMINISTATOKS NOTICR Notice ia hereby glveo that tbe uo- deraigned, K. W., Brattain, has bees appointed Administrator of the estate uf Stephen Uaylord, deoeased, by the County Court of Lake County, Ore gon. Now. therefore, all persons havlna claims against tbe estate of the said Stephen Uaylord, deosased, are . re quired to present them with proper vouchers, within all months from tbe date of this notice to the tinder slund administrator at his residence n the town Of Lakeview, in Lake County, Oregon. " gHK Dited this fi. ilayof February, f:'h " -.X"; ;k: M. lilt ATTAIN AdminiHtrator of the phImIh of! Stephen Uaylord, ilectuiHei. Notice of Dissolution whom it may cihictii : ' Nut lit In hereby k''" Hint the pn rt ueolilj) heretnfureexlMlliig Ix'tween ('l)illd M. Juhna mid L. F. 'inn under the mvle Hn.l firm mime of (MUM .l()IIN, ut Lukeview, Orenon, hiiH Ixn-n thM dtiy disHolved by mutual conaent of said puituerH, xald Claude M. .! otitis retiring from the linn. All iiioueya due nr to become due sail Hrni are payable to the aald L. F. Conn, and ull obligations here tofore contra ted by eaid firm arc payable to him. Dated February Ind. 1910J L. F. Conn wt laud M J hliM. I 'ear tne, urt- ;iu a tramp? i don't kiU'W. Indy Some towns I ii;ish-s iliroiixh hhvh I am and puts tne In de Jail, but others nays I'm a cbamiieen pedestrian and gives me banquet an' things." New York World. One of tbe best publications for ladies ia The Delineator. It is a large, folio size, and is beautifully r rioted and full of mattter that is dear to tbe feminine heirt. It costs only $1 60 a year and sbould b in every well ordered home. It is pub lished by the Bitterick Publishing Co., Ltd. New J'ork, N. V. Twentynore farm In Harney 7 i county, with or without buai- Y nesit lot In l.nlcevlew. ' O. TOEPPEKWEIN & CO. B Konna M'ld'ir. UolKe. t, Idaho. ft I 1 io 1 Mr. HOMESEEKER: Why d v. Your chances Railr ads ar Capitalists ar of our lands. Settlers are coming every day and locating. What has been known as the GREAT INLAND EMPIRE will soon be segregated with railroads and become one of the most prosperous farming sections in, the West. You know the advantages and opportunities there are in a new country, and the ever increasing price of land, and we assure you that a trip into our county will prove one of the best investments you ever made. REMHMBER, we make, a specialty of locating homesteads, desert claims, and reporting on .school lands, college lands, etc, and we assure you of the very best of service. Write or call on us for any information you may want concerning such lands. 1 ; . PACIFIC LAND CO. II Over Lakeview Pharmacy Waists Fvc just received a very pretty Iin6ofl910 LADIES9 TAILORED WAISTS Prices $2 $2.50 $2.75 and $3 each You will want one. Remember THIS WEEK closes My Horse- Shoe Sale 1 Mrs. NEILON, Old Maid's Club "Don't forget the fuony eotertain n.ent by the ladles of tbe M. K. Church in tbe Opera Honse, Friday Feb. Ilth. Tbe la lies will show you the way to matrimonial bliss. All eligible tu.a of lakeview will be carefully considered for future hus bands. Adailsslou 20 A 60 cots. Secure your seats early. Merrill's Depot The Merrill Chamber of Commerce has granted a depot site and right of way through the town for the South ern PaolOo which has been accepted by that company This move was made to bead off the Hill roada get tin stock abipmenta from Lake county. Perhaps "Vim Hill ba bene glttln busy now, Ar tank so!" Chickens Profitable A Klamath Falls man has gone Into tbe obloken huslness. He had buO ohicks shipped at a cost of 110 from the outside, aad by proper care and atteutiou expects to ssll them as broilers within two months a' M ceuts apiece. We wish some one would get Into that sort of thing for Lakeview. A profit of 1 1(H) a month looks like u pretty good thing on an invHittiiumt of ill". N. II. Pou'flet Jnhii I), get on to this tu I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A big timber wolf that had been making sad havoc with tbe stock near Prbieville was finally trapped and killed. The big brute weighed 120 pounds, and waa tbe biggest wolf ever seen in tbe country. Tbe published reports of big stock losses in Harney oouoty, due io oold weather u 1 shortage d i de nt I by the bun. Ii iihh II ' d Ertimetes ai 'de tiiat igra tloti tit th Unite i Platen I pre sent fiscal vear will wra it more than 900, uOO Catholic Notice The season of' Lent, I hi Mr, be gins with February 0th ( nh W nee day) and ends with Murrli v:iith I r.s of Faster) Wednejilsvit. an well as Fridays, are days of aliHtiiieuc T'h time for Easter C ti m n ti ri t i r. year, extends from May 22nd FudniHrv t 'tli to ! Jicj FATHEK O'M I.LEY K. .. I r HAiR-DRESSiNG MANICURING FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN woo MS in nmw svra muiLDina war or ooumr houbm Fimmr Cum Womtc Fimmr Class cubto Solicit mo y getting thit are less every day. tii ing into our section. : curing large tracts Woenan'a Outfitter 'Born , "Born',' tbe 2d Inst. to the wife of Lae Thomas, a girl. J Born, the 3d Inst to the wife of Herman Urn Iter, a 7-pond boy A marriage llnense was leaned pe tsrdy. by County Clark Payne to Levi P. Hayes and Mrs Kutb Ken land, both of thia olty. Lumber Klnjr Retire ;HT. PAUL. Minn., Feb. 4.-KTei".. erlck Weyerhaeuser, the Ht Paul lumber' king, reputed to be the world's wealhleat man. announced this fnornlng that be Intended to re lire from active participation la many woterprleee with which he If connected. He has already withdraw from the directorate of tbe First Na tional bank or Chippewa Falls, Wis., . and will withdraw from seven or eight tanks and the several mutual in sutadce companies of which ,hs Is now a director. He will still supervise bis lututtc Interests, but he said this morlolug that ha lutends to leave the details to his sou, Frederick K. eyorhaeu. Her. (le Is 75 years old. TO O J. AT E TO CLASSIFY WANTEI. Sober nil iirounil man for gnnuriil work about the place, biindy about machinery and wood work Steady potdtion to right man. M'lxt batch or if married uo children. Enquire EXAMiNKit. tuiO acres choice I level aage lirusti wheat land on survey of t). K. H. It., for ao.00 per acre. r2.00 down balance easy. WiU sell for 43U.0C1 per aore in 2 years. tSOUTHEHN 0RE00N:REALTYC Iakevlw, Oregon POULTRV.-ftoee-Combed Drown Leghoroa. A few oookerels and also eggs for setting. For prloaa enquire, of Mrs. W. T. BOSWOKTH, Sooth Lakeriew. Clmo, WANTED. Span of mares not ovar ' 7 or 8 years old. about 1100 weight with or without, oarneae and wagon. Enquire ef 11. Foi, Drews Osp. Blue Prints of any towoshlo In Burns Land Olstriot showing all land entries, names, dwt-n, etc. To- pography. Vour order fill' ." day I of tr iviiitf Price l J C, ITUUNEV. Morns, Oreiruu' . ftf i i MA MM 10 1' METAL Kxaiiilner otliee. -For n le elii-M( at Skating Rink AdtlllNHlon .'1M'. Skatinir ii TlleHilil.VH, Wednexdaya and Tliurndn vn nlghtH. I . I - u Mori dii.VM mid Frubi i a iilghtH Weil nea. ia.VH nn tiny after noon, I,iiU4'n' Diiv. E. B. EACTON. Prop, homestead? pin LAKEVIEW, OREGONr-y