Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 10, 1910, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    iXJflNTV KAArflMitt, LAKKV IKK . ORKUON, TUUKMlM . rHIKUAfillO, fllu.
1 1
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X I'll
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y Texas Land ! v
Sold on Crop Payment Plan
Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c
We will sell you nn unproved farm in the Gulf District
ot Texns, in Wharton ouiitv. ami let you pay by giving
us two-fifths of your crop each year until we I rive, receiv
ed the purchase price.
ItTlilx ('omit'iiiv owni 1!'.nh) hitch of liul A hunt 10.000
In rio (Ii In .voir, ami .vlillril !) IhimIiHh to 1 1 1 -
HITCH (if It
HiTC It rilllllllllH OV
.! i,l fur m IhiII.IIiij-. It U hhih.Ii.' I with wi'-rf-P I" i imiii from
Culont'i.i KUiT hy ii 'iiii.iiiii 1 uiM ir.(.' 'icic'i f-t r i I . ; t tr t' ' I '
entlrti city tf N. I-ouin.
Thin Imil U nil h liluk In mi noil. It i 1 1 mu " "" H-ro'ittir of H.iKar
cftne, alliilfa.rotttiii corii,iiriinc, fin mi l vi fi'ililiH of nil lnl. Any if
t Iichc rropH i nn lie grown without Irrigation and. equipped as It Is with
canulu for Irrigation and with ami with an aliiin.laiit water anpply, It In
particularly suited to thn cultivation of Mm Ituuner crop ot thin country,
rice. ,
OurlaixU will l aol.l equipped for irrigation with a guarantee of Mufll
ctent water to KAISK KICK or any Other Product o thla aettlon. which
N Tho P'lce of tlicso landa thus ettulpixtd ntngu from ljS.00 to 50.00 per
Acre, occtrdlaff to Location, Iiuprovemitat and (jumtity of Lani al
ready In Orou. - . .
(Vo wUire m Cash raymcnt of go OO per acre aud tl.00 more iter acre in
nix inonthN, mo that you will hav enough invented to give you an Interest
In woMklnit the land You do not lg;n a note or mortgage for the balance,
bnt merely imf to Jk llvvru Two-ttfthn of Your Crop Kiicb Yew aa y, ..
payment, oily payment you are required to make.
If yoa have a hrd rear we hare your hardships and you will nave no an
paid note stare roo in th fajw. rj you Imvo good yenrs, a we know you
will have, year arm la aoon paid for.
2 You can ehooae your own crop, except that we require at leaat 71 qr
real ot soon crop to be Klco, aa wc know It U the moat profitable.
Lane City, Wharton County, Texas
Itay City Matagorda County, Texas.
l) 1 1 t nuti 1 1 T 1 i i ( IH i t v 1 1 1 i vnt), advertisers.
Q Incorporared. 0
A Complete Record
Vc hit vc iniiilc no entire tnnmcTipt of all ltis-or.lrt In Iwike
(lomity which In iiny wny.affci-t llt-al Property In the county.
We have a coinplctu HiH-onl of every Mortgage and traiiHfcr
ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed rIvcii.
Errors Found in Titles
9In iranHrriliini; the reeordit we have f.iuml nniucroiiM tnnrt
BiiKcH recorded in the Deed record and indexed; nt.'d many
Bdceiln arc rci iirdcl In the Moriirntfc record and other liookM,
lluiidredH of inorttfiincn mid .l.i-.U arc oot tndoxe.l at all, and
u moHt dillicuit to trxco up from thu record.
9"' We have notations of all these Errors. II. id them. We lititidrcilH of ilollurn
Q li ii ii i lii up t Iuh erroi'H, and wc can fully itiiitrantce our work.
g J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
tO) SCR " Ot tOt IO Ot Of lOi 1CK
IVIJ Villi CI-NT interest, NIXIv years' time with
privilege of paying at any time. Return payments
monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, to suit
borrower. For particulars write"
The Jackson Loan and Trust Co.
3 10 Century Hldg.
Denver, Colorado.
The Point Toward Which Modorn Sur
fry Tondlng.
The family phynlflnn ot the near fu
ture ';ii he pictured In the inlnd'a eye
making out a work nlu-i-t for the guid
ance of the Mtirccotm to nr-conipiiiiy a pitil'Mit to the hoHpltnl,
whli'h mlKlit rcml H.MiK t lilnic like Mil:
" tii. ut ile rlii'iiiniitlc rlk'ht h'K mid
Km ft on new niic.
''Cut out kldiicyM, which are ilcvel
opln( lirleht'M cIImciimc. nnd trn tiHplnnt
aouud on on, precrnhly from n hciilthy
youmr httg.
lterenie circulation of the blood In
the thyroid gland to produce byperae
mla and thus reduce dlaeaaed condi
tion. "Overhaul the Intratlnea and patch
where needed. The rest of him la
hardly Rood enough to atand the ex
ponas of a new aet
"Overbaul circulatory eyitem, re
placlnr unaervtceable velna and arte
rica with new one. Put In a new
heart only If absolutely neceaaary.
"Cut oat atomarh. It la completely
worn out and baa a well developed
cancer. Beatdea, be won't have much
ae for It hereafter, aa It will take
all bla earnlnt-a for a lotif time to
come to pay bla hospital btll.
"Got out left leng. It la ao far gone
with tobercaloala that It la good for
nothing and only endangera the reat.
'Trim off fifty or alxty pounda of
fat With reduced ntoroach and lung
capacity be can't carry no much bet
faet "Make all minor reiielra needed to
keep him going for ten or twelve year
Koneenae. nay you?
Kot a bit of It. Pcrlmpi no one man
could atand It to hove quite nil thce
thing done to him at one time, but
the aurgnoti could do tliclr pnrt. oil
right. They know they could. becatiKe
they have already crforiuod nil these
aecmliiRly ImpoKsible fents and a preat
many more lieslcles.
Vnbellevern may find at the Hocke
feller Inntltute Vor Medical Ilesearob
In New York Home living circumstan
tial evidence In nupport of these stag
gering assertions. Technical World
Divorce In England l Costly.
Divorce In England today Is a lux
ury reserved for the rich aud the mod
erately well to do. The iioor man or
woman who finds thut the bonds of
mutrlmouy are too heavy to bear can
not be relieved of them. All the relief
that la open to (lersons of this clusa Is
a police court separation, which does
not curry with It the right of either
party to murry again. It la estimated
that the bure costs of a suit for dl
vorco In England are $ 0 unless the
suitor receives permission to sue "us a
puuper," lu which case the fees will
amount to about (150. It Is very diffi
cult, however, to secure iiermlsslou to
sue "In forma pauperis," and the pro
ceeding Is almost unknown In the di
vorce court. The estimate of $430 is
for residents of Ixnulon. If the suitor
resides In the country the expense will
be much greater, for divorce suits are
trie J only In London, and the suitor
must travel to London and bring all
his witucsses there. Thus the aver
age cost of divorce suits In England is
$1,000. Exchange.
By f '': i A. NVE.
Copyrlahl Yf, t.V ts.lwln A. Nr.
Human Life
UEOAUHti itj is bright.
Bb2(U8E It ia informing.
BEOMJSKIt pulsates with hutuaue
rilKOAUSK It pictures celebrities of
all sorts.
BECAUSE Tit gives We stories of
live people of the day people you
want to know about.
HECAUSH It tells you of the activi
ties of men '' and' women iu the politi
cal, business, sociul and ooonotnloal
UKCAU8E it will give you more
real information about the character
and work of meu aid women of to
dny than any other publication.
BECAUSE It is a magazine that is
dlll'reent different from any other
publication printed. It is unique,
absolutely original and the only
magazine devoted exclusively to peo
ple. BECAUSE it is printed on high grade
paper. Is profusely illustrated with
the best half tone plates that can be
prooured. has a beautiful artistic
cover piloted In three colors, Is of
convenient size and easily nanuiea
of the People,
By the People,
For the People
BECAUSE it Is human beings thai
people are interested in today and
HUMAN LIFE gives you the life
stories of the prominent men and wo
men of the woi Id iu the most attrao
tlve form It tells you of their daily
life, habits aud eccentricities and
gives you interesting facts about
their work aud aooompolisbmenta.
BECAUSE to know what theorld
is doiug, how hittoiy Is being made
yon must have a knowledge ot the
leading men aud women of the world
-the people.who are doing things.
HUM N L1EE will give you a
more intimate knowledge of the peo
ple who are leaders of the world to
day than any other publication.
BECAUSE its articles are written
by such well known and brilliant
writers on national topics as
If red Henry Lewis 1
Vance Thompson 1 (
Bailey Millard
El bett Hubbard
Ciara Morris
Ada Patterson
Charles Edward Russell
Uptrn Siuclair
David Craham Phillips
Brauder Whitlock
Margaret Kohe
Larua Jean Libby.
Travel In Persia.
In great contrast to the extraordi
nary progress made In transportation
In Africa Is the backwardness of Per
sia, one of (he oldest countries of the
world. Its transportation facilities ore
much the same as they were In the
days of Alexander the Great and Mar
co Polo. There are only six miles of
railroad In the whole country, and of
ten these are not under operntlon.
There are only three or four good dirt
roads, and almost all transportation Is
done by puck trains. Camels, horses,
mules, donkeys and men are used as
beasts of burden. The traveler can
usually ride the post horses, but these
are rather poor animals, and It Is cus
tomary to buy or hire horses and pack
animals. This costs a native about 20
cents a day, but no foreigner can hope
to travel ao cheaply. It would be prod
igal, however, for any one to pay more
than $5 a tlHy for two servants, four
or Ave animals and their feed. Travel
A Good Steak.
"A steak that has the fat marbled In
Is the best to eat," said Dr. P. V. Trow
bridge, professor of agricultural chem
istry In the Agricultural college of the
University of Missouri, In a recent lec
ture. "Pale, pinkish ateak Is from
'baby beer and Is not nearly as pala
table as more mature meat," aald Dr.
Trowbridge. "The Juiciness of a steak
Varies Inversely with the water In It."
lie explained that the "Juicy" appear
ance of a steak that delights the epi
cure comes from the fut melted into
the fibers and that the flavor comes
from the amldo acid nitrogen and the
fat In the fibers.
As Ioiik as men rend honk the story
nf Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will llve
ln'cniixc It I true to life.
Dr. ItiiHllii of Oni)ili;i, Neb., fried to
lend the dnt.l life.
lie wiih n brilliant Hiircni, of good
fin lily, hlirhly cdiu iitcd, urhntie, skill
ful, popular E. II. Ifarrliuini Mild lie
would one day be the chief surgeon of
the 1,'nloii Pacific rnilwny.
Tin r. though Mm Dr. Jekyll of hi in
i was In the majority, the Mr. Hyde of
him was busy and Insistent The mi
nority pert suggested liquor and drngn
as "stimulants." Under their Influence
Rustln's quick brain slowed up and
his deft band lost Its cunning. Prac
tice dropped off. Financial troubles
Blowly. surely, the fiend Hyde ab
sorbed the Dr. Jekyll.
Becoming master, he whispered In
Rustln's ears that morphine was too
weak. Cocaine!
Rustln obeyed the suggestion. Then
flyde became a tyrant He told Rus
tln to steal from bis fellow physicians
nd the boapttala. lie ordered him to
And bis agreeable company with low
women and other drag fiends.
By and by the Insidious monster told
Rustln he most kfll bhnself. The doc
tor readily assented. But bis once fine
mind remembered bla doty to bla wife
and children. Tee, be would die, bat
It mnst not appear to be aulclde, else
be wouVS forfeit bla life Insurance.
That's easy." whispered. Hyde. ,
Dr. Rustln tnncplated blniaetf with
typhoid fever germa ee tfcat e might
aeem to die like -tooneae-men die. Bnt
he overdid the matter by afterward
mixing a potion of tetanus germs. One
neutralized the other.
HUM the monster was not appeased.
Ho one night they found Rustln dying
on his porch.
Just how It was done Is not quite
clear. There is the story that a fallen
woman made a pact with him by
which they were to kill each other, but
her nerve failed her; that he later
found a fellow drug degenerate who
performed the last grim service.
Anyhow the Hyde syndicate of evil
got a majority of the Itnstln stock.
The Hyde partner got the mortgage on
Rustln's soul and foreclosed It.
And so ends every attempt of a man
to live the double life.
Dr. Jekyll may smile with bis Hps
before the world and dissemble the
Mr. Hyde that Is In him. but no man
can serve two masters.
One of the other names of Mr. Hyde
Is Duplicity, one of the devil's favorite
An Equine Here.
Luke Poland, the most punctilious ot
Vermont Yankees, aud Colonel Tom
Turner of Kentucky, horseman, breed
er of fust ones and a fine Judge of
lif ut. grew to be great friends when
they were in congress together. Po
land took Turner up to Vermont as bta
put'st onr summer aud showed him
around. They auie to the statue of
Ethan Allen, in front of the station
"That. Tom," said Poland, "is the
statue of Ethan .Mien."
"Ethan Allen:" exclaimed Turner. "1
always thought Ethan Allen was r
burse." Saturday Evening Ve
Blue Prints Made
I will make Blue Prints of
tiny township of land in the
Lakevlew Land District, and
do abstract work. Call or
Lakevlew , Oregon
Price Oc while they Last.
Shows all Land Grant tauda,
and haatheORUON rilLITAKY ROAD
Grant complete, by aectlona.
Entire output of this map owned by
427 Lumbermen's Bld.
Portland, Oregon.
.imW : S-ww
rt.'H Atlantic A v'.,lloston, Milan.
aud read.
Doom of the Ear,
The new Puquln gowns leave no
room for improvement nor anything
Recent authorities on dress give It aa
their opinion that the ear will have to
go. It la beginning to Interfere with
the movements of the Na,.imova col
lar, which Is steadll rMns In the
world. Several drc n'iui;era have al
ready recommended lu pilnlens .re
moval. When It co it a ce of the
ear versus the coll-' t v ' v t it"er
' -' JIM WiHlFJ V V BV
The Kind Ton Have AlwAys Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
f7- - fl' , Bonal anpervlslon since its infancy.
f-oCCC444 Allow no lino to Ierel vn von In this.
AH Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jnst-as-jrood'are but
Experiments that trif?o'w!th and endanger tlie health off
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Caatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare
geric. Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
nd allays FeTerlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
Bean the Signature of
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
mc ieetmua mmm.,, rr aut rnnmrnr, meeim
The Real Home Paper.
The Sai Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily Sunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace, " Dealer at Lckeview, Qre.
Order Now
yli TTSfeK re n fw. Wp H.ivp t7rtttn1 TKnca IT, itj
rors in the County Records.
Abstract, of Title to all Lands in
Lake County Furnished.
Terms Reasonable.
l ract inaex iDstractmg Co.
m Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
LAKViEW, - - OREGON, ffl
"Norman Golden, a Dilll n rancher, has produced from 75 acrea this
xeaaon, a crop of potatoes worth I1M25.0C, using the
The yield was 215 one dollar sacks per acre, or 351 bushels per .icre."
(jlapgow, Montana, Democrat, Oct. 1901.
There Id no reason why you can not get results like this by following
the principles recorded in
A Monthly Magazine of authority on Soil Culture.
1 i II i Mi ! i f r - W ' C
CS?LaAZN,?T'c" -j-! mm t rm i -i
sed by the President's Guide.
This rifle is loaded by its recoil and as one
cartridge explodes, another is thrown up from the magazine.
which holds five. "Just pull and release the tripper for
. - to
each shot." It's hammerless and safe because of the solid
breech. Made in 4 calibre 'c r the biggest game down to
the smaller h'.g game.
for Salt 6y Mil Local 2alr
Write for catalogue and literature
AgoiM'r. 813 llrwulway, New York, H. V.
urn, IIIII..IXIIHIWI.I ' wiilli.mj pi mi nn ii ii