LAKECOT'NTY KXAMINKit, I.AKKVIEW, ORROON, THHrixtMY. FKMItl ART'ld1, itOO. " " TOR tUSSIS f you , want all tho news of Lako County nnd Golden Qooao Lako V alloy, subscribe for THE EXAMINER, only $2 a year. m i WANTKIk WAMKH llir Ovarland Monthly watiln mi rlrrK III , I a-alil mall ir woman In I nkcvlnw In m l I mini r Manaser liu I ake I oiinly, In minimi a milrrliiiii rmiiln. IhmmI pay , -riiiaiit-nt iiiiioyiti('iut iirn uniif-cra- ary, llcli rrii(ii' riiilri-l. Mintfll and I ii siriirll'ma tree. iilrri lintm-dlali'ly, 'Tlri-n-l I Ion MrliUK'T," Overland Monthly, 77 :i Mm krl HI. Mn I ian Imh, I itl. II W A N'l I' Ii I tin-it ImI.-I jr , reMiiillilii men and women ill i" "I ni'i.i'iitiiiii'i-iii x.iirimi' iniiiu rii tlnna lur llii' Overland Monlhl lltnlitn work . Hilcfnlti1 rnmin ly. ricaaani r- iiIn.Iiiii, valuable cauli prim I'rrin.iH'iit pnipl'irmeiil mr iiii.mi'ii. iiitu r'ii'ri-iM p'i'ii' I Irctilalnin Maiiaa.r. Oterland Monthly, 7;:i i-l HI.. Hn r ranrlarn, 11 . II K aALK' NENMSl'Al'EK Hood tiuiaueaa. Fur particular aly at Esamlner o It loo. MISIM.I.ANKIIIH NOTICE TO HTOCKMKN : If you wlab to laaaa lent in what waa fur Kially known aa tha Orairon Military toad Uiant, call at our odloa and put In your aiiillcatloon. Wa are now in poaition to aecure tba aama fur jyou'at'raaaonatila rates. rAtfinO;LANO;CO. LINCOLN lOUNTT 1JIUH BCUOOL For4 lolukmatlon in regard to Llenoln Coooty 11 ih School, Rta aoaraphy, Typa writing. Vocal and Inalriimental Miiulo, Manoal Train Inn. Kent of furniabad cottaaea, coat of 'If Inir, addrau Prof. W liber. Naw ptt, Oretton. TKLKPIIUWIU. LOOK AT TIIK NOTICF. FOR RE ward I waned ty t lit Tilcphone iiinpiin v fur ilt'Htroylni; It prop-i-rtv. Iiitl t.lqi 'lta AMI l. .. I'll- I .v l . 'I'll K IlKST Kriuli- .- ..niiura nml (. lnrH to In foil in I In ( Iri'UOM. I. tf . . II. Cl Tl.KU WIII.SKY AT THE Hotel I jini'vlrw Imr. The tM'atniid pu-"-t vvlilkv liuiili'.'t tf KOTM K TRESPASS NOTICK-Wm bardiy waru all pnrliea foim entering our rretnlsr in Sec. H Townahlp .'(! KK. 2)K, for purpoea of buotlnu or tlahinjt or othrwlaa. J. O. HULI i 39 tf. Oi;0. JAMMF.RTUAL mii :- HHAltlia lamoc Rarrw llr:j,',lll swallow for is Jdlllr Ddl If rKhl r,r (or ewet; reverat lot w ,i. r n i. Kijimr I mp anil am in rilil i ar lai nraim ill Lakt- l'ol"ltl .l lr-i, L - - - - - - liana ram ki-vlf iinmii $1,000 REWARD Th Orivnn c Ifnrala an I Nv'1 l.lvv Kto. k 'nii 'lull A.MM'lall III. o Willi Ii ihu miller pIkiip'I t mi'inU'r 4. Mill kiv. I IMIOII Xretttril 1m e1ti-ve I'Tnltnf i ihi r a . rrM anH i'in u ilun i 7 'y'ry Vriy ir ar- Ti k li auii Inirat'i, callli iir inulin Im' IoiikIii lu any uf Ita BiriiitMra. In aitit u.; M) ii.i' iinve, the unilaralaned Offrra mi . aniniM iiii'lllInn ' U.00 lor all iinrr n braf-'t.''! Imr Mini, liar on iMiih or Iiuit Jaw. an ami ri'i'nril '! In rlxlit cuunllca. Haimr lTm y. iMk ami ( rook countli-a. iluraea Vrnu it whi n anlil Nniii' but urn All linrKi-aaoin, ami ouljr In large buhcliK W v . Ukiiwn. Kllu. Ori'smi $1,000.00 Reward. Tin Orruou. Culifiirniu Nevada I.lveMiiM'k riiiiii-t Ive Amhoi'IiIIoI) will ulv' sloiHi Itewiini for I he eon vlytinii nt iiuy purty or iwirtlea hteiil liiK liiirHi-M. nit i h or iiiuii'H Im'IoiiuMuk til 11 .t of i lie f. l t 1 1 1 VC lliemlH-ra of thla Ahhi iflii i h hi: Cox (Murk, liew iicnii 1,11111! & Catlli' 0.. I ler.vfonl I.iiul V tut tie Co., I.nke County I.iiiiiI & l.hi'Htock Co., W inner Yiill.v Stock Co., Win W. I'.iinvn. in n. 1. Jolii'M, (ieo. Him. kliia. h. it. Cliiuiiiler. C. A. Hi'hiirt, N. Fine. W .a. Currier. Frank It. ItntierM, J. C. Iloielikiee, Ciildorwood llroM., T. J. linittnlii Soiih, T. A. Crump, Crtn-li-r & Koiiner, W. T. Cri'Maler Miiu1 I "iiiiiiiii. Oki.i. kiih'w ' Kkkvkoki.. I'n a' ' (W. P. llfcltYKOKH F. M. (IHKKN S. i. ClIANKI.KIt Sncceed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have testlflsd. FOR KIDNEYfLIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the beut medicine ever aold over a druggist's counter. ALL FRUIT TREES MUST BE SPRAYED To Lake County OrohurdiHta: Nutloa is hereby given Unit fruit growers 111 uh! make piepurul ions to throughly apruy their fruit trees .during the year 1010. i . A. M. SMITH, lapsed; r BAL KMTATEfl FOR HALE. -Lot V . Block Pi, 10 acre a.) Ttant 1, eea sbv T. 8. 36, it 90. Lake eouaty. Make offer II. K. Kreemeo, 271 K. 8ik, fit. Topeka, KanaaB. FOK HA LK. -Tract VI Km. Wi, Towa. 40 Range IH 10 acrae. Tract 9 Han. 17. Town 41. Kanga 10. 10 arras. -Tract 4!). Mao i:i Town. ,37 Kange 'M. lOaorea. J. P. U KVANH Lakeview, Oregon 4Htf. TO MTT.-10 arrra rsr Laki-vlew, Tract :n. Hen. M. Tan, III), Kanga 1H for una to II yuara. limit reaori ahln. Ad.lna M. K. IMLL1S Timaa OHlce. I.oa Augalaa, Calif. 2wl KOK KENT Tartly ftirniMhad limine, thrao rooma Enquire at Examiner Olllca. TO 'lit A 1)10. Onit lot anil twclvx. ona linn Ireil dollur HliHrna (if Klerk lu ... . . I r.laBll 10 Lltfbt Plant in n town in Kanaa.. for Und In O V I, C'o. 1'rnct or aromiil Lakaai'lu. fallf. Adilrem JOHN II PACKKU LlnatiorK. Kanaaa 2i FOR HALF. Ona G-room boue, cellar and woodahad lot 07Xri38 Price I KMX). Terma. lue 3-room bouaa, tr5U lot uOX:i.'H. Teruia. Ooe 'I room home, lot bOXXIi. Terma Tbla property la all thiee Mocke from tba arbool bouae. Kea or write K. 1C Patcb leaker lew. tRtf FOR8ALR.-10 acrea in 8oe. 7. Kange 21, Township 36, Tract 6-lo-cotod io the Herjford raoub Also town lot In addition to Lakaview Lot 8, Ulack 00.. fully paid up for 400. W. W. WILLIAMS Ctb Fraud SU tm'X BL Joaeb Mo. WIIITK IIOR8E TRACT FOR HALK I bnve a i.'Oacre tract (No. 8) in Hnc. ai.'Two. 11 K. SA. Is Harnet Conutywhlch I will Mi ll for WW. ft ' Is one if the O V. I trncta in whut Ukuown aa the 'White Horae rnnch Ifl A I. MWAIK Kit Vi.rm.n U' l . ... . ....... j j iiudii WB 8KLL 10 ACRB TRACTS under IrriHutlon 'n tbe (lolden (Joone Val ley from f'iV) to M(W eucb. Write tor our booklet. SOUTH BRN OR BOON REALTY CO. LakaviBW, Or. u'Jtf FOR HALB. 040 acrea of land in one tioily In tbe old roadttrant only tl'JUl. L)n you want UT Wont' reply on laaa you mean buianeea and mean it qiilcklT. SOUTHERN OR BOON REALTY CO. Lakevew, Or. OUtf LOHT: Watob Cbaln, Blka tooth, gold mounted with Maaooio emblem on mounting. All appended to gold buckle. Hultable reward will be paid for return of tbe aama to W. LAIR THOMPSON. MTKAV NflTICH LOMT. Kevaral yebrllne (raolad with T diamond beneatb on left hip. Murkad with Hfillt in left ear. A laward a ill be paid for knowledge of whereabouts; also teed bill. 1-W3 J. C. OLIVER STRAYED Krtlttl lliv Held. Allir. 4tl one mnn Ueliliiiic, lininded 7 left ahiiiilir aUIi lutlf cirelo. Una aore on 1 be ioiiit of left alionlder. Suitable reward for return of iiiiiniiil or in (4 inniitii hi that will lead to ita recov ery. JOBAMUROSE. CREED MCKENDREE C. II .McKENDREB Wishes to an auuonce that bia aervioea are at tbe disposal of tbe purchasers of tbe land at tbe Oregon Valloy Land Con nany'a Rale In Oregoo. For two years Mr. Mckeodree was rental agent, bar ing charge of all tbe lands embraced lu the Military Road Urant, wblob waa cut up aud sold by tbe O. V. L. Co. In tbat capacity ba familarized himself with every tract of land on the grant, became acquainted with renters, and can tell you from per sonal knowledge the value of each aud every tract, botb aa to location and quality, aud renting value. In addition Mr. McKendree knowa tbe Mrckmen and who rented every por tlou of tbeae lauds during tbe paat two years be knows wbom to Bee to rent each tract this year. For a nol Immteeof five (15.00) dollars per tract tegardlons of aize, Mr. MoKea dree Willi render a report giving loca tion, quality and the value, and will tin you a renter if the land la rent able. All ri quets for information muai be aoonmpnnled by $5.00, otber wise no answer will ba retarned. Rt MEMBER. Mr. MoKenJree does not have to inspect tbe, land, and render a "firs look report; be bas the booka claaalfjiog every treat, and k owe what it rented for laat year - ie baa been over every foot uf tbe Kut. be can find 70a a rent er. 1 alan, wish to announoe tbat I will attend to tbe payment of tba taxea for all con 1 1 act boldera; group tbelr lands for renting, leasing or Bailing, for the period of one year from tbe 15th. da.i or March. 1910, for a fee of fl. (X) per contract. All contract boldera wishing to avail themselves of bis offer will Imall to tbe undersigned a deaorlpton of tbeir tract and lot number, together with the fee above mentioned. Reference Any bank or business tn a 11 in Lakeview AiKiresB C. II. McKENDREB Lakeview, Oregon Ch ldren Win Are Sickly Mnthrra wlio valim thrlr own oniutiiri anil! the wi'liare ol ilii-lr elillilren, "limilil never be M illion! a bo ol Mnllii r (iray'a 8w el fowilera fur Children, I.T nan ihrounlioiit Ilia aeafon. Thi'V liri ah iii Cul la. Cnro Kvertiilnttaa, tlun- hi piiilmi, IVi'tli UK IHnonlera, llrsilnoliv and Ht mi 11 li I ron iili'H I II r.r. row nr. 11 nr.v r.n KAIL, Kohl by all Drim Hiorua, H5o. lon't aiorpt any anliatltuta. A trial iat.kue will ba u..i,t k'nirk to anv nwiOiMr who will ailtlruai c . COUNTY NEWS PAISLEY AKO SUMMER LAKE Mlaa afoaaptlna Yonng, bavins eloaed har srbrwil 'at Hum mar lake. returned to t'alaley Saturday with her father and taa-oganlat at tba cburob aervioes Hunda evening. Mra. Jamea Harper and other are planning to viva a concert In Palalay on Wanhlniftnn'a, blrthdaT. It la aatd ttJr) fill noon hn ft wsJ Hint Irt fa.ttfk frnm liaa aataiw n . tain youui mania llxlua up hlB houae. 1 Frank Oearenrtiea bolda tha record wir ' eep wnna in catKI? Hollow. Hh Htrui'H water af. 1 2 J feet. 'I'ha two .Mii- tea and Robinson are yet to bear from. J. . Richard at his Dry creek hornet. -H'l grit water in bia well at fif teen tee Old politician around Paialey aa that a n'an who ha imled tba couny ty not of deht. built a eew oouit bouae and redne d the tax lay from 31 mill to 7 B can't be beatoo for reelection as coooty judge. Or. Daly, yon are it. W. A. Currier, Clarence Harrie and Joe Nelaona hae been appointed apralaera of tha eat ate of tbe lata Jamea Foster and were in Lake? lew last week. Watman W I (bars told a bnnob of twelve to year nld belters to Hoy of tbe Thousand Spring ranob and de livered tbera Monday of thla week. Have wa bean aeelng tblnRa out of Ihelr natural' arder. or ia it reallv aa inverted. CDmet In tba westers akyT it ia "ain tnai iota ia tba inola com et It ia too early ret for tba Ilallev rotnet. With the number of pretty elrla as there are In Pslslny tbe preacher can always be anaoreri o a crowd out to Church. A hack- load of ua went tn I town Sunday evening to bear Rev. Young. M'. A. W Bryan and daughter Annla of liryan'a atatlon ware visit ing In Paialey tbe past week. Palaler Is slowly growing. In a few veara more tba town lll bare an express office. Paialey should have a resident den- tat. iiealdasmapy teetb tbat require attention tbera are a o umber of boles In the streets left from tbe recent flood tbat need bill -g. The paat "weak "a bridge hag been pot in Mftroaa one of tba forks of Dry creek. At thla rate tba etrean eveot oally will be entirely under (control. It is reported tbat Miss Kate Kerry baa aaid tbla ia bar laat term of school at White Hill. Doesn't abe like ua any more? Jackson A. Dobkina is tbe aama of a naw Arm wblcb it ia aald will open , B Mla AGNE4 II Y should so many of this rising generation and of this one alreadj risen take it for granted that yictory ia not for them, therefore it is not worth while to try t It cannot be the effect of MEEKNESS OR DE SPONDENCY OR HUMILITY. The American is 1 not despondent. lie is far from bumble. Cer tainly he ia not meek. Why, then, do so many Americans today RE GRET TIIE PAST, FIND FAULT WITH THE PRESENT, DREAD TIIE FUTURE! We are still confirmed optimists at heart. Why do so many of us speak and ACT LTKE PESSI MISTS? IN OUR HISTORY THERE WAS ONCE AN ERA OF GOOD FEEL INC. THIS TIME MAY BE KNOWN AS THE ERA OF DISSATIS FACTION, FOR WE ARE AND FOR 80ME YEARS HAVE BEEN DEEPLY DISSATISFIED WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING. We are dissatisfied with the climate, with the taxes, with the cor porations, with tho labor unions, with the supreme court, with the executive, with the Fourth of July, with the native born, with the im migrants, with the array, the navy, the marine corps, with our habit a of life, our manners and morals, our speech, WITH EACn OTHER, WITH' OURSELVES and, strange as it may sound, deeply dissatis fied with the AMERICAN WOMAN AND WITH TIIE AMER ICAN EDUCATION. ' How deep, how wide, how well grounded is this DISSATISFAC TION, especially aa concerns women and education, it is difficult to know. W have, LITTLE TO GO BY, so far as public opinion ia concerned, xcept the periodical press, the writings of f oreignera nd the speeches and publications of experts in education. WANTED OREGON VALLEY LAND COMPANY CONTRACTS C .)u ilosirv to ispoe ol vibir I am reads' to do business n a "et'(l description ol'land E. H. BRAMWELL. 201 ANDRU3 BLDG.. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. a tora Is Palaler thla aprlnff. Prof. J irkeon ia principal of tb Palalay acbool aod'WIlllain Dobkma la tba tonkman and farmer. Word oooiea that Alfred Mnaa baa aactirad a pnaltlon on a atraet ear In Portland (la la learning early what j it lakaa to aupport a family. ' Laka Atiert tha fiant winter for the , II rut t'ma In man venre aaa frozen j entirely oer i Ro Woodward who wa down rttm- :oay from hia hon-iifpH'l on. router , "rea aava inai a nen ina ice i.roki, op i ,"' rummer lake If awepl away fence or( the weet al ia and plowed op end on tha meadowa for twenty feet. I Tad Woodward and your enrreapon jdrit hare InrMi- l t heamclvca to at tend tha W hte It'll Hnn'lay echno). I but aa yet tha invitation ha not bean accepted. Edwin C. WoodwHrd the paat week ha been aniveving hi homeatend. When be bnlld hi storage reasrvnir on Dry creek he ran have one of tbe bast apple orchards In the coontry. It appears that the people were mora acarad than hurt In tbe recent jam at P-laley. The Ulalr and tha Tuckers wa a about the only families that really needed to move out of tblr bousae It was tha foar of what mivbt come tb-t made tha resideota uneasy. At one time it was reported that a jam waa forming at Juniper Jack's and it was feared when this gave way it might do great damace. The citizens of Paisley now look atoioally upon tbe matter and treat tbe flood as quite ordinary. Tbey reel secure aa to tne raiore and say tbe ilka may not occur again In fifty years. W. K. McCormaek, road sopervis or, says that In order to protect tba town from another jam and flood tbe people of Paialey abould bnlld a levee long tbe south bank of tbe Cbewaucan. He thinks tbat If tbe citizen took bold of tbe matter In tha right spirit tbe cuuoty could be Induced to belp. The wa(her cnndlti ns tha past In cr were altogether pecollar. When tha Paif-ley inndation waa at its height Polk Hanitner came down from tila ranch alxteen mile np tbe river. When ha left home tbe tber-tnom-ter tool at 35 and when be reached Paialey I was a hoot zero. it was tnis conomon on the upper river tbat made tbe slush tbat caused the jam. Notwithstanding the fact that Janu ary bas bean the coMest for many years tbe past week baa beta more like spring weather. Tbe maxlmnm temperatorea at Woodward'n for tbe week ended Sunday were 46, 34 39, 42,42. 40, 55. The minimum were 20, 24,25, 33, 24 2X . It is sid tbat old man fambert oearly Idropped dead . wben bia son broke tbe ewe to bins of tbe new heir in Paialey. This Is the Era of Dissatisfaction. IRWIN, formerly Dean of Radcllfre Collcfe. itr ict l'tr land, lin itetl number. an I lot to iskern Kmers If you want to sell, list your land with C. O. MISENER. Lakeview, Oregon Box 216 Office In Umbach Block Lota for sale in Lakeview and Valley Falls Accurate and prompt reports made for hold ers of O. V. L. Co. tracts. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION Department of Tbe Interior United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore gon, Deo. 2S!b, 10U0. Notice ia hereby given that tbe State of Oregon bas filed In tbla office its application. Berial C2ftl, to select nudar tbe provisions of Act of Con-1 grese, of Aug. 14tn, 1848. and the acts supplemental and amendatory thereto, tbe NJ4NKJ. Section, T. 38., R. 520K. W. M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe laodc describes, or deeir log to object because of tbe mineral character of tba land, or for any oth er reason to tbe disposal to ap plicant, aboqld 6l their affldsvlLs of protect la this office oa or before tba 27 h day of February, 1910. AR1HUR W. ORTON Register Tbe foregoing notice will ba publish ed in tbe Lake County. xansiner,' a weekly newspaper printed in Lake vlew Oregon for a period of not less than thirty days prior to date last here! a mentioned. ARTHUR W. ORTON Regieter. J13F17 La Fo Metre's Weekly Magazine The dreat Progressive Weekly Tbere are many reaaona why you ahould read what Itaaya 52 times each year. It la free to tell tbe troti. It will oppoae the encroachment of Rta?- clal privileges upon the 1 ode's lights. It will call the roll n public men and lueaaarea and intarm too bow your congreaamtn work and vote. It vlll criticiHe the eiecutlve branch of government from the highest to the lowest, if In it judg ment the peoplea i n teres tn i;re not protecttil. It will aprea1 tht- troapel oi ideal home life through tli VV men's Department. It wiL W con- BerTstlve when good thlnjr to eonavrved. and radical v bu bad tulnga are to be exposed. Senator R. fl. La FoHette Editor. Price $1.00 a Ye . r You can get the magazine and the Lake County Examiner BOTH ONE YEAR For $2.60 in advance I 1 Send Your Order to 1 Lake County Examiner! and not to LaFoilette's Weekly Magazine Our Magazine Bargains For 1910. The following are the U-s; cash in advfiDce Club offers that will made thla sean.MrAlk9u;t-r!ptiona are for ONE FULL-YEAR. both :0O (The bait it.' Kailiriln Home Juuri.k). v Kvi'nlrnr t'ot 1 be Te Yoiith'a Conifanioii . il For luclutlinf all i xtra number. ', -1 7r. oa tor 1S10, and tb , X. ti ' Calemla r tr 1W ; t'oustv K.xamiarr t,00. A.iTt ree FiL'lurial Review 1 Ol: -. "?r Biwtii Mmmmi l.iX'' v.U IkeCountT Examiner t.OCi AIH t.rei Modorn fricilla T.-' o n( The Hmtfawper 7M 1 KJ LakeCewnty ExaiulDor too. A.'ihr The ladfiwmlent i.OOJ q rsr HiiQifwi MugHtlne I.OA ' " Lake Count) ExamiDor J.00'1 J- tout rieorial Kovl.-w 1.00 1 ' OJ Howe Nedlewi J)i Tbe HanHt'koow.-r 75 lke Oounty Examiner ... .OOi A Ttree The UuuekupMir 74: 0'"7fl Home Neetl-work.. .7M Lake County Examiner... t.001.'l Foar World Io-Ty , 1.60 1 A ') rVitorfU Review 1.00 j Hucfoaa Maa;le 1.00 I 1 Laka ianty Sxajniaei.... J 00 . :i Three aletroiHilitan I W A fu World Tw-imy t,giV - VA7 Lake CoantyExaminer . ', Ai:For" Homo Jt rarui .so i Ponltiy Knotieat 60 , ! ( faria Modea ot ' V lai'liiding one patie-n free I lake County Examiner S.00' All Four Home aud Farm 60 i Karm fuiiltry 6i ' o I'arla Minle 60 --'0 Including one pattern. ree ' l ake County Examiner..., t,(Vu U7iir-e Farm Journal. 6 year. l.t Q ri Tim Hoiiwkin-iwT ... . .7M Q.Jl Ijiko County Exaiuiur . ll. ... .i-l.l in.. IV E.1.IU Utff ... 2.11 1 (V i AilTbrce far ft m i LV American Hoy Address all onlers to Lake Covntv Iix amine . Lakeview, Oregon For Farm Lands- WESTFRN STAGF Klamath falls-late fieiv O Stage ComDani orritiM Mereaartlle ('' atlare, lkeTlar AaaerlraJi Hetet. KUwIa rail f ARM H4 Trip Oae Way I LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE C. O. Lamest, Prop'r, Of fie in Thornton 'a Store- Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 0 a. m. Arrive at Altnras at 6 p. m. Leaves Altnras for Lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m. or ou tbe arrival -of the atage from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 boors af ter leaving Altnras. Freight - Mattrs - OivetL Strict - Attention ... First Class - Accomodations. Northern Stage line... LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY.. . k W. BRIAN. Proorietor:. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m . eerj day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley-- -at 6 :30 a m very day bo" lnnr1ay Freight $1.50 per ca t. PaaMdgera' Fare 4 Heend trip if OFFICE B. R.eroo. Htore, -ac-T... lakeview PLUSM STAGE LINE V. E. Tavlor, Prop. Off ice at B. K-ynoids' Storr. 8tage leaves Lakeview Mondays, We""' noedaysand Fridays at 8 a. m., arrivt -at Plush at 9 p tn. Leaves Piueh Tues days, Thursday and Saturdays, at t a. m., arrived at Lakeview at 9 p. as. Pasaenger fare M one way 01 $7 lor round trip. Freight $1.50 per cwt.r Ie Laket'oiuity Examiner fiutorial Kevlew.. Ladies' Worlit Mmtern Pri?l1l t.001 All Four 1.W.I o on 1.1)0 I .so r lM.kf I'ounty x Wi l..Vi t.oo" All I brte 3.20 Pearson'a Mairaxine Huoct's-s MReMritH oty 1 Man i 11. 1 5i) AH Ibree 3.40 Pi-antou'a Maxaxine American Boy. lke County Examiner World To-Day Pearaon'a Magazine .on. 1.805 1.607 All Three 3 70 Lake County Examiner Succean Maiiatine .... Pictorial Weview . . , Aucrican Hov 2.001 All Kour i Lake County Examiner... Karmer'a Voice.. Homo A Farm Poultry Success Lake County Examlucr . Farmer's Voice Home & Farm Varis Modes .. . Includiug one pali rp free LakeCoumy Examiner Home A Farm . - Reliable Poultry Journal.. , Bke County Examiner.. tounWccner ahMleru Perollla 'iHnerican Boy tAke County Examiner Metropolitan Nuoookk Wairaiinp Lako County Examiner Technical World World To-Dav Ijkkf County Examluur Aiuuccs Jiagajine. Ikti County ifxaiiilner juiu'ce.-B .Maaxf no Or Pictorial Hovlow Lake County Exviuiin r t'm-le Ktimus'-lli'in Mi'f.riHliiMn . Pari Melt's.. Im'luditiKonc iiii'-mi in ioo 3. JO, B 1 oo) B x oin All Four W 2J0-tt i 2 001 All Kc- i- H 60 1 o ' H A m oo. a ..'..r - u i mi , H IVv AMThrw V . ' y S .7 TO 1 io H .ih R lSol Ji.00K 2 00 1 H.ih K 2C0 u,,ih U ,uu( L'TOW "0 a ,ur I: r Dated, Nov. 1th. 1000 Imo.AUuuB, Olmalud. Lu Koy, N. Y. i