Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 10, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    iX.xMIMl i..KK.r.v.('KKW . I l ltl.'i to. I.
- . ,
Lake Coifiaity Exattitrttt
Frkd J,
Largest Sworn Circulation in
Official County Vavkr
RcKiitar atandini UV " Inch, aincli?
column r month. All Manting- a i.
JTlHllllrtl IIVO in month. totnl compoi-
H8U i hami-d Icr.-i" e!; chalice. A" M-ccial
inanition. c: :a. Aiijiint term extra
Ken. lit, local column. liV. per lino each 111
elliim. va:it m!. V. ft lin- ! Insertion
ant t'f than 11.10. Uooint'.otis of rondo
:a'' Jl a' and lipvi rti-'ls.
fav-Traiisn-m .V.Iver.:Bins and Job I'rltit-
lCg, I Mi 111 HiA.U'C.
All U.!imisl to paid the first of each month.
Unlawful, Reactionary "Assembly"
Will Cut, No Figure in Politics
Judging from the tone of the or
-x ant zed farmers published e&timeuts
nd of tbe masses of tba voter oat
aide of pot-bouse politicians to the
-State, tbere la going be a tremeudons
-jolt giveo to tba supporters of the. ao
jailed "Aaeembly" plaa, which is
"jaatblnc snore nor leas than eeturn
Xo tba vicious convention eaatbod
that baa been the cause of mot graft
o4 venality Id politics t baa all oth--r
combined factors.
Tba eatlra nation knowa tbe'ooadl
Uea of Oregon, before tba people of
bleetate awoke to tba inlqtftty of
'tba tbinc and pat it down Hie All1
-tii&a. Tbinga political In tn4a atata
ara rotten. . Men utterly unfit aad
10 wort try, ' by moans of tbe "party
aossea and the contention, sfstem.
(risra t o r o a d in nomioatioa, and i
elected on. the pi "a of party fealty
aad solidarity uf be party. la this
vay ana by open and bold purchase,
tba bignest offices in tbe state were
- bartered off, to men not fit to be so
fconorod. Tbat this is a fact can
' be ebown by tbe prceecutiou of some
of tbecr by tbe governmeut author!
Unprincipled Congressmen Fear
Public Censure for Their Acts
" dome of the "stand pat" Coogres
n:o who have at last got tbeir ear
t ctbe ground, and know a terrible
it.ntu of iudinnfttioo is to sweep tbe
eoautry at the Contfrescional Section
this fall bare sudaeoly concluded
that tbeir private affairs are argent
and benoefortb will need tbeir per
ooal attention to such an extent
they wiU be forced to decline to allow
their names to come torward iu tb
congressional race!
Othera, not so wise, may conclude
f.o run. nut if thev do they will be
juried beyou-1 all hopes of
politicnl resurection !
Not only. Joe Cannon, bat nil tbat
-he represents, has got to eo with bim ; "Tbe part?" cuts no figure with tbe
Tbe apologist for what he cepre- '. political bosses and tbe truot cohorts
eents, and who bas aiied bim in and in tbis tight do your own think-over-tiding
and defylag publio opia- ing and vote aa you think is tbe
-ion must go with hi"i no matter plain advice of Tba Examiner to its
a here be balls from, or whether cr not thousands of readers all ever tbe
is a ''good fello," Union I
Stock Argument,
That man Smith, who by eome
ineaoa, broke into Congress from
California opposes the Poetofflce
-lank till I Why? Hear him : .
lie saii tbat while be would oppose
tbe bill, it was bis opinion that the ; Thank Uod! all cncgres&meu are
Tieasurs should e considered with! not of thx type of this mao Hmith
reat care. He confuted that, inso-'aod bis kind wiU be less in tbe near
far as be bad been able to give atten
tion to tbe subject be bad been ted to
toelieves that tbe measure "emucks
largely paternalism," and ha feared
t would interfere with the develop
ment of individuality which hereto
ton bas been tbe great dittingutbing
feature of the United States.
"Smacks largely of paternalism J"
Does he not know that, "paternal
tarn" which he decries, is tba chief
tock in trade ot ail "the Interest"
nd tbat I what they fatteo oo at the
expense of tbe entire public ?
A Comparison of Prices Covering
a Period of Only Three Years
ix comparison of the retail price
list published by tba. leading grocers
of Sao Franciucu in 1907, and those
publir-bed tbis year, show that tbere
ia an increase of from 5 ceote to 15
cents la tbe price of many staple at-
tides. Tbree years ago pearl barley
wold at 55 cents for ten pounds.
- ttaabam meal, which was 45 cents,
tab liaun lu prioe on tba ten ponndi
to 50 oenta. Tbe leading brands of
dour which sold at 33 onts for tbe
ten pound sack, now (cost tbe retail
ouyer from 15 to 50 oeuts.
Oregon Outside of Portland
n or. In advance,
f:x niHiMlm.
three mooltia, ' .
1 '
ftf-'.t not pai Hi a lvuuee, li.50 the year.
Notice to Subscriber.
iioscrinera in llio i-'iniii'.n-'r who remove
trom ten locality t. hiioi!ut, or chan.;.
heir postottice ailtlfoKK -lioni'l remember
Irop this otloe card ti h -ir pnper can be i !
lred to the rulit invouitU'e.
ties, wbila others are still dodgiott
shadows, if not realities, and fear
arrest for tbeir wrong doing.
2 Not to mention tba question of re
nality In such matters, tbe conen
tion usttm la wrong, beoaosa it
makee boas role supreme, and takes
away from tbe people tneir inherent
rlht to ibooae by ballot who shall
aerva them. In no other way oaa
tola be ao effective! r and honestly
dona aa by means of the primary law.
In this matter, for right and Justioe,
tba peaoto of Oregon were tba plo-
aara of tbe Unioo, aad in tbeir f oot-
tteps ha ra foUowad otbar common
wealth ontii sooner or later every
Bute in tba Union will ba ao biassed.
Bach being Jtje ease, if, wa mistake
not, tb people Oregon are In no
mood" h-take -the reactionary stsp
tbat will give us tbe boss-ruled con
vention,. It is patent tbat tbe primary law.
Statement No 1.. and alt tbe reform
now on tbe statue books of Oregou,
are tbere to etpy and that reaction
ary and unlawful "assembly" will
not be allowed to undo that work.
Tbis is tbe people's battle agaiodt
tbe interests, aud by tbe potter
their votes they can right the wrongs, j der ,0 fpHl Ul wnstrU.tor and oth
and undo some of tbe wrong against er 8er,nt8 m, on. wltbln.
them by a complacent if not dowo-j -vni.n we recovered from our frlbt
right venal congress I ; we found we bad been seated In Hie
For tbat reason it bebovea eveiy I nildst of a huge collection of snakes
voter in every state of the Union to ' that bad Just arrived from tbeir native
vote first for'insurgent8" or progree-! Jungles en ronte for the zoo near Ver
blvea, if giveo such opportunity, and
if such men are not or can cot be in
line for your votes, then use tbe same
tactics aa tbat employed by "tbe in
terests" to gain tbeir nefarious ends,
'vote for the opposition, rrovided.
of course, he represents what you
stand for and
a Tool of the Interests
But, why should ' ths man Smith,
or others like bim, fear to do for tbe
poor and needy what 'bey so gladly
do for tbe rich wbo do not need gov
ernment assistance?
future in Congress!
On tbis question Senator Cur
tor reblied that pootal banks were
not an expeilroeut, as it bey bad been
tried thorouglby iu Great Britain
and other European couutiies Tbe
bill did not. be aaid, propose to in
terfere with banking or to do more
than furnish to the poor an opportun
ity to save tbeir small pittances.
They ebould be encouraged to save,
ba said but, t&e government should
guarantee repayment.
For once, Carter is right !
' Tbe price of Mooca cotf ee bas been
raised from 3j cents per poond to iO
oenta. and mustard, which was form
erly 20 cents a 4otlle is marked at
25 cents. Olive oil bas remained tbe
same In pricts aa in 1!XT7, except on
certain brauda, which sell for 10 cents
more no eaoh bottle. Tie three
pound pail of lard, which was pur
chased tbree years ago for 55 cents .
now oosts tbe buyer 70 cents, and
beans, which have sold for yeara at
four pounds for 25 oeuts now 40 oeats.
The price of split peas on the ten
poaods has Mo raUd from 05 to DO
onli showing a 23 rent luorvase n 1
ooet Bit co it tiM beau i anted Scent do I
tbe pound and cbeee ceut
With the report ot Increased pr oe
In groceries routes the statement (mm
tbe shoe denier tlint Hie prlc m
shoe I from i55 per t-ent to 30 i
cent blither than In liH7.
A tig Wall Street dHtikiic conoei li,
Klk A KobiiiMiu. went lon fur over
h milium dolUrs lH-t lueaiUy. lhe
Cfut;eru tiait h lot l lioints an atiis J
lint tliey veie ioor "cUois, llli if ,
stilt of f nil ii 1 1.
Iho hitfb i' -t hIIhihk lii ilrofth
j canned tbe lailti.-e, Hi'ooril in to
Joseph Stimly Hron, iiniiiHker the
' Ni'w York ltu'e. li miIiI tlmt in whs
' tiet'oinititt more dlttlrult eory tiny to
jtitll honds bt'Cituse of the hltfli cust tt
living ha driven lim'Mors to eiin'b
i SHOiirit lee tbat briug a blither Itirouie
J than that ottered by boeda.
J Chickens surety come home to
roost. And tb big tlsh, Morgan,
Rockefeller are surely eating up the
ittle ones.
Yet we must bav party solMority
aad must not "muck-rat," in order
to perpetuate such doionel
Do you believe It?
Twit more coal mine limasters this
week In which many lives were saorl
Hoed by inhuman gred tbat faila to
Drovide safety devices I
flow much looiter will this condi
tion be tolerated by tbe free burn
Amerioao people? No other civilized
oooatry on a rtb but America would
stand snoh terrlole conditions longer
tbab tba shortest poeslble period to
(oaa re eafety to boman life. Hot here.
greed makea dollars and property
more valuable than the lives of our
tolling millions.
On tble topic thrtre la a well-written
nd timely aiticle iu f'eaison's Maga
ziue for Februaiy
Sitting en the 8nalts.
"While In Farls lost summer another
girl and I went out to Versailles one
afternoon." said a schoolteacher. "It
was dusk when we reached tbe rail
way stBtlon. and. as tbere waa no
waiting room, we sat down on two
crates that were out on the platform
among a lot of others. We noticed
tbat the station employees kept star
ing at us witb a persistence tbnt.was
annoying Presently a man lu n Bbau
by uniform with a bucket on bin arm
.-tjiproucbetl ns. He touched bis cup
deferentially and said In French, of
" Mesdiimes. pray do not let me dl-
turb you. Put I am ron ed to open mo
r.,. uHloh 1'ltll fir.. K..!lte4l III 111-
LHr Perfect and Looked tha Part.
An amateur theatrical company was
recently arranging for the performance
of a play which contained a rich va
riety of t tiarncters. fays Ixtuloti
Sketch. Owing to this fact little prog
ress was made with l tie cast, a few
members nf the company making n
dead set al principal positions, while
minor characters were going a . u I r i :
One rather vacuous looklinr vouth
made himself particularly nt.Mr.; -live
atnl brought down I he wrath "f a
brother artist.
"In my opinion." exclaimed ihe l it
ler. "young .loins tnui. in the nti-r
ests of economy, lake the pail f Sim
kins i he Fol "
"Why economy v ileum mled Mr
.loties iiidi'.'tiaiiily.
"Well, you we, in v dear fcl!,.vv." was
the fjulet reply, "you won't need an.
touching up "
The Sacrifice.
"A Kentucky couple." said Mrs
Slmpkin.s. "got married a few days ago
after a courtship which had lasted
fifty years."
"I suppose," replied Mr. Simpklns.
the poor old man bad become too fee
tie to hold out any longer."-Chleag
Record-Herald. .
Representative Bruleeon, of Texas,
one of tbe most promient Democrats
in tbe House of Representatives, pre
dicted tbat tbe -next bouse will be
Democratic by at least 100 majority.
A REWARD of fifty dollars is here,
by offered for information tbat will
lead to tbe arret' an" conviction of
any person who has stolen wires or
other property from our Company ;
and tbe same reward Is hereby offered
for informal ';n fbat will lead to tbe
arrest and 'j'.nvictlon of anyone des
troying tin) property of the Company.
Chan. Umbaoh,
Secretai lake Co. TeL & Tel. Co.
In tbe Matter of the Estate of 8. T.
Colvin, Deceased.
Notice is hereby giveo that tbe un
dersigned, has been appointed admin
stratriz of the Estate of B. T. Colvin,
deceased, by t h e County Court, of
Lake County, Oregon, and has quali
fied. Now, therefore all persona hav
ing claims against the said estate are
Dereby required to present them,
with proper vouchers, within six
months from tbe date of tbe notice,
to t lie uudeisigu ( adimnlstratrix
at the law office of W. Lair Thump
son, in Lakeview, Lake County, Ore
gon Dated tbis 15th d a y of January
1910. B R. COLVIN
Administratrix of the Estate of R. T.
Colvin deceased. aVV4
We wiU sell vtmli
whent 4'itl. that will produce 110 to f0 bushels? per acre, for a first
cash nantent of S'J.COO to $:i,000 ami Half the. wheat crojV on L'OO
acres yearl until the latnl is paid for.
Yotl ct all the crop on aiy land you cultivate ahovc thc'OO acres
oil whieli' wc only uet Half.
Vou iitf n' have to p iy one cent in money after the first payment.
Land at 81." t" '," per jure near railroads and elevators, -f
Chance for Capital
Wc have a solid block of seven sections, consisting of 1800 acres in
SUNNY ALBERTA, that wc will sell for $1G per acre, which is a .pedal
buy, on the terms of G per acre down, and the balance in one, two
three or four years at only G per cent interest.
A lare part of th land immediately adjoining this tract of land is
under cultivation, and more will be broken up in. the spring, by the
settlers to whom wc have sold adjoining sections.
One crop of winter wheat will pay for this land and give you a big
surp'us in the bank besides.
The yield is from 30 to GO bushels, and and at 80 cents, the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less 812 per acre, a big estim
ate for of production.
See us or write us soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valuble lands are being rapidly taken by cnteqmsing Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or further information.
IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Examiner Office, Lakevkw, Ore.
It strikes tbe Fxamiuer tbat tbe
F.Xiosi'iou business la i.elng over
done. New York is to have lo
I9:t, and Bun Diego oue in I91.
Now aloog comes San Francisco,
irunk with the nuccess of its Portola
Fair aud Is disposed ou thst accouut
to encroach upon the presreves ot Han
Pleuo, aud also hold au International i
lu tnls mutt-r Shu Francisco will
wlu, of course, as might makes right. I
Hut little San Diego is putting up a
hard fight and tbe result will pro
bahly be two second rate shows ou
the Pacific, commemorating the open
ing of the I'auaniH Canal.
The crocodile tears in that man lley
buru's eyes, by grace of something.
Senator from Idaho, over tbe robbery
tbat tbe widows and orphans would
sustain by the enactment of legisla
tion establisbiug Unitd Hates postal
savings banks was someblnv fearful
to behold! This diligent tool of the
interests probably never saw a line of
actual wido-vs and orphuus heu a
bank went bust witb their little all
t'oue Leyoud hope of recovery. Mr.
Ilejburn, you are a di-inued htimlitig!
it is asset ted tbat Win M. Cake,
chairmau of the statu republican
committee will res'gu because be
does not take .kindly to tbe unlawful,
assembly which is designed as the
enteriug wedge to undo the primary
liohton (ilobe: W li n u Colonel
Roosevelt gets back from killing ele
phants in Africa will he be surprised
to learn what the insurgeuts have
been doing to the (j O. P elephant
over here?
(lalveston Newa: It would be In
teresting to know whether or not M.
Paolhati, who rose 4,fiK) feet above
Los Angeles in bis airship, found
tbe real estate agents a a :tlve at tbat
altitude as lower dnwu.
"Talk", raid Uncle Kbnn, "is sum
pin' like rain A certain amount is
welcome and necessary But dog
gone a delulge" Washington Htur.
Eight thousand acres, all under
ditch, with water rights. The vary
cream of the Golden Ocose Lake Val
ley. All level, -elect many years
ago for lease or sa.e on i ;rop plan, I
to fa rmers who can give proper ref
erences. T'bese lands are the choicest
in the valley.
202 Aodrns Uldg, Minneapolis,
orC, H. McKendree, Lakevicw.
I The confidence felt by farmer and I
I gardener. In Ferry's Seeds to-day 1
would have been impossible to led in '
any seed two score of years
ago. We have nude a
science of ft""V rfrlairV
alway. do
exactly what you
expect of Hu m. For .ale
everywhere. rEIRY'l Ills SEKB
larlNUAl Fres oa rtque.t
O. M. finn V COH Oalrolt, Mloh.
section of the famous Sunnv SouLhern Alberta
ftr.CL4M Tummourm
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR, Pmor iiiu
The .urgeat Livery ntnl Feed Stable lu mint hern Oregon
or Northern Cnllfornld. 1 1 or -h-h lloiirded by the Pity, Week
or M nth. Sjm-cII Attcnt' in Olven to Truiislent Stts-k
Huropran Plan Rvcrthlnjr
from a Cup of Coffee to a
Square Meal --- Call and fry
Us --- uu will Come Again.
E. I;. SWf:N50N, Proprietor.
I. O. O. F. Block,
i'oxltivjljr cured .rul not one drop nf mi'itlrltii' ti-n Intern!! jr
Immediate relief .nil euro for lufTerera of lit-ml cnliln, ( lironlc Hire thro.l, conneitcd fir-,
rhlsl lubt ii, BroncliltU. l.nrynsltlii, trrlil ill foi H, Amliui .tut IUy fever.
Not a mcdlcliiu to upit't yuur aymi iii, l.ui n tnllet which w hen diuolved In wa
tnski!. wonderful cleniilnic. kioIIiIuk. nd Im hIIhk iiiilliieitle, hleli la euppcliilly m1ited
the delicate membrane lining of the Nne ami Throat ami u lien uaed with the (la a ua
doiiehe w lilrU we au iily, or aa a Kxrule. will J inineillalely relume Hie tniiena by lliiiriiuid
cleaiming ttiu hreallilng paaaaftea of I lit? nnae and llirnat, ennsetieiidy allyltiR the dta.liar
and kivIiik UHlure an opportunity to set the respirators htkhii. IiiIii a healthful inndltli
Ttil can nerer te aerompllnlied whllu I tie lirentliliiK panKe aie flPed with poliMiiiiiua d
charge of thn tnui'iia membrane, and uiiIcmi Hie brealhltiK -bki are eleaunrd and treat
with the proper healing antlaeptle a allirlil eohl will Invarlnhly r. milt In t'attnrrh, l.a iiip
ore lliiciiil, t old In head or t hen ami freiiienly remilla m rlenaly
Ormili) a .Natal Douclii' tiealuieiiia w ill
aud tuberculoali of tlm throat and lung". ,
To convince you that thlaadvertlHoment atalea KACIH, aixn tin; coupon below, mall It
uawllh r0cla.,and we will Immediately mall you a II. mi box of Ormby'a Naaal Douche tre
meiita eonlalulntf i" treatiueuta with gl ana nanal dinn liu or forty treattnunla without dutit'4
Thu 1'5 treatmeuta with douche will be mailed uulexa otherwlae ordered. KKKK We u
gladly mail you a valuable book with chart In flvecolora allowing the Urmaby method
which dlaeaaea of the respiratory organ are treated.
Ore of tbe thouianda of unaullclted teallmonlala we receive:
tientletnen : fv-veral month, ago I waa very much worried about a fold I had nontracl
and which had Bellied In my head, from which xaition II waa apparently iin.aalble
dUlodge it; after MiffcriUK greatly for ten ilaya or two wcelta a friend prevailed upon me to
Ormaby'a Naaal ISiuche Tableia, with aluioai luataiitaneoua n aulta; In fact the reaulta were
extremely gratifying that I decided to ennilmie the line of the I'reatmenta In an endeavor
cure in y el I of catarrh, with which I had auffered for yeara, and after taking the medio
aeenrdlng to direct lima for about all weeka 1 waa uullrely cured and have Dot been able
detect the aljghteai trace ot the dlacahe ulriee that llinu,
I also rrcoiiimeudod the tiae of the Treatmeuta to a friend who haa auffered lor yeara fr'
Aathma, and he liaa Juat left the office after Informing nic that the Tableia had actually cu
11IIIJ i I
1. 1 ... .
that he had nut full a trace of Hie old
had been Hid lougint respite ha bad for aliout
Now. arentlt-ineti. this ia the Aral time In
way a ao caned patent medicine ami i nope
appreciate, the high merit of the article that
1032 No. Bonnie Brae.
Lot angelci, Calif.
Pacific Chemical Company,
5o . Broadway, Um Angeloa, Cat. w
I'lraae mall me aa per your offer, 1 bo box of Ormaby'a Naaal Poucbe Treatmeuva,
for which I encloae you 60 oenta-
Bakery: Fresh Bread
Hourto. 0S'i Viy and Night. Mciils at All
Private Boxes rur Ladles.
M '
Lakevicw, Ore.
polllvely relieve fiiinieillately aud will iite
trouble for more that two til jutha, and that U
twenty yeara.
my life that I
have ever recommended lo
mat you win tage 11 aa tne evidence of oue w
you are placing on the market aa a curat '
Very sincerely youra,
John R. Maclsod, i
and Pies, Every Day,
ra I