Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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Supreme Court Remands
'the Case to Lake County
for Retrial-Half. Mil
lion Involved
8ALEM; Of.. K-w . -AfUir UUd
10 litigation tec- the past five yeare
and tbe oaee of tbe 8UU f tbe Wer
ner Valley Htook Coaioany end K. F.
MoConnougny, 10 wblob tbre le In
volved 22,471.73 aorea of iwiinp land,
will again be tried la the Circuit
Court of Lake county, tbe Suprem
Court bating reversed aod retuauded
tb cats this morning la aa opinion
written by Justloe Eakln.
Tbls la a ault commenced by the
atata agalniit the Warner Valley Htook
Oompaoy li. V. MoConneugny, III
predecessor iu Intereet, .and 28 other
persona were homestead settler on a
poitton af the landa lovolved, for the
purpoee of canceling six certain dee Is
ismied by thH Ktate Land Mwird to
Mcnonouugby, conveying rn bod
ies of swamp laud now claimed, by
the latter. A demurrer tiled mi the
coiiii'lulii la the lower court wm
tallied except O0 tlm lnt deed lesiied
l.y the state in JHS'J. conveying Wis.
11 acre, on the ground that an it wiih
barred by the ftntun of limitation in
that It area uot brought within ten
yeara of the date ou the deeds; also
iy the piovlsloo tbat do ault "hull te
malntased to cancel a patent by
either the JUnlted Btetea Jor Oregon
unless begun within 10 yeara of la
auance. Tbe Hupreme Court apbolda
thla contention nod la oooci union
aaya that tbe demurrer of tba com
plaint, ee far na It relatea to tba
deeds t date August 21, l&tfl,
aod the oo a Itaued to 1893, will be
overruled. And na to tba ooa under
data of Januaiy IS. 1839, II will be
eusUiaed nnd tba dr on facta na
to dead, of date Itfc. will ba rerereed.
' Tbu property was purcbaaad for
II par wore by tba oreaeot bolder
bat It of roach greater Tela at tbe
present time. It baa oot bean an
nonooed aa yat whether tbe Supreme
Court's oploiou la Anal but ondbr
tbe preeumptloo tbat it la, the do
fendente are .to rrnalderlug the per
fection of an appeal to the United
Htntea Hupreme Court, according to
minor about the tnla ral'al today
The government claims t'. have
trapped the "liltiher np-thlef" In the
aouar triiHt linn 1 llbat's a starter.
.Now keep It "D nnMI voil get John
I)., J Pi-rp. the (!untfHuhiiuH other
of that Ilk imii kIh the rent if na a
ehow to make ho honest dollur.
Eastern Orchards Bad
A Philadelphia newspaper hH ad
TUed laruiorH of FenuMylvania and
the eHHt to vlHit orcbarda of the nnrtb
wtt, to learo n IfHBOti in fruit cul
ture. It coutenda that they can raie
jul aa Hoe a quality of npplva on the
Atlantic count, if proper care la laheu
lo prevent ileneaae and peitta. Atlan
tlou la aUn calloil to the attrautUe
manner lo which Waaingtou and Ore
uou apuleH arn aorted and paoked,
wherttuH the etihloru fruit In dumped
into m barrel. It t'oucludoi that thia
la ou'y ono of I ho mauy leBHOim tbat
the eailern furmer cuu loarn from
bla wntern brothoru.
0. V. L. CO. IS BUSY
In Spite of the Unprece
dented Winter Weather,
WorR has not ceased
The O-V-L Co., In spite of tbe ua-
UHUttl weather foi theao pat In la oo
inu all ooHHibla to forward tba work
on the chubU aod dltobea. While
there hue been a auapeoalou ou the
dirt work ou tbe cauala, rock work baa
heeu carried forward nil winter
Quite a stretch of tbe same where It
debouches from the cauyon, waa the
beaviest aort of work, requiring bluet
ton of the entire oaual from solid
rock, with no oer-burdeo at any
place. Tbat la now nearly completed.
it waa the most costly nod difficult
part of the work, lu addition to tbat
work the blasting out of tbe oaoal,
.A flnmo fmmdutiona ill the CBUTOO IB
also to be rusbed. Aa 200 men are em- j
ployed at tbia work. At the earliest
poaslhle date, ao aoou as the ground
la suttloeutly thawed out, tba work of
completing tbe ditches will be undertaken.
Hicks' Weather Prediction
Tbe Kxainlner bas aeeu a copy of
tbe Irl R. Hicks almanac, and be
predicts bad weather rgeoerally for
February and March, with attendaut
loaa of atock onleas tbey are properly
fed and Doused.
Nubecrlbe for tlw Kxauiiuer.
dlices a New Hoiiiestea
United titalee Beoator iioorne
Oregon will Inrtodooa n bill la Con
greaa tbat will prove n beoo to tba
bomeetaader. lie take tba broad
around now praotiaed by Hacratar
llalllnger, ao far aa tba law will par
m 1 1, that Improratoent nod cultla
tlon of tba land la of n greater benefit
to tba howeateader, tba community
and tbe government tbat baa bean
tbe oaaa where strict oheervanoe of tba
realdeoce claoae baa been Instated
opoo aa the oBler quaiiuoanon lor
dual proof Tba featute lotroduoed
by Senator Uooroa appeals atoogiy
to tba Kiamloar. nnd for tba reaaona
ao ably net forth, by tba Beoator,
wa arn of tba opinion mat it wiu
meet universal approrul by tba borne-
ateader nnd fell who desire to see the
couotry brougbt Into a atata of pro
duotlveoeea at earliest possible data.
Tba senator wilUs tbe hxaoiloer na
Kditor Kxarelnar:
I am aeodlog this general form of
letter to many nawa papeia, grangea
aod oimmerotal organizations of Ore
gou for tba purpose of g'ttlog betoie
tbe people the Idea 1 bavt embodied
In a bill I shall In trod nee in the Hen-
ate tbat production of crops rather
than residence upou a hnicestead la
thi eksential of nuocesful and oiost
etticient development of our re
soiircea I have done this In the
hopes that the - people of Oregon will
avnr their delegation here In Con
erewM with tlielr views as to the Mis-
loin of the propound leglHUtloii.
1 am Inforinad y Mr. Willlnnt Han-
ley an exteuitlve uto.-k miner i.f llsr
ney Ciiuntv, tliat there are 20.0CO,K)0
aores of vacant land in Kasteru Ore
gon lnupalila of irrigatiot). but near-,
lyallof it is suao 'ptible to oulitvatiou
undo'' the acleutillo luethuils no lu
vnuan In "dry larmlng. " Mr. Hau
ley's auggestluo of aubxtitnts
stltuta crop
Idents as te '
ng title In I
production for actual res
consideration for obtaining
creaslugiy Impresses my mind.
ir tbe bill wblob I have prepared
bould become a law. tbe homesteader
on non-irrigable lana in wnai la
known na tba arid reg'ou need not
live upon bla land at all, but must
live within the Bt ate. tie must culti
vate It either peisooally or by repre
aeotatloo nnd b must show by an
noal proof tbat within a period of
Alturas 'laludealer: Mr. MoAfee,
the surveyor and engineer, spent
Sunday In Alturas, , He is at present
engaged ou the uoug valley reoiama
It ou works, aod informs ua tbat with
tho opening or spring 100 men will
be put to work The col 1 weather
conpelled a Mii4ieo-ln of labor out
there, but tbe work of the engineers
has progreeed far eunon.n that there
will lie no delay v. lieu spring ooce
opeus. Tbls work will opu up thous
ands of acres of valuable farming
laud beyond (Surprise Valley, in Ne
vada, and If tbe purposes of tbe
compauy having the work in hand is
cairled out will produoe another Sur
prise Valley.
Rush of Home-seekers
There la apparently do let up to
the people coming in and taking up
homeeteads says tbe Silver Lake
Leader. Kaia or shlno, wet or dry
Miev come. And well they do, tor
before tbe middle of the summer
rolls Hrouod tbe vacant land In north
ern Lake county will be something
not known.
llou Frank Haw of the Harney
County News, who probably knows as
much about tbe luslde workings or
politics in tbls state aa auy one and
who la oue of the strongest writera In
Oregon gives this tip to politicians
which is worth needing:
Tbe Oregouiao's symposium of
opiniona on tbe proi oed party "as
Humbly" discloses tbe fact that while
the politicians throughout tbe state
are largely iu favor ot it, they are
mlgbtly afraid or it aod they want it
very carefully bandied. It will, in
deed, need the nursiug of very oool
Gage Brush Lands
Reno Journal : Better buy your
mure hrush land now while It la cheap
ihn avneriiiinnta to ba made at tbe
university in the distillation of tbat
heretofore despised produot of the de-
sert will If successful, give tnese ine roaa n m uuiupinmu .uiu up
lands a value never before dreamed . ney valley this yoar, and will ua con
of. Tbe by produota of the sage tiuued on to ooast counetlona. There
brush, it Is olaimed, will -ell for more oar loads ot dynamite have already
than enough to pBy for the land, and arrived, which indicates that no time
another crop ia said to grow almost will be lost when tbe weather will
aa fast as tb first crop is removed , pormlt oonstruoton work to prooeed
la case these experiments prove all i to advantage,
that Is hoped for this iudustry will
bave the elfeot of bringiog more oeo Jt Ja report.d that the town of
le to Nevada tbaa were ever here Qujn0y Plumae Co.. Calif., is Iso
fore. uted by deep snow, gray wolves
A feature of a new German system
telephotography ia tbat tbe wire used
to transmit the picture may be used
for telephoning at the same time.
He Thinks Interests of Homesteader
and the Government Better Served
by Production than by Residence
five year tbe land baa produced
crops of m tctal value of 11500.
Assuming tbat Mr. lianley'a esti
mate of 20,000,000 aorvs vaoaot land
la Eastern Oregon la correct and
tbat same can be brougbt under culti
vation by adoption of what Is known
as, "dry farming." tbla area of land
will furnish orporaotitles for 00.000
bometad eotrymeo who, before
Ibey could aoqulre title, would be
obliged to prndoee crops of a total
value of K),000,000. Tboa it will be
seen tbat the Nation, Ktate and com
rnuolty would be benefited in tbe de
velopment of our natural reaourcea,
wealth Inoreaaed. and, wbat la more
I m porta t, a claas of oiizena gained
who would be obliged to produce
rather than merely live on the land
a population of workers.
'In its present condition and In the
preaent state of transportation facili
ties most of this laud is oot suitable
i to" homemakiug, though it c nil Id he
I cultivated by men who wmld make
'their homes elsewhere, or upon the
; laud throuuh only a part of tbe year,
j My bill Is baited upou the theory
j t but if a tract of lund Is made pro-
duct Ive It will provide some family
I with a borne even though t'uit fami
ly lives In a town near tbe land ratb
I er than upou tho laud iself, and tbat
VT . . i 61
0 bomaataad law
P'Uhed- Jne reat
therefore, all of the esseutial objects
will be aoom
dittlculty under
the present homestead law la tbat a
great many men settle upon tbe land
under tbe homestead act do as little
cultivating aa tbe law will permit
and avoid as many aa possible of tbe
Uovernmsot'a requirements and tba
land la not made productive.
BellevinflTthat prod uot ioo ia tbe
real essential. I made that tba moat
important feature of my bilL Land
eoltabla for "dry farming" la fre-
Bldwell Flffurinff
lo view of tbe fact tbat tbe N-C-O
la about to extend Its line birtbward
from Alturas. a mora ia being made
by tbe r'ort iildwel psople to have a
mall mate established- between I bat
place aod Willow Ranch. It Is likely
tlmt tbe route will be changed to
Lakeside so soon as operations in a
building way are Inaugurated ia that
The Company Has Be
gun the Work of Sur
veying for Ditches
Manager Ilelknap, of the Warner
Valley irrigation Co. sent out aootb-
er surveying crew this week, and has
gone over to tbe valley bimself to
superintend the work.
Wbeu tbe weather moderates snUo
ieotly to work tbe grouud ou the ir
rigation ditche-, aud tbe enow thaws
iu tbe uiouutaius, so as to admit of
work of construction on the reservoir
sites, a full force will te put at
work, and the work on the entire pro
ject will be pushed as rapidly as men
aud money cau pet form the la'ior.
There is a great amouut ot work to
be done on the reservoir sites iu the
uioutaius, aud the preseut heavy
snows aud luulemeut veather so un
usual In tbls section have greatly de
layed the wook, much to tbe regret
of Mr. Uelkuap aud bis associates.
It Is evident tat tbe work inaug
urated by this company will soou
make tbe "desert bloom as a rose"
ad will add immeasely to tbe wealth
and productiveness of tbe county of
Lake and of this Great Inland Km
pirn. Trying to Head -Off Hill
A Chicago dispatch aaya that a con
tract bas been let to the Utah Cou
struotiou Co. far tbe building of 80
miles of tbe Uoose Lake Southern
connection from Vale in Malheur
county. Material ia already arriving
'at Vale and tbe
work will commence
! as soon as the weather will permit.
are prowling around tbe town aod at
taoklog all Huda of stock, but bave
not molested any person as yet,
though all go armed I Well, If armed
why don't tbey kill tbe brutes?
quently aucb asa maa woald not wIsB
to make bla borne upon for twelve
months la a year, but tbe present
law permitting ao entry on 320 acres
requires actual resldenne, and 1 be
lieve, without xccomplisbing a de
sirable cid bv such requirement.
Under the plao proposed by my - oil!
every maa aoder tbe 320 acre home
stead act could keep bla family la
aoy town of Oregon, where bla obild
ran ooold go to school and all mem
bers of bis family have tbe advan
tages of attendance at cbarob and ao
cial functions, ana, at tbe same time,
by complying with tbe law regarding
cultivation and production, be could
aeoure title to tbe laod. Tbere
would be no opportunity for fraod
because tbe bill requires ttmt annual
proofs must -be submitted showing
tbe amount of land cultivated and
the character, quantity aod value of
: the crops pr duced.
1 believe that tbe average farmer on
!:i20 aires of land subject to entry
under the enlarged 'uomeHead act
iwouH bo able to produce crops of
'much more than (1500 in value in
I a. period of fle years; bit tbe tlMO
riiinl'Oum limit in Uxei as a standard
.to which the entryman must work
'audi believe under adverse circum
stances any mao who is euterprisiug
'and diluent will be able to produce
crops to this value.
Tbe theory of the homestead law ia
tbat tbe Government abould provide
cheap homes fur tbe people. This
theory la In no way violated by my bill.
Uanj taken under tbla meaaure
would maintain bomea for tbe entry
men though tbeae bomea were a few
miles distant rather than upon tbe
land itself.
Tbe reiadenoe requirement In tbe
homestead law la la tbe nature of a
penalty, toe . .pan iahoteot being -
AM 101
Says Interests of Party
Jeopordised by Attempt
to White-wash
WASHINGTON, tb.-rhe showing
made by Lilavis has creuted such a
panicky feeling tbat the adimuistra
tiou realizs tbat beorio measure
must be resorted to.
Senator Root, in Taft'a offices, cen
sured Uallinger for bringiog tbe ad
ministration and tbe investigation
cumiDltte into a humilntiug position.
He told bioi b bad assured the Ke
publicau members tbat be bad
"fixed" bis answer to Ulavis so as to
inaur- bis complete exoneration,
whereas Ulavis' evidsuce showed tbe
forest service possessed records of the
interior department which when in
troduced made tbe committee ridicu
lous. Immediately after Root's censuring
of Ualliuger Chairman Nelson de
manded that couusel be provided by
ISalliuner, aud all proceedings have
been beld up since tbat time. Some
are predicting tbat the inveatigatlon
willuever be opeued agtio, Dallioger
and Dennett being dismissed oral
lowed to resign.
BELV1DERE, 111., Jan.. 28.-At
tbe Northern Illinois poultry show
being beld bere it waa aunuonued tbat
tbe famous Porter turkey baa been
aold by Mrs. Walter Porter of this
city to E. 11. Uruns of Orient U. U.,
for S500.
'Ike gobbler baa taken first prize
sweepstakes at New York, Baltimore
and llagerst jwn, Md., and other o t
lea where national poultry shows have
been beld. ilia weight ia fifty two
pounds. ' He ia said to be the largest
turkey in tbe United States. 4
Season of Lent
Lent begins February 9, fifteen
dare earlier tban It did last year, ao
tbat Easter Sunday will fall in Maroh
instead of April 11. as It did last
yeai. Inasmuch as Easter la fixed as
the Sunday after the first full moou
after tbe vernal equinox wbi b falls
on Maroh 21 of each year it la evi
dent that this vear will be oear tbe
record foi early dating It will be
the second earliest Easter 10 a quar
ter of a century that of March 25,
1894, being the neareat to the vernal
equinox In tbat period
Lake County wauta you.
flic ted not only upon tbe entryman
bat apoa tola wife aod children. At
preaent tbe eatrymmao takee bla
family Into isolated regiooe lo which
vacant landa can be found: and keeps
them bere to live a period of Ave
yeara of banishment fromiaaaoelatloa
with fellow-tolnga. ,
la a great maay cases tbe home
ateader perform just as little work
open hia laod aa possible, rtnd as soon
aa lie gets title removes bla family to
town where they naa have tbe ad
vantages of school aod social inter
course. Toe real object of providing
homes Is wot accomplished by the re
quirement of actaol residence upon
tbe laod. This object would be ao
oompliabed, however, by tfte require
ment t&at a ao shall bring bis land
into productiveness. To", produoe,
some one moat oultlvate, the laod.
To cultivate economically, vicini
ty, labor and intelligent attention
are required of tbe entryman or his
representative. Tbe entrymao's de
sire is tbe acquisition and ownership
of tbe laau: title can pnly be ob
tained through prod act loff; prod no
tion ' necessitates increased popula
tion either of tbe entryaiao or tbeir
representatives. Tbe valae of tbe
land acquired by tbe eofrymen de
pends upon . continuing 'production.
Thus, it is certaia tbat tbe land
once acquired wllL under normal
conditions, continue productive, as
otberwiae there is oo incentive for
entry nor to purchase after title Is
ucqcired. Necessitated production
eliminates tbe evil of idle ljiud due to
Don resident ownership.
My bill requires tbat the entryman
shall cultivate at least ooe-etgbt ot
bis land tbe second year, one-tourtb
the third year, one-balf tbe fourth
and fifth years thst be must file in
the local land office by tbe first of
December of each year a sworn state
men! verified by the affidavits of
two persona having koowledge of tbe
facta, ahowing the character, quanti
ty and value of tbe crops produced
by him.
1 would be pleased if tbe people
of Oregon would advise tbeir delega
tion in Congssa of their tiers oo this
jJm Yours very truly. 7
A Splendid Record ' -
WASHINGTON. Jan. 23. -The year
1909 In sold mining waa marked by an
increasing recovery from tbe de
pressed ooodition of tbe two previous
years, aocordioo' to data presented in
a report by the United State- Ueolos
Igcal Survey. There was a general
advance io development of proved
mines aod distrio'a. Frdm tbe pre
liminary figures of tbe -Director of
the Miot it is estimated tbat tbe out
pot of gnM fur tbe year reached tbe
total 01 $30,242,000. an estimated in
crease over tb production of 1903 of
$4 672,200. ,
Silver mining suffered during 1909
from low market price for the metal,
aod for cooper aud lead. Tbe esti
mated pruductiou lo 1909 of 53 849,
000 tine oonnes of silver . valued at
128.010,100 lodiuated ao increase in
va'ue over the product of 1908 of 340,
t NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Tbe cost of
litigation, delays in . admnisterlng
tbe law, tba uumber of : appeals and
tbe current criticism of tbe courts
are tbe themes discussed .by Justiae
Brewer of the United State's Supreme
court in an interview made public
here today. .
In addition to a sharp criticism of
the preseut laws and tbeit enforce
ment, Justice Brewer adverted to
tbe growing problem of public owner
ship of partly public enterprises, de
claring that tbere is. every reason
why communities tbat can ooutrol
tbe capital should own, direct and re
ceive all the benefits -derived from
water, lighting, transit and telephone
compauies. " '
In bis discussion of the law Justice
Brewer said: ' "
''The seat of the whole, trouble, io
my opinion, is in the fact that to
many appeals "re granted... wbeo jus
tice does nut demand It. A simple
way to put it ia to say that our courts
trifle with justice by permitting de
lay after delay upon mere teohuioali
ties. I propose tbat tbe states enact
laws that will permit of but one ap
peal after tbe trial judge. The laws
of many states are aucb tbat a judge
is but little more. tban a moderator."
1 Justice Brewer added that be would
make one exception to tbe "one ap
peal" plan, that where a serious con
stitutional question waa Involved.
Tbe Justice oouttnued by saying
that be favored tbe pnlioy of a few
lawyers who- aided tbe' eourt In ex
pediting oases lie declared that
tbe great majority of lawyers seemed
to feel that tbey were not living up
to tbeir profession if 'they did not
qtobble over every detarl and gain all
the delays oosnlble.
(le closed n-s statement with an
ortrent plea 'or tbe elimination of
politics from the com is of tbe na
tion. Tbe reason, she said wny be kissed
.hei bauds.' waa beoause aba had tbem
ovr ber face at tbe time.
One of the Attorneys of
Road Makes Interesting
Inside of eia-xteen mostka the
SootLera PaclBo Company will be op
eratiog its Portland and Saa Fraq-
ciaoo trains by way of Klamath Falls,
over the California Eastern, recently
completed to this city, and the Ore
gon Eastern, now under coastraotioa
north from bere.
This Is what W. D. Pantos, at
torney for tbe Uarrimaa lines ia Ore
gon, eald at a baoquat given by the
Retail Hardware- and Implement
Dealers' Aaaooiatioo la Portland a
few days ago. ,
"We have not been heralding oar
doiogs down in tbat part of the
State with the tlare of trumpets,
said Judge-Fenton, "and hence little
is knowo of tbe work goiog on thete,
but I will say at this time tbat tbe
f resent sixty-five miles of road are -n
tbe course of construction and that
it will not be more than elgbteeu
months at tbe most uotil trains will
be operation between Portland and
San Francisco over a road baring at
no place - more than a 1 per cent
grade." J
By making a detour through passes
in tbe Cascade moontinaa to Klam
ath Falls from Natron, and then on
to Weed, where connection 'a again
made with tba present main Una, a
double track system will be provided
and will permit much quicker trans
portation of both passengers and
freight, by eliminating heavy grades.
The extension nortu from Klamath
Falls will cross the east fork of the
Deeobutes River to Odell Lake,
hence across tbe Cascade Mountains
and down tbe middle fork of the Wil
lamette River to Natron. Froaa Odell
a breach line le to be ballt to
Lakeview. connecting with the Uoqee
Lake 8outneo,- which will ran down
by Altaras aad--ibrough the timber
lands, connecting with tbe present
heaaia line at both Anderson and Vina,
aooerdinajto sarveys made and ondet
way- One ot these lines will also
connect with the Central Pad So In
Experiments Prove that
Our Products can be
CHICAGO, Jan. 31. A dnobling
of tbe present production of farm
staples is in sight, aooordiog to
Professor C. B. Buffum, of Worlaod,
Wyo., who iaa pioneer in tbe
science ot seed breeiiog. "We bave
already practically doubled tbe yield
of corn by selection and breed
ing," said Professor Buffum yester
day," but we neel not Btop with
corn, as we caa deal with all other
crops in a similar nay. Tbe reason
that this has not beeu done earlier
Is tbat olaot breedios hae been uti
lized heretofore mainly for tbe pro
duction of curiosities. Meu who
brougbt out any thing were 'wiz
ards.' Few saw any practlcalv alue in
wbat was being done. Much was
accomplished iu an esthetic way with
reference to improvements ot flowers,
but tbe great farm crops were neg
lected "As Mark Twain naid In "Pudd'n
bead Wilson." tr,n;nin i everything.
Tbe ptittoti as ouix it bitter almond,
and tbe cauliflower Is nothing but
cabbage with a college education.
Plant breeding supplies this 'college
ednoaiton' of tbe plebetana of tbe veg
etable world, and tnerefor by iaieas-
lug crop yields, promises more tbaa
anything else with referenoa to tbe
growth of tba world's permanent
wealth "
Ladles to give Bazaar
The ladle in charge of tbe Lake
view litrary bad a meeting Monday
evening discussed finance and de
vise ways and - means to liquidate
present indebtedness, amounting to
onlr 1250.
In addition to tbe ladry directors
tbere were present delegates from the
Eastern Star, tbe Rebekabs. Woman's
Guild, and the 3-U's an organization
of some of tbe young ladies of ths town
After a general discussion it was de
cided to hold a Bazaar in Solder's
Opera House, oa Maroh lBth, at
which time tbe ladies present
pledged themselves to make a goodly
display of fanoy needle wort, which
will be sold for tbe benefit of the Li
brary. It Is also the Intention at tbe same
time, if preparation can be made to
present a play of some sort, 'that will
give entertainment to those who favor
tbe bazaar with tbeir preeeooe. II
preparation for tbe play cannot be
accomplished. It will be given at
some later date la the near future.