FOUR AKE COUNTT EXAMINER, LAKEVIEW, OKXOON, THURSDAY, FEB11ARYS. XX- a eh A - My. rr t; aw it"- r W w an J" Li 1 - i 1 " t- w-. r -r . a If f; W IT FEELS ; TO FLY AROUND VMifhat the Sensations Are In Cleaving the Air in an Aeroplane ' Mow It favla to rule in a flying ma chine is tolil in the following l.oa ' A'nireleai dispatch: 1 "All who have the good fortune to ride in mm aeroplane." said one of Yin th other day. "unite in their leeeril)tloil of their first sensation. there ia no jerk In the starting, though th machine nmv leap for ward with a powerful swoop. Then comes with some a hri-l senwo of nausea, feclintE as if the ground ' Were dropping away from lieneath. "A ulight thrust of the lever lifts 'the flying machine' head. the ground ' drops away still faster. Then, as tbc naroi'lme soars still higher, its ccunant'a eyes Adjust themselves to "the proper focus aud the earth Mow seems to be ripping past at a railway speed. , "By this time you ha ve forgotten Ihe clack of the noisy mot sr. the flap and whir of the noisy propellers, the grinding: of the chain and sprocket pear that drives them. All vibration taae practically ceased and you float along with a aense of springy ease and buoyancy such a you can gain from "no other mean of locomotion. That on are flying tost you know only tn the roar of the wind In bar ears and a Blight difficulty yon have in filling your lungs with air the same sensation oae geta in 'racing against the wind In an auto, mobile on a good highway. "Then comes the first turrn. The machine rises to take It, taking its own angle aidewRys. Just as an auto- j mobile eans on tlie banked curve o' an automobile track, lou have no' sense of leaning sideways, though tio feeling that you must tilt yourself as tod do whan an automobile turns a corner, for you sit upright, Ihe aero plane slanting of lta awn volitional o I to the necessary ingle and slanting! you with it. "A glass of water set on t he floor of the flyer could be carried around curve affer curve and still not lose a a drop." Rehart's Views lilendale. Calif., Jan. 21st. 1910. Ettkeview Examiner. 'The great aviation event of Las 'Angeles Is closed, with success floao eially. and to tie entire satisfaction of all who had tbe pleasure of wit nessing tbe same. HaVing witnessed five days of tbe meeting personally, naturally 1 have made aome conclusions concern tog -the same, that will be interesting to jour reauers. wuica .MU Dnt Bppear in the press dispatches. Rewarding the abiliity of man to fly successfully that is a aettled fact beyond contro- veray. the aeroplane has come to Btnv fn- llotj ir- 'ar unrl tio rurrt eiay ro. iJiehdjr-e, ar ana me carry inc' nt passengers, if notbiDe more, To witness the aeroplane start from tbe ground with one, two and three1 and sailing with the ease ise and si ace of f WANTED OREGON VALLEY LAND COMPANY CONTRACTS If you desire to dispose of your contract for land, I am ready to do business on a limited number. Send description of land ahd lot to E. H. BRAMWELL, 201 ANDRUS BLDG.. . MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 00 Acres Fruit Land. All Sold Out in 1 0 acre t,racts,-in Lakeside, Modoc Go. Calif. - Watch our new proposition. Will have more desireable future. Lakeview a bird to any desired height, and with the propellers stopped, descend to the ground without a jar to Ha ocou rants, is an event never to be forgot ten. The two baslo principles of flying lib the aeroplane Is a large enough plnue tu rise upon the air with a strong motoi to drive the plana at a certain speed, say .V miles per hour, with other contrivances to steer and guide the machine to Its destina tion. With the rmsio principles of flying discovered all that will he re quired now, is larger pianos and greater power, aud we are lost In speculation, as to the growth aud use fulness of the flying machine. From that i have seen, my opinion is, that the Hi plane will be the ma chine o! service, on account ( being more compact, giving more strength in proportion to the size of plane, than any other made, aud I might add uiore safe. However there is little doubt, but I r. a short t ime many different types of machines will be in nne and living machines will tie just as common, cheap and popular as the automoble is today. I S. V. K CHART Stock in Good Shape V. O. Scammon, of Flush, was in town Tuesday. He reports that stock is doing very well so far, but that the water has covered the meadows, making it impossible to reach the bay-8tcks. This condition may re suit m hardship to the stock iuterests latei on, but up to the present there bHS been no loss of i t tier sheen or cattle. You will meet business men at Swenson's Res taurant. 7L-D0UGLHS $3.$350&$4.SH0ES BOYS S2.G9 THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SH3ES IN THE WORLD. fcUPEtf'OR TO -THEB MAKE8." "i have wo. L. Douglas iheci for the past ix years. -u Iwiri find thev are far superior ;o U ot. graaa shoes in style, comfort t d duraiht " W. G .'ONES. IIS Hoot . Ave.. Utica. N. Y. If I could take you into my large fac tories at '. rockton, . lass-, and show you u .f..n w - n ..-i.. .k. --- . ey hold tU- r ,j I th '"ri.!., ,' -" r"k7 L.A v.i.J,-wlh.ll w .,. vr. ; i mmhwi in ihe tK.ui, H "t d-aW rriwi.l til Toil Willi W I. ioiit-i.n f -, , wrne tor SLui oni'i camion. v.i-i)..u)i. Hi, ' tu j . forsalebi i . I il Kr VI fX (VI ff V ' ' JK land m the Development Co. Lakeview, HORSES INCREASE DESPITE THE AUTO The Price is Higher and More of Them than a Year Ago WASHINGTON. January 'JU.-I11 spite of tba greatly Increased use of the automobile It bus beeu unable to depress either In number or value Ihe American horse. The price of the hort-e according to a statement yes terday from the Doard of lbs IV j partmeut of Agriculture, rose from an aveiags of li'T.rU a bad lu l'.K 8 to jflOS. 19 a head In lOoil In numbers I the horses of the United States in j cress s.l from 20,6-10,000 to Jl.Otii.OOO, land the value from f l,l'47.0oiOX) to If'i'JTe.&U.OOO. i Compared with January 1, 'M tb follow lug changes are Indicated ou Januaryl, 19)0 Horses have increased 40,000; Mules 70,000; Milk oows, 81.000; other cat tle decreased 2,100.000; sheep in creased 1,132, ; Swine decreased G,3U5, 000. Tbe total value of all animals enumerated on January 1, ISH, was 5. 13S. 46,000 aa compared with 4. 5-Jo,'9.,0u0 January 1, KH.i, an in creaseof 6 13, 227. 000 or 31. 0 per cent Nevada Is All Right Nevada la sorely comlog lato Us own. la aa agricultural way. All over "Tba Sage Brnsb Stale." come reports of fine frolt and grain grow nig. Tba Tonopab Snn, as an illus tration recently quoted G. C. Rosa, SupL of Schools, who Jhad just made a trip throught Nya, Clark and Lin coln counties, wbo said: "If you have never been over that couutry," said Mr. Ross, "you have no idea of what there la la ye couoty, nor in Liocoln and Clark. Vcu ought to see tbe fruit t Pabrump. There aie on ly two ranches there, but tbe fruit is wouderful. " Read the Magazines It you want to know what Is really going on In tbe w a y of political tbouabt today, don't depe-id on tbe plutncat!c dal'y papers, but read the magazines Everybody. McClurep, Fearsoos, Hamptons, Metrrpolltiau. Ameiicao. Collleri aod others are all alive to tbe lot crests of tbe people and are doing yeoman service in their tlgbt against further government of this nation br prcperty interests. By flowing molten metal tbroosh a tbm, fiat nozzle upon a rapidly rotating water cooled drum, an Kug lisb machine manes metallic ribbon at the rate of over fifty miles an hour. Gr-lldreri Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A .The Arcadia. rioving Picture Show Up- to -Date Moving Pictures AXI) Illustrated Songs HROGRAn CHANGES Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri days and Sunda3rs Two Shows each Night At 7:30 and oYlx-lc Snider's Opera House AdmlSHlon 10 and 15 eta near Ore. The Home of Good Values Onco you experience the genuine satis faction of wearing comfortable shoos, that hold their shape, with a style made permanent by fine material and skilled workmanship, no other shoes will satisfy you thereafter. Wo are speaking: of Han an Shoes. Selling: them is the easiest thing wedo because there is nothing: to explain. The shoes tell their own story and every wearer tells itto his friends. Try Hanan Shoes Once. Bailey & IVlassingill. Smiles and Squalls Br -THK VEBDABTT Here Is a err!ble waraiog to wives wbo make tbalr bosbaads gat Jnp la the morning to build dree. A Myrtle Point man dropped dead while ao ea gaged. Was bs married? Well, er no. He was a widower. The fat wldow'a chaatea of marry ing nifHin are usoally allm. A Minnesota postaaater, wboaa wf was away wrote aaotbar maa a letter, and her husband opened and read It Tbe other cbap eotrplaloed to tba postal department, and tbe postmaster lost bis job. That sorely la bard lines. So it seems that yoo most not trifle with tbe mail even tbooab some otoer male triflea with yoar female I It ih euay for a woman t fHl HmHn who tli I iika he can't tie looled. Tonopab la seeing UaJlay'a Comet. -We know something of tbe bread dowo there. And yoo are liable to see your great grand motber'a ghost not to mention tblagt wltb tail ott er than Halley'a Comatl How a girl doew dialike rldlag in botfly with a one-armed man! ' Stockbuyers Busy The Bieber Gazette of tbe 27tb bas these stock items: Jobnnie Sullivan, rattle bnyer for tbe Oakland Meat Co., A. M. Mo lucls and C. J. Uoooh, Jr., sheep men or Hed lilafT, and Joe Talt, mut ton buyer were registered at tbe Val ley Hotel Satruday evening. Mesara Mi'Innis and Cioocb wara bare looking after tbe 1300 bead of mutton being fed at tbe (Jnocti ranch near Lookout. i. C. Dodson, an Oaaland rattle buyer, purchased 2S0 bead of beef io this vicinity last week. Tbe parties selling were A. Baboock, 176 head : Oeo. W. Lonmia, 40 head aod A. Creig 35 bead. Tbe prlee received was very satisfaotory, and cleans up ' the cattle in tbis part of tbe valley Good and Cheap Land It is reported that 116,000 waa paid for l'JO aorea of rjw uncleared land at Hood r.ttr. What la tbe one of payiDg fi ch pricea np there wban bet ter land ready for planting which will produoe better apples or other fruit can be got at Lakeview for from 810 to (50 an acre' "Here!" exclaimed tbe railway om.'iai, "nrst do yon mean by tbrowiog thou trunks about like tnat?" Tbe porter gasped in astonish men and several paaangera pinched themaelvea to make sore It was real. Then the otfimal spoke again : "Don't you see that you're making big dents in this concrete platform?" A NEEhF.n INVENTION A celf acting sofa, large enough for two. bus been invented, if properly wound up it will begin to ring a warning bell just before 10 o'clock. At one minute paat ten, It aplHs apart, and wo He one bait carries tha daughter upstairs tba otber balf kicks tbe young man ont tba door. They will con e bigb, nevertheless, several parents in thia town feel that one of these sofas will be a household neces sity in the near futnra. The place where business men meet Is at Swenson's Restaurant. CONVIVAL RESEARCH The man wbo stays ont late at eight. Has found a tale tbat isa't trite; He says, "My dear, just lat it paai We were looking for tbe cosset thro' a three inch glass I" -Clevelaa4 Plala peeler. .aflM,.. 60 YEARS , EXPCRICNCB - nVRICHTS Ao. il('HiT(ff ton Dlf hnr aui It I St Lu. .TUUUiTf .iirbsle ' i wf hlr. I nrtAsi clr. Hiei i c i. ')' a nRri1s'imc:v V. tlllUllMIl ft Ul'f t J'-urinJ. 'j uniin, t l Uiuicta OOictt, u'i6 K BU WadiUiaiua. ti. 1 i Mi r CATTLEMEN ARE MAKING BIG ROAR Register a Vigorous Kick Over Raise in Local Freight Rates Sacramento He, 'H ult: A rrotait against tbe ex Istiug freight rates mi cattle In tacarmento valley, waa one of tbe fruit of the annual meetlug of tbe California Livestock breeders' Assoclatiou In Han Kraaciaoo. It. I. McKarland, of Kolsum, wbo was one Of tbn prominent advocataa of these matt era, returned witb ao account of It yaaterday. Tbe Southern Pact Mo company, he says waa condemned by resolution for Its Indifference to the protest of tbe livestock men when ratea were raised a year ago. Data waa aubmlttad allow ing that tbe carload rate on cattle from Gazelle, i-siekiyou County, to Han Francisco bad been Increased from ftiO to f"5 a car. Ublpmenta be tween those points amounted in tbe meantime to 'JO.lHUl bead, atout 1.0U0 can, making ll'i.OOO the railroad drained from the stockmen shipping from one station alone. A committer was appointed to seek a return to the old rate by the Southern 1'acittc. Warner Valley to Boom Cedarville Itecord, Id. Warner valley ia promised a big rush There la a' large lot of valuable laud lit that valley. Much of it however, has been in litigation for years. With the coming or homeseekers vi II !e a decrease In tbe stock Industry, aa now coadopted, and a corrosDondlnu increase In agricultural products, which for a time will serve us u airt of ha. Heap, but will result in pros perity later on. Tbe man who gets his feet iuto a pair of Hanan K'ioss will fuel good enough to tell bis frien la uho t it. That's why tbey are urlvertal favor It ea. See them at II & M TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Notice in hereby griveti that, tin County HniK-rlnrendeiit of Luke county will hold the regular exuiuiii ntlon for applicants lor state am soiintv papers at Lakeview, iih fd Iowh: FOK STATK I'AI'KUS Commencing Wedneaday Teb. ntl at 9 o'clock, a. ni.. and coiiMnuing; until Saturday, rcb VI, at 4 p in. welneaday reniimiisliip, HiHlorv .Spelling;, rhyslcaKieoKraphy, Head- inf. racnyoloKy. Thuraday W r I tten Arithmetic Theory of TeachiiiK.' Grammar, isook keeping, i tiysics, civil (iov - eminent. "Friday PIiybIoIok.V, (3eo;rapliy, Algvbra, Knullah Literature, !-olio'il Law. Saturday Botany, Plane Ceuuietry, ' iieiienu.Oiaujry. - FORCODNTY PAPKRK Comroencinjf Wednesday, Feb. 9th. at 0 o'clock a. in., and contiuiiititr until rnaay. ru.iuD at 4 p. in. Wedneeday PenuuinMhlp, lilatory, . Orthography, Jteadlng, Physical ueoarrapny. Thureday-Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Pliyai oloiry. Friday Oeography, School Law Civil Government, English Literature. Yonrs truly, It. H JACKSON, County Supt. Lakeview, Ore. January 11. 11)10. '2w CRESCENT MFO. CO. Makers of MAP LMNE (better loan Maple). Raises tba dough aMWU I m and complies with kvyrri.v rZfl I IksW all pure food laws. pTr J "1 8 iii.vfwn m j n m n i v km rJk E t y n w si i Mining News J The Kxamlner ia Informesl aa to a new stilke lu tbe Uoldnerg camps. It appears that while T. A. Crump, Mipertntnnrteot and part owner of the Windy Hollow Mlulog Co. waj work ing on property of the company last weak he discovered a new ore shuts In a juartr. ledge. Tba abowlng promises ell anil abowa tbe property lu be a good bottling. The new atrlke ia very encouraging to tba eamp or lloldtieig. Tha latest booming camp In Neva da. Is Jarbldge. ou the alale Una east of hern. It is located north of Elko. Kei oris of fabulous ore are bam cir culated, as was the rase of Maobatten and Kawblde that did not pan. HILL SAYS BACK TO THE FARM NEW YORK, Jan. 28. "Hack to the soil. " This Is tbe solution of the problem of blither cost of living according to James J. Hill, philosopher aod master railroad buibler "The prouleiu is not local." said Mr. Hill, who was back la New York today after his visit to Wasbnlgton aud the Whitn House early this week "Obviously the world bas reached an economic crisis. We are not produc ing foodstuffs enough. We must en large the farming uiea of the earth; we must adapt ourselve to conditions. "Aarlciiltrurslly speeklog, tbe worln Is not over populated. Tba proUln n it to relieve the congestion In the clliea aud scatter the unproductive popula tion to the farms. When we get theni Iheie, we must tench them new me thods of fanning. Our present me trio Is are so loose and slipshod that e do not g.-t half ll.e uoud out of our tillable laud. "There is no iilck rrllef to tlie nrosent crisis The oiceNHiiries of life will nut !). clie.'ii'eiit-d bv th.. consumer until ue add a u.lllion or an persona tu our agricultural pouu bit ion. Until the iiioenieut from the city hack to the cuiintry starts, Presi dent Taft and Congress ran do little toward lowering tha cost of living." Meet mo at Restaurant. Swenson's O.V. L. CO. LANDS The Southern Onuun Renlty Cniu pii li.v l Ml 111 lu l h liiihiiiefx df (in hihIi Inu I'epurtH tu nil those ulni drew iraetM In the Sept. nneiiliig. They lime ii In eiiHi'd eurvevor who Iiiim been here W yearM, to imike the exiimlmitioiiM mill reporia. All re poria are hw tu to In-lorn H notary pulillc ami coiintersiKiieil by theCoui pany. The Company has on (lie the name and aildiVMM of every piirchaai-r of tracts and iiIho a report of all Im provements on any tract, ao la In a jioemnn to lieirot late, len u .,wl ... cliaiiKes. The Company agrees to re fund twice tlie luiiountr rburged for a report loany one ftmlinK'suheequoiitlv that the report la not MtiMoluWtr correct. -It would be 4 lie heltgbt of folly for any one to pay lor a report nnh-ea baaed upon a pveaonal exam Ination. There are over 14.000 tmris in ti and the man owniu one of tbetn may have a deaert waaiM nr n in. axcessible granite ens tie. Every po Kreaaive man wanta to know and willknow. "A word Ut th wi.. i. aufBclent." StiU'l.PsWlfil T, 71 "MWi an rrt TA QNVUa3SUOIIOA13lll inn p. ii fJUMZA PL vi h k yA. h 1YT J I PI l v r FA V ft i L