Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 03, 1910, Page THREE, Image 3

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If you want all tho
news of Lako County
and Goldon Gooao Lako
Valoy, subscrlbo fori
$2 ay oar. j r ASI Hl 'ft If !
KOUNM. Mmu'ii open faced lu-avy
silver wutch. 1 .it i ii I in of T. II.
r oii mi i
'()l! HA I.I'', l our or live loin of nlfHl
in liny Nt ! per ton. Hay slacked (
on ifrcimei mm num.
I. in, u lie of C. K. HI' '.(il l!.
NKWHI'Al'M; 1 iilsna. I''r
ii artlctiUrs apply at Kkamlner otllrw.
ItAHIlKT MI-.TAI l-'or Mi1 cheap at
Kxninlner ulllee.
wish to lease Unl in bat waa for
mally known as tbe Oregon Military
load Oiant, rail at our ollloe and put
In your arlteatlnon.
Vie are uuw in position to secure
the same for you nt reasonable rate.
; Kor luloi mutton '.Inregard to
Lloroln Couuty lllghSohuol, 6te
nonraphy. Type writing, Vocal ami
Instrumental Music, Manual Train
ing. Knit of furnUliml luiltHuns, font
of Ivlng, addreaa I'rof. Wilbur. Now
j)jt, Oregon.
i." i -
wind Imhih-iI liy tin Telephone
((iiniiiiiiv f ir tlfMtru.vlnif IIm pmp
. em. ' "'
l.iqioiiM Aftlf I ..
I'uvr .v u v . .v.. Tin: uest
urn U . ..mourn and i lgnrn to lie
foil ik In Orvgnti. tf
Il( l I jmevh-wliar. The eMt nnd
j)ti-'t wliNky mnih1. tf
. warn all larlioa fonn anterlnx our
fi premlnea lu So. H TownaMp .ID Hll.
rV 2t)K, forpnrpoB of bunthm or tlihlog
or otbsrwlite. J. O. HULK
38 tf. jo. Jam m krth a l
Mil KKf M MA Miff.
lamar Rarrw BrmiiUh Hwailow fori la
J8inr DdllJ rluhl rr lor wm; retent
lor wn.r. Bom itm Honr lrop and Hill
In rlitol rr. Tar Hrnd 111. IUn. (.'rant
t'oummoaddr-M, Uikclow.Or-UD
$1,000 REWARD
llnrui null Nrvl
l.tVK Hllk k I'fOKM'
tun AtMM'iailun, u
wbieb il under
Kurd la mcmlier
will (Ive l.UMUii
rtiriKl lot crldonr
it i
n 1 1 v. v
f Itr- . faV.. ' cud ronvlellon
' Jfol ny ur(T or Mr
lsdinr to ihv r
- Ilit4'llii hitrn-j,
Cklllaor ninli br
In addition to' Ih atova. the undervUnod
offrri on the aama eoodiiloo aru.oe for all bor
tt bramlad bor- abue aar eu bolh or rlibrr
iaw. Brand recordud Inrlfht oountlaa. Kanic
laroiy. !.' and Crook countl-a. tforae
Bird whan anld.'
None butjrown horaaaold. aad oalr in larja
DOBCbw. n n , prowh. r n. vrriun.
$1,000.00 Reward.
The Orvicon, California A Nevada
Llvewtock 1'rotwtlve Amioclatton
will trlvf 11000 Reward for tho con
vict Ion of any party or tiartlcH aU'iil
lug hormH. rattln or iuuIch tx-lonRliiK
to any of lh follow ing inemlMTH of
thlH AnMoclatlon:
Cox & Chirk, Chewncan Laud A
CttltCo., Ileryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Llveatock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Win.
W. Ilrown, Oeo. M. Jouoh, Oeo. Han
khiH, H. It. Chandler. C. A. Itvhart, X.
Fine, W.A. Currier, Frank H. llauers,
J. C. HoU'bklHM, Calderwood liroa.,
T. J. Urattulu &. 8onn, T. A. Crump,
Creweler & Homier, W, T. CrenHler
Maud 1. !!ainbo.
I W.'l', Hkktpokd. Prea. 'r
W. P. Ill
P. M. G
1. 11. On
Financk Com
On Rainy Days
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And glva yea fall valae la
comfort aad leaf wear
85. OO
T I 'i i y f lrtliiHi Retallrn th oonntry
u'"'r. Send for our l'rea Catulofpit
Bo,.N...A. IJHl
i t!A". .IIANCO..lid.
' i.aio, Canhoa
When Rubbers Are Necessary
And Vour nlioi'ii pinch, iliake Into vonr hIioci
Allen', toi'i Kaao, Hie autl-aupliu uowdur lor
tii. lrt. it curd painful, nwiilluii, iiiartlim
weailiiK li i'l, and laktia the vtlUK out ol ooriL
and bunion. Jnt the thiiur lor palunl leather
khoua, dauuliiH partiea and for breaking iu new
ahoea. Many people cannot wear heavy (took-
uKk ooiiiioriauiy wiuioui iiiihi ....
f ool Kaau nun tlia ihoei. Hold every-wher.,
Uu. Bample KHKK. AddreH Allan H.OImaled.
LeSoy.N.y, Dou't aooept any aubititule s
pALK.-Lrt 27, Mock M, 10
rr. Iract I, tic, 2T, T. 8. aft, It
21). lake rnnnly. Make offer II K.
I'run nii, m K. hlli Ht., Topeka,
Kan hi.
FOK f A I K-1rm l 82 Sec. M, Town.
Hi laiye 1N I" acres. Tract U Hen.
17 'limn 41.' I(nii 10. 10 sores.
-Tmct 4!. Hr i:t'J'own. .17 Khiiwm
.'Ml. HI hcip. J. r. 1- KVANH
l.rikutlea, Oregon 4Htf
'Id I I 'I.-H' m'H imr l.nkrvlew,
'Iih.I Kit. :c. 'lp, limine
i;i ti i i. c In :i iinrn licnt reason -Hi
if. AfU'ifi-n ' , M. K. HII.LIH
'1 III I X I I) IT. I (f Anii lin, ( lillf. 'Jwl
I ("It I! I. NT I'mtIU tin rushed linn.",
three ii. i. ii h I' iniiira ht l.xutuliiiir
TO TKADK. hit Bt)i) twrlvK. onn
linn Irrd dolliir Hl'Hnu (if Htork In
Kliclilc l.lvht 1'lMiit Inn thilnlr.u
om in Kiinni".. for Unil In 0-V-l
Cii. Tihi'I or Mtoni"! I.Hkcul'ln, Cnllf.
Ail'IrcM JOHN II .1'AliKKK
LldHlnirii. K Minns w4
KOH KALi;.-On f room botiM.
rellHraml woodnhed lot 07X3.TH Frloe
flOIKI. Terinx. 'Inr :t-rooin linun,
$:,M lot WiXWH. Term. (Jo 2 Iiiiumi, lot &X:i.'lH. IVrma. Thli
iro(rty la all thiva tlnrka from
tlin Hfbonl ho line H or write F.. K.
l'atch, Lakeview. 4Htf
I hnv(. ii "O-arre trnrt (No. 8) In
Hi. 81,'Twp.' M, It. 3rl, In Harney
Coi.rit.r,,whlrhi;willellJfor f J
laonrof the O. V. I, trnrtt in what
toknowii an the 'White Ilorw' rnnch.
tl A.l SKAUS, Mt. Vernon, Wnnh
IrriMirtlon 'n the Oolden (iooKe Val
ley ironi iV in i-Hrli. Writ.'
tor "i t l.iink li't
((). Liikxvli.w, Or. r2t I
FOK H.M.K.-til'l Keren of IhimI In one
hoily In th nld rimil urnut only fl'.lN..
I in von wMiit it T l)'n' reply un
hh j oh ireHii tiiilrdieHU Mild ireHO it
(liilekl v
CO. ke?ew, Or. Wilt
LOST: Watch Chain, Klk tooh. sold
niounted with MhhodIc emt lrm on
mounting. All appended to gold
hnckle. Hnltadle reward will be pnld
for retimi of the name to W. LA1K
LOUT. Hevernl yearllocra branded
with T diamond henentb on left
blp. Mark-d with apllt in left ear. A
award will be paid for knowledge
of whereabouts; aUo teed hill. "
NTRAYFH From my ttel.l.' Aur. 4th
one roan KeldiliK. lirnncleil 7 lit It
hIioiii!it with hull circle. Ma- nre on
the poiut u( left khouldcr. SuitaO'e
reuHrd fur return of animal or in
formation that will lead to it recov
ery. JOK AilUltOSK.
C. II McKENDREB Wisbeatoan
anoouce toat bia aervioea are at tbe
dlapoaal of tbe purcbaaera of tbe land
at tbe Oregon Vatloy Land Uon
pHoy'a Bale In Oregon. For two yeura
Mr. Mokeodree vn rental agent, 'hav
ing churn of all tbe land embraced
in the Military Koad Oraot, wblob
waa out np and sold by tbe O. V. L.
Co. In tbat oaptoity be famllarUed
bitnnelf with every traot of land on
tbe grant, became acquainted with
ranter, and oau tell yoo from per
sonal knowledge the value of eaob
and every tract, both as to location
and quality, and renting valae. In
additloo Mr. MoKendree knows tbe
ttcckmen and who rented every por
tion of these lands during tbe pant
two years be knows whom to see to
rent each tract tbls year. For a onl
toimfeeof five ((5.00) dollars per
tract regardleas of size, Mr. McKen
dree Willi render a report giving loca
tion, quality and tbe value, and will
tin" you a renter if the land is rent
able. All rtqneta for information
mum be accompanied by 15.00, other
wise no answer will he returned.
Rr MEMBER, Mr. McKenJree does
not have to inspect the land, and
render a "first, look report; be baa
the books elaaalf) lag every traot,
and ki-owa wbat it rented for last
year be has been over every foot
of tbe kru. be can find you rent
er. 1 also, wish to announce tbat 1 will
attend to tbe payment of tbe taxes
for all contiact holders; group their
lands for renting, leasing or selling
for tbe period of one year from tbe
15th. day of March, 1910, for a fee
of 11.00 per oontraot.
All oontraot holders wishing to
avail themselves of bis olfer will mall
to tbe undersigned a desoripton of
their traot and lot number, together
with the fee above mentioned.
Reference Any bank or business
man iu Lakevtew.
Address C. II. McKENDRF.E
Lakevlew, Oregon.
A Reliable P
Ely's Cream Bairn
I) quickly absorbed.
Givoi lleliot at Once.
It cleanses, houIIiok,
liouls uikI inolt'eta
tho ili.n usi (1 liicni.
hriiun r nul t iiij-f from
CtitaiTu and tlrivea
iwuy a Cold iu tho
rn Ha n
ftl e
,tea q-jjkly. lto.iU CCKICa
ktorea the Koiiiior of II H I fb C
Timte uutl Huicll. Fullaize fiO eta., atDrug
Eint or by mail. In litjuid form, 75 cciiU.
tly Urothuik, CU Warreu Btreet, New Vork..
k J N
k.,- Av--
' 1 " "
Tf;o Two Minuto Fuso.
Andy ntni I : i . 1 1
t V i-oti I ini I hit i
lin t KcMlciMt lie
- I Mllrliiiiilll II
l ii mIIvit Hud Ii.
I; v I d :, In
V I fin il n' fit)
i: ' lliiiil;
til of n Mutiiiil
ln'fi ! II 11(1 h id
i ir i' i flii ImiiiU
rnlli.l to (lllil III
.1,1 I
MM'll !
h .i,
" I '
Ii i.I I..
!: il
, fM :
i li . : nil. .
When A
Willi II Ill'Xt lll' l'lllll.' lllCI'l- WI1H llllf (ItlC
Itifcri'in c for lilm in druw.
There III tin- etui of the drift" hp
fttid lllnkf'ily Hxureil the mutter nil
o'jt. In the nfl. riiiioti Frllr. wn not
only to Ih- (IIhi li:tr -i (l. but nlno to nee
I the liiHlile of the I henlx J;ill.
P.lnki-Hly ant reflei lively on tbe bun
dle of bin wheelbarrow. Andy threw
down hi drill, unwound a two minute
length of fue from the roll, rwraied
the end and allpped on a cap. He
punhed the rap down Into tbe bole
and followed It w ith two sticks of dy
namite, geutly ramming them home
oi eilla 99 thw kokv wttb 'oat.
"OreM rVottr icUlmed Itlakeely.
Totj're putting In a rharge for yom
life, Andy."
"I'm going to blow ont thin hore
and uncover the vein," returned the
foreman. "If It takes a leg." Jut
then n burnt of chlldlHh laughter ech
oed to them. "In that Alller be asked.
Allle wan IiIm daughter, a uiotherlcas.
sunny fared child, who bad been the
enpeclnl protege of Mrs. Hurst, the
keeper of the hoarding bonne, ever
since her father had brought her to
the I'nctolux mine. OcroKlonally Allle
was allowed to come down Into, the
working, which wan always a treat
for her. She wus a prime favorite,
and every one of the miners would
have guarded her as the apple of bin
"It muHt be Allle." said Blakenly.
getting up and atartlng off.
At that precise minute the noon
whUtle of the stamp mill sounded.
"Take Allle up with you," Andy
railed after KlakeHly.
"All right." returned ninkesly, halt
ing nt the shaft.
The ladder watt filled with climbing
miners, Frlta at the lower end of the
"Where'a Allle, Fritz?" asked makes-
"She vsa gone oop alretty," answered
Frits, looking down.
"Sure about that?"
"Yah. eure. Kingman carried her
oudt. I seen blm melnself."
All the miners of the day shift ex
cept Kingman nnd Andy were now on
tho Imlder. Klukesly was satisfied and
started nimbly up the greasy rungs.
Tbe foreman removed his tools to a
plare of safety, applied tbe flume of
bis randle to the end of the fuse,
watched tbe fuse splutter for a mo
ment and then made bis way to the
ladder and started for tbe surface him
self. "Wbere'a AllleT" asked Andy, spring
ing out of tbe abaft and hurrying after
"She came np with- Kingman," re
plied Bla ten ly.
"Who told yorir-
"Frlti." , . ...
The. miners were straggling ont sin
gly andiln couples on. their way to the
boarding bouse. Kingman was In the
lead, walking alone. Frits waa Just
ahead of the foreman and Blakesly.
"Hello, Kingman r ahouted Andy.
"Where's Allle r
Kingman turned. .
"Didn't she come np with youT" he
Every miner In the struggling line
came to an abrupt halt. The very
thought that Allle might still be below
with a fuse lighted and leaping cloaer
and closer to a terrific charge of dyna
mite was sufficient to set every heart
to pounding. There were other charges
In the level, too, but they were light
compared with tbe one In the breast of
tbe tunnel.
Andy went white In a second.
"You Infernal villain r he roared,
sprtnglng upon Frits find gripping htm
by tbe throat.
Frits tore himself loose and ran
frantically back to the shaft.
"Kingman vent past der alope mlt
Allle oo bia . shoulder." he flung at
them aa be raced. ..r
. "I did." cried Kingman, joining the
rest as they flocked excitedly after
Frits, "but she said, she'd rather come
up with her father, so I lowered her
down the ladder again. Didn't yon see
her, Andy?" . , . ; ., .
"Oh, my God!," gasped the foreman
and threw his bands to his face.
"How many holes were loaded?" de
manded Blakesly.
Three," said Illgglna.
"All two minute fuses?"
. It was a useless question, for that
was tbe standard length for the noon
Andy staggered against the frame
work of the "whim," his face ashen
and his nerve completely gone. lie
could do nothing.
"Perhaps she's coming up!" suggest
ed r.liikcsly.
A "oilier iiMeless renin rk, for Allle
coulil not have climbed the ladder If
she hiul tiled. Hlnkesly leaped on the
platform to look down, hut Frits had
already swung the ox hide ore bucket
over tbe shaft, had kicked tbe coll of
rope Into the depths and bad gripped
the strands convulsively.
It was a time for action, not for
i i
- -nauw iwm"m MMaaa- w
word, flow many ! !
I-') had air. dy
lln.lilnv of i lu-
d the lmirlln' ' i
(lie hat kwurd rn :i II
'!i 'iv'li nil that nni't tune
f the pre.
d ii ,iiy
lite Wfcl
I ( roll
-l ' '.i (1 .n
Cil ll!,'i 4
lime to the iitlerMioHt i 'iml
:'lio' not coining oop!" (ied l-'rt- ..
in l n he Kpo:p he prni u Into !'
bii Uef nml rtnp"'d from l
' ne glimpse of hi wild, lei ror ctrl' ' -en
fni-e wna nil they (-might, nnd Mi -n
ie: the awlrl f the rope and fi.'j
I' ''' of the Uti'-II'd he'VP In :l
I 'Ml there folhrwd the lnitep of IS" '
b'i Ket nt the bottom if the. !infl. ntid
the rope lenpixl upward nnd hung IIt
ni il slutlilfig.
I'' ' in! eninc from Ihow, a pnfT f
hlnl 'i Ktwko ( nrlln'r urnvri'd nbovn
the f I if form pl.iiil; I
"One:" vhl pi-red FilakeKly. ('rawing'
awny from the ihoklng powder j
"Two!" jr!isied IIIgcliiM. holding hi!
lint over hi mouth nnd kneeling to
peer downward
'Io you cec anything-hear any
thin;.'?" (Jemntided Klngmnn honrey
1 1 1 tr-1 1 1 turned a despairing fnce to
ward Kingman and shook hi head
From under them rame a sodden
ronr whh h seemed to rive the enrtb
asunder. Kingman was thrown fr tn
hi feet, and the other on the pint
form flung out their hand In an nt
tempt to prasp something and support
themselves. Fp from the blarkne-s
rolled n billow of sulphurous fog,
"Fritz was mad to go down there."
said Klngmnn. "They're both lost.
WhM are.vofj doing, Wa'roelyT'
Rlakewly had Jerked off Ms coat M
wa wrapping It about his head.
"If they're not both done for now."
he replied In muffled tones, "they soon
will be If we don't get them up. Ptand
ready to man the whim rope when I
shake It."
He crawled gropingly to the ladder
and lowered himself. All watched the
rope breathlessly. Finally, after a wait
that seemed hours fn duration, the sig
nal wa given, nnd stout band drew
Hip bucket to the surface.
A little head lay against the bucket's
rim. nnd a white childish face met the
eye of the men. Allle! Kingman took
her out of the bucket. She was uncon
scious, but t lie miracle was that she
did not appear to be hurt. Not a stone
of all that flying debris had struck her.
She was given Into the eager, trem
bling arms of her father, who started
at a run for the boarding bouse.
Meanwhile the bucket bad again
been lowered. The signal from Blakes
ly was longer In coming than tbe first
bad been, and when tbe bucket was
drawn up a second time It was found
to contain Fritz-Frltz. bruised torn j c. ft m spread thel
and bleeding, his clothes all but of j,i.Hi home life through the Wo
stripped from his body. Tender hands j men's Department. It will be con
llfted blm to the platform and 1 servative when cood thing are to
stretched his mangled limbs out on tbe
rough planks. They thought be was
dead, but bis eyelids quivered unex
pectedly and partly opened.
"I was between Allle und der rocks,"
he whispered weakly. "She vas In my
arm und nodding touched her. It vas
my mistake, und It's all right, all
Ilia spirit flickered and went out
even as tbe "all right" faded from bis
Blakesly bad to be helped to the
surface, for his work In tbe noisome
vapor had told upon him. ' A few
breaths of fresh air were all he need
ed, and when be bad revived 'sufficient
ly he told bow be had groped, bis way
along the tunnel and bad found Frits
lying among the splintered rocks. Allle
Clasped In his rigid arms, her body
protected by bis own.
Tbat afternoon Andy and. Blakesly
found, .a battered silver watch, an old
pocketbook containing 5 and a gold
nugget, all on the floor of, tbe fifty foot
"That Is exactly where Frits and Al
lle were lying," said Blakesly, .
"Sh-h-h-h!" whispered the foreman,
slipping the purse with Its contents
and tbe watch and nugget Into- bJa
pocket. "Not a word abo.ot A i$L
Blakesly, to any living man. Leave
me to deal with the matter.
Tbe following morning Baker was
surprised to discover that his twenty
dollar nugget was back In bis trunk,
and Hlgglns when he put on his best
suit to go to Fritz's funeral found the
pocketbook with the S5 securely stow
ed away In the breast of bis coat
"Blamed If I didn't haul over every
thing In my trunk a dozen times look
ing for that chunk of gold," remarked
Baker. "If It had been a snake It
would have bitten me."
"I went through the pockets of all
tbo clothes I've got hunt log T6r "that
purse," spoke up Hlgglns. "And to
think that we ever suspected FTitP -
"Think nothing but good ef the dead,
boys." said Andy, with feeling. "Come
ont Tbe minister Ja. ready." , -
Abnormal Twilights. ..
Twilight, which la normally due to
tbe refraction of tbe sun's light by the
atmosphere. Is occasionally modified
by other natural causes. Rosy glows
In the west after sunset are particu
larly common in the vicinity e-f Bor
deaux, France. These are not the usu
al sunset glows, but appear In tbe sky
45 degrees above tbe sun and are sup
posed to be due to reflection from high
clouds too thin to be seen In ordinary
light. Tbo same invisible clouds may
also cause abnormal prolongation of
twilight, as on the first day of last July '
In this same region, where a watch 1
could be easily read up to four inln-
utes of 10 p. in., whereas on the fol- j
lowing night It could be read only till j
a quarter past 0, a difference of forty
one minutes. Owing to the presence '
of the thin clouds above described
these long twilights are of use to as-
tronomers as an Indication tbat the
night will not be favorable for astro- '
nomlcal observations. Philadelphia
Record. 1
If you want to sell, Hat vour land with
Lakeview, Oregon
Box 210 Office in Umbach Block
Lot 8 for sale in Lakeview and Valley Falls
Accurate and prompt reports made for hold
ers of O, V. L. Co. tracts.
Department of The Interior United
States Land Oftlce, Lakeview, Ore
eon, Deo. 28tb, l'JOO.
Notice la hereby given tbat the State
or Oregon t;- Hied In tbls office Its
application. Serial 02881, to select
: under tbe provision of Art of Uon
gresw,- of Aog. 14tn, 1848. and tbe
acts supplemental snd amendatory
thereto, the N)4NEJ. (Section U8, T.
38H., R. 20K.. W. M.
Axw .11 .1.1 I . Jt
. "V. , J."".E",,UJT1
log to object becanse of tbe mineral
character of tbe land, or for any otb
er reason to tbe disposal to ap
plicant. aboaM file their affidavits
of protect in tbls office on or beforw
th 27b day of Fbroary, 1910.
AR1HUR W. ORTON Register
Tbe foregoing notice will be publish
ed in tbe Lake County Examiner, a
weekly newspaper printedin . Lake:
view Oregon for a period of not less
tbtin tbir'y daya prior to date last
herein mentioned.
La FoIIette's
Weekly Magazine
The Great Progressive Weekly
There are man reasons wby you
should read wbat It says 52 time each
year. It is free to tel the iruflb. It
will opporie tbe encroachment of spe
cial privileges upon the people's
rights. It will call tbe roll on public
men and measure and inform you
how your congressmtn work and
vote. It will criticise the executive
branch of government from the
hlgbetit to tbe lowest, if in ita ludz
conserved, and radical
when bad
' hings are to be exposed.
Senator R. H. La Follctte
Price $1.00 a Year
You can get the magazine and the
Lake County Examiner,
For $2.60 in advance
5end Your Order to
Lake County Examiner
and not to
La Fol letters
Weekly Magazine
Our Magazine Bargains
For 1910.
The following are tbe best cash in advance Club offers that will be
made this 8eaBn.Rx?-All euhecriptions are for ONE FULL YEAR.
S3 00
the LeMrV Home Journal.
lw Faturrtny Evening I'ort
Ta Youiu'1 Companion .. ..1 All For
including all extra number.
r for 1910, and tbe
Ca!tnla r fcr Wlo
Lake County Examiner..
Pictorial Review
Buocem Mayaxine
t.OOi All Three
1 0 o 7fl
1 ail v . 1 v.
Lake County Examiner..
Modern PricUla
.Tbe Housekeeper
i.HOj AllThrei
M 2.70
Lake County Examiner...
The Independent
Bticceaa Myiue
?5i 3.75
Lake Count) Kiamimrr
jaioe?.... a.otn
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Ail r.ur
ticiouai ruiview...
Hocae Meeawrk
Tbe Hmiaekeeper
Lake Count
;y ExaaaJner.... .0Pj AHTfcree
keoperir....'. .W n nn
dhwork 16
The Houw
Ho ice Needh
1-aieOountr Examiner....
World lo-Pay
Pictorial Review
Huocem Mayafine
S.001A1I Four
Lake County Exanlner.
World To-rmy
0i A 11 Three
?f 4.00
Lake ConntyExamtner. . t.nt'.
Home A; farm. ie 1
Poultry putceuf t f
Pari. Urxle. 6U ,
Inolndinn one imttern. hve J
Ijike County Examiner.. .. x.OO
Home and Farm 60
Karin Poultry fio
Pari. Mode. 6U
All rnnrl
Including one pattern, free
I.akuConnly Examiner..
Kami Journal. 6 year. ..
The HoiiEekfi'twr . . . .
x.OPi AllThree
1.IK' 'l C
7t1 if. .
ake Couuty Examiner.. .. 2.f) AllThree
ictorial Keviuw 1 0n j 4(
inerimn Boy l.oiiJ J.-U
Address all orders to
Lake County Examiner,
Lakeview, Oregon.
For Farm Lands
Klamath falli-laksrieff
O Stage Comoam
Mrreawtlle !'' attere, I4ikev1er
AtMriria H !. KUaath Fella
r kk
Hwawal Trip - S)l
Om Wax 1
C. S. Lahribt. Proper.
Offic In Thornton Store
cui;b leaves laicvicw yjan j t c -
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arnvee
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
i . i . i r - k. : -
i r.i
ljemven Aiiuras lur iiteview eik
6 o'clock a. m. or ou tbe arrival
of the stage from Likely. : Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leavinn Alturas.
Freight - Matt r 3 - Qivear
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Accomodations
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN. ProDrietor,
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a.m
erery day but SarWay.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a m very day bo
Freight 11.50 per cwt.
PMMflim' Fir. $4 Kaond trip 1 7
OFFICE B. HeTQoid. Store,
P. E. Tavlor. Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Stor.
tage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wee'
nesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m., arrivt
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Ptueh Toss'
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare 14 one way or tl lor
ronnd.trip. Freight f 1.50 per ewi.
Lak. County Examiner.
Pictorial Review
Ladle.' World .....
Modern Prinllla
1.001 All Pont
l 3.20
ier.... .0ii)
.. i.on
V.Oci) A II Three
Pearson's Maiiaiine.
3ueee Mniraziiie..
Laket'ouuiy Examiner
Pearmn'a Matiaaine ....
American Boy.
r ... .00 k
.. .. l.W
All Three
World To-lVay
Pearaen't Magailne
3 70
Lake Vounty Exa
aminoc... J.001 All Feu
w.'.'.'. 1 00 f 3.90
Sueorm Uaicaxine
Pietonal Iteview
Araertcan Boy
LakeCounty Examiner..., x (M
ParaMT. Voice M
Ml All I
1 '
All Fvui
HoawAFum M
Poultry 9Mccei
LakeCounty Examiner..... xOol-AHPoar
Farmer Vo4oe 601 O.-Tl
HapieAfira W
t'aria Mode. 60 v
Includlunone patern tree J .
Ikeouuiy Examiner.
Of) A 11 Three
tiome A farm.
ftetiJe Poultry journal..
Lakeajonnty Examiner.
Houaekeeper ,
t0 a II roar
SL mo
l(XI I
Mouera rertuu . . . , . . . .
Amepiean Boy . .
LafceOauaty Examiuer.. .. I oei
A 11 Three
Metrotwlitan 1 fco!
Sunvi. Maga.lne 1 On'
lubAflnnntff iVraniiiiwr
ITeentiKl world
T Vttxd Tir-OttT
1 Ijtke County Examiner.
Aiu.iee. a Aiasaxiue
Ijike County i xmniuer ... 2 00
Alices. Nacaxiue ... !'!
Or Pieloriiil Ke iew
I.Rke County Kxaiuiik r.. . . Jo
Uncle Kemut'-lioiue ... 1 ini
Mftroxlitaii IdO
l'ri8 Mode... .. ... 60
Including one pattern Jrse
All K ur