Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 03, 1910, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Lake County Bxnni
Fred J.
Sworn Circulation in
Official County Paper
Regular standing ad. $1.00 an Inoh. sinsle
column space, per month. All standing a la.
rhanaod Irw twice a month. Coat ol composi
tion i barged lor ll extra change. Alt special
fxytl Ions extra. All abort Item ada. eatra
Reader, local column. UV. ht line each In
t non. Want ad. .V. line each Insertion
kil of tbanka 11.00. Kcaolutloui ol coiulo
uee. $1.60 and upward.
Transient Advertising and Job rrlut
Iok. cash lu advance.
All bill mint be paid the firm of each month.
Some More Figures Showing In
Whose? Hands Rests the
" There should be a "feast of reason
- and a'flow of eoal" in the rejoicing
.among the holders of corporation
- dttooks in New York because of the
oorruous dividends on watered stooks
and yet the "tock olders re blaming
President Taftor issueing reoe
Clonal statements of what he is coins
? to do. with the trusts and thereby
-brtoglug about 'a decline ir 6tocks,
when on tbe '2Stb inst the' leaders
Stroke ftoan three to seven joints I
- la censequenoe, the bankers, who
probably in light of such decline are
busily feathering there own rests,
are not letting money o"t on socb
.securities as collateral and there may
ice farther breaks.
But, in view of the amount ot divi
dends declated, the stock-holders are
ueedlesaly alarmed.
For instance the U. S. Steel Cor
poration, bad as earnings, more
boo-atlv call-d stealing, during the
vear 1909, the euormcus amount cf
$131,479,975. The reord year of the
corporation was 1907. with camions
A $160,946,673. Since ita orcinizafioo
in April 1901. tbe corporation has
earned 1.071,720.1)15.
Just think of it! ThHt corporation
alone filching from tbe American peo
ple in nine years over oue-billioo
Do you now that this vsHt sum is
equal to one third tbe entire cost of
. tbe war ot tbe rebellion to tis Na
tion? And iu spite of all denial it goes
(Principally into the bands of a few
aitn namely John D. Rockefeller J,
Pierpont Morgan, Andrew Carnegie,
tbe Flicks. Thaws, Coteys. and others
of lesser note, but of shameless im
morality? But this is not all there is to tbis
interesting picture!
The corporations all report a vear
of most unparalleled "prosperity" and
this, too. iu tbe face of time wbeo
tbe increased cost of living, with no
corresponding increase of wages is
-bringing a storm of protests that
promises dire disaster to tbe party in
power, and which unmistakably and
undeuiably is directly respooisble
for these conditions. Such being tbe
case it now stands the republican
party in hard to apply corrective
jifeaourea at once, or it must suffer
irretrievable defeat. The day of the
atacd patter, and tbe bitter partisan
in these parlous time is past I
It is now known tbat tbe January
dividends in stocks of nearly all the
.great corporations of tbe coonry have
eeu reported as tbe largest.on record
t:JJi, o:W,G02. but if the present pros
perity continues the next July divi
dends will be quite asjarge if n"t
Tbe total dividends aod interest
paid ty 1&0 of the most: prominent
iailroada, traction companies, tanks
jtod industrial corporations during
the mouth amounted to 1202 G.f2,00i an
increase of 119,773,496 above Ui semi
annual dividends and internets paid
by the same oompaoiee in January,
J 909.
This total does not include thous
ands ;of smaller firms and oorpora
tious'in New York, which undoubtedly
. paid an equal amount, nor throeands
of noroorations in other part of the
country, which are just as prosperous'
and have enjoyed similar proms.
Of tbe 150 great oorprationB 're
ferred to, 22 inoreaaed their diyW
.Ueuds for Janoary, 16.eld div
.lends for this year for the flret time
ad four reduoed their dividends 1
per cent, per year, or less, for vari-
oua reasons.
The following statement will ehow a
comparison between tbe various olaee
. es of dividends and inter IbToTw
aud 1910:
Dividend on Htock
- Ksllroad ,247ii
.industrial J.0W
. aitreet RaUvraya 7.73,710
uuk and trust
. OGnipauU t.noao
vn, im
I meruit on Boadl
aaiuaoii va,vm rr..oo
Oregon Outside of Portland
3n Tear, In advance, .
lis nieetha.
foree roonthii,
1 SA
1( not pai.1 la advauec. $2 SO the yoat
Notice la Sabacribrr
Snoacrioera to I he Examiner who remove
from one locality to another, or chaugt
their poatolHca addrcaa honld remember to
Irop thla office a card o their paper can be ad
tressed to the ricbt poatoltlce.
Wealth of this Nation.
Street rait waf
(jreater New York.
?, 000 .000
Grand Total....
Bat there is a worse feature than
the "earnings" of "big business",
wbioh does not appear above and that
is the tremendous and outrageous
"profits" of the meat traat, now un
der Hre , by the 4toveroment and
which should land eome of tbe chief
beoeOciariee ' I the penitentiaty.
Available atatiatics on the earnings of
the packers, a civen in otficial state"
meats, and tbe earnings reported by
the United States Steel Corporation
and the Internatonal Harvester Com
pany for tbe year 1909 are as follows:
t'nited Ptatra Steel Corporation f lS1.5oo,ooo
International H arrester Co 76. 600. 000
Swift Parking Co
Armour Packing Co 24o,ooo,ooo
Nelson Morria Packing Co llo, 000,000
Cudahy packing Co "0,000,000
National Pacitlag Co. (holding
concern . loo 000 000
Total $vi7,leo,ooo
At its January meeting Swift Ss. Co.
declared dividends equal 13.66 per cent
00 160,000.000 capital stook.
A trust writer in discussing these
enormous dividends naively, if not
knavely, says few people realize tbe
extent of tbe country's prosperity.
Tbe quarterly dividends which will be
due March next ill amount to
about t780,OC0.0OU which is f 12,000,
COO in excess of tbe total of any pre
vious yea . .
Tbe abore is a total robbery of tbe ,
American people in one year of $73, J
000.000! Tbe profits of tDat great 1
trust in o-ie year netting almost one'
billion dollars! - I
What doei tbat mean and where will
it end? No wonder tbe people are I
clamoting and at last has tardily
forced the government to act !
There is no doubt about the
"trusts" being in a satisfactory con
dition of "prosperity" I Hut now
about tbe toiliug millions?
It might be added here tbat tbe
150 railroad and other corporations
by which tbesedividends are paid rep
resent about tW. 000, 000,000 in se
curities, bonds and stocks.
There is food for great thought in
these figures, and there is no ques
tion but tbat the rapacious gieed of
tbe predatory interests will soon
bring about their own downfall ; and
in this connection there is a good
article on that topic in tbe February
American M,agaei by Ray Staudard
Baker that every voter in tbe United
States should read. It is an eye
opener as to this rapid growth and
concentration of thought that ioti
mately will lead to a revolution in
the business and politioul methods
of this nation.
Mrs. 'Pankbiirnt takes pride in the
fact that she born on an annlver
sary of the fall of thi Bastille. She
comes of a family of British radicals,
and In ber youth she was aome time
under tbe Indueoce of Uenri Itocbe
fort, the French radlcaL She has been
a agitator for thirty odd years. Nolae.
obstruction' sod sgiUtlpo are bread
and butter to her. She says it would
be bard work for ber not to be doing
" Aa t'cnUiar ia part of the Knnjro
Free State - we - undoubtedly have re-ponaiblUties,-
but -they should, be a.
nmed. If at all, la conjunction with
Mi the other oaUotui reapooslble for
rbat act.
There are aome bitfb powers of dl
ylomacy waitfng to be called into use'
when Lady Cook goes to "have It
oat" with the amiable Judge at tbe
bead of the government.
If tbe United Slate must have a
rnan for the Chine mission wh
knows bow to keep quiet In several
languages theru'a one in George Bruce
The-Indiana Are increasing in num
bers Id aome parta of tbe country,
BrtwlthataadlBx that the government
ration la ah ea tbe virile cabbage.
Heart to Heart
Copyrlfhl. im, by Edwin A. Nye.
At Cleveland, O., aome time ago. this
advertisement up it a red in the newspa
pers: WANTED. Two hundred laborers and
toamater Immolletelv. Wagea $I.M per
day. Aprly D. K. HHOWN. The Hollen
den. Mr. Hrown was assistant superln
tendont of the Crucible Steel company
of Pittsburg. Ho bad just teen mar
ried. The newspaper account goes on to
"In blissful tiiH'onsk'iousuefis of the
trouble In store for him Mr. Nrown
opened the door and was preeted by a
delegation of teamsters and laborers
who wanted work. He told them there
must be some mistake.
"Downstairs he was stormed by 200
more, racking his grip, be and his
bride fled from tbe hotel. Friends of
humorous Instincts had perpetrated the
Joke and got much enjoyment out of
Mr. Brown's discomfiture."
- Aa to the tatter expression no doubt.
.Mr. Brown's friends were plainly of
that sort who wonld get much enjoy
ment out of that gentleman's discomfi
ture regardless of the feelings of oth
ers. But
.What of the two or three hundred
worklngmen so cruelly fooled to make
a holiday for the friends of Mr. Brown?
These men were looking for employ
ment and needing work.
Whn knows? Short mpala rnnv hutre
Jjoe.n enten Jn laborers' homes because
or tne disappointment, lue cruel oe
luslon may have blasted the hopes for
a little money to pay on rent to Bare
erlctlon or on pressing hills. Who
It Is no Joke to be looking for work
and W turned nway.
It is Just such wealthy snobs as
these friends of Mr. Brown who by
their callous feeling for the working
man, by their Indifference for and con
tempt of the welfare of houest work
ing people It Is these Gnlllos. who
care not. who are widening the breach
letween capital nnd labor.
When decent, deserving, calloused
handed laborers enn lie cruelly used to
point the Jests and adorn the practical
Jokes of rich youiiR lnznronl such an
episode becomes a social tragedy.
How one wishes some of those big
fisted worklngtnen might have located
the perpetrators of the Joke!
The Latest on American Ginseng.
United States Vice Corrsul General
Fuller writes as follows from lions
konj; on the ginseng trade nt that port:
The Imports of slnseng Into Hongkong
In 1308 are estimated at 1X,UA) pounds,
there being no otllclul cuatoms returns,
as HongkonK Is a free port. A consider
able proportion of tills una Imported by
Chinese Jobbing houses here, which pur
chased It In the United Btutes through
their' own Chinese connections In small
quantities. There are Chinese drug Job
bers In New York city. Chicago and Han
Francisco all of whom purchase this
commodity. It Is not possible to corre
spond with local Chinese Arms In Kngllsu.
nor would they be lUely to ileal with
any one with whom they did not have a
personal acquaintance.
Ulnseng la Bold here by Jobbera to re
tailers on the basis of the picul of 133 1-3
pounds. It la usually classltied In four
qualities. For the poorest quality the
Jobbers get about 2.uoo Hongkong cur
rency IIMO American currency) per picul.
running up to It.uuu Hongkong currency
per picul for the best quality. The prices
paid by Jobbers here to producers or Job
bers In the United mates are said to van'
widely, and the business la understood to
be highly speculative.
Up to the present time there has been
only one foreign firm here dealing In
ginseng to any extent. This linn has of
fices In Hongkong and In New York city.
Another firm la starting to look Into the
business and would be glad to correspond
direct with producers In the United
Particulars may be obtained by ad
dressing the bureau of manufactures,
A woman reformer declares that
pretty flirts are fiends. But this sad
old workaday world aeems bound to
give the "fiends" a good time.
When tbe ten American students of
oriental diplomacy In China grow as
It will not tie so difficult to get one
good for minister to IV kin.
Subscribe t r the Kxaminer.
A REWARD of ftv dollars is here
by offered for ormatlon tbat will
lead to tbe arru - an conviction of
any -LHiison w 1mm stolon wirex or
other proper' trmii our Com puny;
"and the nam i-ewsril is hereby ottered
for inform n-that will lead in .the
arrest and nvictiou of anyone is
troying t c perty of tbe Co np;iny.
Chas. UmliHch,
Secretai mke Co. Tel. & 'l- Co.
In tbe Matter of th rotate . S T.
Col tin, Deceased
' Notice is berehv given that I m n-
derelgned baa bxtoi ippoiute i : iii-
stratrix of the Estate cf H. T I In,
deceased, by t h e ' i mtv C if
Lake Couuty, ()! " '. mi-i mr li
tied. Now, tbere'ir hII pi-rs" ' v-
ing claims ana' ' ' --1 -e
Hereby reqilir- l nm
with proper - i
months from ti i ' of .
In I li undn'S'v t ix
at the law 0HI1 luir n-
on, in Lalieri '' '. Oo'i
Dated this I.V t ry
1910. K f. i '
AdmlnietratriK f i'e Fstat- T.
Colvio deceased Vi
v. .
i in .hi in 11
Chance for Capital
We haw a son llock of seven sections, consisting of 1800 ncrcs in
SUNNY AiUthK I . that ve,will sell for $10 uer acre, which is a spcciftl
buy, n the ttnns of $Q per Acre down, and the balance in one, '.two
three or lour ars at only G percent interest.
A i.irue pa i ; the land immediately adjoining this tract of is
under cultivni ii.i. ind more will be broken up in the spring, by the
settlers to whom we have sold adjoining sections. "
One crop of winter wheat will pay for this land and give you n big
surplus in the bank besides.
The yield is from 30 to GO bushels, and and at 80 cents, the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less SI 2 per acre, a big estim
ate for of production.
See us or write us soon, before this opportunity is lost, ns-, these
voluble. lands arc being rapidly taken by enterprising Americans.
" Call, or write for circulars or further information,
IMPERIAL DEVECOPMENT CO., Examiner Office, Lckevie'w, Ore.
Fair Flay For tbe niak Flit.
As long as a colore) boxer ia tbe
champion of the world there cao bw
nothing but ridicule for the fear which
hides behind efforts to dodge combats
with men of the African race. To that
extent the conditions now existing In
the world of pugilism are adverse to
sham and humbug In sports. They
put all men on their own footing, to
staud or fall as they may.
Any white man who makes a living
by fighting would be perfectly willing
to take the winner's part of a good
sized purse for whipping, ft colored
boxer If be knew he could do It. The
rub comes In the fenr that the result
may be Just opposite to his hopes and
fatal to his prestige and ambitious.
The "mti nly art" Is dragged down to
the level of an outlawed sport by ring
fights, but It ought at least to show
enough manhood to give all nationali
ties and races a fair chance for Its
prizes, such as they are.
While not among the very greatest j
in the list of Federal commanders, the ,
late General O. O. Howard stood high I
In the second rank as n most capable. '
brave and conscientious officer. Cer
tain of IiIm achievements were severely
criticised by his associates, but never
theless he continued to fill n very large
space In the public eye for nearly half
a century.
The Social Democrats have been
making large gains In the recent by
elections for members of the relchstug
nnd have been scoring still greater
triumphs in the contests for the local
leglsliUures. or diets. In the states of
the Geruiau empire which have been
holding elections.
Wu Ting Fang has .said. "I never
dreamed that I should live to see a
workable heavier than air flying ma
chine." ICvldently the aeroplane Is
one thing the Chinese did not Invent
thousands of years ngo.
Paris papers Ignore the north polo
controversy. If paers everywhere
would follow the example what a hole
would be cut in polar lecture receipts!
F,igbt thousand acres, all under
ditch, with wster rlgbU. Tbe very
cream of the Golleu Ovose Lake V'al
ley. All level -elect many rears
ago for lease or pu.e -roc (dan, 1
to farmers who ca i give proper ref
erences. These lsn Is are tbe choicest
in the valley '
Write tor- HUNT IK LAND CO., ;
202 Aodrus Bl'ig. Mloneapo'ls, j
orC. II. Mi Kei (I , iikHvlew
and CURE thi LUNGS
wth Dr. ECing's
Now Vhmm
Pit. .
0c A '
'; :'( rV i .
, . i.i '. '-1 ,
inn of the ruinous Sunny Southern Alberta
.t luce 'M) tti f0 lulicls per acre, for a first
. $;t,()ili)aiiil Half the wheat crop on U00
(ii is paii! tor
mi any land von cultivate above the 200 acres
to (. one cent in money after the first payment.
" er acre near railroads and elevators.
O. D. ARTHUR. Pmarmmyv
The .'iiirgeet I.I very mill Few! Stable In southern Oregon
or Northern California. Norm s Hoarded by tbe Day, Week
or Month. SjMflal Attention Given to Transient Stock
European Plan Everything
from a Cup of Cotfe to a
Square Meal Call and Try
Us You will Come Again.
E. II. SVVENSON, Proprietor.
I. O. O. F. Block,
Positively cun d and not one drop of medicine taken Internally f
Immediate relief and cure for sufTerera of head rolda, Chronic sore throat, cotigoaU'd Hsr.n
rhlal tubea, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, I'atarrhal ill allies, Asthma and Hay lever.
Not a medicine to upset your syatrtti, but vlmply a tablet 'which when dissolved In water
makes a wondurful clcanalug, soothing, and healing antiseptic, which Is eepeclallr adapted to
the delicate membrane II ulngs of the Nose and Throat and when used with the glana oaaal
douche which wo supply, or aa a gargle, will Immediately remove I In) inoeua by thoroughly
ch-anaing the breathing paaaage of Ihe nose and throat, consequently allying tbe dlseharga
and giving nature an opportunity to get the retpiratory nrgaua Into a healthful coudltlun,
Thl can never be accomplished while the breathing Ipawages aro fll'ed with polsonoua dla
charito of the mucus membrane, and nnteaa the breathing panaagoa are ricanacd and treated
with the proper healing antiseptic a ullirht cold w ill Invariably reault In Catlarrb, l.a liilppa
ore lliroHl, ( old III head or cheat pm' freipn'il'l) 1 Mill nerloimly. x
OrniHby'a Nasal Imtiche tieatineiita will positively relieve fumiedlsti ly aud wit t irk al
diseases of tne nose aud throat and will give wonderful relief to sufferers of UrintUiial troLt.c
and tuberculosis ot the throat aud lungs.
To coiivluce yon that thlaailverttat-ment stale KAtl'rt, algn tho ('(in mil below, mall It i
ua wltli Wem., and we will Immediately mall you a I MX) box of Ormby's N'aaat iKiuilie treat
menta containing tf treatments wlthglaaa nasal douche or forty treatmenta without douche
Tbe V) treatmenta with douche will be mailed unleaa otherwise ordered. KKEK We wll
gladly mall you a valuable, book with chart
which dlaeaaea of the respiratory organa are treated.
Ore of the thouaands of unsolicited leatlmoiilala wcfrecelve:
deiitlemen : Heveral montha ago I w aa
anil which had aetileil iu in head, from
dlalodge it alter ufTerlng really for ten 1n)
(Jrmaby'a Nasal iHiuehe Tablets, with aluioat
estrumeiy vraiiiyiug mat I necineii in couuiiiie
tunc vt i.inuii, mix li wiiiiii I lino nilliereil lur yi-tr, Willi KlieriaaillK I ne nitKJICin.
aciwrding to directions for about six weeks I was entirely cured aud have Dot benu able ti
delect the allghte hi trace of the dlaesne alnee Ibst lime, I
1 also recommended the use of the Treatmenta to a friend who has anffered for years frog
Aalhnia, and he Ima lust left the office alter informing nie that the Tableta had actually cunJ
bim: mat ne nan not leit a trace oi tne old trouble for more that two mjutha,aud that lbs
bad becu the longeat respite he Imd for about twenty years. j
Now, Kilitlemen. Ill la la the find time Iu my life that I have evur rueAinnieiuliul In n'
way a so cslled "patent mvdlcluu" and 1 hnie
appreciates ire uitin merit oi tne article tuai
u .
1034 No. Bonnie Brae.
. Los Angeles, allf.
Pacific Chemical Company,
540 B.Broadway, Los Angeloa, Cat. J
I'lnaae rnatl ma aa per your tiffer, l CO box of Ormsby'i Naaal Doucbt Treatmenta,
for which I enclose you 60 ceuta-'
Bakery: Fresh Bread
Ho line "s'n pay )Uid lyht, M.-ala at All Hours.
Private Boxes ror Ladlon.
Lakeview, Ore.
In live colors showing the Ormaby method b
verv much worried about a cold I had contracts
uhli - h ooaltlnn It u a. antii,ri.i,ilv hmyuuil!!.!,
or two weeks a Irlelid Prevailed iimiii uie to fr,
liiaiautatieous rvsulla; In faet the reaulla were ai
tiiu UHeof tbe Jreaiinenta in au endeavor t
lhat you will take It aa the evidence of ouu whf
you are placing na thu Diarkol aa a curatlv
Very sincerely yonra,
John R.Macuwo,
and Pies. Every Day.
Addreas I