Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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U rtt
NO. 5
Declares Modern Im
provments Should In
sure Cheaper, Not
Higher, Heat Prices
CHICAGO. Jan M. "Revolutlms
bav been started by less than tbe
Amerloaa people ere sulfurlng uow,"
ays Senator Joseph L. Dristow or
"Meat foot op to a quarter of the
aveiage household expanses, and It
ougbt to be cheaper to ley Intaead of
dearer tbaa It waa 25 years ago be
oaaaa ot greater economy In Us pre
paration and aala. Wheu 1 waa boy
26 par oent of the oaroaaa went to
wa.te. Now aothlng goes to waste
ootaveu tba Llood."
Banator Urlatow's word sryatallze
tba sentiment of protests In ail parte
of tba oouotry egalust tin higher
ooat of livlog.
Tbua far tba movement, which II rut
took form In en actual boyiiott at
Cleveland hai met with mint suc
cess In tba West. The rMl riua bwen
lower to folio, Influenced perhaps
by a widespead feeling miunn small
dealer and in the labor uutona that
a universal boycott, tit uU eiretlve
aa a protest, would actually play iu
to tbe beode of the puckers who,
with their control of cold storage
houses aud reflrlgerator Hum, could
cany their product through a pro
longed boycott, though a 31 -day
cessation of trad would put thn
email independents out of buliut.
Agslnst pnMlo clamor packets
reply that high pilot) for meats are
attributable to high price of corn
and advocate that the nour be edu
cated to eat cheaper cuts.
"These enta mm just aa ood and
mora wboleaoma If properly cooked."
aaya harold fiwlft or Swift and Co.
"frlcea are high, but there every
indication they will go higher."
Aotual cooauniptlou of meut la re
ported by ratall dealers everywhere
to have dropped sharply
The drat organized hi ah I In Mliuie
apulla aualnat thn hull i rictt of meat
waa taken bsturday, when morn than
5(iO men employed In (he Chicago,
Milwaukee & Bl,. I'aul shops joiueu
tbe boycott
1 Two thousand employes of four
glami factories and oi die Amencau
Khi et A TlurUte Company ut Mur
Kttotown, W. Va., tudny siguod a
pledge to uhetalo troni eating meat
for CO daya.
Members of tbe I'oughkeepai (Hhhh
blower' Union luat ulght voted to
abataln fron. uttutt meat bft-r Feb
ruay 1 uuliljtbe price had been con
alderablv 1ecrtaod.
Tba IndiiHtnal Trade Council of
Kaueas City tlHa taken steps to eulist
every nti Ion man Iu the city iu a cru
sade aualnat eating meat Delfgatea
to the ooiincll, representing 25,000
workmen bava pledged theuiHvlvea to
introduce anti-meat resolutions at
the next meeting of their unions and
it la asserted every union will adopt
Initial Step Taken to Pro
vide Better School
Tba Brit definite move towards the
erection of a new school building was
made Tboraday when Attorney L. V.
Oonn went about town Beourlun ag
naturea of tax payera for tbe 'auburn
tdoo of tba qiieatlnn to tbe public.
Tba aim la to erect a bulldinu at
ooat of 910,000 that will be mod
em and op to data in all appoint
ments, and one that will meet tbe
present need ef Lakevle as to school
If tba same oare as to detail and
economy ol oonntruotlon is main
fested as wae'so potent in tba case of
our court boose, Lakeview will bave
a commodious school buildioR that
will be a monument to the town and
ita people.
Tba Examiner a few weeks auo pub
lished a clipping from tbe Kluiuatb
llerald whlob atated that tbe deeds
in tba new town of Imkeaide bad a
clause wblob provided that the sale
of intoxicants should forever be pro
hibited in the town. Sucb is not tbe
oase as only a plain deed is giveu.
Jf, at any time hereafter the rial
dents desire prohibition It will be up
to them to decide.
A farmer la Eastern Washington out
three tousj of alfalfa to the acre laat
season on "dry" or non-Irrigated
The Railroad. Situation Discussed
In m intelligent. Manner
Thn KHcramento Bee. of tbe 27th tilt,
conlHlna the following article from
thn p(ii of C. M. Halu, of I'a'sley.
which hows the railroad alutatlon aa
to Kaatern and Bouthern Oregon,
In a prophet In way. With a water
Invid route from Lakeview to the
(loldeo (late, and wltb easy approaoh
kh froma all directions to tbla point.
It Ih a t-ertalnty that railroad build
era muat follow the llnea of tba least
rfilt.HOoe ; rtonamjuoutly Ban Kran
claco not Portland will be tbe port of
delivery for tbia Ureat Inland Em
pire, and Lakeview will be Ita Bpo
kani and Itanvar. Mr. Balnaeys:
FAlHLKY (Or.), January trf.-The
Routhern Pacllio coropanv laat week
Uled new maps lu iha Lukavlaw Liaod
Odloa relocating about fllfy milea ot
the Oregon A. Kaatern sontb of Lake
Odell. Tbla was done to eliminate
curves, iha mailer was neemea im
portant enough to send tbe mapa all
the way from Portland by private
measenger. A Duma paper quotaa
Mr. Aahton or the Oreguo Snort Line
aa aaylng that work would atart on
tbe grade between Vala aod Barns
This la but the logioal development
of a plan formulated year a. It
waa the roaster mind of Marrlmen
blmaelf who devised a syateo ot rail
roads for Oentral Oregon, tba laat
great ara iu the United States to
rtoelva rail tranapo'tatloo. for half
a century no railroad appioached
the Golden Oats except over a mount
alu grade. Whether from tbe east,
south north It was all tba aame.
On tbe Oudnn route, the Sanaa', tbe
CoHttt, the Bhaata, every paaaenger
troln hud a rinnbl-hHder. The in
terior of California waa seemingly
budged in by a mountain wall on all
aldea. A mountain grade la. two per
Then rnmn the Weateru Viioltlc,
croflHlug the Sierras on a grade of on
ly one per cent. The difference In
opHrati'ig expenwea between a one
pur cent road and a two per cent la
very grt'Ht. It la Raid by englnenra
tliHt with au advantage of ooly one
Reported That There is
a Clash in Office of
The Sketch, Portland: Harvey
Scott in to withdraw hia inteieat from
the Orcgoninn and will munch a now
uiornlug raper iu Portland on or
about April let. II- aid his aaaoci
atea have leaned the basement and
three upper stories ot the building
ut the corner of Alder and Fourth
streets, now imed by thn ltlv!dre
hotel. Tbey bave Invented l'ir0.00 in
printing machinery, which will soon
Im ahippnd from the eatt liUlgar B.
Piper, preanut managing editor of
the Oregoniun; Leslie Scott, tbe
great editor's boo; O. C. Letter, c'ty
editor of the Orngouiau aud a unmber
of others are intetceted in tbe new ven
ture, and will be associated In the
management of the paper. Tbe new
paper will be republican iu pnliitica
and will support thn regular organ'
zation. It will bnve tbe Assooiated
Pren report, aa Mr. Scolt owns the
exolulsve francbixe for Portland. This
asset is valued at a cotiHiderable for
tune, and its Ioas would prove se
ve to the Oregouian. The foregoiug
is tba apparently authenticated story
which leaked nut today, and tbe
Bketob is the first to give it to tbe
Senator Clapp Says All
Other Localities are
NEW YORK, Jan, 25. -Men . of the
Middle west are tbe true Americana,
according to Senator Clapp of Minne
sota who was in New York todty on a
flying visit from Washington.
"New Kngland," said the Beuator
"has its interests oenteied In manu
factum 8, New York iu finance Penn
sylvania in coal the Far West in lum
ber. Tbev are all more or less pro
vincial. Uut tbe Middle West Is not
bound by auy highly accentuated lo
cal interests and is better qualified to
get a perspective of tbe country's
"Tout is wby tbe protest against
undue privilege and unjust protec
tion started with us. We insurgents
in tbe Republican party do not rail
at fortune, but merely insist tbat all
shall be equal before tbe law and tbat
bo advantage shall be giveu to the
man wltb tbe genius for acquisition."
Lake County want you.
Line of Least Resistance
Points to the Golden Gate
Securing Future Trade of
Eastern Oregon, Idaho and
tenth of one par sent ooa road can
pot another oat at bosioeas.
Wltb light aarves and easy grades
and aa saow aheda to keep np tbe
Wetsera PeelS has IU rival at a da
oMsd dlsadvaatafe. The Boutbsro
Paolflo waa drivea to the aeoeasity of
Boding a bet tar way into Sao Fran
oiaoo. It baa soooaaded beyond tbe
fondest hope ef tba aarly enlgneers
aod has a raats as a deb superior to
tbe Weetera PaaiSov It Isslalmed, as
the Ueeld lias U oapertw to tbat of
tba Boathara PaalOa through tbe Sier
ras, the Tebsoaapl and tbe Siski
youa. Tbe higbost yolat on tbe new
liarrlmaa line lata Baa Francisco is
4,(XX) fast. It Is a hundred feet be
low Da aver. Colorado. It la but three
hisodred feet higher tbao Kano, Neva
da Tbls low gar la the western
Cordillerlss Is the now famous
Crooked Creek pass, nine mils north
of Lakeview, Oregon.
Tba Bsc correspondent baa just re
turned from a trip through this pass
oo buslnsss to Lakavlew Land Ottlee.
For thirty iolaa he folilowen tbe line
of the survey of tb Goose Lake
Koathern. It was aero weather and
tbe severest Winter this country bas
known in many years In the pass
waa not to eioeed vigni locDea or
anow. The bottom wire on a six wire
fence waa not covered. This is about
s deep as tbe anow ever gets in the
Urooked Creek Pass. Ibey ar3 using
sleighs through tbe psas tbls year,
a rare ooourreooe. Ten miles north ot
tba psrs tbe grooad waa bare.
The baavieat grade tbrongb tbia
pass is hot aigbt-tentbs of 1 per ceut
for fourteen miles This is tbe steep
est giada of tba whole line between
Snake rtver and Ban Francisco Aud
the sharpest curve Is but four rie
ureeti. The difference between a 1 pur
ceut grade aud eight-tenths is this:
A looomotlve tbat pulls iottr car
through thn Beckwttb tuunel on the
Wes'eru Psc'flo will draw sixty over
tbe Crooked Creek Pass on the Har-
Favored Only One Night
by Cloudless Sky to See
the Light
Last Friday night was one of tbe
Uret clear nights we bave had, aod
at about 6 o olook p. m. tbe entire
tow6 bad a Una view of the new and
mysterious heavenly visitor, known
as Comet A 1910 by some astrono
mers, and by others aa Comet 3-ltHO.
It seems that tbe comet is an entire
stranger to the astrouomiciai world.
It is aaid tbat ita spectrum analysis
shows gases different from the other
comets, and ita orbit has uot yet
beau calculated.
its arrival created considerable stir
everywhere and the 1 norant aud
superstitions Mexican peona atOuad
lajara, crawled for miles on their
hands aod knees to tbe churches to
appease divine wrath and e-ek par
don for sins.
It also has tba astronomers guess
ing over la antics; especially as to
splitting of Ita tail since its appear
ance, which la surmlsrd may be due
to electrical Influences.
Tbe discovery ot sodium in the com
position ol a comet la very unusual,
and tba praaaaoe of sodium may ao
count for tba oaotoal brilliancy of
tbe preaant visitor. Usually comets
are composed of hydrocarbons.
What tba present comet ia, what
is its orbit, aad how great its veloci
ty oanaot . yet .. be known. Its visit
was altogether unexpected .-
It baa beaa discovered tbat tbe new
oomet la sblf lag both by reflected
sunlight aad by tba blaze of ita own
intense beat.
It is sot known how long it will be
visible aa astronomers are as much
at sea aa anybody aa to the strange
It is a strange thing that thia new
oomet pot In Ita appearenoe wben tbe
entire world waa agog over tbe com
ing of U alley's Comet, whlob is to
be seen in all Ita splendor at points
on tba Paolflo Coast soma time in
"The Interests" have made an at
tempt to- break Into tbe columns ot
The Examtoer through tbe medium of
a "fre"aakly letter from Washing
ton. It la aaadlesa to say that we did
not aooept - the kind and disinter
ested (t 8a
rfman Hoe' It baa aa incresse Id
efficiency f (0 pr oent
It takes no long ton eel to Kt
through Crooked Creek Pass onlr
a thirty toot oat Bat to reach tbe
pass on an elgbt teotbs grade from
Lake Abert tbe road must make a
complete bait circle aroood tbe bead
of Crooked Creak Valley. Tba pass is
not at tba bead of the stream, which
rises in tbe high Warner range. It ia
about two thirds the way op tbe val
ley on tba west side.
Tbe liarrlmaa line is the ooly one
tbaa far tbat has a right of way
through tbe pass. The low sag Is per
haps a quarter of a mile wide, gently
rising oo eiiMr side. Tbere Is room
for two roads through the pass, bat
tbe eenood llax would be at a disad
vantage in rounding tbe bead of
Crooked Creek. Tbe valley itself Is
a mile or more in width
Tbla la tbe route tor tbe main
line tbat will open up tbe northeast
to California. Tbls road will bring
tbe ereat State of Idaho 800 miles
nearer to Hacrameoto's merchants
thai it la today. In the Snake Kiver
Valley, in Idaho., alooa tbere is no
under irrigation two million acres of
land, fund ditchea are building for a
third million- In all. Idaho bas
Ave aod a baif million acres to be re
claimed. Tbe exstern Oregon line of
tbe liarrlmaa system will put Idaho
Now Commands Highest
Prices, and is in Big
It was loevlttble: a box conaiolog
seventy apples bas been eold at Oen
vej for 152.60; no similar sale bas
ever been recorded except during tbe
gold fever in California, wbeo Oregon
big red apwles retailed In San Fran
cieco in 1850 for 11.60 apiece.
So often s holy writ given its real
interpretation by soma inuideuc or
development of our modern civiliza
tion. Appare tly meaningless was tbat
characterization in Proverbs: "Ap
ples of gold in pictures of silver," uu
til Ibis sals of apples at suob a fabu
lous price.
This, we anticipate, is but tbe be
ginning. Ordinary "onlrrigated"
apples gathered from tha trees in Ar
kansas command 7 cents apiece in
St. Louis, and no ooa need be sur
prised to see them offered and occa
sionally sold next season at 10
The apple of commerce ia becoming
precious, a thing to be held reverent
ly in tba bandtoi time before devour
ing it, to ponder ovr aod set In a
place of honor in a cut glass bowl
upon tbe mantel, as If It were costly
brio-a-br'o for the admiration of vis
itors wbo will be aa mooh impressed
by tbe splendor of your household
establishment as it tbey caught a
glimpse of tbe family silver
Not many yeais since apples were
not these petted darlings of tha larder
tbey were vnrohaaeri by tbe barrel
ana stood io a daiksome, smelly oel
lar beside bolpolloi of tornips and
potatoes i yea, onions; now tbey are
clothed each In Its aeperate garment.
labeled with Its proud lioeaa-e and
retailed only hy tba dozen. Hortloul
ture is coming into Ita owo atlast.
It, O. Barker, of Alturas was in
town Monday.. Mr. Barker was pro
pi ietor ot tba Southaro Stage Line,
when the coach up set between Like
ly and Alturas, and killed a young
man wbo bad just arrived from Soot
The father sued for losa of bU son.
aud tbe jury awarded bim f9.000
against Mr. Barker, Tbe latter ia a
young man, ana tots verdict is be
yond bis ability to pay.
lie baa appealed tbe case to tbe
higher courts, and bopa for a rever
sal, as tb condition! were aoob wbeo
the aooldttot oooured, as to render
it unavoidable.
now' much better a thing tastes
when tbe doctor aaya you mustn't
eat it I
as near Sacramento as it is to Fort
land. In fact the trafflo of Idaho will
coma over the one roai aa far west,
as Horse Mountain. This is an In
significant butte unworthy as yet of
a place on any map. It is five miles
east of Kama iloro and sventy five
miles north oi Lakeview. It ia about
4U0 miles frou Portland and about
the aame distance from Sacramento.
iuv California bas . .an advantage
over tbe Willamette city that will en
able it to compete for ladbo business.
A; great change Is impending In the
drection ot traffic. Mr. Bancroft,
asked in Reno tbe otber day if tbe re
porter bad ever beard of a north
and a south line, outside of tbe Illi
nois Central, tbat was a paying in
vestment. To-day all lines ruo east
and west Tbe time. is coming wben
they will run north add sooth. It is
tbe Panama Canal tbat will bring
about tbia transformation.
Is H reasonable to tbink tbat a ship
from Europe, passing through tbe
Panama Canal, will go on to Portland
or Poget Soood for tbe cargo wben
tbe same freight can be laid down at
less cost oo tbe warves of ban Fraa
oisooT Tbe hundred million bushels of
wbeat tbat Idaho will soon send across
tbe Atlantic will be loaded at tb)
Goldeu -.late Sao Francicso and Sac
ramento will also bave tbe advaotage in
sending out te return merchandise
tbat is to pay for this wheat.
It Is not Idaho alone tbat will be
tributary to California. Montana,
ton. most come within her sphere of
influence. Tbe Salmon Rjver offers
even a better pass through the Rocky
Mountains than does Crooked Creek
through tbe Sierras. Tbe Montana
trade must come west tLrougb tbls
pass, and in Idaho it can bn diverted
southwest to San Francisco.
Nor is it tbeHarriman lines alone
tbat will pour tbe wealth of tbe
Northwestern States into tbe lap of
tbe Queen City of tbe Pacific. In
tms zero eat tier l ouu men are now
making efforts to lay track on tbe
Uilmore and Pittsbuig through tbe
Salmon River Pass. It is thought
tbat this road is owned by Hill aod is
being built in tbe interest of tbe
Northern Pacific, Ureat Northern and
tbe Bnrhngton. It ia said it. will con
nect with tbe Oregon Trunk, now
building up tbe Deschutes and lo
cated up tbe East Fork ten mile
sooth of Odell. The Hill road cannot
land their freight oo tbe desert. Tbe
logical destination is San Francisco,
lu this cursory review of tbe situa
tion no accooDt has heeo taken tbna
far of the resources of Central Ore
gon Here 10.000.000 acres nf wheat
land are waiting reclamation Tbe
writer, on . bis way to Lakeview,
pasted through Sand Hollow, .a sec
tion ol this great waste He stopped
and measured sagebrush twelve inches
iu diameter, it is beiug used for tire
wood What an exhibit tunt sage
ionidh would tuak for the Panama
Canal Exposition I Imagine what soil
like tbat will produce wbeo it is uu
der irrigation. Aud Central Oregon
is the coy maiden that is awaiting
California's wooing.
Forest Hunter Hammers
ley Has a Big Record
to His Credit
VV. H. Hammersley. Forest Hunter
bas been a busy man the past year,
and iu tba destruction ot predatory
animals be stands at4be bead.- -His
record is over 400 coyotes and. .cats.
Last week he secured one, of tbe
biggest cougars, be ever saw In all
bis banting xpreleuoe. The big "cat
was caught in a trap attached to a
25 pound stone aud he' bad dragged it
over half a mile lu bis effort to set
Last falll over in Drews Valley, J.
S. Edlr lost 20 sheep one night in
passing bis Hook through the valley
and soon after a Frenob doclf-tuqster
lost 17 one night in tbe same manner.
Mr. Hammersley went over there
and put out 21 traps with the result
tbat be got 14 ooyotes and since then
tbere are no coyotes. It was . a fre
quent sight previously to see sevei
al ooyotes in a drove. I
His work up io tbe Crooked valley
also cleaned out the coyotes and
where pieviousley H. U. Chandler
bad lost heavily, this winter he bas
not lost ao animal. .
Tbe Forest buntera are surely doing
good service aud their killing ott of
predatory beasts is a big item for tbe
stock interests.
CON DUN, Or.. Jan. 27 11. Orebe
bas tried tba experiment of .raising
field peas near Condou with such suo
oesa that ba will nnw 91 k I unma nf
peas next March. He says be can
raise 20 bushels of peas to tbe acre
aud get $2 a bushel for the orop or
can get that prioe by feeding bogs.
He will tow bait bis farm in peas and
bait io wbeat each year, instead of
allowing bis summer fallow lie idle.
The Agricultural Pro&
duction of This County :y
Last Year Was Beyond j
"Farming in tbe United State ;.,;
probably made more progress during .,g(
1909 than any other industry.", waa
the comment made in Wall Street thia et
week by a big railroad operator ,,or
'Varmers ar realizing, aoa so are ,Vjm
railroads, bankers, merchants aod maofins!
ufactarea tbat to tba farmer wo most ..ViSft
look for must of oar substantial proa,
preity. Tbe steel and Iron indosj- t.
triea may be running fall tilt; th .
railroads may bave mora basioesa ,rM .
tbaa tbey can handle, bat let tba. ;c
farmer get discouraged ariddowa
cornea tumbling every otbsr bosinese
enterprise," be want oo.
"Tbe value of farm products la m
placed at M, 760,000.000 ee iooreass of.
89f 000,000 over 1908 and nearly, 7.
double tbe value of 10 years ago. Tbe L J
value of products io 11 yeais baa been ;.
$70,000,000,000. Tbe bop croo is val
oed at 65,000,000. oats at $400,000. ,
00C, potatoes at 1212.000,000, tobacco
at nearly $100.0u0.000, wbeat at $725, -000,000,
corn at $1,720,000,000 and the -. . . ,
lint and seed of cotton crop at $859, :
"Tbe production of all cereals com-,
bined is 4,711,000,000, bushels, ao V
amount considerably greater than for , c
any otber year except 1906. It exceeded
the average of preceding five years.
by 65. per ceoL Tbe value of all
cereals in VJ09 bas never been equaled
in a previous year. It is almost ex . , .
actly $3,000,000,000,000. or 34 per cent . ;
aboe the five year average. Tbe in- 7 .
crease in the value of farm products M
this year over 1908 of $369,000,(100,. is ' j
enough to buy a new equipment oi. .
ffcrm macbidery for 6,000.000 farms. . ..
Faiming instead of being looked upon
as ooly tbe .occupation of tbe lazy, ,
uneducated class, bow Evidently takes 4
foremost rank among the iodustriea..,.
of America. All railroad presidents .
seem to agree on tbis point, as do j
manr hankers, merchants and brok- . v'r
era with whom I bave talked". .
11 n i iiin 1 iiirn
U. i). LAMJ LAfid i
An Enlarged Homestead -i
Requires Continuous
Tbe Fixaminer bas received a com
munication from the local land office
taking exceptions to some statements
published as to the land laws. We
perhaps should have gone to tbe
office for veridcatiou ; but having
found the same statements published '
in various papers look it tor graoted
tbey were writteu oo fact.. How-
ever, io order to oorrect any wrong
impression that may have arisen lu
tbe minds of rjeadera. we give tbe let-
ter herewith 1
Tbe atteution'of tbia office bas L4eoi
cnlled to several misleading state
meuta concerning tbe public land
which bave appeared in tbe "Exami
ner" recently. " ' Tbey are not only
mialearlag,''- but diiectly contrary to
the facts.
Tbe tlrvt mis-statement to which -the
atteoi.ou.of this ofHoa. was called
was whei r -n -Nl-il tout the WTneir '
Valley 'autio li'eid to be ''restoied to
settlement"- by ao irrigation com
pany, when aa. a-matter of fact tbey
were withdrawn not only from settle
ment but from all disposal, aside
from tbe rights aoquired by the State "
of Oregon and by tbwn transferred "
to tbe irrigation .company uoder the
Carey Act. ...
Aud again: Iu your lsue of even '
date you Btate ttfat a person takiog a
"320 acre homestead" can commute
fourteen months after making entry
by paying $1.25 per acre. Tbe law
providing for tbe "320 acre borne-
stead" specifically states tbat com
mutation f roof cannot b made, and
tbat tbe entrymao mut live on the
same for tbe full five years. Further
more, in order to make commutation
proof on an ordinary homestead (not
320 acres ) a person ruost actually re
side on said homestead fourteen
months, and is not allowed six months
constructive residence, aa stated io
tbe "Examiner."
Buoh statements being published in
tbe press are in many instances -taken
for tbe facts, and benoe not only
cause the entrymao macb unneces
sary trouble but are also a souroa of
much annoyance to tbla office.
Copies of tbe laud lawa are here
with inclosed for your future guid
ance. We are sure tbat you will t glad
to make these corrections n your
oaxt Issue. . .
A man's conscience seldom troubled
bim aa much as tba corn on bis littl-toe.