LAKE COUNTY EXaMiNER. LKKVIKW,OKEUMN. TMUKxha JAM'AHY V lf EIGHT I nearly bud off for fnsl aa Chicago or aotn of tha other places tbat ar away otf there on the map. ! It la reported that several of John Dozens of HORSE-SHOE Specials In Looking For CLOTHING: Don't Overlook tho Important question of qual ity of material and making. Here you will find the sort of clothes that are right and will look what they are. No danger of disappointment, because we have studied the proposition of sup ply and demand and know what will please. We have only the best of clothing to offer you Hart, Shaffner & Marx Clothos cannot beabeat and we sell them. Mulkeys family hart the cbloksn-pox. Increase of Farms In the last Qfe years the ou tuber of farms in the.nortbweat have doubled, until now there are ?. 11.000, which yielded ptoducts la isHM having a to tal value of 40l,tXK),lHX). The various states stand as follows: Oregou 75, IX X) farms; WashtuKtuu 00,000 tarms; Idaho 40,000 farms; MouUuh itO.lHX) farms. There are mllllous of acres of land Idle now tbat could be put under cultivation on a revenue basis. With the back-to-the-laud tendencies of the present day It is oertf lu thatthe uuuiner of farms In the northwest will contluue to lucroatte for many years to couie. A Striking Attitude. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS Tha fruit men here predict one of the biggest crops of fruit ever grown in this sectMon, on account o' the cold weather which keeps the aap lu the trees back, which will retard the blossoming of the trees beyond possi bility of danger lrotn late frosts. , The cbioook ot Saturday and Sun day took the snow otf at a great rate leaving the streets and h;lls bare. But more fell Sunday, so that at this . writing we still have some of "the beautiful with us. Our nice weather gave a way to a blustery time Tuesday. llarvy Colvin, a former Lakeview boy, who has reside i at Berkley. California fur several years, has con cluded to relocate here and will car ry on the furniture business of his fatner, the late S T. Colvin. Pacific Coa.t piats will gee the best view of the comet. Jimmy Graves is in from the desert, and reports taat some sheep are dying owiug to the fact tbat the feed is frozen, which makes tLeir mouths sore, and they di of statvation. Over 1200 head of cattle belonging to Miller & Lux. were driven through town Thursday for Alturas. Moat of tbem were young cattle. The Cedarville Record says. "The births reported in Lake conoty Ore, for the last fiscal year was 24 boys and 15 girls. No w o n.d e r they are lookiu elsewhere for settlement of tbe country. " Jobo Adin of the West Side, was id town Wednesday E. E Woodcuck has pnrehssed tbe fiuicic auto of S. O. Cresaler. He has adopted a novel plan fur disposing ot bi auto buggy. Born, tbu 17 iost., to the wife of A'alter Paxiou, a sou. Tbe voling contest for tbe most popular yoong la ly at tbe Arcadia Theatre coatiuues to draw out larse crowds. Miss Ethel Bailey and Miss Mildred Rehart ar- now in hn lead, bat there is no telling what may be tbe tioal outcome. A subscriber at Orange, ''ahfnmi.i writes as follows: "We have bad a tine rain. Crops look tine. Straw (jerries and all kinds of vegetables ar on the market. In fact you would WEEKLY WEATHER KETOKT. Week ending Tueaday, .Ian, II, l!H'i j 1 i 1 Iy wax , n 1 1 n , I prt-elp isn'w charm-ter j I nation j full of da? wed. I 4; ! H I O.IJO 1 Ml I cldv &0 ! Ii7 I I thur frid'yl 4H J 2 fcat'yj 55 20 tun. j U f 1'J O.ijo O.ou 0.00 Jl.0.5 O..Vf Ml I 00 tidy L00 J'1 00 ( pt cldv I 00 (non.i 2 I 3 I O.iKJ I 00 i clear tuea. j SO 1 j 0.00 j 00 ptfcidy not think it was winter to go through the streets and see the dienlay. But there will always be a warm place in my heart for Lakeview. ' The new telephone companybave a lot of poles e r a o t e d and others strung aloug the streets. Hanberry and son, wbo have occu pied tbe Hopkins place, on the West Side since last spring, movd last week to a farm they recently .,' pur chased near New Pine Ceek. 4 Women of Woodcaft held their in stallation and banquet Wednesday night, Tbe Odd Fellows bad a floe ban quet spread at Swenson'a restaruaot Friday nigbt. Each lady present re ceired a card with an original verse of greeting from Mr. Swenson. whu acted as host at tbe banquet. James Metzker is reported seriously ill with heatt trouble. T M. Cloud has found ' a silver watch, which can be obtained by en quiring of him. L A. Carriker, the West Side farm er, was in town Satuiday with a matched span of gray driviog mares, tbat be claims , are tbe best team in in Lake County. Tbev certainly are beauties, ana are aa actiie as a cat. Lake County wants you. Marshall Tonningsen ana daughter Auna returned Saturday from San Francisco, where tbe young lady re ceived medical treatment, tbat has made an improvement in her health which was shattered by an attack of diphtheria last fall. .fama Martin, of Silvt-r Lake, w n sulfered a stroke of paralysis last fall is now somewhat improved. His wife wit take him about February 1st, to Portland, via Shaniko for medical treatment. Mr. Martin is tbe father of Mrs. F. W Payne, of Lakeview. Raymond Ballard arrived in town Friday with a b'-borse load of wood. f this stormy period lasts much longer most of as i town will r-e IMA) Li It you The Inquirer But what men hare struck for? The Striker-Well. I'm blest If I know, but we ain't goln' buck Mil we've got it. THE CHAUTAUQUA CIRCLE Tbe Cbautsqua Circle wMl nice I witb Mis. Fred J. Bowman, next Monday evening. Tbe following is the program: Roll call: "Curreut Events, "Woman and Domestic Econ omy," Mrs Bowman. "Social life at Rome, " Chanter 1, "Roni-ss Situa tion on the Tiber," Miis Bessie Bur gess. Each member of the class will g've a short sketch of some promineut Greek character, which will be fol lowed by a general disscussion. All Over The Store Find Them When you find ahoro-shoo you aro lucky. Beginning TODAY and lasting TWO ' WEEKS YOU will be lucky in my Store. There aro cards bearing a largo horse-shoo, each card designates a bargain. Tho following items glvo but a small Idea of tho many advantages to bo gained by attending my Horse-Shoe Sale Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits $26 and $25 Values now being closed outsat!! Necessity knows no law, so I simply must dispose of this stock.' I'm willing to take a loss now. I made my profit early In tho season. Dress Goods There are a good many short longths, Just enough for one dress, or skirt or waist. Good Luck Bargains to YOU. Knit Underwear The kinds that are fleecy and warm. This cold wcathor suggests them. Prices down to 50c per garment for ladles' size. COME QUICK. Mrs. NEILON, Wo Outfitter She Talked Shop. A younc: soubrctte rushed to her den tist the other day In agony. One of her wisdom teeth was ulcerated. The den tist, who, by the way. had suppllvd her with, the most duzzlliig of her front teeth. toW her that there was nothing for It but to pull the town. "Very well, i doctor." renmrkwil the actress, with a sigh, ns fche removed the plate; "I sup pose i d better titke out my orehestra rh:nis Ko thnt ;tnt; c:n get it t tny back rows." Died The infant daughter of '.Mr. and Mrs. I). M. behalf er died sometime between two and six o'clock Sunday morning. She had been slitft-tly all ing, but was playful and apparnutly all right tbe nitcht before. Ht parents were up with her at two o'clock ami she took her nourishment as usual. But at six o'clock when thev awoke, they were greatly shocked to find tbe little oue cold in death, which was canned by heart failure. Tbe parents are young people, strangers here and keenly feel their loss, l'hey have tbe sympathy of all in tneir bereavemeut. Venator Has an Auto J. D. Veuatnr, deputy dim let attor ney, returned from San Francisco Saturday with a new iludsnn-Jt auto, that is said to bn one of the Hllckent little machines on the market. He shipped the machlno to Alturus. From there home he was accompanied , by Banker Miller and wife, Marshal jTonnin.'sen and daugber A ana. and the load did not bother tha car in the least. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY J. B. AUTEN HARDWARE SELLS j'ktek scnutler wagons mcline fa km implkments ;ang and disc flows iil'RINO TOOTH HARBOWS WALKING PLOWS AND HARItOWN RUBEKOII) KOOMNG, GUAKAN TEED TEN YEA US, ANSWERS IN PLACE OF LINOLEUM AT ONE-THIRD THE COST. GUAR ANTEED SATISFACTORY. WK WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. im SAVED IS tm EARNED. MATTRESSES We have the lcst assortment of mattresses ever brought to Lakeview. A full line of Silk Floss, Sanitary, Elastic Felt. Cotton and others We also carry a full line of Furniture, Iron Beds, Caqjets, Linoleum, Oo-carts, Quilts, Blankets etc COLVIN 'S FURNITURE STORE. Undertaking Parlors in Connection. OPEN FOR BUSINESS New Bakery Will have Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies ever day. Lunch Counter In Connection. OPEN ALL NIGHT 0. ML SHAFFER, MANAGER LAKEVIEW Running for Parliament It is reported that Michael Barry, at one time a prominent sheep owner in Lake Conoty. and who still owos interests io flocks here, has beeu run inog for a metuhershiip in the iirit'sh Parliament on tbe Nationalist ticket. But we are not advised as to the re sult. He left here about 15 years ago for Ireland. Mr. Home miilier Our line of snppl ies has never be n qnestionsd. Res if you can find fa ill with them. M & B Business Locals j Frozen to Death The Winneinucca Nevada Star, Kays: Word has reached here from MoOeraiit of tbb death last Friday of a Basque sbeepberder known among his conn trynien as "Caminero, " in a small house at Battle just' north nf tre Ne vada line, in Oregon. ' Uacnlero" aod a number of other men sloppmi at the cabin and slept there that night. In the moroiog "Caminero" was found dead in bed by his compan ions His body was stiff anil cold as if be had frozen to death. The night before he seemed to be in bis usual health a did not complain of being sick. It was a bitter night and bis oomrads believe tbat be succumbed to tbe extreme cold. "Caminero ' was in the employ of tbe J. P. Anderson estate. Ed. Bond of Plush, was in town several days this week, on business matters. He reports everytbng nour ishing over there, and that the pro jected irrigation enterprlxe will be a big thing for the Warner Valley. WANTEIV Sober ull around mai for general work about ths rises, handy about machinery and wood work Steady position to right man, ' M'lxt batch or If married no children, t Enquire EXAMINER. ' LOST. Between Conn's resdenci and l'ont A Kings corner, a pslr of i eve glares, with ear chalu. Leave at this filllce. FOR HALE, Lot 27. Block Vi. 10 acres T. 1. Hih. 'jr.. T. & "6. U. UO. Lake County, f.fcu Cash. H. E. FREEMAN 217 E Hth Kt.,.Tnpka. Kansas Advertised Letters j IJoks Humphery. J. L McElvoy O. J. Price Stella George M. I'ama . Masou Pointer G E, I'owres S W. I Ml ore MatleStrlmsn Ivl Mnnnen Herman (ilaedike Mi-n :xl Shlfe J Robert Peer O. MMMdln.i Kandy lluuttr Etta l onb r I; j Thompson Jack Th'ttelier Mer li. U. Howell O M Iss Mae Evans Will kep your bmik account if voti will let us. Oue man has made over ?2oU00 trapping this teasou Why not you? We bare tbe tiapB. B A M Hood's Rubbers wear well. In this season "There's many a slip" Try a pair on sale at B A M. We have to talk about TILLM ANNS CBnned stuff. We know tbey have qunlitv. I' i easier to ask for TILL MANNS than it Is to explain why that brand is so m u c b better. Say tbe word at B AM Tbe man who gets bis feet into a pair of Haoan Hnos will feel good enough to tell his frisn Is abn t it. That's why they are uriverW favor ites. See them at BAM Rainbow laces "The kind plea es just opened at B & M. that Swenson's Restaurant Is the place where you meet every-body. GIVE US YOUR PRINTING This office has put In 12.000 worth of the latest type and machinery and carries $1,000 worth of printers stock, so tbat there is do need of a dollar's w itb of rioting being sent for to outside points. We can do any work as good aa can be gotten any wbere. Be patriotic aod keep our money a, borne Don't send away for anytbi g you ran get here. Tbat is tbe way to build up a town. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of S. T. Collo, Deceased. Notice is hereby given tbat tbe un dersigned baa been appointed admin stratrix of the Estate of H. T. Colvin, deceased, by t h e County Court, of Lake Conoty, Oregon, and has quail tied. Now, therefore all persona hav ing claims against tbe said estate are hereby required to present them, lth proper vouchers, within six mooths from tbe date of tbe notice, to t b a undersigned adimniHtratrix at tbe law office of W. Lair Thomp son, in Lakeview, Lake Courty, Ore gon Dated this 10th d a y o f January 1910. E K. COLVIN Administratrix of the Estate of H. T. Colvin deceased. 3W4 1 went v-oere ijirm In Hirnev enmity, with or without buai-IU-S4 lot In Lnkevlew. V O. TOEPPEKWE1N & CO. y, Soniiii M'ld'i;. Holne, Idaho I. liner W II. Sat F. I looser 1 1 lit cm Vsreleau EFH MILLER Postmaster Do You Want to Sell? If you want to h-11 your Lii-Iim-mm of any kind, or If you want to sell your property, and will initkc the price rljfht. I would like to hear from you. (live doHcrlptlon and price. AddroMH J. E. KM I I II. M:i Chamber Commerce, 1'ort IiiimI.i irejfon. 3w(l Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WASTKh Tie- Ovtrland Monthly want, on rn rici'ilr, apuhlr man or wnrnaii In l.oknt It w tn l t nuiily M.K'T III lkc i.limy. HI ''oil ikI a mil.iM'rliill.'ii rainaltn. iuhmI " rinalH'lll I- MM'lil. rl tf-rli'lirt tiiifn-r. ary. ! I. r. iici . ri-.uir.'l OniHt atel I i ptrui-iiiiii. iri-r 'niri- niitrf(Mati.y, I lr ". li M'li.K. r." Ovi r'aiKl Muntl.l). 773 M-. kr Kl Hn Kram Iwn, l al K MA MMET M ! TA 1- For Sale rh.-ap at Examiner oillre. WANTKI) I in in .-. 1 1 y , r'-aiKiiimlilii nu-n an4 women nl m at aiin'arau le aelK laii' iiIm rip (lima fur tin- Ovtrland Monthly I'li-ananl rH Htaliln Murk . H.l-li.ll l I'lilnnilaalnli, valual: V,h . I'Brnianent rm plnyiiirnl tor hiiatlim. . I v i- r.r.nnrc, allri'H '"nia i M.iina.r. Orirland Monllily, 771 Marknl HI., Han Kranrlai'o, Cal. ( " - - - J Skating Rink Admission .Vc, Skating on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and ThurMdn vs lilgbtM. I'olo t n Mori lays ami FridnjH nlghta. Wednes day afternoon, Ladles' Day. K. B. EA8TON, Frop in l-si j O.V. L. Co. Land Holders: We are in position to lease many sections of land included in holdings recently disposed of by O. V. L. Co.and would be pleased to act as your agent for com ing year. By our plan you are not out One cent. Write for terms. We are still reporting on these tracts, and so licit your patronage. We also buy, sell or ex change, these tracts. ft I Land examination and location is our spec ialty. If you want a homestead or desert claim write or see us, PACIFIC LAND CO. LAKEVIEW, OREGON IOver Lakeview Pharmacy ft F I