LAKE VVIin KXAallNKIl LAKKVIRW, ORMJON, THLKHMt, JANUAKY , IiO. Texas Land ! Sold on Crop Payment Plan Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c KEEPING UP HIGHWAYS Government Bureau' Sound Ad vice on Road Drainage. ..!' ... I HI! 11... LIL 1 J OUR PROPOSITION Z Wc will sell you nti improved farm in the Gulf District of Texas, in Wlmrton County, and let you pay by giving uh two-fifths of your crop each year until we have receiv ed the purchase price. ' ThU Company own-5.VXX) acres of land. About lO.Odd acre of It n In crop this year, and yielded 00 bushel to tho acre. It contain ovi-d'jO seta of farm building. It In nupolitsl with water for Irrigation from the Colorado Itlver by a piimpiiiK plant large enough to furnUh water to the entiro city of rU. Loul. Thin lanl it all it black loam noil. It I adapted to the growing of sugar eane, ellalfa, Cotton corn, orpine, fig and vegetable of all tlnda. Any f these crop cau bo grown without Irrigation and, HjulpjH-d a It la with canal for Irrigation and with and with an abunlant water in partlculsrly suited U. tho cultivation of the banner or ip oi this country, rice. Our lands will be sold equipped for Irrigation with a giiaranU-e of an Ml clent water to KA1SK KICK o any Other lrolucu of thl stttlon. which Inludo CANE, APPLE. OKAPBS, PIUS, ORANOKS and URAPB FKUI r. The pMoe of the landa tbua nutppvd range from t jS.OO to $30.00 par Aero, acctrdlarf to Location, lmprovemeata and Qutntityof Land al ready Id Crop. u'n Mi .i i n rl. I n ,rii f rf a nft ruir n r ami II (10 tnnrn tier acre In .1. tnnnihu a, lua ,. will hnvn BiliulLrh InvnaUxl til ITI C VOU IL II IntCM-it I tttUOtt the Storm REMOVE ALL WATER QUICKLY. That an tvi-fae ana" Uee'arerevfiJ m Wall Caater af Highway Hauls' Ha lead Site af Tiles sad Lflylaf Tham Matter af Impertaa. ' Tha United Ktates offlca of public roada In Waehlngton sent oat the fol lowlnf bulletin regsrdlnir the proper manner of road drainage; With an average of 27.000 ton of water falling In the form of rain on earb mile of public road In the United Bute annually. It la seareely to be marveled at that tha ten command meota of the road builder can be aum med op aucclnctly In the word "drain age." The aaylng ha truth for a baala, aa good drainage ta the primary requisite for all roada. Even In aand roada tbla bolda true, for there "good drainage' meana aucb aa will aafely water without ro- Tbe Meeeure af a Wemaa'a Wit Ttm ara three ware by which a wom an brain Can wall be measured. One ta by the flt Of beet er aha. A alae that glvea her sala Pre her oefteleat In the thing called wit. walet eo glrdad that Ita apan appear ' A waapllk atruetura ahowa har stupid ul. Bat when feer bad must put on eundrv tiara T waar her aenae haa taken Sight. -Ia i. Weterbouaa In New Tork Ufa ta woaklng tlx Uud. You do not elgn a note or mortgage for the balance. but merely Affrte to IMlvvr uh Two-l'lniin of Your Crop hurl) Year a r; .! payment, and the only payment you aro required to make BY THIS PLAN If you have a hard year we share your hardship and you will nave no on paid not ataro too In Hie face. Ij you have good yenn, a we know you will have, your farm In aoou paid fur. You can caoooa your own crop, except that we require at leaat 7ft qer cent of auea crop to be Hice, aa wc know It la the moat profitable. S. H. RILEY. LAND DEPT., SAN ANGELO. TEXAS. OR Lane City, Wharton County, Texas Hay City Matagorda County, Texas. Di jra t) nitUM r.1 I K V 4 1 v i t n ' . t, advertiser. r LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. 9 Incorporared. Q A Complete Record We have iuale an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Heal Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In like County, and evr l)wi given. aJ .Errors Found In Title5(' In traiwi-ribiutf the riH'orda we have found numerourt tnort gatcea reeonletl In the lieed re'.ord and Indexed; and many deeda are recorded In the Mortiriic record and other book. Hundred of morturatre and diedj are not Indexed at all, and tuont difficult to truce up from the record-. .J . We have notations of all these Errors. Othent cannot fl-td them. We have put hundred a of dollars nUntlnu; up theae errora, and we cau fully Kuarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, flanager. in'OiOIXMIOttXaOfOIOI ail? alon or gullying and atlll retain the eorface tnotature. To obuln good drainage ooa must take Into consideration both the ear face water and the ondergroand wa ter. The aurface water muat be re moved quick ly and completely gad Without aabjectlng the road to exceaa- Ive acour or eroalon. Kor thai reaaon the center of the road ahould be rglaed, tad the alope toward, lac. fide; cU$efce ahould be from DeH&al- to! one Inch to each foot dlatance, or ao that the water will run freely to the aide dltchea and not flow down the road or remain In puddle on the roadway. The aide dltchea ahould be of ample elite to rare for the nevcre! ct riiii Willi a fall of not len tb u '.x lut-he to each hundred feet. FnaiUeui. am pie croee dniln Mhuutd be !) trueied i and every opportunity taken tn Kef the water away from tbe road aa quickly aa ponalble. Any rood along wbli h you aee water atandlng In the aide dltchea or on whlrb puddles of water have collected or which haa been badly gul lied and eroded by the ralna haa poor drainage and la In need of Immediate attention. In fact, earth roada nearly alwaya require a little attention after each rain. Tbe split log drag la eaaentlally a tool to maintain good drainage on our CASTOR I A For Infutf and Children. Tbi Kind You Ran Alwajs Bought I t r 1 tr'n-TT i,.l m mimmn ! Bears the Signature Oregon AgricuIturaI4CoI Icgc Winter Courses. January 4th to rcbruary IAch 1910 Practical work, lei-turen and "Tie monatrationa will be given In auch vital Bubjerta aa General Farming. Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, j'airyiiiK, rouiirv-aeeping, liie uuri neaa Hide of Farming, Fore-try Carpentry, hlackamithiug, Mechafi leal Drawing, Choking. Kewlnir Urea-making-, Home Management, ec All reyuiar couraea tiegin January un anaenarem-uary nth. f armere Week February 14th to Itltb. A cordial invitation la extended to all Interested. Good accomodation may be eecured at reaaonable rate No nge limit above lo yeare. o entrance require ments. Prominent lecturers bave been aeeunsd for -peclnl topica The Inatructional force ol tbe College number luu. Kxcellent equipment. A eoecirtl fen tore Ih the Farmer-' Week which cornea thiaveaf Feb. 14th to lKth. Iertnrea, diwu-xinnM, and H general reunion. For further Information addreaa ItegUtar. Oregon, Agrcultural College. t orvnlJlH, Oregon. 4!)w4 OREGON MAP SALE Irlce UOc while they Last. ALCOHOL S IEM cent AVet&praptrtrtflnGrk ling the S tooocto udDonh i Promotes Dtftrkftfii tifsiaiidRcXonlalflttriSw Opiinu.Morphioe norMiaeraLi ilUXXlAittOTIC. sxytitouiks&tzLnmiaL laiimj Inn Aperfed Beiuedy for Cteflp-ton,SourSSonxh.Diarrta Worms jConvuisons rvms- ness andLossorSiZER ratSmfc SugaWtJ NEW V0BK. I B5t-: I c5 Ji- Tot Infants and Children. Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW Exact Caff of Wrapper. In Uso For Over Thirty Years mil Vm ecarawa .- acw vmm err. ibe iv.eai nome paper. Shows all l.and Grant f.atil. and baa theORUON fllLITAKY KOAD Orant complete, by sections. Entire output of this map owned by HUNTER LAND CO., 427 Lumbermen's Bldg. ' Portland, Oregon. B8CE71 r rAKM, U i Y AND l UWiN LUAlNo FIVI: IMJK CUNT interest, XIXIi years' time with privilege of paying at any time. Return payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, to suit borrower. For partietlars write Tk T,1. T T nk. . n Century liulj;. nenver, .oioracio. THE MAGAZINE Why Read Human Life UUCAUSK it U brlhl. HKUAUSK it U;iuforinin. HF.CAUSIOit puUate wllb huiuuiie iutereat. DtOAUSK it picture celebrities of all aorta. , UEUAUSK it Kivett Mife Mtonoa of live people of the day people you want to kuow about. HEOAUSIO it tells you of the autivl tiea of men and women In tbe politi cal, LuhIuuhb, aouial uad economical world. HK0AUSE it will Kive' you more real luforuiatlou about the oburuoter aud work of men atd women of to day than auy other publication. BECAUSE U la a mauazio that 1b d itl reent different from any other publication priuted. It la uuique, abaolutely original and tbe only magazine devoted excluaively to peo ple. BECAUSE It la printed on high grade paper, la profuaely Illustrated with the beat half tone plate that can be procured, haa a beautiful artistic oover piloted In throe colors. Is of convenient size and easily handled and read. of the People, By the People, For the People i BECAUSE it ia human beings thai i people lira interested in today and . HUMAN LIFE gives you the Ufa stories of the prouiiuent men aud wo men of tlio wmld iu the most attrao five form it tells you of their daily life, habit and ecoeutriuitlea and Kive you interesting facta about their work aud acoompolUbmanta. UECAU3I4 to know what the world ia rioliiit, how hUtniy Is Leing made you niiist have a knowledge ot the leading nieu aod wnroeu ot the world the people who Hie doiug tblugs. HUM IN LIFE will give you a more iutiaiate knowledge of the peo ple who are lender of the world to day than any other publication. i.llECAUSE Us articles are written by auch well knowu aud brllliaut writers on uationnl topina a If red lleury Lewla Vauna Thompson Hailey Millard Elbett Hubbard Ciara Morris Ada 1'attaraou ' Cbarlee Edward Russell Upton Sinclair David Graham Phillips Urander Wbitlock Margaret Kobe Larua Jean Llbby. A KUDTBIT PSAISaOB WOULD IatraOTS. earth roads aod ahould be need after each rain. On a heavy clay or gumbo aofl tbe drag when properly used tend to puddle tbe road surface! keep It free from ruts, dense, a moot h aud bard, tbu mn-urlag tbe beat surface drain age poealble. But In uiuny place tbe underground waier la too uear tbe aurface and muat be removed before a good road will be potiKlble. Tbla mean that aome form of aubdralnage must be resorted to, usually tile drains or clay or concrete. ater from whatever aource muat be got rid of effectively Aa water In freezing expands one- eighth Its volume, the road heaves out cf shape, and when the Ice melt the 1 road disappears beneath the rising tide of mud coiiHtHiitly fed by rains, melt lii auows mid underground springs. Iu aeepy and boggy pluces the aub 'dralnuge In order to be fully effective I should lower the water level to not j lens thuii tbiVe feet below tbe road surface. If tile are ucd they should j Ik carefully laid, true to grade. Most I failure In (lie drainage can be at i trlbuted to carelessness In laying or too flat grade. Tile less than four Ibi hen In diameter should rurely be used, nor should a grade of less than six Inches to (he hundred feet be used unless absolutely necessary. In a very dense soil it Is hIwh.vs advisable to cover the tile to af least n depth of alx to twelve Inches with a coarse saud or fine gravel, fare should always be tuken to procure a free outlet for the drains and to protect the outlet with a concrete bulkhead or catch basin, which can alwaya le kept clean and tbe outlet free. The kind of tile to be used depend on local conditions. Concrete tile If properly made U quite aa good as clsy tile. Which kind to use Is entirely a local questlou of dollars and cents. If concrete tile can be made more cheap ly than clay tile can be had. use con trete; If not, use clay tile. ALL FRUIT TREES MUST BE SPRAYED To Lake County Orehardiata: Notioe ia hereby given that fruit irrowers most make piepsralioos to tbrreiuhly -pruv their fruit tree during tbe year 1!H( A. M. SMITH, Inpeector Hated, Nov. 4th, 1909 imo. V o o v The San Francisco Chronicle. YOUNG. Sane, CaservaUve and Well Edited. Daily--Simday--Weekly Sunday's in Colors Wra. Wallace, Dealer at LoJceview. Ore. Order Now HUMAN LIFE PUBLISHING CO. 5.10 Atlisiitlc Ave.,nostoii, Muss'. IOC AT NEWS STANDS HUMAN LIFE $1.00 PER YEAR, Cenvlet Labor la Building ef Read. At a recent mcctlug of the national good roads board, held In New Tork city. Senator a T, Laaslter of Virginia outlined the-method of building' roada with convicts In the Old Dominion. C Gordon Neff. tbe chairman of the i ooara, naa aeciaea to make a canvass of tbe entire United States to find out ftt (" K orataa amnle, Mvs7l.Oa In tka bsbv a akaiv-s VUi'IV tUllt !. 11 at V Uf building of roada. Tbla will be fol lowed up later with an effort to get other states to use convict labor ta road building. There Is a general movement to abolish convict labor la 1 Restores lines of tbe Industry where It Inter fere with organised labor, bat tn no action of tbe country doe organized labor object to tbe use of eonvlcta ta tho biill tlna; of good roads. ADMIN ISTK ITORS SALE Notice of Sale of Real Property by Administrator at Privste Sale. Notice M hereby giieo. tbst iu pur suance of an or'fer. of tbe County Court of the County of Crook, State of Oregon, made on tha Otb day of Deoember. 190!), in tbe Matter ot tbe Estate ot Charlotte E Mcliillvray. deceased, the unriersUneb, tbe ad ministrator of estate, will sell at pri vate sale, for cab, and aubject to coofirnation by eaid County Court after Friday, tbe 4tb day of Feb., 10 10, at private -ale all tbe right., title aod interest of tbe said Charlotte E. McOillvray, deceased, at tbe time of her death, and all tbe right, title and interest tbe estate has acquired ia addition to that of tbe said Charlotte ci Mcliillvray at tbe time of ber deatb. iu ana to an mat, certain piece or parcel ot laud lying and being in the County of Lake, State of Oregon. and more particularly described a follow; Lot No. Three of Section Six in Township Thirty One South, of hanee Fifteen Last of tbe Willa mette Meridian. Terms aud onuditlnn of sale, cash. iioid uoln of tbe Uuited States. Dated tbi 30th day of Deo , W. J. McOi'LLVRAV. Administrator of Estate of CHAK LOTTE. McGILLVKAV, Deceased. D30J27 iFOUNB m ft tr ft 93 VkKff ! IfJV We Have FrmnH ThrKa M rors in Lbe County Records. m Abstract of Title to all Lands m Lake County Furnished. Terms. Reasonable. Tract Index Abstracting Co, Wm. JACOBS, Manager. LAKV1EW, - - OREGON, SI QEEE VI CATARRH Jay-fever rOJD teS5 INSURES RSTUKN5 "CAMPBELL SYSTEM" "Norman Golden, a Dilll in rancher, haa pro 1 need from 75 scree this feason, a crop of potatoes worth f 16,125.00, uslnjf the AnPBELL DRY FARM SYSTEM, The yield was 215 one dollar sacks per acre, or 3ol bushels per acre " tilafjjow, Montatia, IVmocrat, Oct. IIK1 There is no reason why you can not get results hke tniebr following; tbe principles recorded in ., CAHPAELL'S SCIENTIFIC FARMER A Monthly Magazine of authority on Soil Culture. CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC FARMER - - $1.00 THE LAKEVIEW EXAMINER - . - $2.00 BOTH FOR 52.00 Elvs Cream Balm 8ur to civ) Satisfaction. OIVKS RILiiai at naei. It cleaasis, aoothea. heala and Drotecta tha diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh aud drive away a Cold iu the Head quickly. the Sense ot Taste aud Kmell, fjtj to use. Contains no inluriona drum Applied into the nostril and absorbed. Large Siae, ' BO cents at Druggist or by saall. Liquid Cream Balm for nse ia toniixcre, 75 oenta. Ill ilftQTHCiU. Warrea St.. New York CKS ENOUCK fir the Bf&CfST GAME SSSSSSSSA& r AUTOLOADING RIFLE C k Iv. Mr sed by the President's Culda. This rifle Is loaded by Its recoil and as one cartridge explodes, another Is thrown up from the mapazlne.- r"which holds five. "Just pull and release the triroer for I-' each shot." It's hammerless and - Wa wtssii K m i breech. Made In 4 calibres for tho blwaxt nm Arm W I I "09 O w w V the smaller r'ji came. - . V rr jai a. jtn ! j Write for cataloeue'and RtSINOTIIV ihmi fn a . 3 d&Qm o o it X(r X V d litefature f I Illun, N. T. , , , , V J J. Hw Tork. At. V. lrr