t S-w. j ; r -r : V' ItMf v VOL. XXXI I.AKKN IKN, LA K K Ct7 'KK(!ON, JANTAKY, G 1910. Si). 1 I SIDNEY T. COLVIN, ANOT E KOFOUR PIONEERS, IS Death Came Suddenly on ""Monday Morning and " Wafpue to" Heart Failure This community was startled early 5Tonday morning! by the announce" ment of thVauddaa deaiu front heart NO MORE 1 1 failure of" sVluey T. Oolvln, auother in old pioneers of-Lake county and one lung prominent lothe utlair of the county. " Air Colvln attic coming to Lake county in 1S73 h I been engagnd In tbe stock business. He tad a ranch In ('looked CrK valUf where he raise 1 a tine quality of horsss, whlnh ha MspostMl uf in California aud oth er section of tha country. It baa bean his custom to take his stock out of tbe country an I remain al winter disposing of them. Laat wl'itnr he discontinued tbe practice and staid neri all wlotnr, be javln rnaubed tha conclusion that bis age was too far advance I for further ou daitakint of that kind. H.nne time during the past Jr h dlspoxed of bis ranch and stock aad puicbased tbe furniture bualn of H. L. Chuai ler which lo HtsnoUtlou with bis son iu-lsw, Mr llarrlit, bt was Muoissful ly coaduotiog at ttie time of hU death. JO I ZZT Mr. t?olvlu i.. i I ottiu lu hiu ouatu mary tu iiltli li'i i d arooiid to m up to the vnppur non t lis uulitlif'i hl ij n ii tli. ()i t ie morntnir of bis demise at about 6 o'clock bis wife called to blip to et op, as It was bis usual bout: for arising. lit stirred aud turned over, but not putting in appearauua bis wife (attain went to Mm, and fjiind that bis spirit bad tlowo. Tb-nock to bereelf and daughter. Mra iJarris, was hrd to lear. lie was Lorn lo Oaleu N. Y. Aug. ), 183H. lu 1 802 be enlisted in th Hth N. Y Heavy Artillery, and served for two years as captain, but on tbe eve of promotion bad his hip shattered lu tbs Hattla of tha Wil ie -ness, aod was houorably disoharund from furthni service, to Keptetnbtr, 18G5 be marrind Miss Kletita k l'or who still survive nltn. Krom this un ion three cblidren re, born: Mrs. ('. (J. HarriK. of Silver Lakn; Mim. h'arnbam Harrin. ot Lakaview and Harvey Colvii of liorkelny (Julltor nla all of whom will tm pfneut at bis funeral. Mr. Calvin came to California in 1 IH7(i, ami for seine time tas a con- I doctor on (he Central I'acltin railuy J I. Ike niHoy early railroad tueu ba 1 iwuiujv iiiiiii diwii witu i uf luuurv making posihilitie nf s'.ock growing and with that purpose in view. l.i .1... came tu Lass cuuuly lu 1 872. which baa since bevu bin pretuaneut residence. Ills many fins qualities of mind aud heart cndeareii hi in to a wide circle of friends who let ret that til CHreer of neuf tilltie.ia In eudeil. lie was a member of the Khermau 1'ost (1. A. It. aud alno of the Masoulo lodge at LHkeview. He will be buriud tniiay from tbe HHptM Church imdet tbe ritual of tbe Masonic fraternity. PARTY LINES ARE DISINTEGRATING Tbo New Yink World, h conserva tive democratic nexpanHr Hiya: "Not since Mr. Cleveliiiiil'a second iidinluintiHt Inn have purty linen ul Washington lupii o lirokmi in ttmy me in I he sixty Hi st ('ongruss. Hi'in ocrHts iiml itepnlillcHiiH ure alike divi'lnd In tliri II huh SniMilt ir (bul lion liici'H an iiiHiirgent revolt; but ( 'hamp Clark, tlio opposition leaiier CHtiu it coinuiiiiid the nnaiiiino'iH sup port uf t!e I Itmiocrat lo reiseiitit lives. Keiint r Ctiliiertini) bus re siguod the llninklAHH task of loading the Democratic uiiuniity in tlieSnn ute, and Senator Aliiricb liuds b'a own leaderhtiip sliHiply clmllcuK'ecl by nicl leal Senator.) from thn Wetd. Kepiiblicaii Si'iiators anil KnproHentu tives can lie found who ure no less radical than Mr. Ilryaii and Mr. Clark, and I here are democratic equa tors aii'l repi'i-Heutativeri who tire no lees ci'iiserrai ive tbau Mr. Aldrich aud Mr. Cm, lion. In Central , hivon the railroads are coming with about 'JUO men working to shove tl ti'iu Hiong. 1 tie crop or 11)10 MJ aud it is gi u s ti. be a "bumper" ng tu roll down to the lulls. No wonder sage- Colli in I la oil brush plaiuH nie ucing luineii mio fertile Helda! mid eattem laud snecu latum ure roup ing many barvebts iu ad van co. A family Id' live ueur (Sacramento Nto raw ' oi k sausage, and are giving tlko doctors thn time of their Jives t preu..t them from slipping through (' pearly gates before their time. AKTKSIAN WATER EASILY OBTAINED Seems to be an Easy Matter to Get Such Wells in Harney's Valleys Tim Harney Ouuoiy ."news of th 1st lust Iihn til to titty of a aiM't I on through wbicb Ihn Military hond (irtuit passes Mti'l which was opened lo setMemnnt by thn Oregon Vulley LhihI Company lust September: One of thtt prominent fuafors in tbe iilltnnte development of Harney coun ty will tin the artesian How of water which In to b fouui kt o many ln'n and at. such reasonable depth from the aurface Kapecaly Ii thn (run of tha secton etat of Ktaao'e mountain Mini south from tha Juniper Lake couur.ry to the .Nevada 1 1 on. all thrnuub Hit WiM Ho run. Pueblo aod I rout creek valleys, lu which an ar teslan (tow Is secured at the depths or iro n t 10 vat reel. In Wild Horse valley north end sotiui or AurHvvn many tanu iicfMfii 1 1 y irrigated by mean of (lowing wlls. One man A. II. Hollls, mint or .odreH, h.iiug sit or hot ri of thniu on hi pUon an I toere are many others having ainlUr and lea ner numocra. All the way south from there t I)nlo through the Pueblo ami Trouticrnnlc valley, these wells are fou'id and In a short tlaie there will .e a great man- of them drilad an t put. to good us lu general ir rigation syntem. Taking i he character of the soil sod the favorable c.limstin conditions, thn possibilities for fruit and ve.jta IjU pro Indian under a generous ar tesian water aupoly are beyond pres ent calculation. Where a flow oan bn olivine 1 at a deptl! of tio to l'ii feet the cost is merely noutual aad the ater can tie uesd at' a great profit, linger such an Impetus that paitnf Harney county is sure to make rapid progress. RAILS COMING FAST FOR OUR RAILROAD The Altura papers n-port I hat the N. ('. (). ha a lw pile ot rIU in iti yards there tor ita Lnkelw exteu Ion, aud that the company la Increas ing mbiiih at tha rate of Hfteen cr a week. At that rate It looks an though the road would keep at work extending its line until Its Columbia liver lermiulHl Ii reached We shall not object so loiw as the road raacbes Lakeview, Tbe people here aia not going to block the progress of any roipi that reaches us. GOOD EFFECT SHOWN OF FORESTRY RULES v . n m . WTPVPlM rOWPr-MTP ww wav w m w t Crabbing, and MaXes Crabbers Let Co! And what wil: be the effect of tbe National Forest rules ou tne owner ship and development of water-powet sites lu the Northwest? What has been elfect? One fact : The South eru I'brIIIu has very receuty aban doned two of its most promising power sites one of them locuted on the Umpijiia Hirer In Southern Ore egn, aud the other on the AlcKeti.lu a branch of the Willamette Kiver. The conipHtiy emed t' huve dixcnv- eted that the power wasn't needed just yet also that they must either get to wink or let loose. These t.o power cites are now "pen, and it is very likely that otliere ot the lower sites lu the National Forests of Ore gou and WiiHlii'utou will Iih released soon, or their leusee terminated be ensue they lack the development worK. Such a wholesale release seams almost inevitable tor it till of the pnuer sites that are now being tacitly held in the Northwest, were really developed the, market would be de luged there, would be in hi y. many times as much poaer dereloped as is at present needed, orlikeiy will be needed in the next; ten years. K It. Howard in the January Pacific Monthly. A Fine Edition The iiuuiial number of the Oregon inn makes especial nieut ion of Con trai Oregon and gives its prospective ruilromla, and miinifold opnortuni ties piomiueiice. Wo shall take pleasure in conyiug some of its men- jtlou of Lake County. Those wbo de jhlreciui obtain a coiiy by aildressiiig I the Oregoniau, Portlniiil, and enclos fug live ceut.s. It is a number worth keeping for its Informing contents as to this Oreat Inland F.inptra. Before "1 married," said Mr. Hen peck, "1 didn't know what it nieaut to support a wt. 'I' presume you know now)" "Yea indeed 1 looked up tbe word 'support' iu t do diction ary aud discovered that one ot its meanings is 'endure. " lilrmiughatu Age Herald. Robert Howie, a 'i-vear old got on tbe thin ice of tbe Mutiiath river Held for a tunderu prorgossive aud lust week, broke through and wasjpublio spirited morning dally in drowned. Portland. NEW HOMESTEAD RULINGS SEEM TO EAVOR SETTLRS Commissioner Considers Evidence of Good Faith All That Is Necessary Tbe commissioner of the genersl land ottloe ba banded down three decisions la contest esses arising In the llolsa land district two of wblcb tha entryman were allowed to bold their claims upon evidence of good faitb, notwithstanding tbe fact i hat they have not oomplted with t' e strict letter nf tbe law or to rest deuce. In tha third esse the entry man wbo took up bis claim as a desert claim eutry, but later discovering tbat aulfoleut water was not avail able, relinquished tbe tract and took it up as a homestead, is allowed no credit for Improvement place! upon tbe land aa a desert entry and In view of the fact tbat he bad n it com pied witb tbe law as to residence bis ulalm l held for cancellation. The register and receiver of tha Iiotse ollice In passing upon ttese cases and against all the e e it v nen on tbe grounds tbat none ot ttiiu had established or maintained a !- a lesldenue. I. tbe ease of Wvuu W. FeOsy vs. Willis V. Krleder, inv-lv-Ing 80 acies section !5. tos do 4 north, range 5 west, It was bon by the testimony that eotrymtu never resided continuously upon the lands, but from time to time spe it Suu lav there, stopping over nig it. In overruling tbe aociai of locil otllcials in irecommending fits claim for cancellation, the cotuin siouni a decision states in part: "Concerning question of rest ten re here is hut little coottict lu the test niony. Doe ot toe pl-tiullf's wit uesnes, Mitchell, wbo ha I lived on (he adjoining tract since February. I'J)H, testified that tbe defeo lent bad ixen cu bis claim o.l and oi atuce vlarnh, but could out state bow of eu. "He came nut on Saturlav some times and flayed over Sund ty and un til Sunday evening aud Sunday af- eroooiif. Ho'netimea bn oinje out on Sunday aud stayed until Sunday af teruoou aud sometimes be would coma back Mouday morning,' and sometimes be came out during the week. 'Tu tbis case contest wis hron t a j' in iU luouti s utter euliy. an i Ah. n u. aiiug was hid t ie eiiry Arti an nit .i y-ar id I. "C lilvulltiii u one of i itui.ire neiiti ot I ne lit) oesti-ad In lint co i- I'.riili "a snoft li;'ifllie entry mil Hie eurriun.ilu cir-M nst iucn. i jiiduriient ot fatf ilor- ould not i ie arienti-ii rn the trniii n of tail I ote lo cultivate hi me. a- there is yet j -eu I'huciiih in Attica, time lu which t.i i-n ,.piv ""i i 1 law in that rei-pect D-tt-.nlaut ha t-' ulv-inu bia nol lupay evjiie.jly shown gj I Initii in the ' tit. )-rom time to time lie teduced matter ot bis Inn rn en.enip so that ttit only question to b nelt-rinined is tiether he lias 'p rfm med ' sue', arts as Mould iu licate tin e-tta'ilis'i n .k of bis resilience and iuteui lo nihke tbe laud bis home. "The residence on the part nf tl a defendant has beeu of an intermittent character and is nut entirely sot'stm) tory. He appears, however, to have done the bet be could under the circumstauces. His absence appear to have been necessary lo earn money to support bimseif and improve the land. "Upou a careful consideration ot the case it is tin: believe I thxt such a showiug of ilelaiiit has beeu made as would justify the) cancel hit ion ot the entry. In re net. in, this conclu siou it Is not to he understood that the entry can be perfected by the character of the residence iudi catad." A peculiar contrast is apparent lu the other two cases James O, Adams vs. Com. 'hue li'akker involving ICO acres ot liu.d in section 21 .township 7 north, rauge 1 west acd Samiittl M. Friend, iuvoUlug a quarter sec tion of section ii towusuip I uortli, range 4 wea. In the Adams- lilakkir coutest tbe rinding of the Unise ollicers are re versed and enso dts uisSHd. Illakker procured rellr()iiisbment fur the laud embruced in IIih entry purcbus lug tbu improveu;enta thereon for the Who Gets the Profit? A cailotid of turkeys left Calveston, lexas, the other day, for which locul ahopphi's received II cents per pound. When these turkeys reached the consumers they cost M cents per pound. In other words, two thirds of the cobt to the consum er was absorbed somewhere between the seller and the buyer. It went to ttie railroad or the middle man. 'I'h la alaa lut' icntea that there is sonm thing besides u snort.aga of commodi ties that creates bigb prices. ' Thu press ot tba state is almost a unite iu jumping ou tbe preverse, petty, pettish, childish old man of tha Oregonian, who uliugs with per sistency of his pap rag ideas of a buck woods age. There surely ia a ftujW PINE TREES IN NURSERY First Coniferous Nursery! to be Established on Shasta National Forest KISSON", Deo. .'Kl. The Forest Her vlc bus planned to enlabliitb a con iferous tiureery on the 8hasta Nation Mi Koreat, the capacity of which lade Nigned to be fitm.MX) trsufpHiits per rear. The stock prodcued there is to tie ued in experimental plantlna ou tbe Miubt-r forests of the North. Apprnximatelv, 5,'(J onuons of "iiusr pine and yellow pine seed have ben collected tbe bast season fur conducting sowing experiment. The Kraal i roblem on the timber forents lies ia tha replacement of chanaral wbicb has taken possession of im mense areas of potential timber land following Are. In connection with the exoerlmeutal work on the Hbasta National Forest. experiments will be made with many of tbe broad-leafed species of tbe East ror l tie purpose of ascertaining bather some uf tfiern can oe success fully grown on certain favorable sit uation!. FROWNS ON JELLY- FISH STATESMEN Says What Counts These Days is Firm Set Jaw 2and Stiff Back Bone The Oakland Knqulrer is a strong Republican paper, butjlike many others itiiii tn rauks of the party does in. t "crook tne ptegnnut knee tbat ihnft may follow faw iiurf," when it conies to a ((iiestiou ot party falty ur houe-t denunciation of trie trusts aod captslistia roug doers-of either high or low dtgee. lu criticism of some of the notoriously untlt sp pointments of President Taft that oaoer draws iufereuues tlia' sound like the "Keturu Horn Elba," as fol lows: It doesn't! tak- a whole straw stack to show wbicb way tbe wind blows. It will be a source of grevious disap pointment ti oiauy friends and sup "ortera of Presl lent Taft if he proves himself a jellyfish iu, tbe hands of the Philistines, lu tl uei Ilk tbis it tskes sometbiug mure than avnrdi riois and a mile to make a tatPnjHti. ... . .ie , i . ihli. ai e h tnui ft i mi I s t-l III liai-HU.ius t i i niife M, I'le.l. euf l'rffi 1 vi cr.ive t " tti- c ui'iiy that be put-ss h I l.ee k nd ' j The ri,.i,ei, 1 1 i till siil'Uh In i' Hr re -lm loin- lea' I gnu tliebtiuar ! 1 ri,l! i'ldicates tlial Mr. Kospelt '' ("bind liim rigger gaoie ttau be l,,e princirnl griually di uusUfng the d-itit. while A'.rktig foi other oo- lle Dmiug this peiiol nf m .re than fiilit months he ne er resided I., n his claim, exceiitiog 12 days. Thi commissioner bobt tbe testi mony dhows f he good tallh nf tl e ell trymaii and lismis-.es the coutest al thouti residence was net such as ' geueiHlly required ol an eutry- iliH'l The ttt-tiinonv iu c-se nf Simuel K. ! l arson vs Herman M. hriend indi cates a similar status of tha contestun is to re!aieuce He had first Hied upou Che land as a desert entry but lit-r, disordering sufficient water was uot available, reliuquislied t.1e tract ami took up a hiviiestead. Upou tne deceit claim he hadexpen.lei d00 f r improvements., but little aJ ditioual expense was added atfer it became a homestead. A good bouse hud been erected, Hit uot furnish I iu such a maimer as to afford hs'.ii lation t'yr the wiuter, owing to tbe absence of a stove. Friend accord ing to the testimony in the case, did his ouV ing while on the premises amund a camp tire, lu view ot this fact the decisiou of the register and receiver iu holding the entry for can cellation for failure to establish and mnMituiu a residence on tbe laud is adlrn.eJ. Idaho Statesman. A Good Booster Col. Hofer, of the Salem Duily journal says no one lias a string ou him or can dictate the policy of his paper. Tba result is that he Is mak ing cue of the best editoral pagss iu the stute. IT lie editrr ot the K. a mi ner ;uud the Colonel once had the Mississippi river between them: be being editor of tbe MnUregcr, Iowa News, while we were the editor of the Prairie du Chien, Wis , Uniou. We grew side by each, "an unw we are both ont here, boosting for Oregon, the bust state iu tba Union! Good Water Means Health Typboid fever is raging in tbe Wil lumette valley. Ibe water supply, owing to buck-woods notions of tin people is badly contaminate j. aud tbe new blood lecently arrived is now makiug a strenuous effort to secure pure water supply from the moun tains. That ia one of tbe thiims that Lakeview is particularly blessed with. ai abundaut supply of pure uiouutaiu water. PAISLEY Slffi ING FROM THE People Being Driven Out Of Their Homes By the Backing up of the River Tbe situation ia PalsU is serion At tbis wrltina. Mood., tbe river baa overflowed tae main trset as ttr as tbe Paiely tiotel. T store ano inn warenouse of Virgil Conn, Ihe taisiey mercantile co niMny's etoie aoa ur wit barn's dru stme are all urruunoea or water. One can not get to tbe postofflce lo ( :oou's store wuoouc wading In slush a foot deep ine northern stage did not get oot of Pais!?- Monday morning. For me past week it bad been crossing at tbe upper ford. But even tbis cross Ing bas been abut off from tbe town by tha water coming down th f-outh channel by bam Bannisters. Tbe on ly way tbe ford can be reached ia by horseback arouud by tbe bill ceme tary 1'be ice iauj commenced witb tba snow storm of December 2(tb. two weeks ago. Tbe light snow (down In to tbe ri.sr formed slush and began o pile op alonng tbe ZX levee at the upper end of the marsh. Ibe river gradually backed up until it reached tbe bridge. Tbe loe jm came to the tops of tbe piera. Tne river was higher than the streets aod the soon the northeast part of town waa oonea One by one the : people began to move out of tbeir houses, abandoning tbem to tbe water and ice Mra. Mar ci Cooley in tbe big write bonse was tbe Arts to move. Tbe migration kept up until tbe following eight fam ille bad touol iiw quarters witb tueir neighbors" Mrs. Conle?, W. O. Hutf, Albert Baunister. John Farley, Wm. Unlir, Mrs. George Harper, B. (J. Cannon aud William Tucker. lo some instances piaio were ele vated with saw-borses to keep them ont of tbe flood. Doors .were tightly calked in hopes of keetiog out tbe water. There was hardly any current to tbe overflow and tbe water toon congealed in gardens, stables ani bouses. Domestic; animala were taken aloug witb tbe owners. For tbe dance Christmas eve a w-N of b ir u iiad been coqstracted s .iiin ,.i r of iLe Tnat was about oi. lot n.ir i. hi. s could cross until ti. t h l-i 1' .nixiiy For tbat "i-i v ihe . h-r un. t i rose from 12 m! ig. t i 4" is . v M(j aone inn (eij 1 ie uirt w in o.ck lur.i if- I t channel imi tiny a narrow gorge .Siieri i.. r A'.ot 'or-uai-k was at "'k lth ii. en all .liy Fri isV aud: Hied in fie leeu hole - nt i ot tnei bridge with 'imi . It was thoug tj that the crisis bad passed. . t But Friday uight it again turned 1 coll an I again tb liver began to ' jam. Matnrday seven inches of enow : t.ll at Wild ward 'a Hot Springs and trot at Wavman Witber's Sutruoay liiiiit lie tb-rctneler went one belo i at WWard'saod Sunday night nine iiui.., -rh.a ,k. i . lielow ; ibis equals tbe low lecord of Ja nary lath three years ago when it was nine below, tbe coldest since the weather station wai established nix years ago. Snuiay veniug Philip Woodward s'tKed tor the Mercantile Cc s store alter eudlng . tw dear's at home. He crossed all right coining out Sat urday but Snudny evening after Bet ting his horse into the saddle blanker he had to go back. He turned the horse lo.-e and willed across What the people will do when all the houses are (loodn i j- a problem Tbe only thing that will save tbe town is a southwest wind witb its ac company ing thaw. Mouday the breeze was from the roruiwest. There is talk of a suit for damages against tbe ZX. , Wiil Visit Mexico Merrill Record 30tb ult: Mr. and M rs C. A. Hnutiug are selling their household effects at prirate sale at their reisdeuce preparatory to leaving shortly on a to-ir ni Sontiern Cahtnr uia. They will go to Los Augeles for their first stop. Mr, Cuuting will make a trip into Old Mexico to tu vettigate opportunities for invest tliRuts in that country, and may possi nly extend his investigations as far south as the Panama canal. Iu the spring Mr. and Mrs. Bnutiugg will return to Me. rill. Their oldest da-igbter will remain with her grand mother in Poe valley. . Joy in Scrapping The Mt Vernon (Wv) Herald map philosophies as folio vs, aud be may not be a fur out of the wav either: When s man aud bis wife have quarrelled for years, aud then sepe rate, they miss the excitement ot wrauglug just aa oue who bas always used a lot pepper when deprived r it. This explains why those win. have separated are ntt-n kn - n make tiui - Peace Is flat and taste1 compared with pepper, aud a - se-para tion deprirea each of right to giv -the other hall (leu rue Haiikins, who has Ken ill with tlil'eatMi'it inf"i"-.iin wilt! nlilo to gctttboirt towuitgfiln, on Monday CHEWAUCAN FLOODS jHTSuillT ON GOOSE LAKE Situated Midway Between Here anT Aituras "6n An Orchard Tract The Klaruatb Hera, of Dec. 2th jit say. John Harrymau, soperinten ;ani. of the.ilydralic Moot and Brick company, leturoed at irday fiom a trip to Lake County in tbe interest of tbe company. Mr. Harry mm atatea that a new town bar sprang ap on tie -bores of (Joose Lake, in Modio County, ahoat twjnt-sven miles south of Lakeview. Tba IiL-eio- Development Company baa bongbt 1.800 acre of tbe best land available to Ooose Lake vallej. oo the Califor. ola slle. tbirtv-on miles north nf Aituras, tbe county aeat of Modoc. Tbe land is nearly all 1 provided witb an abundance of tr for irrigation. The comnanv hua control of all tbe water ia Lassen Creek and baa constructed a la run dome to ran tbe water from its nam. ral conrse to- tbe new townsite. Tba flame ia about a mile Innir. nrt ia built around a rock point hish above tbe old creek channel, makinir it possible to get water on all tha land in tha new tract Ibe coil ia what ia known aa lava. soil, yet it is alio rial in its character and well adapted to tbe successful growiug of apples, pears, plums and many variteies of berries as well all kinds of vegetable tbat can t grown in- otber parts of Coosa Lake valley. Soma of tbe choicest speci mens of frnit tbat were exhibited at tbe Lakeview fair came from tbat part of tbe valley. (Jrsia ba been one of tbe profitable and reliable crops of the valley for many years and yield heavily when given reason aula amount of water. MANY BUILDNGd TO OO UP tv THE SPRING. Lumber baa already been ordered for several new bouses, and otber orders will be placed soon. Ten rea idencea will be constructed at tbe openin ; of spring, Together with a general merchandise store, poatoffice a blacksmith atop and otber build ings Including tbs office of tbe land company. Two Iota are reserved for cburcbea. and one will probably be er ected cext summer. There will be enoagb children to form auother dis trict, and tbat will necessitate tbe building of a school boose. The ma chinery for an electris light plant baa been ordered and will be installed aa soon aa the building atarti. The town uf Lakeisde will be oo the N-C-O Railroad, as tbe aarvey rune through tbe town, and tbe tight of way has ben bought. A station will be built for tbe convenience of those wbo wi!l ship produce to Lakeview and Reno, ao tbat tbe problem of fuel aud lumber tbat confronts so tnaoy interior towns will never be a prob lem for Laktside to solve. TOWN WITHOUT SALOONS No saloons, breweries ot distille ries will ever r allowed to do busi ness iu the new town. There is a clsii-e In every dead which prohibit the u'hiiii acture or sale of intoxicat ing liatii is forever. It is f plan of tbe company to n-ak I.Kk-si la n summer teaort. and to offer every inducement to desitible people to come and spend their vaca- '" V'" 'Vha H , '""ia- lug town. Ihe atcitude of the com puny will bn m harmony witb that of the county, as .M-doc County, by an nverwhel'tilne mainritv vofel not the saloons last February. ASSEMBLY PLAN IS RETROGRESSIVE Would Bring Back the Boss System and All Attendant Evils Thu Priueville Review expresses a whole lot in tbe folio? ing little edi torial : "The Ureat ' trout-la wir.h tbe pros pective assembly plau is tbat no "ne who doesn't waut to will pay tha .'lightest atteucio" to it, aod tbe pri maries w ill go on iu tbe same old way. Nt year we will have to elect eeveral officers, aud you see tbe newspaper everywhere loaded to the guards with auuouncemeot of candidates .tor ottlceiu spiteof all "assemblies" called; and it ia not a great, hazard to state tbat some of tba assembly candidates will be ioglor- tously snowed uudei. criticise the primary its relation to small No one may law because of oftjores, and it Oregon was not torn to pieces polit- uullv, no issue could ba bad witb ita deuliug 'with larger officers Moral : nury tba hucbet and vote your party tiiketi' sad the spirit of tha ' primary i .. ... .. 1 1 1 i. .. . i. Is the heavy wagon cettang ruatvf Let; it go aud It may tie spoiled by i he weather 4u" -a few years. But you can paint is, yourself., Take It all mart on tba barn floor where you can snut.tha door and keep out tbe old , get some ulce smooth wagon Ms int. and a good brush; rolldp your ' -leves ani. put on a pair of overalls and go at it.--Farm Journal.