AKKTOl'NTY KXAMINKIt, LAKKVIKW, OHKtiON, Tlll l'in V, 1 I'.'l i !"Mf :t", I KOth "The Home of Good Values" takes this occasion to express to you their hearty appreciation oi your favors extended to them during the year 1U0) and to Wish You a Very Happy and Most Prosperous New Year. Verv trulv Yours, Bailey Massingill . - rv srz.' w COUNTY NEWS 5a PAISLEY AND SUMMER LAKE Nothing happened at Salem ou the 11th. The case against the Portland Irrigation company was postponed till January. The r-aaou for tbi ac tion 18 not known, tiut the preseut administration is not liktly to take any steps toward decalilua the coo tract of the company forfeited It would be a reflection upon the board. At least there will tin tnitbintt done before the April primaries are held. The policy will be to bold both rides for the lenoiuiuatioa of the present incumbent:). Then if Uoveuor lien bog and Treasruer Steel are not renotui enated the plan will be to pais the question over to tde'r su 'essors. The enthusiam of the protestauts took quite a slump ju-jt ueforefthe time set tor the hearing. Attorney Young did not go to balem to pre-ent the petition in person. It required a hundred dollar? to pay his expens es. All that coold be raised a one the signers of the petition was Hfti-en irMv t take bold of the euterrrise ; fi 'miu aa tie loitaud Irilgulio: coi.'ipHuy Ninlmtbat it can not H nance the proponituu ou the pretrnt tut!. ' There is a strong feeling that thi ail ot the county is entitled to at leant one member of th county court 'an effort will be made next year to ; elect a cotiuty judge from Silver Lake or Paisley. Aoiouir those men limned are (1. B. Wardwell, Dr. A. A. Wit hum W. A. Currier, Waymau Withers and Frank L. Young. dollars. There Is a difference r. b tween signing a petitiou nud (ultin up money. In the meantime the ronu-Hny's right to the appropriation of water in the Cbewaucan iS about to expire under the new watr law. Ibis right can be extended only by peruiUtuu I . . ofthe hoard of contr!. comprised of; Misa liwendolyn I orbet. one of the State r.nigneer Lewis aud II. L. j teachers iu the I'ainley school ih sj.eu Holuate aril P. M. Saxton. dmsi u idiug the holidays at her home iuLake superintendents. It is learned that the protectants will oppose a further extensiou of tinie and the appropriation of rer. It is saU1 that some of tbottlrrs who need water for irrigation will the to selves make applica; ion for a water right Tbev could do aeHetni-Mit work on their e ert end les by build iog a road up the river to the reser voir site. The company has an up hill road Its estimates of cost placed the laud in the reservoir site, 2,500 aces, at sis dollar, but I bo, who hve talk ed to Jones and Dobkins siv it can't b bought for less tbaij tweaty bve or thirty dollars an acre. It is known t'a" ! v.- view. Three buyers were down from the Deschutes lart wtek lonking for broke hore tor woik in the railroad. The demand frr rtr tm i prom ices to be ex teusite for the next year or two. It is a bad si lit) when a young rvao gets iu liuxv iSalurny nigbl helping with the t'tu iflii.Hr tree that l.e for geis Stimlay innrniug to bring out the mail If it happens again his oh me will te published aud nrbHa M . Aiuswortb will lose one of his cl r' c. in fie publicity' ven the enter pri- y 'ou lott l ol boiiio prom lue Jb ' 'as Luke and 1'aUltM di ' ' ft lli'vi'vie, cfvte" 111 Inn Jugs cniiii' in I stunc , so Hint' wa mi smf.Tin t t it miut tin' tlilrt Till toill pi'il ' ii C H'oii' W n1 ti rim I u ugltnti'd over bnvlng a wlilo open own nud through Pr.m.vuiliw Attor ney Yrrnntor wi're getting; rvmly to t.'ike tho aciilpM of the deputy nlnilif ntnl cotip-tsldc. Ila.vea McOill, tlie colistiilile bent tlieni toll and icalgn ed, .In "lire I'nrrii tin up pointed Alvlu Moss acting; ciiMalii. I (ne evening bint week tell hoiIi' stopped nt W. A, furrier' to atn.v nil night nud still there nim room tor j one more. Tlu blir crowd that wim out to the nilisqneraibi tdemonst rsteH the fuel tnat l'alHh'y need a new tow n Imll. The week in led December Ulitli wns l lie eoldisi of the whiter thus fur lit Woodanl Hot .vprinrs. Tlie low tempi'riitun'rt were 1ft, li, it; t '.'.'), '.'It. The High 21. 'JO. , 2I.IIJ, 37, M. Five men from t he Oregon Valley I .a tut ei mpiiuv' ditch Mere lioofln'u it and pin-King; their lilnnkets, tnnk ng;for the riillrond t;ule . tl the 1 Well lite. It Im ii walk ot IHM) miles Mild tern west her lint they thought tlH' could tllllS tll'lke wngea. Wajr man Withers tiati an experience not long auo that he Is not ilkely toou to forget. Iu tact he thought for a time that it was all day with Mm. He as ridlug alter a cow down at the red house and his hurs waa too well shod to slip. Hut the animal fell ou the ion Mr. Withnrs man Hged to extricate bis ieet from the stirrups an I saved blmtelf from the welg.it of the horse. Hot the horse iu wetting up caught the horn of the saddle in the top of tils chaps at the sr. There Mr. Wither i sus pe ide I head downward and the horse started to run. The rider at last managed to reach the rein and aave himself. Dill Mao says this is summer weather compared to what they are having Iu in the north end ot the state. The reeeut cold susp filed the Che- waucau mill slush li e and caused th 'liver to leave its bed. It brgau with I now that blew into the river on the I'JUh. The bridge the tlrst of the-ueek .was t-piiuiiiug the river to the south was cutting a new channel throuuh ithelnwu. t'onlt-y's, lilsir's, Farley 's lutid other houses lad been Hooded A temporary foot bridge had been ! erected acrs the new stream. It jisthonght the X dyke Is the cause jot the river's blocking up. ! PRIZE MASQUERADE. 1 Prldny livening December .11 st New Year's Eve. Husk Uy S Rice - Price - Collis 0 Nuf 5cd B at 8 0 0 A 1 r.JVCUd peVe OJJdlUOUI d &JJ THE SKATING Making Moving Pictures Requires Big Capital This one comes from Mixrnuri where ni:e editor "showed " them why: An evangelist asked all thu men present who were honest and paid their debts to stand up. All arose but one. He aaid waa the locnl edi tor and couldn't pay his debts tie cause the men t-taridlug were his delinquent iiberrlhers. 8o many of the I'athe plctrue films are shown a, the Arcadia theatre aud are enjoyed by an many I hantregotra that a little information concerning the leading producers of II moving plctuie world will not be uuveloome to the thousands of amusement Inters who derive so much pleasure fioin the results of their artistic eltoits. The I'athe Frure (I'athe Urohers) occupy ten acres of ground, operate lout enormous factories and hn stHtf ot oer Il.lMHI einploje!. The plnuts are located in i'arls. Jolnvtlle le p u, .Montreniltsoiis Hois an Viu cenes. where they have doens of photog' aph in rtildlis two complete ttiealres and thousands of dollars worth of costums and scenic equip ment. At the present time ti.ey tske over iti.KH) plct'ires a dav. which mean shout 14, HI'.) miles of negative II Im a year. The leading motion photography n en of theworld are In their employ ; their pictures, comedies tragedies, etc., are wrtiten by such leading French dramatists as Heurl Iavedan, Jules Nanileau. Jules l.emaltre, rill of the Academie Francaise; Jules Mary, I- drim nd ( iieroo It . ele. They al-n n ake : most realistic"; plclurvabasodr'ori the novels of Vtotorine Hardon, Alex iMinler Dumas, Victor Hugo, Alphoose laudetY Honor de Kalxan, and many other famous French authors, taking the pictures in many Instance on the very spot where different scenes In the stories are laid. Elizabeth Robins the eminent Knlish authoress, writes tout the Knglith Suf fragettes. She tells why they resort to the violence that lands them in jail. Save a little of your indigna tion for the chapters of 44 The Beast and the Jungle "that are to come. Judge Lindsey ham't reallv started to get to the heart of his story yet. DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S Aii Jnnmfit.t r HBanaWattHQBHUOR. IwlilCl) Irrigation and Big Red Apples Your last opportunity to secure a choice 10 acre fruit tract, with perpetud vat ?r right and a towa lot FREE with each ten acres, at $500.00. Terms, $50.00 down mid $ 1 5.G0 per ir.ofith until paid. No taxes until deeded. No interest on deferred paymetas. in; ..J.. i V:, ? bs.i. i ?z&:mimAt ! ; : . .. . . : . . . . ::'' r.; :'f:r'y, ;a- r'.;.i v.;:v -;,;. Cniinproved L.'uids. Lots k Lakeside. "'V' (. ' . v.:4 '- ''.: '; "Vc' "-; . ' ","" """'. I I I 1 1 1 1 l ' 1 I flflflo 'li I ' I 1.' i I I 1 i 1 ' V f '. ... V .y . .. v nnrl elov?;, a limited amount of choice town Ite " .:!sidet , e i f f . Writo for Particulars and plat of Lakeside, Calif. . r r Ore Lakeview LAvmW DEVELOPMENT CO., s