3" LAKECOt'.NTV fiXAAJiM.i:. W. OnKOO.N, THUUDMAY, DKCEM .U I; V. 1W1 THREE Are You Wise to Santa Glaus? Yes? Then Get Wise to Us! Easter Buyers Is 0 ROBINSON A 00. OiUrC IVn., Wallaoo, Mg i Furniture and Bcddpg. . , i If you want to sell, list your land with C. O. MISENER, Lakeview, Oregon Box 210 OWoo In Umbach Block Undertking--iffEa. es a specialty. Flrstolass Hoarse In at' 1 tondnaoo. For Fair La CLASSED WANTS If you want all tho nowa or Lak uounxy una Golden Goo so Lake Valley, subsorlbe for THE EXAMINER, only $2 a year. HKI.T WAHTKl WANTKD-rotn as! wife at Davie Creek stag station, to tsud to stock and get dinner (or stag, everything furoiabad. Mont furolab good refer ent. Apply at once by telephone to ,1. k JIAIIKKR, Oafle Creek. WAMTKI KOK ItENT. Oood four room bono. F.uquira of T. E. lieruard. HKAi. P.MTATK FOR HALE.-Lnt 27, 11 look 1(2, 10 acrea. Tract 1, see. V, T. a .V, R 20. Lake county. Make offer II K. Freeman, 271 E. 8 to tit, Topeka, Kauitie, FOR HALE. -Tract 22 Bee, 31. Towo. 40 Rauge 18 10 acrea Tract 0 Rao. 17. Town. 41. Range 10. 10 acres, -Tract 41). Bao 13 Town. 37 Rang 30. 10 aoraa. J. V. L, EVANS Lake!, Oregon 48tf. FOR BALR-Lot 3-Hlock 107 Lakeview, Otefton. 20 acrer-Beo- tloo, 13-Towoablp .Kl. Range 32. Bant caah offer takea It. M .O. M1LLHJAN. Oaceola, Iwe 47W3 FOR SALE. One B room bouse, cellar and woodshed lot V7X.T38 Prloe 1000. Terms, t 3 room house, l,n Ut noXTi. " Tarma. One 2 rtH.m hniia. lui IjuXrEP. 1rma. Thte iiiity la all (litre blocke from (he Reboot house. Kc or write E. K. Patch, Lakevle. 4Htf - KIHKI IMrWBl FOR RENT Three furolsbel ronnia ior lodgara. Enquire . this office.' Ttci.r.rnowKM. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR RE ward lamied by tho T. Icphone CimmnnYtor dcntrtiyinir lt prop erty. Itl t.ll'OHl Nt t Ms.lltM. mT A ! ... . .. THE BEST Krnrti' ..'.jiur fiml t Ik't t le lotinU' In' Oregon, tf . H.'cT'rT.KR WlllfKY AT THE Hotel Lakeview bar. The lntnnd punat 'whlnky nmik tf I FOR BALE Four or rive tona f alfal fa Iih7 at. '. i.er ton. Hay Blacked I on Preukela additloo. j Enquire of O. It. BF GEK. FOR BALE Ooe driving team or saddle horses a harwaiu. Lak I view Development Co. Moore Block, Main Kt. NEWSPAPER flood bnlsncse. For partli'ulara apply at Examiner office THKafAaa SOTHK s TRESPASS NOTIUE-Ve hereby warn all partlea foim enterlntt our premUea In Seo. H Townahlp M H1C. ityK, for purpnae of buntinu nr (Ubloti ,1 otharwlne. J. O HULL 3H tf. ' tJEO. JAMMERTHAL Jamps Barry HruiU with HwiIUiw Pork la rlhi rut tut fierm forwver. Homrrwi' wUr I rup and Kin In right rat. lai Hrml 111. Kan. rani lkf . I'naKiRK r aUdfaa, Lakrvirw . Orriul TUie QIOCD I" kt on fllr al K.C. lUlk'lt Into rHrt'' AltTtlln Ajvncf .it Matnl loas Hirio", Han rranclM'n, Cel., wbrrr (uBiracta tor advrrtlalua can I inailr lor It $1,000 REWARD M ISCKl.L A S tiUl'K NOTICE TO STOCKMEN: If you ulxt. to leane lun I In what wnh for inally kiiowo mh the Ori-iroo Military load (iiant. call at f nr ofllca and put lu voor Htiplicatloou. We are now lu ponltioo to aecure the aame for you nt rcHHonable ratea. l'ACIITC LAND CO. NolTCE All tli one kuowiuu tlixui-h:v- to be todebted to the Iakelew Lauti and Lumber o. will pleHae act lie with C. A. Ilawkioe either by caah or note 44W4 LINCOLN COUNTY HIOH SCHOOL 'or intiii Hint loo lu reKarU to I lDlilo Couuty lllwh School, Ste lOC'ioby, Type wntmc, VochI and loat'tiiiiciital MumIi!, viauuitl Tralu lg, Kent of furnlkhed cottauea, coMt. i I 1 k'tiiu, aiidreaa Prof. Wilbur. New I OF Orcuoti. I : t'A - lit II Thf Ori'vou eel lurnla aul Npvail i.Mt Murk rroiK' l A fia ' liiti. o whl' h iliv utiilff- MtK ' ! a llU'lllliiT Kill KlVf IMldlli rw ai i f'-i ovulfiire li'k IIHK In tin' if- r..l Mm! ill v li'l l.iii 11 ...... .J, ") I'ari) in ni- ii.m kli'nliiiir hiimi... caitU' or imihn In1 1 1 hk I it lii any ol Ita B.CIII iMTk. In adil t Ion to I . a' ova, the liDiliT'lfllrrt ofti-niiii tin-tame ilillon V 0.00 lor all hnr- nJjraioleil hor a iar on l.nth or rliliiT jiJw. Hr i it i' In night roonili't. Kanvr llarn y Crooa lmhiiiiIik. iloravn v 1 '1 i " i Noiw p n :t i ' iiri a anlil. ami only In large IjuIicIii) . W . IliioWN. Kllu. Oregon MTKAV NOT U It KTIV NOTICE. -Came to my iiliii'i-, two yeara Ho oue roau noire I liurcf, IihIJ face, brand . oo left dlioul'lrr. ihl O. C. LOFTUS BTKAYEH from Nats Wilcox'e paa tnre iHft May, one Brown mare. bniiKlfil E. I) ou If tt atitte and brHtidct n or H on riuht nil He. White apiit in forehead ami dioopinii eara. Hiiilul lo toward will be paid tui her letnru, or information aa to tier whvreabouta. She cauta from I'urur, Ureiir.o. HO.SAJ McDANIKL. $1,000.00 Reward. I'l l-On-Kon, Cnllfornla & Nevada Llvi- ofk rrolcctlvi AHHOclutlou wlli fKMHi Rt'wnnl for the con- vlci on of any puriy or imrtlcH atcal liiK liorM-M, i nl llo or ruulcH Ik'IoiikIiik ton y of i hi following mcmbcra uf tlile AMKiiflnlloii: Cox At Clark. Chow acan Land & Cattle) o, lloi.vlord Land & Cattle Co., Lake Coiiih v Land & Ltvcatock Co.. Wariii-r V all-y Stock Co., Wm W. Brown, Ooo. M. Joiicm, 1co. Han kliia. K. It. Cbaiiillcr, 0. A. Ihdiart, X. I'lnt'. U .A. Currier. Frank B. Bmiuth, .1.0. HoicliklHM, Caldcrwood BroH., T. J. Brattain & Nona, T. A. Crump, Crt'HMlor & Bonner, W, T. CroHHlcr Maud I. .".ainlio. I V. F. Hkkyfokd. I'rcHld't OKHI KKrl (F M Mu.i Kit.Sec&TrfaH f Y. IMiEHTFUKU Finance Oom.JF. M. Oheen (S. B. Cuanoi.ek STRAYED- - From my held. Aiitf. 4lli one roil n jieinnit:, urn ihieu i leu hIioiiiI'T itb hall circlo. Haa aore on the point of left abouldt r Suitable rewiinl for return of animal or in formation that will lead to its recov ery. JOE AMBROSE. TH TH 'NOT , wl fii5.v) THE MOST COMFOSMAWF on;' '.nib- ve.:."i .. J' WMWh A-J Towia Co.tv M4 Co UMITVM Twomii Mil 111 MCKENDREE C. II .McKENDHEE Wisheatoau aiiuouoa that his aervioea are at the diapoual of the purchauera of the laud at the Oreuon Valley Laud Com- pany'a Rale in OreBon. For two ycara Mr. Mckendree waa rental aueut, hav- lull charge of ull the landa embraced id the Military Road Oraut, wbiod waa cut up and sold by the O V. L. Co. In that capacity he famllarized biinaeU with every traot of laud ou the urant, became acquainted with renter, and cau tell you from per aoual knnwledKe the value of each and every tract, both aa to location aud quality, aud routing value, lu addition Mr. MoKeodree kuowa the p-i kineu aud who reuted every por tiou of thean landa duriuK the pant t wo years ho knowa whom to ace to rent each tract tbia year. For a uui toimfeeof rive (5.00) dollara per tract teii'irdleHB of aizo, Mr. MoKeu dree wllll render a report givlug loca tion, quality and tha value, aud will tlnil you a renter If the land la rent able.' All r. qoeta for Information uiiiBt be acoompauled by 15.00, other wiae no anawer will be returned. REMEMBER, Mr. McKenJree doe not have to luapect the land, aud reader a 'tlrat look report; he baa the hooka olaaalfjlng every traot, and knowa what it rented for laHt year he baa been over every foot of the grant, he oau Hud you a rent- "'Reference Any bank or buaineaa mBADddarelfke'iriI. McKENDREB Lekevlew, Oreon. Let ut FILL YOUR STOCKING with food holi day printing. We can start business your way and keep it going your way all through 1010. Gt-Ve uj your Adx)eriijlng. TaKfi 1he Home Taper. Start the Jletv year rtght. THEWAY TO BOOST AND BOOM A TOWN "A. ereat that the An Ekcbanue well aya many peopla bava ao Ilea f rloclpal oiiaaloo ot a uewapaper ia o booat ita own community "The rlitbt way to booat and to boon- a town la for tb paper to Ml in ita edittriHl and newa columoa what tbe town la doinit and la Kolntf to do and alwaya put lu any Kood word whenever tbe opportunity if preaeoted. but let the evidnece of tbe uewapaper man be aupported and cor roborated by live advertising matter from prouieajlve buainetia men In the other rolumiia of the paper You can't fool people by a lot of exaeire rated atatementa wheuthe other col umoa of the prper ahow tliat tbe buai neaa men and merchants are not pro greakiva. " A REAL CATASTROPHE Phillip aed four, ia in the bablt of going acroaa tbe atreet to a neigb tmr'a toouae fur milk.. Ona day in December tbe returned borne with an empty bocket and a grave faca. "We won't get any mora milk," be an nounced in a tone weighty with tbe Importance of bia meaeage. "Tbe cow'a dried up." and, aa we atared In aurprlae at biro, be auddenlv clinched tbe matter with an observa tion, evidently of bia own-"Tbey don't tbinktbat abe will tbaw out till spring. "-The Delineator for Jan- UHry. aUiks tha dough and complies with all puro food U ws. I -- CRESCENT KFO. CO. Makera of MAriXINt (bcUcr Uvaa Maplc. CONTEST NOTICE. Departmeut of tbe Interior, (Jutted States Laod OfHce, Lakeview, Ore gon, Nov lltb. 1909. A snftlclent contest affidavit has t"een tl ed lu tbia office bv Wm. Kcppel Barry, cocteataut againat HometiteHd Eulry. No. 0400, made Aug 3 let, 11)03. for SW quarter SW quarter. Section 2fi. Towuablp Vi 8.. Rauue E.. Wil lamcte Meriilian, b Jehn A. Clerk Co' tent ee. in which it U blleed tha. the entrymau never lived ou the land, never cultivated ihe same, baa not fenced it or used it aa a home. Entrymau baa bui't a cabin on aald land but, name coutaina no wiodowe, floor or door ; nor la there any furni ture therein. Also entryuian Iihs abandoned land for eight months laat l net, KhH pitrtieB are bereby untitled to aiipear, lei-poud and offer evidence loni liioc hi alleual ion at 10 o' clock a. m. oi. Iec. 'JHth likV before A special from Wiooemuoca to tbe Bee, under date of Deo 13tb, eaya There ia much excitement in Wiooe mucca. Lovelock, and other towoa aud miniug camia of Humbolt County over the, recent ou discoveries on Black Rock Desert. An expert who viaited tbe aoeue of the discovery atatea that there la an oil Held cover ing a radius of more than aixty miles. wbicb will some day prove more val nable than the oil flelda of Southern California. lba oil sands Drat disco V3red were brought up by the drill in tbe Went ro Pacific well at Sulper borings oo tbe Black Rock Desert. Singe tbea otbar discoveries have been made, and much land baa been located.. 100 REWARD. A-..' A REWARD of fifty dollara tere by offered for ioiormationhat will lead to the arres and conviction of any person wn baa stolen aires or other property from our Company; and the aame reward ia hereby offered for inform n that will lead to tbe arrest and 'nvictionof anyone des troying ti property of the Company. Chaa. Urn bach, Secretat y Lake Co. TeL & Tel. Co. 16tf. Reiilnter an. ! ier. m Land Office lu Liikettew. Tbe paio r ii.ieHtHiil I proper bHIiih it llli-rl i i I net lo'i in i ') .' ler due i this mi' hereby i such not i' proper en A KITH I. FK El) P V s. Ill H i n M Ot I 1-1 I liESTOU.A ' LANDS IN Notice i IhihIiI det-rti :!4.r) 74 Hcrt k. National Kor iect to settle XATIO I il r i . i III.!. it t ii HI) i e'l' r (iroviclot:ii f tie 'inrneHtei the Unlteii Ktini and (lie 11, I01K5 (34 i . 'Jtli, hi i S'aten land orl e n IjmIo-vi gou ou FebniHii '.'U. liMO tier -who wa ai'luully an I 1 1 i l M II- T t i.e i Ink' milt he a of J line II I Ore . iv sat in uuod PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. In the Couuty Court of tbe State of Oregon for like ('onnty lu the matter of the ietitioi of J. hi. Handley and .1. M. Meaaner for a lieeiiNt' to wll aplritoua, malt and vinouH litiuora iu quantities leas than one Kallou at North Warner product, lake County, Oregon for the Mriod of aix months. We, the undersigned, residents and leeal voters of North Warner Precinct, Lake Couuty. Oregon, respectfully pe tition that tbe lion. County Court, of aaid County, and State grant a license to J. M. Handley and J. M. Mesauer, partners under tbe firm name and fctrle of Handley & Meaener, to sell Spiritoua Malt and Vinous Liquors, aud fermented cider, commonly kuon aa bard cider, in lees quan tities than one gallon at aald North Wxrner Preciut, in said Lake County, Oretnui, for tbe period of . six n 'tin. as in duty bound wa will evi r pray. NAMES .1 .1 Scott W E sch nster Hmi tiiirpiii ('on FitGerald I.iiiih Conrad ..en Dulv R B Critfel .1 Morn Th in L Murphy .i W RobiHou W II. Beuefiel Wm CI e pat P E Taylor W S (ieorue 1.1 E Walker C Dent .1 E Smiln B I Peliu ! II Dent I V. l Murri ralth clalinitig any or hhi , lauua i qhq Knrlie'U for atri -ulttUHl purposes nrmr to jj l Feas JainiHrv I. I'.'lHi aii'i baa n i abau Ij jj (;rnnne dooed BBtue, has a preference right I jHmea i) O'Conuore State of Oregou. NAMES O A Curtis fboa J (sullivan Pat Qulolan Ed L Wright Michael Lane John McCarthy Joe Jooea J B Burns T. S. Burgess U Poindexter O V Wiae N E Currty II C Currev M J Messner L W Fraker W.C. Si-nnituoii C H Rohinaou F P Laue H J Anthony W Z Moss J odd Wine w B Ori.el S M Lu ie Frank Monab.n County Lake, as being Hist duly in tiiulji'n hnnii.ul iiuil onim fn, tlm luiiil ' actually occupied Salii IhoiIs weiel lifted in on tin appliciil ion of the! persona inentiii d lieloi, who have aj preference litih' aubject to t ha (irlor right of anv hiicIi settler, provided Htich settler or applicant is qualified i... . i j ,i... ::Y'.: signatures thereto ia genuine, that l.icnrmrinii u r ,r y, ....... . ,l,,.i. February 2tf. 1910. on which date f he 1. J M. MesBuer. sworn, despose aud say : t tie foregoing petitiou coatains the uaoie of an actu a) majority of the whole number of Je gal voters of Noitii Warner Precinct, in Lake -County. Oregou. that each Lots for sale In Lakeview and Valley Falls Accurate and prompt reports made for hold' ers of O. V. L. Co, tracts. La Follette's Weekly Magazine The Qrcat Progressiva Weekly There are man reawona why yoo ahould read what Itaava f2 times each year. It Is fre to te 1 the troth. It will oppoae tbe encroachment of spe cial privileire upon the people's rights. It will call tbe roll on public men and measure and inform you bow your congressmen work and vote. It "vlil criticise tbe executive branch of government from the highest to tbe lowest, if In Ita Judg ment tbe people interest are not protected. It will spread tbe gospel of ideal home life through the Wo men's Department. It will be eon aervatlve when good thing are to conaerved. and radical when bad thing are to be exposed. Senator R. H. La Follette Editor. Price $1.00 a Year You can get the magazine and the Lake County Examiner BOTH ONE YEAR For $2.60 in advance 5eod Your Order t icj County Examiner and not to La Follette's Weekly Magazine -WEST FRH SWF Klamath Falls-late , a O Stae Comoanv xeritiM Mereaatlla Mtore, Aairiraa Hotrl. Klaaa VAKKM RHit Tri Omti Way t LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE C. 8. LAaaurr, Prop'r. Office in Thornton's Store Tbe proposition was broached a the Mining Coagreea fat (JoldtJeld that ioeteai of doing lino worth of alleged work excb year aa asbessmeut work ona mining claim, a tax of 1100 in raeh he paid ou eacb elalm held. Tbe object la to. make tbe claim hog let go, and give some ooe elan a show. It is a good idn, and may be enacted by Congress. 1 First - Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Altnras at 6 p. m. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m. or ou the arrival of the stage from Likely. Ar rive in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Altnras. Freight - Matters - Qivea Strict - Attention Class - Accomodations. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A- W. BRYAN. Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m " erery day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6:30 a. m every day bu' Freight 1.50 per cwt. Far $4 Koond trip j OFFICE- B. Key nolda Ftore, iitl vi LAKEYIEW PLUSH Blue Prints Made I will make Blue Prints if any townnhip of lind In the Lakeview Lund District, and do nliatract work. Call or write W. B. SMCER Lakeview Oregon STAGE LINE 1. E. Tavlor. Prop. Sltr. Office at B. Reynolds' . stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed nedayt and Fridays at tt a. m., arrive it Plush at 9 p. m Leave Pinsb Tnes days, Thurtulaya and Saturdays, at 6 a. ra., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m Passenger fare M one wav or 17 for round trip. Freight fl.5Upercwt. iWafftm i f ififlilfllTIT H al ffi'WI Our Magazine Bargains For 1910. The follow iim are the hewt caah in advance Clnh nfferi that iH made thla aea-ii.feS-All aubcriptionH are for ONE FULL YEAR. lie The Laillen' Homo Journal The HbMitiIiiv Kventne Pot Hoth (83 00 rUo Yimth'k I'niupanioa All Fm Inclndiriv all extra numliera, 1 -1 '7.-; the 52 laoieit for l'.ilO, an.l the f - ' Venetlaii" t'alenilar fur l'HO ) lAlte ('oiintv Kxamlner.... 4,00i AUThree Pictorial Review 1 0iS o -7f Pmfeaa Mauatlne lot" LakcConiitv Kxani'mr. .. 2.0H, AllThrei Modern t'riellla O "7( Ttie Honii -keerwr -7ft ' w l ake County Kxamlner ... i.O AllThrae The Independent S.OuS q yr Sneeewi Mwitatine H" t1,1'1 Lake fountv Examiner.... 2.101 All Knur J'letorial Review loot O '( Home Needlework 75 f - " The HonaekeepiT 7i) l ake fotinty Examiner... 2.00; AUThree The Hounekeeper 7(1 Home Need le work 7.r ' " Ijike County Examiner... 2.00 All Kour World lo-iay tui 4 )t Pictorial Keview 1 00 f .vr Hiipcena Mmtmine I 00 J whose name ia signedto ! 1 . . . . I . ... . 1 . l...,..,f landa will Pe ...bjocf to settlement and ! " V 'T, Y"r.H ' Lake County Examiner Metropolitan World To-Pkt 2 00. AUThree 1 1 LakaCoiimy Examiner I'ietiirlal Keview Ladiea' World Modern Pnsilla i.DOl All Four 7J LakeCouniy Kiamin r .... 2 uo Alll'bree IVarsou't UaKaziue l.soj q Sneeean MgHine . .. 1 Q" - W Lake I'onuiy Examiner ... i.'Vf All Three Pearson' Magazine 1.5oS '.) In American Hoy. 1 5o) -. Lake County Examiner . 2. 0o All Three World To-Day l.SuS o 7., Peargon'i Mnn?ine .... 1 .Ml " lke County Examiner ... 2.00 ) All Four Success Maatiue 1 ta L Q n) Pictorial He view 1 00 f 3.JU American Hoy ... 1 mi ' Lake County Examiner . tv0 All Emir Farmer's Voice 60 1 i Homo it Farm 50 f ..L Hon 1 1 ry aiieeeas Vl I lake County Examiner 2oo All hour Farmer's Voice So 1 o s Home A Farm i I U Paria Mod ia 60 j Incluiliiiit one pateru free j Lake County Examiucr im. AUThree Home Si Farm 5u- fj "ri . Keliahle Poultry Joiiriml .. MO 4-.00 1. 1. I 1 al .. .1 .. entry ny any iiiaiiueii ieruu. iuo . ...,, raaiAati ln sh1i1 nPnn, landa are aa follows: The SW ot "- ..V, i.V-iu ...ov : UI.M - ll, Wl l i.l Mun 'ft T IU Ulliro luouiunij ..u.r umv h''''4i tlie h.'i or h!j, h0 .11, I ,,n..,. tha ,lufa ttr.l,.n Beo. 4 T. 2TS.. Ii. 1 . R. W M.. 150.84 ! a"n of tbe Ban,e- acres, listed upon applliiHt lou of J. M. MESSNER, i Sheridan Sroufe of O'Neill, Oregou 5 ahBnrlhd and aworu to beforniei LlHt 0-HO. Tbe lot 11 (or the Nh'AJ lMlla ltir. November. 1900. BWW), the NVi of Lot 14( or the NVa 1 MORRN Notarv Publ 0 I of BRiof BWi) the HEL' of Lot 14 1 f ; Al?l5dt., Xt hi?. I and the Nf.J of Lot 12 ( 01 tha NEV4' woii V. " " ' " net it 'on ; nr Mtt i' ni tiwi'i HU V p it deralgned Haudley & Massner peiii'ou ?.f He0! a-.! l.VW a t thi. fnrB1Inlnir netlt Oil W ill BDD V K. 18 tj., 7 W acrea. Application 01 r'" - " . r' r 1 I aka Cooaty Examiner Mmillrv Ku Paris Mo-leu IneliKllnv 2.001 All Four Wj cccsa .......... Mi O.70 : 011" pattern, free I lakeCoutitv Examiner ... 2 001 All Four Home and Farm Ji Farm Poultry . Paris Modes 80 Including one pattern, free 2.70 Lake County Kxamlner.... farm Journal & year .. . The Housekeeper . .. 2,00 1 ,00) AUThree a. 05 Lint tl 146. The SW, of NEi and the BJof NWJ. 8ho 4. T. 40 H., it 18 K., iao acres, ari'lieatloii or timitn nei- flnatioe of Lakeview, Oregon 5 List 6-1U0. FKED DENNElT. Commia sioner of tbaUaueral Lundlittice. Ap proved Deoeinber 2. 1903. FRANK 1 PIERCE. Firat Assistant Secretary of tha Interior. 116J ! nranffnn.on thefib day of Jan. 1910. for a license to sell bplrituoua. Malt and Vluoua Liquors ia leaa quanie than one gallon, at North a-iai Frecinot. Lake County. State of Oregon, for a period ot six months. J. M. II SNDLEY n25j0 J. M. MESSNER Ike County Examluer. Pictorial Keview American Hoy AUThree iJJS 3.4-0 2001 Ijike County Examiner .. -J (ml All K.uir Housekeeer 7ft I o MiKleru Pereilla...... 75 --" A ineriean Boy 1 00 1 Lake Couuty Examiner ... 2uo Allihrc MetroiMilitan 1 .'i 1 WueceKH Maitasiiii' . 10"' - 1 Lake Countv Examluer . 2in)i itoth Technical World 1 5o o ii Or Wor d TtvDaT S Ci.Uif Lake County Examiuer . 2 00 I hoth Aiutleo's Magazine.. .. 1 6u $ ()Q Lake County Examiuer 2 00i Both Success Magazine 1 0o ') Or pictorial Keview t7 Lake County Examiner . 2 00) All Four Uncle Kemuk'-Uome 1 mi o lt M' tropolliau ' . li ' Paris Mo. Us -'i i Including one patter i :-' ' j ddress all ortlcrs to Lake County Examiner, Lakeview. Orego- arkXnsL