Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 23, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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I. 4
Lake County Examiner
Fkkd J. Howmax
largest Sworn Circulation in Oregon Outside of Portland
Official. County 1'atkr
Regular lin ml 1 HO " turh. tingle
ooinnin !. . t in.iiuh All jiJinn a.l.
viiange1 Iree .ir innnlii. 1'o.t i io4ipt
tlnn charvr.l -rail eir chanv Al. hh-iI
polUonexir. .All nln.ri Irtm a.U. eaUa
K.-.1or li hi oolviniii. "if
oinoii. Wu. m1. j. a 1 Ins
Card of th ' fl .. Resolution vi xnit.v
kniH-, l Wand tipwarl.
fT-TnnMf m nd Jut Print
In, chkIi lii Mltanoe.
All bills mm., in- paid the Nrnl of afc month.
in t In a.tvanc, .
ill ntr!h, "
fonv iiutQthf. "
. . .. .VA
. . . . 1 M
:t not paid In ailrauee. $1.30 the r
Pistlc to Subscriber
tnnT,dt'rim I be Kiamliier who tfmMf
O from on loealliy to another, or i-hangi
Ibetr rMatofflce addroaa ihould rememtHT to
1rop lull ofttoe card so their paper can b l
dra."! to the right poatofflee.
A Christmas
i? iS? Goose
(Copyright. 1909. by American Prem Anw
c ii Ion. J
CHRISTMAS Is Just n much
Christmas at the Boon island
lighthouse its ft l auywhere else
lu the world.
And why uot 7
To be Kurv. the nearest land Is ten
milee atvuy, ami when the uliitrt
tortus come the waves dash quite
over the l acres of rook out ;
which the sturdy lighthouse ries
There are n bl.ixlu rows of stnt
llned with toyshops there, no Kiither-
Ing of families,
i I'hrjsm'ts
i ree loaded
i.nwn with pres
.ts. le 'thing to
I seen from the
lightii-jitse but
A VnS therh riKii.jf wn-
oil lurre Murs
and on l be fourth
side a bluff Inir-
rffCfeZA rler of rw,-ks-
hiding behind it
ten mile i(V-".y.
There arc . six
children there,
though, feud a
mother and fa
Iher. and If they
cannot make a
Christmas (hen
nobody can. Why, Baby Deb alone la
material enough of which to n.i':f a
Christmas, and a very rollickii. . ..lly
sort of Christmas, too. but v . o t.
her you add Tom and Sue an vi:
and Ike and Saoi well, the gr
lighthouse f.ijrly overflows with I
mas every l!jth of December.
If It Is a lonely, old. .one eyed light
house, hns It not a chimney? And do
not children there have stockings
good, long stockings? Indeed, they
have. And does not Christmas eve
nee them all temptingly hung, nt In
Itlngly Ifmp and empty, under the
mantelshelf? And does not Christmas
morning very earty. mind you nee six
graduated, while robed gbo?rts per
forming mysterious ceremonies riround
nix bulging stockings?
Ah, then, if you suppose that that
cunning old pentletnan Santa Claus
does not know how to find a chimney,
even when the cold waves are pelting
lr. with frozen Fpr.ty drops ten miles
from land, you little know what a re
markable gift he ha that way.
And the Christmas dinners tbey have
rliere the goose, the brown, crisp.
Juicy, melting roust goose; What
would tbf dinner be without tint
g'"OseV What, Indeed!
P,tt ot!'
r dinner
It CM!"!' :
herselT Tery lime concern aoout Tne
thoughts of other. Her own thought
took all her time.
Tom flnnlly said "Ah!" under his
breath and mysteriously vanished Into
another room after beckoning hi
brothers and sisters to follow him
which they did almost tiefore tbey had
fairly aald "Ah!"
Baby Deb was
there, too, norue
wbtt awestruck
t the mystery
about her. but
ready to lend the
help of her wis
dom if necessary.
"We must have
A goose," said
"Our gasped his
audience, moved
by mingled
amacenient and
admin lion.
Tom looked at
tbem with great
firmness and dig
"Erer since I
was born." he
went on. "we
have bad a roast
Ever since he was bora! It might
have been a hundred years before,
from Tom's tone and manner, and the
audience was tremendously impressed.
"And." continued the orator, "we
must have one now. We will have one
Tbey almost stopped breathing.
"I have a plan." Tbey shuddered
and drew nearer. "We all must com
bine!" .
"Oh!" in choruj.
"Do you want gooae, Sue?"
Yes, ifib-eil!"
"Yon. Saiu: '
loki. sem i s a
gtiose for Christ-
slast on th mibjecl. Mte expmnnii
the mnitcr to her dolls and was par
ticularly explicit with Stulpln. with
whom. Indeed, she belt) very elaborate
and nltuost painful conversnilona.
Cne thing became very ocrtnln.
There wns very little prospect of clonii
weather within m week, and It lacked
only three days of Christmas. The
others gloomily gave up hop, but not
so did Baby IVb The truth wm she
had a plan, and you know when one
I has a plan out hns hope too.
Mamma stonghton had only recently
lnen having a aeries of talks with
Baby ivb on the important question
of prayer, and It had occurred to Baby
Deb thnt the gixwe was a good sub
Ject for prayer. It was a very clear
case to her. I he
giHwe was neces
sary. Why not
ask for It. ilicuT
The great dim
culty was to tlnd
n aw ret place for
her devotions, for
the faintly very
well tilled the
light bouse, and
I li by iH-b under
stood that pray
ers ought to lie
nuletlv and ae- '
cretly made.
The place was
found, however.
Just lu front of
the lighthouse
was a broad
ledge of rocks,
generally washed
by the waves, but
tbey turn i :.'o at
! fit-n tbey 1 !:'rd:
i i-ry t;e:ir tr; n.i
it ' 'bfist ims (i.'i :
nt thi-
if Vfl! i . ' !;! hen
'.V. It'll be
I':i' :i !;.'!;
er. yon ki" . w
ni. Hey in u faviiiL's t
.! ciMlv In tlit: !)' (.
t it
n. -y. but :
I'i'Vcr oiind
!i"isi. l;eer
way. Pi;
11' v Ii
wot- ' Mi j
"!' ri ur- e
'.'!lr,n. the li
iv. had lost
i.!; that
'. It-
I", r
A gno.-e 1- re:-!!y not ''ery expen
hive fowl. Iillt if OI.e not tll
ftioiicy of course one . nriiiot ,ny ei:
P chetip thing. Pilot S'iju.hton conhl
not iifT'.nj a iroosc. Tie s.ild so 'Sid
si before nil the f.tir.ily.
Ike says (i.i:f tier (dlen.-e that fell
ur'O'i that f : t j I ! y then va- fiainful to
li -nr 'i'tiev !oo!:ed it one unot 'icr w Ith
eyes so w ide tbsit it's a tner y iliey
cfn3!d ever Hinit them again.
"No goose!" at last cried Torn, who
ivns t he oldest.
"No W" '" cried the others In
chorus, a.) i xeept !:iby In 'o. who wis
tmsy at the time gently a .i in. oii din
S-u!iin. her inn-'' lr ulilf miic i-IoM.
f r being kii dirty. lJidy Deb said
".No dous.e!" after nil the otln r-i were
That made llieui a!! Iiaigli. No doubt
they thought that, after all. so long as
I til by Deb was there !l would be
Clirislmas anyhow. gooc or no goose.
S'. i bey were happy for a in iinetjt until
the thought came that roast goose was
g'jod on Christmas even with Baby
Deb, and then they looked dismayed
However, when I'upa stougbtuu ex-
T'lalned how It was they saw it as
plainly us be did, and ho tliey made
no more complaint. Only Tom fell
a thinking, und wlwn thn other saw
what he whs doing they did the same,
the difference being that Tom was
trying to think what be could do to
gel the jroo-fe anyhow ami they were
trying to think what he was thinking
about bo i h:i they could think tin!
euiue-all et.ept Baby Deb, of course,
mho. b-i..u ouly four yearn oldk gave
I ... i ? Well:
Atinf "Yes, sirr
"Me. too." said Baby Deb, with
great earnestness, for It was clear to
her that it was a question of eating
and she did not wish to be left out.
"Of course you. too, you denry dum
pling." said Tom. "Now. then," he
continued when order was restored.
what shall we contribute? I'll give
my new sailboat That ought to bring
50 cents."
His new sailboat! Why. he hud only
just made It and had uot even tried it
yet Oh. evidently this was a time of
sacrifice: Who could hesitate now?
"I'll give my shells," said Sue hcri
icalty. "My sea mosses," sighed Ann.
"You may take my shark's teeth."
said I lie.
"And my whale's tooth." said Sum.
The sacrifice was general. The light
house v.ouM yield up Its treasures.
"All right." said Tom. "Now let's
rell father."
And f uller was lo'd. and for some
re-s'.t) he :i tended to look out of the
window very suddenly, but h did
not. lie wiped eyes, and MaMtna
louj.lifoii wipi'd her spectacles and
.villi. d very hard ami said:
";!:.- t !;:! !. turfs;"
Tor, you see. these parents uir
v ery siuipl" hearted folk, and it n -i.i
eii to them very affecting that the
children siioiiM make such sa rilee-.
to pr .cure the -oo-e f r Christmas
"And what docs IJiihy Deb contribute'.-"
;i-!.'d I'apa Stonghton b; w'
1 a j'.::c.
"I iles I s not dot nuflin." was Baby
Dels reply when the matter w;fs ex
! : ; : 1 1 -. 1 t i l.ef. " 'cept 'no late Stiiipili."
iiii. what a laugh (here was t ln-ii.
i .r if ever there was a maimed and
!e.-l:orali.-d doll it was Stulpiu But
Hal y Del) was bugged and kissed as
if she had contributed a lump of gold
Instead of a little bundle of rags.
I'apa Sloughton and Tom were to
go out to tie; mainland the first clear
i.'::;, to oil'.' the go.-se; but. illaS. U storm
came on. and they were forced to wall
!'.- j; 1 1 . di wn It dal not go ilowri.
It grew worse and worse. The wind
shrieked iimi i.ioaucd and wrestled
with l lie lonely tower, and the waves
hulled themselves at it and washed
over and over lie- i-land. and no boat
could have lived at all in sin weather.
If a goose be only u goos,., no mailer,
but if il be a Christmas dinner ah
Yes. they had good reason to fee)
dismal at the lighthouse It was no
wonder If live noses were bfty times
a day flattened despairingly against
the lighthouse windows. Yes; six
noses, for even Baby Deb was finally
affected, and, though ebe. did not know
the least thing about the weather, she,
too, would press her little nose against
the glatts lu a most alarming way, as
If she thought that pressure was the
only effective thing.
It took some time for Baby Deb to
realize the Importance ot having a
gooae for Christmas, but when nhe bad
'i-mwiii the idea be became an enthu-
at low tide, even In this bad weather,
out of water. The other children had
been forbidden to go there because It
Was dangerous, but no one bad thought
f cautioning Baby Deb. So therv she
went and In her imperfect way bgged
hard for the guoee.
'Christmas eve came, and still t la-re
was uo goose. Baby Deb was puutb'd;
the others were gloomy. Still Baby
Deb would uot give up. It would be
low tide about 7 o'clock. She knew
that, for she bad asked. She would
make her last trial. She had hote
yei. but as the others kuew nothing
of her plans they bad absolutely no
hoe. To them It was certain that
there con Id be no Christmas goose ai
their house that year.
Seven o'clock came, and Baby Ieh
crept softly from the room and down
stairs. She opened tho great door Jusi
a little bit and slipped out Into the
darkness really did slip, for It was
very Icy on the rocks, and she sat
down very hard. However, she was
very chubby and did not mind It. She
crawled cautiously around to the big
rock, the keen wind nipping her round
cheeks and cltlug her with the frozen
drops of spray. She knelt down.
"Oh. please. diod Lord, send us a
dome! We wants a doose awful
Wou't you, please, dood Lord?"
Taud fell something right alongside
of lier.
"Oh. what's dat?" she exclaimed,
putting her hand out. "Why. It's a
doose!" she cried, with a scream of de
light, as her baud came In contact with
a soft. warm, feathery body.
She forgot to give n "thank you" for
the goose, but she was thankful, though
not so very much surprised. She really
had expected It.
It was a heavy load for Baby Deb.
but she was excited and did not no
tice it. She made her way Into the
lighthouse, and. step by step, patter,
palter, she weut upstairs and burst, all
breathless, luto the sitting room, cry
Ing exultantly "ICs tutnmed. It's turn
med!" as the great goose fell from her
arms uon the Uoor.
Well. If you thiuk they were not sur
prised you know very little about the
Stougbton folks What they said ni
body knows. They all talked at once,
but by and by l'apa Stougbton had n
chance to be heard.
"Where did you get it. Baby Deb?"
be asked.
"Why, I p'ayod Dod for It." answer
ed Deb In the most matter of fact way.
, -Tald Dod!"
'i' tf.'hlon.
"I'n Id Dod!"
h o r u k i- d the
' 'IN." respond
ed Baby Deli
c o n vlnclngly.
"Dod- ze d o o d
Lord. I p'tiyed
to him. He send
ed It to tne dess
oW "
More ques
tions and more
of Baby Deb's
cxpla nat Ions re
veil 'id t he whole
Ktor.v. r ii n n y
folks, those
Stonghtnns. but
they spent the
next ten minutes
w I p I n g t heir
nnil hissing a'i.i
. nam 's for Bah.v
I'll JIM
'I Oil 8 LOOSE
eyes and liiig'lng
making up new pit
I'apa Stoii-liton
Stoiij.hlon that ni;
Ing to bed :
"A wild gcosn. It wini blinded
the bl ight light' and l.roi e m ecli
flying against the gl.ns. And. after
who shall say the good Lord did
send It V"
At u II events, not n word cf cxphma
tlon was said to Baby Deli nnd no
one contradicted her when nlie said hi
dinner next day:
"Dod's doose Is dood."
did say to .Maintnf
;ht as tbey were go
tn '
The Present Said "Papa!
In station K. in New
young clerk l.o .... 'e r' i ;
of Cbflstnnis mall ..i.- ei...
Wc will sell you ii section of the famous Sunny Southern Alberta
wheat 1 ami, that will produce .'10 to 50 bushels per aerc, for u first
cash pavinent of S'J.OOO to $:i,000 ami Half the wheat crop on L'OO
acres yearly until the land is paid for.
You js't H the crop on any land you cultivate above the -00 acres
on which we only et Half.
You do not have to pay one cent in money after the first payment.
Land at 81" to $2o per acre near railroads and elevators.
Chance for Capital
We have a solid block of seven sections, consisting of 1800 acres in
SUNNY ALlUiKTA, that we will sell for $10 ikt acre, which is a special
. buy, on the terms of $G per acre down, ami the balance in one, two
three or four years at only i percent interest.
A lare part of the land immediately adjoining this tract of land is
under cultivation, and more will be broken up in the spring, bv the
settlers to whom we have sold adjoining sections.
One crop of winter wheat will pay for this land ami give you a big
surplus in the bank besides.
The yield is irom 30 to GO bushels, nnd and nt 80 cents, the usual
price secured, you can figure the return, less SI 2 per acre, n big estim
ate for of production.
See us or write us soon, before this opportunity is lost, as these
valuble lands are being rapidly taken by cntcrpris'ing Americans.
Call, or write for circulars or further infonnntiou.
IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO., Examiner Office, Lokeview, Ore.
package careruny. lu the one mat
moved be found a live kitten packed
in a small bird cage. The kltteu had a
pink bow of ribbon at Its neck, and
attacked to the ribbon was a card bear
ing the Inscription:
"A Merry Christmas from Uncle
Further Investigation brought forth
the fact that the cry "Papa!" cntiie
from a doll with blond curls that rail
ed "Papa:" each time it was squeezed.
In moving the mall sack the postul
clerk had frightened the kitten In one
package and qucezed the mechanical
doll lu the other package, lie was
much relieved when he had unraveled
the double mystery.
The Furniture Dealer,
Would call your attention to the fact that he has
The Largest Stock of Furniture
on hand that has ever been carried in stock in
Lakevicw. Art Squares, Kugs, and in fact livery
thing in the Furniture Line. Six different Pat
terns of Linoleum. Six different grades of mat
tresses. Call and inspect his stock.
$1,000 REWARD
The Oregon
il..rnl no.) N. v'l
i.lve St.M-li I'roiee
'Ion AiMH-itit.m. o
which (In- nniler
nlKUeil la member
will Rive I' i m (m
rrtl loi evld.'uee
l-ailiiiL' to Ho r
rent and conviction
of Any pari y or par
lie. Mrahiiic hor,
f'attl. or lutile. Im.
lonKlnn to any nllt
lu ail.litlnn to the above, the iin.t-rlun''l
often on Ibf larue coinlltUin V0.00 for all loir.
vn tiraml..! born ntioe bar on both or cither
jrw. Hraiel ri'cor.l.'d In elKlit roiinili't. Knnge
Harney, I.ake aid ('r.HK coiinlie". durum
vetit.-d when nolil
None but irown hornet aohl, anil only In large
balii'ln-i. W W. IIhown. Hfe. OreKini
rimmr-CLAmm rummourm
oo rtiiir oh iv mm
Mammoth Stables
o. o.
ARTHUR. PHortimio
The '.argent I.lvery nml F'il Stable In .-.oil thorn Oregon
or Northern (!iillfirnlit. Horses Boarded bv the Day, Week
or Month. Secbil Attention tilven t Trunslent Stock
To I.hke County Ircbardists :
Notice is hereby given that fruit
growers must make piepHrnUonu to
throughly uprny their Iruit, trees
during the yesr I'.H".
A. M. ri..l lii 1 1: i .j cl .,i
Duted, Nov. 1th. ;!,P'I lo.i..
ILurnpean Man Ever thine
from a Cup of Colfee to a
Square Meal Call and try
Us --- Nou will Come Again.
i:. I:. SWLNSON, Proprietor.
I. O. O. F Block, . Lakeview, Orc;M
m I3 'U'UlJLP rors intvh.County I cords.
Abstract of Title to all Lands in
M Lake County Furnished.
W mm
lerms KeasonDDie.
We I e Found Those Er-
cur- j
und j
thing !
a package In the m: '.. iw.t,
ried the sack to the rtoi-tiug 1.
dumped out the contents.
auduenly esciainieU
"Papa! I'apa:"
Xbv frlzUumed clerk eumlned everr
Ii Uriiti)! SUbtt LhiiI OHIoh Luke
view, Oregon, Nov. "Mil, r.H)!).
N tlt-H ih hereby iviven thnt the
Noitheru 1'Hcitlo ii,HilABy ('oinp)iny,
whoHH po:t-(illico uddrem In St fmil,
M'tmeHolii. ban thin Ullth duy of No
vein her. Hied in this otllcii itx
uppliciit ion to xblect under the iiroviH
ioua of th ct of UungreHH, ap
nroveil July 1, WM, rMStnt. .W. W).
NWiNKl. SJ.jNKi, N'.-NW. N'SK'.,'.
Section 10. T. It. 17K.. W.M.
Any und all pernotis olHiniiig adver
H"ly trie lundii oeHcribiid. or deniring
to object becniitiH of the mineral
ch 11 meter of the bind, or fur any
other rutHon, to the dinpciHal to up
pliciiiit, hhonl'l f i I r ttieir hlllditvitH of
proleht :u thin olllcu 011 or before, the
Jill I, ditv of Juuuhiv H 10.
AIMIH'li W. OIM'ON Iteui-ter
ama aaa a aaaaaBaaMaBaa-.
Depnrtnielit Of The Interim. U. H.
Lund Udlce nt l.nkuviow, Oregon,
Nov y:ii. 1 'I'm.
N(.lii.n hereby viven thHt John
liicob Vim Kenlen. of 1'IiihIi, Oregon,
who o April '.il, VMM, uncle lloine
ftettd entrv N. Wl. Kerial. No. Obllll,
for lolx tiW'ViSMi. Kecfon 4,
T ) v mliip .fori., Ilmiie VIK.. W Ilium -ette
Moridiii'i, hUH filed notice of
Ifjle.itjoo to make I-'iiihI (lotnnnitHt Ion
Pr"' (, to eMM I ih clulrn to laud
Hirire HeHC.ribed, befoie Keg;ider Bud
I(.c.iii, l. I.HH 1 f'fflce. ul l.uke
ri. ''rrtf'M! mi H'C 7tli dnr nf .lai
UHfi, 1'J'w.
(MnlfiiM'tl names hi- 11'e.ii.en:
V '- ,,f,f, of 1 I ! I'll'.' r.
.' MorriH. nt '
I 11 !.'.. 1 1 . " j
ARTHUR "iv ORl' ' . I'veifnter '
N25 1)3
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wra. JACOBS, Manager.
TFe Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily Sunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lokeview, Ore.
Order Now
' r
ju. i